We have exciting events coming up and many updates.
Open House & Orientation
THURSDAY, 11 AM & 8 PM EDT, via zoom

Meet Dr.SHIVA: #TruthFreedomHealth Open House & Orientation. THU 11 AM & 8 PM EDT. RSVP: VASHIVA.com/ORIENTATION
Your Body, Your System® LIVE Tutorial
FRIDAY, Mar 3 at 7 PM EST, via zoom

Register for free for a special LIVE Tutorial on Your Body, Your System® (YBYS). YBYS will teach you how your body is a unique system and how you can direct it with the right foods, activities, etc. that are right for you. Click the button below to register.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD in Biological Engineering, Inventor of Email, Scientist, Engineer, Educator, Debate Challenge against BillGates about Natural Immunity vs. VAXX and The Modern Science of the Immune System. Beyond VAXX & Anti-VAXX. A Twitter Spaces Conversation of Why Grifters Are Dangerous and leads a massive bottoms-up Truth Freedom Health® rally on January 6, 2020 to end vaccine mandates that is Right Action at Right Time with Right People and The Immune System Explained – Educating Twitter Spaces.
Dr.SHIVA vs. Bill Gates: Natural Immunity vs. VAXX. Debate Challenge.

Mr. Gates, Since you didn’t attend my talk on the MODERN SCIENCE OF THE IMMUNE SYSTEM, I must conclude you think you know it all. Will you show up?
Dr.SHIVA LIVE: The Modern Science of the Immune System. Beyond VAXX & Anti-VAXX.

In this discussion, Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, Inventor of Email, educates listeners in Twitter Spaces on the nature of the Immune System and why the standard one-size-fits-all approach in the medical industry is based on a century-old model of the immune system and runs contrary to the most up-to-date science.
Dr.SHIVA: Why Grifters Are Dangerous – A Twitter Spaces Conversation

In this video, Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, Inventor of Email, educates listeners in Twitter Spaces on the nature of the Not-So-Obvious-Establishment – the “Grifters” – who work hand in hand with the Establishment to conceal truth, spread half truths, and ultimately to delay truth, so as to distract working people AWAY from the real heroes and real agents of change, who are INDEPENDENT of both wings of the Establishment. These grifters are consummate actors, never risking anything and profit by speaking “truth,” after the damage has been done. They are truly dangerous and exist to ensure no real change occurs.
Dr.SHIVA: Remembering January 6, 2020: Right Action at Right Time with Right People

In this video, Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, Inventor of Email, leads a massive bottoms-up Truth Freedom Health® rally on January 6, 2020 to end vaccine mandates – just as COVID’s entry to US was being announced – with mothers and families in New Jersey. Dr.SHIVA reveals why those in power are terrified of working people uniting beyond Left & Right and breaking from the Establishment and the manipulative grifters of the Not-So-Obvious-Establishment.
Dr.SHIVA: The Immune System Explained – Educating Twitter Spaces

In this discussion, Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email breaks down the complexity of the Immune System and its interconnections to understand that modern science clearly shows that the future of medicine is personalized and precision medicine: the right medicine for the right person at the right time. And that one-size-fits-all medicine is a 100 year old fallacy that is incompatible with modern science.
Become a Truth Freedom Health® warrior, and take the Foundations of Systems course to learn the Science of ALL SYSTEMS. Dr.SHIVA teaches this course directly and privately, every Monday, LIVE online.
Featured product
mV25 – Momentum to Move

mV25™ was formulated using the CytoSolve® computational systems biology platform – a technology for Precision and Personalized Medicine – invented by Dr.SHIVA at MIT. This formulation results from computing billions of potential combinations to discover an optimal synergy of compounds that downregulate the biomarkers of pain and inflammation molecular pathways integrated from thousands of peer-reviewed scientific papers across 4 decades in 68 research institutions.
CytoSolve® OPTIMIZEDTM means this formula has been optimized to maximize efficacy and bioavailability while minimizing toxicity based on current research curated by CytoSolve®. As the science advances, so will this formulation. This is our promise.Buy Now
Truth Freedom Health White Unisex T-Shirt

This t-shirt is everything you’ve dreamed of and more. It feels soft and lightweight, with the right amount of stretch. It’s comfortable and flattering for both men and women.
Truth Freedom Health® Flag

Who doesn’t want to turn their house into a home? Brighten up your space by adding this unique flag to your wall. Your flag won’t crease or shrink thanks to the polyester material and will last a long time.
Become a Truth Freedom Health® warrior, and take the Foundations of Systems course to learn the Science of ALL SYSTEMS. Dr.SHIVA teaches this course directly and privately, every Monday, LIVE online.

It’s time we move beyond the Left vs. Right, Republican vs. Democrat. It’s time YOU learn how to apply a systems approach to get the Truth Freedom Health you need and deserve. Get Educated or Be Enslaved. Become a Truth Freedom Health Warrior.
Join the VASHIVA community – an integrated EDUCATIONAL, COMMUNICATIONS – independent of Big Tech -, and LOCAL ACTIVISM platform to empower YOU to actualize Truth Freedom Health in your local communities by employing a SYSTEMS APPROACH.
The platform we are building for Truth Freedom Health provides the infrastructure to take on Big Tech, Big Pharma, and Big Academia. Many of you have asked how you can help. You can contribute whatever you can. Based on your level of commitment to get educated, Dr.SHIVA has also created some wonderful educational gifts to thank you for your contribution.
This course will provide you three pillars of knowledge with the Foundation of Systems Thinking. The three pillars include: 1) The System Dynamics of Truth Freedom Health, 2) The Power of a Bottom’s Up Movement, and 3) The Not So Obvious Establishment. In this course, you will also learn fundamental principles of all systems including your body.
Course registration includes access to Dr.SHIVA’s LIVE Monday training, access to the Your Body, Your System tool, four (4) eBooks including the bestselling System and Revolution, access to the Systems Health portal and communications tools – independent of Big Tech – including a forum and social media for you to build community with other Truth Freedom Health Warriors.
Click here to learn about all the resources you will receive with course registration.
This course is available online for you to study at your own pace. We look forward to seeing you on Zoom on Monday.
If you already are a Warrior or have access to the course, you will receive the link to register for the Zoom session before the event. The LIVE interaction will provide an opportunity to directly interact with me.
It’s time to Get Educated, or Be Enslaved.

Get Educated or Be Enslaved
Dr.SHIVA LIVE: Black Cumin Seed Oil and Lung Congestion. A CytoSolve® Analysis.
In this discussion, Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email, shares results from CytoSolve’s Molecular Systems Biology Analysis of how Gingko and alleviate Lung Congestion. Many “health gurus” simply are Pro- and Anti- about a particular food. This is a reductionist approach that creates confusion. They have little idea of HOW the food is processed since they lack a SYSTEMS foundation to thinking. This is part of CytoSolve® Food Is Medicine Series.
Dr.SHIVA LIVE: Why Credit & Recognition Matters. Why the Elites Plagiarize from YOU.
In this discussion Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, Inventor of Email, provides a deep discussion on WHY Credit and Recognizing those who actually do the work MATTERS. Why the Elites steal others innovations and discoveries and attack you when you try to take credit for what YOU did.
Dr.SHIVA LIVE: Gingko and Lung Congestion. A CytoSolve® Analysis.
In this discussion, Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email, shares results from CytoSolve’s Molecular Systems Biology Analysis of how Gingko and alleviate Lung Congestion. Many “health gurus” simply are Pro- and Anti- about a particular food. This is a reductionist approach that creates confusion. They have little idea of HOW the food is processed since they lack a SYSTEMS foundation to thinking. This is part of CytoSolve® Food Is Medicine Series.
Dr.SHIVA LIVE: The Promise of America – Connecting YOU to GOD!
In this discussion Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, Inventor of Email, provides an up-to-date analysis of the historical and immediate importance of why YOU need to join the movement for #TruthFreedomHealth and what it means to your liberation and connection to your soul and spirit.
In this discussion, Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, Inventor of Email, provides a SYSTEMS ANALYSIS of the common thread between Elon Musk, AOC, Elizabeth Warren, IPCC – based on a quasi-religion of carbon taxing to subjugate every human on the planet. Elon Musk serves the interests of the elites to sheeple conservatives in the FOLD.
Dr.SHIVA LIVE: This is WHY Lazy People Need False Gods, Lies and Half-Truths. A SYSTEMS ANALYSIS.
In this discussion, Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, Inventor of Email, provides a SYSTEMS ANALYSIS of why LAZY people need false gods, lies and half-truths, so they can justify not DOING ANYTHING. In the context of all the events concerning the attack on Free Speech by the ever-expanding Censorship & Surveillance State this understanding becomes essential to building the movement for #TruthFreedomHealth
Dr.SHIVA LIVE: How Elon Musk Fools “Conservatives” to Conceal REAL CENSORSHIP. What We Must Do.
In this discussion, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, Inventor of Email, provides a prescient systems analysis of how and why Elon Musk is FOOLING & EXPLOITING anti-Biden “Conservative” sentiments to CONCEAL the REAL CENSORSHIP – the Backdoor to Twitter – that Elon Musk keeps FULLY ACTIVE for Government to do an end run around the First Amendment.
Dr.SHIVA LIVE: Elon Musk – Agent for Government Censorship. The Proof.
In this discussion, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, Inventor of Email, exposes in a methodical manner WHY Elon Musk is an Agent for Government Censorship. He presents this important proof: Elon Musk has not dismantled the Government Censorship Infrastructure – the Backdoor Portal to Twitter – that Dr. Shiva discovered in his historic 2020 Federal Lawsuit. That Portal is “Beyond the Law” and Musk keeps it fully active even after 45 days after his acquisition of Twitter.
Dr.SHIVA: Elon Musk Using #FakeFreeSpeech to Dupe Conservatives – A Preview
In this discussion, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, Inventor of Email, provides a preview of the details of how Elon Musk – The P.T. Barnum of the #FakeFreeSpeech Circus – is the ad man for Government and the Elites’ goal to have every person carbon-taxed and have “rednecks” in Teslas.
Dr.SHIVA Challenges Elon Musk: Put UP or Shut UP!
In this discussion, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email, presents a critical review of Elon Musk’s inaction to date on NOT dismantling the Government Censorship Portal which has been in place – and, is beyond the law – and violated the constitutional rights of American Citizens, exactly like the Telecom companies during the Bush Administration.
“DHS Leaks” Story IS Manipulation & Appropriation of Information Leading YOU to Desperation.
In this discussion, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email exposes using the latest “DHS Leaks” Story on the mechanism of HOW the Elites manipulate and appropriate information to lead you to desperation. Specifically. the DHS Leaks story is VERY OLD NEWS, given Dr. SHIVA exposed the Government Alliance with Big Tech over 2 years ago in his historic Federal Lawsuit. All of which is accessible at WinbackFreedom.com.
Dr. SHIVA Exposed 2 YRS AGO DHS & Pierre Omidyar (Intercept Founder) Created DHS Censorship Network
In this discussion, Dr. SHIVA reveals that the Intercept’s “breaking” story being parroted by Internet Grifters is nothing but old news, which Internet Grifters CHOSE NOT TO COVER IN 2020, and has been up on Dr. Shiva’s website for over TWO YEARS at WinbackFreedom.com. Dr. SHIVA exposed in his landmark 2020 Federal Lawsuit and personally informed Fox News Tucker Carlson and Glenn Greenwald of the Intercept of his findings. They chose to do nothing.
Dr.SHIVA LIVE: The Cholesterol Theory Was Dead on Arrival. Why & How Big Pharma Keeps It Alive.
In this discussion, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email, reveals the Science of Everything resulting from his Journey to Systems Health®.
Dr.SHIVA LIVE: Quantifying Synergistic Effects of Multi-Combination Nutraceuticals and Supplements
In this discussion, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email, presents a special scientific lecture on a seminal paper that was recently published in a high impact journal sharing a breakthrough methodology for quantifying the synergistic effects of multi-combination nutraceuticals and dietary supplements.
Dr.SHIVA LIVE: Republicans & Democrats SUCK: MA Governor Race Case Study
In this discussion, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email, reveals the truth that Democrats and Republicans SUCK. And, this scientific conclusion is verified by his personal history, which he shares from the MA Republican 2020 Primary.
Dr.SHIVA LIVE: Interview on BU “Gain of Function” Research and CDC COVID-19 Mandates for Kids.
In this discussion, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email, is interviewed on his thoughts on the recent BU “gain of function” research on the COVID spike protein and the recent CDC upcoming vote for mandating COVID-19 vaccines for children.
Dr.SHIVA LIVE: CDC Voting On COVID-19 Vaccine Schedule for ALL U.S. Children
In this discussion, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email, updates us on two important events: the CDC’s upcoming meeting on October 19-20,2022 on voting on COVID-19 Vaccine schedule for kids as well as the Vaccine Safety and Immune Health Conference to be held on October 29, 2022.
Dr.SHIVA LIVE: Do Your Supplements Work? The THREE Key Measures.
In this discussion, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email, reveals the three key quantitative measures to determine if a supplement works. This discussion is motivated by a new journal paper that Dr. SHIVA and his team just published on assessing efficacy of supplements.
Dr.SHIVA LIVE: Follow the Gas & Money: How U.S. Oligarchs Profit from Russia-Ukraine War
In this discussion, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email, provides a detailed analysis of how U.S. Oil & Gas oligarchs are profiting from the Ukraine-Russia War, and that was the plan since 2013. And, why none of this War has anything to do with Democracy or Freedom.
Dr.SHIVA LIVE: The Historic Duty Of The American Working Class – What Is To Be Done
In this discussion, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email, shares what the historic duty of the American Working Class is, not only to themselves, but to all working people all over the world.
Dr.SHIVA LIVE: End the Caste System in Innovation, Share the Truth of the Boy Who Invented Email – An INTERVIEW
In this INTERVIEW, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email, shares the facts of the invention of email and why this history must be shared in and of itself to end the caste system in innovation.
Dr.SHIVA LIVE: Ukraine-Russia War: German, Finnish, Lithuanian Citizen Journalists Share Insights
In this discussion, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email, and four Truth Freedom Health® Citizen Journalists form Finland, Russia and Germany share their perspective on the Ukraine Russia War from a Systems perspective.
Dr.SHIVA LIVE: The THREE Prongs of Putin & Russia Response to US-NATO in Ukraine: Where Does It End?
In this discussion, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email, reviews the current three-pronged strategy of Putin & Russia to US-NATO in Ukraine and poses various possibilities on how this all ends.
Dr.SHIVA LIVE: IF Elon Musk TRULY Cares for Free Speech, he MUST do THIS FIRST After Buying Twitter.
In this discussion, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email, reveals the Science that allows him to anticipate the next moves of those in power as they tighten their grip on working people.
Dr.SHIVA LIVE: U.S. Spent $300M on DRUG for Acute RADIATION Syndrome. ARS & COVID Show Same Symptoms
In this discussion, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email, reveals the Science that allows him to anticipate the next moves of those in power as they tighten their grip on working people.
Dr.SHIVA LIVE: INTERVIEW – Dr. SHIVA’s History of Accurate Predictions. The SCIENCE Revealed.
In this discussion, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email, reveals the Science that allows him to anticipate the next moves of those in power as they tighten their grip on working people.
Dr.SHIVA LIVE: The Molecule of Pain: How YOUR Body Senses Pain.
In this discussion, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email, reveals the molecule of pain and shares the systems biology of HOW your body senses pain.
Dr.SHIVA LIVE: N.Y.U. Fires Chemistry Professor AFTER Pre-Med Students Whine His Class Is TOO HARD
In this discussion, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email, talks about a recent incident at N.Y.U. where a chemistry professor was fired after students complained that his class was too difficult.
Dr.SHIVA LIVE: US-NATO & Russia: Irreconcilable Differences? Negotiations or Nuclear War?
In this discussion, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email, asks are the differences between the US-NATO Oil & Gas Interests and RUSSIA become so irreconcilable that Negotiations are no longer an option, and Nuclear is the only outcome?
Dr.SHIVA LIVE: Why US-NATO Wants to CRUSH Russia Using Ukrainians & Even Risk Nuclear War?
In this discussion, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email, reveals the reason as to WHY US-NATO wants to CRUSH Russia using Ukrainians and EVEN risk Nuclear War.
Dr.SHIVA LIVE: What Is the Science of Everything? Journey to Systems Health®
In this discussion, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email, reveals the Science of Everything resulting from his Journey to Systems Health®.
Dr.SHIVA LIVE: Have YOU Read Putin’s Annexation Speech?
In this discussion, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email, reviews Putin’s recent Annexation Speech of the four former provinces of Ukraine, and how the West is reacting and what this means to YOU.
Dr.SHIVA LIVE: mRNA “Vaccine Updates” Make Big Pharma into Big Software. And, You’re the Hardware.
In this discussion, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email, provides a systems visualization through hand-drawing to educate you on how the mRNA “Vaccine” operates, why Big Pharma needs “Updates,” and how this is transforming Big Pharma into being Big Software. Dr. SHIVA is committed to education and innovation as he believes these two elements are critical for human advancement.
Dr.SHIVA LIVE: Doomsday Clock Reaches One Second To Midnight In Ukraine
In this discussion, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, and a guest, have a discussion about the current events in Ukraine and the referendum, which US and NATO forces are against, which experts believe is putting the world at one second to midnight on the doomsday clock. Dr. SHIVA is committed to education and innovation as he believes these two elements are critical for human advancement.
Dr.SHIVA INTERVIEW: This Is Why Every Indian Should Know Who Invented Email
In this discussion, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, talks about the state of innovation and development in India, and how young people in India have been kept in the dark about their own history and innovative potential, and why the story of his invention of the world’s first email system as a 14-year-old boy should be taught to every Indian child. Dr. SHIVA is committed to education and innovation as he believes these two elements are critical for human advancement.
Dr.SHIVA BROADCAST: The Queen Is Buried. An Occasion to Honor the American Revolution.
In this discussion, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email, provides a summary of the recent events leading to the Queen’s burial, and provides a reason why this is the best occasion to honor the American Revolution.
Dr.SHIVA CALL-IN: Ron DeSantis, Trump 2.0, the Next “Savior”? Martha’s Vineyard Theater & Hypocrisy
In this call-in show, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email will shares his analysis on the recent events of Martha’s Vineyard, discussing the hypocrisy of “liberal” elites like Elizabeth Warren and the theater of Ron Desantis, and invites citizens to a open and live discourse.
Dr.SHIVA BROADCAST: Martha’s Vineyard Immigrants & Elizabeth Warren – The Great Hypocrisy
In this discussion, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email, reviews the recent events on Martha’s Vineyard as a “Humanitarian Crisis” has been declared after Florida Governor Ron Desantis chartered flights to fly 50 illegal immigrants from the Southern Border to the wealthy liberal haven of Martha’s Vineyard off the coast of Massachusetts.
Dr.SHIVA BROADCAST: Toasted or Sprouted Oat Groats – Which is Healthier?
In this discussion, Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email shares results from CytoSolve’s Molecular Systems Biology Analysis of comparing SPROUTED Oat Groats versus TOASTED Oat Groats.
Dr.SHIVA BROADCAST: Charles III Becomes King – What This Means For the British People & the World
In this discussion, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email, reviews the history of the British monarchy going back to 1066 to William the Conqueror to the new King Charles III, and shares his perspective on what Charles III becoming king means for the British people, and for that matter the world.
Dr.SHIVA BROADCAST: Queen Elizabeth II Dies. The Truth About Her 70-Year Reign.
In this discussion, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email, shares his historical systems analysis on what the Queen Elizabeth II ACTUALLY represented and what her role truly was over her 70-year reign.
Dr.SHIVA BROADCAST: On Labor Day, Stop Being a Sucker. BOTH Left & Right Steal, Divide & Abuse YOU.
In this discussion, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email, honors Labor Day by sharing the truth of BOTH wings of the Establishment – Left & RIght – who steal from you, abuse and divide you. It’s time to learn how this system of abuse confuses you into complacency, division, and desperation.
Dr.SHIVA BROADCAST: How To FINALLY End The “Economic” Cycles of the Elites THAT SCREW YOU Everyday.
In this discussion, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email, gives a deep but easy-to-understand economic analysis of HOW the Elites screw the working people each day by controlling Economic Cycles, and WHAT IS TO BE DONE to be free you once and for good.
Dr.SHIVA BROADCAST: The True Story of the 14-year-old Inventor of Email. What It Means to You & YOUR Child. On the Occasion of the 40th Anniversary of Email.
In this discussion, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email, shares his journey as a 14-year-old boy to inventing email – the system – we all know and use today, in Newark, NJ in 1978. This talk is being delivered on the occasion of the 40th Anniversary of the Invention of Email.
Dr.SHIVA BROADCAST: A Revolutionary Discussion on the 40th Anniversary of Email. Call-In.
In this discussion, Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email, and other colleagues from #TruthFreedomHealth have a revolutionary discussion about this invention, how it has changed life on the planet, and the conditions for innovation. Two sites for reference:
Dr.SHIVA BROADCAST: Roasted or Sprouted Sunflower Seeds. Which is Healthier?
In this discussion, Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email shares results from CytoSolve’s Molecular Systems Biology Analysis of comparing SPROUTED Sunflower Seeds versus ROASTED Sunflower Seeds.
Dr.SHIVA BROADCAST: The Inventor of Email’s Latest Innovation – The Truth Freedom Health® System.
In this discussion, Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email, shares his latest innovation: the Truth Freedom Health® System, and how this new innovation solves the problems posed by the system of Power Profit Control. August 30th is the 40th Anniversary of the Invention of Email. On August 30, 1982 Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, received the First U.S. Copyright officially recognizing him as the Inventor of Email for his 1978 invention of EMAIL – the system he was the first to create which was a full-scale electronic emulation of the interoffice paper based mail system. He wrote 50,000 lines of FORTRAN code to create this system that he named “EMAIL,” – a term he was also the first to coin.
Dr.SHIVA BROADCAST: The ONLY Way To End Your Confusion, Despair & Suffering. Roundtable.
In this discussion, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email discusses what needs to be done to end your confusion, despair, and suffering.
Dr.SHIVA BROADCAST: ROASTED vs. SPROUTED Almonds. Which is Healthier?
In this discussion, Dr. SHIVA shares results from CytoSolve’s Molecular Systems Biology Analysis of comparing RAW ALMONDS versus ROASTED ALMONDS. The discussion is a SYSTEMS ANALYSIS recognizing that HOW food is processed is critical in changing the constitution of the food itself.
Dr.SHIVA BROADCAST: What IS “NEWS?” What IS CNN & FOX? A Conversation & CALL-IN.
In this discussion, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email and TruthFreedomHealth Warrior-Scholars have a SYSTEMS discussion on What is “News?” The purpose of this is to ask questions on the modern state of news and reporting.
Dr.SHIVA BROADCAST: YOU Have TWO Brains: One In Your Skull. One In Your Gut.
In this discussion, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email, launches the CytoSolve® Gut & Brain Health Series as a part of the CytoSolve® Open Science Project™. In this video, Dr. SHIVA shares the overall systems architecture of Gut & Brain Health to launch the Series.
Dr.SHIVA BROADCAST: RAW or SPROUTED Oats – Which Is Healthier?
In this discussion, Dr. SHIVA shares results from CytoSolve’s Molecular Systems Biology Analysis of comparing RAW Oats versus SPROUTED Oats. The discussion is a SYSTEMS ANALYSIS recognizing that HOW food is processed is critical in changing the constitution of the food itself. Many “health gurus” simply are Pro- and Anti- about a particular food. This is a reductionist approach that creates confusion. They have little idea of HOW the food is processed since they lack a SYSTEMS foundation to thinking.
Dr.SHIVA BROADCAST: What IS A Revolution?
The Elites Are FULLY Prepared for One. Are YOU?
In this discussion, Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, discusses WHAT IS A “Revolution,” and provides clear evidence that the Elites know one is coming and they ARE FULLY PREPARED. Dr. SHIVA asks Working People if THEY are prepared, and provides a path forward on what is to be done.
In this discussion, Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, through a LIVE interview with leadership of the Farmers Defense Force – leading the protests on the ground in the Netherland – educates us on the history and current events of WHY the Dutch Farmers are protesting.
Dr.SHIVA BROADCAST: Watermelon Seeds & Cardiovascular Health and Much More.
In this discussion, Dr. SHIVA shares results from CytoSolve’s Molecular Systems Biology Analysis of comparing Watermelon Seeds on Cardiovascular Health. The discussion is a SYSTEMS ANALYSIS. Many “health gurus” simply are Pro- and Anti- about a particular food. This is a reductionist approach that creates confusion. They have little idea of HOW the food behaves at the molecular systems level due to their ignorance in a SYSTEMS foundation to thinking.
Dr.SHIVA BROADCAST: BREAKING! U.S. Oligarchs Cornering Russia Risking A Nuclear World War III
In this discussion, Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai will bring the world up to date on the current events over the past week that reveals the United States Oligarchs are using the NATO and Ukraine proxy to accelerate cornering of Russia regardless of the risk of nuclear war.
Dr.SHIVA BROADCAST: CANNABIS: The Whole Truth – Reality vs. Hype. Preview to Summit.
In this discussion, Dr. Shiva provides a PREVIEW to the SATURDAY, JULY 16, 2022 11AM EST #TruthFreedomHealth Summit that will discuss “CANNABIS: The Whole Truth – Reality vs. Hype.”
Dr.SHIVA BROADCAST: Why Do Elites – Left & Right – Want a Civil War? #WorkersUnite!
Two recent polls in America and data worldwide are revealing that the Elites – across Left & Right – are dividing Working People. In this discussion, Dr. Shiva reveals the data to ask the question, WHY do the Elites Want a Civil War?
Dr.SHIVA BROADCAST: Raw or Sprouted Sunflower Seeds – Which Is Healthier?
In this discussion, Dr. SHIVA shares results from CytoSolve’s Molecular Systems Biology Analysis of comparing RAW Sunflower Seeds versus SPROUTED Sunflower. The discussion is a SYSTEMS ANALYSIS recognizing that HOW food is processed is critical in changing the constitution of the food itself. Many “health gurus” simply are Pro- and Anti- about a particular food. This is a reductionist approach that creates confusion. They have little idea of HOW the food is processed since they lack a SYSTEMS foundation to thinking.
Dr.SHIVA BROADCAST: NYC Prepares for Nuclear War. Why? NATO & Russia to Lithuania & Kaliningrad History
In this discussion, Dr. SHIVA reviews the breaking news that New York City (NYC)’s Emergency Management just released a Public Service Announcement (PSA) video to tell New Yorkers HOW to prepare for Nuclear War. Dr. SHIVA intersects this news with the news of the day that Lithuania is moving forward with its ban of Russian goods such as steel to Russian Province Kaliningrad on the Baltic Sea. A historical systems approach interconnects the developments between NATO & Russia to Lithuania & Kaliningrad so we can discern the whole picture – the whole system.
Dr.SHIVA BROADCAST: People in Sri Lanka Are Rising Up: What’s It About?
In this discussion, join Dr.SHIVA and other #TruthFreedomHealth Warrior-Scholars for a public dialog to have a conversation on Pro-Life and Pro-Choice to reveal the real issues – Beyond Left & Right.
Dr.SHIVA BROADCAST: Conversation: What is Work? What is a Worker?
In this discussion, join Dr.SHIVA and other #TruthFreedomHealth Warrior-Scholars for a public dialog to have a conversation on Pro-Life and Pro-Choice to reveal the real issues – Beyond Left & Right.
Dr.SHIVA BROADCAST: Workers Unite! But, What IS a “Worker?”
In this discussion, Dr. SHIVA discusses what IS a “Worker” and who is NOT a Worker to draw the distinction between Real Workers and Fake Workers.
Dr.SHIVA LIVE: A Conversation: Pro-Life & Pro-Choice. Call-In Show for Public Dialog – Beyond Left & Right.
In this discussion, join Dr.SHIVA and other #TruthFreedomHealth Warrior-Scholars for a public dialog to have a conversation on Pro-Life and Pro-Choice to reveal the real issues – Beyond Left & Right.
Dr.SHIVA BROADCAST: The Hypocrisy of Pro-Life and Pro-Choice. #WorkersUnite!
In this discussion, Dr. SHIVA shares in the wake of Roe v. Wade recent Supreme Court decision, his analysis of the hypocrisy of the Pro-Life and Pro-Choice dialectic which is serving to divide working people to distract from real problems and real solutions to win #TruthFreedomHealth
In this discussion, Dr. SHIVA shares results from CytoSolve’s Molecular Systems Biology Analysis of comparing RAW Almonds versus SPROUTED Almonds. The discussion is a SYSTEMS ANALYSIS recognizing that HOW food is processed is critical in changing the constitution of the food itself. Many “health gurus” simply are Pro- and Anti- about a particular food. This is a reductionist approach that creates confusion. They have little idea of HOW the food is processed since they lack a SYSTEMS foundation to thinking.
Dr.SHIVA BROADCAST: Kale & Cardiovascular Health and Much More.
In this discussion, Dr. Shiva shares results from CytoSolve’s Molecular Systems Biology Analysis of Kale and their effects on Cardiovascular Health. The discussion itself is a SYSTEMS presentation sharing the Science and Truth of the Cardiovascular System, how Freedom has been constrained so medical professionals are not trained in nutritional approaches to advance cardiovascular health as well as alternative solutions to pharmaceuticals, and the Health effects of Strawberries on the Cardiovascular System.
Dr.SHIVA BROADCAST: Discovering Nature’s Anti-Viral “Cocktails”: A CytoSolve Exclusive.
In this discussion, Dr. Shiva provides a preview to the Saturday June 18, 2022 11AM EST #TruthFreedomHealth Summit that discussed “Discovering Nature’s Anti-Viral ‘Cocktails’: A CytoSolve Exclusive.”
Dr.SHIVA BROADCAST: How Pumpkin Seeds Support Cardiovascular Health. A CytoSolve® Analysis.
In this discussion, Dr. Shiva shares results from CytoSolve’s Molecular Systems Biology Analysis of Pumpkin Seeds and their effects on the Cardiovascular System. The discussion itself is a SYSTEMS presentation sharing the Science and Truth of the Cardiovascular System, how Freedom has been constrained so medical professionals are not trained in nutritional approaches to advance cardiovascular health as well as alternative solutions to pharmaceuticals, and the Health effects of Strawberries on the Cardiovascular System.
Dr.SHIVA BROADCAST: Why The Ruling Class Needs YOU in One of These 4 Buckets?
In this discussion, Dr. Shiva reveals the 4 Buckets that the Ruling Class needs YOU in so you do not get educated and begin to think Beyond Left & Right to Build a Movement that Unifies working people to identify real problems and innovate real solutions.
Dr.SHIVA BROADCAST: The Blood Brain Barrier & Brain Health. A CytoSolve® Systems Analysis.
In this discussion, Dr. Shiva reveals the nature of the Brain Blood Barrier and his work with CytoSolve and colleagues at USC to reveal the Systems Architecture of the Blood Brain Barrier and its connection to most neurovascular diseases.
Dr.SHIVA BROADCAST: The Next BIG LIE of the LEFT & RIGHT: Modern Monetary Theory (MMT)
In this discussion, Dr. Shiva provides an introduction to Modern Monetary Theory – also known as MMT – and reveals why it is a band-aid solution aimed to distract working people from addressing and resolving the fundamental failings of modern global imperialism.
Dr.SHIVA BROADCAST: Fish Consumption & Skin Cancer: Correlation vs Causation.
In this discussion, Dr. Shiva offers his insights on a recent paper correlating fish consumption with skin cancer. He uses the opportunity to discuss the difference between correlation versus causation. Systems Science is focused on the WHY to elicit the causation so we derive a deeper understanding so we may uncover real problems and real solutions.
Dr.SHIVA BROADCAST: Malcolm X – Systems Scientist. Beyond Left & Right.
In this discussion, Dr. Shiva honors the life of Malcolm X whose birthday was on May 19th. He provides an analysis leading to the assassination of Malcom X and why Malcom X was ultimately a systems scientist.
Dr.SHIVA BROADCAST: Downton Abbey – Not Just a Show. Royal & Deliberate Brainwashing.
In this discussion, Dr. Shiva provides a systems analysis of Downton Abbey on the occasion of its recent premiere to reveal the real purpose of this “show”: to serve as propaganda that brainwashes its viewers that all is well among the classes and we should forget the brutality of the modern elites on the mass of working people.
In this discussion, Dr. Shiva provides a deep systems analysis from this question that aims to inspire YOU to ask are you a ROBOT or a HUMAN, and why only a SYSTEMS approach can bring you into the world of being “human.”
Dr.SHIVA BROADCAST: Why Baby Formula Shortage? The REAL Reason.
In this discussion, Dr. Shiva provides a market systems analysis to reveal the REAL Reason for the shortage of Baby Formula. And, guess what this will happen more and more unless we solve the real problem, Beyond Left & Right.
Dr.SHIVA BROADCAST: GUN Violence: Root Cause & Real Solution. Summit Preview. Beyond Left & Right.
In this discussion, Dr. Shiva discusses “GUN VIOLENCE: The Root Cause & Real Solution. Beyond Left & Right.” Anyone who wants to learn more about the #TruthFreedomHealth Warrior-Scholar program, you may attend the Open House Orientation and register at vashiva.com/orientation.
Dr.SHIVA BROADCAST: Will Elon Musk End the Gov’t & Twitter Partnership to Suppress FREE SPEECH?
In this talk, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD and the In this discussion, Dr. Shiva reveals the findings of his historic lawsuit that exposed the unholy alliance of Big Tech. At a time when billionaires such as Elon Musk appear to be fighting for our free speech, the question is are they even aware of this unholy alliance, and more importantly, given this knowledge, are they committed to fighting it?
Dr.SHIVA BROADCAST: Strawberries & Heart Health. What They Don’t Want You to Learn.
In this talk, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD and the InIn this discussion, Dr. Shiva shares results from CytoSolve’s Molecular Systems Biology Analysis of the Strawberry and its effects on the Cardiovascular System. The discussion itself is a SYSTEMS presentation sharing the Science and Truth of the Cardiovascular System, how Freedom has been constrained so medical professionals are not trained in nutritional approaches to advance cardiovascular health as well as alternative solutions to pharmaceuticals, and the Health effects of Strawberries on the Cardiovascular System.
Dr.SHIVA BROADCAST: Why Do We Still Celebrate Royalty?
In this talk, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD and the IIn this discussion, Dr. Shiva probes the question on why “we” still celebrate “royalty/”. He shares key points of how British colonialism without any resources built the British Empire out of not really fair trading, but BRUTALITY. Why do we celebrate this brutality?
Dr.SHIVA BROADCAST: Blueberries & Heart Health. Does Your Doctor Know?
In this talk, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD and the In this discussion, Dr. Shiva shares results from CytoSolve’s Molecular Systems Biology Analysis of the Blueberries and its effects on the Cardiovascular System. The discussion itself is a SYSTEMS presentation sharing the Science and Truth of the Cardiovascular System, how Freedom has been constrained so medical professionals are not trained in nutritional approaches to advance cardiovascular health as well as alternative solutions to pharmaceuticals, and the Health effects of Strawberries on the Cardiovascular System.
Dr.SHIVA BROADCAST: Are You a BLIND Sheep? You May Be.
In this discussion, Dr. Shiva asks a potent question as to whether you are a “blind sheep” meaning do you see things as they are or as you want them to be. Are you being manipulated to fight among each other and not to see the situation as it truly is. He shares the importance to learn the Science of Systems to go Beyond Left & Right in order to identify the REAL PROBLEM and REAL SOLUTION in a situation.
Dr.SHIVA BROADCAST: Learn to THINK – What Your Children NEED.
In this talk, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD and the Inventor of Email, shares the lives of four engineers, their contributions, and the problems they solved. Dr. Shiva emphasizes the need for education – an education founded in systems thinking – that compels students NOT what to think, but rather HOW to THINK.
Dr. SHIVA BROADCAST: Systems Science For Our Children: Global Launch from India
In this discussion, Dr. Shiva shares his journey back to his village in India and his formal announcement that the Foundations of Systems course will be made free to all children. It was fitting that he launches this new initiative back in his village where he grew up as a show of gratitude to his grandparents and ancestors. The Foundations of Systems course will be made accessible to ANY child anywhere in the world as long as they are sponsored by an adult who has taken the course and the children’s parents/guardians have consented.
Dr.SHIVA BROADCAST: Power of the Palm Tree & The Indigenous People of Tamil Nadu
In this discussion, Dr. Shiva shares his journey to the roots of his people’s tradition in the small village of Muhavoor, in the southern state of Tamil Nadu in India. His ancestors were palm fruit pickers. He will share videos of his recent trip to India, and you will meet a family who lives off the land by picking palm fruit and being in full sustainability with the products of the palm tree.
Dr.SHIVA: Engineers Create the World. They Learn HOW to THINK.
In this talk, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD and the Inventor of Email, shares the lives of four engineers, their contributions, and the problems they solved. Dr. Shiva emphasizes the need for education – an education founded in systems thinking – that compels students NOT what to think, but rather HOW to THINK.
#TruthFreedomHealth Educators Welcome The New Season
Dr. SHIVA: #TruthFreedomHealth Educators Welcome The New Season. Dr. Shiva’s #TruthFreedomHealth Warrior-Scholars take advantage of the warming Spring weather to get on the ground and educate the masses of working people about the Systems of Systems and how educating ourselves with the tools of understanding Systems, as made possible by Dr. Shiva and the Truth Freedom Health® Movement, is the only way to build a truly working-class movement that can challenge the forces of Power Profit Control with the right inputs: Decentralization, Transparency, Openness, Inclusivity, Systems Thinking, Freedom, and Personalization.
Dr. SHIVA BROADCAST: Dong Quai and Lung Congestion. CytoSolve Molecular Systems Analysis.
In this discussion, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD shares CytoSolve Molecular Systems Analysis of Dong Quai effects on the Lung Congestion and Lung Health.
Dr. SHIVA BROADCAST: Chinese Skullcap and Lung Congestion. CytoSolve Molecular Systems Analysis.
In this discussion, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD shares CytoSolve Molecular Systems Analysis of Chinese Skullcap effects on the Lung Congestion and Lung Health.
Dr. SHIVA BROADCAST: Schisandra and Lung Congestion. CytoSolve Molecular Systems Analysis.
In this discussion, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD shares CytoSolve Molecular Systems Analysis of Schisandra Fruit’s effects on the Lung Congestion and Lung Health.
Beyond Election Deniers & Election Grifters. Interview with ProPublica
In this discussion, Dr. Shiva recalls his journey of how he became involved with Election Integrity, and the rigorous work he has done to uncover engineering systems issues in the US election system, which can be investigated and improved, culminating in the founding of the Election Systems Integrity Institute.
Dr.SHIVA BROADCAST: Your Pets and Joint Health
In this discussion, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD shares CytoSolve Molecular Systems Analysis of 7 major supplements for Joint Health for our Pets.
Richard DeLuca (1942-2022). A True Warrior for #TruthFreedomHealth.
In this discussion, Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai pays homage to Richard DeLuca (1942-2022) – a dear friend and true TruthFreedomHealth Warrior.
Dr. SHIVA BROADCAST: How Bad Is Election Signature Verification? Interview On Real Talk 93.3 FM
In this discussion, Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai details the recent findings by the Election Systems Integrity Institute and their first-of-its-kind study confirming that over 200,000 mail ballots with mismatching signatures were counted without review (“curing”).
Dr. SHIVA BROADCAST: What They Don’t Want You To Know About Russia & Ukraine.
In this discussion, Dr. Shiva discusses what the Western Elites don’t want you to know about the War in Ukraine, how the West and NATO have set up Ukraine as their sacrificial pawn to provoke Russia into war.
In this discussion with Out In New Jersey Magazine, Dr. Shiva shares his journey in New Jersey to inventing email and now to the creation of CytoSolve – a platform that is revolutionizing medicine.
Dr. SHIVA BROADCAST: The Elephant in the Room – Signature Verification of Ballots. Radio Interview.
In this discussion, Dr. Shiva talks to local Arizona radio station KNST AM 790 about the elephant in the room of real election issues: signature verification, and the recent study just completed by the Election Systems Integrity Institute.
Dr. SHIVA BROADCAST: Who Profits From the Confusion On Russia & Ukraine. #WorkersUnite!
In this discussion, Dr. Shiva provides a historical systems perspective for you to understand why CONFUSION is a weapon of the elites to divide and rule, and to make sure you do not act to do what is right in a historical moment.
Dr. SHIVA BROADCAST: #TruthFreedomHealth Educators Bringing the Science of Systems on the Ground
In this discussion, Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD in Biological Engineering, the Inventor of Email, Scientist, Engineer, Educator shares #TruthFreedomHealth Educators Bringing the Science of Systems on the Ground
Why Does FaceBook Think a Russian Cartoon Bear is a “Private Individual?”
In this discussion, Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai discusses his recent interaction with FaceBook that had an issue with a picture of a Russian Cartoon Bear. Dr. SHIVA educates us and FaceBook on the famous case of Naruto v. David Slater, a wildlife photographer, and the 9th Circuit Court’s ruling that ONLY a Human can be a “Private Individual.”
In this discussion, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai shares the findings of CytoSolve’s recent results in mapping out the molecular systems architecture of Acute Myeloid Leukemia – a rare by deadly disease. The results were just published in the journal Cancers with co-authors from Stanford University.
Dr. SHIVA BROADCAST: Truth Freedom Health Warriors Boots On The Ground From Oregon To Netherlands.
In this broadcast, Dr. Shiva’s Truth Freedom Health Warriors bring you another special broadcast from the latest activities on the ground across the world.
In this discussion with Out In New Jersey Magazine, Dr. Shiva shares his journey in New Jersey to inventing email and now to the creation of CytoSolve – a platform that is revolutionizing medicine.
The TRUTH About Ukraine and Russia. #WorkersUnite!
In this discussion, Dr. SHIVA shares what is really going on with Russia and Ukraine. His SYSTEMS analysis provides us with a perspective so Working People do not get bamboozled into supporting the forces of US and British Imperialism.
In this discussion, Dr. Shiva shares a complete version of Part 1 of CytoSolve’s Open Science Institute’s results on analyzing the ingredients in Pfizers’ mRNA Jab.
In this discussion, Dr. Shiva shares CytoSolve® Open Science Institute’s results on a CytoSolve® Molecular Systems Analysis of the effects of Cinnamon on digestive health.
In this discussion, TruthFreedomHealth Warrior-Scholars educate the world to build a bottom’s up movement from NZ To CANADA.
Pfizer Jab Analysis: What’s in It? Part 1. CytoSolve Open Science Project.
This discussion begins the first in the series of CytoSolve’s Open Science Project in analyzing the Pfizer Jab. In Part 1, we begin by analyzing what’s in the Jab.
In this discussion, Dr. Shiva shares results of his groundbreaking study revealing over 200,000 mail ballots with mismatched signatures counted without being reviewed (“cured”) in Maricopa.
Truckers Unite! Workers Unite! | Beyond Left & Right: Volume 2, Number 2.
In this latest Truth Freedom Health publication, Dr.SHIVA shares an analysis of the truckers situation, & the path forward.
The Invention of Email by a 14 Year Old Boy and What It Means to Every Child.
In this discussion, Dr. Shiva shares his journey to the invention of email and why that invention is important to understanding the true source of innovation.
Dr.SHIVA BROADCAST: #TruckersUnite! The Path Forward. #WorkersUnite!
In this discussion, Dr. SHIVA reviews the Truckers Convoy events in Canada, and asks everyone to support their heroic efforts, and provides and analysis of the path forward for #TruthFreedomHealth. TruckersUnite.com
Dr.SHIVA BROADCAST: Why Dr. Shiva Gets So Angry and “Aggressive” and is Uncompromising
In this broadcast, Dr. Shiva answers a question from one of his #TruthFreedomHealth Warrior-Scholars on why he gets so angry and “aggressive” at the Elites, and more specifically, at the Not-So-Obvious-Establishment.
In this discussion, TruthFreedomHealth Warrior-Scholars Educating the World to Build a Bottom’s Up Movement from CANADA to AUSTRALIA
Ground Report From New Zealand to Maine
Get inspired and see what YOU – One Person – can do to build the movement. TruthFreedomHealth.com
Dr.SHIVA BROADCAST: #TruthFreedomHealth Interviews Truckers in Ottawa
In this discussion, Dr.SHIVA talks about that it is a victory, in and of itself, that Canadian truckers are reminding working people all over the world that they have real power outside of the political process.
The Reality and Path to Victory | Beyond Left & Right: Volume 1. Number 3.
In this latest Truth Freedom Health publication, Dr.SHIVA shares how the elites escalate the war on working people, and what is to be done to defeat the Not-So-Obvious-Establishment to take back control.
Dr.SHIVA BROADCAST: #TruthFreedomHealth on the Ground. Across the Globe!
Get inspired and see what YOU – One Person – can do to build the movement. TruthFreedomHealth.com
Real Heroes Say The RIGHT Thing At The RIGHT Time.
In this discussion, Dr.SHIVA shares the story of Allan McDonald, the director of the Space Shuttle Project, who refused to sign off on the launch of the Space Shuttle Challenger. Mr. McDonald’s actions were that of a true hero, for he took a bold position by saying the RIGHT thing at the RIGHT time. Dr.SHIVA discusses how such action is different from grifters and opportunists who say things when it is convenient for them, or advances their careers, or makes them more money
Why Neil Young and Joe Rogan Are BOTH Opportunists. #ToHellWithHollywood #WorkersUnite!
In this discussion, Dr.SHIVA reveals why BOTH Neil Young and Joe Rogan are ignorant and use “science” when needed to either sell more albums and tickets or grow their viewership. Isn’t it time we rely on ourselves? #ToHellWithHollywood #WorkersUnite.
Escalate the Movement for #TruthFreedomHealth in Canada & BEYOND!
In this report, we discuss the current situation and what must be done to ensure that this movement escalates and is not hijacked by the Not-So-Obvious-Establishment. The key demands for #TruthFreedomHealth are put forward.
Truckers of Canada Unite for Truth Freedom Health®
Dr.SHIVA and the #TruthFreedomHealth movement have been urging truckers and working people in Canada to unite. In this discussion, #TruthFreedomHealth Warrior-Scholars join us LIVE from Canada, including from the convoy.
Dr.SHIVA SPECIAL BROADCAST: How YOU Can Change the World. #TruthFreedomHealth.
An immigrant shares his moving journey to his discovery of #TruthFreedomHealth.
Dr.SHIVA TOUR: March Into The Heart of #BigPharma, and Much More!
Dr.SHIVA gives an educational tour to learn where the REAL CENTER of power is. It’s time for real activists to recognize the center of #PowerProfitControl
Why we must focus on the REAL CENTER of power: Cambridge MA
Cambridge, MA is the Headquarters of the REAL ENEMY!
Time to Get Educated. Stop begging to Politicians in Washington, DC, City Halls, Statehouses. Politicians are merely PROSTITUTES of #BigPharma. The REAL CENTER OF POWER is Kendall Square, Cambridge, MA – the home of #BigPharma where Trillion$ move EVERY DAY.
Dr.SHIVA GROUND REPORT | Week 3, January 2022
Many of you have requested that I unleash the resources of CytoSolve® to reveal what’s in the Pfizer jab. I am pleased to announce the launch of CytoSolve® Open Science Project™. The video below details this scientific eff#TruthFreedomHealth Warrior-Scholars on the ground in Massachusetts, Canada, Oregon, India, New Jersey, Texas! A selection of clips and photos submitted by Truth Freedom Health® Warriors across the globe from actions on the ground throughout the third week of January in 2022. Dr.SHIVA’s Truth Freedom Health® movement is dedicated to training Warrior-Scholar activists to build a decentralized Bottom’s-Up movement to unite working people all over the world for Truth Freedom and Health.
What’s In The Pfizer-BioNTech Jabbine? CytoSolve Open Science Project Coming Soon
Many of you have requested that I unleash the resources of CytoSolve® to reveal what’s in the Pfizer jab. I am pleased to announce the launch of CytoSolve® Open Science Project™. The video below details this scientific effort.
Dr.SHIVA BROADCAST: Prostitution Racket Uncovered In Mayor Of Boston’s Office. WORKERS UNITE!
Dr.SHIVA discusses how the #TruthFreedomHealth movement’s exposing of how politicians are nothing but prostitutes to Big Pharma, is forcing lawmakers like Boston Mayor Wu to throw bones, in an attempt to distract activists away from the REAL ENEMY #BigPharma, back into begging to City Hall and Statehouses, which are nothing by Prostitutes for #BigPharma.
What Systems Biology Reveals About the Immune System.
Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai in this discussion reviews what modern science reveals about the Immune System.
3 Reasons To De-Brainwash From the Not-So-Obvious-Establishment (NSOE).
Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai in this discussion shares why you must without compromise de-brainwash yourself from the Not-So-Obvious-Establishment.
Beyond the Biden-Trump Theater. What Is To Be Done?
Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai in this discussion how the Establishment is ONE, how both Biden-Trump DUO serve their ONE Master Big Pharma, and why it’s necessary to let go of fake Left & Right dialectic and build the MOVEMENT for Truth Freedom Health.
March on Pfizer & Moderna – #BigPharma
Dr.SHIVA led a march on Main Street in Cambridge, MA on to the offices of Pfizer. The purpose of the march was to educate activists that the politicians are puppets to the real enemy: BIG PHARMA.
The REAL ENEMY is Racist BIG PHARMA located in Kendall Sq. that makes $65,000 per MINUTE
Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai in this discussion focuses our attention on the need to target the REAL ENEMY of #TruthFreedomHealth: Racist BIG PHARMA, which is located in the heart of Kendall Square, which makes $65,000 per MINUTE.
#TruthFreedomHealth Rally in Boston (January 5, 2022)
Truth Freedom Health® Warrior-Scholars organized a rally against BIG PHARMA in Boston.
Channel 7 WHDH Interviews MIT PhD Scientist Dr.SHIVA
Channel 7 WHDH Interviewed MIT PhD Scientist Dr.SHIVA Exposing #FakeScience. #BigPharma at #TruthFreedomHealth Rally in Boston.
Stand Out for Truth Freedom Health® Across MA
Truth Freedom Health® Warrior-Scholars led standouts across MA with local citizens in towns such as Billerica, Cambridge, Boston, etc.
Masked, Wigged-Out, Rabid Pro-BIG PHARMA Nutjob gets out of his Porsche to brutalize women (my fiancé being punched) – at a peaceful Truth Freedom Health standout in Cambridge. 4 Police Cruisers called in. No arrest. He’s still at large. The “NEW NORMAL.”
In this discussion, Dr.SHIVA provides a Systems Analysis of the Kyle Rittenhouse situation revealing how the Elites create conditions to divide and rule working people. The Kyle Rittenhouse situation provides an example case study to understand why the Elites create conditions to provide a no-win situation for working people, and what WE working people must do to UNITE beyond Black and White, beyond Left and Right, to win Truth Freedom Health.
The Simple Economics of Lockdowns. Who Wins, Who Loses.
In this discussion, Dr.SHIVA provides a Systems Analysis of the current economic situation revealing how the Elites want to use more lockdowns to stop economic growth, to keep interest rates artificially low for their Power, Profit, Control.
This is Why “Prince” Harry is the PRINCE OF CENSORSHIP
In this discussion, Dr.SHIVA reveals the reason “Prince” Harry has come to America. Since he cannot be King, the British Crown has given him a much more functional responsibility: to ensure that the First Amendment is vaporized once and for all. He has already called the First Amendment “bonkers.”
“BLM” v. “America First” Case Study. How The Establishment Divides & Rules.
In this discussion, Dr.SHIVA reveals how neo-colonialism has descended on America with the annihilation of the First Amendment in order to destroy discourse so as to divide and rule across Black and White, Left and Right, and What MUST be done to win Truth Freedom Health.
Dr. Shiva Discusses Maricopa Audit Anomalies And Election Systems Integrity with Kristi Leigh
In this interview, Dr.SHIVA speaks with Kristi Leigh about Maricopa Audit anomalies.
Dr.Shiva Shares Anomalies From Pima County Arizona with OAN.
In this discussion, Dr.SHIVA speaks to OANN about the anomalies from Pima County Arizona.
Defining Election Integrity from a Systems Approach.
In this interview, Dr.SHIVA discusses how election integrity can be defined using a systems approach.
Firefighters Ask Dr. Shiva to Empower Them to Fight the Mandates.
In this discussion, Dr.SHIVA speaks to firefighters about the mandates being implemented at the workplaces.
El American Interview in Miami – A Conversation
In this interview, Dr.SHIVA discusses how the election integrity was compromised in the 2020 Elections.
Nurses, Teachers, Workers Striking for Truth Freedom Health Invite Dr.SHIVA to Speak & Lead.
In this discussion, Dr.SHIVA speaks to nurses, teachers, and workers about the mandates being implemented at the workplaces.
CytoSolve Discovers Molecular Mechanisms of Green Tea Reducing Transplant Rejection
Dr.SHIVA and the CytoSolve research team have just published a seminal research paper in the Clinical Nutrition journal showing the mechanisms of green tea in reducing transplant rejection.
Maricopa Audit Open Forum for Public, Press & Maricopa Election Officials
In this discussion, Dr.SHIVA provides a 4-hour Open Forum for anyone to call in and ask Dr.SHIVA anything on the audit analysis he was involved in to analyze the Early Voting Ballot Return Envelope Images. The Maricopa Election Officials, the Press, and the Public were invited to participate and discuss openly the Anomalies and Key Findings from the Maricopa County Audit that was presented on September 24 in AZ Senate.
The Fish Tail in Pima County. Analysis of Mail-In Ballots Pima County, Arizona.
Dr.SHIVA provides a Mathematical Analysis of Mail-In Ballot Requests and Mail-In Ballot Return Rates in Pima County, AZ in the 2020 US General Election.
Dr.SHIVA Speaks to South African Doctors Association On Biology of Modern Immune System.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD in Biological Engineering, Inventor of Email, Scientist, Engineer, Educator, speaks to South African Doctors Association on the Biology of the Modern Immune System.
Dr.SHIVA Delivers Groundbreaking Audit Report To Arizona Senate
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD in Biological Engineering, Inventor of Email, Scientist, Engineer, Educator delivers his audit that exposed the flawed process of Early Voting Ballot Return Envelopes analysis.
Dr.SHIVA – Blasts School Committee for Forcing Masks on Kids in Windham, Maine
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD in Biological Engineering, Inventor of Email, Scientist, Engineer, Educator educates School Committee in Windham, Maine on the real science of Masks & Oral Health.
Dr.SHIVA – Rallying Workers In Maine for Truth Freedom Health
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD in Biological Engineering, Inventor of Email, Scientist, Engineer, Educator at Rallying Workers In Maine for Truth Freedom Health
Dr.SHIVA’s interview with Steve Bannon at Mike Lindell’s Cyber Symposium.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD in Biological Engineering, Inventor of Email, Scientist, Engineer, Educator is interviewed by Steve Bannon at Mike Lindell’s Cyber Symposium.
Dr.Shiva at Mike Lindell’s Cyber Symposium reveals how BigTech is really GOVERNMENT Tech
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD in Biological Engineering, Scientist, Engineer, Educator, provides an expose of how BigTech is really GOVERNMENT Tech at Mike Lindell’s Cyber Symposium.
How does black pepper from curry powder affect your Digestive System? A CytoSolve Systems Biology analysis reveals what happens.
What Arugula Salad Can Do for Your Heart. A CytoSolve Molecular Systems Analysis.
What Arugula Salad Can Do for Your Heart. A CytoSolve Systems Biology analysis reveals how Arugula affects your Heart – your Cardiovascular SYSTEM.
How Caffeine and L-Arginine Combination Affects Your Cardiovascular System
How Caffeine and L-Arginine combination affects your cardiovascular system. A CytoSolve Systems Biology analysis reveals the synergistic effects of Arginine and Caffeine on Cardiovascular Health.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD in Biological Engineering, Scientist, Engineer, Educator, presents the analysis of his David Vs Goliath fight against Big Government and Big Tech to over 1,500 REAL PATRIOTS who gave him two standing ovations.
Obama Saved Big Banks. Trump Saved Big Pharma. Both Saved BILLIONAIRES. CALL IN SHOW.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD in Biological Engineering, Scientist, Engineer, Educator, presents an Economic Systems Analysis on how Obama and Trump saved Big Banks and Big Pharma.
Was TRUMP the Swamp? Only YOU Can Decide.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD in Biological Engineering, Scientist, Engineer, Educator, presents a Systems Analysis on whether Trump was THE Swamp.
Dr.SHIVA: Red Pill Expo Interview with Patriot Soapbox
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD in Biological Engineering, Scientist, Engineer, Educator, shares his historic First Amendment lawsuit exposing the collusion between Big Government and Big Tech to suppress free speech in an interview at the Red Pill Expo.
Dr.SHIVA ANSWERS: Are You Afraid They May KILL YOU?
Dr.SHIVA shares a profoundly emotional response to how he views the purpose of his life.
Historic Lawsuit Exposes How Government Launders Censorship Through Twitter
Dr.SHIVA is representing himself in a historic lawsuit in Federal Court that has sustained multiple motions to dismiss and has garnered multiple victories. This case exposes unequivocally how the Government launders censorship to Twitter through an infrastructure – documented in a newly discovered “Playbook” that was submitted by Dr.SHIVA as evidence.
Why Working People Uniting Is the ONLY Way to
Truth Freedom Health
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai shares why Working People Unite and mobilizing a Bottoms-Up decentralized movement is the only way to Truth Freedom Health.
It’s time we move beyond the Left vs. Right, Republican vs. Democrat. It’s time YOU learn how to apply a systems approach to get the Truth Freedom Health you need and deserve. Get Educated or Be Enslaved. Become a Truth Freedom Health Warrior.
Join the VASHIVA community – an integrated EDUCATIONAL, COMMUNICATIONS – independent of Big Tech -, and LOCAL ACTIVISM platform to empower YOU to actualize Truth Freedom Health in your local communities by employing a SYSTEMS APPROACH.