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- Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD – Inventor of Email, Systems Scientist, engineer, educator – asks the question, why do we still celebrate royalty? Then gives the history of the Untold Holocaust.
- In 1857 the British went from being a trading force to becoming an occupying force. Conventional text claims 100,000 Indian soldiers died. The truth is 10 million people were brutalized over 10 years just in Bengal and famine was perpetrated.
- In 1945 before Indian Independence, between 12 to 29 million people across India died of starvation during the control of the British Empire.
- The real start of the Revolutionary War was the Boston Massacre which was a deadly riot on March 5th, 1770.
- Amritsar Massacre, which occurred on April 13th, 1919 British and Gurkha troops just mowed down 379 unarmed demonstrators.
- 14 Civil Rights marchers were killed by British soldiers in one of the defining days of the North Ireland conflict on January 30th, 1972 known as Bloody Sunday.
- Utsa Patnaik’s recent analysis calculated between 1765–1938, Britain essentially drained a total of $45 trillion from India.
India, systems, Britain, people, Indian, British elite, brutality, world, goods, shiva, called, diagram, elites, British empire, approach, education, celebrate, book, analysis, history, royalty, British royalty, jubilee
Good evening, everyone. It’s Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai. Today we’re going to have an interesting discussion about, why do we still celebrate royalty? And the reason I want to have this discussion is because some of you may know that in the media, there’s been a lot of news about what we know as the Queen’s Jubilee, okay? And you may have seen this, it’s out there. It is in the Daily Mail that – The Queen, 96, walks to her seat at Platinum Jubilee Celebration. And it’s all smiles as a nation salutes her 70 years of service, joined by celebrities, including Tom Cruise amid pageantry at Windsor Castle.
And you can go look at a lot of press out there, but it’s a massive event that was held to celebrate essentially the Monarchy in some ways, the British Empire. And the question that we want to ask is, “Why are we still celebrating this?” You know, and here’s Tom Cruise over there. And a lot of different celebrities showed up to this, Helen Mirren, etc. So the question I want to really probe today is, “Why do we celebrate this?”
History of Britain’s Orchestrated Brutality to Gain Power, Profit and Control
And what does it really signify to us as a culture, but more importantly, in this context, I want to actually review the history of Britain in a couple of glimpses. And what’s going to emerge out of the Systems Analysis is that recognition, that when you look at Britain, Britain actually has, unfortunately, I’m not talking about the British people, let me be clear, we’re not going to this is not a diss or attack on the hard working people of Britain, but really talking about the super, super elites, the British Empire.
And we’re going to, in this analysis, you’re going to learn about how a country or elites or small sets of people actually have no resources, in many ways, no real material resources, but use brutality, that is their resource to subjugate masses of people. And that’s how Britain actually operated through massive, massive brutality and the wealth that Britain amassed the quote unquote, “Royalty”, which it pays itself on and uses this massive public relations machine to make us all think that we should feel so good about Britain, almost like they are Disneyland.
And you’re going to realize that this was very, very well orchestrated, when we look at a Systems Analysis, and specifically, what we’re going to look at it, you’re going to understand this diagram, about how Britain actually, this is how the East India Company served the Elites of Britain, to really rape, incredible wealth out of India.
And the analysis I’m going to share with you has not been really covered, frankly, by any historian. The latest research work came out a couple of, two years ago, by a woman historian: Utsa Patnaik in a book that she wrote. And she herself says that in this analysis, for probably 300 years or several 100 years was never really done. And it took an Indian woman to really do this analysis and you’re going to understand this diagram shortly.
What it means and how I’ve organized this, and it’s really a Systems Analysis that really, does this analysis of oppression, and really will educate you and maybe make you think, why is it that we continue to honor the royalty? What is it about it? And you’re gonna probably recognize it’s an incredible amount of money that’s involved, and the public relations engine that is there.
The Power of Systems Analysis includes Truth Freedom Health®
As many of you know that all the videos we do whether we talk about Politics, we’re really talking about Science or Health. We always want to make people understand a Systems Approach to looking at this, because it’s only a Systems Approach that’s going to give you everyone listening, a real a deep understanding of how to actually look at the world and see it as it is not what you want it to be from a left or right approach from a Democrat or Republican from a Labour or Tory, if you’re in Britain, but to really see things as they are.
One of the things I’ve done is to create a course called Foundations of Systems and we’ve created a worldwide community where you can actually understand the relationship between freedom politics, fighting for our rights, truth, science, and health, taking care of your own self. How these three things are actually all interrelated.
And that’s a Systems Approach that I want to share with you. I want to play a video for you, which will really give you My Journey to Systems. And then we’ll talk a little bit about the course. And then we’ll jump right into looking at, you know, answering or probing this question, “Why do we still, you know, celebrate the Royalty?”
Learn to Think, not What to Think, but How to Think
All right, so I want every one of you to recognize that we always take the Systems Approach and the Systems Approach is something that I believe should be taught to every adult and every child. And so in order to make that accessible and to build a community, and to provide you with technology where you can learn this by yourself or with others. I’ve created the Foundations of Systems course. But the fundamental goal of this is so all of you can really “Learn to think, not What to Think, but How to Think”.
And in the Modern World. We live in a World of Complex Systems where we must understand these interconnections. So to make it accessible to every working person, you know, when I used to teach this course we used to charge 1000’s of dollars. I’m giving everyone a $2,500 scholarship, please take it but more importantly once you take it and you pass it. This, I want you to listen to this, each one of you can actually become a philanthropist, and give it to as many children as you want as a full scholarship. Alright, so you take the course, then you become a beacon of education. And you offer the Science of Systems to as many children as you want.
I actually launched this by going back to my village school in India, and we gave it to all the students there. So please take advantage of it and really be an agent of change. It’s something that you can do in a very powerful way. Because ultimately, education is what changes the world.
The other thing I wanted to let everyone know is that the concepts in everything I share and the approach we take, you can get in the book Systems and Revolution, we’ve also made this book for free, you just have to cover shipping and handling. So please also take advantage of that. And you will learn from this book, The Science of Systems, how you can apply it to your body, and pretty much everything on the planet.
But it is a Knowledge of Systems that’s really imperative for us to learn. So we don’t all start attacking each other in this divisive way, which is what those in power want. And we’re able to see the reality as it is, by taking a Systems Approach. So let me jump into our program today.
Glimpses of Hidden History of Britain’s Brutality in India
This is something that’s really been hidden a lot, but people have probably heard that, yes, Britain colonized India, many of you know, I just got back from India. And I’ve known a lot of this for many, many years. And I’ve talked about this, but I just wanted to highlight a couple of things. One of the recent books that just came out, is, you know, people use the word Holocaust, I’m sure to talk about, many people have heard what occurred in Germany, but what people do not know.
And it’s unfortunately been hidden and really not talked about a holocaust, and the killing of up to 10 million people that just took place. And this is a conservative estimate in the state of Bengal, after the East India Company took over and we’ll talk about that. And this was over 10 years, 10 million people were brutally killed and famine was perpetrated. And this came out in a book by Amaresh Misra. And he essentially argues very, very powerfully that – he uses the word quote, unquote, “Untold Holocaust”, which caused the deaths of 10 million people over 10 years beginning in 1857.
Now 1857, if you know a little bit of Indian history, is an important point. That’s when the British went from being a “trading force” to becoming a “occupying force”. Okay, they went from being a trading force to becoming an occupying force. Initially came to trade, and I’ll show you the dynamics of this. So now, the conventional histories were, “Oh, don’t worry, only about 100,000 Indian soldiers died.”
But the reality is that the brutality of the British Empire, the Royalty, which still profits from it today. They haven’t given back their money from this profit, that, you know, close to just in Bengal alone, but 10 million people were brutalized, alright. And you will see pictures like this of starving people in India.
When I came to the United States in the 70’s, we’d see these pictures. And then you’d have celebrities saying, “oh, please feed, feed these people. You know, they’re not getting enough food.” But what people don’t tell you, this is 1945. Okay, this is before, quote unquote, Indian Independence. And what you’ll realize is between 12 to 29 million people across India died of starvation during the control of the British Empire.
In 1943
And in 1943, up to 4 million Bengalis (Been-Gaul-is) on the west, east coast of India, starved to death. And this is just one example, when Winston Churchill diverted food to British soldiers in countries such as Greece, while a deadly famine swept Bengal because essentially what the British did was, remember Britain really didn’t have any resources. They did have the resource of brutality, but they didn’t really have any fundamental resources.
So when they went to China, they said, Oh, we want to come here and trade and China said, What do you have to trade with us? You got nothing.
When they came to India, Britain really didn’t have anything to trade. But they did recognize that they could be fiercely brutal. And they raped India, not only of jewels and textiles, but just food. Remember, India had three crop seasons. Britain at best had one. So the amount of food that India produces is quite immense. People forget India was an extremely wealthy nation. And we’ll talk more about this. So Britain brutalized India, and these are just not to, you know, hype up anything.
Glimpses of Hidden History of Britain’s Brutality in United States
These are just facts, but a lot of that wealth was taken at the expense of Indians and this is really not talked about by any historians, particularly the liberal elite historians in the United States and Britains will not talk about this. They’ll talk about a lot of other things, but they’ll miss these very, very important facts. In fact, Winston Churchill said, “I hate Indians, they’re beastly people with a beastly religion.” And that’s what he said.
So now, to those of you who are in America, and, you know, we can’t forget that Britain was pretty brutal to the American colonists. The difference between, I would argue, between the British and what occurred in India and in America was a little bit different because India was fundamentally run by many, many kingdoms. There’s really no India was many, many feudal kingdoms. So it’s easy to isolate India.
Britain’s Brutality in Boston Massacre – March 1770 to Divide United States
To divide up people, in the United States, because it was a little more a newer country, there were at least 13 colonies that united. And you know, Britain was brutal here, too. Everyone remembers the Boston Massacre. You can read about it, but at a high level, it is a very important point. The tensions ran very high in Boston in the early 1770. And 2000 British soldiers occupied a city of 16,000 colonists and Britain as it went everywhere imposed taxes.
You know, those taxes were like the Stamp Act, the Townshend Acts, and the American colonists rebelled against these taxes this way that a cry, “no taxation without representation” came. And this resulted in people fighting and the real start of the Revolutionary War was a Boston Massacre, which was a deadly riot on March 5th of 1770. And colonists attempted to fight back and the war ended escalated into a bloody slaughter. That really, you know, was the birth of the American Revolution.
But it’s not only in America as such massacres took place. Britain had a history of doing this pretty much everywhere they went. There’s a wonderful, wonderful PhD thesis that came out about half a decade ago. It says the Empire of Violence Strategies of British Rule in India and Ireland in the Aftermath of the Great War, and some of you may know if you’re of the Amritsar Massacre, which occurred on April 13th, 1919.
Peaceful Park Gatherers in Amritsar Mowed Down by Britain Brutally
And the Indian people were having a peaceful gathering in a park called Jallianwala Bagh in a city park. And it’s actually in the movie Gandhi, if you’ve seen it, I don’t care much for Gandhi, as some of you may know, for lots of reasons. But anyway, in that movie, they show the scene where people are gathering in Amritsar, which is one of the holiest cities of the Sikh religion, and the British and Gurkha troops just mowed down 379 unarmed demonstrators is quite, if you see it, you would bring tears to your eyes. And most of those who were killed were Indian nationalists, who were meeting to protest the British government’s forced conscription of Indian soldiers.
Remember, the British really again had very little resources, including soldiers, they would actually force the conscription of Indian soldiers to fight in their war – in their subjugation of the Indian people. And there’s, you know, you can find pictures of this, but essentially, people are in this park. And literally, they were just mowed down. Unarmed people. Okay? Just pure brutality.
Glimpses of Hidden History of Britain’s Brutality in Ireland – Bloody Sunday
Another one, if you’re of Irish descent, you may know is Bloody Sunday. And you know, every year it’s celebrated, this is in 2022, celebrated and remembered. And this is when, you know, 14 Civil Rights marchers were killed by British soldiers in one of the defining days of the North Ireland conflict. And that occurred about 50 years ago. And you can see the infamous killings. Of those 14 Civil Rights marchers were done by the Elite Parachute Regiment on January 30, 1972.
So I’m sharing these dates with you, because you can go back to 1770, you can go back to, you know, the 1800’s. And you can go back to the 1900’s. It’s constant, just brutality. Sorry to say that, and again, I’m not talking about the British hard working people. We’re talking about the British elites, who unleashes brutality. And yet we continue to honor this, and we celebrate this royalty and you have people celebrating this queen who’s still profits from it. And I just don’t understand it.
I don’t understand the psychology now years after in Ireland after pressure from the victim’s families. You know, the 12-year Bloody Sunday inquiry took 12 years to do this inquiry, also known as the Saville Inquiry later found that the victims had not posed a threat to the soldiers. That’s what’s important. And what also came out was that finally, Prime Minister David Cameron issued an official apology for the killings on behalf of his government confirming that those killed were innocent victims. Okay, so again, it was so clear that what occurred in Ireland was unjust, what occurred in Amritsar was unjust and so on.
How Britain Stole $45 Trillion from India
What I want to now take a step back to really understand the “follow the money” economy of it. Now, the narrative that a typical Indian is brought up when you’re young or, when many of the Indian Elites are brought up is “Oh, Britain did so much for India, we should be so happy they civilize these darkies,” right, they civilize the Africans, you know, they did so much for the American colonists, right? That’s typically what’s brought up.
And even the Indian historians were British trained, most of them will never really go down to the economics, and really understand what really took place, the amount of wealth transfer that took place, the narrative is you just see a bunch of poor Indians, you know, starving, and these people are just, you know, just poor people, and they have nothing and the white man liberated them. It’s really not true.
You have to ask your question, “Why did Columbus want to go to India?” “Why did everyone want to go to India?” Because India was producing 25%. At the time, the wealth of the world, 25% of the wealth of the world was from India, because just from a geographical perspective, you have the northern countries, which can have crops, as Utsa Patnaik, explains in her in her analysis, maybe one, one growing season, well in the South, you could have up to three growing seasons.
So you had places like India, which were growing cotton, and, and all sorts of incredible. All sorts of incredible resources, very, very resource rich, the United Kingdom was not resource rich, okay? They had really nothing to trade. Now. Utsa Patnaik’s analysis, which just came out, she was a economist, she said that she actually went and did an analysis by looking at British records, to really put a number on how much money was stolen from India, when you really add up the wealth that was taken.
And we’re going to see this and you’re going to see how clever the British Elites actually work. In the analysis she reveals that 45 trillion from India was taken out, that’s if you look at the British GDP, I think a British GDP is maybe $1 trillion. So, it’s 45 times more than the entire wealth of Britain even today.
And to understand how this happen. I’m just reading some excerpts. Because a common common story that she argues that we’re told is that, that, you know, the Empire was sustained for long and it was a gesture of British benevolence. But the new research that she shows, and she’s calculated between 1765–1938. Britain essentially drained a total of $45 trillion. Okay, $45 Trillion!
Let’s really understand how this happened. And by the way, to correct any false narratives, India was used to be called a “Golden Bird”, which was fairly accurate, as this writer says, because at the time India accounted for approximately 25% of global net wealth – 25%. If you think about the world economies, today’s around 600 trillion. So if you take 25% of that, that’s about 150 trillion in modern terms. If India had sustained that. But at that time, 25% of the net global wealth and India transitioned from that, from a prosperous nation to becoming a poor, quote, unquote, “developing nation, third world nation”, impoverished one that until the end of 1947. So basically, India was completely looted.
Become A Warrior Scholar
So how did this occur? So, again, I can’t overemphasize everyone, you haven’t to take the Foundations of Systems course, I encourage all of you to become Warrior Scholars, because when you take the course, by the you can get the book. If you go to We’ve made it extremely accessible to anyone, but you will realize that everything we do, whether I look at a Molecular System or Historical System, I start looking at Interconnections.
And what I did was from Utsa Patnaik’s work, I started actually doing a diagram because I mean, she’s a great intellect but it’s sometimes hard to follow this. What I did was I put into a diagram.
Let me explain this. What you see here is that pre-1764 are okay, remember, to give you a little bit of Indian History or World History in 1457 is when Vasco de Gama, the Portuguese Explorer comes to India and then people start coming into India. People came to India initially to trade. In the 15-1600s there was an emergence of entrepreneurs and traders coming up in India in all these different kingdoms.
So, the Dutch East India Company, the British East India Company, the French came, the Portuguese came. Portuguese, Dutch, French, the British came to trade with these emerging merchants all over India, because India had so much natural resources right. Textiles, Spices, Gold. India was a manufacturing powerhouse. Okay, seriously a manufacturing powerhouse. They knew how to make stainless steel.
So, what this diagram says. So, prior to 1764 the East India Company was the sort of the British conglomerate, right, Britain’s conglomerate that came to India. So, they would bring gold and silver. They would pay for that. So, gold and silver was used to pay for Indian goods from Indian producers and these Indian goods went to Britain, okay.
And these goods that went to Britain, Britain used to obviously, for their economy there, they used to also trade those goods with other countries to buy all sorts of things lumber, in fact, they used to fund from the capital they got for that, they could fund various activities, but remember, look, I just want you to look at this box or they used to pay for this with gold and silver. So, at this point, the trade was fair, pre 1764 Indians produced stuff, they made Indian goods, Britain got the goods and the East India Company traded in gold and silver, okay.
In 1764
Now, in 1764, the East India Company started moving towards being, remember the East India Company, the French, the Dutch, they all had their little companies and they would actually fight against each other. And in the Battle of Buxar, Britain actually won, they had got some leverage. And using that leverage, they were able to get tax revenue. This is again 1764. Remember, they’re collecting taxes in the United States. Their people started rebelling, but in India, after that battle, they moved into a taxation force.
Here you see after 1764, the East India Company, and just watch this. They from Indian producers, the Indians, they collect taxes, they collect quite a bit of taxes, and this tax revenue in rupees stays in India. And then they use these tax rupees, that’s the Indian currency to buy Indian goods. Notice there’s no more gold and silver here. So the East India Company, after 1764 through Britain takes taxes, they start collecting taxes, just again, this is where the brutality begins.
They start simply using brutality to force Indian people to give them taxes. So this tax currency in Indian Rupees stays in India. And then they take this tax revenue, which they got through brutality and use that to buy Indian goods. So this is basically simply called “STEALING”. Okay, this is basically called “STEALING”.
Someone says, “Prince Harry’s hell bent on taking down the Monarchy, you know, Harry wants to create his own Monarchy”, No Angela, He’s Not-So-Obvious-Establishment of the British Monarchy. Okay. He’s not really giving up much, but we’ll go more into that. But so this is what’s important instead.
So, Indian goods still flowed to Britain, but they’re not paying for it in gold and silver anymore. They’re paying using Indians’ own tax revenue to buy their goods. This is what you call stealing. And then Britain uses these goods for their economy, they use this to buy, they sell these goods on the open market and they buy timber, lumber, and they actually use this to fund wars all over the world.
Okay, because they’re not paying anything for this. They’re basically getting free Indian goods.
Britain Rapes Regions Goods to Fuel Wars
I hope everyone is following me. So they basically start raping, this is the first era right? They just take people’s taxes and they use those taxes in rupees to buy Indian producers goods, which go to England, and they use that to fuel their economy with those goods from the sale of those, buy timber and lumber to send to start industrializing Britain and also use those goods to fuel wars.
War in America Fueled by Indian Goods
Okay, so the war in America was fueled by Indian goods, when you really trace it back and that’s what Utsa Patnaik did. Now it gets even more interesting. One of the things we want to understand is something very important that occurred in 1857.
In 1857
So, remember first they start trading Britain, and they start collecting taxes by just strong-arming people, then they move into becoming an occupying force in the Battle of Plassey in 1857.
In Bengal, now in Bengalis some of the Indian revolutionaries were coming up like the American Revolution were fighting back, they said, Screw this, they were trying to fight back. And Britain basically said, we can’t have this. So they literally take over Bengal with brutal oppression. And they just seize control of Bengal.
And economically, they do something quite interesting. And this diagram explains it. Okay.
So what do they do? And let me explain this, because it’s going to, they go from the following. So what they do is, remember, the East India Company through Britain is collecting taxes from people. Now, there are people from the rest of the world over here, which also want Indian goods. Remember, India was next to the United States up until 1947, the number two exporter of goods next to the United States. That’s how wealthy India was, incredible wealth.
So what happens here, as you can see here, is that the rest of the world wants Indian goods. But what Britain does is they say, you can’t buy Indian goods. You can’t buy Indian goods directly. You have to go through us, we are the sole distributor of Indian goods to the world.
Think about what I’m saying. If anyone’s run businesses, imagine you getting an exclusive, imagine you get the exclusivity to sell iPhones in America, or you get the exclusivity to sell iPhones in Africa. So Britain through brutality to the rest of the world says that you can only get access to Indian goods through us, to the rest of the world.
Britain had Nothing to Trade with India
And how does Britain, so Britain does massive, just brutality in India, just I mean, just just brutality, I’m talking about killing people, putting people in famine, massacring people, cutting off the thumbs of Weaver’s, and we’ll get into that in another video who are producing Indian goods and we can go on, but it was just through sheer brutality.
Britain Prints Council Paper Bills to Buy Goods and Steals Gold
Remember, Britain had nothing to trade with India! So what did they do? It was just pure brutality. And again, I want to emphasize we’re not talking about the British people. We’re talking about the British Elites, okay. And so this diagram, the Systems Diagram explains what they did. So the rest of the world wants Indian products. So what Britain does is actually Britain tells the rest of the world to give them gold and silver. Britain takes that gold and silver into their banks. And they issue what are called Council bills, like essentially a new currency. And these Council bills were the only way you could buy Indian products.
So let’s say someone in Spain wanted to buy an Indian sari or they wanted to buy rice from India or wheat, they would have to give Britain gold and silver. So now Britain is amassing incredible amounts of gold and silver, which is really worth something. And then Britain issues Council bills to the let’s say the person in Spain, so let’s say they give $100 worth of gold, Britain issues $100 worth of this paper. This paper is what the Spanish trader gives to the Indian producer.
Look what’s happening here. The Indian who’s working his butt off making the product doesn’t get gold and silver, he’s getting something called a council bill. Okay. And in order for him to get the currency that he needs to trade, he takes that council bill over here and he goes to the Tax Office, which gives him rupees, which by the way these tax dollars, tax rupees were collected from taxes from the Indian producer.
He’s basically getting his money back in currency wise and they use his, those rupees for his own economy, the Indian goods then flow to Britain and then the British goods, the British goods from India, to the rest of the world. So the bottom line is, this is again, called stealing to the order of to you first of all tax the Indian people and you take their rupees, you don’t give them gold and silver. You tell the rest of the world you can’t send gold and silver in India. You got to give it to us. You issue a currency called Council bills, which is what those countries have to do. That’s the only way you could buy Indian goods.
And then the Indian producer who gets those Indian goods, then has to go and to the local tax office and he gets rupees, okay? So it’s a complete way of ensuring that the balance sheet of India never gets strong. The balance sheet of Britain is growing. Okay, they’re getting more and more and more gold raping India. And India’s balance sheet is going down and down.
Meanwhile, they’re exporting tons of products outside. So they’re exporting wheat at the detriment to their own people. 10 million people die in India from famine, because they’re exporting wheat.
Britain is getting the gold, Britain is amassing wealth. India is not getting anything out of the deal. Now the question is, why didn’t the Indian people fight back? Well they did, in Bengal, they fought back, but they were brutally suppressed. So it was pure brutality, that’s the best way I can explain it. And because Britain had set up such a massive operation in India, and the other thing that the British did well was they co-opted many of the Indian elites.
Today, there’s a System in India called the Indian Administrative Service, the British set up this entire Administrative Service of brown skinned Indians to control all the other brown skinned people.
It’s what happened in Africa. And so when you look at this, I mean, look, I don’t want to make a comparison. But there’s so much we hear about, you know, a guy called Adolf Hitler and the crimes that he did and Nazism and the brutality of the Holocaust. But he is clearly seen as an evil doer.
And but yet, the Queen, when you look at this picture here, right? These people are celebrated. They’re in the National Enquirer. They get public play every day. You know, they get to resurrect themselves, they get to rebrand themselves, they have a massive PR machine. And the obvious brutality, like of the Nazis, obviously, is exposed, and it’s called the Holocaust.
But what occurred to India, 10 million people at minimum dying, 45 trillion in revenue stolen, and yet we “Celebrate Royalty, you have the Queen’s Jubilee. I mean, imagine if we celebrated, you know, the, what is it the third Reich’s Jubilee? I think people would get really upset.
So we have to really ask, “Why is it that we continue to celebrate the Royalty?” And I would argue it’s the amount of money that was taken, the amount of public relations that’s done. And we have to understand that the British Empire, the Queen, still presides
over Parliament, she still meets with them. The Monarchy is not dead, it is not just a titular thing. And if you look today, and I’ve talked about this, in my earlier videos about the Atlantic Council, which comes out of Britain, they still control public policy all over the world, public policies controlled through the British Empire still, to this day. And this way, I want to emphasize to everyone the analysis I just did, and I’ll go back to it.
Britain Fills Coffers with Gold by Brutality
When you really look at this, you know, when you take a Systems Approach, you can take this knowledge and you’re able to draw the Systems Diagram, you can see that there’s no more gold going to India. So what Britain did very cleverly, if you look right up here, they literally created a local economy of paper, to basically take money from the Indians and give them back their own money.
Meanwhile, over here, they’re taking money from the rest of the world, and building the coffers of gold and silver in their bank accounts. And all of this was done through sheer brutality, brutality, brutality, nothing else, just brutality. You know, and then we’re told, you know, we get all these James Bond movies and the night movies, right, chivalry, it’s all bullshit.
I’m sorry. You’re looking at one of the very powerful public relations machines that was created out of the British Empire to always make them look as though they’re doing some noble service to everyone else. Everyone else is a bunch of low class, you know bumpkins, and they are the Elites. This is massive PR.
I encourage all of you to really think about this. And I encourage all of you to recognize that there’s been tons of paper and research done on this, the Indian, the British trained Indian historians very few of them will talk about this – Utsa Patnaik woman brought this out.
And I think what I’ve done here is to put it into a simple diagram. So you can see this, the idea is to make this accessible. And that’s why it’s really, really important. I can’t overemphasize that all of you. Please, learn Systems Thinking, learn the Foundations of Systems, do it for yourself, do it for your children, we’ve made it accessible to children all over the world, you can take the course, you can then become an educator, you can be a philanthropist, but we have to move beyond this left-right narrative, we got to move beyond the theater.
Because both wings of the establishment just keep dividing all of us. And they do this because they bank on the fact that you will not take a Systems Approach, you will just look at remember I talked about the Systems Approach is.
Big Elephant and Blind Men is a Reductionist Approach
You have the big elephant. And imagine being blind men, which is a Reductionist, which is the opposite of a Systems Approach, you have blinders on, and you touch the tusk and you think it’s a it’s a spear and, and someone else touches a tail, and they think it’s a brush, you don’t even see the whole elephant. And that’s the way those in power manipulate us. They see, they make us see little pieces, and they have us warring against each other. But when you take a Systems Approach like this, you see Britain is not so Great Britain, they’re not Great Britain, they’re Not-So-Great-Britain.
And it’s really, really in 2022, If we’re celebrating foolishly, this thing’s called a Jubilee and even having things called a Monarchy. And that’s why even when you look at something like NATO, it is a vestige it shouldn’t even exist. It is a vestige of the British Empire when you really look at it. But until you take a Systems Approach, you will not have the tools to explain this to other people.
So while I do this explanation, I really want all you guys to learn this, I hope you guys go to Take advantage of the Scholarship we’re doing. That’s where our movement is going. We want to educate people. The elections are selections. But if we educate enough people, and people start understanding this, and they learn how to take a Systems Approach, and then we can educate our children, particularly before they go to these things called colleges, then we may have an opportunity to significantly have impact and we can do this, but it is through education.
So again, before I leave, I want to emphasize to people, the book Systems and Revolution is now absolutely free. Please take it – just cover shipping and handling. Get it? And before. Let me see if there’s any interesting questions. John, are you seeing any good questions?
Okay, well, there’s a lot of good points here you can see it. Someone said, “looted my $50 trillion worth?” Yep, that’s right. $50 trillion worth of sterling. Yep. So please, look. So I’m not here to lament about the past, the issue is what can we do now? What we can do now is to take a Systems Approach. You can apply this to your Health, you can apply this to Politics, you can apply to, if you don’t want to be in Politics, or Health, Engineering Systems. But we live in a world of Systems.
And we need to get down to the truth of what’s going on, we need more of you to start doing these kinds of analysis and diagrams. I can’t do it by myself. But I can offer you the knowledge of how to take a Systems Approach. So you don’t have to go to MIT. So please do that. And take advantage of this. As I sign off, what I’m going to do is let me just go to this.
So if you go here, you can take the course, right, you get a Scholarship, it’s only $100 bucks to and get the book. And before I sign off, let me just play one video, which will show you all the things that we’ve put into the course and by the way, the course is not just a course. But we’ve created an entire environment where you can meet other people. We have hundreds of 1000s people all over the world. My vision is all over the world you guys start communing, interacting, looking at issues and start taking a Systems Approach, but we’ve created this gift for you. I hope you take advantage of this and Be well and let me just play this final video. Thank you.
Alright, everyone, I hope you have a good day. Hope that was valuable. And keep an eye out for our clips, in segments also, that will be coming shortly. Be well. Have a good night and become a Truth Freedom Health® Warrior. So this is not about just lamenting and talking about we can’t do this action by doing something and that’s something very tangible that you can do. As we say Get Educated or Be Enslaved. I hope you get educated. Be well. Thank you.

It’s time we move beyond the Left vs. Right, Republican vs. Democrat. It’s time YOU learn how to apply a systems approach to get the Truth Freedom Health you need and deserve. Become a Truth Freedom Health® Warrior.
Join the VASHIVA community – an integrated EDUCATIONAL, COMMUNICATIONS – independent of Big Tech -, and LOCAL ACTIVISM platform to empower YOU to actualize Truth Freedom Health in your local communities by employing a SYSTEMS APPROACH.
The platform we are building for Truth Freedom Health® provides the infrastructure to take on Big Tech, Big Pharma, and Big Academia. Many of you have asked how you can help. You can contribute whatever you can. Based on your level of commitment to get educated, I have also created some wonderful educational gifts to thank you for your contribution.
To get the education you need and deserve, join Dr.SHIVA on his Foundations of Systems course. This course will provide you three pillars of knowledge with the Foundation of Systems Thinking. The three pillars include: 1) The System Dynamics of Truth Freedom Health, 2) The Power of a Bottom’s Up Movement, and 3) The Not So Obvious Establishment. In this course, you will also learn fundamental principles of all systems including your body.
Course registration includes access to his LIVE Monday training, access to the Your Body, Your System tool, four (4) eBooks including the bestselling System and Revolution, access to the Systems Health portal and communications tools – independent of Big Tech – including a forum and social media for you to build community with other Truth Freedom Health Warriors.
This course is available online for you to study at your own pace.
It’s time to Get Educated, or Be Enslaved.