In this discussion, Dr. Shiva shares results from CytoSolve’s Molecular Systems Biology Analysis of the Strawberry and its effects on the Cardiovascular System. The discussion itself is a SYSTEMS presentation sharing the Science and Truth of the Cardiovascular System, how Freedom has been constrained so medical professionals are not trained in nutritional approaches to advance cardiovascular health as well as alternative solutions to pharmaceuticals, and the Health effects of Strawberries on the Cardiovascular System.
The original research in this video is made possible by generous contributions from supporters of the Dr.SHIVA Truth Freedom Health® movement. Please contribute so we may continue to bring you such origial research, valuable education, and innovative solutions.
cytosolve, strawberry, systems, cardiovascular system, called, compounds, shiva, endothelial cells, nitric oxide, science, people, arteries, capillaries, freedom, health, mv25, truth, enos, endothelial dysfunction, endothelial, heart, flower, health benefits, diabetes, vitamins
- Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD – Inventor of Email, Systems Scientist, engineer, educator – presents a CytoSolve®Molecular Systems Analysis on Strawberries & Heart Health.
- CytoSolve® technology is designed to take a Systems Approach and distilled nearly 6002 research articles, 147 clinical trials conducted over the past 138 years.
- Strawberries have phenolic compounds, anthocyanin and alkaloids. They include B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, Vitamin K, C, and E vitamins. The strawberry also contains potassium, phosphorus, calcium, and magnesium.
- Strawberries are known to have an anti-hypertensive effect, an anti-diabetic effect and an anti-atherosclerotic effect. Health Benefits include combating Cardiovascular Disease, such as hypertension, or an atherosclerosis, alleviation of diabetes, alleviation of obesity, alleviation of neuro-degeneration and cancer.
- Sourcing your strawberries in organic form is very important. Strawberries are like a sponge, for whatever is in the environment. Find organic strawberries or grow them yourself.
Good afternoon, everyone. It’s Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai. I hope everyone’s having a good Friday. Today we’re going to be talking about Strawberries and heart health. And we’re going to talk about what they don’t want you to learn, which is really the more of the establishment scientific, immediate community. And when I do this presentation, as you know, I do the analysis using CytoSolve®, which is a Molecular Systems Biology Analysis Platform.
We’re going to share the results of Strawberries and Heart Health from a molecular basis, but also from a very practical way. But more importantly, in today’s discussion, we’ve updated our presentation to actually present the knowledge from a Systems Approach. Some of you may know that, in a Systems Approach, we try to intersect and connect things.
The Power of a Systems Science
If you look at the scientific method, which leads to truth, you look at the fact that in order to get to truth and do science, you have to have freedom, which is the ability to communicate, discuss, and have discourse. And from freedom, you can get to the truth and with truth, you can have greater freedom because you can advance your knowledge. And when you have truth and freedom, then you can get to health and with health, you can be healthy, to fight for freedom, and get to truth.
So, we’re going to take a Truth Freedom Health®, a Systems Approach to actually just have this discussion, we’re going to do that as a part of our future presentations, because I want you not to only learn about Strawberries and Heart Health, just like we talked about learning about the real interconnection when it comes to free speech between government and Twitter.
But we want to educate everyone to take a Systems Approach, because when we take a Systems Approach, it’s hard to get fooled. And when you take a Systems Approach, it teaches you the interconnections among things. And that’s where the truth emerges. So that’s going to be the theme of all the presentations we do.
And so let me jump right into it. By the way, I’ll come back to this agenda, but we’re going to share the truth we’re going to talk about freedom issues involved in that stops from sharing the truth on even a topic like this, and then the health capabilities. And I’ll come back to this. For those of you who want to know more about what we do at VASHIVA, you can go to And you’ll come to the website, which will give you sort of the background of all the breadth of things we’re involved in.
But as I was saying, when we take a Systems Approach, you’re not just you know, into just your support for freedom and exchange of information, etc. You’re not just a scientist or a nerd, as into truth and innovation. And you’re not just someone who’s just into organic foods and health, you recognize that Truth Freedom Health® are intimately connected.
Journey to Systems
And this is something we teach over and over again, in our Systems course, which we’ve made accessible to everyone on the planet. But there’s an interconnection between freedom, truth, and health. And that’s how we’re present as I just talked about. As a part of this, people are joining, coming in. I always start by sharing with you why this Systems Approach is important, and my own Journey to Systems, so just take a few moments to watch this. We’ll be right back.
Alright, everyone, so that’s a quick background video. And those of you who are interested, I highly recommend you go to Take the Foundations of Systems™ course, I want all of you to take the course. Before I end, I’ll show you it’s not just a course, it’s a whole platform of education, community, and ways that you can interact and really learn.
But it really teaches you how to think, and you really can’t get this knowledge anywhere else. It took me years to put it together. Moreover, if you’re an adult, you get a $2,500 scholarship. And those of you who take the course, and successfully pass, it is pretty straightforward. And you can do it at your own pace, you can actually be a philanthropist, which means you can then give the course to children, anyone under the age of 18 or younger, it’s absolutely free.
You can be the sponsor who sponsors them through VASHIVA. So please take advantage of it because we’re in a world right now, where we need to educate people to go Beyond Left & Right and to really see things as they are. So that’s why all of this exists. On top of it, the book System and Revolution, now absolutely free, you can get – it’s really sort of a great textbook to read. It’s pretty straightforward to read. But you’ll learn a lot and it’s free, all you have to do is just cover shipping and handling. So please take advantage of that.
The Cardiovascular System and the Strawberry – A Systems Approach
Now, on to our agenda today. As I said, we want to take a Systems Approach to actually presenting the information. So first, we’re going to recognize that it’s important to understand the science and the truth, in this case of the Cardiovascular System. So, you’re going to learn that. Then we’re going to look at the Strawberry, its biological functions and health benefits, what’s actually been researched quite well, and we’ve put it together using CytoSolve®.
What you find is that the medical establishment essentially promotes singular Big Pharma solutions for Cardiovascular Health. And moreover, they also tie up doctors and they constrain their actual discussion of alternative approaches, including nutrition, I’ll share that with you. So that’s really the attack on freedom. This is why the truth doesn’t come out. Because if you’re a medical doctor and you say things that are counter to the establishment, you’re probably going to get your license revoked. You’re probably going to get admonished for that, so people are actually gagged.
And then finally, we’re going to talk about when you really look at the science and if you really have access to freedom to discuss that we can really start looking at the actual mechanisms and the health, which is what, fortunately, we’re able to do with CytoSolve®. And share that knowledge with you.
Through our Open Science Platform, which we’re doing today, you can understand how something like Strawberry interacts across multiple compounds, the mechanisms of action, and what the clinical evidence is. And also, we can talk about where it should be sourced, what’s the right way. So, we’re taking, again, a Systems Approach to the presentation of data, which is coming from a Systems Approach.
The Cardiovascular System
So, let’s talk about the Cardiovascular System. What is it? You’re going to get a quick education. And obviously, you can review this video, and you can share it with your friends. What is the Cardiovascular System, and if you look at it, it’s a System. So, it’s not just any one thing. The System is composed of an interconnection of multiple components.
The Transport System of the Body
Your Cardiovascular System includes your heart, right? It includes the blood vessels, and then obviously includes the blood, which flows through the blood vessels and gets pumped by the heart. So, this is basically an interconnection of multiple parts, we’re not looking at any one part.
So, the heart first of all, is a very powerful muscle. And it’s responsible for pumping blood, you can see it in the diagram over here, it’s the center. And if you place your left hand on the left side, most people have their heart over there. And you can see that the heart receives the blood coming from the lungs oxygenated blood, and it comes into the left atrium, which is the upper left chamber in your heart, and that gets pumped down through the left ventricle right over here, throughout all the vasculature, which means the blood vessels, right, so the blood is pumped through there, and we’ll talk about this vasculature.
Blood Vessels
And those blood vessels carry, you know, oxygenated blood. And then as the oxygen is utilized by your body, you have the deoxygenated blood, which comes back up here, into your right atrium, and then that then gets pumped into your right ventricle, which then goes into the lungs, or the deoxygenated blood. Obviously, as you breathe in, it gets oxygenated, and the cycle continues. So that’s really the Cardiovascular System.
And now remember, the blood is composed of blood cells, right. And plasma, so it’s composed of red blood cells, and plasma. And the red blood cells are the things that carry oxygen. And the white blood cells are the things that provide immune support. So, if you want immunity, you have to have good circulation. Very important people forget this Systems Approach. If you want good immunity, you have to have good circulation, so your blood, the white blood cells can get to the places you need them to go to. But anyway, this is a Cardiovascular System, heart, blood vessels and blood. So, let’s take a closer look at this system.
The vasculature, right Cardiovascular System consists and if you go back to this diagram, the arteries are the ones that are bringing oxygenated blood. In the veins, are the ones that are taking deoxygenated blood.
Represented in red are the arteries. So, you get arteries that are bringing oxygenated blood, and then you have arterioles, which are smaller, and that are bringing oxygen to your body. And then these are capillaries, which are very much smaller vessels that go into the minutiae of your organelles, and your cells and all that.
And then you have the removal of the deoxygenated blood through the venue venules. And then they go up through your vein back out. So, the vasculature consists of these: blood vessels, arteries, large blood vessels that carry oxygenated blood away from the heart; veins, large blood vessels that carry deoxygenated blood to the heart, okay.
And then capillaries, the smaller blood vessels that deliver nutrients and oxygen to the tissues itself. Now, the capillaries, which are the very fine vessels, are something we want to really focus on. If you want to get to the truth of understanding how to have a proper Cardiovascular System. The capillaries are everywhere, right? It’s sort of ubiquitous throughout your system. So, and the capillaries, we’re going to get into some detail understanding them.
Endothelial Function-Critical to Cardiovascular Health
And one of the things you’re going to learn today, something called, you may want to write this down called endothelial function, endothelial function. So, from a system standpoint, the endothelial function is critical to your overall Cardiovascular Health. All right, so how does this work?
Structure of Blood Vessels – Three Layers
Well, first of all, let’s go back and look at the arteries. Right now, the arteries are stuff coming, or is the thing that carries blood from the heart. And you can notice that the arteries consist of three layers.
Tunica Adventitia
They consist of a very thick layer right here you can see it’s called the tunica adventitia, okay, that’s the outer layer, which provides structural support and the shape so that’s the outer layer here, okay.
Tunica Media
Then you have the tunica media like middle media or the middle layer, and that’s composed of elastic, and musculature tissue, which regulates the internal diameter of the vessel. Okay? So that’s very thick here. You notice how pretty thick it is for arteries
Tunica Intima
And the tunica intima, or the inner layer. So that’s this inner layer here. And this is what consists of the endothelial lining. Okay, so these, this inner lining is composed of endothelial cells, and that you want it to be frictionless, right? Because that’s where you get a good flow of blood. If this starts calcifying, that’s where you start having problems.
So, you have the outer layer, the middle layer, which is very muscular, and then the inner layer, which is the intima, which is composed of endothelial cells. So, the arteries, remember carrying blood from the heart oxygenated blood denoted in red, it goes through the entire body, and then finally, it goes to the fine vessels called the capillaries, okay? Now, the capillaries, to be clear, are just composed of tunica intima, they don’t consist of all these layers, capillaries only consist of the tunica intima. And those are just made of endothelial cells, we’re going to take a closer look at this.
On the other side, as deoxygenated blood comes, those are carried through the vein through the venous valve, as you can see here, and you can see in this case, the for veins, you notice that you have the you in the vein case, you also have the outer layer and the inner layer, but you have thin walls, relatively thick tunica adventitia. Okay, so the outer layers are much thicker on veins, than they are on the arteries. So that’s a big difference there.
CytoSolve® A Revolutionary Systems Biology for Research and Discovery
Now, what we do is in order to understand this, we take a, to do all of our research, we use CytoSolve®. And I’m going to walk you through what CytoSolve® is. So you have the Cardiovascular System, you have something called a Strawberry, well, how do these two things interact? So, we take a Systems Approach and understand this and there’s a very powerful technology that I built for my PhD work many years ago. And that’s called CytoSolve®.
And CytoSolve®, was really motivated because we recognized the way pharmaceutical companies built medicines was, they can’t handle understanding herbs, they can’t handle understanding how food works. Why is that? Because food is not just one single chemical compound. Food is composed of many, many compounds.
$Trillion Pharma Industry in Peril
But pharmaceutical companies only work on a single compound, okay, a single molecule. And more than likely, this molecule is a synthetic molecule. So, when they want to do discovery, they take a synthetic compound, they put it in a test tube, that’s called In-Vitro and so perhaps in a test tube, they’ll throw cancer cells in or heart cells and say, “Hey, what happens when this compound is thrown in there?”
And if it does do something positive, and this may take years to do this work, then they go do animal testing, that’s called In-Vivo. And this may take another three years. This process could be up to three to five years, killing a lot of animals. If it makes it through this process, and they find the compound has efficacy, then they go to the FDA, and they say,” we want to test this on humans.” And there are three levels of testing: phase one, small number of humans; phase two mid-level number of humans; and 10s of 1000s, or hundreds of 1000s of humans, it’s called phase three. This takes around 13 years and $5 billion.
Current Drug Development Model Ineffective and Costly
The drug that comes out here could also have side effects. And if it does, people can sue the pharma companies, they can’t do this with vaccines, okay? This is why Big Pharma has moved into vaccines because this process makes it very difficult for them to get out drugs and be profitable and not be liable. So, as you can see, pharma companies spend a lot of money on R&D, and they’re finding less than less new drugs that are being approved.
Strawberry – Fragaria x ananassa, A Fruit or Flower?
Now, when you look at a Strawberry, a Strawberry is a multi-combination drug, it right doesn’t just have “one compound,” and I use that in double quotes. It’s a multi-combination drug meaning it’s got many compounds. And in the case of a Strawberry, its fleshy, edible and large receptacle flower is not a fruit, technically, strawberries actually a flower, and it belongs to the rosacea, rose family. And it’s an important fruit that’s in the Mediterranean, and it has medicinal properties attributed to vitamins and phytochemicals.
Science on Strawberry Using CytoSolve®
And if you look at the research that’s been done on Strawberries, there’s over 6002 articles written, 147 clinical trials, which means people have tested strawberries on humans. And it’s been studied for over 130 years, about 138 years. So quite a bit of work has been done on this.
Now what we’re capable of doing, pharmaceutical companies will never really research a Strawberry because they’d have to handle all the many compounds, with CytoSolve®, our technology. And I’ll give you a little bit more insight into it. We’re able to look at all those papers written, extract out the key molecular reactions, how Strawberry interacts with the Cardiovascular System, organize it, model it, and present it to you. So, we have a very different way of organizing that you can’t really find anywhere else in the world.
And so CytoSolve® is really this really very powerful platform for discovery. And I’ll share with you more about CytoSolve® shortly in the interest of time, when we talk about one of the products that we’ve discovered using CytoSolve®. But anyway, when you look at CytoSolve®, we use this technology to really understand the role of nitric oxide in endothelial function. So, what do I mean by that?
Role of Nitric Oxide in Endothelial Function
So, if you remember, when we want to look at the truth about the heart, we want to understand from a Systems Approach, so I just shared with you the whole Cardiovascular System,. Well the Cardiovascular system, remember, the surface of every vein, and every artery in every capillary is made up of endothelial cells. So, if you went into your bathroom, and you looked at tiles, think about the tiles into each individual tile being a cell. And those cells in the Cardiovascular System are called endothelial cells. And those cells line arteries, they line veins, and they line capillaries, okay.
So, if you want to have great Cardiovascular Function, these endothelial cells are essentially ubiquitous. So endothelial function, the research that we did when I was at MIT between Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard and King’s College in London, is we showed that the endothelial function and the relationship to nitric oxide when blood flow occurs, and I’m going to share that work that was done by CytoSolve®. So, you’ll get a deep scientific understanding of this. So, you can start really being someone who can educate others.
What is N=O?
So first of all, what is nitric oxide? Well, nitric oxide is a chemical. It looks like this. It’s a potent vasodilator. Okay, nitric oxide was the basis of creating this drug called Viagra, which creates vasodilation. And nitric oxide is extremely important to maintaining blood pressure. It’s anti-atherogenic, which means anti-arthrosclerosis, right. And it’s generated. So, a nitric oxide molecule, it’s created when another variable or another molecule called endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) catalyzes, which means converts arginine into nitric oxide.
So, you have arginine. So, you need to have arginine, which you can get from foods. And you have to have sufficient arginine in your body that eNOS converts arginine into nitric oxide. Okay, so if you have a diet that does not have enough arginine in it, you’re going to have problems, okay? Particularly L-arginine. So, you have L-arginine, that’s, it’s a free-form amino acid, eNOS converts L-arginine or catalyzes a conversion into nitric oxide.
Exercise Helps Blood Flow which Creates Movement of Endothelial for Conversion of L-Arginine, Catalyzed by enzyme eNOS, into Nitric Oxide Release
Now, one of the important things is when you exercise, this is why exercise is so important is that exercise results in the flow of blood. So, blood starts flowing. So, here’s your artery, blood starts flowing through it, and the blood flow through the artery touches the surface of the capillaries in the arteries, right? That results in the release of nitric oxide. So, our work at MIT really studied this. So, it’s really important to understand now from a systems standpoint, your endothelial cells, and the interaction of arginine, nitric oxide and eNOS so we’re going to go through that.
So, I’m looking at one capillary here, right here, let me zoom in a little more, so you can see this better. And what you notice here is these arrows represent blood flow. Shear stress, what does shear mean?
Role of Nitric Oxide
Shear stress is a term from mechanical engineering, which means that if this is a wall, I could have blood flow going perpendicular to it, right? So that’s not shear stress, but if you have flow going tangential to the object, that’s called shear stress, okay? This is normal stress. So, here’s something and let’s say put force on that that’s normal stress, this is shear stress, okay.
So, when you exercise or you run, blood flows, which is a shear stress, and this shear stress of blood flow in the presence of arginine, eNOS activation, this is another chemical, endothelial nitric oxide synthase converts this arginine, okay, to nitric oxide as well as L-citrulline. For today’s discussion, we’re focused on nitric oxide and nitric oxide is very, very important for vasodilation which is important for maintenance of blood pressure.
Let me repeat that. You exercise and the arginine from the shear stress in the presence of eNOS is converted to nitric oxide. You need exercise, you need arginine, you need eNOS. There you go. So, it’s a systems problem here. So, blood flow over the endothelial cells causes NL production, endothelial nitric oxide synthase, eNOS, converts the L-arginine to nitric oxide and citrulline and nitric oxide production leads to vasodilation. and maintenance of blood pressure.
Proper Diet, Nutrition and Exercise Affect Cardiovascular Health
So, again, we’re looking at a Systems problem here, it’s not any one thing, you have to have a proper diet, L-arginine, you have to have enough, eNOS, you know, in your blood, and then you get nitric oxide conversion. And you’ve got to exercise, you’ve got to have blood flow. If you’re not exercising, and you don’t have a proper diet, it’s going to be hard for you to maintain your blood pressure. Okay, and you’re seeing this at a Molecular Systems level. If this hasn’t been explained to you, you’re seeing this at a very detailed level. All right, so you’re going to be experts at this.
Now I’m even going to go even closer. Let’s literally zoom in. Remember what I said that if you look at the surface of the capillary artery, there are those tiles. And those tiles, think of them like your bathroom tiles, the surface. In this case, those tiles are endothelial cells, okay, endothelial cells. The surface of your lungs are epithelial cells. Okay? So different organs have different cells.
Nitric Oxide Production in Endothelial Cells
So, your Cardiovascular System, the key is the endothelial cells. And what I’m zooming in here now, is we’re looking in closely at the surface of just one of those endothelial cells, so here’s an endothelial cell. Okay? And here’s blood flow coming. It’s those arrows.
Glycocalyx Structure
And what do you see on the surface of the endothelial cell? It’s pretty cool. Over here, I want to put your attention right here, if you see my cursor here, swirling it, there is a Christmas tree like structure that juts out of the cell called the glycocalyx. Okay, so here’s the surface of the cell.
A Mechanotransduction Event
And there’s this structure called the glycocalyx. It was only about 10 years ago that this structure was confirmed, there was a lot of controversy among scientists whether it even existed. So, the glycocalyx, which literally is like a Christmas tree, is here. So, when blood flow comes, right, so when blood flows, guess what happens? This starts shaking. It’s a physical structure.
And if you take our course Foundations of Systems™, you’ll learn an interesting phenomenon called conversion or transduction, where one type of energy can be converted to another type of form. So, motion of the glycocalyx results in a chemical reaction taking place. That’s called mechanotransduction. Mechanical activity is transduced or transformed to chemical action, okay. And that’s what we’re seeing here.
This flow of the shear stress, right here, the glycocalyx starts moving. And through a series of chemical reactions, which took scientists across the world different pieces of these chemical reactions are discovered by different scientists, and CytoSolve® put it all together. That’s the power of CytoSolve®. We don’t just look at pieces, like the blind man looking at different parts of the elephant we put it all together. So, when the glycocalyx moves, different chemical reactions occur, and from these chemical reactions, voilà, you get nitric oxide release.
What are those chemical reactions? Again as blood flow over the endothelial cells moves, the glycocalyx structure, the mechanical force on the glycocalyx eNOS initiates conversion of L-arginine to nitric oxide by the enzyme eNOS. So, you got to have the glycocalyx working properly, you got to have flow. So, imagine there’s a lot of crud on the endothelial right, you get calcification, it’s going to be difficult. Okay, so you got to have clean arteries.
Well, in order to have clean arteries, you need to have proper diet, proper food, right? Proper exercise, okay? But this glycocalyx it’s a very, very cool structure, okay. You need to have the glycocalyx activity to result in all of these very powerful activities taking place.
CytoSolve® In-Silico Results Validation
So, what CytoSolve® was able to do is we were able to look at all the literature I shared with you find out all these little molecular pathways, all these ball and stick diagrams, and then convert them into mathematical models and using the powerful technology of CytoSolve®, put them together to get for the first time in science, a mechanistic, mathematical model of all those chemical reactions on the computer, so we don’t have to kill animals.
And then using that model, we were able to simulate the actual release of eNOS, okay, the eNOS, which is a synthase. So here is CytoSolve® prediction without killing animals by computing all those molecular reactions, and predicting over time how much eNOS will get released.
Well, is this true? A lot of people didn’t believe CytoSolve® could do this. So, they wanted the actual laboratory experiments because this is on the computer. And so, Andrew Coo, one of our colleagues at MIT at the time, who’s working with Brigham, and Harvard, did those experiments and you can see those orange dots and look how beautifully they fall on that line. So, our line is a CytoSolve® simulation and this is the actual wet lab simulation.
And same with when we looked at the eNOS protein, this is our prediction, and that CytoSolve®. Okay, I mean, this is CytoSolve® prediction, that’s a wet lab. So, this was a very important discovery, because two things: first of all, we were able to mathematically model nitric oxide released from shear stress, and we were able to validate that our computational computer simulations match the wet lab results. And this was published in a very, very prestigious journal called “Cells: Biophysical Journal,” I was one of the senior authors along with others, a great team of people we worked with at MIT, Harvard, etc.
Open Science Institute
But so, what you’re seeing here that I’ve just shared with you here is the Scientific Systems Truth. And by the way, for those of you want to be part of this, all of this is brought to you by the CytoSolve® Open Science Institute, we do this research for the public. And those of you who are interested in this, you can go to And you can scroll down, you’ll find the Open Science Institute on the page. And if you go there, you can actually contribute if you want to, you can contribute for different research programs. Here’s a Cardiovascular Program.
And by the way, when you contribute, I don’t want to just get something for nothing nor our institute. But when you contribute, we actually give you about 15 different gifts, and access to the Foundations of Systems™ course, which I’ll do a little video on. But you get access to as this diagram here shows you get access to books and knowledge and community and courses. So, you can become a System Scientist yourself, okay? So, I want you to take advantage of that. And you can go to directly to do that. If you don’t want to, you can either contribute and get the course. So, if you contribute $100 or more, you get the course you can just go join.
And as I mentioned earlier, I want all of you to take a Systems Approach. So please also think about that you have the opportunity if you want just to get the book itself, because we’ve made the book accessible for people for free, just cover shipping and handling.
Science and Truth – The Strawberry
So, when we…so we’ve looked at the Cardiovascular System, right, so that’s over here, and now you eat a Strawberry, what are the effects of that Strawberry on that Cardiovascular System? So, we have to understand what is a Strawberry? What is the Strawberry composed of? Well, what’s the Science and the Truth of the Strawberry?
Composition – Macronutrients
Well, the Strawberry, first of all, it has a lot of dietary fiber. So, if you have 100 grams of Strawberry, right? That’s about two grams of it is fiber, a half, about .6 grams per cup of Strawberries, proteins, and fat is .3 grams, okay? So, it’s got more protein than fat about double but most of it is dietary fiber, and these are called the macro nutrients: fiber, protein, and fat. Those are called the macronutrients.
Composition – Micronutrients and Vitamins
The micronutrients are the vitamins, the minerals, the phenolic compounds, the anthocyanins, and the alkaloids. Okay, so what are those? And I’m sorry, so Strawberry has those plus it also has B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, Vitamin K, C, and E. Strawberries got a lot of different vitamins also.
Composition – Minerals
Now, if you take 100 grams of Strawberry, 456 grams is in one pound. So, it’s about a quarter of a pound. Right? So, it’s got potassium, lots of potassium, phosphorus, calcium, and magnesium. So that’s the minerals that a Strawberry has.
Composition – Major Phenolic Compounds
Now, it also has some very important phenolic compounds. The phenolic compounds very important because these are the compounds that can have very powerful medicinal effects, okay, in addition to those other things, so it’s got p-Coumaric acid, pelargonidin 3-glucoside, fisetin, catechin, quercetin, which you may have heard of, and cinchenine okay. But these are the six I mean, there are others, but these are the major phenolic compounds that have been focused on in strawberries. And this is what they look like.
Composition – Active Compounds
I always like putting up these chemical structures because these are the active compounds. Now drug companies just try to go find a single compound. And they’re typically not natural compounds, they’re synthetic compounds. But these six compounds are natural compounds in a Strawberry. So, remember what I shared with you earlier. How does a drug company ever able to study Strawberry, because they’re not used to that, they’re just used to studying a single compound. But if you were to eat a Strawberry, you’re getting all of these six compounds and others in combination. And that is what uniquely CytoSolve® can do. Because we can vary the combination, we can compute trillions of equations, etc.
And I’ll give you an example of behind me is a very cool a bottle of something called mV25™. For years, we’ve been helping many, many other companies that CytoSolve® really developed products that work, where we model let’s say, Brain Health on the computer or Cardiovascular Health and we look at how these compounds work on the computer we can compute without killing animals. But that’s what CytoSolve® allows us to do.
Biological Effects of Strawberry
Now, what are the Biological effects of Strawberry? Well, it’s anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-hyperlipidemic, which means it breaks up fat, and its anti-hypertensive. This is what we’re going to focus on today for Cardiovascular Health. Before I go there, we also need to understand that Health Benefits of Strawberries, Cardiovascular Disease, such as hypertension, or an atherosclerosis, alleviation of diabetes, alleviation of obesity, alleviation of neuro-degeneration and cancer. So, it’s quite a valuable fruit. And again, all of this is coming from the literature and us organizing it.
All right. Now, before I go here, I want to talk about mV25™. Because for two reasons, fr years, for 16 years, we’ve been building CytoSolve®, doing this kind of science, created the Open Science Institute, so we can do this kind of research and share it with you. But more importantly, about two years ago, we said, “Hey, why don’t we actually start using CytoSolve® to look at compounds in nature?” And could we create a product without killing animals that could really support pain and inflammation or alleviate pain and inflammation, and that resulted in the creation of mV25™.
I’m going to play a video for you, so you can understand how CytoSolve® can be used for discovery.

And by the way, you can go to, the shop site I just put up, and you can look it up right there. And as we mentioned, it’s Optimized by CytoSolve®. And also, our commitment is as a new science comes we’ll constantly be updating the formula. So, you may want to go check it out, go right to the shop, and you can find it there.
System of Endothelial Dysfunction
Alright, Fso we’ve talked about the Science of the Cardiovascular System, we’ve talked about the Science of Strawberry what it contains. But we wanted to recognize that, in spite of what I’ve shared with you on the talk today, if you were to go to just sort of mainstream media or mainstream science, the problem is there’s an attack on freedom, because if you really want to educate people, and you want to get down to the System of Endothelial Dysfunction, or Endothelial Function, and talk about the fact that the goal is to support the endothelial, right, nitric oxide, etc. and how, let’s say Strawberries, we’re going to get to how that may help it or diet and nutrition.
Singular Pharma Solutions and Constraints on Medical Doctors
The reality is the existing Establishment does not really support this alternative discourse. So, there’s really, as I say, a really, an Attack on Freedom and this is what we’re saying, we’ve established the Truth, we can do Science. But if you have an Attack on Freedom, where pharma essentially promotes their singular pharma solutions, they own most of the media. And there’s constraints on Medical Doctors that we’re going to talk about, it’s hard for this truth to come out. So that’s why I encourage all of you to share these videos because we’re presenting the science so people can make their own decisions.
Attack on Freedom – Reductionist Narrative in Scientific and Media Establishment
But the reality is, in the Establishment world of Mainstream Science, there’s really no holistic understanding center, and all of it’s just really centered around cholesterol, cholesterol, cholesterol. All a doctor will tell you is lower your cholesterol, lower your bad cholesterol. That’s it, that’s all you’ll get this reductionist narrative and the emphasis is always on treatment, not on prevention. And there’s an over reliance on drugs, statins, blood thinners, etc.
Follow the Money
By the way, when I was in India, recently, as I mentioned, the pharmaceutical industry is moving into these indigenous countries like India, we found a number of people just in their mid-30s, that are all on blood pressure medication. And India has about 300 million middle class and they spend about let’s say, 1000 rupees in a year on blood pressure medications. Imagine having 300 million middle class out of the 1.3 billion people all on a blood pressure medication. You’re looking at around 300 billion, right? 300 billion rupees, okay? And if you divide the 300 by 75, that’s roughly about, you know, just there, it’s about 5 billion, right $5 billion per year just from that small group.
So, there’s a real, if you follow the money here, to really not discuss the Cardiovascular System, as I’ve shared with you today, but this is sort of the reductionist narrative and there’s no consistent guidelines on diet or exercise. In fact, there’s no discussion on alternatives by and large and if you go pick up the newspaper in the news, what you’ll see is these kinds of ads, right?
Here’s the guy who, you know, invented the artificial heart, they have him as a spokesman for Lipitor, or, you know, medical, I mean, aspirin or Arbitraer or Eliquis, or Entresto. All right. I mean, aspirin, I suppose, is a little bit less invasive in some sense, but this is what you’ll get. And you can see the explosive growth of these industries year over year over year in terms of the number of sales, this around $60 billion in card in drug sales, for example, that’s what’s projected in 2023.
Pharma Promotes Drug Based Solutions
So, the pharma companies have a real intention of promoting drug based solutions versus teaching you about the Cardiovascular System. And moreover, here’s something very interesting, in our research, we found out that even it’s a big admission that cardiologists that came out in Cardiovascular business, lack education and the willingness to discuss nutrition.
A recent study found in 2017, that most Cardiologists lack heart healthy diet and up to date nutrition education. In fact, here’s a PubMed article: there’s a deficiency of nutrition education in cardiology. And Cardiologists, frankly, just neglect to refer patients to dietitians. And a recent study also found most Cardiologists lack heart healthy diet and nutrition education.
Think about what I’m saying here. You’ve learned a lot today about, hey, John, can you just take this phone call? And figure out what it’s about? Thanks. Sorry about that. So, what you find here is that fundamentally, there is not only is there promotion of drugs as a mainstream establishment, but there’s also the lack of dietary education that the doctors are getting.
So, this is what we call the constraint on freedom because you choke information. All right? So, I want to so this gives you a political angle, it gives you a Systems Approach. So, when you have an attack on freedom, a lot of the knowledge I’m sharing with you here really never gets out of the mainstream public. Alright, so that’s why it’s important that we support the work that we’re doing here.
Health Effects of Strawberry on Cardiovascular System
Now if we go to the Health, so now we understand the Science, the REAL Science, and we understand the opposition to that Science. And we can see now applying CytoSolve® the effect of Strawberry from a Heart Health standpoint on the Cardiovascular System. So, let’s go into that.
First of all, as we mentioned, strawberries are known to have an anti-hypertensive effect, an anti-diabetic effect and an anti-atherosclerotic effect. And these are those chemicals, those compounds that are involved, all naturally occurring compounds.
Alright, now we’re going to go in to understand how these compounds affect your Cardiovascular System at the molecular level. And again, you won’t see this in an ad on Tucker Carlson, okay, or on CNN or on Fox, okay, but you can get it here.
Catechins Activate eNOS
First of all, there are different Molecular Pathways. One of the important chemicals in Strawberries is this thing called catechin. Okay, what catechin does is remember, I said that you want catechins from the strawberries, activate this eNOS, remember, the endothelial nitric oxide synthase and enzyme response for NO in the endothelial cells.
They activate eNOS, okay, which is very, very important, right? So that’s one effect. And the NO activates enzyme soluble guanylyl cyclase, SGC.
So, this thing results in nitric oxide. And guess what the nitric oxide does? Okay, because when you get eNOS, you get nitric oxide and the eNOS, I mean, the nitric oxide activates this enzyme SGC, soluble guanylyl cyclase, SGC. And SGC is important to convert GTP to cGMP, two chemicals.
Anti-Hypertensive Effect
Now, why is cGMP important? Because that’s in the smooth muscle cells surrounding those blood vessels I showed you, leading to their relaxation and basal relaxation promotes antihypertensive effect on the blood cells. So just to summarize, catechin activates eNOS, a very good thing. ENOS will result as we showed earlier tonight, nitric oxide, nitric oxide results in SGMP, which is really good to relax your blood vessels, leading to vaso-relaxation. So catechin helps relax your smooth muscle, and catechin, as you can see, is found in Strawberries.
Anti-Diabetic Effect
But not only that, there’s another chemical, p-Coumaric and quercetin. So, two more chemicals here. So catechin helps the smooth muscle relaxation, but p-Coumaric acid and the quercetin, these two molecules here also have another very powerful effect. The endothelial dysfunction is – you don’t want that right. That means your endothelial cells are not working properly and this is caused by oxidative stress and this is induced by superoxide and hydrogen peroxide in your bloodstream, okay?
So, if you’re under, if you have oxidative stress, you’re producing all of these negative species, you’re going to have endothelial dysfunction. And look what happens, p-Coumaric acid from the strawberries and quercetin affects NRF2. And what NRF2 does, right NRF2 leads to these two chemicals. Okay, and these two chemicals, then superoxide dismutase can be used to stop superoxide as well as catalase, which stops hydrogen peroxide, and by stopping these two things, which promote endothelial dysfunction, which lead to diabetes.
Simply put, p-Coumaric acid and quercetin create, they upregulate NRF2 and NRF2 is a valuable molecule, because that promotes these two antioxidant enzymes: superoxide dismutase and catalase and these two enzymes. These two very powerful enzymes block hydrogen peroxide, they block superoxide and by blocking these, which are the key initiators of endothelial dysfunction, you stop anti-diabetic effect, right, which a lot of people with cardiovascular disease have. So, again, these two important chemicals from strawberries.
Anti-Arteriosclerotic Effect
And then finally, anti-arteriosclerotic effect, this is a hardening of the arteries. Again, let’s go back here. There’s another very important chemical right, that you find kaempferol and quercetin. Again, quercetin from the Strawberry guess what it does? It goes and blocks the superoxide which also has the effect of converting LDL to Ox-LDL. Remember, LDL is a low density lipoprotein. LDLs are the quote unquote “bad cholesterol,” bad cholesterol, okay, that gets oxidized to Ox-LDL due to oxidative stress under an endothelial dysfunction.
So, if you have endothelial dysfunction, your body is generating this superoxide which takes your “bad cholesterol” and oxidizes it to Ox-LDL. You don’t want that okay. But what the quercetin does, it blocks this. And by blocking this, you stop plaque formation, which is atherosclerosis, because Ox-LDL is involved in plaque formation. So, kaempferol and quercetin, which also come from strawberries, eat up the superoxide. And they stop the creation of Ox-LDL, which causes plaque formation. So, lowering oxidative stress prevents formation of Ox-LDL, and development of atherosclerosis due to the arterial plaque formation. Alright. So, there you go.
Western Biology Perspective
Now, what we’ve just covered from a Western Systems Biology scientific perspective, is how Strawberries, the chemicals in Strawberries, can work synergistically. And this is what we’ve discovered with CytoSolve®,, just like we discovered mV25™, to literally affect multiple pathways to have a positive effect on Cardiovascular Health.
Now, in our Foundations of Systems™ course, we not only take Eastern Western Science System sides, but we also integrate it with Eastern Science and Engineering Systems, which all of you can learn.
Eastern & Engineering Systems Approach
So, I can also take a very different approach. I can take an Eastern Approach, and an Engineering Systems Approach to understand strawberries by the way, there’s a tool called Your Body, Your System®, that if you sign up for the Warrior course you get it, it’s included.
You can also get access to understanding the body as a system, having three forces: transport, conversion, storage. I’m not going to go into the details of this, you’ll learn this in our course. But your body, when you take the course, can use this tool, Your Body, Your System® answer a set of questions, it’ll find out what kind of system you are. Now, the red dot in this triangle can move to different location doesn’t matter your bad or good if it’s in the center, but that’s where your body is, you can answer a different set of questions and the black dot represents where you are today. Now, ideally, your black dots should be on the red dot, which means you’re in balance with yourself. But if you’re not, the tool will teach you how to bring the black dot too the red dot. By the way this is Your Body, Your System®.
And by the way, if you don’t want to be a Warrior, and you contribute a nominal amount, you actually get access to this tool and the book everything so please take advantage of that you can be a supporter, but using this tool. Separate from CytoSolve®, we’ve mapped out what Strawberry does. So Strawberry decreases Transport, the forces of motion, okay. It increases pitta which are the forces of Conversion like digestion, and it increases kapha which are Structural aspects. Okay. So, you can take an Eastern Approach to understand how Strawberry affects these different forces in your body.
How much should you take? Well, freeze dried strawberries, FDS, you can get it as a beverage for hypertension. This is research so we’re basing this on actual evidence: 50 grams of the freeze dried Strawberry, that’s been shown to have a very good positive effect for hypertension. You can also take freeze dried Strawberry beverages and this was research that was done for cholesterol control, again 50 grams FDS per day. Okay. So again, to give you some idea about 50 grams, and this is freeze dried strawberries, just a little more concentrated, and have positive effects on hypertension and cholesterol control. Alright.
So, the other important thing to understand is we want to talk about sourcing. Where should you get your Strawberry from? Do you just go eat any Strawberries? Remember, Strawberries are like a sponge, for whatever is in the environment. So, if you’re getting Strawberries that are highly pesticide, with a lot of pesticides, it’s not a good thing, because all of that pesticide is going to grow like a sponge into the Strawberries. So, I want to make this comment.
Otherwise, it would be misleading, say oh just go eat Strawberries all day, you know, if they’re filled with pesticides, so organic Strawberries are preferred. Organic Farming processes produce healthier fruits. Obviously, you can grow Strawberries yourself, they actually taste better, they smell better.
You know, when I was in India recently, what’s interesting is sort of, you go to the villages and you can really smell the vegetables, you go to the small stores, the foods actually smell in a good way. When I go to the stores in the United States, nothing really smells anymore.
But organically grown Strawberries are more nutritious, higher vitamin C, more phenolic compounds, more potassium, phosphorus, and antioxidants and this is from research that’s been done. And the Strawberries are better for soil and the environment.
So as a part of that, I want to also let all of you be aware, you know it is our movement and one of the organizations that we have that actually created the Certified Clean and Certified Raw seal, you’ll find it on products. And this is going way beyond organics, if you see the organic certified clean, it means that it was safely produced from farm to table, it was minimally processed, and bioavailability of nutrients.
Okay, so in summary, Strawberry has several benefits for Cardiovascular Health, the catechin from Strawberry up-regulates and releases the vasodilator NO, which lowers hypertension. You also have Strawberry – promotes up-regulation of antioxidant enzymes that mitigate diabetes via down-regulation of endothelial dysfunction that causes oxidative stress, caused by oxidative stress. Strawberry compounds also prevent atherosclerosis by down regulating oxidative stress that causes plaque formation and hardening of the arteries.
The journey that we just went on, we didn’t just take a health approach. We didn’t just take a Freedom approach, we didn’t take a Truth approach, we gave you all three, we took a Systems Approach to discussing a Molecular System. So, I hope this is valuable. And this is what our movement is about for Truth Freedom Health®. We really want to educate the world.
And all of you – to take a Systems Approach to Health, a Systems Approach to Science, a Systems Approach to Freedom, because we can’t be in a world where you just have people just talking about fighting for freedom, or people just doing truth or people just take care of the health. All of these are integrated and that’s what I just shared here. So, I can’t overemphasize one of the best ways you can support the work that we do.
People are asking, how can we help you Dr. Shiva? Well, the best way you can help me is for you to get educated. So go to And sign up for the Foundations of Systems™ course to become a Warrior Scholar. I used to teach his course all over the world, we used to charge thousands of dollars, but it doesn’t make it accessible to working people who don’t have the opportunity to make that kind of money.
$2500 Scholarship to Foundations of Systems™ Course
So, I’m giving a $2,500 scholarship to everyone – take advantage of it includes a whole set of capabilities, which I’ll play a video on beforehand. But please do that. And if you’re an adult 18 plus, when you take the course you get an annual membership, all these tools, which I’m going to share with you. But more importantly, you can also become, after you pass the course, an agent of change, and you can become a philanthropist, you can then offer this course to as many children 18 and younger, absolutely free.
Become a Warrior Scholar and a Philanthropist to Create the Future of Systems Thinkers for Truth Freedom Health
So, think about what I’m saying – the Science of Systems which teaches people how to think Beyond Left & Right, Beyond Black & White. It’s a very powerful curriculum, you can raise your consciousness for a nominal amount, you get a scholarship and then you can become a philanthropist. You don’t have to be a billionaire. I’m essentially enabling you to become a catalyst for change where you can offer this course to as many people as you want unlimited, okay, because my commitment is I think that kids of the modern world are not learning what to think but how to think, and Systems Education teaches them “How to Think”.
And then moreover, get the book System and Revolution. It’s absolutely free. You just pay for shipping and handling; you can also get that at, and I’ll play that too, the you can see the scroll here. So, I hope you recognize that we’re building an educational movement. It’s based on innovation and truth. It’s based on science. It’s based on health, and it’s based on freedom.
And I’ll wrap up with playing a video for all of you. And I hope you all have a very good weekend and tomorrow by the way, I’ll be doing a video of an another part of my trip to India where I went up to the mountainous region in Deep South India, where it’s called the Hill Country and I’ll share with you some wonderful pictures and stuff from there and how different that is in a little way and then on Sunday, we’re going to be doing a talk on Blueberries and Cardiovascular Health as a part of this series and I hope you enjoy that.
So let me just play a quick video on the Foundations of Systems™. Of course feature video I want all of you guys to become Warrior-Scholars, and really advance yourself for Truth Freedom Health®. Let me just play this video. Be well, have a good weekend.
Alright, everyone, I hope that was valuable. I look forward to seeing you shortly. We’ll be doing more videos. Thank you, be well, have a good weekend.

It’s time we move beyond the Left vs. Right, Republican vs. Democrat. It’s time YOU learn how to apply a systems approach to get the Truth Freedom Health you need and deserve. Become a Truth Freedom Health® Warrior.
Join the VASHIVA community – an integrated EDUCATIONAL, COMMUNICATIONS – independent of Big Tech -, and LOCAL ACTIVISM platform to empower YOU to actualize Truth Freedom Health in your local communities by employing a SYSTEMS APPROACH.
The platform we are building for Truth Freedom Health® provides the infrastructure to take on Big Tech, Big Pharma, and Big Academia. Many of you have asked how you can help. You can contribute whatever you can. Based on your level of commitment to get educated, I have also created some wonderful educational gifts to thank you for your contribution.
To get the education you need and deserve, join Dr.SHIVA on his Foundations of Systems course. This course will provide you three pillars of knowledge with the Foundation of Systems Thinking. The three pillars include: 1) The System Dynamics of Truth Freedom Health, 2) The Power of a Bottom’s Up Movement, and 3) The Not So Obvious Establishment. In this course, you will also learn fundamental principles of all systems including your body.
Course registration includes access to his LIVE Monday training, access to the Your Body, Your System tool, four (4) eBooks including the bestselling System and Revolution, access to the Systems Health portal and communications tools – independent of Big Tech – including a forum and social media for you to build community with other Truth Freedom Health Warriors.
This course is available online for you to study at your own pace.
It’s time to Get Educated, or Be Enslaved.