In this discussion, Dr. Shiva shares results from CytoSolve®’s Molecular Systems Biology Analysis of Kale and their effects on Cardiovascular Health. The discussion itself is a SYSTEMS presentation sharing the Science and Truth of the Cardiovascular System, how Freedom has been constrained so medical professionals are not trained in nutritional approaches to advance Cardiovascular Health, as well as alternative solutions to pharmaceuticals, and the health effects of Kale on the Cardiovascular System.
The original research in this video is made possible by generous contributions from supporters of the Dr.SHIVA Truth Freedom Health® movement. Please contribute so we may continue to bring you such origial research, valuable education, and innovative solutions.
Key Points
- Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD – Inventor of Email, Systems Scientist, Engineer, Educator – presents results from CytoSolve®’s Molecular Systems Biology Analysis of Kale & Cardiovascular Health.
- CytoSolve® technology is designed to take a Systems Approach and distilled 23,647 research articles, 387 clinical trials over the span of 118 years.
- Kale has the most nutrient dense food with 21 Key molecules. Kale composition includes fiber, protein, fat, vitamins, minerals, bioflavonoids, and carotenoids. And seven key molecules for Cardiovascular Health: Lutein, Zeaxanthin, Vitamin C, Rutein, Quercetin, Sinapic Acid, and p-Coumaric Acid.
- Kale is anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-diabetic, anti-cancer, gastro- protective, anti-atherosclerotic, and a probiotic for your gut. Health benefits include helping with cardiovascular health, vision health, prostate health, immune health. It also promotes NO production, which leads to vasorelaxation and lowers hypertension.
- Kale promotes upregulation of antioxidant enzymes and neutralizes reactive oxygen species which mitigate diabetes, downregulating via Endothelial dysfunction caused by oxidative stress. And then finally, Kale compounds prevent atherosclerosis, by down regulating oxidative stress that causes plaque formation and hardening, hardening of the arteries.
kale, system, CytoSolve, understand, nitric oxide, science, health, body, endothelial, shiva, research, freedom, capillaries, truth, good, va, carotenoids, mV25, superoxide, kidney, heart, oxalates, goiter
Welcome, everyone. Good evening. It’s Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai. I hope everyone is getting ready for your weekend. And today we’re going to be having a very interesting discussion on a very important vegetable, which many of you know about. And it’s called Kale. We’re going to be talking about Kale, and Cardiovascular Health. But we’re also going to be talking much more about this important Vegetable. Many of you know, Kale is a very nutrient dense vegetable, I’m going to be talking about Kale.
What You Will Learn Today
But one of the things I want to start doing is nothing is positive or negative alone. There is no Pro and Anti here. I’ve been focusing on the benefits of many of the vegetables or fruits I’ve covered. But I also want to give a Systems view that we’re also going to talk about how even a very nutritious food like Kale also may have some potential concerns and problems with Kale, and how the goal is about getting the right medicine for the right person at the right time. And same with food.
But anyway, we’re going to take this System’s Approach to really understand Kale. And I think you’re gonna like this. It’s very similar to the other presentations I’ve done. But I’m going to go a little bit deeper, and also talk about some of the potential, quote unquote, side effects of Kale for certain people.
And then in that context, I’m going to also share with you how you can actually use a tool called Your Body, Your System®, which is part of our systems, Foundations of Systems program to really understand if Kale is right for you, you know, and ultimately, you’ll find out that everything comes down to dosing dosages, which means how much you eat, you can eat, too much of even a good thing, and how that can hurt people.
I’m going to talk about that. So, you get a whole system’s view about Kale. All right. And many of you know that the approach that we take here is we take a System’s Approach. And that System’s Approach means that if you go to, the entire website that we’ve created to really educate all of you to take a System’s Approach.
What we’re going to do is if you go to, it’s really becoming an educational institute for taking the System’s Approach to all different aspects of your life. I want to encourage you to go there. If you go to, or, you will get exposed to the Foundations of Systems course.
We live in a world of complex systems. And even food, even something like Kale, all of these are complex systems. And it’s important to understand there is no pro and anti in this. It’s about finding out when something is good for the right time, under the right conditions.
And Systems Science really teaches you that so takes you out of the rubric of left and right, Pro and Anti. I encourage all of you to go there and start your journey to Foundations of Systems. This weekend. By the way, tomorrow. We’re doing a Truth Freedom and Health summit. That’s tomorrow.
And it starts, I believe at 11am. Tomorrow, EST. We’re going to be talking about a special summit for our Truth Freedom Health Warrior-Scholars. And if you join us as a Warrior Scholar, you can get access to the summit we’re doing but the important thing we’re going to talk about there is antiviral medicines from nature.
Keep an eye out for that. And so, I encourage you that tomorrow at 11am EST. We’re going to do a long Summit on antiviral medicines from nature to essentially counter the monopoly that Big Pharma says that you can only take synthetic drugs for this. I want you guys to be open to that.
The Power of Systems Science
We take this approach, when I talk about Kale, we take an approach, where we’re going to discuss science, the truth, we’re going to discuss the attack on science, or the attack on freedom. And then what are from a health standpoint, looking at Kale, the positive things, there’s also the potentially negative things, right? That’s the approach that we’re going to take in this presentation. And to those of you who are interested in taking the System’s Approach, we have the book, the best-selling books, System and Revolution, available for everyone, it will really be your journey, I recommend you guys get this book, we’ve made it we used to charge you can get it on Amazon for 20 bucks.
But if you order if you go on It’s absolutely free. And you just have to cover shipping and handling. So please take advantage of that. So please, if you go to, you can also get access to the book. And those of you who are interested in connecting with me face to face every Thursday at 11am. 11am and 8pm. Eastern Standard time. I do an orientation, you can go to When we put up that I’ll put up the banner on that. Those of you are interested in doing that, please go to And you can connect with me, we actually will go over all the different capabilities we have in the movement that we’re building.
The Cardiovascular System and Kale
Today, as we go through this, we’re going to really cover the Cardiovascular System, we’re going to cover both the biological functions and Health Benefits of Kale, we’re going to look at how Big Pharma and unfortunately medical doctors do not learn any nutrition.
And therefore, they essentially present that the only way to take care of your health is that diet and nutrition really don’t have a lot of effect that the only way to take care of it. And we’re going to look at the solutions that they offer as an alternative. But what you’ll find out as medical doctors are discouraged from talking to you about nutrition, it’s unfortunate.
Then finally, we’re going to look at Kale, the mechanisms of action, the clinical evidence, but today’s series, we’re also going to look at how Kale can affect you not only beneficially. But also, you have to be careful because, for example, people have, let’s say kidney stones or people have thyroid issues, eating too much of a good thing can actually not be beneficial.
We’re going to take the System’s Approach to doing that. Before I start, I always like to play the system’s video, which inspires people who are new, but I’ll really give you My Journey across East and West to come to this System’s Approach that we take and then we’re going to jump right into Kale.
Learn How to Think. NOT, WHAT To Think.
Right, so as the video said, you know, one of the key things that we want to support people in is learning how to think, not what to think. The Educational System is far too focused on just telling people this: What you should think, but NOT How to Think. And the knowledge of systems will teach you a way of how to think right, so you start getting tools, and how to really start looking at the complexity of the world without throwing anything away but understanding the complexity to actually be able to make sense of it. And that’s really the Science of Systems.
And so when we apply the Science of Systems, when we look at even something like the cardiovascular system, and Kale, we don’t just take a singular view, we first of all are going to look at the science, they’re going to look at the attack on freedom, which stops that science from coming out what I’m going to share with you today, and then how when you’re actually able to look at the science holistically, you actually can really figure out the positive as well as the potential negative benefits of even a nutrient such as Kale. We want to look at things holistically.
How Your Heart Works – The 3 Subsystems
Let’s look at this. So first of all, we’re going to first look at the cardiovascular system. How your heart works. Let’s talk about that. There are three subsystems on how your heart works. And it’s always good to review this. Those of you have heard this before, it’s going to be a review for you.
The Transport System of the Body
But let’s really go look at these three sub-systems. First of all, the heart is composed of the heart, the physical heart here, it has the blood vessels, which are known as the vasculature, and then the blood, the stuff that the heart pumps and that goes through these blood vessels. And we’re going to walk through this carefully, but what you’ll see is that the cardiovascular system actually is composed of these three sub-systems: heart, blood vessels, and blood.
The heart is a powerful muscle, it’s right in the center here, which is responsible for pumping the blood. The good blood, the good blood, meaning the oxygenated blood it receives from the lungs, which comes into the left atrium, and then then is pumped from the right atrium right here, I’m sorry, the left atrium and then it’s pumped from the left ventricle, the ventricle is the bigger part here, and then all this oxygenated blood gets pumped throughout your body, but it’s done through this vessel here, which is called and you’re going to learn this shortly.
This is called the arteries and these arteries through all the capillaries, oxygenate your blood, as your body consumes as oxygenated blood, it becomes deoxygenated, which gets pumped back to your heart through what is known as the right atrium, which then pumps it down to the right ventricle, which then sends it up to the lungs, the deoxygenated blood, which gets oxygenated and the process continues, and so on. This is called the circulatory system. But all of this blood is carried through different blood vessels, which we’re going to go deeper into.
But what is blood? Blood is not just the red stuff, which is a red blood cell, which carries oxygen. But blood also includes the white blood cells, okay? which carries very important white blood cells which support your immune system. So just be cognizant that your heart is pumping all that red stuff, what you see is the red stuff that you see.
And you know, when you get cut, or something that’s the red blood cells, but it also is pumping important white blood cells, which are the things, the immune cells which support your entire Immune System. Heart health is important for Immune System function plus your Circulatory System.
Let’s get into a little bit of detail looking at the blood vessels, okay? The blood vessels are composed of three, really three, you know, major systems, the arteries, which is in red here, which is carrying all the good, oxygenated blood to the next set of branches called the arterioles, which then send all this oxygenated blood through capillaries. And capillaries are where the blood exchange takes place.
The oxygen so this, you’re exchanging all the great oxygen into your end nutrients right to your cells, which is over here. And then the cells are putting in their waste and their carbon dioxide, which comes back through the capillaries into the venules. And then it goes into the veins.
Arteries and Veins
What are the arteries? Well first of all the arteries of the large blood vessels that carry oxygenated blood away from the heart, right? So, they’re brought from the heart, oxygenated, the veins are the large blood vessels that carry deoxygenated blood to the heart, right, because the heart is gonna pump it to the lungs, and they’re gonna get oxygenated.
But the capillaries are all these fine, small blood vessels that deliver nutrients to the cells, but they also are the ones that take away the waste, and the carbon dioxide. The capillaries, as you’re going to learn very soon, are extremely important when we start looking at a nutrient like Kale.
How does it actually influence the capillaries, and the capillaries you’re going to find are made up of a fine set of cells called: Endothelial cells. And I encourage everyone you want to write that down.
Endothelial, because you’re gonna realize how important Endothelial function is for your existence and for heart health.
Structure of Blood Vessels
If you look at here, now we’re getting a little bit of a zoomed in view, but the arteries, the veins, and the capillaries all consist of the Tunica Intima. That’s the inner walls of the veins, the inner walls of the arteries, and in fact, the Tunica Intima is the only thing that the capillaries have.
And that’s the inner layer and it’s consisting of Endothelial lining, so the lining of the veins, the lining of the arteries, and the lining of the capillaries are made up of Endothelial cells. It’s if you’ve walked into sort of your kitchen or your bathroom and the tiles, think about those tiles, each as an Endothelial cell, and that sort of the covering and your veins are made up of that, the arteries are made up of that, then capillaries. The capillaries, however, do not have the Tunica Media, or the Adventitia.
What is the Tunica Media? Well, that’s a middle layer. You have the endothelial, which makes up the Tunica Intima. But the Tunica Media, the middle, is what the arteries have, and the veins have but you notice the Tunica Media in the heart is much thicker, okay? And the Tunica Media in the veins are much thinner, relatively.
And then finally, the Adventitia, which is the outer layer. Again, the capillaries don’t have the outer layer, but which provides structural support. So, that structural support here in the Tunica Adventitia, it’s loose, fibrous connective tissue, and you also have it here in the arteries. Alright, so you just got a quick lesson in the blood vessels. I’m sorry, I didn’t display the diagram, but you’ll see it right here.
You have the inner piece, which is a Tunica Intima, which is composed of Endothelial cells. The middle, much thicker in the arteries called the Tunica Media, much thinner in the veins. And then the outer is whether it’s veins or arteries is the Adventitia. You can just look at that because I didn’t put that up for you. That is a vasculature that your Cardiovascular System has.
Analyzing Kale Using CytoSolve®
Now, we want to start doing so, so now that you have a Scientific understanding. Systems understanding of the cardiovascular system. We wanted to now start looking at how Kale affected the cardiovascular system. Now think about what we’re saying. And we want to take a Scientific Systems Approach.
Well, there’s a lot of science that’s been done on Kale. And so in order to do that, we use a very powerful technology that I created out of my work at MIT called CytoSolve®, which allows us to integrate the current research. So we can analyze Kale using CytoSolve®, and allow us to integrate the current research.
Integrating the Current Research
What is that current research? If you were to look all over the world, as of today, how much research has been done on Kale? Look at this, there’s over 23,000 research articles to be precise, 23,647 articles done on Kale. Quite amazing. In fact, there’s been over close to 400 clinical trials, which means they’ve tested Kale on human beings in 387 clinical trials, and for 118 years, Kale has been researched.
Deborah says Kale is easy to plant and grow, definitely, we grow it in our garden, pretty much every year. Okay, very easy to grow. What you’re seeing here is that there’s a lot of research done on Kale. So for this work that I’m going to share with you, by the way, which is done by the CytoSolve® Open Science Institute, which all of you we’re thankful for your contributions, which help us do this research and do these videos. It’s a lot of work. But we have analyzed, you know, this work relative to the cardiovascular.
So how do we do that? Well, CytoSolve® allows us to take all of this research, identify the relevant articles relative to cardiovascular systems, identified the molecular pathways, and then figure out which of the components in Kale which we’re going to share with you today that Kale is composed of different molecular compounds that affect the molecular pathways of the cardiovascular system, you’ll see a lot of videos on the internet talking about Kale was good.
You know, the health benefits of Kale, let me juice some Kale. But they don’t tell you why? And this is not good, because this is where the New Age people or the quote unquote, ‘health’ people leave themselves open to criticism because they don’t provide you the reasons.
CytoSolve® –
With CytoSolve® we were able to understand why. And CytoSolve® was really this very powerful technology, which allows you to do complex analysis. And all over the world. We’ve had many, many universities use CytoSolve® for the last 16 years. The largest companies are really interested in really understanding combinations of how food affects health and have been using it, so I just want to play a quick video on what CytoSolve® is.
CytoSolve® Open Science Institute Current Research
Dr.SHIVA: Alright everyone, so that’s CytoSolve®. So now you get an understanding of the power of CytoSolve®. And by the way, I want to encourage all of you, if you want to support research in any area, you can do that. If you go to, you’ll notice and you scroll down, you’ll notice we have system solutions. One of them is the CytoSolve® Open Science Institute. And if you click on that, it’ll take you to the Open Science Institute.
Science By The People For the People
You can support research here, and you notice one of the areas we’re doing research on, which is what this research is coming out as in cardiovascular health, and you can contribute, contribute whatever you want. And when you contribute, you can contribute $1, nothing, whatever you want. But if you contribute $100 or more, you get all of these gifts, so go take advantage of that. As I mentioned, one of the key things here is Endothelial function. I want to talk about Nitric Oxide and heart health. And why Endothelial function matters.
Nitric Oxide and Heart Health. Why Endothelial Function Matters
Nitric Oxide and heart health, why Endothelial function matters, you’re gonna learn about Nitric Oxide, you’re gonna learn about how it relates to the heart. But more importantly, you’re gonna learn a very, very important aspect of science that you won’t really get anywhere else. On these videos, where people are just saying, oh, Kale is good, or this is good, or that’s bad, whatever it is, but you need to understand what Endothelial function is and why it matters.
Let’s just sort of dive right into it. So, you understand that? Well, Endothelial function, the research that I’m going to share with you is original research that I was involved with while it was at MIT. And it was done with our collaborators at Harvard Medical School, Brigham and Women’s, and King’s College London. What I’m going to share with you is getting down to the why?
You’re going to be able to share this with your family friends. In fact, you can even educate your doctors.
Role of Nitric Oxide
First of all, Nitric Oxide, what is Nitric Oxide? Nitric Oxide is obviously a molecule and it’s a potent vasodilator. That means it opens up blood vessels, okay? And its key to maintaining blood pressure in your body. And it’s Anti-Atherogenic. And it’s generated. Nitric Oxide is generated. Listen very carefully. It’s generated when eNOS, Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase.
We’re gonna go into this, which is a catalyst, so Nitric Oxide gets generated when this chemical catalyzes which means, enables the release of Arginine. It’s generated when eNOS catalyzes L-Arginine which is an amino acid. In order for Nitric Oxide to get released, you have to have eNOS, which is a chemical your body should make, you gotta have Arginine which comes from food. And that’s when Nitric Oxide gets released. And another important element is when you exercise, blood shear stress, that means blood flowing over the Endothelial cells in a shearing manner.
If here’s your Endothelial, this would be a normal force, this is a shear force. This shearing force triggers NO production. Let’s sort of jump into that and look at this. What you see here is, here’s one of those capillaries that I showed you in the vasculature. Let’s zoom in a little bit. Here’s one of your capillaries, and it could be your arteries, right or your veins and here is the inner part of it.
Remember, we talked about the Tunica Intima. And when blood flows, so you’re exercising, that’s what these arrows represent. And this blood flow creates what’s called a shear stress, right? Here’s your Endothelial and blood flowing over it.
And when blood flows over it, over the Endothelial cells, it causes a production of Nitric Oxide. Well, from a system standpoint, we want to understand how all of this occurs. So how does this occur? You notice right here as blood flows, the blood shear stress itself, the flow of blood activates eNOS what is eNOS? Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase, so when you run and when you exercise this chemical gets activated, very important that’s why exercise is important.
This chemical activation helps convert the Arginine that’s in your blood. You eat, you know, a piece of meat, or you know eat some other protein like Moringa which is a nice herb that comes from a tree. You get a lot of Arginine in your blood, and that Arginine when you exercise, the shear stress releases eNOS which helps convert the Arginine to Nitric Oxide.
You have to exercise, you have the Arginine, and the Arginine gets converted to produce Nitric Oxide, okay? NO production which leads to vasodilation and the maintenance of blood pressure. You exercise, eNOS, Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase gets released, which converts Nitric Oxide to the NO, and the NO does all these amazing benefits, which leads to vasodilation and the maintenance of blood pressure.
Interesting sidenote, Big Pharma created Viagra. Guess what Viagra does? Viagra, sort of short circuits this and helps your body release nitric oxide and you get vasodilation of certain organs. Blood flow occurs into those organs. This is why Nitric Oxide is important. Very, very important. Let’s go a little deeper. So again, we’re seeing the shear stress, the activation of eNOS occurs, the Arginine is converted to Nitric Oxide and you get vasodilation. All right.
You can just look at that diagram. All right. Someone said I bought a Nitric Oxide supplement. It was not good, I had a bad feeling and swelling in my feet. Yeah, I would not because you got to be careful with these Nitric Oxide supplements.
Because the amount, it’s all about dosage thing, because they could be short circuiting some of these pathways. Exercise, which is what we’re supposed to do as human beings or move. This is sort of the natural mode of how you release Nitric Oxide, so you gotta exercise, activity, and you got to have Arginine, which comes from your diet. All right.
A Mechanotransduction Event
Now, what happens? Our research using CytoSolve®. And with our collaborators at Harvard, MIT and Brigham, we were actually able to put all the pieces together to actually understand at the molecular systems level, what happens when you exercise? What happens when that blood flow goes over your Endothelial? Here’s the surface of your artery, or your vein, or your capillary. And it has the Endothelial. So that’s one Endothelial cell right there. When blood flows over it, that’s your shear stress.
And here’s a little structure on your Endothelial cell. This is one Endothelial cell. Notice this structure? It looks like a Christmas tree everyone looked at, we’re moving my cursor, okay? That’s called the Glycocalyx right here. And the Glycocalyx looks like a Christmas tree, when blood flows over this structure shakes, and it moves. And that, guess what? Releases eNOS, that’s this chemical. The movement of blood moves the Glycocalyx.
Nitric Oxide Production in Endothelial Cells
And that is what releases eNOS, which is that very, very important chemical which results. Notice your blood flow over the Endothelial moves Glycocalyx structure on the membrane, the mechanical forces on the Glycocalyx initiates. The eNOS is used to convert the Arginine through Nitric Oxide. Very powerful.
There are all these chemical pathways, so the body is a very, very interesting machinery, if you exercise, you have the right food and through these molecular machines, it converts, in this case, Arginine mediated by eNOS to get you Nitric Oxide.
Mechanisms of NO Production
Now, how does all of that occur? Well, if you look at all the literature. If you look at all the literature, like all those 1000’s of papers I talked about, you’ll see all these little chemical pathways, little jigsaw puzzles, oh, Nitric Oxide, here’s one pathway, here’s another pathway. Here’s another pathway. Here’s another.
CytoSolve In Silico Results Validation
Now imagine connecting all these dots, if you could do that, you would actually get a holistic understanding of Nitric Oxide release. Well it’s too complicated, so people weren’t able to do it until CytoSolve® came along. With CytoSolve®, we’re actually able to connect the dots. Take all that knowledge that science has done without killing animals, mathematically compute those chemical reactions, put it all together, as I shared in the video, and literally create a mathematical model of CytoSolve®.
So again, for all of you who have supported our research, we want to thank you, but this is where we’re able to do this research on Kale. Why are we able to do it? And doing that, we’re able to then predict how much without killing animals, this is over time, how much Nitric Oxide will get released? Through its precursor, the protein, or the mRNA? That creates eNOS. So just remember, this is the curve CytoSolve® was predicting.
Now is this correct? Well, we actually did wet lab experiments at Harvard. And those orange lines are from Andrew Kuhn’s work. So, we’re actually seeing the prediction of CytoSolve®. And we’re actually able to see the validation.
Our results, the black line matches the wet lab results. And same thing here. So this was published in one of the leading journals in the world, showing that CytoSolve® can be used to mathematically model very complex functions until people didn’t believe it.
So that’s what we did here. And I was one of the senior authors on it with some amazing people, Andrew Koo, David Nordsletten, and others, Guillermo Garcia, and C.Forbes Dewey,Jr., over at Harvard and MIT respectively. So now you have a deep understanding of the cardiovascular system at a vascular level and at the molecular level.
Science and Truth – Kale
All right. Now, we want to look at Kale, what is the science and truth. So now we understand the system. Now we’re going to look at the nutrient Kale, and we understand the science and the truth of Kale. That’s what we want to do, we understand the science and the truth of Kale. We can really piece this puzzle together.
And the first way we’re going to do that is we’re going to first of all understand the nutrients in Kale, and we’re going to review the 21 key molecules in Kale. Kale is a nutrient dense food. But you hear that in a lot of these videos, but what does it have? What are those molecules?
Nutrients in Kale- 21 Key Molecules
Because of CytoSolve®, and the work we do, we can give you a lot more detail rather than saying believe us, okay? That’s one of the things we want to do. We don’t want to teach people what to think, we want to teach people how to think.
And how to think begins, with really understanding the components that make up Kale, in this case, right are components that make up a system? Kale is composed of, in this case, 21 molecules. What are those molecules?
Composition – Macronutrients
Well, first of all, Kale has got macronutrients. What are macronutrients? By the way, Kale is the most nutrient dense food on the planet.
It’s got fiber, 3.6 grams, it’s got lots of protein, look at how much protein Kale has, 4.28 grams per 100 grams, and nine essential and nine non-essential amino acids and it has a lot of fat, okay? Relatively. It’s got fat (0.93 g) point nine, three grams, it’s all relative.
Composition – Micronutrients
So it’s got fiber proteins and fat now, it has a lot of micronutrients, Carotenoids, a major source of carotenoids. It’s a major source of vitamins, minerals. It’s a major source of Calcium and a lot of Polyphenols. Let’s explore this. Remember I said it’s got 21 molecules?
Well, it’s got five key Carotenoids: β-Carotene, Lutein, Zeaxanthin, Violaxanthin, and Neoxanthin. Okay? It’s got five of these very important character nodes which are good for eye health, skin health, all those things.
The Molecules in Kale: 5 Key Vitamins
Someone said, Should I do Kale organically? Of course. It also has five other key Vitamins; Vitamin K, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B9, and Vitamin C. It’s got a lot of Vitamin K, B3, B6, B9, and C. And it’s a great source of Vitamin C here, a major source.
The Molecules in Kale: 5 Key Minerals
Five key vitamins, and we got five key minerals: Calcium, Potassium, Phosphorus, Zinc, 394 milligrams of Zinc. It’s quite a bit of Zinc, and Nitrates. 250 milligrams. Calcium, Potassium, Phosphorus, Zinc and Nitrates, five key minerals.
The Molecules in Kale: 6 Key Bioflavonoids
And Kale’s got six key Bioflavonoids that give you the 21 molecules: Protocatechuic Acid, p-Coumaric Acid, Sinapic Acid, Quercetin, Kaempferol, and Rutin. Six key Bioflavonoids. In summary, we want to think about Kale having most nutrient dense food with 21 Key molecules. That’s a big takeaway.
Let’s not take this lightly. It’s got quite a bit of nutrition packed in there. And that’s the main thing we want to think about. In summary, it’s got all of these 21 Key molecules. There you go. All right.
Now, the next thing we want to consider is, what are the particular molecules? What are the molecules?
The 7 Key Molecules for Cardiovascular Health
What are the nutrients in Kale that are good for cardiovascular health? Yes, it’s got 21 molecules.
But what are the seven key molecules? There are seven key molecules to remember the key things that we want to look at in Kale are again, it’s got these 21 molecules, what are the seven key molecules that are good for cardiovascular health? Well, here are the seven; Lutein, Zeaxanthin, Vitamin C, Rutein, Quercetin, Sinapic Acid, and p-Coumaric Acid. So, there you go.
Active Compounds of Kale
One of them is an important vitamin, and the six of them are those other elements that we had here, which are coming from the Carotenoids. You got the Carotenoids here. If we look back here, we have the Lutein and Zeaxanthin, which are the Carotenoids. But then we have the Sinapic Acid, the p-Coumaric, Quercetin, and the Rutein in which of the Bioflavonoids.
We have four Bioflavonoids, two very important Carotenoids, and one Vitamin. These are the seven key molecules that are important for cardiovascular health, four Bioflavonoids, two Carotenoids, and one Vitamin. Think about this, this is a synergistic combination.
Nature literally delivers the seven Key Molecules for Cardiovascular health. All right, very, very, important to remember.
Health Benefits of Kale
Now, the next thing I want to talk about is what are the health benefits of Kale? Broadly, what are the health benefits of Kale and the eight biological effects? We’re going to talk about the health benefits of Kale broadly, one of them being cardiovascular health, but what are the health benefits of Kale and the eight biological effects? Well, here we go.
The Systems that Kale Affects- Six Systems
First of all, Kale is very, very good for skin health. It’s good for heart health. It’s good for gut health. It’s good for liver health. It’s good for eye health, and it’s good for immune health. Let me just do one thing here. If you go look at this, we have these eight biological effects of Kale, but the systems that Kale affects, there are six of them.
There are six systems that Kale affects: skin health. Good skin affects your heart, which we’re going to discuss in detail, your gut health, immune health, eye health, and liver health. So, you want to just look at that. Kale is a multi-system, food, multi-systems medicine; skin, liver, eyes, immune, gut, and heart health.
8 Biological Effects of Kale
Now, what are the eight biological effects? It’s an antioxidant at the biological level. It has an Antioxidant effect on your body. It’s Anti-inflammatory, okay? Gastro-protective, it’s Anti-cancerous, probiotic for your gut, Anti-hypertensive, lowers hypertension, Anti diabetic, Anti-atherosclerotic, which means it breaks up plaque. Alright, so those are the eight biological effects of Kale.
Is Kale Right for You? Your Body, Your System®
All right. Now, here’s a big question. Remember, I said I wanted to discuss this, is Kale right for you? Remember, today’s talk is Kale, and much, much more. Is Kale right for you? Well, how do you know if Kale is right for you?
Well, one of the important things that I developed out of my research work is a tool called Your Body, Your System®, all of you, if you want to sign up for it, you can go directly sign up for it for
But I’m going to show you where you can get the tool, actually, for a much lower cost. And also get to and when you can become part of the movement. But you can also learn Kale. Right for You remember, from a System’s Science standpoint, we’re not into saying everything blanketly is right for everyone. It’s about the right medicine, for the right person, at the right time.
Kale – Eastern Systems Approach
In Traditional Systems of Medicine, that’s what people are taught. My research when I finished my degree at MIT, I went back to India, and I was able to interconnect Biological Systems, Research Engineering Systems, and research with Eastern Systems. And that resulted in me creating this tool called Your Body, Your System®. And Your Body, Your System®, our slogan is Be Happy, Be YOU™. And the quote I gave for the front page is that “Health begins with knowing the Unique YOU. Your body is a Unique System that needs the right inputs for the right conditions.”
Identify The Unique YOU on Your Journey to Real Health
Use this tool to know the Unique YOU on your Journey to Real Health and to understand the principles of all systems. This tool, not only can you understand how a particular ingredient affects your body for you, but you can use it as a way to understand the nature of all Systems. I want to encourage you to do that. But we’re going to see how you can use this tool to find out if Kale is right for you.
If you want to understand if Kale is right for you, let’s go here. And quick background, when you take our Systems course, if you go to And you sign up for the One of the things you’re gonna learn is, everything in the universe is composed of three forces, the forces of transport, conversion and storage movement, like digestive forces is conversion and storage. You can go sign up for the course to do this. But, in Indian science, the Indian’s view is that the body is composed, or the world is composed, or the universe is composed of Vata, Pitta and Kapha.
Map Your Body Using Our System
And what I discovered from my Scientific Research was, from an Engineering standpoint, the force of Transport is the same as Vata, the force of Conversion, same as Pitta. And the force of Storage is the same as Kapha. Anyway, this is how you can understand Your Body as a System. And if you were to map this out in a triangle, the top of it is Transport. If this is 00, this is Transport. This is Conversion. And this is Storage. You can map your body using our system on this.
The Red Dot
When you use the software: Your Body, Your System®. You answer a set of questions, and it figures out what kind of body you are, the red dot can be in any different location, everyone is unique. If you see the red dot is here, that’s you, don’t worry if the red dots in the center doesn’t mean you’re any better.
But this just shows where you’re at. And then you answer a different set of questions at a particular time, which let’s say today, the black dot lets you know where your body is at today. Ideally, your black dot should be on the red dot.
Kale Effects on Transport, Conversion and Storage
And if that is the case, that means you’re in balance with you. And the Your Body, Your System® tool helps you figure out how food, exercise and activities can bring you back to your balance. It’s really a way to teach you Systems Science. You can go do that now, Your Body, Your System®, we can use this tool to figure out how Kale works.
You see, Kale affects the forces of Transport, Conversion and Storage. And this varies from person to person. I’ve had my neighbor where I live . His name is Alan, I saw Alan out there. About a couple of years ago, he said, I’m juicing Kale, I’m juicing Kale. I said, Alan, be careful, because you don’t want to take too much of a good thing.
Because, you know, Kale can affect your thyroid if you take too much of it. Well, anyway, a couple of years later, I found out that he went to his doctor and his doctor said that, you know, you’re gonna have to have your thyroid removed. And in fact, he had his thyroid removed.
And it turns out, it has nothing to do with any thyroid issues. He was just pounding away too much Kale. You have to be understanding. Our tool lets you figure out at least gives you an understanding. What you see here is that Kale increases the forces of Transport, it stabilizes the forces of Conversion, which is also known as Pitta, in the Indian System, or Kapha, Storage. But it will increase Transport, like bowel movement, gas, bloating when you have that.
The Black Dot
With your Your Body, Your System® tool, for example, one of my friends took it, and he found out his red dot was over here. And then he found out his black dot, which is where he is today, was over here. So, he already has a little bit of a destabilization going on at that moment in time. Now, using our tool, you can say, well, if I eat Kale, what will it do to me? You can go to the tool and add Kale.
And what Kale does, it increases Transport, motion. It’s going to destabilize him further. If you already have gas and bloating and you eat a lot of Kale, it’s going to destabilize you. All right. The point is that Your Body, Your System® is a tool that you can use. And by the way, when you sign up as a Truth Freedom Health® Warrior, I give you a bunch of gifts, but Your Body, Your System® is included in it.
Go sign up as a Truth Freedom Health® Warrior. You get this tool, and you can use it to understand not only Kale, but many other things. What’s the right food for you? Now given that background, I also want to talk about the great stuff of Kale, how it can support your heart, but we also need to consider that Kale.
Problems with Kale- 4 Problems to Consider
There’s also some problems with Kale. What are the problems with Kale? And there are four issues to consider.
Allergies-Skin Rashes
There are problems with Kale, and there are four issues to consider. What are those four issues? All right, well, if you are prone to certain allergies, be aware that too much of Kale can cause, in certain people, certain skin rashes, hives, okay? Not everyone. But be aware of that if you see skin rashes coming, be aware of that.
Goiter -Thyroid
The next thing is Goiter, thyroid, okay? Vegetables like Kale, Brussel Sprouts, Cauliflower, are very good for you. But they’re known as Goitrogens. If you have Hypothyroidism, Hypo where your thyroids are already sort of working slow, and you eat lots of Kale, too much Kale, it’s going to affect Hypothyroidism.
By the way, one way you can do that is to eat seaweed, sea vegetables, support your Hypothyroidism and I could do a whole video on that. But you need to understand that you can have Goiter issues or thyroid issues. So that’s a second issue that you need to be aware of.
Kidney Stones and Oxalates
Kidney stones and Oxalates. What are Oxalates, the green vegetables like spinach, I have to be very careful because not with Oxalates. But spinach has something called Solanine. I’ll get inflammation, with my body type, but Oxalic Acid gets produced from these things called Oxalates.
And if you are prone to kidney stones, be careful. You know, with eating too many green vegetables, I’m not saying don’t eat greens, but be aware, that’s another issue. And the third is digestive bloating.
If you’re already prone to bloating, some people go on these raw food diets and they eat too much Kale, and they get bloating, and then it’s hard to frankly metabolize food. And people actually put on weight. We have to be aware there are problems with Kale, and these are the four issues that you should consider. So again, we want to take a System’s Approach here. Nothing is good or bad.
The Right Medicine, for the Right Person, at the Right Time
It’s all about the right medicine, for the right person, at the right time. All right. So now, I want to talk to you about mV25™. Because here’s an example of a product which I have here which uses CytoSolve®. We’re going to take a quick break here because I want to get some water, and mV25™ is a product where we really looked at all the Bioflavonoids that were in nature, lots of them.
And we modeled using CytoSolve®, the Molecular Pathways of pain, inflammation, and discomfort. And we use CytoSolve® to discover a very powerful combination of ingredients from nature’s source that allows us to discover something in a very Scientific way. Let me just play this quick video on mV25™.
It’s very powerful, but mV25™ is an example where we use the technology the same approach that we’re using to share this knowledge with you to actually discover something. And we’ve been helping a lot of companies do this, but we decided to use our mathematical models to actually discover something and it’s out there if you go to, you can go to the shop. And you can get it right here if you go to the shop up here, and you can find the product, or you can go to mV25.Life.
Whichever way you want to do it. So now you have a deep understanding of the science of Kale, you have a deep understanding of the science of the cardiovascular system. The Truth, right? The Science.
Big Pharma and the Medical Establishment
Now what’s important to understand is that it is hard for everyday people to actually understand the science, or the system’s nature of the science. Because Big Pharma and the medical establishment. And in some ways the medical doctors are made victims of this, of the medical school training, which is so much controlled by Big Pharma that there’s an attack on freedom. Most medical doctors aren’t even frankly allowed to even talk about nutrition, and I want to share a couple of slides on that.
Singular Big Pharma Solutions and Constraints on Medical Doctors
Because the attack on freedom is because they’re singular Big Pharma solutions and constraints on medical doctors. What you’ll see here is that the medical establishment narratives that is the reductionist narrative, which means they do not take a System’s Approach, which is what my goal is to motivate all of you to start taking a System’s Approach, whether it’s understanding Kale or any other thing in life, okay?
Medical Establishment Narratives is the Reductionist Narrative
And this reductionist narrative is they don’t have a holistic understanding about heart health, everything is always centered around cholesterol, cholesterol, cholesterol, okay?
That’s all you’ll hear. It’s all about cholesterol. And the emphasis is always on treatment, not prevention. And the reliance is always on statins or blood thinners, or, you know, blood pressure medications. And there’s no consistent guidelines on diet and exercise. In fact, there’s no discussions on any alternatives.
And you’ll see that what you do get on TV is take Lipitor, take Entresto, take Eliquis, take this. Look, you have to talk to your doctor about this. But my point is that 90% of the time we only hear this narrative. And you can see why because this narrative is driven by, in this case, almost a $60 billion industry. These are just the five top drugs here. Five top drugs have, you know, generated about $60 billion, so this is the thing that drives the narrative.
Now, when I said that the doctors themselves can’t talk about it, this paper came out. In the National Library of Medicine saying a deficiency of nutrition education practice and cardiology study finds most cardiologists lack heart healthy diet and up to date nutrition education, cardiologists lack education and willingness to discuss nutrition that’s in the cardiovascular Business Journal. In fact, the Physician’s Committee said cardiologists neglect to refer patients to dieticians, and integrative practitioners.
Attack on Freedom
This study finds most cardiologists lack heart healthy diet, and nutrition education. This Attack on Freedom of Real thought occurs at the medical school education level. And even the deliverer of heart health is not able to talk really about nutrition. So that’s why we have this Attack on Freedom. I hope that gives you a background on what I mean by the Attack on Freedom.
Effects of Kale
Now, let’s wrap up with the effects of Kale. On the health piece. We’ve talked about the truth. We’ve talked about the attack on freedom. Now let’s finish up with health. So what are we talking about here? How does Kale affect the cardiovascular system?
And in order to understand this, we’re going to look at three Molecular Systems. This part of our discussion is how Kale affects the Cardiovascular System. You’re going to leave very shortly understanding why Kale beneficially helps the Cardiovascular System. And we’re going to look at three Molecular Systems, three Molecular Systems.
Anti-Hypertensive Effect of Kale
So, those Molecular Systems are known to affect Anti-hypertensive effect lowering, you know, hypertension, Anti-diabetic effect, and Anti-Atherosclerotic effect, which means plaque. Let’s look at that. How does it affect now to review? In order to understand it, remember there are those seven molecules, the two very important carotenoids: lutein and zeaxanthin. Then there’s the four Bioflavonoids and the one Vitamin C. So, these things work together to affect those three molecular systems.
All right, so first look at let’s look at the Nitrates. Okay, and the Nitrites. The Nitrates from Kale is converted to Nitrite. The Nitrate here, and this is in one of those molecular systems the Antihypertensive system. The Nitrate from Kale is converted to Nitrite by oral bacteria. When you eat, you chew Kale. It is very important to chew. This is why I want to really emphasize this: if you do a lot of juicing, you know, they say eat your juice, drink it, you don’t have the opportunity for your oral bacteria in your mouth to decompose it.
When the oral bacteria in your mouth interact with the Kale which has Nitrates, it becomes Nitrite and the Nitrate decomposes to Nitric Oxide. And the Nitric Oxide activates this enzyme called soluble Guanylyl Cyclase(sGC), and sGC converts GTP to cGMP. sGC converts GTP to cGMP in the smooth muscles surrounding the blood vessels, remember the arteries we talked about, and which have the vessels, right the smooth muscle cells and they lead to relaxation. And that’s how you get the relaxation. The Nitrites if you properly chew the Kale and you let it swish around in your mouth properly, right?
And you chew it well, you get Nitrates to Nitrites, which then lead into smooth muscle relaxation. That’s the first molecular system, the Anti-hypertensive effect, which goes through the Nitric Oxide pathway. That’s the first Molecular System. The second system is the Anti-diabetic effect.
Anti-Diabetic Effect of Kale
Second Molecular System. So how does this happen? Remember, Endothelial dysfunction is caused by oxidative stress induced by Superoxide and Hydrogen Peroxide.
When you have Superoxide and Hydrogen Peroxide, not good chemicals, and your Endothelial cells, so right here, if you have Superoxide here, and Hydrogen Peroxide, this screws up your Endothelial this leads to Endothelial dysfunction, and that leads to diabetes. Okay, that’s not good. Now, what happens is if you remember, Quercetin, and the Vitamin E from the Kale. What they do is they promote these compounds such as Quercetin from Kale, what they do is they upregulate Nrf-2, a very good molecule, and Nrf-2 promotes these two antioxidant enzymes, Superoxide dismutase, and Catalase. And these two are very powerful enzymes, which block Superoxide and block Hydrogen Peroxide.
Similarly, the Vitamin E goes and blocks the Superoxide. It neutralizes these two, not so good, right? Superoxide, Hydrogen Peroxide, (ROS) Reactive Oxygen Species, so it promotes the Anti-diabetic effect because you dissuade Endothelial Dysfunction, so there you go. So that’s the second Molecular System, the Anti-diabetic effect through these pathways that we’re hearing, that we’re seeing right here.
Anti-Atherosclerotic Effect of Kale
Finally, the third Molecular System is Anti-Atherosclerotic effect, which means the formation of plaque. This is how this works LDL, which is the bad cholesterol, low density lipoproteins, bad cholesterol. That gets typically oxidized to Ox-LDL, due to oxidative stress, which comes from Superoxide.
Whenever you have Endothelial Dysfunction, the Superoxide, causes LDL, the bad cholesterol to become Ox-LDL. And this leads to Arterial plaque formation, and you don’t want this.
Guess what happens to intervene in this molecular system. The Lutein, Zeaxanthin, the Vitamin C, the Vitamin E, and the Quercetin. All of these very important players come in and they block the Superoxide. The LDL doesn’t get converted to Ox-LDL, so you don’t get plaque formation. There you go.
And this, basically, these very important elements, and this is why Kale is a very important food that blocks Superoxide. You’re essentially deterring Arterial plaque formation. There you go.
We’ve now covered three molecular systems that support the Anti-diabetic, Anti-hypertensive, Anti-Atherosclerotic effect. Again, another very important piece of knowledge that you’ve gotten today.
In Vivo Evidence on Kale Dosaging
Now, the question is, everyone asked me, well, how much should I take? How much Kale should I take? Let’s talk about that. How much Kale should you take, and what the current science says? We’re again using the CytoSolve® process. We’re really looking at the current science.
The problem with many of the videos on YouTube and other places is that people just make claims. But here, we want to educate you. How much Kale? What does the current science say?
What The Current Science Says
What does the current science say? Well, for heart health, which is the Anti hypertension piece, and I’m going to talk about a bunch of subsystems, but for heart out 14 grams of Kale powder daily, that’s from (Ide et al., 2016). 14 grams of Kale powder. There you go. Not a lot. 14 grams.
Kale for skin health. Skin Health, the Curly Kale extract, so if you can get the extract Kale that’s what they did in this research Meineke, that gives you 1650 micrograms of carotenoids. (Meineke et al., 2017).
For eye health, and which is really related to age related macular degeneration but 15 milliliters of a beverage containing oleaginous extract of Kale. That’s what they used here, (Arnold et all., 2013).
You have the different dosages you can do your own research, but you can see 14 grams for Antihypertensive, right. Skin health, the curly Kale extract, and the Kale for eye health to 50 milliliters of beverage containing oleaginous extract of Kale. Now, these are the scientific studies that they did using particular components.
Organic vs Conventional Kale
All right? And then another question we get is, is all Kale good? Right? The question is, “Is all Kale good?” And the Real question comes down to Organic versus Conventional. And I would be remiss if we didn’t go over this. Organic Kale is preferred over Conventionally grown Kale. Now conventionally grown Kale may contain over 18 different pesticides that are linked to lung, liver, kidney, thyroid toxicity, and are carcinogenic. And we know that organic farming produces healthier produce free of these pesticides.
If you’re going to choose Kale, and you have the ability, please get the Organic versus Conventional or explore what you need to do to really clean that Kale up. There’s many, many, different things. I’ll do a video on that if you want. Again, when it comes to all Kale is good. My position is no, if I were you, I would get Organic Kale.
C.L.E.A.N.™ & R.A.W.™ Certified
Finally, I also want to let you know that it is our movement. And CytoSolve® was very instrumental in creating Certified C.L.E.A.N.™ and Certified R.A.W.™ labels. And you’ll see these on products if you go online. And this is why the Certified C.L.E.A.N.™ label means that the products are safe, it means that it’s Farm to Table.
How were they processed, minimally processed and bioavailability of nutrients. The Certified C.L.E.A.N.™ and R.A.W.™ are even a much higher standard than Organic because it’s not just about organic. It’s a number of constitutive things. So, keep an eye on that. But it is our movement for Truth Freedom Health®, and all the different things that we do that are Certified C.L.E.A.N.™, R.A.W.™, and you’ll see it out there.
Let’s wrap up today. We’ve had a long discussion summary. Kale has several health benefits, including cardiovascular health, vision health, prostate health, immune health, we didn’t talk about prostate but that’s one of the key things.
Nitrates from Kale promote NO production, which leads to vasorelaxation and lowers hypertension. Kale promotes upregulation of antioxidant enzymes and neutralizes reactive oxygen species which mitigate diabetes downregulate via Endothelial dysfunction caused by oxidative stress.
Kale compounds prevent arteriosclerosis by downregulating oxidative stress that also causes plaque formation hardening of the arteries. And finally, remember this Kale may not be for everyone.
And you know, or be aware that dosage matters, you know, and we shared with you the Your Body, Your System® tool, which comes through the Warrior Program that everyone can use.
In closing, what I want to encourage everyone to think about is, I’ve shared with you a Systems Approach to studying Kale, we looked at the truth aspects, the science, the attack on freedom from Big Pharma, and the health aspects. And this approach that I take is a whole System’s Approach, which I want to educate all of you on. If you support the work, we do support yourself, don’t do it for me, go to
And become a Truth Freedom Health® Warrior, sign up for the Foundations of Systems course. And when you sign up for this course, you also can, at the same time, right now go to and also order the book, System and Revolution for free, that’ll teach you the foundations. It’s absolutely free, and you get the book for free.
And the reason that it’s important to understand all of this is that everything I’ve shared with you, is about Truth Freedom Health®. And I want to play a video, which will hopefully inspire you on why you should become a member of this movement from this larger perspective of the System’s perspective, Health, Truth and Freedom. And I’ll come back shortly. To finish up with giving you a couple of announcements.
I hope that is inspiring to people. And the last thing I want to end with is that those of you’re interested, please come to an open house that I hold every Thursday at 11am and at 8pm EST, 11am and at 8pm EST. I encourage all of you to come. You can sign up, it’s absolutely free, there’s no cost to it, we do it online, go to And you’ll learn about our movement for Truth, Freedom, and Health®.
The other piece I want to let you know is this weekend for all of our Truth Freedom Health Warrior Scholars. Our students, we’re holding a summit. And the summit is going to be on looking at alternatives, or essentially antiviral cocktails from nature. And this is at the heels of Pfizer putting out a synthetic set of chemicals, oral things for antivirals.
And we believe there’s many things in nature. And we’re going to talk about that.
And given you know; we have to be careful where we talk about stuff because of all the censorship on social media. We’re going to be doing it on our own platform. So go to and become a warrior scholar. It’s one of the benefits you get to get a lot of additional education. I hope you guys, if you can’t make it there, which I encourage all of you to come to the orientation,
You’ll meet some amazing people from all over the world. I actually run the orientations I’m on it, we have two different sessions. I hope you come, and I hope everyone has a good weekend as I close. I will just play a video that you can use to understand all the different, very important features that are included in our movement, the platform that we created, and it’s really for you. Do this for yourself. And when you become a Truth Freedom Health® Warrior Scholar, you’re supporting yourself but you’re also supporting all the content we create. Be well, have a good evening.

It’s time we move beyond the Left vs. Right, Republican vs. Democrat. It’s time YOU learn how to apply a systems approach to get the Truth Freedom Health you need and deserve. Become a Truth Freedom Health® Warrior.
Join the VASHIVA community – an integrated EDUCATIONAL, COMMUNICATIONS – independent of Big Tech -, and LOCAL ACTIVISM platform to empower YOU to actualize Truth Freedom Health in your local communities by employing a SYSTEMS APPROACH.
The platform we are building for Truth Freedom Health® provides the infrastructure to take on Big Tech, Big Pharma, and Big Academia. Many of you have asked how you can help. You can contribute whatever you can. Based on your level of commitment to get educated, I have also created some wonderful educational gifts to thank you for your contribution.
To get the education you need and deserve, join Dr.SHIVA on his Foundations of Systems course. This course will provide you three pillars of knowledge with the Foundation of Systems Thinking. The three pillars include: 1) The System Dynamics of Truth Freedom Health, 2) The Power of a Bottom’s Up Movement, and 3) The Not So Obvious Establishment. In this course, you will also learn fundamental principles of all systems including your body.
Course registration includes access to his LIVE Monday training, access to the Your Body, Your System tool, four (4) eBooks including the bestselling System and Revolution, access to the Systems Health portal and communications tools – independent of Big Tech – including a forum and social media for you to build community with other Truth Freedom Health Warriors.
This course is available online for you to study at your own pace.
It’s time to Get Educated, or Be Enslaved.