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Dr.SHIVA LIVE: The Scientific Method & Climate Science Doesn’t Follow It

In this discussion, Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, Inventor of Email, U.S. Senate Candidate, goes back to his roots as a Scientist and Engineer and explains the Scientific Method, how it works, what it is and what it isn't, and how those in Academia falsely represent what they know about the relationship between carbon dioxide and the temperature of the Earth's atmosphere.
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Dr.SHIVA LIVE: The Meaning of Existence – A Conversation

In this discussion, Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email, talks with members of the Truth Freedom Health® Community about the meaning of existence, meditation, the importance of raising your own consciousness, becoming your own guru, and building community in connection with others as the foundation of building a movement for Truth Freedom Health®
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Dr.SHIVA LIVE: Interviewed by David Frei

In this discussion, Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email, is interviewed by attorney David Frei on range of topics: Dr.SHIVA’s journey to inventing email, his exposing the GOVERNMENT & Big Tech Censorship Infrastructure, why rightful academic credit matters, the Truth Freedom Health® movement, and why innovation must be supported to occur everywhere.
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Dr.SHIVA LIVE: Congress Is Your ENEMY, Hand in Glove With Big Tech

In this discussion, Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, Inventor of Email, explains why Congress is the enemy of the people. It is Congress in that established CISA and in collusion with Billionaires in Silicon Valley created GOVERNMENT’s BACKDOOR Portals into the Big Tech companies like Twitter to do an end run around the First Amendment. This is illegal. Now, Congress is working on legislation under the guise of “safety” and protecting children to retroactively legalize their illegal schemes.
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