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Plagiarizing for a Pulitzer: Why Does Omidyar’s Intercept Think It’s Okay to Steal from Dr. SHIVA?

In this discussion, Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, The Inventor of Email, exposes the whole story of how he discovered the Partner Support Portal between the US Government and supposedly “private” social media companies back in March of 2020 through his US Senate Campaign, and how the intelligence agencies have used their players in the media to conceal, delay, steal, and hijack the story.
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“DHS Leaks” Story IS Manipulation & Appropriation of Information Leading YOU to Desperation.

In this discussion, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email exposes using the latest "DHS Leaks" Story on the mechanism of HOW the Elites manipulate and appropriate information to lead you to desperation. Specifically. the DHS Leaks story is VERY OLD NEWS, given Dr. SHIVA exposed the Government Alliance with Big Tech over 2 years ago in his historic Federal Lawsuit. All of which is accessible at
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Dr. SHIVA Exposed 2 YRS AGO DHS & Pierre Omidyar (Intercept Founder) Created DHS Censorship Network

In this discussion, Dr. SHIVA reveals that the Intercept's "breaking" story being parroted by Internet Grifters is nothing but old news, which Internet Grifters CHOSE NOT TO COVER IN 2020, and has been up on Dr. Shiva's website for over TWO YEARS at  Dr. SHIVA exposed in his landmark 2020 Federal Lawsuit and personally informed Fox News Tucker Carlson and Glenn Greenwald of the Intercept of his findings.  They chose to do nothing.
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Dr.SHIVA LIVE: Eve of 2nd Vaccine Safety & Immune Health Conference. SAT. OCT 29 10am-2pm EST

WHAT WILL BE COVERED: Historical Review: How We Got Here The Modern Science of the Immune System The Epigenetics of Immune Health Foods, Nutraceuticals & Supplements for Immune Health The Pandenomics – The Economics of a Pandemics: Winners and Losers What the Science Reveals About COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Where Are We Going What Can You Do from Boosting Immunity to Educating Others
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