A Truth Freedom Health® Warrior’s Personal Story
Raising consciousness one family at a time. Dr. Shiva embodies the “Renaissance Man.” He is not only a scientist and inventor, he is a man of letters, an educator, motivator, fighter, and spiritual leader. My family and I have learned…
Building A Movement Down-Under
A Truth Freedom Health® Warrior writes to Dr. Shiva about their experiences from Australia. Hello Dr Shiva, I am sharing my Story as per below. I attended a local meeting of thirty people in my suburb and spoke to them…
A Warrior’s Story From Imperial Beach
An Example of being a beacon of light in one’s community. About 2 weeks ago, I talked with a woman I've known for a few years about my experience of taking Dr. Shiva's foundations system course. She's familiar with Dr.…
A Truth Freedom Health® Warrior Takes A Systems Approach To Make A Difference In Their School System
A Truth Freedom Health® Success Story I signed up for the Truth Freedom Health® program a couple years ago and was able to attend the Masks & Oral Health Lecture Dr.Shiva presented when masks were starting to be mandated everywhere…
5th Grader’s Opinion On Masks Using A Systems Approach.
Essay by Dominic, Grade 5, Son of Truth Freedom Health® Warrior-Scholar Heather. The Science of Masks A topic up for much debate is masking. Basically, the controversy started in 2020 with the Covid-19 pandemic starting, and continues today. I believe…