In this discussion, Dr. Shiva shares CytoSolve® Open Science Institute’s results on a CytoSolve® Molecular Systems Analysis of the effects of Cinnamon on Digestive Health.
The original research in this video is made possible by generous contributions from supporters of the Dr.SHIVA Truth Freedom Health® movement. Please contribute so we may continue to bring you such original research, valuable education, and innovative solutions.
Key Points:
- Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD – Inventor of Email, Systems Scientist, engineer, educator – presents a CytoSolve®Molecular Systems Analysis on Cinnamon and how it affects digestive health.
- CytoSolve® technology is designed to take a Systems Approach and distilled nearly 8,787 research articles done, 99 Clinical Trials over 120 years.
- Cinnamon is a widely used spice and aromatic native to Southeast Asia. Medicinal use of cinnamon dates back nearly 4,000 years in ancient Indian and Chinese cultures.
- The bark (tree and root) and oil of cinnamon have medicinal effects. Biological effects for Cinnamon supports neural growth, anti-diabetic, antioxidant. Cinnamon is a versatile spice that helps digestive health, immune health, cardiovascular health, and enhances bioavailability of other foods and drugs.
- Cinnamon contains minerals, vitamins, flavonoids, and essential oils. Including calcium, manganese, a trace mineral, potassium, phosphorus, vitamins; A, C, E, K, Gossypin, Gnaphalium, Hesperidin, Hibifolin, Hypolaetin, Oroxindin, and Quercetin.
- Cinnamon enhances digestive system performance by: lowering gastric emptying rate in the intestines, lowering gut inflammation and reducing bloating and dyspepsia.
cinnamon, CytoSolve, systems, research, support, people, enzymes, science, gastric emptying, Shiva, important, body, digestive system, effects, food, understand, lowers, small intestines, liver, digestive health
Hello, everyone, it’sDr.SHIVA Ayyadurai. Today, we’re going to be talking about another CytoSolve® Open Science Project. And it’s going to be about Cinnamon and Digestive Health. So that’s what we’re going to be talking about. That’s the talk Cinnamon and Digestive Health. And again, this is a CytoSolve® Open Science Institute project. And it’s Science by the people, for the people, this research is being made possible, because of the contributions people have made.
And many of you have asked over the last three to six months, you’ve asked different questions. And one of the questions was, hey, how does Cinnamon actually affect Digestive Health? That’s what we’re going to talk about today, and we’ll wait for people to join. And before we join, I want to share with you a couple of slides, and I typically play a video, because one of the key things we want to emphasize to people is that we need to take a Systems Approach to understanding anything, be it a Systems Approach to understanding anything we see around us be Political Systems, Your Body is a System, Food is a System, everything.
So, that journey to me, began many, many years ago. And I want to share that with you. But those of you who are interested in learning more, you can go to And there’s a whole list of all the different activities that our Institute, many Institutes that we run are involved in. But again, today we’re going to be talking about Cinnamon and Digestive Health. And we’re going to be taking a Systems Approach to understand it. One of the Systems we’re going to cover is a Digestive System.
As you can see, the Digestive System consists of many, many parts, we all use it every day. But yet, we don’t know a lot about it, because we don’t focus on it. So, you’re going to learn a lot about the Digestive System today. And we’ll get more into details on that. But the key word, if you notice, I’ll keep using in this discussion today is about Systems and there’s a journey to Systems that I have gone through and I want to share that with you because it’ll really, hopefully, help you appreciate that. It’s been sort of a long journey for me. So, let me play this and we’ll come back to Cinnamon and its effects on Digestive Health. Let’s just talk about the journey to Systems.
What You Will Learn
Alright, so today, we’re going to take a Systems Approach to understanding the effects of a very, very important herb, you know, it’s really a bark of a tree called Cinnamon and its effect on the Digestive System. And let me go to our presentation here. So, by the way, we want to thank everyone. As many of you know, we have been using CytoSolve® for this analysis. But we recently launched the CytoSolve® Open Science Institute, which allows everyone listening to actually become Research Directors, you can ask a question, you can in fact, go get other people to support it.
And we will do that research for you at a fraction of the cost and the government or any of the academic institutions can do. So, this comes out of the CytoSolve® Open Science Systems project to really answer the question how does Cinnamon affect Digestive Health? And if you look over here, we’re going to talk about how Cinnamon comes from Curry Powder. If anyone has eaten Curry Powder, Cinnamon is an element of it. So, you’re gonna understand what is Curry Powder?
What is Cinnamon, we’re going to look at this Cinnamon effect on biological functions. Okay, then we’re going to look at the Digestive System, then we’re going to look at cinnamon’s effects on Digestive Health. And they’re going to look at the clinical evidence on Cinnamon dosages, which means how much did you take. And everything we share here is from literally using the CytoSolve® approach where we look at all the research, we don’t cherry pick, we distill it down, we organize it, we look at the Molecular Systems.
And through this process, all of you actually learn science, understand the molecular composition of this herb called Cinnamon, you’re going to learn what the Digestive System is. And shortly we’re going to be taking all the videos we’ve done on the Digestive System. So, keep an eye out for this and we’re gonna organize them into a course. And you can actually get certified in really understanding the Digestive System. You can’t get information like this anywhere, because it’s all original research. It’s not stuff, we’re just sort of hacking together. It’s not, it’s, it’s all news, that is coming to you fresh off our research.
So, let’s really talk about what is Cinnamon, and what is Curry Powder. Because Curry Powder is a mixture of spices. It’s a medicinal spice mixture over many, many decades, you know, people figured out that there are certain foods that really have profound effects on people. And culture is really the passing on of knowledge. So, it happened over many 1000s of years as people figured out their certain spices, that if you put them together it has very valuable effects for human beings.
In fact, in Traditional Systems of Indian Medicine, if you went from one village to another village, the spice combinations even though the spices were the same, they varied because people’s genetics varied. So over time, it became the right medicine for the right person at the right time. But over the many, many years, we’ve forgotten many of these ancient traditions, which is unfortunate. And we think giving one drug or one molecule is the right thing. It’s very, very backward, unfortunately.
But anyway, if we look here, Curry Powder is really a mixture, and it’s an essential component of diet across the Indian subcontinent. Its earliest use dates back to at least 2600 BC and each part of India has its own version as I mentioned, of Curry Powder. So, from village to village, things can vary. Some people may use a little bit of Cinnamon others may use a lot for example, or more curcumin etc. And the ingredients and Curry Powder have a multitude of medicinal benefits.
And by the way, you can see what those ingredients are here it’s very colorful, you have Coriander starting at around one o’clock, and then you have Curry leaf, Black Peppercorns, we have Yellow Mustard Seeds, Fenugreek, along with Turmeric and Garlic and Ginger in the middle.
And then you have Fennel seed, you have Cinnamon, you have Cumin, and dried Red Chili, so you can see 1-234-567-8910 11, 12 different spices are combined. And these spices are combined based on your constitution. Also, we have a very powerful tool called Your Body, Your System where you can actually understand what kind of System you are.
And it’ll actually tell you what are the right combinations for you so it is something out of my Fulbright Research we were able to put together. But anyway, as you can see, these are very, very powerful herbs. These are medicinal herbs, all of them support Digestive Health. And Digestive Health is extremely important. Because as above, so below.
Your gut, by the way, is directly connected to your brain. Modern Western Science is discovering this, that your gut and your brain are directly connected. In fact, if you talk to a Gastroenterologist, they will tell you that your gut is really the first brain and then your brain is actually the second brain. And the Neurologist and the Gastroenterologist will argue but they’ll both agree that there, frankly brains, you have more nerve cells in your gut than you do actually in the brain. So, when people say, you know, my gut tells me something, there’s something to be said about that.
History of Cinnamon
When you look here, Cinnamon is an ancient spice, it was a widely used spice. And it’s an aromatic native to Southeast Asia. Now, with the medicinal use of Cinnamon, they spent nearly 4000 years in ancient parts of India, as well as Chinese culture. And the important thing to remember – Cinnamon is a bark. It’s not, it’s not some herb, it’s, I mean, is an herb, but it’s literally a bark of a tree.
And the oil of Cinnamon has many, many medicinal benefits, including in an earlier video I did, I talked about Cinnamon’s effect to support metabolism, particularly in the area of you know, things like people with diabetes, type two diabetes, so you want to go check that video out. But it’s the bark of a tree.
That’s why it’s hard and it has a lot of medicinal benefits, which we’re going to walk through. The other thing you want to recognize here as we walked through this is that today we’re going to focus on the Digestive System. And I’m going to walk through this very, very carefully shortly.
But what you can see from a from a point here, let me just focus in on this, that the Digestive System is composed of the hollow organs, and then the solid organs and we’ll walk through these hollow organs include the mouth, the esophagus, the stomach, small intestines, large intestines, and the anus. And the solid organs include the liver, the pancreas, and the gallbladder.
We’ll walk through all of this, but we’re going to look at the effects of Cinnamon on the Digestive System. Okay, that’s what we’re going to look at today. And one of the things I also want to mention, if you see scrolling on the bottom of the screen is essentially if you want to know more of all the different things we do, you can go to, but those of you who specifically want to, I’m getting a lot of text, people won’t understand more about CytoSolve®and the Open Science Project. And you can go to, and you can actually support Scientific Research. Okay, and we’ll come back to this.
Now one of the key things that I want to talk about is that Cinnamon is a widely, widely researched, relatively widely researched herb, you know, we’ve looked at different things, but you can see here, Cinnamon has close to 8,787 research articles done. 99 Clinical Trials, this means that the sentiment has been tested on human beings and look at it over 120 years of research. That means it goes back to, you know, the early 1900s. So, it’s widely researched dietary supplement, close to 9000 research articles.
So, at CytoSolve®, what we’re able to do is we’re able to really look at all this research and bring it together. And I’ll talk more about this. In fact, I have a nice video queued up for you. But CytoSolve® is really a revolutionary platform for 23rd century medicine and research which came out of my PhD work, but we do This research and one of the important things, we do this without the need to kill animals. And that’s one of the ethos is that we have here.
And the research can be done faster, cheaper, and safer. And those of you who want to, again, ask different scientific questions, go to, go to and contribute to this research. But when you support us, we also support you in many, many different ways. I’ll talk about it, but CytoSolve® literally is able to take a body of research, in this case, Cinnamon and Digestive Health, find all those papers, organize them out of those paper, find the relevant ones related to Digestive Health, understand the molecular mechanisms, and then put together this research.
Okay, so and this research paradigm really came out my interest when I recognize it that the entire pharmaceutical model is really, unfortunately, not just screwed up, but it has some serious weaknesses, because the entire pharma model is actually based on not understanding food as medicine, but it’s really about trying to understand how one molecule in nature, or sometimes not in nature, most of the compounds that pharma makes are synthetic compounds, and how to take that synthetic compound down a path to see if it’ll influence something in your body.
$Trillion Pharma Industry in Peril/Big Pharma is Failing, Big Time!/ Savior OWS
And this diagram, shares the pharmaceutical model, they take a compound. And if they think, Oh, does this affect Digestive Health, they will first test it in a test tube, spend several years, and if that works, and they’ll go and kill a bunch of animals, which is really unfortunate, there’s no reason to do this, in my opinion. And that will take around six, seven years.
So, you’ve spent, you know, eight years on this, and then or sometimes less, but you know, anywhere between five to eight years. And then if you prove that it doesn’t kill too many animals after hurting a lot of animals, then you go through an FDA clinical trial process, phase one where you test on small sets of humans, phase two, and phase three. Okay. And by the time that drug comes out, it could, it could still have significant side effects. And, you know, you can sue pharma companies, but this concept has actually hurt the entire Pharmaceutical Industry.
Because you can see year over year, it takes him about, you know, 15 years to discover a drug 13 to 15 years, $5 billion dollars, and people can sue Pharma Companies. And this is why the job was so valuable. And what Trump did with the Operation Warp Speed, because, and thanks to the Kennedys, the Kennedys made it in 1986. They ensured that no one could sue Pharma Companies through a bill that Ted Kennedy passed, okay. And then Trump essentially allowed Fauci to fast-track vaccines, which means Pharmaceutical Companies can get a jab through very quickly, which is what they did with the COVID jab, and you can’t sue them.
So, this is very valuable for Pharma Companies. Because if you look at what happened here, over the last many decades, Pharma Companies are spending more and more money on R&D, which is what that saffron line represents. And, in fact, even the FDA was approving less and less new drugs, because of the side effects. So, they’re getting, they’re putting more money into R&D, less drugs are coming out. And this is a serious problem to their Profit model. This is why Pharma Companies were waiting for their Savior, and their Savior was Operation Warp Speed, and the jab.
Now the jab goes out there, you have to keep getting the boosters every six months. So, it’s literally like the Schick Razor Company selling you the razor and keeping selling you blades. Anyway, this was a background in 2003, four, or five when I created CytoSolve®, because I said, Hey, these Pharma guys are hurting a lot of animals, I thought they would embrace CytoSolve®.
But they just want to do it their way. We started applying CytoSolve® to really start understanding how we could really help natural products in many ways to honor what my grandmother had done and the tradition of the history of Traditional Medicine. So which CytoSolve® now we don’t just test a single compound, we can test the combinations of compounds, and food is fundamentally a multi-combination drug.
I want to again play with play for you a quick video which will really give you a little more depth on what CytoSolve® is so you get the background, and then we’re going to come look at the analysis of the CytoSolve® Open Science Institute on Digestive Health. So, here’s a quick video on what is CytoSolve® so you learn a little more.
CytoSolve® Analysis of Cinnamon on Digestive Health
All right, great. So that gives you a background on CytoSolve® to really understand the process, again, to all of you interested, we’ve launched the CytoSolve® Open Science Institute, and it’s really to enable science for the people by the people, you can go to, you can support it, you can also become a member of the movement and become a Warrior-Scholar.
Because when you support the Institute’s research, we actually enable you to learn the Science of Systems. So, it’s a reciprocal relationship. All right. Let’s go to Cinnamon now. And one of the things to remember here is that those of you joining, we’re doing an analysis on the effects of Cinnamon on Digestive Health. So, let’s go right here and talk about this.
Cinnamon Composition
Cinnamon is composed of four different major components, minerals, vitamins, flavonoids, and essential oils, okay? That’s why you’ll find people creating something called Cinnamon oil because the bark of the tree actually puts out oil but it’s got minerals, vitamins, flavonoids, and essential oils, we’re going to walk you through some minerals you can see got a ton of calcium, look at that 281 milligrams of calcium in one ounce of Cinnamon, manganese, a trace mineral, potassium and phosphorus, phosphorus very, very important for the brain, and vitamins A, C, E and K, a ton of vitamin A, again in one ounce of cinnamon, so you can see vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E and vitamin K, and the four minerals calcium, manganese, potassium, and phosphorus. Okay, that’s just one ounce of Cinnamon.
The next thing you’ll notice is that there are multiple flavonoids. And these flavonoids. One of the things is that in mainstream science, they don’t really teach us the importance of these flavonoids. One of the recent bioflavonoid products that we’ve discovered is a combination of a set of very important bioflavonoids. When combined appropriately, which we discovered with CytoSolve®.
It has an amazing effect on in what’s known as pain and inflammation in your body. And we’ll talk more about that. But these flavonoids are really, really important. That’s why fruits and vegetables and those foods are very important. But you can see there are seven flavonoids that are found in Cinnamon, Gossypin, Gnaphalium, Hesperidin, Hibifolin, Hypolaetin, Oroxindin, and Quercetin.
Many of you during the so-called Pandemic, regardless of whatever goes on there. Quercetin combined with zinc is a very powerful combination to support your Immune System. Quercetin is an ionophore, it allows your cell membrane to open up so zinc can pass through it and zinc is very important for stopping viral replication. So, quercetin is extremely important. But you can see Cinnamon has a number of these flavonoids, okay, seven of them that we want to really focus on today.
Cinnamon Essential Oils Composition
And when you look at these, I always like sharing some of the chemical structures. But you can see Cinnamon also is composed of these essential oils. Many years ago, a company called doTERRA, which does research on oils has asked us to research a combination that includes Cinnamon, but anyway, you can see the essential oils that are involved in others 41 Different essential oils found in Cinnamon, now the major essential oil components with the medicinal effects that we know today.
I mean, this is the unfortunate thing as you know, the NIH and the government does so little research relative to how much research that they fund in Pharma, a natural compound because of the collusion that occurs between academic research, the government, right, and the Big Pharma Companies.
But in my view, there’s probably many many other components of Cinnamon we don’t know about, but we’d like to at least you know hedge our, be conservative, meaning and really focus on what there has been research and at least these four major essential oil components are quite well researched Cinnamaldehyde, it’s an aldehyde of Cinnamon. Aldehyde chemical structures typically have this double bond OH which means carbon here, connected to hydrogen double bond OH, and this other carbon group over here, which is another double bond this is called an aldehyde group.
Okay, so we have Cinnamaldehyde, we have cinema cinnamal cinema, sorry cinnamic acid acids always have the C double bond O O H, C O O H, a little bit of organic chemistry. Cinnamic acid. And then we have these two other important components cinnamyl acetate. Acetate always has this O oxygen connected to two with another O here.
Alright, so if you see this, this is an acetate, this COH with this group is an aldehyde and COH is an acid. And then we have eugenol which shows up in a number of places. And but these are the four major essential oil components in Cinnamon, okay, there’s others, there’s 41 others, but these are pretty well researched.
Biological Effects of Cinnamon
Okay, so let me go here. Now I want to talk about – what are the biological effects of Cinnamon. So, remember these foods, you can’t just put them into any one bucket that’s not a Systems Approach. Pharmaceutical drugs you can only put them into one bucket. But the great thing with foods is they have holistic effects in your body. As you can see here. Cinnamon has a number of very, very different effects.
Now, it’s a little bit hard to see here, but I’ve these arrows going up and down and I walk you through so let’s start at 12 o’clock here. First of all, Cinnamon increases glucose metabolism in the brain. Okay, so that’s why those arrows go up. It looks amyloid beta toxicity, very, very important for Alzheimer’s, right so lowers that toxicity, and it lowers beta secretase enzyme activity, okay, these are two very, very important things for the brain.
Cinnamon also has an effect on increasing n cam levels, which supports neural growth. So, you have to support the growth of neurons, anti-diabetic effect, a lot of literature done on this, that supports you know, the insulin you know, insulin mimetic effect, which means it mimics insulin, okay. Pro-cognitive effects via acetyl ACH E activity, and antioxidant effects via the NRF two modulation. If you guys want to study NRF two, it’s one of the most important things to support antioxidant work in your body.
And then finally, neuro inflammation. Again, some basic chemistry if you heard of TNF alpha, IL1, IL-60s. These are pro-inflammatory chemicals. So, when you lower that, that supports, you know, reduces inflammation, particularly in this case, we’re looking at neuro inflammation, so you can see it over here.
We’re seeing effects up here and here on type two diabetes, and enough antioxidant effects, but a number of important effects on brain function. Okay. So again, it’s the bark of a tree, okay. But we’re gonna focus on Digestive Health today. So, let’s look at the biological effects. Let’s look at the health benefits.
Health Benefits
We’re going to talk about how it affects Digestion. But you can see Cinnamon has many, many other effects, helps in weight loss, it boosts Immune System, it boosts functioning of the brain. It has antibacterial and antifungal effects, treats, menstrual cramps, reduces inflammation, lowers the onset of chronic illness, lowers cholesterol levels, and lowers blood sugar levels. So, it’s really important, they’re saying that Cinnamon, as an ingredient, was part of the entire Curry spice blend, because of all these powerful effects.
if you want to think about it, look at all these things. It’s a multi, you know, Systems are but affects many, many Systems in your body. And by the way, everything we’re talking about here is in fact backed by Clinical Research, in vitro research and in vivo research. So, we’re gonna focus today on Digestion. That’s what we want to focus on. Before we talk about how it affects Digestion, I want to educate you a little bit on the Digestive System itself. What is the Digestive System?
Digestive System Components and Functions
One of the key things we focus on the Truth, Freedom and Health Institute is we start all of our Warrior-Scholars, first on giving them a lesson in the Foundations of Systems. And if you go to, it took me 50 years to organize this Curriculum. We’ve created an entire platform; I’ll walk you through later where you can come in. We have teaching assistants that are there on Mondays and Wednesdays and Thursdays.
I do a, you know grand, what’s called a full lecture. At once a month, you get to interact with our teaching assistants, plus myself, but you will really learn Systems, you learn the Science of Systems. So, when we look at the Digestive System, we’re looking at one of those Systems. Okay? So, let’s look at this here. What are the System’s components? A System by the way, when you take the Foundations of Systems course, you’ll understand it’s not just a part.
The problem with Western medicine is it’s really good if you’re just focused on one thing, but it doesn’t take a Systems Approach. So, you can look that the body is really composed of hollow organs and solid organs, okay, so if we look at the entire digestive tract from the time you put something into your mouth, it starts in one of the hollow organs your mouth, the esophagus is a hollow organ. Then it goes down to your stomach, which is a hollow organ, the small intestines, the large intestines, and the anus.
That is the full aspect of your hollow organs. But we also have the solid organs, the liver, the pancreas, and the gallbladder, extremely important to functioning. And if you study Chinese Medicine in our Systems Health Institute, we actually teach people Indian Medicine. We teach people Chinese Medicine, and the various medicine traditions really focused on liver is a very, very important Organ System. If your liver is not working, well guess what happens? The liver will go to your secondary system to your skin, okay? But if your liver is clean and functioning well, you won’t have skin issues, okay?
If you start having skin issues or eye problems in traditional medicine, you go to the liver, all these systems are interconnected. Okay? Start having pain in your neck here along the sides. Okay? Gallbladder issues, believe it or not, okay? In Eastern Systems Medicine, things are interconnected, you don’t just look at one part. But anyway, you can see in this case, the Digestive System is composed of the hollow organs, and the solid organs.
And the diagram sort of tells you where things are, you can see, you know, mouth, obviously, salivary glands up here, very important to chew the esophagus. And then you see this stomach over here, right? Right here is a big stomach, the pancreas is a very little organ right here want to take care of that. The large intestines over here, right. So small intestines are right in here, right, that’s where a lot of the Digestion takes place, the rectum and the anus and then the appendix is right here, okay?
And look at the liver, it’s literally on your right side of your body with your gallbladder over here. Okay? So, if you just want to think about your body, put your butt if you put your left hand, that’s where your stomach is right hand across from that is your liver. And then you have your large intestines, which go below, and they surround everything, and then of your small intestines. Alright. Well, let’s continue.
So, the mouth. Why is the mouth important? Mouth is, and the mouth, esophagus, and the stomach are where we start seeing very important parts of where the breaking down of food and the transport of food takes place. So, the mouth is where we break down big chunks of food into smaller ones. And this is where the salivary enzymes integrate, and they begin the biochemical process important to chew food.
In fact, in many, many traditional cultures, they’ll say, you know, it’s really important, even if you’re drinking, like a lot of people, if they make smoothies or just drink it, most traditional cultures will say even when you’re drinking a smoothie, smoothie, let it interact with your mouth enzymes, right? It’s really, really important to digest and to start in the stomach, then the esophagus is the thing that transports the food from the mouth to the stomach.
And then the second part where the breaking down of food occurs, as you can see, is with the acids and enzymes in usable form. By the way, there’s a lot of in western medicine, they’ll tell people, oh, you don’t have you know, you have an acidity issue, you have too much acid. Frankly, it turns out many people who claim to have an acid issue actually don’t have enough acid. Okay, so go study a little bit about this, I may do a video on it on hydrochloric acid, the enzymes, those of you if you’re having digestive issues go explore Digestive Enzymes.
And Digestive Enzymes are very, very valuable, because many people actually don’t have enough acid in their stomach. And many of the Western doctors will give them the wrong advice, and not be able to diagnose that. So, you want to really do some research on that about the Digestive Enzymes. Okay. So again, these are the areas of the Digestive Enzyme where the breakdown of food occurs.
Small Intestines, Pancreas, Enzymes
Now the small intestines, and the pancreas are extremely important because the small intestines are where the food from the stomach mixes with enzymes from the pancreas and bile from the liver. And that’s where we start seeing further breakdown of the food. But more importantly, this is where the absorption of nutrients takes place. And, and we transfer the unusable food material to the large intestine. And there’s a host of gut microbiome here.
So, the microbiome, which means a good bacterium for your body, is really in the small intestines, okay. But you can see this is where the absorption of food takes place. So, there’s some people who eat a lot of food, they keep eating food, a lot of food, but, but they’re not getting the nutritional value that they need. Typically, this is because they don’t have enough enzymes.
And they’re not properly breaking down food. In traditional cultures, people used to do some type of cleansing of the body and they used to always make sure they included some type of fermented foods like sauerkraut, or pickles. This really supports the gut microbiome, but make sure that you are absorbing foods, okay? Then we have the pancreas. Very, very important because this produces enzymes. What are enzymes? I’ve used that word a couple of times.
Let me explain what enzymes are. Enzymes are important chemicals that your body produces, and they support what’s called a catalysis process to break down food. They lower the amount of energy your body needs to break down foods have a chemical reaction goes from A plus B going to C when you have enzymes You need less energy for A plus B to go to C. So, when people are eating enzyme rich foods, you’ll probably be more awake and alive and be energized.
But if you’re not eating foods that have enough enzymes, you’re gonna, you eat a meal and you’re gonna feel tired after that meal, okay, because your body’s expending tremendous amount of amounts of energy, and you don’t have enough enzymes. So the pancreas is very, very important because pancreatic enzymes are extremely important. A lot of research has been done on the importance of pancreatic enzymes and the onset of cancer, and in fact, fighting cancer. And so the pancreas produces enzymes that digest food macronutrients trypsin, very, very important.
And chymotrypsin are important to break down protein into amino acids. So what do I mean by that? Well, you eat a big steak or eat a big piece of chicken, okay? Well, that’s protein, your body can’t just use protein, it needs to be cut up into things called amino acids. And your body then uses that to build muscle and other structures your body needs. So it’s sort of interesting. The body takes a big piece of meat, breaks it down into amino acids, and then the amino acids reassemble.
Some people have said, why not just eat amino acids? Right? Because you’re saving that energy process. We just finished some very interesting research on almonds, for example, if you eat raw almonds, roasted almonds, but if you take almonds, and you soak them for a couple of days, it germinates. Well, the soaked germinated almonds have tremendous amounts of amino acids, the soaking process converts proteins to amino acids, okay, many traditional cultures knew this.
That’s why nuts were always soaked, they never ate nuts raw or cooked. In fact, most meats, they would also do some process of fermenting the meat. So it will be easier. You know, marinates, right. If you watch a dog or wolves, they will take meat or fish, they’ll bury it, some sort of disgusting in the earth, which is really fermenting, which is breaking down the protein and then you eat it. This is a very important concept. Your gut is literally a vessel. It’s literally where cooking takes place.
But imagine if you gave your body pre-digested food, then with enzyme rich richness, and if that means you’re lowering the amount of energy, your body needs to digest very simple energy. So the pancreas is very, very important, because the pancreas, these enzymes, right trypsin chymotrypsin, and break down protein. That’s one type of enzyme. amylase breaks down carbohydrates into glucose.
Imagine your meat and potatoes, the meat gets broken down by Trypsin and chymotrypsin into amino acids, the potatoes get broken down using amylase. And then if you eat fats, lipase talks about lipids, lipase, anytime you see -ase, that’s typically added to something called, that’s and that’s an enzyme.
If you want to break down your eating, your oils where you need lipase, you eat avocados, the fatty acids are broken down by lipase, you eat a piece of bread or potatoes that’s broken down by amylase, and trypsin and chymotrypsin. But look at how important the pancreas is. The pancreas is the engineering part that gives you these very important enzymes. So, you know, be very aware of the importance of the pancreas. Okay.
Liver, Gallbladder, Large Intestine
Now, we also have five other organs, right you have the Liver. Liver is the thing that supplies the bile. So, the bile flows from the liver, into the small intestine to break down fat. But the most important thing about the liver. It’s like a carburetor. It also filters nutrients from the small intestines and removes toxins. Extremely important. Again, as I mentioned, if your liver is not functioning well, you’re going to see problems in your skin.
Because if the liver can’t process it, your body will say okay, I’m going to use a skin to put it out so when you start doing cleanses, the liver will start detoxifying your and if and if you’re cleansing too fast, your skin will take the hit on it, okay. Livers are extremely important. Dandelion greens, we’ll do a whole video on that. Very, very supportive for the liver, but it’s really used to process and filter the nutrients from the small intestines to remove toxins, and it’s also the thing that really sucks the nutrients and transfers the nutrients to the blood.
The gallbladder, okay? Is where you store bile, and it really has a concentrated bile which is used to break down food. The large intestines are where we absorb the water from the waste left over from the digestive process. And then from the digestive process in the small intestine, So the small intestine, has you know, water from the waste left from the digestive process, so they’re absorbed into the large intestine. And the large intestine also has gut microbiome. Okay?
The rectum is where we store the stool until it’s full. Okay. And then the anus is obviously where we used to evacuate the stool once the rectum is full. Okay, so there you go. That’s the Digestive System. Now, I want to talk to you about the effects of, you know, the effects of Cinnamon on the Digestive System. Cinnamon literally consists of many, many molecules. So, you have all these different molecules, you have this Digestive System.
So how does this one system called Cinnamon which all of its parts, all the essential oils, minerals, we’re going to focus on a few, how does that now affect the Digestive System. So, we’re going to we’re going to learn about that. And before we go to that, I want to share with you a practical example that we have used against CytoSolve®to model various types of Systems.
We just published a major paper in the leading cancers journal remodeling all the systems that are involved in cancer. We’ve used CytoSolve® to discover combination therapies. But I want to share with you a very practical discovery we did a couple years ago where we modeled the System of Pain, the System of Inflammation, and we use CytoSolve® to really find a combination of ingredients.
And this will give you sort of practical aspect. But we still have quite a bit of stuff to go on. But I want to share with you a quick video in a very practical way. And I’m going to share with you a product that we literally discovered using CytoSolve®. So let me play this for you. We’ll come back to this.

Alright everyone, that was uh, I hope that was that was helpful but the reason I want to share that with you is that we just switched over here is that it’s pretty exciting for me as a Scientist where you can take this research and you can actually do something where it’s not just you know, some that’s theoretical, right? So, we actually have a bottle of mV25™. here and on the back of this bottle, let me just share it with you, I think I have it here.
And there’s some important labeling on there. You can see that, that’s a bottle, you can get it in our shop. But we say it’s CytoSolve®Optimized as I shared with you, because what we found is we literally modeled as the video said, we literally modeled all these molecular reactions, and we ran through many, many different computations to find this right combination. And one of the promises we make here is, look, science is constantly changing.
If there’s new compounds that we found in nature, we’re gonna keep, you know, advancing this formulation, it’s not like science just say stay still. And that’s a problem when people become fanatic. They think that just this one set of compounds is it, but there’s actually combinations and that can actually vary. The other thing is, we’ve as, we’ve made this C.L.E.A.N Certified, we’ve made sure that the product is with high GMP Standards and all those kinds of things I just walked you through over here, and you can go to our shop, and you can get it, the bottle is there. And you can order it right online.
Effect of Cinnamon on Digestive System
Okay, so now let’s go back to the effects of Cinnamon. So, we take the same approach, where we understand the Molecular Pathways within the Digestive System, and we’re going to look at how the different elements, components in Cinnamon affect the Digestive System. Okay, so let’s go in here and take a look at that. Okay, so now we’re gonna look at the effects of Cinnamon on the Digestive System.
So how do we want to look this first of all, Cinnamon affects the hollow organs of the Digestive System. Hollow organs, remember, are the intestines. And how does it do that? Well, it delays gastric emptying, you know, it lowers blood glucose. So that’s very, very important. It lowers blood glucose by delaying gastric emptying. Now what that means it also lowers inflammation in the GI tract to prevent dyspepsia flatulence, diarrhea, and vomiting.
Okay. So again, we’re going to walk you through that, but it affects the hollow organs, the intestines in your Digestive System. Let’s look at what this means. So, it delays gastric emptying. So, what do we mean by that? So, if you look at the diagram here, here’s the cell wall denoted by these two lines up here. And to those of you listening on our podcast, we’re now on, I think about 10 different podcasts. I’ll also try to explain the diagram here we see the cell wall, and we see the Cinnamon coming across the cell wall. And what you see here is gastric emptying measures the time it takes for food to empty from the stomach and enter the small intestine right? Now you want to delay that.
Now why do you want to delay that? Because if it’s just going right from the small intestine, and from the stomach, I’m sorry. It because you want from the stomach and enter the small intestine because you want to make sure you have better absorption of food. So, the lower rate of gastric emptying is associated with lowering blood glucose levels. Okay. So that’s what we want to do.
Now gastrointestinal hormone GLP1 lowers the rate of gastric emptying, okay. And if it just goes right from your stomach, right into your small intestines really fast, you don’t have proper breakdown of food, which means you’re not going to get proper absorption. So GLP1, GLP1 lowers the rate of gastric emptying, okay, so it’s not like it just goes into your stomach and boom empties into your small intestines. You want to lower that rate.
So, you know, it hangs out in your stomach, your body’s digesting, and then it moves into your small intestines, so you can absorb the food. This is why it’s important to eat food. Slowly savor it, relish it chew your food, just in general, okay? Because you’re also supporting the gastric, you’re lowering gastric emptying. Okay? So GLP one blocks, that’s what this little red hammer means it blocks gastric emptying.
And when you if you have high gastric emptying, right, this has high blood glucose levels, and that leads to metabolic disorder. So let me repeat that again. So, if you have, if your body has high gastric emptying, this is not a good thing. That means you have high blood glucose levels, and you get metabolic disorders. But if you can lower the gastric emptying, then you’re not going to have these metabolic disorders, right.
So GLP one is a very, very important chemical because it lowers the rate of gastric emptying. Okay, and guess what sentiment does a green arrow means it increases levels of GLP one okay. More GLP one, which is good for you, it lowers it blocks high gastric emptying, right? Okay, so Cinnamon up regulates the production of GLP one, which reduces gastric emptying, reduces blood glucose levels and improves metabolic diseases such as diabetes, but it’s doing it through making sure you produce more GLP one.
Okay, so that’s the takeaway from this, again, this molecular pathway, which we have put together from the Open Science Institute at situs off. So that helps and I can teach your friends that okay, and please feel free to watch this video. And hope this makes sense. Okay, that’s one. That’s next thing is, let’s look at bloating and dyspepsia. Okay, you get bloated. And so, what we’re looking at here is, let’s say you have a high fat diet and what happens if you have a very high fat diet? The high fat diet and infection from Helicobacter pylori leads to gut inflammation.
So, if you have a high fat diet, and you also have H. Pylori, this is going to lead to gut inflammation. Okay, so again, we’re showing the cell wall here consuming heavy fats and you have pylori, H. pylori, some people you know, high fat diets, healthy fats are good, but if you have this H. Pylori, guess what happens? This will up regulate, and NF-κB we’ve talked about this before. Now, chronic gut inflammation leads to functional dyspepsia, okay, which can cause bloating and indigestion.
And so, you can see if you have a high fat diet and you have H. Pylori, you get NF-κB, just follow this green all the way through that leads to TNF alpha and IL-6. Those of you who’ve seen my videos before TNF alpha, and IL-6, are these very, very inflammatory molecules, that they support inflammation that leads to bloating, indigestion, and dyspepsia. Okay, but guess what Cinnamaldehyde does? Remember what I shared with you. Cinnamaldehyde is that very important molecule that is in… it’s one of the components of the essential oils in Cinnamon, right?
So that essential oil in Cinnamon has Cinnamaldehyde in it. Aldehyde in it, and that Cinnamaldehyde look what it does. It inhibits NF-κB right here. You’re seeing right here; it blocks NF-κB that means it stops this entire follow of reaction now. So, Cinnamaldehyde inhibits NF-κB induced production of inflammatory cytokines which are TNF alpha and IL-6 and thereby resolving bloating, indigestion, and dyspepsia.
Okay. So again, that’s one of the other discoveries we put together to share with you from the CytoSolve® Open Science Project. Okay, number two, very, very, valuable pieces of information on Cinnamon’s effect through cinnamaldehyde for digestion.
Your Body, Your System®
Let’s go to the approach now I want to share with you. Remember one of the things we do in VASHIVA and the Truth Freedom Health movement is we teach you a Systems Approach to understanding everything in the Universe, Political Systems, Engineering Systems, Election Systems, and Your Body is a System.
Now in 2008/9, nine when I went back to India, after I finished my PhD, I wanted to study the integration of eastern and western medicine. And I was able to bring that together. And one of the tools I created was a tool call Your Body, Your System by the way, everyone go to, you can sign up for our Open Houses, absolutely accessible to everyone. But we do a course on Your Body, Your System, at least a preview so you can understand, or you can go to
But one of the ways that I after that research was, I created a tool called Your Body, Your System. And this tool asks you a set of questions, and it maps your body. One is we can understand the body from a Molecular Systems Approach. Or we can understand the body from a System Science Approach. Where you understand there’s three forces in the Universe: transport, the movement of information matter and energy; Conversion, the conversion forces of information matter and energy and the Structural forces. I don’t have time to go into this but go to, sign-up, and you’ll be able to understand all of this, plus join a community.
But one of the things we give to everyone one of our Warrior-Scholars in the program is a tool called Your Body, Your System oops, and what Your Body, Your System lets you do, go back to where I’m at. I’m here, Your Body, Your System allows you to understand Your Body is a System, everybody’s System is unique. And what you can do with this thing, I think, go here. Sorry about that.
So, I don’t have time to go into the details. But think about how your body can be on this three-dimensional axis. Your body can have a lot of movement, motion Transport, structural forces, Storage, or Conversion. But within this framework, you can use this tool, you answer a set of questions, and will actually calculate where your body is. And that red is the target position of your body.
Some people have lots of transport, other people have more conversion to storage in the Indian System, we call it Vata, Pita, and Kapha. But this will actually figure out for you what kind of System you are, and the red dot may be different places for each one of you. Just because a red dot is in the center doesn’t mean you’re better or worse. It just means who you are. So first, you answer these questions, and the System will figure out what kind of System you are.
And then you answer a different set of questions. And the black dot tells you where your system is today, the red dot is who you are, and the black dot is where you are today, maybe you didn’t have proper digestion, or you had jet lag. And the goal really of health is to make sure the black dot to keep it simple is in the red dot, that means you’re in balance with you. And the System actually, will help you calculate what are the right foods for you, that helps bring the black dot to the red dot. That’s called Your Body, Your System. There’s a book I wrote called System and Revolution, which explains this. And you can go be a supporter, at, and I give all of that to you.
Systems Approach of Cinnamon on Digestive System
But when we look at Cinnamon, remember, the reason I’m sharing this with you is that everything in nature affects every other thing. So, you eat Cinnamon, and that’ll affect the forces of Transport, Conversion, and Storage. And what you’re seeing here is that Cinnamon lowers Transport, it increases Conversion which is Digestion you say. So, in the Indian System, they call it pitta, this is why it supports your liver.
So Cinnamon is very, very good for Digestion, and it lowers Kapha. Kapha is typically related to fat, it helps with the breakdown of fat. So, it all fits in with whether you’re looking from the Eastern Approach or the Western Approach. But I always like to take the Eastern Systems Approach. So, Pita is the force of Conversion and Cinnamon, again increasing, it increases Digestion. It lowers Vata. Vata’s also known as wind or gas, right? So lowers flatulence increases the Conversion forces and reduces Digestive forces, okay? I mean, reduces fat storage forces. Alright, so this is really pretty cool.
So, we’ve taken a Western Approach at the Molecular Systems level which CytoSolve® with Your Body, Your System, we’ve taken an Eastern Engineering Systems Approach. And you see they both meet at the same point, which is really cool because it lets you validate things in two different ways. We can look at the Molecular Systems Approach, we’ve just shown you that Cinnamon helps break down foods and reduces flatulence.
And then if you look at the Eastern Systems Approach, you see the same thing. It lowers Vata, when flatulence, increases Conversion, digestion, and it lowers storage of fat, it breaks down fat, okay, so it’s really, really cool. So, again, this is part of our Open Science Project, those of you who are interested in literally learning the Systems Approach.
I can’t overemphasize, go to, and it’s sort of a multi-pronged way because you can support yourself, you can Get Educated or you can Be Enslaved, because you can use this knowledge for politics, for your personal health, you can use it and you can become a Warrior-Scholar, if you want to use it for many, many different ways, okay, for health well-being.
And obviously, as I mentioned below, this tool CytoSolve® can be used to support Scientific Research. So how much should you take now? How much of Cinnamon should you take to support Digestive Health? And one of the things before I go there is I want to talk about our movement for Truth, Freedom, and Health.
And we’ll come back to talk about how much you should take. But it’s important to understand the movement for Truth, Freedom and Health is a movement that came out of all of my Engineering Systems Research, the teaching that we used to do, but in about three hours, you can actually learn the Science of Systems, those in power now the Science of Systems. Bureaucrats know the Science of Systems; those people executed in the war between Ukraine and Russia know the Science of Systems.
And it’s time that you learn the Science of Systems to get educated or be enslaved. It is the same Systems Approach we just use to understand our System, how sentiment affects the Digestive System, but we’ve put together the education we’ve created a community using private Social Media independent of Big Tech.
And then we’ve also created tools for activism. So, I want to share that with you because it would be remiss if I didn’t, and I’ll come back, and we’ll talk about how much Cinnamon should you take, what is the dosage and what does the science say so let me play this for you and we’ll be right back.
Health Benefits and Dosage for Cinnamon
Alright, everyone, let’s talk about dosage and how much of Cinnamon should you take by the way, I can’t overemphasize to everyone listening. Why it’s important in the modern world that everyone learn the Science of Systems as I mentioned, there’s probably about eight to 10,000 people in the world who understand the Science of Systems.
If you want to change the world, change your body, change anything in your life, we have to recognize that things are interconnected. And there’s a science to understanding the physics of changing the world. And I hope all of you take advantage of this. We’ve created an amazing community of people, we’ve created all different Institute’s now, where we’re, we’re not here just to whine, obviously, we will critique what’s going on with the establishment and the nonsense that they’re doing.
But the other piece is to also offer solutions. If you go to, you’ll see all the different solutions we’re offering. And it’s a wonderful way for all of you to become solutionary, you know, revolutionaries that deliver solutions in an educated world. Okay, so the world revolution is important because it’s a revolution for you to raise your consciousness and understanding. So let me go back to this.
Dosage Levels in Clinical Trials
Let’s now really talk about dosing. How much should you take, right? And remember, today, we’re talking about the Digestive effects of Cinnamon, Cinnamon can have many other effects, right? It can. We talked about glucose metabolism, but today we’re really talking about its effects on Digestion. So, one of the things we talked about was a maintenance dose. (Huss et al., 2002) It’s about 120 milligrams per day to six grams per day. Now for gastric emptying.
Remember, what we want to do is we want to lower that rate, so you get better absorption, better digestion, according to (Hlebowicz et al., 2009) – It says about one to three grams per day, okay, one to three grams per day, so it’s not a lot, but it can really support the digestive process again, in many, many Traditional Cultures. You didn’t go to the vitamin store, this was just included in your food, right?
So, you added Cinnamon, that’s why Curry Powder that I talked about earlier, already has Cinnamon and all these other digestive spices, which we’re going to walk through over the next couple of weeks, right? But Cinnamon was always a part of that. Okay, now for glucose control, which is, you know, to support your metabolism (Mang et al., 2006). Their work says about one to six grams per day.
So, notice that it helps gastric emptying as well as glucose control. Now for antimicrobial activity, right. Remember, like the, we just talked about? One of the bacteria H. pylori, right. (Wang et al., 2012) said three capsules per day contain 18 milligram, Cinnamon oil, and nine milligrams pogostemon oil, so, in that case, they had a combination.
All right, but you can see at, you know, it’s about 120 milligrams to about six grams. So if you go from the maintenance dose to for gastric emptying, and for glucose control on the high end about six grams, and the low end about 120, milligrams maintenance, which is what you typically would get, you know into dosages of Curry Powder, which was just added to food, all right, and for antimicrobial activity, about three capsules 18 milligrams.
Now, in conclusion, let me wrap up by saying that Cinnamon is a versatile spice that helps Digestive Health, Immune Health, Cardiovascular Health and enhances bioavailability of other foods and drugs. As Cinnamon enhances the Digestive System again, by doing two things, right? It supports the performance of your Digestive System, it lowers gastric emptying rate in the intestines, which means you get better absorption of food, better digestion, and it lowers gut inflammation, and thereby reducing bloating and dyspepsia.
Alright, those are the two ways Cinnamon works, as we discussed. Okay. So anyway, this is Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, I hope this was valuable. And let me see if there’s any questions that anyone of you have. But we’ve just spoken about Cinnamon and Digestive Health. Let me see if people have any questions, comments.
And by the way, I have a little thing playing right below on the ticker that you can see, any one of you please recognize you can email me at, we’re gonna have more formal ways coming up very soon where you can propose a Research question. We have people who want to, we have, by the way, mapped out the Molecular Pathways and Alzheimer’s and Cancer a whole bunch of different Biomolecular Pathways.
And one model we could use, we could go on the public markets, raise a lot of money, get VCs involved. But the problem is that once you do that, you actually give up a lot of control. And I would rather take our technology and give it directly to people. So those of you who have questions. think of yourselves as almost becoming Research Directors. You can help ask a question, help raise funding for it, and support the CytoSolve® Open Science Institute, so keep an eye out for it.
We already have one project going on, which is looking at what’s in the jab. In the Pfizer jab. We also have someone who recently came up who wants to start supporting Osteoarthritis Project. Just to give you a quick view into this, I think I can do this. Let me see if I can pull this off here, because we just got this. Go here, we have a new System set up here, I’m going to open up, I think I can do this here. I’m going to open up. Oops, I think I don’t want to do that. Sorry. Let me go back here. What I want to do is I want to open up a window here. So, I can show you if you go to Let me just go over here. If anyone has a chance to go to
We stop the screen here. Let me share the screen. And I think I want to go to Chrome tab here. Yeah. So, here’s VA. So, I hope everyone has, go to And what you’ll see here is that as you scroll down through this, we have our Journey to Systems video, you can see there’s a video here on the movement. But here we’ve just opened up our new Institutes, these are just going to be coming soon.
We have some nice graphics here. But if you go to the CytoSolve® Open Science Institute, you can go there, you can contribute directly. And by the way, when you contribute, you can either contribute to the research that we’re doing right now, the kind of work that I just shared with you, or you can go and support specific projects. Okay. So, if I go here, you can literally go here and give $1 and give whatever dollars, if you give $100, you actually get all these other gifts.
So, I don’t want to take anything from people without giving anything, we give close to 15 different gifts. And you also get enrolled as a member of the Truth Freedom Health movement. So, take advantage of that. So, you’re contributing to the research, but you’re contributing, contributing to your own Systems Education, that’s right here. Alright, the other thing that I want to emphasize here is you can also contribute to one of the research programs, so we’re going to be adding more and more that’s going to come from you.
Osteoarthritis Research, Leukemia Research, Oral Health Research, Depression, we have all these different areas. And you can see, these are all the different kinds of research programs we have going on, Science for the people, by the people, that’s where we’re heading towards. Okay. So please, recognize that all of this work is there, this work, is the infrastructure is there for you. So, we don’t have to wait for the Fauci’s of the world or the academics of the world.
The technology platform that I created, can be used for science for the people, by the people. Go to, sign up, support this valuable research, but most importantly, support your own advancement to learning the Science of Systems. Anyway, I hope this was valuable. And I will see you guys shortly, we’re going to be, we have a couple more videos coming for you in this whole space and Be Well. Be the Light. Thank you.

It’s time we move beyond the Left vs. Right, Republican vs. Democrat. It’s time YOU learn how to apply a systems approach to get the Truth Freedom Health you need and deserve. Become a Truth Freedom Health® Warrior.
Join the VASHIVA community – an integrated EDUCATIONAL, COMMUNICATIONS – independent of Big Tech -, and LOCAL ACTIVISM platform to empower YOU to actualize Truth Freedom Health in your local communities by employing a SYSTEMS APPROACH.
The platform we are building for Truth Freedom Health® provides the infrastructure to take on Big Tech, Big Pharma, and Big Academia. Many of you have asked how you can help. You can contribute whatever you can. Based on your level of commitment to get educated, I have also created some wonderful educational gifts to thank you for your contribution.
To get the education you need and deserve, join Dr.SHIVA on his Foundations of Systems course. This course will provide you three pillars of knowledge with the Foundation of Systems Thinking. The three pillars include: 1) The System Dynamics of Truth Freedom Health, 2) The Power of a Bottom’s Up Movement, and 3) The Not So Obvious Establishment. In this course, you will also learn fundamental principles of all systems including your body.
Course registration includes access to his LIVE Monday training, access to the Your Body, Your System tool, four (4) eBooks including the bestselling System and Revolution, access to the Systems Health portal and communications tools – independent of Big Tech – including a forum and social media for you to build community with other Truth Freedom Health Warriors.
This course is available online for you to study at your own pace.
It’s time to Get Educated, or Be Enslaved.