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Dr.SHIVA LIVE: Astragalus and Lung Congestion. CytoSolve® Systems Biology Analysis.

In this discussion, Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email, shares results from CytoSolve's Molecular Systems Biology Analysis of how Astragalus may alleviate Lung Congestion. Many "health gurus" simply are Pro- and Anti- about a particular food. This is a reductionist approach that creates confusion. They have little idea of HOW the food is processed since they lack a SYSTEMS foundation to thinking. This is part of CytoSolve® Food Is Medicine Series.
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Dr.SHIVA LIVE: Turmeric and Lung Congestion. A CytoSolve® Systems Biology Analysis.

In this discussion, Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email, shares results from CytoSolve's Molecular Systems Biology Analysis of how Turmeric may alleviate Lung Congestion. Many "health gurus" simply are Pro- and Anti- about a particular food. This is a reductionist approach that creates confusion. They have little idea of HOW the food is processed since they lack a SYSTEMS foundation to thinking. This is part of CytoSolve® Food Is Medicine Series.
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Dr.SHIVA LIVE: Black Cumin Seed Oil and Lung Congestion. A CytoSolve® Analysis.

In this discussion, Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email, shares results from CytoSolve's Molecular Systems Biology Analysis of how Gingko and alleviate Lung Congestion. Many "health gurus" simply are Pro- and Anti- about a particular food. This is a reductionist approach that creates confusion. They have little idea of HOW the food is processed since they lack a SYSTEMS foundation to thinking. This is part of CytoSolve® Food Is Medicine Series.
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Dr.SHIVA LIVE: Gingko and Lung Congestion. A CytoSolve® Analysis.

In this discussion, Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email, shares results from CytoSolve's Molecular Systems Biology Analysis of how Gingko and alleviate Lung Congestion. Many "health gurus" simply are Pro- and Anti- about a particular food. This is a reductionist approach that creates confusion. They have little idea of HOW the food is processed since they lack a SYSTEMS foundation to thinking. This is part of CytoSolve® Food Is Medicine Series.
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