Dr.SHIVA Bi-Monthly Special Lectures: AI, Robots, Workers Rights, What You Must DO NOW
Saturday, 2pm US Eastern Time. January 15, 2022. Purchase Tickets Now FREE to all TRUTH FREEDOM HEALTH® Warrior-Scholars. If you are already a TFH Warrior-Scholar, please sign in to your TFH Warrior-Scholar Dashboard to RSVP and join the lecture for…
Dr.SHIVA ANNOUNCEMENT: MARCH on Pfizer & Moderna in Cambridge, MA! Jan 6th, 12 Noon. Meet in Kendall Square, at Galaxy Park, 12 Noon. March on Pfizer and Moderna, who make $65,000 per minute.
Dr.SHIVA ANNOUNCEMENT: MARCH on Pfizer & Moderna in Cambridge, MA! Jan 6th, 12 Noon. Meet in Kendall Square, at Galaxy Park, 12 Noon. March on Pfizer and Moderna, who make $65,000 per minute.
Dr. SHIVA BROADCAST: Channel 7 WHDH Interviews MIT PhD Scientist Dr.SHIVA Exposing #FakeScience. #BigPharma at #TruthFreedomHealth Rally in Boston
Dr. SHIVA BROADCAST: Channel 7 WHDH Interviews MIT PhD Scientist Dr.SHIVA Exposing #FakeScience. #BigPharma at #TruthFreedomHealth Rally in Boston
Are YOU Ready to Fight for YOU? Speech at #TruthFreedomHealth Rally.
Are YOU Ready to Fight for YOU? Speech at #TruthFreedomHealth Rally.
The REAL ENEMY is Racist BIG PHARMA located in Kendall Sq. that makes $65,000 per MINUTE.
The REAL ENEMY is Racist BIG PHARMA located in Kendall Sq. that makes $65,000 per MINUTE.
WORKERS UNITE! Beyond Left & Right. #TruthFreedomHealth. Escalate the movement. Get Educated, or BE Enslaved!
WORKERS UNITE! Beyond Left & Right. #TruthFreedomHealth. Escalate the movement. Get Educated, or BE Enslaved!
Rabid Pro-BIG PHARMA Nutjob Violently Attacks Dr.SHIVA’s Fiancé and Assaults Multiple Women at Peaceful Truth Freedom Health® Day Standout in Massachusetts
Rabid Pro-BIG PHARMA Nutjob Violently Attacks Dr.SHIVA’s Fiancé and Assaults Multiple Women at Peaceful Truth Freedom Health® Day Standout in Massachusetts Assailant Still Remains At-Large https://youtu.be/Aj7YYBtS2oE Cambridge, MA (December 31, 2021). A masked, wigged, rabid pro-Big Pharma nut job got…