- Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD – Inventor of Email, Systems Scientist, engineer, educator – has a discussion with viewers and gives an analysis about real racism and to give true context of his role in the Arizona Audit and contextualized his findings.
- Dr.SHIVA intersects the discussion of REAL Racism with Engineering Systems Science, explaining how the anomalies discovered in the Maricopa County Audit was conducted as a very non-partisan, very scientifically based audit of a very particular aspect of the Election System, and how Election Officials used their Censorship Infrastructure using the Arizona Mirror’s blog article to discredit Dr.SHIVA using REAL Racism.
- The Arizona Mirror independent blog is actually funded by non-profits. Dr.SHIVA shares the case study of how Maricopa Officials EFFECTIVELY Used a Proxy Scribe at an Unknown Blog “Arizona Mirror” Funded by Arabella Advisors’ HopeWell Fund to unleash REAL RACISM in an attempt to discredit Dr. SHIVA and his engineering Systems Approach to advance the integrity of U.S. Elections. In addition, we will also cover the racist Washington Post’s attack on Dr.SHIVA
- In this video Dr.SHIVA reviews a detailed document he titled “How Election Officials Use Media Proxies to Disseminate Misinformation and Disinformation to Avert Investigations of Election Malfeasance”, as a Systems Analysis response to the Arizona Mirror’s blog smear campaign of his Analysis presented in the Maricopa County audit to educate you how the Maricopa County Election Officials have implemented the guidelines in the EIO Playbook created by the Harvard Belfer Center, which he exposed in his Lawsuit, and can be reviewed at Winbackfreedom.com
- Dr.SHIVA educates both parties Left and Right are violating 52 U.S.C. 20701, which Congress passed by a Democrat majority 50 years ago when Congress declared that election audits are a public good by providing real data and feedback about the integrity of an election.
The original research in this video is made possible by generous contributions from supporters of the Dr.SHIVA Truth Freedom Health® movement. Please contribute so we may continue to bring you such original research, valuable education, and innovative solutions.
Racists Unleash Smear Campaign to Conceal Anomalies Uncovered in Maricopa Audit
Good evening everyone. It’s Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai. Actually, good afternoon, it’s around 5:39. Welcome. This is the continuation of what I promised you yesterday. I promised you that I’m back, and we really want to start talking about the significant issues of our time. We’re going to have political discourse, which I do from a Systems Approach. But we’re also going to start talking about medical issues and health issues, which I’ve done. So, I want to welcome everyone.
The discussion I want to have today is just following, as many of you know, there were the hearings at the house that took place, essentially a highly partisan hearing. I was invited to go. Initially, it was a schedule conflict that I had which came up. I was invited literally at the last minute, and then I changed my schedule to go. I was listed to be a witness at the house hearing for the Maricopa audit hearing at the United States Congress, and for some reason it was changed. The house has listed that I’m coming. And then the news said that I didn’t want to come. It’s absolutely false. I would have loved to take on these people and share one of the most important things here in the United States: there is encouragement to actually do an audit. So, what we’re going to cover today is something important.
Number one, we’re going to talk about one of the central issues that has not been discussed in the context of what’s going on in the United States by either left or right – racism. And you’ll see how this connects and I’m going to share with you a document that I did. But we’re gonna have a deep discussion about racism, what it really is, and why the left and the right do not want to discuss it. The right talks about how it doesn’t exist; so it’s created a vacuum for the left to take ownership of it.
So we’re going to talk about that. We’re going to intersect the discussion of racism with engineering Systems Science, which I brought to the table in Maricopa to do this very nonpartisan, very scientifically based audit of a very particular aspect of the System. We’re going to talk about that.
And then we’re going to interconnect it with the fact that when you say something against election officials in the United States, they have a Playbook that I discovered in our own election here in Massachusetts in 2020, when I exposed, or even questioned the integrity of the State Election Director who had deleted ballot images, then I was thrown off Twitter. And what we discovered was that the United States government has created an unholy alliance with Big Media and Big Tech.
And it’s through a set of Playbook documents that were created at the Harvard Belfer School, which essentially has created what we call a Domestic Censorship Infrastructure in the United States, meaning that the government can watch American citizens and silence them if they say anything against election officials. It’s actually written down step by step.
So, what happened to me in 2020 when I exposed the State Election Director of Massachusetts, what they did, in the historic lawsuit which exposed this unholy alliance is what just occurred in Maricopa. So we’re going to connect three different Systems here.
As many of you know, I want to encourage all of you to first of all, raise your consciousness and take a Systems Approach to looking at the world. What does that mean? We have the Left & the Right, Pro & Anti, Black & White. And we need to move Beyond Black & White, Beyond Left & Right, Beyond Pro & Anti, by applying a Systems Approach. And that Systems Approach will teach you how to unite things around common principles.
Every Monday evening, everyone go to TruthFreedomHealth.com. I’ll put it up here. If you go to TruthFreedomHealth.com, you will see that one of my biggest aims is to be a catalyst to educate all of you in the Systems Approach. So go to TruthFreedomHealth.com and become a Warrior. And there’s a book called “System and Revolution” that you can learn.
But the fundamental way we’re going to win, be it on the issue of the forced “jabbines”, or the diaper mandates, or whether it be on censorship or whether it be on the election issue, whether it be on any of the issues of our times, it’s not the left/right narrative, it’s to take a Systems Approach.
So, let me review what happened here and I’ll bring it into context.
In September 2020, many of you know, in Massachusetts, the Massachusetts GOP swamp, led by a swamp creature by the name of Jim Lyons, insured – rigged the election to make sure that a true candidate would not be allowed to win the Republican primary. We were headed for a landslide. We had 20-30,000 lawn signs up there, bumper stickers everywhere, 2 million fliers. You couldn’t exit Massachusetts or enter without seeing Dr.SHIVA. The Massachusetts GOP found a no-name guy to make sure that a real candidate would not win. And in September is when we saw in hand-counted county of Franklin I won by nearly 10 points. In every other county, 60/40, 60/40, 60/40. That’s when I never thought election fraud took place.
I got interested in this, explored it. We started exposing the State Election Director here in Massachusetts, that’s when we got thrown off Twitter. The court said, “You can’t do that anymore.” They threw us off again, a full deplatforming. It went into a full blown lawsuit. And what we showed was that the government has an unholy alliance with social media companies. They have Twitter Partnerships. We uncovered these documents called Playbooks.
And that entire aspect prepared me for when the November elections took place, the general elections, and we saw what took place in the Biden/Trump thing. I was the first one to come out and expose what occurred in Maricopa, the anomalies, or the anomalies in Arizona, which led to the audit. I was brought in at the tail end of this audit, only 20 days or 30 days before the audit was ending in late August. And I was asked to analyze the envelopes in which the mail-in ballots are put in.
In fact, I didn’t even get a chance to analyze the envelopes. I was given the digital images on a hard drive. The Arizona State Senate sent us the envelopes in which the ballots are put in. And we were asked to analyze all the envelopes. You can go look at one of the other blog posts where I presented all the data at the end of it. But what we uncovered was that there were more ballots than envelopes we had, at least the images. First thing, 6,545 more ballots that they reported than the envelopes we had when you looked at the actual envelope images.
What happens is, envelopes come in which have the ballot. They are scanned, which we also found out they’re compressed images which they didn’t make clear upfront, and then those envelope images are what are reviewed by volunteers who find out if the signature on that matches a signature in the database. And it’s quite extraordinary because even the left and the right said that this is a “witchcraft process”. But anyway, only 587 bad signatures were found out of nearly 1.92 million. Very, very low amount. So that was an anomaly.
I presented on September 24th to the Arizona State Senate in a very scientific, and frankly, in an engineering Systems Approach the anomalies that we discovered. So we went through a number of anomalies. We never accused anyone. We never even said there was election fraud. What we said was, we were asked to look at these images, and we found these anomalies. For example, 6,545 more ballots that they had than matching envelopes. There should be one ballot for every one envelope.
We also notified another anomaly. Maricopa County did not report the total number of envelopes they got, the envelope images, they just report like this ‘unique’ number.
Well, we found that if you take the envelope images, we found 17,322 duplicate envelope images. Then you get to a unique number which didn’t match their number by 6,545.
We were also asked to do pattern analysis and classification of this signature box alone to see if that had a signature, if it was blank, or was a scribble. Very, very simple analysis; just to do a quick analysis. We didn’t have the detailed opportunity that was in the scope of our audit to do the signature verification. So we presented all those results. We also found some really interesting anomalies, where we found multiple cases of one individual having two voter IDs. So that means you’re Bob Smith and you have voter id 111, and you also have voter ID 222, and you actually submitted two ballot envelopes, which also the ballots are opened and counted, and we’ve shown that.
So like this, we presented various anomalies. And the goal here was to present the anomalies to the Senate and to ask questions. So one of the questions is, in engineering Systems, something is called Standardized Operating Procedures. You can write this down, SOP, Standardized Operating Procedures. What is an SOP? Well, now let’s step back. If you look at the entire article that I wrote, it was a 99-page report. It wasn’t part of what I was supposed to do, I was supposed to just report numbers, but me being me wanting to be proud of the work our team did, we did a 99-page report.
I think over five days, maybe I got eight hours of sleep. It was nonstop. I wrote every word in there and wanted to make sure it was perfect. And in that 99-page report, what we spoke about was we live in the world of modern Engineering Systems. You want to write that word down, Engineering Systems. What is an Engineering System? One Engineering System is like the air transportation system we have in the United States. An airplane goes from point A to point B. We don’t see airplanes falling out of the sky.
There are standardized operating procedures. There are things that must be done from point A to point B. In the manufacturing field, if you work at a company that manufactures cars, they get all their parts, they put it through a very specific engineering process, and a car comes out. Or even an iPhone. Every iPhone that you guys have, you may not know this, but every part here can be tracked to a particular factory, a particular batch. We live in the world of Engineering Systems. And the 20th century wasn’t like that, but the 21st century is a world of Engineering Systems. Which means engineers know that when you make something, every little part of a system needs to go through a particular process.
And if one little part is an anomaly, good engineers don’t sit on their back and say, “Well let that go through.” They say, “Hey! Wait a minute. That O-ring over there…” Remember the space shuttle? Some of you may remember depending on how old you are.
In 1986, I used to love to watch a shuttle take off. I saw all the icicles on the launch pad. I said, “Wow, I hope they don’t launch the shuttle because it’s never been tested on such low temperatures.” Four hours later, I got up and the shuttle was blowing up. Two engineers told NASA, “Please don’t fly this shuttle today because there’s an anomaly. The O-rings were never tested.” What were the O-rings? They were the rings between the solid rocket boosters. Well the attitude was, you know, nothing to see, move along. They launched it and it blew up.
Engineers look at anomalies. I’ll repeat that again. Anomalies are unexpected things. They’re not claims. They’re unexpected events that take place. And we as engineers are trained to look for the smallest thing, the largest thing. You know, I’ve run many companies. When people call my company, if I produce a piece of software, and customers say, “Hey, we noticed this anomaly, something’s not working here.” If I were to say you’re a conspiracy theorist, you’re an anti-vaxxer, you’re this, you’re that, shut the hell up I don’t want to hear your complaint, it’d be ludicrous. It doesn’t matter what positions people have politically, or what they think. You say, “Hey, let me listen to your complaint. Let me go look at if it’s a root cause issue in the software, and let me fix it.”
Imagine if you called Boeing and you said, “Hey, I see something’s wrong with your wing in the airplane.” And they said, “Shut the hell up. You’re a conspiracy theorist; you come from this party; you voted for this guy; you’re making claims; you’re a fraud…” It would be unbelievable.
To be clear, we, as engineers, and by the way, I have four degrees in engineering out of the number-one engineering school in the world, have been doing engineering since I was a kid in 1978, is that you learn to look for anomalies. Because when you find an anomaly, you go fix it, and your systems get better and better. There’s a reason Apple sends out new iOS operating systems every X number of months because they’re upgrading and upgrading. They’re getting it better and better. You report; they find issues; they get back. That’s called the Engineering Systems Process.
In the audit report, I really wanted to unite people. I said, “Let’s get beyond partisanship. Let’s go beyond controversy. Let’s go beyond vitriol.” And I said, “This is an opportunity to look at these anomalies. Let’s have open discourse, and let’s find out what’s wrong. No one is being accused here.” So we presented that. It was a wonderful piece of engineering work. And what happened after that? Well, what happened was, the Maricopa County officials didn’t have the decency to contact me.
We ended that review to the Senate saying there are two important findings in addition to the anomalies. Number one, the signature verification process is unverifiable. Which means you’re taking volunteers and you’re giving them a signature, which let’s say, you signed your name on the envelope, and then there is the voter registration signature. They’re supposed to do 27-point analysis within about 5 to 10 seconds. And if it doesn’t match, they’re supposed to then call the person if they can get their phone number and cure it.
Well, when you look at the number of curing, it was such a small amount relative to the large fraction and most of it was done after November 3rd. And the other thing was, how are you doing this verification? Was 27-points used, was it 20-points because we were hearing all different kinds of things. So we said, “Look, the signature verification process is unverifiable.”
The second important conclusion and recommendation was that we need to really audit that is that we need standardized operating procedures. When the ballot came in, how was it imaged? What compression was used? What were all the processes? In any company, when I’ve done audits or when people have done audits of my company, if the auditors come in they say, “Hey, how did you do this, or this? How did you set up your firewalls? How did you do this design process?” We give them documents. Over two weeks, I think two weeks passed by as of tomorrow, and we’ve yet to see any of the standard operating procedures. So that’s the first part.
Now, instead of having a rational discourse, what did the election officials do? Well, in Arizona, there is a blog, an unknown blog, called the Arizona Mirror. In fact, they’re not even a blog, it turns out they’re a nonprofit. And we’ll go over that. They’re a nonprofit. In fact, there’s 20 of them set up all over the United States, funded by dark money, not my words, but by the New York Times and even Politico, left-leaning organizations. Arabella Advisors is a nearly a billion-dollar organization that through their Hopewell Fund, funds the Arizona Mirror, which is a 501c3 nonprofit. And they brand themselves as independent journalism.
Maricopa County officials effectively went over to the Arizona Mirror, and they did a hit job piece on me. And the hit job piece was to discredit me, as I’m a nobody. And how do they lead this? Well, he’s a conspiracy theorist who claims he invented email. By the way, everyone recognizes that Wikipedia is another big racist organization. And again, we’re gonna get to what is racism? Because I want all of you to elevate your consciousness to really understand what real racism is.
And then I’m anti this, I’m a right-wing nut job, and that’s how they describe one of the eminent world-renowned engineers who has won the Fulbright award, who did in fact invent email, and so on. So it was a hit job piece to discredit a guy who came from nothing, who went through the American journey, and tried to attack all my accomplishments. So what did I do? So I wrote a 99-page audit report, and about five days ago I wrote a very detailed response to that, and I’m going to share that with you right now. Let’s share my screen here.
What you’re seeing here is a document I just wrote. It’s called How Election Officials Use Media Proxies to Disseminate Misinformation and Disinformation to Avert Investigations of Election Malfeasance. So what I’m talking about here is, I took the hit job on me and I want to now educate the world on the larger thing. And I said, “Let’s do a case study of what they did to me, how Maricopa County election officials effectively use a local blog purporting independent journalism to malign an auditor, which is me, who reported anomalies in the US Senate election.” So let me explain what I’m saying here.
What I’m saying here is that these people essentially effectively used this blog to do a hit job acting as though the blog was doing it all on its own. And this is how these election officials are working today. So that’s the title. And this is about 70-pages; so let’s go through this. By the way, people can read my bio. So first of all, we want to let these election officials know they’re not dealing with some random person. I put in my time and I published in the world’s leading journals; I have many patents; I did invent the first email system. You don’t need to hear that from me, but first they always try to discredit that, and this is where the racism comes in. So my bio is right up front.
Now this is a statement I want to read to all of you. What I did was I went and asked one of the leading Engineering Systems professors in the world to look at my report and tell me what she thought about it. And she was a professor at MIT for 17 years, held two professorships, Professor Deborah Nightingale. In addition, she’s in the National Academy of Engineering, which is very difficult to get into, and she’s now down in Florida, a distinguished professor. So this is what Professor Nightingale said about the report that I had submitted, which this organization, the Maricopa County officials effectively using their proxy blog, tried to do on me. So let’s look at the thing that Dr. Professor Nightingale wrote here. And by the way, you can see Professor Nightingale’s background, and this is what she wrote.
She goes, “I’ve known Dr.Shiva Ayyadurai for nearly two decades. He’s a world renowned System Scientist, an MIT PhD, the inventor of email, an expert in the field of pattern recognition classification. One who has led and participated in numerous audits. I reviewed Dr.Shiva’s audit report submitted to the Arizona State Senate. The report is stellar, met all its objectives and more importantly, provides a thought leadership of Engineering Systems Theory that is now necessary to move beyond partisanship so we may squarely address election systems integrity.”
People may think this woman must also be Shiva’s same political bend, right? She must be on Shiva’s side. So let’s look at that. Is she on my side, politically? Well, here we go. To be clear, Professor Nightingale says, “I am a Democrat. I voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016. I voted for Joe Biden in 2020. Dr.Shiva is a Republican; he voted for Donald Trump in 2016. In 2020, he did not vote for either Trump or Biden. The recent ad hominem attacks against Dr.Shiva by Maricopa County officials effectively through their proxy at the Arizona Mirror attempting to box him into a predefined category must be addressed, particularly given their racist subtext.
Dr.Shiva is a true independent thinker in deeds, not words. He cannot be put into some reductionist box. He has put his life on the line fighting corruption in the swamp his entire life. His loyalty to truth supersedes his loyalty to individuals. In fact, he released a highly critical video questioning if Trump was the swamp, although he had earlier donated to Trump and had worked hard on his campaign. And when it comes to the invention of email, yes, a 14-year old dark-skinned precocious boy in 1978 working in Newark, New Jersey did invent email, the system as we know today, there’s no controversy. The facts are black and white. The only controversy is the one fabricated to deny his rightful claim to email’s invention. Anyone can read the research papers.”
Dr. Professor Nightingale says, “I wrote on the topic and there are links all here.” But what she ends up saying is look, “the Arizona commission was wise in commissioning Dr.Shiva. His Team executed the job with excellence. It was extraordinary. They got it done in 20 days. Having been a consultant in many projects, Arizona has got a bargain at 50k. I hope Democrats and Republicans unite around Dr.Shiva’s thought leadership, which calls for an Engineering Systems Approach.”
And then she ends by saying, “that is how we unite America by solving underlying systems issues. I believe that the state of Arizona and the whole country would be greatly served by both examining current operating procedures and adopting recommendations Dr.Shiva makes for future improvements.” So that was Dr. Nightingale’s response. That was what Debbie Nightingale put in her statement. So that’s the central thing here. What I want to get back to is that here’s an independent person, an esteemed professor, she says, “Look, Dr. Shiva is doing what we need to do, we need to take an Engineering Systems Approach.”
In the analysis, I put that up right in the foreword. Now, let me go back to this. One of the important things that I talk about in this is I give an introduction in this report that I did the follow up. I said, “On October 1st, Maricopa County election officials effectively used a proxy, a scribe, and an unknown blog; Arizona Mirror, that purports to stand for independent journalism.”
So everyone here go to the Arizona Mirror right now and go look at what they say. They claim that they are independent journalism. That’s what they claim. And what I said was they unleashed a racist smear campaign of misinformation and disinformation in an attempt to avert investigations of potential election malfeasance. Their blog posts appeared after I had presented anomalies from an audit of the early voting ballots, which I’ve shared with you.
Now, the first thing I want to arm all of you with is this one important thing. What you saw occur in the house Congress today was as un-American as it gets. Fifty years ago, a law was passed, and everyone should write this down called 52 USC 20701.
Got it? Fifty-two USC 2071. By the way, all of you joining new, the analysis I’m doing here is of the Maricopa County reaction to the engineering audit we did. We didn’t accuse anyone.
How they reacted through an unknown blog to do a smear campaign and what I’m calling this smear campaign and this was done by “liberal elites” is actually racist. And I want people to listen because I’m building up to this. But the important thing is, the central issue here is 50 years ago, Congress encouraged Americans to be able to audit elections. Does everyone get this? They wanted you and I, if an election took place, they gave you 22 months to go audit them. In fact, you know who passed that law? Democrats.
All right, so let’s go through this and look at this. It says Congress wanted to encourage election audits. I said, “What is most unfortunate in the current milieu is that Maricopa County election officials and their counterparts and local and state governments appear to believe that election audits are a bad thing, and those requesting them or participating in them must be vilified.” Let us be clear on the following facts. Number one, Congress passed 52 USC 20701 because Congress declared that election audits are a public good. Two, election audits are a public good, because it provides real data and feedback about the integrity of an election. And this is what I’m talking about. This is what we call the Engineering Systems Process. You report something; you get things better. Congress wanted this.
Next thing I talked about is that auditing the integrity of an election is a public good because American citizens are entitled to the constitutional guarantee of One Person, One Vote. Four, Congress declared election audits to be public good because Congress supports all steps that ensure One Person, One Vote. And five, only persons not in support of this entitled right of American citizens’ constitutional guarantee of One Person, One Vote, would actively defame a request for an audit as conspiratorial disinformation. And this is a law that was passed by a Democrat majority 50 years ago.
Does everyone get what I’m saying? What we saw took place in the so-called partisanship thing, was to destroy a law that was passed by Congress, which said we want audits. They wanted audits, 52 USC 20701. Audits are supposed to be encouraged. By the way, all of you listening, the only way we’re going to get anywhere is through building a Bottoms-Up movement. It’s not going to come from Republicans and Democrats. It’s going to come from you and I building a Bottoms-Up movement because you cannot trust either party.
There’s some good people, but the reality is they’re all part of the swamp. And the only way to do it is to build a Bottoms-Up movement. And the bottom line is, in order to build that Bottoms-Up movement, we need for you guys to get trained. And that’s why you need to go to TruthFreedomHealth.com because I have figured out how to teach you guys about 50 years in three hours, Systems training. And you can support, you can contribute to your own knowledge. So go do that.
Both parties are garbage. This is a wise person, they are. Look, I gave a lot of money to Trump. I supported him, and I still do work. But the Trump campaign recently endorsed a guy in Massachusetts, who is a complete dirty freak. Who, with the Mass. GOP, were the ones who did election fraud on me. So all you people in the Trump campaign, who surround President Trump, and I’ve already questioned him, you can see the video I did. I am loyal to the truth, not to an individual. You cannot say you’re against election fraud and be endorsing people who are for election fraud. The Massachusetts GOP Chairman Jim Lyons is part of this. He’s part of the swamp. I’ll come back to this.
The bottom line is, we laid out in this analysis, as you see here, that the first issue is Congress wants election audits. There’s nothing to be defending ourselves for. This is a law. Congress wants election audits. It’s the law. Twenty-two months, you have the right to ask as many questions as you want. To slap you upside the head and say that you’re un-American, you want to destroy democracy. That’s un-American. The next thing is this. In this document, I laid out what I wanted to do, but one of the specific aims here was to talk about the racism of this. This is what guys need to get ready for. We’re going to talk about racism.
And in this article, what I said was… In this report I said the bottom line is this. This attack that the officials did through their proxy, they can hide behind their proxy. But it was Maricopa County officials effectively using this proxy. And I said this attack was racist. And I said, it’s the kind of real racism that is discussed neither in mainstream academia, nor is it ever published by academia or mainstream media. Now, you won’t see Tucker Carlson talk about this. You won’t see the left talk about it; you won’t see the right talk about it. And I said the inability of Maricopa County officials and their loyal scribe, this doofus over at the Arizona Mirror, his name is, I think, Dud, or Duda, is to keep in line a dark-skinned, East Indian American who dares to use his hard-earned scientific engineering training. And that’s what the real source of racism is. They wanted to keep me in line. The racist attempt aimed to shame me back into their segregationist box of behavior that they deem acceptable for a person of my background.
For these Maricopa County officials, it does not compute why a highly-educated dark-skinned American and immigrant, a low caste untouchable from India’s despicable caste system, a victim of real racism my whole life, would ever perform an audit and report honest findings that may expose potential mass malfeasance of election officials who likely support liberal Democrats, the rightful and sole heirs of the fight against racism. So let me unravel that. What I’m saying is guys like me are supposed to be liberal Democrats. Highly-educated dark-skinned Indian guy, who suffers racism. I’m supposed to suck up to the liberal elites. And surely not a guy who should be using my intelligence to do objective audits. Everyone got this? So that’s what’s not supposed to occur.
So the issue is, aren’t all people in my background supposed to be liberal democrats? And more importantly, isn’t someone like me supposed to shut the hell up and fall in line? You see, here lies a real racism. I was not being a good Indian. So what this article did was it had to publicly “lynch” me and shame me back into line by demeaning what I had earned. My background was my reputation as a highly competent engineer, scientist, technologist, innovative problem solver, and, yes, an auditor. I’ve audited many engineering Systems. Now, the DNA of engineering is technical auditing, as I talk about. The Arizona Senate, one of the best in the world, and that’s why they selected me. In fact, we did it in 20 days, for 50k, we surpassed all expectations. As Professor Nightingale said, in the field, Dr.Shiva… Nightingale acknowledged the report was stellar, was executed with excellence, and was done at a bargain for the Arizonans.
So here are the facts. Went to MIT, four degrees, 4.9 out of 5.0 GPA. You guys can go look at all my backgrounds, okay? But I have to express these credentials because what these guys are trying to do is to demean me. Because a guy like me is always supposed to be in this box. And if I get out of that box, we’re gonna whip the hell out of you, call you a conspiracy theorist, say you didn’t invent email, when the facts are there, black and white. Say that you’re just partisan.
The idea is you attack someone’s integrity because you want to put this darky back into the box. That’s what this is about. And these are so-called lefties. And that’s why it’s important to understand this was racist, at the heart of it is racism. Yes, it was an attack on my findings. So what I share here is to reiterate, this is the real racism that the establishment never wants discussed. The establishment doesn’t want us discussing this racism. It is this racism that is the operating system of power, profit and control that is designed to segregate all of us, regardless of the color of our skin. It is this racism that is used to distract the broad public from discovering the truth beyond left and right in any situation. And you can read it right here. Some people reading these accomplishments will say, “Wow, Shiva’s more left than left.” I organize food service workers to fight; I burned the South African flag on the steps of MIT because MIT was supporting racist South Africa; I fought for minorities, poor blacks and whites to higher education; I protested the war in Iraq; I used my skills as a scientist to expose Monsanto. And more recently, many of you know, I was the one who filed the lawsuit against the government of Massachusetts, and I exposed these Playbooks.
The essential issue here is that the real racism is this. And the reason this real racism exists and it’s never discussed is because the right denies racism exists. The right, the Republicans say, “Oh, racism doesn’t exist.” In fact, when I was writing this, I passed it by one of the Republicans. He goes, “Wow, why are you discussing racism?” And then he read this and he goes, “Oh, my God, Shiva, I get it.” So the right Republicans say racism doesn’t exist, the Democrats are the ones who are racist, and they point to the Republicans in the South, that kind of thing. But they still deny it exists.
The left wing takes advantage of the vacuum created by the ideological position that racism doesn’t exist by the right and the Republicans, so they define racism in two ways, as I talked about here. It’s like, they define racism as, “Okay, if you use the N word, and you oppose affirmative action, things like that, then you’re a racist.” And so they’ve defined racism in a very improper way. But real racism is about keeping people in those boxes. So for example, if you’re black, you must talk like this, you must eat like this, you must be like this.
If you’re a white guy from the south, you must hate black people. And if you’re an East Indian, I must support Gandhi. I must move my head left to right and be willing to take a good beating. I definitely should not be defending the fact that I invented email, which are black and white. I was the first one to convert the entire interoffice mail system to the electronic version, named it email. I have the copyright. And Wikipedia is a racist piece of filthy organization. They don’t want to accept this, and they’re all run by the same liberal elites who want to keep people in their boxes. So you see what happened, ladies and gentlemen, was this. A guy like me who gets all these degrees, who came from nothing, is supposed to revere the liberal elites. And guess what? Homie don’t play that game.
And I’ll never play that game. I go after the truth, whether it’s critiquing Trump, whether it’s critiquing the left, because I apply Systems Thinking, that’s what I was taught to do. I mean, my great grandfather was an indentured servant, a slave. They always stood by principles. In fact, it would be to their own detriment. And that’s the kind of people we’re trying to build in our movement, Truth Freedom Health. Go to TruthFreedomHealth.com. You’ll meet a lot of people; you’ll get trained. And that movement is what is driving their true election integrity movement, not the Republicans or the Democrats. And if you guys are serious, and you’re sitting at home, whether you’re left or right, understand the only way to win is by building an independent movement where working people unite. Working people, not politicians, who say “yeah, i’m against election fraud.” Bullshit. It’s going to happen when working people unite. You and I, who create things. You and I, who make things. Okay?
In this article, I was very clear, because I want to put the liberal elites on notice, you’re the freakin’ racist. You use racism against me. You have to understand it is racism. We need to wake up. That was racism, trying to keep me in the box. And Washington Post, another racist organization, Wikipedia, the true racist organization, the racists aren’t the white working class in this country. They may say I’ve been called the N word or this, that’s not racism, everyone. That’s just ignorance. That’s not racism. Racism is using race to keep people in boxes. And when they step out of that box, you whip the hell out of them back into the box. You guys get it? That’s what racism is.
And the stupid right wing Republicans, “Whoa, Shiva, you shouldn’t bring up racism, that’s what the left does.” Bullshit. There is racism. And the left idiots like AOC and the idiots you saw on that Congress hearing, they try to own racism. And so I can speak to racism because I’ve experienced it.
When I was at MIT, I was on the front page of MIT for inventing many things. But the instant, the documents of my invention of email went into the Smithsonian, and I said, “Wait a minute. I invented email before I came to MIT, in Newark, New Jersey, where nothing is supposed to come out of the ghettos, in a small Medical College.” Boom! Everyone freaked out at that. Everyone. Because all great innovations are supposed to come from these institutions.
You see that’s racism. We need to understand there is real racism. As long as I was a golden boy, dark-skinned guy at MIT, creating inventions at MIT, I was on the front page here, front page there, given all the awards, but the fact that email was invented before I came to MIT burns them. The fact that I would dare do an audit in Arizona, which is a typically red state, and I would dare potentially expose them, that needed to be attacked. So that’s what we’re talking about. So now you understand what racism is. And as I said here, to those who unleashed this racism against me, they expected me to be that good Indian. Sorry, homie don’t play that game. Never will.
The next part I put in this thing, is this Arizona Mirror, so-called nonprofit,
it’s a nonprofit at its worst. And what I deciphered… Again, everyone else should really do this. Arizona Mirror’s owned by this nonprofit called State’s Newsroom, a 501c3. Guess who funds this? It’s funded by a guy called Eric Kessler. And you don’t even need to be a “conspiracy theorist”, just look it up. They’re funded by Arabella Advisors through the Hopewell Fund, where Eric Kessler was a former Clinton appointee and a member of the now defunct Clinton Global Initiative.
Now, Arabella is a for-profit consulting firm. Even the New York Times said they’ve donated more money, 63 million to Super PACs, supporting Democrats, opposing Republicans, and any anti-Trump group. Now here’s the interesting thing that’s going on. Most of you out there probably know Fox News and CNN are partisan, centrally controlled, top-down owned by a bunch of freak shows in New York and DC, a bunch of families. That’s Fox, and we know they’re centrally controlled. But what groups like Arabella Advisors, Pierre Omidyar’s Democracy Fund, what these guys are doing, they’re funding these little blogs all over the world and all over the country. And they tell these blogs, “You’re going to present yourself as independent journalism.” So they’re funneling money to them, acting as though they’re grassroots journalists.
And these blogs work with election officials through The Playbook. So the Arizona Mirror effectively worked through Maricopa County election officials. They saw me as a threat. Then you have the Maricopa officials effectively using this blog, which is funded by dark money. And that’s not my position, that’s stated right here by the New York Times. The New York Times and Politico have called this dark money. So what they do is they attack you, then they disseminate it, and then it becomes references on Wikipedia. By the way, the New York Times and Politico have called these organizations dark money.
Now, why do they do all these attacks? They unleashed this racism because they want to attack the anomalies that I identified. What were the anomalies? How come they’re only 587 bad signatures out of 1.91 million? How come 6,545 unique return envelopes are missing? There’s more ballots than return envelopes. How come we found one person having multiple examples of one person having two different voter IDs in the same house, same address, voting, and so on? So instead of addressing these issues, they unleashed a racist smear campaign. That’s what it is. It’s a racist smear campaign of misinformation and disinformation. It wasn’t just misinformation and disinformation. In my case, it was a racist smear campaign.
When you put this in the bigger picture that came out in our lawsuit, what did we find? We found that election officials have a Playbook. And those of you who didn’t have a chance to see that, go to WinbackFreedom.com. As you know, we fought our lawsuit. The judge told us to bring in a lawyer who derailed our lawsuit. I was doing fine without this freakin’ lawyer. But what we found was that the government has created Playbooks that tell election officials, and you’ll see it right here. It’s in black and white in these Playbooks. It’s called the Playbooks, The Election Influence Operations Playbook. And as we said here, the Maricopa County officials, what they did was they used these Playbooks to attack. They played out The Playbook. They literally use these Playbooks. And what the Playbooks say is if you see someone saying messages, like there has been a failure in the mechanics of the election, the people running elections are corrupt, this is right out of the Playbook, if you see stuff like this, you must hammer that person. And in September 2020, that’s what occurred in Massachusetts.
And the Playbooks tell people to establish relationships with these local proxies. So step-by-step, what happened in Maricopa County has occurred in Massachusetts, is the election officials are watching social media for Americans who are attacking election officials. They brand that as a violation; they watch you; they surveil you; and they attack you using these blogs. That’s what’s going on. So what we witnessed here in Massachusetts that everyone should understand, in a very profound way, was something that we saw in Massachusetts, or what I saw in Maricopa. Wherever Dr. SHIVA goes, if he uses his scientific knowledge, and he asked questions to expose elections, that is going to be deemed more and more as domestic terrorism.
And that’s what occurred in Maricopa.
So the net of it is this, everyone, what we need to do now in the United States is to recognize that the laws must be followed. 52 USC 20701 gives you and I the right to question every election. And any idiot in Congress who brands you as un-American is first of all, not an engineer. They’re an idiot, and they’re violating the law. Let me repeat that again. Any stupid fool in Congress or politician who wants to put under the rug and say, “Nothing to see here; move along,” they’re the ones who are violating the law. 52 USC 20701 passed by Democrats 50 years ago tells us that we must question elections. It encourages us to do that. Okay? This is why it was passed. So you have the law not being followed. And if a guy like me with all my training wants to serve this country and its people, uses my skills to do a real engineering systems audit, you’re gonna brand me as un-American? Are you freaking crazy?
So this says the real fraud here is not the “election fraud”. The real fraud here is that you will be silenced for even asking a question. Now imagine if this kind of process occurred in the airline industry, in the manufacturing industry, in every other industry? We’d have airplanes falling out of the sky; we’d have satellites falling out of the sky. SOPs, Standardized Operating Procedures exist in every industry. You can come to my company; you can ask for our data center, and I will give you the SOPs like that. After I did my audit, these foolish individuals that… the Maricopa County officials, who’ve been blockading this, have been uncooperative… they should have immediately released those SOPs. That’s what should have happened. And that would have shut me up.
I end this article that I wrote, by the way, everyone can get it. What I end this article by is I asked for something very simple. What do I ask for? By the way, one of the important things here is they said that we never contacted them. Bullshit. Here’s one of our project managers trying to reach the Maricopa officials. We never could get through to them. As our project manager noted here, we still haven’t heard back from them. Here’s our diary of our phone calls, us trying to reach them, trying to contact them. And yet now, they could call me back.
Then the last piece of what I did here was I took every statement in that hit job article, every statement. Now this took day and night, every statement, and I exposed it. Statement one, statement two, and you can see it. This is the most deep analysis showing the level of racism and disinformation that these blogs are doing. And this guy Jeremy Duda at the Arizona Mirror, who is a proxy for the officials. For example, this woman Tammy Patrick, who attacks me, well she’s a senior adviser to the Democrat Democracy Fund, which is the one who created those Playbooks.
And she said, “Oh, the mail-in ballots always come in shortly before the election.” Bullshit. Look at this, we have mail-in ballots; the peak was 1014. Okay? These people lie through their teeth. And they must be held accountable.
So this is a deep analysis, every statement, here’s my two action steps, and everyone should demand this. I am willing to have an open forum. Let everyone in the Maricopa County officials who disagrees with me, I will bring all my anomalies. Let’s have an open dialogue in a democratic place. And then, I believe that Arizona Mirror’s nonprofit status should be explored because they did a hit job, which is trying to serve one candidate over another because they’re trying to stop an audit. That’s what this is about. All right? That’s what this is about. We need to get real; we need to put them on notice. The real issue is that we are being told that we can’t criticize elections or audit them, when that is why 52 USC 20701 was set up. We have created a censorship infrastructure. If you question that, you will be branded and you’ll be branded whatever they want to brand you. And you’ll be watched and surveilled and thrown off social media. Government and social media are one. That’s what’s going on everyone.
So in conclusion, the reason I did this was to educate all of you from a Systems Approach. And that’s why I need all of you to make sure that for your own benefit, for your family’s benefit, that we move beyond left and right, we move beyond black and white, for Truth, Freedom, and Health, and working people have to unite. Now before you can do that, you have to get trained. You have to understand the Science of Systems. And I’ve created that curriculum for you. It is our hope forward, because that’s what’s going to bridge the divide between left and right, black and white.
When you understand the Science of Systems, you will understand that the real issue in election fraud or election integrity is not the election fraud, but that we need to take a Systems Approach. The real issue with racism is not that racism doesn’t exist or does exist, it’s that it really does exist, and there’s a real racism, which is putting us in boxes. When you look at the issue of workers’ wages, it’s not pro union or anti union. It’s that we need to build a Bottoms-Up workers’ movements. The right wing cut the leg off of building up a Bottoms-Up movement, and the left wing has taken over the top-down unions.
Every issue, Democrats and Republicans have split us, so we never get to the heart of the issue. They’re all co-opted. They’re all the swamp. All of them. And if President Trump is listening tonight, and if the people wherever you are listening tonight, we need to really do a course correction. There is no reason to compromise anymore. There’s no reason to compromise. You can’t say you’re against the swamp and keep endorsing swamp creatures. There’s no freakin’ way; you lose credibility.
And that’s what’s been going on. Trump talks about he’s against the swamp, but he keeps endorsing swamp creatures. And we’re not going to get anywhere with compromising attitudes. If you’re a working person out there, you don’t need to compromise shit. You don’t need to compromise anything. We deserve the best.
We don’t need to compromise. “Well, I had to endorse him because…,” No, we don’t need to do any of that, guys. We need to build our own independent movement. Go to TruthFreedomHealth.com; we are creating that movement. It’s going to come from us. And from you understanding the physics of how to build a movement. I want to play this video for you as we write off here. So all of you understand why we need to build this movement. And some of you may remember this, but it’s really the video that gives you the heart of what our movement is really about. And you may have seen it before. But let me play it again. Repetition is the mother of skill.
All right, everyone, I hope that was valuable. You know, one of the things I aim to do here is to really educate because as our slogan is: get educated, or be enslaved. So again, every Monday evening I do this class. We have about 50-60,000 people globally, who’ve gone to TruthFreedomHealth.com. We have leaders establishing; we’re building communities all over the world. And we need to build a Bottoms-Up movement; we need to all be catalysts. We don’t need followers; we don’t need “leaders” per se. What we need is catalysts. The real leadership comes from you being able to understand that you must break with both of these political parties
and forget even forming a political party. It’s all nonsense. As long as the end-to-end process, from an engineering standpoint, people are not willing to be transparent like we’ve seen, we don’t have any fundamental process.
The reason you get in an airplane today is because you trust the process. The reason you get an X-ray is you know there’s SOPs. The reason you do most of the things in the modern world of engineering systems is because you know the processes have been figured out. Fifty percent of Americans today don’t have faith in the current engineering Systems of voting systems. And the Democrats who have been for election integrity have done jack, and the Republicans now who are for election integrity just to “ching, ching, ching” make money off of it. And they’re supporting candidates who actually have committed fraud themselves running under a banner against election fraud.
So it’s only up to us. Stop voting for any of these fools, all of them. Build the movement with the right science and the right physics. Don’t waste your life by putting your faith in politicians. Put your faith in other working people. Learn how to build these movements. I’ve created the physics of it so you can learn it. You don’t have to go to MIT; you can learn it from your home. Do it for yourself. Thank you, everyone. Have a good evening. Be Well.

It’s time we move beyond the Left vs. Right, Republican vs. Democrat. It’s time YOU learn how to apply a systems approach to get the Truth Freedom Health you need and deserve. Become a Truth Freedom Health® Warrior.
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The platform we are building for Truth Freedom Health® provides the infrastructure to take on Big Tech, Big Pharma, and Big Academia. Many of you have asked how you can help. You can contribute whatever you can. Based on your level of commitment to get educated, I have also created some wonderful educational gifts to thank you for your contribution.
To get the education you need and deserve, join Dr.SHIVA on his Foundations of Systems course. This course will provide you three pillars of knowledge with the Foundation of Systems Thinking. The three pillars include: 1) The System Dynamics of Truth Freedom Health, 2) The Power of a Bottom’s Up Movement, and 3) The Not So Obvious Establishment. In this course, you will also learn fundamental principles of all systems including your body.
Course registration includes access to his LIVE Monday training, access to the Your Body, Your System tool, four (4) eBooks including the bestselling System and Revolution, access to the Systems Health portal and communications tools – independent of Big Tech – including a forum and social media for you to build community with other Truth Freedom Health Warriors.
This course is available online for you to study at your own pace.
It’s time to Get Educated, or Be Enslaved.