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The original research in this video is made possible by generous contributions from supporters of the Dr.SHIVA Truth Freedom Health® movement. Please contribute so we may continue to bring you such origial research, valuable education, and innovative solutions.

  • Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD – Inventor of Email, Systems Scientist, engineer, educator – discusses a study that came out on Fish Consumption and Melanoma /Skin Cancer. Then Dr.Shiva dives into the truth about an article attempting to interpret the data of the study.
  • Fish intake and the risk of melanoma in NIH-AARP diet and health study. This is a diet and health study that was done over a long period of over 15 yrs. By (Li et al., 2022) in the journal called Cancer Causes & Control.
  • The New York Times presented this study and did a click bait article to force a narrative and accept that as reality. Without educating the readers on methodology of the study or correction versus causation which requires a Systems Approach.
  • The long term study looked at nearly 491,367 participants, they had 5034 malignant melanomas and 3284 cases of melanoma in situ with  6,611,941 person years. With 3 groups: Fish intake, tuna intake and non-fried Fish. Yet had 5 different quintiles, including fried fish.
  • Tuna intake and non-fried Fish intake were positively associated with risk of both malignant melanoma and melanoma in situ. 20% higher risk of malignant melanoma and 17% higher risk of stage zero.
  • But researchers did not identify significant associations between consumption of fried Fish and risk of malignant melanoma and melanoma in situ.. 

cytosolve, systems, correlation, science, causation, understand, people, fish, study, fried fish, shiva, mechanisms, mv25, health, research, melanoma, skin cancer, observed, freedom, transplant, green tea

Hello, everyone, this is Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai. It’s Friday evening, it’s a little bit after seven. And I want to try to always squeeze in a video on science or some other topic in System Science. Today we’re going to be having a discussion about Fish Consumption & Skin Cancer.

It’s a paper that just came out of a very long longitudinal study, and I’ll talk about that. Longitudinal study means they do a study over a long period of time. And the study was actually shared on the New York Times today, but in my view, it was done in a very click baiting style, because New York Time claims that they’re like this very deep, insightful newspaper. And the article really focused on this reasonably interesting study that was done.

And it did ask it in a question, and I’ll show you the article headline, but it didn’t really educate the reader, that there’s a fundamental difference between Causation and Correlation or Correlation and Causation.

I thought we’d use this very interesting opportunity, because it’s a very interesting Correlation that they’re finding between people who consume Fish. We’re going to talk about the interest of its non-fried Fish, and its relationship to people who get skin, melanoma, malignant melanoma.

What You Will Learn Today

What I wanted to do in this discussion was to really, again, we take a Systems Approach, and everyone knows to everything that we do at VASHIVA, we don’t want to educate people In just one reductionist way, we want to actually expand people’s consciousness, to learn really How to Think and that’s a much more challenging task, because we’re not here to just give sound bites, we’re here to actually educate you so you can actually see, find the Truth for yourself. And Truth is a process that occurs.

And we’re going to talk a little bit about the Scientific Process also. So, we understand that. But in this process, we find out that there’s a fundamental difference, as the title slide says, between Correlation and Causation.

Hopefully, by the end of this discussion, all of you will have an understanding about Fish Consumption and the study that came out on Cancer. But more interesting, what I’m hoping is, we’ll also have a discussion on a deeper understanding of Causation versus Correlation.

It’s very nice to have all of you here. People from all over the world are joining in, different time zones, different parts of the world. Nice to have you. So interesting. The way I want to proceed with this discussion, is, first of all, all of you who are new or know about us go to Because we’ve put together a Global educational program for everyone to join an educational program. It’s a movement and educational movement to understand Systems Science, and it’s also a community we’re building. Go to And you’ll find there’s a System Science course we put together. But it’s more than that before you’re done. I’ll share that with you.

The Power of Systems Science

The other feature that I want to share here is that everything we do, and we’ve simplified it into this little diagram, it’s a very powerful diagram. It’s no different than, let’s say, the relationship between mass and energy and the speed of light or voltage, current and resistance or force, mass and acceleration. But here we’re talking about Truth Freedom Health®.

And this is one of the things we teach in our System Science course. But how we approach the world, you can understand it within the features of the movement of Information, Matter and Energy, Freedom, the conversion of Information, Matter and Energy, which is really, in the Scientific Method, how Truth is come to, and sort of the infrastructure aspects – Health. We use that approach. In this discussion, we use that approach to actually look at the knowledge from a Systems Approach.


Let’s go to this and this is the agenda that we’re going to go through today we’re going to cover the paper that came out about Fish Consumption and Melanoma /Skin Cancer. But we’re going to look at it from the context of the Science and the Truth will come to this, in some ways, how the New York Times sort of tries to push a narrative, and they should know better because they claim they know better than everyone else, they know better than you.

And then we’re gonna look at the Health possibilities and what that involves in the mechanism. We’ll come back to that little more detail. But as I said, one of the reasons that I’m doing this discussion is to really engage people or inspire people to learn to think, because right when you read the scientific papers or a headline, you think the Truth is sort of done.

And set for because the New York Times says it right. But we want to learn how to think and the way we learn how to think is learning not what to think. The educational systems are pushing what to think. But we really want to learn How to Think and the Science of Systems affords us the opportunity to do that, through this process of Truth Freedom Health®.

Journey to Systems

Before I start, I always like to share with you my own personal journey to the Systems, and then we’ll come back and go deep into the Scientific Analysis here. Let me just play all of you this quick video.

Join Dr.SHIVA at Orientation/Open House each Thursday 11AM or 8PM EST

Alright everyone, so encourage everyone to go to You should sign up for the course, which is called the Foundations of Systems, if you’re serious about taking this approach that goes Beyond Left & Right, and also for everyone, the book System and Revolution is absolutely free, all you have to do is essentially to sign up to get it. And you just have to cover shipping and handling.

Take advantage of that. And the other thing is, every Thursdays, 11am and 8pm. Wherever you are in the world, you can join an Orientation that we do on understanding the Truth Freedom Health® movement. All of you are encouraged to join that, please do. You’ll learn a lot; you’ll meet some amazing people. We had close to about 100 people on last night.

I hope you take advantage of these things. Because the knowledge that we share here, today we’re going to talk about Fish Consumption & Skin Cancer, but we take a Systems Approach. And the ideas inspire each of you to do that also.

The Fish Composition and Melanoma/Skin Cancer

Let’s go into this. What we’re going to cover today is first of all going to look at the Science that comes out. And we’re going to look at the clinical study that was done that shows a Correlation between people who consume Fish and Melanoma. And the paper specifically says, quote, “Fish intake and the risk of melanoma in NIH-AARP diet and health study.” This is a diet and health study that was done over a long period of time, a period of time.

The other piece I want to share with you here is the Truth.. If we really want to get into this, we also need to understand from a System standpoint, understand why right, that’s a Causation. But the way the New York Times presented this study, they did it in a click baiting way to essentially force in my view, because they know better I would give, the New York posted it or someone else you’d given them, or let’s say, the National Enquirer, they want to force a narrative that without educating the readers that it’s sort of a done deal that the Correlation established.

And you don’t really need to worry about the knowing the why you say, because the difference between what we do here at VASHIVA in our movement, and what the mainstream does is, they just tell you, this is what it is, we input this, and we got this output, and accept that as reality.

And that’s called an Open System. When you take the course, you’ll understand that an open system pushes forward an input, and an output. In this case, even from the Scientific perspective, they looked at people who had consumed Fish, and they looked at the output, but no one is going deeper into it understanding the Causation, because when you understand the Causation, which requires a Systems Approach, then you build a larger frame of understanding, to really appreciate the why.

The Scientific Method

In science, the way things work just to reveal the Scientific Method, if you forgot it, just to review it quickly and briefly is the following. In science, you make an observation. And then these observations, if you see them occurring over and over again, that leads to sort of what is taking place.

Newton observed an apple falling, he observed a certain pattern to masses, the apple in the earth, connected, and he came up with a Correlation or relationship, which was called the law of gravity, which is really a Correlation force is equal to mass one times mass two times a gravitational factor divided by R-squared.

That sort of gives you a relationship. Very important, right? But in the depth of science, what we’re really interested in is why so Einstein comes along, and he understands he provides a theory for this, which is a framework.

And he essentially proposes the theory of relativity, which says that and gives a framework for understanding gravity, which says that gravity and space are interconnected.

Space is not sort of just a flat structure it curves Right. And, and gravitational forces have this effect on it to explain the phenomenon that Newton had seen, right? One is what, and the other is a why. When we talk about observing something in science, you see, oh, something happens here.

And something flutters here, that’s really a Correlation, and you can define that relationship. But if we’re serious, we want to understand why. A couple of days ago, I did a big talk on gun violence. And we went through the Correlation people had seen, but we wanted to actually understand the why and we also talked about that. So that’s part of the training that I want to impart to all of you is that it’s really important to go beyond the input output, seeing a relationship, but to seeing the why. Okay, so that’s where we’re going.

And but the New York Times really didn’t do that. And that gets down if we really want to understand health. We want to get to the mechanisms of action. We want to understand the mechanisms of action – that really gives us the why.

Summary of the Clinical Study

Let’s jump into this. I’m going to now give you sort of the Science here and, and sort of Summarize the study. The study just came out by (Li et al., 2022) and it came out in the journal called Cancer Causes & Control.

And here are the authors of the journal right here. Yufei Li, Linda M. Liao, Rashmi Sinha, Tongzhang Zheng, Terrence M. Vance, Abrar A. Qureshi, and Eunyoung Cho.

The title is Fish intake and risk of melanoma in the NIH-AARP diet in health study. What did this study do? Well, what this study did was in the abstract of most of these papers, they will try to give sort of what they’re going for.

And it says, purpose, prior epidemic, epidemiological studies, epidemiology. Epidemiology, excuse me, is really looking at Correlations. Right? When you see epidemiology, it’s typically input output. It’s not going to a Systems Analysis, let me be clear, and epidemiological study or analysis is not a Systems Analysis.

We at VASHIVA. And all the work we do is to deepen your consciousness to understand the why. But regardless of that, sometimes it’s good to understand if you do this here, what occurs here, because then you can understand what’s occurring inside that black box.

Consumption of Fish and Skin Cancer

This has prior epidemiological studies, evaluating the association between the intake between Fish intake and melanoma risk have been few and inconsistent. Few studies distinguish different types of Fish intake with the risk of melanoma. What they claim is that’s what their study really did.

They looked at nearly 491,367 participants, and then they used statistics. And then we’re going to go through this but what they concluded was it said, we found that higher total Fish intake, tuna intake and non-fried Fish and takes us look at the three groups. Total Fish intake.

Right, so they looked at these people over a 15-year period, it says during this period, right of all these people over a 15-year period, they had 5034, malignant melanomas and 3284 cases of melanoma in situ, which is, which means they hadn’t spread yet. So these were malignant, these are things that hadn’t spread yet.

And so again, just to be clear, there were 491,367 participants in this study. And if you look at that number of participants over 15 years, they come up with an interesting number of 6,611,941 person years. So that’s sort of the full scope.

And, over that period, there were 5034 cases of malignant melanoma, which means melanoma, that spreading is pretty bad. And 3284 cases of melanoma in situ. And what they found was a higher total fish intake. Tuna intake and non-fried Fish intake were positively associated with risk of both malignant melanoma and melanoma in situ. Again, melanoma in situ means that hasn’t spread, further studies are needed to investigate the potential biological mechanisms underlying these associations.

They actually point this out, but the New York Times really didn’t point that out. So, I want the researchers, you’re, brought that out. But this is the why. So, here we’re looking at the details. Yes, Heather says something interesting.

Yes. So Heather, again, is being very scientific or excellent observation, Heather, Heather, saying, – Dr. Shiva.It is interesting that fried Fish does not correlate initially Mercury comes to mind. But do you think this could be a parasite issue? – We’ll discuss that.

Study Background

The study population here again was 491,367 participants over 15 years, ages 50 to 71. You can see all different ethnicities Black, White, Hispanic, Asian, Pacific Islander American Indian, Alaska Native, and the Fish intake was fried and non-fried. And it varied between three times 3.2 grams per day to 43 grams per day so it’s a pretty wide range.

Study Results

They had these different quintiles of people, quintiles one through quintile five, these are different segments of people. What I also wanted to point out is that quintiles by fried and non-fried.

This group was those quintiles separated by the fried group. People did fried Fish intake and non-fried Fish intake. And what you notice the Correlation by the way, if you see a P value of .001 – that means highly correlated with relative to reference and you see here, the fried Fish intake group is not correlated.

Here, the multivariate analysis and here both in malignant melanoma here, and here, this is a reference – .3606 – but here, if you notice in the non-fried Fish group, it’s.003 and .001

The lower that P value numbers, which means it’s highly correlated. But the results of the study, CI (confidence interval) 1 indicates strong correlation. What that means is any – so all study groups Q1 to Q5 showed positive correlation between Fish intake and cancer diagnosis and Correlation was observed in both sexes, all ages, and all ethnicities. So, a very high correlation, total Fish intake in all these different groups, again, in the malignant melanoma and melanoma in situ, so here’s getting into a little bit of the details.


What they found was, this is what’s fascinating. They found that if you looked at those groups of people who had tuna, and so if you look at a can of StarKist tuna, that’s about a five ounce can of tuna. So they found out those people who took about 0.3 grams, which is .01 ounces, which is, by the way, a 10th of a tablespoon.

And if you compare that to those people who had just a tablespoon, by the way, this is over that 15-year period, right? Just to be clear, we’re looking over a longitudinal study. Over that 15.5-year period, I want to make sure I’m being clear over that 15-year period. If someone had about one tablespoon of tuna, which is 14.2 grams, it’s a half an ounce, if you think about a can of tuna is about five ounces.

And if you take one tablespoon, and you have a tablespoon spread out over 15 years, which roughly comes to around 14.2 grams. And if that’s the median, average amount you consume, then you are going to have an increase of 20% higher risk of malignant melanoma and 17% higher risk of stage zero which is melanoma in situ, which means it hasn’t spread. So, there’s melanoma, it hasn’t spread, a malignant melanoma has spread.

So again, just to give you those numbers, this is tuna. So, think about someone I don’t know how much is, let’s say you have a tuna Fish sandwich, and you use a whole can. And obviously, maybe you have it, and that would be sort of 10 of those units, right? Because, let’s say you had one can every 10 days, for 50 years, 15 years, you have a 20% higher risk of getting malignant melanoma and 17% higher risk of stage zero melanoma. So that’s the first takeaway.

The second thing that was interesting was again, this is again, a Correlation was when they compared the point three group, right, which is about a 10th of a teaspoon, a tablespoon and then compared that to people did 17.8 grams, which is a little more than a tablespoon of non-fried Fish per day, this is non fried Fish, so this can be sushi. This could be canned mackerel, this is any Fish.

Any kind of Fish if you were having about little more than a tablespoon a day, in this case over 15 years 18% higher risk of melanoma pretty much close to that tele tuna, but a 25% higher risk of stage 0 melanoma.

And what’s fascinating is the researchers did not identify significant associations between consumption of fried Fish and risk of malignant melanoma or stage zero. Isn’t that fascinating? This gets down to the Causation piece. People were assuming non-fried Fish or tuna had a 17 to upwards of 25% risk of the melanoma which wasn’t spreading in melanoma, which was spreading.

So that’s one of the but if you fried the stuff, there was really no risk. Now what’s interesting is, I was mentioning this to a friend of mine in the southern part of India, in a place called Kerala. They make amazing Fish, fried Fish but they really fry it in coconut oil, very, very tasty. And it made me start thinking about did Traditional cultures. You know, in Traditional cultures in India, for example, they don’t eat raw Fish.

You typically cook the Fish really well, but you do fry it a lot. And does frying do something even though there may be mercury and we’ll talk about that. Again, this is where processes matter. And by the way, those of you joining, the analysis we’re doing is to really understand this research that was just completed to think yesterday was published.

Looking at Fish consumption, and skin melanoma, they said there’s a Correlation, but we’re sort of discussing the research but we’re also unraveling Correlation versus Causation.

Let’s go to the next part here. We want to talk about this research, I’m sorry, this research that we just talked about, was a Causation based research, right? Correlation, I’m sorry, Correlation, research, input, output, input output, you see a Correlation between the output which is skin, melanoma, and the input of consuming in this case, tuna, non-fried Fish, but you don’t see a relationship between when you fry the Fish and an output.

But our approach at VASHIVA of everything we do is to educate you on a Systems Approach. Several, I think about a month ago, I shared with you a study that we had done that went Beyond Correlation, look, but took a Systems Approach to understand Causation.

Correlation to Causation

And this is from Correlation to Causation. We shared with you work that we did in an NIH funded project with the City of Hope, where they had found again, this Correlation between people who drank Green Tea, people drank Green Tea was highly correlated with when they got a transplant, let’s say they got a wrong lung transplant, or trans, whatever it was, they had a much greater chance of the transplant not being rejected. That means, Green Tea consumption.

If you’ve got to transplant, you have a higher chance that your transplant would take, it would not be rejected. If you’re drinking Green Tea, again, you understand this is a Causation. I mean, Correlation, sorry, Correlation.

We weren’t just having some fun finding out why. In order to do that, you need to take a Systems Approach. And a Systems Approach cannot be done by just doing input/output, right, which is what Modern Science really works at. Systems Science allows us to do that.

And in order to do that we used and by the way, we published our research, which I’ll share with you very briefly. You can go see the Green Tea video, but I just want to share with you the difference. We published in the clinical nutrition journal, one of the leading journals for clinical nutrition.

But in order to do this, we use CytoSolve®, which is a Systems Approach to understanding this. And as many of you know, the Systems Approach that we do. In fact, what I’m going to do, I’m just going to play you a video that will teach you what CytoSolve® is, and I’ll come right back because the video sort of shares with you all of it, let me just play CytoSolve® here.

A Revolutionary Systems Biology Platform for Research and Discovery

By the way, those of you guys, if you go to and you scroll down on the front of the page, you’ll find out that we have launched the CytoSolve® Open Science Institute, which it was really designed for all of you to participate in.

This research that we’re doing that I’m going to share with you what we do here was done by the Open Science Institute, you can go to that link, you can click, and you can be part of supporting research. And for example, if you want to support cardiovascular Reacher’s research, you can contribute and when you do contribute, I never like to take anything for nothing, you contribute money, we also give you back a Scholarship to take the Truth Freedom Health course. So go look at that, or

Green Tea Correlation to Causation lowers Transplant Rejection

Now, in the research that we did with CytoSolve®, again, this is an example of not a Correlation study, but it was going from Correlation to Causation. As I mentioned, in this study, people have found Green Tea, consuming Green Tea, lower transplant rejection.

Pretty cool. What we did with CytoSolve®, which is published in this paper, was we actually understood how that occurred. Notice it says, bioactive compounds and retain an improved transplant tolerance, a Computational Systems Biology Analysis, notice what we’re saying it’s not an epidemiological analysis, but a Systems Biology Analysis.

Mineral Composition of Green Tea

What we did here was, we literally understood the composition of Green Tea, the caffeine, the minerals, amino acids, and polyphenols. And by the way, I’m not going to go through this in detail for the interest of time, but there’s an entire video I did on Green Tea and our research earlier, so please, go check that out. What we did here was we understood all the compounds in Green Tea, the molecules, and then we understood the Molecular Mechanisms, the actual causes.

Promotion Transplant Tolerance

We went through all the research, and we pieced together Causation, right? How individual molecules react and how the components of Green Tea, EGCG which is one of them are EPA catechin. With these are molecules and Green Tea, how they actually affect the Causation affecting other Systems, which promote transplant tolerance. And we identified those anti-inflammatory mechanisms and how it works, why it works.

And then we did the same to find out how other compounds in Green Tea EGCG, EPA, catechin and gallic acid actually lower Transplant Rejection. Essentially, downregulate pro-inflammatory Mechanisms. So, this is very powerful that we were able to identify the actual compounds, identifying the Mechanisms.

And this is what I mean by the why. So, we find out how Green Tea promotes transplant tolerance, and it inhibits transplant rejection through these Pro and flip to downregulating pro inflammatory mechanisms and upregulating anti-inflammatory mechanisms. I wanted to give you that as a data point to understand how you can use System Science to understand causes.

And so, whenever you hear on the news, oh, because if you don’t have Causation, you can be really bamboozled into a narrative, oh, I did something here over this this happened, right. And we see that in every major topic this way, the world, or the United States, in particular, split into left and right Pro and anti, because the news media and essentially academics who can be paid, because they’re now practicing the oldest profession in the world.

And you can think about what that is, you can essentially just use Correlation to manipulate people.

Understanding Causation using CytoSolve®

But if you go down to understand Causation, which is a much harder thing to do, you will understand, well, that may be true, maybe it’s not true. And that’s what’s also true with this example here. With the example that we just went through, we’re going to go through with the Fish and the melanoma. So that’s what I wanted to talk about. And one of the powerful things is when you really understand Causation.

And what we’ve done with CytoSolve®, is we’ve created a whole technology to understand causes. When you understand Causation, you can really go solve some very powerful problems. And I’ll come back to this because I want to share with you that using CytoSolve®, for example, we actually understood the Mechanisms of inflammation and pain in the body.

And we went through all different natural compounds. And we discovered a set of compounds that do that, and I’ll come back and share that with you shortly.

Attack of Freedom – Clickbaiting

But what’s happening in science is that you can easily have this sort of what I call attack on freedom, because you can have what I call the click baiting, and this is sort of the click baiting, that the New York Times did Can your diet really affect your skin cancer risk.

Pushing a Narrative Assuming the discussion is Over

Now, the New York Times really shouldn’t do this. Because if some other newspaper dude, they say, oh, that’s click baiting, but if the New York Times does it, and you know, they’re very clever when they ask it as a risk. But the interesting thing is that there really goes to push a narrative in a very subtle way to assume the discussion is over.

Potential Mechanisms of Actions Fish Intake and Skin Cancer

This longitudinal study has shown it, but the reality is, we want to understand the Causation. So just like the Green Tea example, if you want to really get to the heart of health, we need to know what are the potential mechanisms? Mechanisms of action, you may want to write that down. In biology, we call those mechanisms of action.

That is very, very different than Correlation. Correlation is input output. But understanding mechanisms of action is saying, I did this input, what were all the pathways that it went through to get this output? And that’s a, that’s a much deeper complexity, you have to understand all the connections, and that’s called the Mechanisms of Action.

Mechanism of Actions

What were those mechanisms of action? Well, we haven’t done the research. But just like when Einstein looked at Newton’s sort of discovery or his repeated observations of the relationship between force and mass one and mass to force and gravity, he was trying to explain the why, the causes and that led to the Theory of Relativity. In any aspect of science, one is you can understand the what, but we understand the why and the why requires you to put forward some ideas, new theories, with CytoSolve® we can actually go understand it.

Potential Causation

But what are the potential mechanisms of Action here that Fish and take causes cancer? Well, here’s some ideas. And some of you have put this out there. Someone says here, there’s radiation and Fish from Alaska. We’ll just put that there.

Someone else put – Is it pollutants? There could be various things. And that’s what we do. Because if we’re wanting to understand why we want to do that. Here are some of the potentials of the why could be right? Maybe Mercury is ubiquitous, now in the biosphere, including oceans. Is there an association between higher mercury levels and skin cancer? Right, that’s already been established.

There’s been a number of papers written that show that higher mercury levels and skin cancer are correlated. They don’t know the mechanisms, but that’s been established. If you eat a lot of Fish, is it the mercury, and the mercury consumption in the US is mostly from Fish?

Mostly from Fish. And by the way, this was done in the United States. The study, hence, there’s a potential link between Fish intake and skin cancer, right? So again, what we’re proposing here is a potential Causation.

Processing Fish?

Right? We’re proposing a Causation here. Right? This is why we’re proposing another thing that we were thinking about is the processing of Fish. How was the Fish processed? Raw? Because what this research said was all non-fried stuff. So non-fried, the can, the boiled, and the raw, right? It appears that these kinds of processing were a high Correlation, just like tuna to skin cancer.

What is the mechanism of action? Or what happens when you fry something, and you don’t fry something? Is it possible that you have Fish with a lot of Mercury? And maybe when you fry the hell out of it? It’s doing something in an interesting way.

That’s protecting the mercury, if in fact, isn’t mercury from affecting you? Or is it parasites? You know, is it sushi? These are some very, very interesting questions. And that’s why, many years ago, research came out that said, Oh, if you eat eggs, you’re gonna get heart disease.

For 20-30 years, people stopped eating eggs. And again, it was one of these Correlation studies, when in fact, it turns out, if you soft boil an egg, don’t overcook the hell out of it, but soft, boil it and leave the yolk intact. There’s lecithin in some very good nutrients, which help you need a certain amount of good cholesterol, but actually helps break down certain bad cholesterol, right? Once you understand Mechanisms, you can say, Whoa, what do you mean that everyone should stop eating eggs? Right? Or everyone should stop consuming Fish.

A lot of people stopped eating eggs. And if you really think about it, I mean that we can do a whole series on this. There’s a huge Correlation between, consuming one or two eggs and the reduction in stroke, the reduction in heart disease, the reduction in cholesterol, because mechanistically, there’s constituent materials that actually help that.

So we have to be very careful. When we just look at these Correlation studies. That’s really the point that I wanted to make here.


Now, in summary, if you look at this, going back to the Mercury piece here, now there could be potential contaminants, right? There’s also someone put up there, right? There could be other things, PCBs. polychlorinated biphenyls, right? There’s plastic, right? The dioxins the arsenic, right, these things are also efficient, they’ve also been correlated with cancer. There could be these other things.

In summary, what we want to really take away is that this study found that Fish consumption is positively correlated with skin cancer, consumption of Fishes like tuna, and non-fried Fish, increase non fried Fish and have to be non-fried to increase the risk of malignant and skin zero skin, which is malignant, and stage zero, which is that means it’s cancer as in spread those kinds of cancer. On the other hand, consumption of fried Fish was not positively correlated.

And the study did not show any Causation between Fish Consumption and Skin Cancer as that means they didn’t show Causation, they showed Correlation. And the potential causes may include mercury, PCBs, dioxins, arsenic, etc. This is now a virgin area of research that people could explore.

Before I close, I share with you a couple of other things. I want to let everyone know that I alluded to this before, but when you understand Causation, you can actually create products at work, you can identify why, and you can create healthy products. So what we did was we actually use CytoSolve®, this Causative Approach to actually discover a product where we, by the way, CytoSolve® has been used for 16 years by many, many companies, but we looked at the mechanisms of pain and inflammation, and we were able to discover a set of ingredients, which actually, we’re talking about negative things which could cause cancer, but there are materials that you can take that actually will do beneficial things. And let me just share with you the mV25 video and we’ll come back, and we’ll wrap up.


Alright, everyone, in closing, I hope this is valuable. We took a topic about a Correlation study that just came out on Fish Consumption and Skin Cancer. We shared with you the details of that study.

But most importantly, we hopefully emphasize to everyone the importance for taking a Systems Approach which really brings the Causation. Systems Science answers the Why? And it shows Interrelationships. And when we want to look at the world around us, this simple diagram that I have right here gives you the why right? If we want Health, we have to really pursue Freedom, and Truth, if we want Truth, we need to pursue Freedom and Health. If we want Freedom, we need Truth and Health.

And why do I say that because one of the things we teach and when you take the course, we put up the When you take when you become a Truth Freedom Health®, we call it a Truth Freedom Health® Warrior. And you can do that at The idea is to raise your consciousness to recognize that you can take a Systems Approach to everything around us. So, we took a Systems Approach to understand this relationship. You can take a Systems Approach to understand the world around you. And Freedom.

The ability to move information matter and energy is essential. Which is what transport is the phenomenon of information, matter, and energy, moving freely. Freedom on social media to talk freedom over the wires when you can have that freedom without being canceled, then we can really have science.

We can get down into the causative features and really practice a scientific method we get to truth and both those things are essential. They understand what’s right for the health of our body. Because if you just do Causation, you may miss this deeper.

Just do Correlation. You may go 20 years. I’m not going to eat that thing or I’m going to not eat salt. I’m not going to eat this. And that’s what the entire field of academic medicine has been. It’s been a Causation base; it’s not been a Systems base. The health of people has been affected. If you’re not healthy, physically, mentally, emotionally, you can’t really fight for freedom and procedures.

That’s why I thought this is a double whammy, you understand this research. But you can also go a little bit more detailed and understand what’s going on in terms of the difference between Causation and Correlation. If you want to learn more, I encourage you all go to I want to really inspire all of you to become system scientists. Get the book, System and Revolution and come to the Orientation go to I’m there every Thursday twice, and we can have a conversation. Alright, everyone, thank you very much.

And be well be the light. And I wish you all a good weekend and I’ll probably do some videos over the weekend. If you want me to do anything in particular. Please let me know. Have a good evening. Be well.

It’s time we move beyond the Left vs. Right, Republican vs. Democrat. It’s time YOU learn how to apply a systems approach to get the Truth Freedom Health you need and deserve. Become a Truth Freedom Health® Warrior.

Join the VASHIVA community – an integrated EDUCATIONAL, COMMUNICATIONS – independent of Big Tech -, and LOCAL ACTIVISM platform to empower YOU to actualize Truth Freedom Health in your local communities by employing a SYSTEMS APPROACH.

The platform we are building for Truth Freedom Health® provides the infrastructure to take on Big Tech, Big Pharma, and Big Academia. Many of you have asked how you can help. You can contribute whatever you can. Based on your level of commitment to get educated, I have also created some wonderful educational gifts to thank you for your contribution.

To get the education you need and deserve, join Dr.SHIVA on his Foundations of Systems course. This course will provide you three pillars of knowledge with the Foundation of Systems Thinking. The three pillars include: 1) The System Dynamics of Truth Freedom Health, 2) The Power of a Bottom’s Up Movement, and 3) The Not So Obvious Establishment. In this course, you will also learn fundamental principles of all systems including your body.

Course registration includes access to his LIVE Monday training, access to the Your Body, Your System tool, four (4) eBooks including the bestselling System and Revolution, access to the Systems Health portal and communications tools – independent of Big Tech – including a forum and social media for you to build community with other Truth Freedom Health Warriors.

This course is available online for you to study at your own pace.

It’s time to Get Educated, or Be Enslaved.

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