In this INTERVIEW, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email, shares the facts of the invention of email and why this history must be shared in and of itself to end the caste system in innovation.
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- Dr. Shiva discusses the significance of the reality behind true innovation, using his invention of email as an example.
- The Liberal Elite of the Military-Industrial-Complex conspires to suppress and misappropriate all innovation for themselves.
- The masses are brainwashed into believing that only those anointed by the Military-Industrial-Academic Complex are capable of innovation.
- Dr. Shiva reveals what are the true ingredients necessary for innovation and invention outside of the Military-Industrial-Academic Complex.
Dr. Shiva discusses the significance of the reality behind true innovation, using his invention of email as an example.
The invention of email did not occur at MIT or Silicon Valley. It occurred at a small Medical College in Newark, New Jersey.
This is significant because it shows that great innovations can occur independent of Big Military, Big Universities, and the government or corporations. It took place in the triangle of a small medical college in Newark, New Jersey, infrastructure, and a loving family, and then a mentor.
This triangle is representative of where all great innovations come from. The controversy over the invention of email exposed that the military-industrial-academic-complex is not the source of all great innovations.
Innovations have historically come from bottoms-up everyday people.
A 14 year old boy invented TV, Philo Farnsworth, on a farm in Franklin, Idaho. But RCA just stole his invention.
If Philo had invented TV at MIT or Silicon Valley, he would have been heralded. Email was invented apart from MIT. This is the heart of the issue.
The Liberal Elite of the Military-Industrial-Complex conspires to suppress and misappropriate all innovation for themselves.
There was massive defamation against Dr. Shiva by corporations in collusion with academic historians over the invention of email.
A bunch of liberal elitist academic Professor historians thought they had already written the history of email. They wrote a completely fictitious history saying that email came out of the military-industrial-academic-complex.
Using the word “collaboration”, they try to steal your innovation, hijack it. The only collaboration in the creation of email was from the triangle of innovation; a loving family, a mentor, and infrastructure.
It was a Michigan mechanic who created the automatic control system for the windshield wiper in his basement. MIT professors went and took it from him.
They want to basically genetically engineer innovation, which is to say it only can occur at MIT or Silicon Valley. They do this because billions and trillions of dollars then flow to those centers of innovation.
Wikipedia also serves the military-industrial-academic-complex. They don’t ever want truthful narratives to come out.
Email is one of the biggest centerpieces of the digital revolution. In the middle of the attack on Dr. Shiva, Walter Isaacson of the Aspen Institute writes a book, The Innovators of the Digital Revolution, and completely leaves out the invention of email.
All of the inventors he includes are white people coming from the big establishment institutions in the military-industrial-academic-complex.
The masses are brainwashed into believing that only those anointed by the Military-Industrial-Academic Complex are capable of innovation.
So the real issue here is that the invention of email took place by a dark skinned Indian immigrant kid in Newark, New Jersey. We’re supposed to believe nothing could come out of there without a degree from MIT.
What it reveals is that the elites have brainwashed people to believe that all great innovations must come from war; we go kill people somewhere, and then oh, we should be happy.
Or we should be happy we got Tang and Velcro, which by the way, didn’t come from the military either. So they brainwash people to fund war.
These crooks are liberal imperialists. They say, “no one person could invent something as big as email.” They always say it’s a “collaboration.”
The liberal elites are the ones who want to decide who’s an innovator and who isn’t. They have decided which set of people can do these things, and they’ll remain in that box.
They decide what is diverse and what is not diverse. They will decide what’s included and not included. They’re actually against real diversity. True diversity is recognizing that innovation is in everyone’s DNA.
Dr. Shiva reveals what are the true ingredients necessary for innovation and invention outside of the Military-Industrial-Academic Complex.
It’s important to understand when you have an innovation and invention, it’s part of you. It’s really something that inspires you and thrills you.
Great innovations come from a loving family, a mentor, and infrastructure. This is the real triangle of innovation.
The divinity within everyone comes through as innovation and creativity. So when they say only certain people can innovate, that’s a modern caste system.
The invention of email took from $3,000-$5,000. If we take a little bit of money and put it all over the United States, we’ll get more innovation. It’s like throwing seeds everywhere versus trying to genetically engineer it.
The military-industrial-academic complex wants to genetically engineer innovation; it can only occur at places like MIT and Silicon Valley because this is where trillions of dollars flow.
Another thing is that the lawmakers, because they’re not engineers, scientists, or electricians and plumbers who never built anything, don’t know what innovation is. It took them until 1994 to allow software patents.
It shows how backward these legislators are compared to the founders of the United States who were inventors; Thomas Alva Edison, Franklin, even Lincoln later on. They knew the importance of patents and protecting patents.
That’s why the United States grew because of the IP protections in this country. So we now have a bunch of idiots in Congress, senators and congressmen. If you look at it economically, innovation is really the powerhouse of the modern world. And that is what should be supported.
The invention of email is something every American should be sharing with their children. It shows that great innovations do not come out of MIT.
In India only the Brahmins can create, only after degrees from MIT or Harvard. You have to go to their institutions of power, and you get anointed. And then you can be free to be branded as a great innovator.
Humans need to understand that they are free and open to create these brilliant inventions.

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