In this discussion, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, and a guest, have a discussion about the current events in Ukraine and the referendum, which US and NATO forces are against, which experts believe is putting the world at one second to midnight on the doomsday clock. Dr. SHIVA is committed to education and innovation as he believes these two elements are critical for human advancement.
The original research in this video is made possible by generous contributions from supporters of the Dr.SHIVA Truth Freedom Health® movement. Please contribute so we may continue to bring you such original research, valuable education, and innovative solutions.
- The Doomsday Clock is a symbol representing the likelihood of manmade global catastrophe, in the opinion of the members of the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, who have maintained the clock since 1947.
- In September 2022, the Doomsday Clock was set to one second to midnight, in response to the announcement that several regions in Eastern Ukraine, occupied by Russian armed forces, would be holding public referendums to declare independence from Ukraine and join the Russian Federation.
- Dr. SHIVA recaps the history of Russia and NATO, how Russia saved the West from Nazism in WW2 at great human cost, how NATO was formed in the aftermath of WW2 to contain Russia, and how NATO and Russia agreed after the Soviet Union fell that NATO would not expand east of Germany.
- Similar to how the US Government constantly broke treaties with Native Americans, NATO quickly broke the informal agreement with Russia and began admitting more and more Eastern European countries into NATO.
The Doomsday Clock is a symbol representing the likelihood of manmade global catastrophe, in the opinion of the members of the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, who have maintained the clock since 1947.
There’s this Doomsday Clock that tells how humanity gets closer and closer to a nuclear annihilation. Does the United States or the world really want provocation?
Do they want war? But experts say we’re on the brink of it. A very important expert on this basically said, “We’re at the One Second on the Doomsday Clock.”
In September 2022, the Doomsday Clock was set to one second to midnight, in response to the announcement that several regions in Eastern Ukraine, occupied by Russian armed forces, would be holding public referendums to declare independence from Ukraine and join the Russian Federation.
There are different provinces, or regions of Ukraine and eastern Ukraine, which are the groups that wanted to separate from Ukraine, and they’re having a referendum.
That referendum in four of those areas, is where the people get an opportunity to vote, to decide if they want to break away and become their own Republic. Also, the details of it aren’t exactly clear, but as I understand, to also join Russia.
Those are the two things that are coming up right now, if they want to break away, and if they also want to join Russia. If the referendum is passed, this means those four former regions of Ukraine, where the source of the fighting started, will become parts of Russia.
Dr. SHIVA recaps the history of Russia and NATO, how Russia saved the West from Nazism in WW2 at great human cost, how NATO was formed in the aftermath of WW2 to contain Russia, and how NATO and Russia agreed after the Soviet Union fell that NATO would not expand east of Germany.
In 1992, is when the United States government and Russia under Gorbachev reached an agreement with Baker who was the Defense Secretary who also said that the United States would not go one inch east of Germany.
The United States did go many points east of Germany while there was a pact signed in 1997, it was called the Russia NATO pact under Yeltsin. This pact basically was done at a time when NATO is bringing other parts of that region into NATO to calm Russia.
The US signed this pact, saying not to worry, and any people that we have there will only be for defensive reasons. What it did not say was that the United States would stop from enlarging NATO.
This is important to understand because it really meant that NATO was trying to appease Boris Yeltsin. What it did not mean was that they were not going to expand NATO.
They continued to expand as we more recently know, started supporting Ukraine, which was sort of the end for Russia’s tolerance.
The MINSK 2 agreement was in place, and it was put forward to settle all of this. In 2021, many experts on Russia and US relations were saying the United States and Russia should sign with NATO, the MINSK 2 agreement.
Those areas would have been given statehood, and Russia would also not interfere. Russia was willing to sign that but the United States never supported MINSK 2.
Sort of even balanced agreement, that we’re not taking a pro-Putin or an anti-Ukraine, anti-Zelenskyy, pro-Putin.
We’re essentially educating you on what Putin has been up to, and giving the historical analysis. The US news media just gives this very biased analysis like Putin is a maniac.
That’s really not true, he’s not a maniac. The guy knows what he’s doing and has his self-interest; the United States and NATO have their self-interests.
The United States and NATO want to expand and surround Russia. No one should be having any illusions that NATO was not for some random reason. It was created to contain the Soviet Union.
Similar to how the US Government constantly broke treaties with Native Americans, NATO quickly broke the informal agreement with Russia and began admitting more and more Eastern European countries into NATO.
An awareness to recognize that we are being essentially shielded and hidden from all the dynamics that are taking place. The US media is going to tell us, in a very biased way, that this is Putin, forcing these provinces to vote.
In 2014, is when this coup took place, backed by the United States by Obama. These provinces, hated the fact that Obama stepped in and installed a US friendly puppet, who is essentially a Neo Nazi.
People in the eastern provinces had relatives, grandparents, fathers who had died fighting Nazism. To them this was like basically stabbing them in the back. Russia had stepped in under the position that there’s genocide taking place in that area.
The United States has also done these kinds of things in different parts of the world like, Serbia, Bosnia, Latin America, ectt. Inch by inch, NATO has taken up more former territories of the Soviet Union, and Ukraine was sort of the last straw towards creating conditions of nuclear war.
Which is absolutely insane, that we’ve even gotten to this point, and everyone in the United States should be aware what’s going on.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai 0:17
Good evening, everyone, we just want to do a very quick update on what’s going on in Russia and Ukraine, obviously everyone should be concerned if they’re not.
Unfortunately, the mainstream media is not giving a good coverage of it. But we wanted to make sure that everyone was aware of what’s going on.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai 0:33
And particularly, there was a some of you may know, there’s a referendum taking place, we should have a colleague of mine, Mike Mosca be joining us shortly.
And there’s a referendum taking place right now, in Russia, which is, or in Ukraine. There are different provinces, or regions of Ukraine and eastern Ukraine, as some of you may know, which are the groups that wanted to separate from Ukraine, and they’re having a referendum.
And that referendum in four of those areas, is where the people get an opportunity to vote, to decide if they A want to break away and become their own Republic. And also, the details of it aren’t exactly clear, but as I understand, to also join Russia.
So those are the two things that are coming up right now, if they want to break away, and if they also want to join Russia. And if the referendum is passed, this means those four former regions of Ukraine, where a lot of the fighting, in fact, the source of the fighting started, will become parts of Russia.
So, what does that mean?
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai 1:50
So, you had Ukraine, you had this region, as many of you know, as I’ve talked about, in the earlier videos, the eastern province of Ukraine, where people were very, very upset.
When in 2014, the US government installed one of their puppets to run it, who the people of eastern Ukraine considered a Neo Nazi that led to all the events that we’re seeing today, because the Ukraine, existing guard started bombing those people and committing a lot of atrocity. So those people not only got upset, but they wanted to become their own Republic.
Well, now they’re gonna have a referendum on it.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai 2:33
The Western powers, including NATO, and the US are saying, well, this referendum is bogus. It doesn’t mean anything.
Putin is forcing this on them. It’s not a real election.
Okay, we can talk about elections in the United States at some other point, but that’s what they’re accusing Putin of. So, as a result of that, several days ago, Putin said, if those republics do want to be part of Russia, they will recognize them.
And so what that means is that they become part of Russia. And any more shelling that takes place in those areas will be seen, as, you know, attacking Russian regions.
And to that point, Putin said that they would protect themselves, by essentially any means necessary, which includes using, you know, using nuclear weapons.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai 3:26
The interesting thing to point out as a very quick review, is that in 2014, is when I said this coup took place, backed by the United States by Obama. In 1992, is when the United States government and Russia at that time Gorbachev reached an agreement that with Baker was, at the time, the Defense Secretary who said that the United States would not go one inch, you know, east of Germany.
And obviously, the United States did go many points east of Germany, and someone pointed out, Oh, Dr.Shiva, you’re not telling the whole truth.
There was a pact signed in 1997. Yes, there was a pact signed in 1997.
It was called the Russia NATO pact under Yeltsin. What’s interesting to remember about this pack, which I went read, after this guy pointed it out, is that that pact, basically was done at a time when the United States was bringing, or NATO is bringing other parts of that region into NATO and to calm Russia.
The US signed this pact, saying Don’t worry, this is only for defensive reasons. And any people that we have there will only be for defensive reasons, we’ll rotate troops.
But it did not say that the United States would stop from enlarging NATO. Okay, so that’s that gentleman who should go read the pact.
This it is important to understand because it really meant that NATO was trying to appease Yeltsin at the time, Boris Yeltsin. But it did not mean that they were not going to do anything to not expand NATO.
Alright, so that’s based on 1997 Pact.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai 5:20
But regardless of that, NATO continued to expand. And as we more recently know, started supporting Ukraine, which was sort of the end for Russia’s tolerance.
You also need to be reminded that the MINSK 2 agreement was in place, and the MINSK 2 agreement was put forward to settle all of this. You know, back in 2021, many experts on Russia and US relations were saying the United States and Russia should sign with NATO, the MINSK 2 agreement, because what that agreement said was that those provinces in Russia to make them feel better, that they would be created their own state.
They would be given statehood, and Russia would also not interfere. And Russia was willing to sign that the United States never supported MINSK 2 when you have time, I recommend everyone just look up MINSK 2 and read up about it.
It was a very sort of even balanced agreement, which have stopped all of any of this.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai 6:23
So, one has to ask, Does the United States did the United States really want provocation? Do they want war? But we’re on the brink of it. A very important expert on this basically said, “We’re at the One Second on the Doomsday Clock.”
If you remember, there’s this Doomsday Clock, that people have talked about saying that humanity gets closer and closer and closer to a nuclear annihilation. And he said, “We’re at the One Second of that Doomsday Clock.”
And why did he say that? Because if the referendum is passed, and those people become part of Russia, in those regions of Ukraine officially, and any shelling, that Ukraine does Zelenskyy does into that region will be considered a provocation by Russia.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai 7:06
More importantly, we also need to understand that Ukraine is trying to bomb the and is bombing and continues to bomb the nuclear reactor. And there’s a thesis on this, which is coming out.
And the problem is we don’t have any journalists physically on the ground reporting news, we used to have journalism, and this is where you have to get it from a multiple set of sources. And you have to make some, you have to look at the whole history here to understand where we’re at.
If you only look at a certain point, one reporter listen to fucker Carlson or listen to CNN, you won’t really get what’s going on. So, we have to look at all of history.
And that’s what we’re attempting to do on this on these lives is to awaken people to understand that this is very, very serious situation.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai 7:57
And, in fact, in Poland, as we understand, they started to distribute iodine capsules, which is something that you do for radiation. So just be reminded that the key points I want to update everyone is that there is a referendum taking place in the provinces of Ukraine, to those people want to vote to be part of Russia, and to become their own Republic.
Once that happens what will then happen is any provocation any bombs into those regions, Russia will will state that this is actually an attack on Russia. And Russia has said at that point, they will unleash nuclear weapons, or they have the right to do whatever they want.
In fact, Putin this speech said, “this is, no bluff,” okay.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai 8:46
So, I recommend everyone, at minimum raise their awareness to recognize that we are being essentially shielded and hidden from all the dynamics that are taking place. The US media is going to tell us, you know, in a very biased way, that this is Putin, forcing these provinces to vote.
That may be true may not be true. But the other truth could be that these provinces, as we’ve talked about, as the facts are out there, hated the fact that Obama stepped in and 2014 installed, essentially, US friendly puppet, who is essentially a Neo Nazi. Okay.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai 9:34
So those people in the eastern provinces, had relatives, grandparents, fathers who had died fighting Nazism. So to them this was like basically stabbing them in the back and it was the net of it.
And so that’s where we have to understand where all of this goes back to you have Ukraine. A people of different parts of Ukraine were very, very upset that the United States stepped in in 2014 and installed someone who was essentially pro-US, but also pro-Nazi, okay, pro-Neo Nazi, these people had fought against Nazism all their lives.
So, this is essentially basically saying screw you to them. And Russia stepped in under the position that there’s genocide taking place in that area.
And they’re stepping in not as war but to step in to support those people. United States has also done these kinds of things in different parts of the world, as you know, Serbia, Bosnia, you know, Latin America, etc.
And that was Russia’s position.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai 10:36
But now, if this referendum, it’s supposed to take place between now and I believe September 27, goes through and the people in those regions of four regions vote to become part of Russia and become their own independent Republican, Republic, any attack into that region, Russia has made it very clear, they’ve drawn the line in the sand, that this could mean a nuclear standoff. Now, the bottom line could be that this is all just brinksmanship.
It’s talking a lot of, you know, everyone puffing their chest. But it may be that Russia has done this wants these regions, and they will declare victory.
And then they sort of walk away, and we defuse a nuclear war. That’s one possibility.
A number of people are saying that no one wants a nuclear war. But everyone wants to feel like they got something out of it.
So it could be that these provinces become part of Russia, Russia claims victory, stops doing anything. Ukraine then says, Oh, we won the war, see Russia stop, they’ve surrendered.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai 11:42
So, we don’t know, but the most important thing is that we want to make everyone aware of what’s going on. So that’s what I wanted to do this video.
And as many of you know, that we’re not taking a pro-Putin or an anti-Ukraine, anti-Zelenskyy, pro-Putin. We’re essentially educating Putin on, educating you on what Putin has been up to, and giving the historical analysis.
But the US news media, first of all, we don’t have any reports, they just give this very, very bias analysis. Putin is a maniac, and that’s it! That’s really not true, that’s definitely, he’s not a maniac.
The guy knows what he’s doing. He has his self-interest; the United States and NATO have their self-interests.
The United States and NATO want to expand and surround Russia. And you have to understand going back to 1992, and going back to 19 – 9, when NATO was created.
Before that NATO was really created. remember this to contain Russia.
To contain the Soviet Union specifically. So, no one should be having any illusions that NATO was not created, just for some random reason was created to contain the Soviet Union.
That’s what this is all about.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai 13:01
Okay. And inch by inch, NATO has taken up more former territories of the Soviet Union, and Ukraine was sort of the last straw.
And that’s where we’re at. So that’s why one of the experts recently said, “We’re at sort of the One Second mark.”
Is it true? While we’re creating conditions that we’re even talking about nuclear war, which is absolutely insane, that we’ve even gotten to this point. So, everyone in the United States, be aware what’s going on.
This is not a don’t listen to the biased, US media, do your own research, I’ve given you some data points, some of the system’s constructs to look at. So please go do that.
And that’s what this is really about. So, I hope you’ll do that.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai 13:49
I hope all of you know that you have an opportunity to join our movement for Truth, Freedom and Health.
And we take a Systems Approach. Everything we do here is taking a Systems Approach, be it to understand your body, understand Molecular Systems of food works in your body, understand Political Systems, a Truth, Freedom and Health.
We’ve created an environment, a community, so all of you can learn. So go do that.
And by the way, every Thursdays, we do our Open House, and please take advantage of those Open Houses, where you can meet a lot of other people and learn.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai 14:24
Anyway, it’s Friday. It’s been a long week.
I wish you guys all well, and we’ll see you guys soon. Be well, have a good weekend.
Thank you.

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