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CytoSolve® reveals that CHONDROITIN affects 3 molecular pathways involved in JOINT HEALTH. Short video above. Full analysis:

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Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai 00:00Welcome, everyone it’s Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai.

We’re gonna be having a discussion today on Chondroitin Sulfate. It’s part of our Joint Health Series. So what is Chondroitin sulfate? What is so you can see Chondroitin Sulfate is a supplement that you can buy at Whole Foods, you can buy it anywhere you want, and most supplement stores, Amazon, et cetera.

But it’s a polysaccharide consisting of repeating disaccharide units of D glucuronic acid, as well as an acetyl de galacto Sameen. So here is a con Royton part. And here’s a sulfate part.

So the reason this called converting sulfate is that two points, two parts here, the S O group is a sulfate portion over here. And this is a conjoined part connected by this oxygen bridge over here, it’s a polysaccharide related to certain types of sugars in some sense, and an enhances the shock shock absorbing properties of collagen in the cartilage. If you look at your cartilage, wherever you have your shoulders and your knees, it really enhances a shock absorbing properties.

And it’s clinically shown to have symptomatic relief of joint pain and to protect cartilage. And there’s no known side effects or adverse effects. And this is from the distillation of the research that we did through the bioinformatics review of cytosol.

So you can see the this is what the molecule looks like. What’s cool about these molecules is they actually have these wonderful structures. It’s fascinating studying that from a chemistry standpoint, so can write and saw something What’s the source where three sources you can get it 21 Dalton’s is a measure of the molecular weight the trachea of bovine, which means literally the trachea, which means the throat the second as you can get it from pig trachea.

Notice it’s a little bit higher molecular weight, and you can get it from the chicken keel bones Neal bones have also from chicken, right, so there’s three different sources of it. So if you ever eating chicken bones and the ends of it, some cultures eat that some cultures make soup out of that great source of Android and sulfate. So when we look at conjoint, and sulfate, if you look at the articles here, there are there’s quite well researched yet, there’s nearly 27,903 research articles, that’s a lot of research, close to 20,000 articles written on converting very well researched nearly 429 clinical trials, over 74 years of medical research.

So it’s a well researched therapeutic molecule. Some of you may know we talked about MSM, which had about 693 articles written on it, but Khan riton has close to 27,000 articles, and nearly an order of magnitude or more 40 times more research has been done on Android and selfie. So we’re going to talk about that.

But the issue is how do you handle all of this research do you Is anyone here, actually have time to go through all of this. And what we’re able to do, let me just bring this up again, what we’re able to do with cytosol was we’re able to look at all of that research, distill it and do what we call a bioinformatics approach to that research. So first, we’re able to really understand what is in that research, get the relevant papers, and I’ll show you the process that we take si to solve.

And this is the technology capability I built. So we’re able to take in a field all of those papers from those papers, figure out the relevant studies. In this case, we’re looking at, let’s say humans, and then we’re able to extract from these little ball and stick diagrams called molecular pathways, build an architecture of it, and then integrate it to present the bioinformatics and with cytosol, we’re also able to do computational analysis, which means we’re actually going to understand what occurs at the molecular level.

And I’ll talk more about that. So cytosol was a way without killing animals, were able to take bodies of research and understand what’s going on at the molecular level, and very, very different than how big pharma works. It’s this this was this is, by the way, very different than what we call the reductionist approach that takes place in the world of unfortunately reductionist science where if the elephant, for example, represents the whole right, I wanted to let you know that we use the technology here, we’ve helped many, many companies over the last 16 years, a lot of smart, innovative companies, but we decided with all the mathematical models we’ve created, why don’t we try to use this to compute the best product we could think of from the science out there for reducing pain and inflammation, pain and discomfort, and that resulted in us Creating m v 25.

Using cytosol we’re going to have more products that are going to be coming and let me just show you what MB 25 is about for those of you who haven’t heard about it, but this is using cytosol in a beneficial way not to just do research but find combination therapies.Barbara Ann 04:24I am firebrand, my hands would cramp up so that I couldn’t hold cards or knit or crochet new would go like that. Not have to use this when I played cards with my grandkids and I started taking that MV 25 After betta was able to hold cards in my hand.

Very, very little cramping hardly at all anymore. MV 25Sandi 04:54Hi, my name is Sandy. I’m a Taekwondo instructor.

I tore my ACL during title Mundo, I had a lot of pain and limited mobility. I’ve been taking the MV 25 for about six months now after the first week, I noticed the big difference after the second week, almost literally no pain. My nameJeremy 05:14is Jeremy and I suffer from a lower back problem hurt my back at work years ago.

And I can go to the chiropractor and do all kinds of different things, and nothing seems to help. And I decided to try nv 25, I didn’t notice a difference immediately. But within a few days of pain went away and it stayed away, I’ve continued to take it.

And even when I do things that I shouldn’t do seems to go away a lot quicker than I ever did before.Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai 05:37It’s clean food certified, it’s made in the US, if you go to bat shiva.

com Right on the shop, you’ll click there. Or you can go right to MB 25 dot life either way, and then from there, you can click on the bottle and you can order please take advantage of it because first of all is going to help you it’s going to help our movement and it really supports the fact that we want to take science based approaches to natural products and other biological effects of conjoined there are three that we have found from the bioinformatics review, anti inflammatory, antioxidant free radical scavenging, and Khandro protected which means it protects cartilage. All right, those are the three things that we found from distilling all of those 26,000 papers that I talked about.

So when you look at all of those papers, we found out that at minimum copywriting has been shown from all when you really look at all those papers anti inflammatory, it’s anti oxidant, which means it eats up those free radical scavengers and is Khandro protected, which means it protects your cartilage very, very valuable. So you don’t get cartilage degeneration. We’ll come back to this.

But this is what the bioinformatics research did before we did what we’ll call the computational work. All right, and cytosol has a capability to do both the health benefits from a this is the biological benefit. This is a biological benefit.

These are the health benefits, it improves cartilage regeneration improves physical function and reduces pain in joints. It promotes I healing after cataract surgery, this is some very good research that was done. It prevents dry eyes and it relieves gastritis.

So you can see it as a number of approaches here. And I think what’s interesting to note here is you notice that these are all animal sources. And it’s an interesting nutrient, because I have yet to find a place that you can get this from non animal sources.

So it’s something interesting to look at. So we take a systems view of joint health, what we’ve done is we took every this is going to be you guys joined us yesterday, this will be repetition. But just to repeat, we took every molecular pathway, every paper ever written about joint health in the universe up until the end of last year, and we took all of them.

And from that we extracted every molecular pathway is for osteoarthritis, and we interconnected them together. And then what we did was instead of just giving it to a few labs, we published it in an open science model. So everyone in the world can now use this research.

It’s called Open Science. And so it’s a lot of work on us. We were funded by a foundation and the University Health Network of Canada do it.

But what I’m pleased to say is we have created a service that any scientist in the world, any citizen in the world can use this tool. So I’m very proud of it. Let me share this with you.

And this is really what we call the human need. Explore osteoarthritis, if you go to knee osteoarthritis, everyone here was listening can have access to this.

When you go here, you’ll find out that we can literally we’ve mapped out the so if you look at the human knee from a systems approach, the human knee is composed of seven different tissues osteophytes immune cells, cartilage, synovial, tissue meniscus, patpat subchondral bone. So with our tool, you can find out all the different cells that are part of the synovial tissue and you can and then you can drill down and see the ligations in it and you can go down that way. You can also go back and for example, since we’re interested in cartilage cartilage is what gets destroyed.

And by the way, I wrote all the code here I still do a lot of engineering work. I love doing this. But condors cartilage is composed of Condor sites, Condor sites contain ligands, those things that interact with this with the Condor sites.

And when you go here, the lie GaNS, which are the particles that can land on the cell surface can include many different things you’ve probably heard of cytokines of cytokine storm, here are different cytokines, one of them being il one beta, and when you look at il one beta, what we’ve mapped out, this is just one molecule we’re looking at. And those of you listening, this is just one molecule we’re looking at, we’re looking at all the different molecules a greener, this is a cytokine, inflammatory cytokine. And you can see all the different molecules that’s that il one beta upregulate.

So for example, here’s a molecule which I looked at yesterday called MMP 13. MMP 13 causes cartilage degeneration, the catabolic effect, and then you go into here we can literally go right into this and we can bring up the actual molecular reaction say when Iowan beta interacts with to cause MMP 13. We’ve then mapped out all the different ingredients natural ingredients, which can stop this so for example, here’s the in sync, if I click on this, I guess I have to go back here.

So you guys on stream yard can see this. So let me stop here, let me share my whole screen. So you can see here, when I clicked on this particular link, it brings up the actual paper.

So we’ve mapped out nearly 20,000 papers and extracted out their molecular mechanisms. So I go back, you can also see resveratrol, which appears in Red wine also inhibits il one beta. So bottom line is we’ve created the first molecular systems architecture of human knee osteoarthritis in the world.

But instead of keeping it to ourselves, and just trying to make money off of it all day long, and screwing everyone else, we’ve made this accessible to the entire world. All right. So I want to say this is a very proud of this, this is what we call open science.

So that tool is available to everyone, everyone can use that tool. Using that tool. What we did was we identified let me go back to now the PowerPoint using that tool, we identified the critical molecular mechanisms that are involved in joint health.

And what we discovered was that there are a couple of major mechanisms inflammation, oxidative stress, cartilage degeneration and cartilage regeneration. So for different things, if you’re looking for supplement, and you want a supplement that really helps right now, it should hit all of these. Now the problem is that some of the ingredients only do a few of them.

Yesterday, we talked about MSM and the literature says it affects inflammation, oxidative stress, our research is really good for oxidative stress the computational work. So today, and by the way, there’s mechanisms for inflammation, there’s mechanisms for oxidative stress, there’s mechanisms for cartilage degeneration, and these are all these molecular pathways, we have integrated all of those and mathematically modeled them. And then for each one of these pathways, there are different biomarkers.

So for example, PG two is a biomarker of inflammation. If you have inflammation in your body, you’re gonna have a high level of this, if you have oxidative stress, you’re gonna have a high level of RLS if you have cartilage degeneration, you’re gonna have a high level of MMP 13. And if you have collagen regeneration, if you want college and to so let me just be clear.

So molecular mechanisms in your body are directly related to biomarkers. This is why when you go get a blood test done, they’re actually looking at particular molecules, those molecules are indicative of whether a particular molecular machinery in your body is running, right. So it’s cytosol, we’re able to identify them and interconnect them.

So that’s what we’ve done here. Here. What we’re showing you here is we’ve interconnected these molecular pathways, and we can now go and do a detailed computational analysis on them.

So here we can take cytosol and we can look at the effect of chloride and sulfate. So bioinformatics which is when we look at the literature, what do we find Conroy itself a affects three things it definitely according to the literature analysis, it affects oxidative stress, cartilage degeneration and cartilage regeneration. So here’s can write and sulfate.

Here’s joint disease, you have cartilage regeneration, look at this kind of self in the green positive greens that positively affects it, the red with the hammer on it means it stops oxidative stress and stops cartilage degeneration. So in summary, it has the effect of being this and supporting this. So how does it do that? Well, the literature shows that can write and sulfate on oxidative stress increases this molecule called NRF.

Two or F two is a molecule which activates or conjoined activates this molecule. And look at this, this is very powerful, and RF to promote glutathione peroxidase, which is a powerful antioxidant catalase and superoxide dismutase. These three things destroy oxidative stress, which means block it, they inhibit it.

So which means the oxidative stress or reactive oxygen species ain’t going to eat up your cartilage. So that’s what’s important that oxidative stress is what you don’t want to have going on your body there are these scavengers called reactive oxygen species, you’re basically rusting so it kind of right and does it blocks the major pathways from doing that very, very powerful. So let’s go back.

So that’s one very powerful use of converting sulfate The next thing is can write and sulfate if you remember we talked about Iowan beta and an MPP 13. I showed you in that beautiful diagram we’ll come right in sulfate comes in blocks it so eat those chicken cartilage, but the cartilage which is one place or bone soup, these kinds of things are congruent and sulphate blocks that il one beta which produces p 38, map k and p 38. Map K degrades collagen right p 30.

MapKit I’m sorry, gives rise to MMP 13 and MMP 13 eats up your cartilage. So what happens is kind of writing selfing blocks it right here so this pathway doesn’t occur. So in summary, again, just to be clear, Kandra, right, and sulfate is going to block the pathway between il one beta two MMP 13 therefore your body doesn’t degrade cartilage with MMP 13 Your body literally starts eating up its own cartilage and the simple way of saying it, but MMP 13 is not a good one.

molecule with converting sulfate comes up and blocks up. The next thing is converting sulphide also helps cartilage regeneration. So this is where you get into the anti aging areas.

So if you have converted sulfate, what we’re going to talk about is that you can actually boost stuff cartilage, which means you can increase cartilage in your body regenerate it. So how does it do that? Let’s look at that for the weekend, right? And sulfate does that according to that literature research is the following way. Remember, we do two types of analysis, we look at the literature, we convert the pathways and we compute it we’re doing the literature aspect now.

So converting sulfate helps to activate a k t, which is an enzyme and this enzyme promotes collagen to and collagen increased collagen to leads to cartilage regeneration and amelioration of joint disease. Let’s look at how congruent and sulfate affects computationally. So ROI is if you remember here RLS is the molecule that is a measure of oxidative stress.

So what we’ve done now is we’ve literally mathematically modeled all those molecular pathways with cytosol. And what did we see are as you increase Conroy and sulfate, and by the way, we’re not killing animals, no animals were killed. In this study, we’re using cytosol, which eliminates animal testing, you see, more and more and more of aro s is decreased.

So under control conditions, the RMS levels are 160. Now nanomolar and RMS levels are reduced with the increase and this is what you want. So look at you go from 160, you almost get a 20% reduction with 200 milligrams that convert itself.

And we’re proving that right here with cytosol. So this appears, we’re backing up the research that can droid himself, it is good for relieving oxidative stress. But what we found out in our research is gonna be a little bit different than what the literature said was, no matter how much of conjoint and self self weight we get, it didn’t have that much effect on cartilage degradation.

So we went from 50 100 200 milligrams over two days under controlled conditions, we could experiment with more, but you notice that it doesn’t have any effect as we could see on reducing cartilage, the literature said otherwise. But when it came to cartilage regeneration, we found out that even if you give about 50 milligrams of underwriting so that you get a big boost from 1500 to nearly Wow, this is almost 15% Boost right up here. So conjoint itself and under controlled conditions, we saw it helping to regenerate cartilage, and that’s but beyond 100 milligram dose, we didn’t see any significant help.

So this is why more doesn’t mean better, right? So the body can only absorb a certain amount. So if you’re gonna go spend a lot of money on the supplements, you have to really rethink that. So in summary, our research concludes converting sulfate is really good at lowering oxidative stress, and it’s good even at low dosages for increasing someone’s to supplements are dead, you have to consume the whole bottle to get 10% of what you need.

Yes, you’re right. That’s why ultimately, food is medicine. All right, but you notice here it really helps improve collagen to production.

All right. So if you look at this sort of heat map, when you look at all the pathways inflammation, oxidative stress, cartilage degradation and cartilage regeneration, can write and sulphate you get a green over here, a little bit of green, if you can see an oxidative stress, but it’s good for really these two aspects. One of the things I want to emphasize here is so if you’re looking for a joint supplement, it’s not just about inflammation.

It’s not just about oxidative stress. It’s not just about reducing cartilage degradation or increasing cartilage regeneration, you need something that does all of it. This is why food is so powerful because food has a synergistic effect.

It doesn’t just hit one molecular pathway. So we’ve seen Conroy and hit the literature said three pathways we’ve shown it actually it’s two pathways in an effective way food is like that. Alright everyone, thank you.

I hope you enjoyed it. Thank you very much have a good evening.18:39You

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