TWITTER’s Backdoor Enables Government to SHUTDOWN Political Speech.
Dr.Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD - Inventor of Email, scientist, engineer, educator - Explains the infrastructure of Twitter’s backdoor that enables Government to Shut Down & Silence political Speech.Dr.Shiva reviews and gives a timeline overview of the events leading from the…
Historic Lawsuit Exposes How Government Launders Censorship Through Twitter
How I Learned Cuomo Brothers Are Fine w Assault. My Personal Experience w Chris Cuomo.
Trump & Bernie vs. YOU. Waking Up to The Hard Truth.
It’s time Working People Unite! WE are under attack - #ForcedVaccinations, #ElectionFraud, #LockDowns, Crumbling Infrastructure, destruction of our wages, while THEY unleash #Socialism” for the Elites! Join US! Today at the Parkman Bandstand, BOSTON COMMON, today OCTOBER 3, SATURDAY,…
Cytosolve MAKES Mathematical Models
LIE #1 –“Dr.SHIVA is a Vaccine Maker” The Truth CytoSolve is not a Vaccine Maker, has never produced a single Vaccine. CytoSolve IS a software technology for modeling biological mechanisms. CytoSolve IS recognized as a Revolutionary and Disruptive Platform. CytoSolve…
VA Shiva Innovation Corps: Mentoring Innovation
The aim of Innovation Corps is to unleash innovation in inner-cities by identifying and supporting those other teenagers in high school who wish to see their ideas translated into tangible products and services. The Innovation Corps will support such teenagers…