- Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD – Inventor of Email, Systems Scientist, engineer, educator – shares a case study analysis on an example of how the media and establishment spin a narrative on an article about BLM & America First, to Divide & Rule.
- Elites conspire to pit White & Black Working People against each other. They use the media to shift narratives to Black vs White, away from Working People rising up.
- 160,000 municipal employees, including cops, firefighters, and sanitation workers, rallied outside De Blasio’s as residents to protest the vaccine mandate ahead of the city’s October 28 deadline for city workers to get the shot.
- The British Royal Family is actively conspiring with American liberal Elites. Their goal is to re-establish the British Empire and re-subjugate American workers. Divide & Rule has been the favorite tactic of British Monarchy for 500 years.
- We are educating people on a Systems Approach and building an international movement of Truth Freedom Health Warrior Scholars who are going Beyond Left & Right, Beyond Black & White, to have Working People Unite for Truth Freedom Health.
people, systems, blm, elites, article, movement, workers, understand, mandates, shiva, truth, freedom, issue, education, america, gracie mansion, british crown, jobs, divide, unite
Good afternoon, everyone. It’s Dr.Shiva Ayyadurai. It’s Monday. And I want to have a very in-depth discussion today on how the establishment divides and rules. I think it’s really important for us to really understand the dynamics of what’s taking place, particularly in the United States, and then trace it back to the origins of where all of this comes from. And then talk about how we have a solution for overcoming this.
Otherwise, what’s going to happen and is already happening, I’m going to give you an example. As a case study, the “Black Lives Matter” guys are facing off with the quote unquote, “America First” guys. And all of that is being promoted by the media as a way of hiding the real struggle that’s taking place and the real victories that are happening, of where working people are rising up against the power profit control these Jabbination mandates. So that’s what we’re going to talk about.
Again, one of the things that we promote, throughout the discussions that I share with you throughout all the 1,000 plus videos that I’ve done, is to educate all of you that we need to take a Systems Approach that goes Beyond Left & Right – Beyond Black & White, where we Unite Working People for Truth Freedom Health. Let me repeat that, again.
Those four phrases, in many ways really, in a very concise way, give a framework, a very solid framework, on how we can actually start looking at what’s going on in the world.
Number one, Beyond Black & White, which means beyond the race wars, that the establishment tries to divide people by, Beyond Left & Right, which means looking at things of what the real problem is, and what the real solution is, then one of the critical things we’ll see is most of what the elites are doing through the power of censorship, which is really controlled by the government, which our lawsuit was the first expose, in a powerful way, the Domestic Censorship Infrastructure, is that that censorship is a way of ensuring that we never really ever have discourse or real debate on anything.
It really puts left and right forces or Pro & Anti against each other. And this divide and rule really serves to ensure the forces of Power Profit Control survive, versus the forces of Truth Freedom Health. Our movement, which I want all of you to get educated on, is really to first of all, teach people that without a foundational understanding of how a system works, and what are the System’s Approaches, we’re gonna have so many different people just clashing against each other.
And the media and the establishment will promote those. They actually love race war, they love left and right fighting against each other. They love the Republican Democrat theater. And they do not want everyday working people uniting on anything. What I’m going to talk about today is this. Some of you may have seen this.
And by the way, some of these articles may not get covered in the mainstream news media. But this was a front page story article that was out in the British news covering what’s going on in the United States. And this was what the article had, let me bring this up. And the article had on the front page, as you can see here, Antifa and BLM activists clash with the far right, Anti vaccine mandate, protesters outside.
Let’s go here. Essentially outside Gracie Mansion, which is the mayor, Bill De Blasio’s home. There it is activist with far right? Anti vaccine mandate protests outside New York City’s Gracie Mansion. Now what they don’t tell you is that it becomes frontline news.
But embedded in this article is a fact that over 164,000 municipal workers actually showed up. Most of this article just talks about, “white nationalists” quote unquote, versus “black nationalists.”
But they don’t talk about the fact that they had to cover it, because it’s so huge, as you can see right here, there were 160,000 working people Black White, of all different races who showed up to fight against the jab mandates, and that shows up right here.
And so you can see that right here. 160,000 municipal employees, including cops, firefighters, and sanitation workers, rallied outside de Blasio’s house, but you know, there’s only a few pictures of this right. But the entire article is really about BLM. And we’ll also be going to learn very quickly there’s two BLM in the United States.
There’s one BLM, which is a national organization, which is run by people who are using it essentially to profit for themselves. And then there’s a BLM of Greater New York run by a guy called Hank Newsome. And we’ll talk about that
But what you’re going to realize from the events I’m going to share with you is that the establishment wants race war, they want people speaking about Black Nationalism versus white nationalism, you know, black on white. But they do not want to show the unity that is emerging among working people.
Because of our movement – has consistently put forward for the last three years that working people need to unite, we need to build a Bottoms-up Movement. That working people need to start striking. Our Truth Freedom Health movement has firefighters from New York as a part of it, we have Southwest Airline workers, we have people of all different backgrounds joining our movement to understand this core theoretical framework. Which is why we need to take a Systems Approach Beyond Left & Right. So for those of you, and I’ll come back to this, do not know what that framework is, I’m just going to play a quick video.
So all of you understand the foundations of what the Truth Freedom Health movement is about. Because I want all of you to recognize that if we do not take a Systems Approach, we’re never going to win anything, we’re going to have a divided States of America, and I’ll tell you why America is important in the world equation.
We’ll come back to this. But the key thing is America. When you look at the long march of human history, the concept of the First Amendment and the Second Amendment was a serious blow to the monarchy to the elites. And the attacks that we’re seeing about dividing people Left & Right, you know, Black & White is ultimately a part of a neocolonialist move, version 2.0.
And I’ll talk about this, about essentially the British Crown and the monarchy coming back and we’ll talk about I’m going to do a series of videos, I’m not going to be able to cover all of this. So today’s video is a beginning of what I really call the divide and rule series because I want everyone to understand the establishment knows how to divide enrolled people, they do not want Working People Uniting.
Let me play this video. And all of you every Monday evenings, every Wednesday nights, every Thursday, all of the Truth Freedom Health Warriors come together, it’s an opportunity for you guys to directly interact with me one on one we do on our own platform. It’s not zoom, we use our own platform.
So we can have live interactions in a private social media setting. So first of all, I want all of you to get training. To go beyond left and right you need to get the right theoretical chops, let me play this for you.
The reason that video that I just played for you is important, because that actually gives you the solution.
Okay? It gives you the solution of where we need to go, we need to go Beyond Left & Right. And every one of you please go to TruthFreedomHealth.Com and join the movement that we’re building, but it begins not with just, you know, random passion is important, but just random passion, but it begins with you getting educated. So what I wanted to share was.
One of the important things here is that the essence of America, when you look at the long arc of human history was that America came up with an experiment, which was the First Amendment and the Second Amendment, that you could directly have a relationship, you could directly have a relationship with your Creator, you could pursue your dreams, independent of anyone in between, and that was the essence. And whatever religion that happened to me, whatever spirituality that happened to be, you could have that direct connection.
And that, and so the First Amendment and the second event were brought to the forefront, so you could speak, you could debate in that pursuit of happiness, right. And you could also have the Second Amendment to protect you. And I just think about what we’re talking about, when you look at the arc of human history, for most of human history, except for the period where there was a hunter gatherer period, there was some level of equality, but the predominant part of human history was a king held people as serfs, and you work for your king. And the entire concept here was that the King had a direct connection to God.
And the rest of us had to pay obeisance to the king, this was the essence of the monarchy concept, particularly, some of you may still know, the Queen of England is still head of the Anglican Church, right? The concept of in the recent history of the Americas, the queen or the king had a direct connection to God, therefore, all of us, you know, we bowed down to the queen.
The concept of the First Amendment did not even exist in this concert at all, or the Second Amendment. When America was created when the American Revolution took place, what was profound about it was the First Amendment, the Second Amendment because it gave precedent to the individual, being able to pursue their dreams, with their own sense of spirituality.
This was quite profound. Alright, ever since the American Revolution took place, one of the things we’ll go and talk about in more detail. The essence of this was that since 1776, or the biggest enemy of the American experiment, has been the British crown. And I’ll repeat that, again, the biggest enemy of the American experiment has been the British crown. Repeat it for a third time, the biggest enemy of the American experiment has been the British crown.
Who was it that actually burned down the White House? It was Britain. Who was it? That actually incited of the Civil War? It was Britain. And I’ll talk about this, each of these will be videos that are coming, you’re going to learn it was Britain that actually incited Germany into World War One and it was Britain which got us into World War Two. Britain lost a lot of ground when it lost the Americas.
And ever since 1776, a British Crown has been playing a long game to try to bring America back into its fold. And part of that was what occurred in 2016, 2017, 2018, which is Brexit. Brexit was a big move that the British made to try to bring America under its fold. And again, we’ll discuss each one of these in another video.
But the entire British and by the way, I want to separate the people of Britain. The businesses that are in Britain, very good people. I do business with them. I know a lot of people in England and Britain are different from the British crown.
And you’ll also come to understand that the Queen of England is not just a titular position, the Queen’s name goes on, she has to sign off on every bill, she still controls most of the Commonwealth countries, she can place the government in Australia anytime she wants. So we have come to this illusion to think that this is just some ceremonial position.
But the bottom line is Britain, the British Crown has been extremely eager to come back into control and bring back the monarchy. And the First Amendment stands in their way, as we showed in our lawsuit, it was the Atlantic Council, funded by the elites in Britain, which wants to eliminate and destroy, which has, frankly, worked very hard to create the Censorship Infrastructure in the United States. So how does this all relate to BLM and Antifa?
Well, anyone who studies the machinations of the British elites, it has always been about divide and rule, divide and rule, and divide and rule gets executed through the power of censorship. Why do I say that? Well, you can have people at each other’s throats. If you do not allow open discourse and debate on any topic.
You take climate change, everyone is at each other’s throats on it. You take the issue of election fraud in the United States, you take the issue of the jab or the masks issue or all these mandates. You take every major fundamental issue that’s going on right now. And it is intended to have people fighting against each other, particularly race.
When I saw this recent article that came out, let me bring it up. I’m going to show you this recent article that came up right here. I saw this article over the weekend. And this article is an article that was posted in the Daily Mail. It says Antifa and BLM activists clash with far right anti vaccine mandate protesters outside New York City’s Gracie Mansion, and you notice these are the top four bullet points of the article. Nowhere does it mention in this article that this big event actually included the real protests of 160,000 nearly 200,000 American working people black, white of all colors, who showed up to fight the jab mandates.
So that’s what was actually occurring. But what did the news promote? Divide and rule the news promoted this, okay? The news promoted this. And Daily Mail, by the way, is a publication out of Britain.
Antifa and BLM activists clash with far right anti vaccine mandate protesters outside New York Gracie Mansion and, and if you look at this article, it’s got people on both sides, right. You know, pitting up against each other. One side and I want to play this quick video for you here.
What do you see there? You see one group quote unquote America first, which is about American nationalism, American-America being first and some people branded them as white nationalists against a BLM group. Okay, we’re going to also learn today there are two BLM groups. And this other BLM, this BLM group is pro jab mandates. And the America first group is against vaccine mandates.
But the bottom line is, this is Black Nationalism versus White Nationalism. Okay, that’s the way that the press wants us to see it. And the distraction here is that gets put to the forefront. People seeing this will say, Oh, these groups of nationalists are against vaccine mandates, and these people are for them.
And they’ll see it as a black on white thing. In fact, when you really go through this article, and you see it a little more carefully, as I shared in the earlier part of it, this is what was the big thing that was going on. This was the big news.
That was why people showed up and you can see here 160,000 municipal employees, including cops, firefighters, and sanitation workers, rallied outside De Blasio’s as residents to protest the vaccine mandate ahead of the city’s October 28 deadline for city workers to get the shot. So that was really the big news.
But what did the news do is they promoted this left, right, this pro anti divide, and it gets even more interesting. There’s a guy called Dan Bongino who really is a Fox News, quote unquote, right supporter. He then put on a guy shortly thereafter, guy called Hank Newsome.
Some of you may know recently in New York, a guy called Eric Adams, a former policeman, officer was elected mayor, black guy, well, there is a another Black Lives Matter group. Again, I can’t overemphasize there’s black lives, sort of matter, United States.
But there’s another guy called Hank Newsome, who started a group called Black Lives Matter, Greater New York City. In fact, the Black Lives Matter, the big group, wants nothing to do with him.
And by the way, this bigger group Black Lives Matter which you typically see associated with that smaller group, has found out that that organization has been taking people’s money buying homes for themselves, a very corrupt organization.
Now, Hank Newsom’s group came in a very interesting way. He actually spoke at a pro Trump rally. Okay? And the Bigger Black Lives Matter. The national group denounced him.
But he met with Eric Adams and I went and watched the whole 30 minute video over the weekend with the mayor of New York. He and his group went to the mayor’s office, and they met with the mayor, and what did they tell him?
If you watch the whole video? It’s like, basically, I mean, they’re not, they don’t have all the answers, but they’re sort of heading in the right direction, in my view, meaning saying, hey, we need infrastructure in the inner cities, we need opportunities for black people. Poverty is a source of crime.
And he says, why don’t we put in a place as centers where black people can get good food and have proper sanitation, infrastructure, infrastructure infrastructure again, all of you this way encourage everyone to go become truth freedom and health warriors go to Truth for the health calm because you’ll understand that real health comes from infrastructure so that’s what he’s talking to the mayor about, after the meeting when he comes out.
And there is this he says, Look, if we don’t address these issues, and if you continue to just use police, just to harass black people, there will be riots, there will be bloodshed, etc. That was a small snippet of that long conversation. But what did the media do? The media and this is why I don’t care for the left or right media because they’re all looking for views.
They don’t really want to share the truth and I want to share with you with this guy, Dan Bongino did okay. Look at the headline here. Dan Bongino, BLM activists who threatened bloodshed clash overriding violence, answer the question.
Again, you should go watch this. Okay? It’s a ridiculous thing. And I really really, you know, have very little respect for this guy. Bongino knew after listening to this. If you go watch this, it is basically Hank Newsome, and I probably have differences with him, but he’s basically trying to say, look, we need infrastructure.
He said, I was saying that there will be riots about this kind of stuff. If you know the big issues are not addressed. And then Bongino said, you must renounce violence, you must renounce violence. He’s saying I’m not going to renounce violence, self defense, but that he’s taking a long discussion, and he’s reducing it all to violence, black on white, you know, people versus cops or black people versus cops. And that’s what we have going on.
We have the news media on the left. Fox News, the news media on the right, both trying to promote black versus white. This is divide and rule on every issue. This is taking place. Pro jab, anti jab, pro Vax, anti Vax pro mask, anti mass, pro climate change, anti climate change, and you know who’s profiting from all this when we don’t really address the real issues is the elites and all of that This is being done.
The way that they’re executing this divisiveness is through censorship. Because when you have censorship, none of us can really have any actual discourse. Okay? So none of us can get into a discourse. So someone says don’t get in bed with BLM. So this is sort of again, sorry, says an ignorant statement, no one’s talking about getting in bed with BLM or not BLM.
Again, you’re missing the point. The point is, those in power, want to promote, they want to promote divisiveness on every issue. So huge 160,000-200,000 People come to Gracie Mansion, working people, which our movement has been supporting, striking organizing. And instead of focusing it on that, the news focuses on BLM versus America First.
And that was a very small piece of this 160,000-200,000 protest, because they do not want working people uniting. They rather put forward Oh, blacks and whites are fighting against each other pro Vax, anti Vax, you know, differences without going down to the real issue of public health.
Without going down to the real issue, which our movements singularly focus on, which is this, that the jab mandates, the mask mandates, the climate change carbon tax, all of these ultimately are about the elites escalating their war on working people over the last 50 years.
Over the last 50 years, there’s two American pies right now, you have 500 billionaires who have doubled their wealth during the pandemic, you have a working people’s wages, there’s two American Pie is one for the 5% whose wages have explosively grown, and the other 95% of American working people whose wages have shrunk by 50% or more.
Okay, none of that is discussed. The idea is to have working people fighting against each other. And when working people start uniting you diminish those victories. The movement for Truth Freedom Health, our movement is the only movement on the planet right now.
That has the right political framework, the right systems framework to bring people together. Without this, I can assure you that we will be back to colonialism, okay? Because, and we’ll discuss this in the videos to come you will see the belly of the real beast here.
You’ll also realize that Megan Markel, whatever her name is, or doofus Harry, coming to the United States is not a coincidence. It is about an era of Neocolonialism we’re entering in that era begins with destroying the First Amendment, which it has been destroyed.
Through the domestic censorship infrastructure. It begins with pitting black against white left against right on every issue, Republican Democrats, the theater of that, and it ends with economic devastation, it ends with enslaving working people through Power, Profit and Control.
That’s what’s actually taking place. And I hope all of you recognize I wanted to start this BLM & America First, right? Because the reality is, these are not the substantive issues. Because when we really go peel away the layers, what we find is it is the attack on working people black and white, and brown and yellow, all over the world that’s been taking place.
And without understanding this core essential issue, we’re always going to be moved by the media into thinking the world is made up of Left & Right, Black & White, etc. Let me take some questions here. Someone said the Democrats are absolutely ruining this country at record speed. Yeah, look, it is the collusion of both Democrats and Republicans.
In Massachusetts. It was the Republican establishment that stole our election in Massachusetts wasn’t the Democrats. Democrats and Republicans are one. You have to recognize Democrats and Republicans are one. Both of them work together. Operation Warp Speed was done during a Republican president.
The big pharma bailouts took place during a Republican President – Obama saved the Big Banks, Trump saved Big Pharma. Alright, one needs to recognize that the United States the goal of the elites is to rip the United States apart, is to rip it to shreds through division. And the only way to come together is to take a Systems Approach.
And I mean this very seriously. A Systems Approach will reveal to you in any situation, what is the real issue when you look at climate change right now? It’s all propaganda, you take a very complex climate system, you reduce it to one variable called Co2, that’s called reductionism, which is the opposite of a Systems Approach.
And then you have people arguing about that, when ultimately, when you really look at the issue, which we’ve talked about in a number of our videos, the real issue here, it’s about a few set of people who are going to become multi trillionaires, with carbon tax and selling carbon credits.
And the vast majority of humanity’s working people are going to be enslaved with more cost of product and small businesses are going to be further strapped. It’s about carbon tax. And it’s about the fact that they are violating science by not practicing the scientific method, violating truth.
They don’t allow freedom of debate, if you talk about that, you get thrown off Facebook or Google etc. Right. And on every issue, even you take the issue of the medical freedom issue. No one discusses the fact that this is not about pro Vax or anti Vax. This is fundamentally about public health.
And public health has always come through the real solution, which has been infrastructure. When we put the right infrastructure in, people’s lives get healthy. It hasn’t been through these reductionist solutions of putting a diaper on your face or getting a jab. It’s been through infrastructure.
Again, that is a Systems Approach. So I want to encourage all of you if you’re serious, I don’t care whether you’re Republican, Democrat, left or right. The issue is we stand at a very important point, particularly in the world and in American history, is that if working people do not recognize who their real enemy is, and if you see more and more stuff, like this nonsense, because these guys are making money, Fox News makes money off this stuff. Right?
And if and, and also, if you recognize that this thing that took place over the weekend, and how the the media put forward, in this case with this, everything is about, the Antifa, BLM versus the far right. I mean, that’s the headline, right?
But the reality is, 160,000 workers showed up. And the media on both sides is working very, very hard to diminish what’s going on when working people. Our movement has repeatedly said that working people need to come together. We have every Monday evenings, we run a three hour class to educate you as a part of the Truth Freedom Health movement.
How do we build that movement? Number two, every Wednesday I do a live Q&A with our we’re literally training students on Thursdays, we have an open house. But in our movement, we have consistently said that working people need to form bottoms up movements, and they need to get ready to strike and exercise their power. And that’s what we see happening.
Our movement has had significant influence on the strikes and efforts that are going on. And yes, the credit goes to a Systems Approach. So, that’s what I want to encourage you all now. Let me just finish up with this other news story that I think you’ll like, some of you may know, there was a news story on CNN, and it was in a couple of places and we can bring this up.
So, this was the Washington Post equivalent, remembering that it says a record number of Americans quit their jobs in September. And what this article was saying is, and you can read it as a record number of Americans are quitting their jobs a record 4.4 million Americans quit their jobs in September as the sheer volume of available jobs is empowering workers to have their pick workers are quitting in search of better pay or better jobs, representing a fundamental shift in America’s labor market. So that’s in the Washington Post, right?
One of the liberal elite newspapers owned by the way by Amazon’s Jeff Bezo’s, who treats his workers like dirt at Amazon and we’ll talk about that, and he has a major PR issue. So, that appeared in The Washington Post. Now that article was put forward by a reporter and this is where the the etiology of that came from, from a reporter at CNN. So, let’s go to that article. So here’s the CNN article, and here we go. Let me bring this up. Alright, so here’s a CNN article on this
It says a record 4.4 million working people quit their jobs. And it’s basically not even talking about the fact that people have been leaving their jobs because they don’t want to get jabbed. It ignores that. But what’s interesting is, this is how the media is such propaganda these days, is that I found an article a few days earlier. Let me bring that up. Where CNN actually, in a different context, tells what’s actually going on let me bring that up. It says 72% of unvaccinated workers vowed to quit in order to get vaccinated. This was on October 28, about three weeks ago, before that other article came out randomly saying people are just quitting their jobs because there’s more job openings, okay?
But look at what this says in this article, which was written for you right here, it says a large employer rule would apply, says the Biden administration is drafting workplace safety rules that will require all businesses with 100 or more employees to mandate the vaccines for their employees or frequently test workers. The large employer rule would apply to about 80 million US workers, okay? Or two thirds of all workers nationwide.
If this surveyed, unvaccinated – unvaccinated workers followed through on their threads to quit, it would lead somewhere between 5% to 9%. Let’s even take the lower number 5%. Well, what’s 5% of 80 million? It’s about 4 million. So 5% of 80 million is 4 million.
Three weeks later, CNN does this other new story, the one I first shared, which is saying, here we go. A record number of people quit their jobs. And guess what number they have using 4 million workers who quit their jobs in September. So this is a level of duplicity that’s going on because working people are actually organizing working people are actually coming together.
And this is a profound event. The last time this occurred in a big way in the United States was in the 1900s. And when that occurred, that’s when the elite shuddered and that’s when working people in the country and for that matter in the world got significant gains. Our movement’s position that Working People Unite Beyond Black & White, Beyond Left & Right, is encouraging people to come together.
So, what you’re seeing is working people are coming together, working people are being courageous, they’re saying, I’m not going to get jabbed as a worker, I’m the one you rely on. And that is the number about 4 million people, instead of giving credit where it’s due.
The propaganda machine of the elites is trying to say, well, suddenly there are all these jobs, and people want to go take those jobs. So whether you look at what I shared with you with the BLM, you know America First, quote, unquote, clash, or whether you look at this news report, what is the inner connection here, the inner connection here is that the elites, those in power, do not want working people uniting.
And when working people start to unite, as in the case of what occurred in front of De Blasio’s mansion, 160,000 sanitation workers, police and firefighters come together, they project news as though BLM and Antifa versus America First. That is the main news. And same here with the CNN and Washington Post.
As working people are actually taking charge of their own lives and they’re saying no, I’m not gonna, you know, I’m willing to take a hit because I want to stand by principle. They’re trying to say, oh, suddenly jobs just opened up, and that’s why people are quitting.
Anyway, this will be a series we’re going to do on Beyond Left & Right, Beyond Black & White and why Working People Should Unite. Again, every Monday evening, we do a live course. We’ve created a movement for Truth Freedom Health.
I want to encourage all of you to take this System Science Approach. We’ve made it accessible, affordable, and easy. for everyone to get access to, but it’s taken me 50 years to organize a curriculum so all of you can learn.
But without this political theory, as I said in the previous video, it’ll be very hard for you to figure out within all this morass of division that’s being put on every issue of climate change, you know, racism, censorship, you go down the list, the VAX issue, the mask issue, racism, every issue, everyone is being divided in this country, election fraud, etc.
And the only way forward is for us to have the right political and Systems Theory. So please, let’s move Beyond Left & Right, let’s move Beyond Black & White – Working People Unite for Truth Freedom Health. Before I sign off, I want to play you a closing video, which details out to you, when you become a Truth Freedom Health Warrior scholar, it’s a Warrior, which means you got to fight, you got to be activists on the ground. So we’ve created tools for that.
But you also have to be a scholar, you have to take time, and you have to learn the political theory. Otherwise, you will be bamboozled. The elites in power. The elites in power are studying System Science, they know the Science of Systems.
Without the knowledge of the Science of Systems. It will be like you have bows and arrows, and they have nuclear weapons. Okay, I want to play this closing video, because it’ll share with you what we have to do in order for us to be successful.
I’m going to close out these other things right now. consuming a lot of memory. So let me bring up this video. And I want you to understand that we’ve put a lot of effort into creating literally a platform for everyone to connect, there we go.
Let me bring this before I bring this up. So the goal is we need to educate people on a Systems Approach, the universities aren’t going to do it. We have to do it in a way that everyone can do it on their own time, right?
I’ve taken 50 years worth of Engineering Systems knowledge, and distill this, everyone can learn it. That’s one of the theoretical frameworks on how we get Beyond Black & White. The other thing is we’ve created our own social media tools in a private social media environment.
You can meet other like minded people because we need to organize Bottoms-up. And the third thing is we need to meet with our neighbors neighbor to neighbor with conversations that go beyond left and right. And we’ve created tools for that.
It is a platform for Truth Freedom Health. You can see the ticker below for TruthFreedomHealth.com – But our goal is to build an international movement of Truth Freedom Health Warrior Scholars, we’ve had close to around 100,000 People now become members, we’ve had about 10 – 20,000 people getting ready to go through the Warrior Training Program.
But we need to build a movement where you start becoming leaders, we teach our neighbors we bridge the gap we unite. But unity is not just a fake unity, which is what the liberal elites talk about. A real unity is based on the System Science. Let me play it with you for this video and I think it’ll give you a real deep understanding of what we need to do and the tools that I’ve made available for everyone so please take advantage of them. Thank you
Alright, everyone, I wanted to share that with you. But I’m going to be repeating in all the videos I do, as you know, encouraging all of you to become System Scientists. Get the Science of Systems – now typically you’d have to go to MIT for how many odd years you could have to go read all these different books, and you have to sort of figure your way out.
You don’t have to do that. I’ve put it together in such a way it’s accessible to anyone whether you have any type of education, you don’t need to go to MIT, you don’t need to know math, you don’t need to know physics, because I teach you the fundamentals. And those fundamentals, you can use to understand how Your Body is a System you can use it to understand how, you know, society is as a system.
But that grounded knowledge is what is the order of the day right now, the elites want to divide us along every possible way. You can imagine and give us a fake solution to whether it’s a real or fake problem, okay? And that’s where we’re headed right now.
And that is what you would call the age of darkness. The only way out of that – to the light comes through education. That’s why one of the slogans we have in our movement is Get Educated or Be Enslaved, but it’s the right education. And that right education, very potent way is Systems Education. Tomorrow I’m going to be talking in detail about what is going on in a fundamental way.
Again, another distraction of this guy, Jeff Bezos, you may have seen all these billionaires are launching spaceships everywhere. Okay? Why is Bezos doing that? What is really going on in Amazon and you can go do some of your own homework.
We’ll talk about it tomorrow. But you realize fundamentally at Amazon, that the working people in Amazon are actually starting to unionize and actually starting to come together and Bezos, you know, essentially profited. He doubled his company’s wealth while mom and pop businesses are being shut down. Amazon doubled their wealth.
And I think, he personally went from about $110 billion to $220 billion in net worth. Meanwhile, you can talk about the devastation that’s been happening in Washington and to Amazon workers, but fundamentally, it’s about working people uniting our movement is about looking at the real problem. And finding the real solution, not getting into this nonsense about fake problems, fake solutions, which pit black against white left against, right.
Okay, so thank you, everyone. I’ll see you tomorrow. I hope this is valuable. Please go become a Truth Freedom Health warrior. We need to build the movement for Truth Freedom Health Working People Unite Beyond Left & Right. Thank you.
The original research in this video is made possible by generous contributions from supporters of the Dr.SHIVA Truth Freedom Health® movement. Please contribute so we may continue to bring you such original research, valuable education, and innovative solutions.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD in Biological Engineering, the Inventor of Email, Scientist, Engineer, Educator shares “BLM” v. “America First” Case Study. How The Establishment Divides & Rules.

It’s time we move beyond the Left vs. Right, Republican vs. Democrat. It’s time YOU learn how to apply a systems approach to get the Truth Freedom Health you need and deserve. Become a Truth Freedom Health® Warrior.
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The platform we are building for Truth Freedom Health® provides the infrastructure to take on Big Tech, Big Pharma, and Big Academia. Many of you have asked how you can help. You can contribute whatever you can. Based on your level of commitment to get educated, I have also created some wonderful educational gifts to thank you for your contribution.
To get the education you need and deserve, join Dr.SHIVA on his Foundations of Systems course. This course will provide you three pillars of knowledge with the Foundation of Systems Thinking. The three pillars include: 1) The System Dynamics of Truth Freedom Health, 2) The Power of a Bottom’s Up Movement, and 3) The Not So Obvious Establishment. In this course, you will also learn fundamental principles of all systems including your body.
Course registration includes access to his LIVE Monday training, access to the Your Body, Your System tool, four (4) eBooks including the bestselling System and Revolution, access to the Systems Health portal and communications tools – independent of Big Tech – including a forum and social media for you to build community with other Truth Freedom Health Warriors.
This course is available online for you to study at your own pace.
It’s time to Get Educated, or Be Enslaved.