- Dr.Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD – Inventor of Email, scientist, engineer, educator – presents a CytoSolve Analysis on what Black Pepper can do for your Digestive Health.
- CytoSolve technology is designed to take a Systems Approach and distilled nearly 256 articles, 48 clinical trials, over the span of 50 years.
- The Latin name for Black Pepper is Piper nigrum and its medicinal use dates back to Roman times in Europe. It’s medicinal and culinary properties are attributed to the Peppercorn berries.
- Native in the Western Ghats of the South Indian peninsula it has been prescribed as medicine in the traditional Indian medicine for over 4000 years
- Biological Effects of Black Pepper include inhibiting drug metabolism, a protective effect on cytotoxicity by carcinogens, powerful effect in protecting anti-fertility effects on the reproductive system, anti-inflammatory, anti-thyroid, thermogenic action, a growth stimulatory effect on melanocytes, antioxidant influence, effects on the gastric mucosa, anti-diarrheal property, anti-mutagenic, and anti-cancer effects.
- In conclusion, Black Pepper is a versatile spice that helps Digestive Health, Immune Health, Cardiovascular Health, and it also enhances the bioavailability of other foods.
The original research in this video is made possible by generous contributions from supporters of the Dr.SHIVA Truth Freedom Health® movement. Please contribute so we may continue to bring you such original research, valuable education, and innovative solutions.
Good evening everyone, it’s Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai. It’s been a very long time, but we’re going to be restarting our series on Systems and Systems Biology of different kinds of foods and how they affect different biomolecular functions, and also looking at how Systems Analysis can be used for understanding what’s going on in our lives, in our society, and things around us, and day-to-day events. Today, I’m going to start doing a Live on a series assembly called the Systems Biology of Curry Series. And Curry is, some of you may know, a combination spice. It’s a spice that’s existed for 10s of 1000s of years. And that combination spice consists of many different kinds of herbs. We’re going to be looking at Black Pepper. Typically, over the many, many 1000s of years people in traditional cultures, particularly in India created this spice, Curry. And by the way, Curry is not just one formula. In different villages, it can vary from family to family, it can also vary from North to South India. And you can make your own combination.
What You Will Learn
We’re going to talk about Curry as a spice. It’s really a medicine in many ways, if you believe, food is medicine. But we’re going to look at one of those ingredients today, Black Pepper, and how it affects Digestive Health. And then we’re going to keep building this up. But over time, we’re going to start looking at how these combinations affect, it’s a great way for people to understand how food is medicine, that food is actually a system, and how every one of these ingredients that we have are actually part of a Synergistic System. That’s what we’re gonna start with.
As many of you know, I’ve been extremely busy over the last month working on this historic lawsuit, where we filed our revised second amended complaint. I’ll be doing another broadcast at probably 5:30 pm today bringing all of you up to date on that lawsuit. But today, right now for the next hour, we’re going to be talking about Black Pepper and Curry. But as many of you know, we take a Systems Approach here. When I take a Systems Approach to this, to understand food as medicine, one of the important things we want to understand is that at VASHIVA.com, you actually can go to that website and everyone can take the first step to start or you’ve already part of it’s taking a Systems Approach, a Systems thinking approach to understand the world as a system. First, I wanted to play this video for you so all of you understand my Journey to Systems.
Today we’re going to be talking about Black Pepper and its effect on Digestive Health. But it’s going to be part of our series, as you can see, about looking at Curry. Curry is a combination spice; it’s a food, and it’s composed of many, many spices. But later on, this evening, before my class that I teach at 5:30 pm, I’ll be also giving an update on the lawsuit, some very, very interesting and powerful developments. I’ll be spending about an hour on this. So, this’ll end around probably 4:30 and then we’ll start up again at 5:30. We have a lot to cover. And as the first part of that, what I want to do is, as you can see, the title of today’s talk is Black Pepper from Curry and Digestive Health, but we’re going to take a Systems Biology Approach to look at; it’s going to be part of a series. So let me just jump right into this and say what we’re going to cover today. First, we’re going to go over what Curry powder is.
Many of you’ve probably heard about Curry powder so we’re going to look at what Curry powder is. Then we’re going to look at one of the ingredients in Curry powder, which is Black Pepper, and then we’re going to go and look at the biological functions of Black Pepper’s effects, and then the health benefits of Black Pepper. And then we’re going to look at the molecular mechanisms and pathways that are involved in when you digest things. Many people are now coming to recognize that your Digestive Health, which is your gut, and your brain, are very, very intimately related, too. What occurs below occurs above.
If you talk to a gastroenterologist or neurologists or anyone who’s even in traditional medicine, they’ll tell you that gut health is directly related to brain health and vice versa. So, because, in fact, there’s a direct connection there, okay? Yes, to those of you coming back, I’ve taken about probably a three/four-week break, and I apologize for that. I’ve been extremely focused on our lawsuit. And that’s the whole system we’ll also discuss, and I’ll be discussing that at 5:30 today. But, anyway, when you and the other thing we’re gonna talk about is the clinical effect on Black Pepper dosaging.
And but again, this is going to be a series that we’re going to do on all the different ingredients in Curry powder. And the reality is, in many traditional cultures, particularly in the Indian culture where they make Curry powder, the Curry powder can be tuned for you, based on your body type, your constitution. You may have a different mixture than another family, okay? So that’s very interesting to understand. And when we get to talk about CytoSolve, we’ll understand that we’re able to integrate East and West. So let me just jump right into this.
What is Curry
First of all, what is Curry powder? Well, Curry powder you’ll find out is a medicinal spice mixture. The important thing is it’s a mixture. It’s not any one spice. It’s a mixture. It’s a combination of a number of components. And it’s an essential component of diet across the Indian Subcontinent. In fact, if you travel across Southeast Asia now, you’ll also find Curry being used in Vietnam, parts of Indonesia, you know, across that shoreline as you go from sort of India all the way, you know, further east, but it’s in the Indian Subcontinent. The earliest use of this spice dates back at least to 2600 BC and each part of India has its own version of Curry powder spice. If you go to certain parts of India, it is so spicy, basically it’s like torture, right? But for those regions, it’s fine. But it literally varies from different parts of India-to-India, which means, again, the combination of spices that are put in there, the dosage varies.
Now the ingredients of Curry powder, each one of those ingredients has a multitude of medicinal properties. One of the tools, by the way, that I created called Your Body, Your System, which is a tool that’s part of the warrior training program for those people who want to support the educational institution basically, that’s developed over here online, you all can have also access to Your Body, Your System, but you can figure out how you can actually make your own combination of Curry that’s right for you.
Curry is basically a mixture of spices that’s probably the most important thing to understand. And here are some of the very colorful examples. Here, you can see the different types of ingredients in Curry powder if you look here, and so if you look over here, you can see that there’s dry red chilies, there’s coriander, okay, there’s Curry leaf, there’s Black Peppercorn which we’re going to talk about. You take the Peppercorn; you grind it. On the bottom over there you have yellow mustard seeds then you have fenugreek. You have turmeric; you have garlic; you also have ginger, cinnamon, fennel, cumin, right? So, it’s a whole set of spices that are combined. And if you look at each one of those spices, they all have different medicinal effects. And again, as I keep emphasizing, the amount of each one of those ingredients you put in can be tuned to your body’s constitution, which means the right Curry for the right person at the right time. And this is one of the fundamental principles when you take a Systems Approach.
Western medicine is extremely good if you are targeting something, right? The history of Western medicine comes out of wartime medicine when someone was suffering on the battlefield. The goal was to put them back on. It was a crisis-space medicine system so it’s really about, you know, someone you know, leg is, you know, blown up, you know, how do you stitch it back together? It’s excellent for that right surgery and all the incredible developments that came out of Western medicine for a crisis, but it knows relatively nothing about stuff like this. Eastern medicine was looking at combinations of things, combining them, and Synergy. Curry really epitomizes that. That’s why as we’re coming back and we’re starting for the fall now with our whole new series, I really thought Curry was a great thing to understand the concept of Synergy and systems, all right? So, it’s a lot of different spices. So now Black Pepper, let’s go back.
Black Pepper
Black Pepper, as you notice, is one of the ingredients. If you look at this, a buffet of different spices that are used. It’s the one right here below the Curry leaf, but we’re gonna look at… It’s just one part of those ingredients, right? It’s a widely used spice, which is Black Pepper, some people consider it the King of Spices, and it’s fascinating if you’ve ever seen a Black Pepper grow, it actually grows almost… It looks like, you know, if you take a bean pod, you know, a bean pod and you open it up, the little pods are green. And then you let it dry. But it’s very interesting to see it grow in the wild. But it’s a widely used spice that enhances other spices, so it’s really something that supports the bioactivity of other spices. If some of you are taking turmeric as a spice, many times you’ll notice that many of the supplement companies will have turmeric, but they’ll add Black Pepper. And the research shows that Black Pepper increases the bioavailability of turmeric. It’s really an additional spice, but that’s where traditional medicine knew this for many, many 1000s of years.
That’s what it’s native that grows in the Western Ghats of the South Indian peninsula. I’ve actually walked through those jungles, and I’ve seen Pepper grow, quite extraordinary. It’s been prescribed as medicine in traditional Indian medicine for over 4000 years. And one of the active compounds in Black Pepper plays a very key role in gastrointestinal functionality. Remember food is medicine. In the Western approach, we typically look at a food like a spice. And we typically try to find the molecular components. We’re going to talk about how we’re going to take an East-West approach in understanding Black Pepper.
Now, how many papers are written? Right? If you go to the scientific literature, you’ll find out there’s close to 1400 papers. Exactly right now, if you were to go to PubMed, and you typed in Black Pepper, you’d find that there’s 1376 research papers written on Black Pepper, and that’s going across 334 clinical trials. A clinical trial is where they take in Black Pepper, they bring in human beings, and they’ve done a control test on some effect. It’s been, you know, studied over the last, you know, 76 years. It’s about three quarters of a century. We’ve talked about other compounds, which have been studied more extensively, but it’s only in recent years has Western medicine started funding in a very small little piece, to start studying the power of food as medicine. It’s unfortunate but it’s only been more recent. But you can see there’s about 1376 articles written on Black Pepper.
Now, many of you know that for my PhD work at MIT, there’s a technology that I created, which is called CytoSolve and what CytoSolve allows us to do is – if you look at all those 1400 papers, how would anyone have the time to go through all those papers, understand how Black Pepper really works? Let’s say on a subset something called Digestive Health, right? Because Black Pepper affects many, many different Molecular Pathways. So, how do we do that? Well, in 2013 – I’ll play a little video. So, you understand what CytoSolve is, but CytoSolve is the engine that came out of my PhD work, which is a public service.
I do these videos to look at a particular ingredient, which affects a particular biochemical process. And that knowledge, we’re able to make aware of because of CytoSolve. So, CytoSolve, as you see in this diagram, is we’re able to actually take 1000s of papers, right, in the public domain that your tax dollars and my tax dollars funded. And using that knowledge, we’re able to extract the relevant papers, in this case having to do with Digestive Health, out of those 1400 papers. Then, from those papers, we then extract the chemical reactions of how Black Pepper works on Digestive Health. Now you have all these chemical reactions. And with CytoSolve, we’re able to not only just connect those Lego pieces together, but also mathematically model those pieces and interconnect them. That’s what CytoSolve is.
And I’ll play a little video for you. But the goal here is with CytoSolve, we can eliminate the need for animal testing, that was one of my motivations, because the notion of, you know, jabbing and poking and killing animals, when animals have very different physiologies than we do never made sense to me. With CytoSolve, we’re actually leveraging the work that’s taking place in test tubes and organizing that knowledge and re-studying it. When we, One of the areas that CytoSolve obviously can effect is that if you look at the way pharmaceutical companies build drugs, is they take some 13-to-15-year studies to create, just to understand how one molecule works in the body, and then it takes some, you know, they have to kill animals.
And this process takes them anywhere between, you know, one to $5 billion. But if you notice in this diagram, first, as you notice, on the far left over here, they start with a new compound, which could be I don’t know, Advil, right? Then they tested in a test tube, then they tested it in an animal, and then it takes them another, if they make it past and they don’t kill too many animals, the FDA gives them the rights to test on humans, small sets of humans, phase one; more larger sets of humans, phase two; in a large population, much larger, phase three. Well, that process takes 13 to 15 years, very expensive. This is why drugs are so expensive because the innovation lifecycle is done in a very, very medieval way.
My intention was, could we do this much faster, which is if you look at these first three processes, in vitro and in vivo, imagine doing them on the computer because then we could reduce the cost and the time frame. Pharma companies move very, very slow. And they can’t, they’re not really interested in handling combinations for that matter, food. And if you can look right here, what you’ll see here is pharmaceutical companies are not doing that well. This is why they need the jab. They need the jabination because, as you can see here, they have been spending more and more and more money on R&D and less and less and less new drugs are being discovered because they’ve sort of run out of what’s called their drug development pipeline, right? And they don’t want to go into food because food isn’t going to make them trillions of dollars. Let me play this quick video so everyone understands a little more detail on what CytoSolve is.
Black Pepper on Digestive Health
I hope that gave you a background on CytoSolve. To those of you who are joining us, we’re looking at the effects of Black Pepper on Digestive Health. And what I just went over was to give everyone a background on what CytoSolve is because that’s the framework that we use to understand the science here. And so, by the way, many of you have asked some of you may know that for years we’ve been using CytoSolve to help many, many of the entrepreneurial, more cutting-edge companies. Many, many years ago, I actually wanted to help the Pharma guys so they would stop killing animals. Couple of them started using us.
But the reality is pharmaceutical companies are really not that interested in innovation, but they validated the power of CytoSolve to literally save them a lot of money and time. But the reality is it’s not about saving money that pharmaceutical companies are. They’re more about figuring out how much more they can charge you. And this is why the jab and the jabination is so valuable for them because that’s a multi-trillion-dollar industry. Their current pharmaceutical industry is dying. So, they’re moving their entire infrastructure to this new space.
But one of the things I want to let you know is for years, we’ve been really using CytoSolve to help people understand combinations. More recently, about two years ago, we said, “Hey, why don’t we take all these mathematical models and start using it to deliver, you know, medicine for the people? Could we use CytoSolve, to start looking at natural products on our own versus just helping others and finding new products?” So, one of the things I’m really pleased to announce is that after about two years of research and about 16 years of building those models, we have one of our first products that is all designed, you know, computed by our efforts.
It’s called mV25™. And you guys can find it online. But mV25™ – It means, we’ve named it Momentum to moVe5™. You know, in physics, there’s something called mass times velocity, which is momentum. We call it mV per mass times velocity. But if you notice, this is CytoSolve Optimized and it’s a blend of natural ingredients, just like we’re going to talk about Curry that we found has profound effects on, you know, the pain and the discomfort that come. And if you guys want to go check it out, you’ll find out that one of the key things that we’re doing with mV25™, we’re taking a Systems Approach.

The problem is if you go to Whole Foods today and you go ask people, well, “How did you come up with that combination?” I mean, take any supplement combination. And first of all, most of the people at Whole Foods don’t know a lot or Amazon doesn’t know a lot. Amazon just watches whatever sells and they’ll copycat it. But unfortunately, this has been the problem in the natural products industry. It’s sort of the other side of the problem with pharma. People just throw stuff together. They find a celebrity and they just push stuff out there. It’s really not based on any real science, because a tool like CytoSolve didn’t exist. But with CytoSolve, we’re literally mathematically computing the pathways. And then when we add the ingredients, we’re figuring out the chemical reaction.
With mV25™, as the back of the bottle says what we’re doing here, let me zoom in on it. It says, “mV25™ was formulated using the CytoSolve computational Systems Biology Platform”, and which came out of my MIT work. And using that engine, we’re literally computing trillions of molecular reactions.” That’s what we did to find this particular blend. Now, one of the key things that we make here is “CytoSolve Optimized means this formula has been optimized to maximize benefits and bioavailability while minimizing toxicity. As Science advances so will this formulation.” This formulation, literally, like a human being could not do it, you know, or we could take 1000s of years. When you look at Curry spice, people spent millions of man-years doing different, different combinations, over 20,000 years. But here on the computer we figured out through trillions of combinations or right set of combinations of ingredients, which is what we can do with the computer, versus spending another 20,000 years that we found has some profound effects on things like pain and inflammation. But more importantly the promise here is this. As new science comes out, we’ll keep reformulating it.
CytoSolve is literally an operating system for discovery. If you guys want to know more, by the way, I know a number of you ordered it, and then we ran out. But we have 10,000 new units coming in. If any of you want to please order soon. Because of the growing demand, we decided we better manufacture more because of all your support. And by the way, when we sell mV25™, it goes to support our educational movement for Truth Freedom Health. And, by the way, you notice it’s Clean Food Certified. It’s GMP certified. It’s made in the United States. If you want to find it, you can go to VASHIVA.com, click on the shop, and then you go to the shop area and there you’ll find the mV25™. But lots of units are in. We did a massive manufacturing run this time. Now going back to Black Pepper.
Biological Effects of Black Pepper
Those of you joining us, we’re looking at the effects of Black Pepper on Digestive Health. And in particular, what we want to do is – This is going to be a series on looking at the different ingredients involved in Curry. When we look at Black Pepper. As we look at any of these foods, foods are composed of many different kinds of components, chemical components, essential oils. So, 2% of Black Pepper is essential oils, fiber 5%, proteins 9%. Fifty percent is carbohydrates. Fat is 15%. Moisture is 11% and ash is another 7%, okay? That’s what Black Pepper is composed of macronutrients. That’s what we’re looking at here. The other piece is the micronutrients. These are called macronutrients.
Now we go down to the micronutrients which are the actual chemicals. Two sets of micronutrients on this slide are alkaloids. Alkaloids are very, very powerful chemicals. Some alkaloids literally have, you know, psychotropic effects, which means they can put you into hallucinations. But the alkaloid components are the powerful piece of most of the plants where you find these alkaloids. So, one of the most powerful alkaloids that Black Pepper has is something called piperine. Again, if you go buy supplements, like with turmeric, they’ll actually put piperine in it to increase bioavailability. Chavicine, piperidine, and peperttine, right?
Four different kinds of alkaloids. And then you have three kinds of flavonoids. Quercetin, again, everyone knows we’ve talked about quercetin before. Quercetin is an ionophore we’ve talked about. If you take quercetin with zinc, it allows zinc to go into the cell, pass through the cell membranes. Very, very good for stopping viral replication of RNA, a lot of papers written on that. Isorhamnetin and kaempferol again, very, very powerful, camphor, right? You have those are the flavonoids, right, and the alkaloids. Now there are also other micronutrients, minerals and vitamins, calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium, again, all in Pepper. And then we have Vitamin C, Vitamin B1, B2, and B3.
We have those different kinds of ingredients in there. And as many of you know, I love looking at these chemical diagrams. You’ll notice that piperine, we’re going to come back to piperine right here, it’s a very, very interesting molecule right here. But that’s chavicine is over here. Piperidine’s a very interesting it’s the nitrogen group. And then you have peperittine, right, so it’s a pretty long chain, a lot of carbons here. Kaempferol, quercetin over here, and isorhamnetin. But these are the main chemicals. Again, now remember, what pharmaceutical companies do is they’ll typically just take one of these ingredients, right? And they’ll try to take an ingredient and they’ll typically add some other groups so they can patent it, right? They’ll take a derivative, sometimes a natural product and add something else so that they can own it. But here we’re looking at the many, many different ingredients within Black Pepper.
What are the biological effects, okay? The biological effects of Black Pepper, particularly now looking at the piperine, are multiple. Let’s start at 12 o’clock and go down. First of all, it has an inhibition of the drug metabolizing system. Basically, it inhibits, you know, drug metabolism, right. It’s a protective effect on cytotoxicity by carcinogens, right? Which means, Cytotoxicity is your cells, cyto mean cells, and the toxicity of those cells. Pepper has a very powerful effect in protecting your cells. Antifertility effects on the reproductive system, other miscellaneous effects, anti-inflammatory, anti-thyroid activity, thermogenic action, a growth stimulatory effect on melanocytes, antioxidant influence, right, during diabetes induced oxidative stress, in carcinogens. Induce oxidative stress in high-fat diets. Induce oxidative stress. It has effects, which we are going to focus today on the gastrointestinal system. It has effects on the gastric mucosa, anti-diarrheal property. We’ll talk about that. Anti-mutagenic and anti-cancer effects are another very powerful aspect of the brain. And the other thing to bring up is that this is very important on the upper left here, modulation of bioavailability of therapeutic drugs and other phytochemicals.
What do I mean by that? This is probably one of the most important things to understand with Pepper. Pepper enhances. If you ever go to the restaurant, what do they do? They, you know, after they serve you pasta or they serve you something and say, “Would you like some Pepper,” right? Because what Pepper does, it actually increases the bioavailability. That’s what the powerful aspect of Pepper is. It increases bioavailability, right? So that’s what this means modulation of bioavailability of therapeutic drugs and phytochemicals and carcinogens. All right, It’s a very interesting thing. Pepper enhances its effects.
Health Benefits of Black Pepper
What are the health benefits of Pepper? Health benefits are looking at the overall macro level effects, lots of lots of many different effects. I’ll walk through. Gangrene, earache, diarrhea, abdominal tumors, constipation, sunburn, oral abscesses, tooth decay, liver disorders, pyretic, which means increases heat, epilepsy, joint pain, lung diseases, insomnia, insect bites, indigestion, hernia, heart disease. And now all of these are coming from the research. None of this we’re making up, this is from the known research that’s been done to date. These are the multitude of health benefits. I mean, we could spend probably a whole class on any one of these, but you can see that Pepper is a very powerful herb. It affects many aspects of your system. This is why nearly every culture uses Pepper.
Digestive System
Next thing we want to talk about is the digestive system. What I’ve just covered in the first part of our class today is we really looked at what Pepper is, you know, its origin, its biological functions, and its health benefits, and the chemicals that are involved. Now I want to take a little bit of time just to look at your digestive system, because I want you to understand what your digestive system is about. It’s one of the most important things, right? We put a lot of stuff in it every day. How does it actually work? What are the molecular mechanisms?
And then we want to talk about it by understanding at the molecular level. I mean, there’s many people who’ll just say, “Here’s your digestive system; eat some probiotics.” But what we want to do as part of everything we want to offer is we want to start looking at the interconnections. What are the parts of the digestive system? How do they interrelate? And then we want to go down to the molecular level. And then we want to see when you eat Pepper with its ingredients, how does the Pepper system affect your digestive system?
Get ready to learn a little bit of the digestive system. Here’s your body, okay? Your digestive system is really the food conversion part of your body. And by the way, tonight at 7 pm, I’ll be doing a three-hour course on our Truth Freedom Health, the Foundations of Systems program. We offer this to everyone. I’ll play a little bit about what that’s about. But you notice that the digestive system is a conversion part of your body. Every system in the universe has three aspects. Transport, which is movement, conversion, and then something called storage.
Well, we’re looking at one aspect of your body, which is a conversion part, which is what your digestive system is. And as you see here, you have the mouth. The digestive system is composed of hollow organs and solid organs. And in Chinese medicine they call them the yin and the yang organs, okay? But the hollow organs include your mouth, right, because that’s where food goes, your esophagus, which is hollow, your stomach, which is hollow, the small intestines, your large intestines, and the anus. These are all called hollow organs. But the solid organs are the liver, right? Which is on the right, the pancreas, and the gallbladder.
When you’re looking at your digestive system, it’s all of those pieces. If we traverse as you see your mouth. Over here, you have your mouth. You have your salivary glands, you have your esophagus, all right, then you have your, on the right side of you, for most people is your liver and your gallbladder, right? Then you have your stomach. You have your pancreas, which is a very small organ down here, you have your large intestines, and then you also have your small intestines. You have your rectum, and then your anus and over here is your appendix, which is hanging off over here. You have a number of components and they’re all connected together, which is what gives you your digestive system. But the goal of digestion, if you want to think about it, a good digestive system takes food, and it pulverizes it to give you as many nutrients as possible.
Create as little waste as possible, right? And that would be a very powerful digestive system. You could think about someone who has a good digestive system, they can live on less food than someone who has to eat mountains of food. When people’s digestive systems are working well, when you chew properly and you take your time, it’s just very difficult in the modern world, your body gets the nutrients it needs. Your body digests it through all of these processes. That’s the digestive system.
Now let’s go a little bit deeper. And we want to concentrate on a couple things. We’re going to look at the mouth, the esophagus, and the stomach. We’re going to go a little bit deeper, right? So, what are these subsystems? Well, the mouth is. You literally have teeth, where it’s mechanical action. The mechanical action takes place here, you’re using your teeth, and you’re breaking down a large morsel of food down to a small piece, right?
And then you’re mixing them with your salivary enzymes that begin the biochemical breakdown of food. Mechanical action and chemical action is taking place in the mouth. The esophagus, which is the next piece right here, you can see which is this long piece, right, is a transport of food from your mouth. That’s a transport piece, right, the movement of food. And then the stomach down here, right here is a breaking down of food with acids, and enzymes into usable form.
Now a lot of people, it turns out, have digestive issues. Unfortunately, people may say, “Hey, you don’t have, you know, you’re too acidic.” Turns out most people, it’s a very nice work that’s come out. I’ll do another talk on this. Many people don’t have enough acid in their stomachs. Enzymes, you know, they don’t have enough hydrochloric acid. So many times, they’re misdiagnosed that they have too much acid, right? But the reality is they don’t have enough acid. But when your stomach is working well, it’ll just pulverize things. So, it’s another important part here.
Now, the small intestine and the large intestine, let’s go down here. What does the small intestine do? Well, the small intestines, the stuff that leaves the stomach. The small intestine, you know, has the dissolved food from the stomach with enzymes from the pancreas and bile from the liver. The small intestines are literally, a place where it’s getting the enzymes from pancreas, and bile from the liver, and it dissolves the food even more. And then it’s also the place where you’re absorbing nutrients, and it transfers them to usable food material to the large intestines. And this is where we host the gut microbiome.
Let me finish, again, many people, if you look at this, the small intestines, and you’ll notice that again, this is where the food is dissolved, but it is the home of the gut microbiome. Many of you’ve probably heard about, “Hey, I need to take some probiotics, you know, it’s going to help my gut microbiome.” Well, the gut microbiome is literally there in those small intestines, very, very important. That’s where really, you’re getting the nutrients that you need, okay? The small intestines are key, okay, to a good digestion. Now, the pancreas is the thing that produces the enzymes to digest food to micronutrients.
We’ll do a whole session on this but if you’re having digestive issues, right, I encourage people to go study what enzymes are. Most traditional cultures always did stuff to ferment foods, right? They did stuff to pre-digest foods. That’s what you know when you take food and you add, you know, marination. The ultimate goal if you want to think about digestion is your stomach is like a nuclear reactor, all right? Now, when you have to digest something that’s hard to digest, you suck a lot of energy out of your body. So, the best foods are ones in some ways that are pre-digested, which means you’ve done something to pre-digest food.
If you watch animals like dogs or wolves, and I’m not saying we should do this, but they will typically take fish or something. They’ll bury it. They’re literally letting it digest and then they eat it, okay? Human beings started doing this with fermented foods. It’s really a pre-digestion from slow cooking, right? But the more you can have a way to pre-digest food, or you can add enzymes to food, papaya, papain, you know, bromelain, these are things that are enzymes that digest food. Now, your pancreas produces enzymes to digest the food macronutrients, right, trypsin, chymotrypsin, okay?
These are the things that help break down proteins into amino acids. Remember, proteins are made up of a bunch of amino acids linked together. You eat a piece of meat, or you eat, you know, soybeans or whatever, you’re getting vegetable protein, and the trypsin and the chymotrypsin break that protein up into small amino acids. Now amylase is also what the pancreas produces to break down carbohydrates, right? Trypsin and chymotrypsin are enzymes that are used to break down protein into amino acids, but amylase is what is used to break down carbohydrates to glucose. And lipase which is used to break down fats to fatty acid.
Three Types of Enzymes of the Digestive System
You’ve got three different types of enzymes. The trypsin, the chymotrypsin, breaks down protein. The amylase breaks down carbohydrates, you know, plant material of those kinds and the lipase breaks down fatty acids, right, fats into fatty acids. You need a properly working pancreas, right? Or if you don’t do that you better supplement or figure out ways to prepare your food so you have good digestive capability. Alright, you’re learning a lot about digestion. I think a lot of people never have taken time to really understand it. But I hope you understand that your stomach and everything here is like a reactor. And the more you can make it efficient, the more power you get, you know, the more your brain functions better, everything works better, all right? Digestion is key to health.
Now let’s look at a couple of other organs. The liver. The liver in Chinese medicine, this is called the wood in Indian medicine’s called the Pitta element, okay, but it’s the thing that supplies bile to the small intestines. Remember the small intestines, where the pancreas is giving it these enzymes, and the liver is delivering it the bile. And the other thing that happens here is the bile is given to the small intestine to break down fat. And it’s also the liver, also is a place where you have the filter of nutrients from the small intestines, and you remove toxins. The liver is extremely important for detoxifying. When drug companies do their analysis of a drug, they’re typically looking at its clearance rate. How long does the drug take to clear from the liver? And it’s where you have the transfer of nutrients to the blood. All these nutrients are coming out from the small intestines, and the liver is where they’re being transferred to the blood and you’re detoxing.
The gallbladder is where the bile is stored, okay, it’s concentrated bile. And then the large intestines are where you absorb water, right? Now you’re getting your nutrients and from the waste, the water is absorbed, right, left over from the digestive process in the small intestine. And it also hosts the gut microbiome. Small intestines have the gut microbiome, plus a large intestine. And the rectum is to store the stool until it’s full. Okay, so the rectum is where you’re storing the stool. And the anus is where you evacuate the stool once the rectum is full. There you have all the components that you can see the importance of the liver and the gallbladder and the large intestines for digestion.
Now having done so, again, to those of you who are joining us, this is Dr.SHIVA here. And we’re back. I took a couple of, more than a couple of weeks, almost a month off, but we’ve been still making sure you got videos. We did a lot of transcripts from our previous videos, but we’re going back live and today we’re starting with the Curry – Systems Biology of Curry. Curry is a combination of spices. And one of the things we’re looking at is Black Pepper, one of those spices. We just went through understanding what is Black Pepper, the components of Black Pepper. We just reviewed the digestive system. And now we’re going to look at how Black Pepper affects the digestive system. How’s everyone doing? We make sure we’re tracking.
Effect of Black Pepper on the Digestive System
Now we’re going to look at how the chemical components of Black Pepper affect this very complex digestive system. First of all, Black Pepper affects the hollow organs, right, as well as the solid organs of the digestive system. Black Pepper affects the hollow organs, the mouth. One of the things that Black Pepper does, it increases saliva very, very important for oral health but extremely important for digestion. It also increases the salivary amylase. Amylase is an enzyme that helps your salivary digestion right at the mouth level while your teeth are chewing stuff breaking down and mechanically. Amylase is important to start the digestive process.
Now the other hollow organ next to your mouth, in the stomach, that’s where Pepper increases the production of stomach acid. If you’re eating a lot of protein, if you’re eating foods, you know, you want things like protein particularly, you want the Black Pepper because you want the acid released to break down that Pepper extremely important.
The other thing is Black Pepper also increases the activity of digestive enzymes right inside your intestines, right. As you can see, Pepper is enhancing the release of enzymes. And I can tell you this, if there’s one thing that you want to take away from this talk today is the word enzymes, enzymes, enzymes. Enzymes are critical to Digestive Health. The more enzymatic activity you have, you lower the activation process for digestion. You actually have more energy, okay? If you have enough proper enzymes and your food is enzyme rich, then you’re not going to get tired after a heavy meal. Most people get tired because they waste their body’s energy output. Enzymes lower what’s called the energy activation rate. Enzymes are critical to digestion.
Now, the solid organs, liver, Black Pepper, so what we’re seeing here is Black Pepper simply stimulates the mouth, the stomach, and the intestines, it also stimulates the liver, and it stimulates the liver to produce bile, right? Again, very, very important to breaking down food. And then finally, the pancreas. Black Pepper also affects the pancreas, it increases the activity of lipase, and that lipase breaks down fat, it increases the activity of trips in and cargo trips. And that breaks down protein.
By the way, if there are pretty, very, very interesting supplements out there, which have a range of enzymes, they have the trips, and they have the amylase, they have all these, and you should check with your doctor. Obviously, this is not a medical advice show, but typically, you know buying a heavy meal, and I know I ate too much, or you know, sometimes you it’s Thanksgiving, I will typically have enzymes. The chewable enzymes are pretty good, but I will typically eat them with my meal afterwards, right? You’re giving an extra boost of enzyme to your body, right? It’s a little trick you can do if you want to support your digestive processes.
Look at it now at the molecular level. Okay, what happens when you, you know what happens when you actually eat Black Pepper? What’s actually going on? Well, one of the things that there’s Black Pepper does is increase lipase, light comes from lipids, which is fat, right? Lipase is the enzyme ASC. Whenever you see that, that means it’s an enzyme, is the enzyme that breaks down fat.
Black Pepper increases pancreatic lipase and intestinal lipase. Again, remember, one of the things that Black Pepper does is think about Black Pepper enhances the effect of other things. Black Pepper increases more lipase activity, which means your pancreas puts out more lipase, as well as your intestine. How does it do that? Now, triglycerides constitute 90% of the dietary fat if you ever eat meat, and if you think about the fat, that’s triglycerides, and the enzyme lipase, which is secreted by the pancreas, and intestines, converts the type triglycerides into fatty acids and monoliths right so it breaks them down into these components. For example, the omega threes and the omega sixes, which people talk about when you want to get them from fatty fish, are the fatty acids, okay. But if you have triglycerides, you need the lipase. It’s like a knife that cuts up those triglycerides into smaller, important fatty acids.
That’s what the enzyme lipases do. And what piperine does is you’re noticing here on the left here; my cursor is a little bit small. But the piperine enhances the activity of both the lipases to increase fat digestion, and so here’s Pepper. Here’s the cell wall, right? Here’s triglycerides, again, 90% of dietary fats are triglycerides. They have this long chain here. And what happens is, Pepper supports pancreatic lipase as well as intestinal lipase, which means you get more of them being created, and literally cuts up these triglycerides into fatty acids. And it cuts them up into monoglycerides. And this is what’s called fat digestion.
The key takeaway is that Pepper, particularly the piperine, and Pepper, increases the ability for your body to break down triglycerides. Okay. And you’re seeing that at the molecular level here. Next thing is, it also increases amylase activity. So, lipase is too fat, but amylase breaks down carbohydrates. Digestion is this way, if you go to an Italian restaurant, right? What do they do? You have your pasta, they say, “Hey, would you like some fresh Pepper?” And this is how, this is why, that works.
You have now in your mouth. You have salivary amylase, which converts dietary carbohydrates into the polysaccharides into the dextran, sucrose, lactose, maltose. If you eat some pasta, your pizza, right in your mouth, the amylase activity starts converting them. And we can see here are dietary carbohydrates. If you look on the left here, a very nice diagram. But we have some help for you. If you look on the left here, you have dietary carbohydrates, salivary alpha amylase, so Pepper in your mouth will increase the production of more alpha amylase, so it’ll help break down right away in your mouth.
Now you get these polysaccharides dextran, sucrose, lactose, and maltose. These are the sugars. The small intestine pancreatic amylase converts these complex sugars. You don’t have glucose, yet you have these complex sugars into glucose, galactose, and fructose. The simple sugars are then absorbed into the bloodstream. Here you have alpha amylase, but also Pepper effects support pancreatic alpha amylase. These complex sugars from your stomach to your small intestines are broken down into monosaccharides, glucose and galactose and fructose, and therefore you get act to transport through the intestinal lining into your bloodstream. The heparin enhances the activity of both amylases to amylases.
Your salivary in your mouth, the amylase, and the amylase in your pancreas, right. You’re getting a double whammy here. This is why, you know traditional cultures, like Italian cultures always, you know, go to the restaurant, they say, “Do you want some Pepper” because it’s going to increase a breakdown of the carbohydrates in your mouth, into these complex sugars and then in your gut and your small intestines into the simple sugars. Now, the other pieces so again, we’re looking at each just to let everyone know there’s three types of foods we’re looking at right are three types of components, you have carbohydrates, and then you have proteins. The fats lipase is the enzyme for that. carbohydrates, amylase, and then for proteins, you have two different kinds of variety of enzymes, okay, you have, I mean, chemicals, you have hydrochloric acid, you have pepsin, you have trypsin and chymotrypsin. These are very important to breaking down protein, extremely important.
And you want to have enough of those. Again, I want to emphasize I recommend everyone do research, a lot of MDs, right. But they will diagnose people with digestive issues as “Oh, you’re not, you know, you have too much acid”, when in fact, a lot of research shows that they’re miss diagnosing, it’s actually they don’t have enough acid. Here, we start with dietary proteins. Dietary proteins, what the first step that happens, dietary proteins are denatured. What does denaturing mean, denature means or hydrolyzed. If you take an egg, if you take an egg, and you drop an egg into your frying pan, remember where it’s all gel, like you can see through the whites, and then it becomes white, that’s called denaturing. The protein structure literally changes formation, so when you have the, see through the egg yolk, and it becomes the egg white, that’s called denature. Heat does that.
But proteins are denatured and hydrolyzed in the stomach, by stomach acids, and the enzyme pepsin. When you go into the mouth, you don’t really have a lot of acid in your mouth, but in the stomach is really a pepsin and hydrochloric acid, and guess what Pepper in Peppery enhances, again, the hydrochloric acid and pepsin. Right away, it helps you denature, and get partially hydrolyzed protein. Let me bring back the diagram here. By the way, if you go to the supplement store, you’ll notice some of the supplements will say hydrolyzed protein, which means they’ve done the pre B matrix, the idea is that your body can absorb it better.
But again, you have the dietary proteins that go through your mouth, you’re chewing, chewing, chewing, they come to your stomach, you eat Pepper with the protein, the pepsin, and the hydrochloric acid, or you have more of them by the Pepper and then you get the hydrolyzation of the protein. Okay, step one. The other thing is pancreatic enzymes, now your pancreas kicks in, and trypsin and chymotrypsin. As you can see, you’re breaking down those denatured proteins into smaller peptides.
This is no different than you have, you know, if you ever go chopping a tree, you chop that tree down, that’s like the hydrolyzation, then you have to use a pancreatic enzyme to start cutting them into small pieces. That’s what’s happening here. The pancreatic enzymes use trypsin and kind of like trypsin to break down the denatured protein into small peptides, which are short chain proteins, and then they get further broken down into amino acids, which are the building blocks of pretty much everything you need in your body. That occurs in the small intestines.
Now you get small peptides, amino acids, and these amino acids are sucked into your bloodstream. Remember, at the end of the day, the fatty acids are what you absorb into your bloodstream that come from fats, triglycerides, then the carbohydrates ultimately are turned to sugars which get absorbed. And then when it comes to protein, ultimately, you’re trying to create amino acids, which get absorbed. Literally, that you’re going through literally a manufacturing process. And you can see Pepper enhances that process. What that means is, you get more bang for your buck when you add in Pepper.
Synergy – A Systems Principle
Now, so what I wanted to just step back here a bit is what you see. When you take something like Pepper, what you’re finding is Pepper has a multitude of effects. Again, you can see here, it has the effect here on you know, we go back here, you can see Pepper has the effect on your fat, right? Right there. It has an effect on carbohydrate digestion, it has an effect on protein digestion, carbohydrates, protein, and fat. And part of one of the reasons that I enjoyed doing, going from biology to politics, to me they’re very closely related because when you take a Systems Approach, you can really take a lot of stuff from nature, natural systems to understand how we win on a societal level. We learn here that we have to take a Synergistic approach, right? Pepper that’s, nature’s produced Pepper, which has a synergistic effect. It has a multitude of effects. It doesn’t just affect protein digestion. Doesn’t just affect carbohydrates. That just doesn’t affect fat digestion. It affects all those things.
Truth Freedom Health®
If we want to really change the world, one of the things we teach in our Foundations Systems classes, we need to take a Systems Approach to also understand the body. I’m going to take a little bit of a break because part of what I want to do here is to entertain all of you to become Truth Freedom Health warriors. I want you to learn the Science of Systems. And it’s taken me about 30-40 years to teach you the Science of Systems. I teach you the value of this approach when you look at the body as a system, when you look at foods. But when you look at the aspects of Truth and Freedom and Health, just like you can look at the different aspects of components in your body that we just walked through that affect digestion, you can look at Truth Freedom Health that way.
There’s a set of people who just fight for Truth. Let’s say they just want to focus on science or on innovation, right? And there’s a whole movement of people out there, the nerds, you could call them. Then there’s another set of people who want Freedom, right? Want the First Amendment, who wants the Second Amendment right? They want to protect Freedom. And sometimes, there, you know, segregated. As people call them, quote-unquote, “conservatives” or “rednecks”. And then you have the people who want Health. Again, sometimes people segregate them as the earthy, crunchy granola people or the yoga Nazis. And my view is that all these three aspects are necessary, synergistically, just like we talked about. You need the pancreas, you need your stomach, you need your mouth, you need up just like that.
If we want to really build a really robust system in society, we need all these three things: Truth Freedom Health. The Science of Systems will literally give – You have an opportunity not only to understand the body as a system but to understand that there are some fundamental principles that we need to absorb into our own psyche if we’re really serious about making the world a better place. And that’s the movement for Truth Freedom Health. I want to play a little bit of video right after that, and I want to encourage all of you to become Truth Freedom Health warrior-scholars, because what I’m sharing with you here comes out of the Foundations of Systems training that I put together. It’s a way that you can contribute to yourself but as a part of that you also contribute to our growing movement. Let me just play that video here. Remove this other one. I’m going to play that, and I’ll come back shortly. We’ll finish up Black Pepper.
I always do that little video before I attempt to repeat that. But we put that video together because at the heart of all of this, whether you’re looking at the body as a system, whether you’re looking at society, the healthcare system, there are fundamental principles. And that’s the Foundations of Systems course. You know, I believe every child starting at the kindergarten level should learn System second, because Systems Thinking is what goes beyond left or right; goes beyond black and white. And it basically is an opportunity for working people to unite and build this movement. If you look at any major problem or dialectic, which is pro or anti, most of those pro or anti movements, people are making money on both sides.
And our goal here is to go beyond the pro or anti dialectic, because when you take a Systems Approach, you have to base it on science. It’s not a left or right thing. Right now, the Republicans make money on one side; you’re splitting us up. And Democrats make money. In fact, if any one of you have seen the Godfather imagine every one of those thugs left or right, whether, whoever it is. What’s happening right now in the world is before they used to. Remember the Godfather they say, “Okay, Vito, you can have Long Island and you can have Queens and you can have.”, right? They split up neighborhoods. Today what the thugs do on the left and right, Republican or Democrat, they break the neighborhoods or neighborhoods around them.
Mind. So, one guy says, “Okay, You get to own the election fraud narrative.” And if you think about it, the election fraud narrative, the people who claim that there’s election fraud have done nothing against it. They’re just making money. Corey Lewandowski and the same American Super PAC made 75 million. I haven’t seen any of them really going after election fraud. You take climate change, right? The Democrats talk about climate change. That’s another narrative, right? But they’re doing nothing to lower pollution. China has been allowed to double their pollution. This is all a big scam.
Republicans and the Democrats break up the world. They split all of us up. And without a Systems Approach, you will always be fooled, and you’ll be in one camp or the other. There’s only one camp and that camp is the camp of Truth Freedom Health. Help to build a movement. So, I encourage all of you, if you’re serious about changing the world, learn the Foundations of Systems. And it’s the same approach that we’re taking, you know, to understand how Black Pepper works in your body. You can understand how the healthcare system works. Truth Freedom Health is a Systems Approach and everyone should go to TruthFreedomHealth.com. Support our movement, support education, become a Truth Freedom Health Warrior.
Eastern Systems Approach
When we look at Black Pepper, one of the tools that all of our Truth Freedom Health warriors get is a tool called Your Body, Your System. That’s an engineering Systems Approach. It’s a rediscovery of traditional systems of medicine. All of you when you sign up, get access to this tool, called Your Body, Your System, and you can literally understand there are three forces in nature that are involved in this. One of the forces in nature is called transport. Let me explain this. If this is the center, 0, 0, 0, transport represented by T is the force of movement, right? For example, walking, speaking. Storage is your skeletal structure, your physical infrastructure, and fat. And conversion is like your digestive element.
When you take this tool, you answer a set of questions that will figure out how much transport, conversion, and storage are in your body. That’s that red dot. Every one of us is different. And the red is, what kind of constitution you are in the traditional system of medicine. From a Western approach, it’s what kind of body type you have. Then you can answer a different set of questions. And we’ll figure out that this black dot, how far you are away from you. What that means is that how far are you away from your own balance. By the way, the red dot will move. Everyone has a different red dot meaning a different homeostasis. And then you can use a tool that you figure out how different foods and some supplements bring you back to you. The reason I wanted to do this Curry series is that Curry’s a mixture of spices.
Someone just said, “Oh, is Shiva saying everyone should eat Black Pepper?” No, what I’m saying is that food is medicine. Some people can take a lot of Black Pepper. Their body doesn’t get aggravated. Other people, a little aggravates them, okay? So, everyone’s body is unique. That’s why dosage is important, how much, right? Anything, even mercury, even arsenic at low dosages, they actually have profound effects for the heart, in the case of arsenic. And in the case of even mercury, low dosage is actually a very profound effect on certain neurological functions. It’s the dosage thing. So, nothing is bad or good in nature. It’s all about dosaging. And that’s the art of medicine. Medicine is both an information science as well as, you know, an art. But that’s what it’s about.
I encourage all of you to go check this out Your Body, Your System. Anyone who’s a supporter who contributes $25 or more gets this. It’s our gift to you. When you look at – Let’s say this is my body type. What you can see is what Black Pepper does; it lowers in the Indian system, what is called vata, it lowers transport, movement. Look, what Black Pepper does is it increases conversion, digestion, and Black Pepper also lowers kapha. What kapha is. Kapha is fat, okay? Black Pepper helps break up fat storage. You see how beautiful this is. You can use the Foundations of Systems method for every spice. This is what I discovered when I did my Fulbright research, that you can literally take the Indian system of medicine, map it into an engineering Systems Theory. So, there’s a different way you can also understand every spice is you can look at it as “does it lower transport”, does it you know, “does it lower conversion” or “increase conversion” or “lower storage or increase conversion”. This maps beautifully because Black Pepper lowers kapha in the Indian system, that’s known as… By the way, I’m not going to teach you Indian medicine, you can take a whole course. Go to SystemsHealth.com. But the point is you get the same. You get to the same place. Black Pepper breaks up fat as we know and outbreaks increases lipase, it increases pita, that’s conversion, because it increases enzymes and it also lowers vata which is transport, okay? So, dosage and how much should you take? Everyone should know & study Your Body, Your System. You’ll learn this, but you can see here that Black Pepper lowers vata, right? Transport, conversion, and storage have different effects. But anyway, how much should you have?
Well, so for cold and cough, okay? There’s different things. Again, this from traditional medicine, you can make a paste of Black Pepper right around 10 to 15 Black Pepper seeds, 50 grams of ginger, 50 grams of garlic, and butter. And this is from (Takooree et al., 2019), it makes it unpublished. Pepper, ginger and garlic and butter. It’s a very traditional remedy that’s used throughout India. But that has a very powerful effect on lowering coughs and colds.
Pepper as for increased bioavailability of anticonvulsant drugs. What that means is if you add Pepper to other drugs you’re taking actually increases your bioavailability. So, you have to know that if you’re eating a lot of Pepper and you’re taking other drugs that can, even have, it can enhance that drug’s effect. In this case, you’re looking at (Patnaik et al., 2012) said about 20 milligrams of Pepperdine have been known to increase the bioavailability of anticonvulsant drugs, Black Pepper for inflammation, five to 20 milligrams of piperine. That’s (Tasleem et al., 2014) and that’s piperine, which is the highly extracted form of Black Pepper, and Black Pepper for diabetes. Remember, diabetes is an issue where you have problems with your body’s ability to metabolize sugar. And so, 300 milligrams per kg. If you’re set, you know, let’s say you’re 60 kilograms, which is about 122 pounds, right? You want about 300 milligrams per kg, which would mean about, you know, 18 grams, right, so it’s quite a bit of leaf extract, that’s (Kaleem et al., 2005).
In conclusion, Black Pepper is a versatile spice that helps Digestive Health, Immune Health, Cardiovascular Health, and it also enhances the bioavailability of other foods. The last piece is probably one of the most important things that’s a key takeaway. Black Pepper increases bioavailability. That’s because it increases. It enhances, as we look to the next bullet, the digestive system, it increases acid production in the stomach; it increases bile production in the liver; it increases the activity of digestive enzymes, amylase in the mouth and pancreas for carbohydrate digestion, lipase for pancreas and in the pancreas and intestines for fat digestion, trypsin and chymotrypsin and the pancreas for protein digestion. There you go, Black Pepper from Curry and Digestive Health. That was what we wanted to do today. And I think we covered a lot. I’ll come back at 5:30 and I’m going to give an update on the lawsuit.
Many of you have been asking us. We have some very powerful news. Some major discoveries that we made that affect every person’s life on this planet. In fact, where we figured out how the government has created, which is our lawsuit. It was the first one to show this, the first one, actually to want to fight it, okay? Unlike others who just want to talk about it, and they’ll probably raise money off of it, we’re actually in there fighting. But I want to encourage everyone to come back at 5:30.
Well, listen, I’m talking about this fool, Fauci. You know, if you notice what the Left and the Right do suddenly the quote unquote, “conservative right”, Rand Paul is out there. Now. He wants to run “Fire Fauci”. Well, we ran that campaign. A year and a half ago, Rand Paul was “Crickets”. But now since he needs to raise money, he’s going to talk about “Fire Fauci”. He’s an opportunist. Sorry. Rand wasn’t there when we created that. When we launched the “Fire Fauci” campaign, too little too late. These politicians are all scumbags. That’s what they really are. And what they do is they watch which way the wind’s blowing and when they want your money. They try to take the people on the right, and they’ll now go after Fauci and then the people on the left will talk about climate change. Meanwhile, they split the working people in this country. We’ll talk more about that at 5:30.
But it’s time that everyone here understands the Science of Systems. We go “Beyond the Left and Right”. And that’s what this talk here was today, when you take a scientific approach, whether, you know in this case, we looked at Pepper in the body, but when you take a Systems Approach, you can really find out what’s going on. And it’s not Left or Right. It’s not Peppers, good or bad. It’s about understanding its dynamics. And it’s about recognizing that it’s all about dosage, all right? But anyway, thank you, everyone. So, we’re back. And the next thing, we’re going to do a whole series, like I mentioned, on Pepper. There’s about 10 different spices that are not on Pepper on Curry powder. And then eventually, you know, if you use the Your Body, Your System tool, one idea we have is figure out what’s the right Curry for you. Anyway, Thank you, everyone. “Be well.” I’ll be back at 5:30 to give you an update on the politics. Thank you.

It’s time we move beyond the Left vs. Right, Republican vs. Democrat. It’s time YOU learn how to apply a systems approach to get the Truth Freedom Health you need and deserve. Become a Truth Freedom Health® Warrior.
Join the VASHIVA community – an integrated EDUCATIONAL, COMMUNICATIONS – independent of Big Tech -, and LOCAL ACTIVISM platform to empower YOU to actualize Truth Freedom Health in your local communities by employing a SYSTEMS APPROACH.
The platform we are building for Truth Freedom Health® provides the infrastructure to take on Big Tech, Big Pharma, and Big Academia. Many of you have asked how you can help. You can contribute whatever you can. Based on your level of commitment to get educated, I have also created some wonderful educational gifts to thank you for your contribution.
To get the education you need and deserve, join Dr.SHIVA on his Foundations of Systems course. This course will provide you three pillars of knowledge with the Foundation of Systems Thinking. The three pillars include: 1) The System Dynamics of Truth Freedom Health, 2) The Power of a Bottom’s Up Movement, and 3) The Not So Obvious Establishment. In this course, you will also learn fundamental principles of all systems including your body.
Course registration includes access to his LIVE Monday training, access to the Your Body, Your System tool, four (4) eBooks including the bestselling System and Revolution, access to the Systems Health portal and communications tools – independent of Big Tech – including a forum and social media for you to build community with other Truth Freedom Health Warriors.
This course is available online for you to study at your own pace.
It’s time to Get Educated, or Be Enslaved.