- Dr.Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD – Inventor of Email, Systems Scientist, engineer, educator – presents a CytoSolve Analysis on what Beetroot can do for your Cardiovascular Health.
- CytoSolve technology is designed to take a Systems Approach and distilled nearly 8000 research articles, 283 clinical trials, over the span of 72 years of research on Beetroot.
- Beetroot belongs to the Amaranthaceae family and its medicinal use dates back to Roman times in Europe. Its medicinal properties are attributed to the roots.
- Beetroot consists of many micronutrients including minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium; vitamins such as vitamin B, vitamin K, vitamin D, & vitamin E; and bioflavonoids such as apigenin, betalain, betavulgarin, caffeic acid, chlorogenic acid, and ferulic acid.
- Biological effects of Beetroot include anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti microbial, anti hyper lipidemic, anti hypertensive, and immunomodulatory effects. Health benefits of Beetroot include prevention of diseases such as infection, heart failure, hypertension, coronary artery disease, arteriosclerosis, diabetes, & hepatitis.
Hello everyone, this is Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai. Welcome to Dr.SHIVA Live. This is going to be on Beetroot and Cardiovascular Health. And we’re going to do a CytoSolve analysis. So as many of you know, when I do these analyses, we use a technology called CytoSolve. And CytoSolve really provides us an ability to really understand these things at a very fundamental level from a systems analysis. So today’s talk, we’re gonna focus on Beetroot and Cardiovascular Health.
I’ll give you an overview, then we’re going to walk through what a Systems Approach means. We’ll take a little break to talk about that, and how you guys can also learn Systems Approaches. We’ll talk about how Beetroot affects all different aspects of Cardiovascular Health, we’ll also review the Cardiovascular System. So let me jump right in.
The talk today is again on Beetroot and Cardiovascular Health. Those of you who are interested in understanding more about the range of things that I’m involved in, you can go to vashiva.com, which is right here, which is a website and we’ll come back to this, but you’ll get a deep understanding that it’s really interesting that my journey to all of this has been integrating many, many different things be it looking at science, engineering, innovation, running for office, etc.
But the core thing about all of this is taking what I call a Systems Approach. So I’m personally very, very dedicated to educating all of you on a Systems Approach. So let’s go right into this.
Today’s talk is about Beetroot and Cardiovascular Health. So first of all, what is Beetroot? Well, it’s a root vegetable. And it was first domesticated first, in the Middle East and native to Europe, and belongs to the amaranthaceae family, Ancient Romans and Greeks use Beets as an aphrodisiac. Medicinal uses date back all the way to Hippocrates. As many of you probably know, Hippocrates was the father of medicine. And Hippocrates believed that an individual who wasn’t their own doctor was a fool.
So one of the things we’ll talk about is that when I go to give a little bit of a short discussion on Your Body, Your System, I want to also give you tools on how you can understand your body is a system. But the medicinal properties of Beetroot are attributed to the leaves, as you’re seeing here, the leaves over here, you can buy this obviously, in stores, and but then there’s also the root. Okay, so it’s both pieces.
What You Will Learn
What we’re going to learn today is the effects of Beetroot on biological functions and health benefits. We’re going to also understand the Cardiovascular System, you’re going to get a review of that. And we’re going to look at how Beetroot affects cardiovascular health. And then we’re going to look at the clinical evidence on how much of Beetroots you should take.
At a high level, you’ll notice that it’s a pretty well researched food, there’s over 8000 research articles that were done on it, nearly 283 clinical trials. Remember clinical trials are when they actually bring in human beings. And they tested on humans, not animals.
And they typically take a control group and a group that gets, in this case, a certain amount of Beets, and they look at some functional difference. And there’s over 72 years of scientific research on Beets. As you know, the approach that I take here is to use a technology that I created for my PhD work called CytoSolve.
And what CytoSolve is, it allows us in an objective way, and to look at what’s out there on the research. So here we’re looking at Beetroots and Cardiovascular Health. And our goal is to find all the research that’s done in that space. Get that research, curate it, which means organize it. And then go through that literature finding the molecular mechanisms, finding how Beets, the ingredients in Beets.
Remember, Beet is a food product. And foods are really made up of many, many different types of constituents of compounds. So, when we say Beetroots from a molecular systems level, we’re looking at the particular compounds on Beets, that the research has found, has effects on cardiovascular health. And then we tie that together. And that’s what CytoSolve allows us to do.
But this is really the process we take, we take the papers, we curate the papers, we understand the molecular pathways, we get an overall architectural view. And then we do the analysis, okay. To those of you who are very, very excited about CytoSolve, and want to know more about it, CytoSolve really emerged out of my interest to first understand the failings of big pharmaceutical enterprises. The way a pharmaceutical company actually works is when they want to build a drug.
And a drug is not something that occurs in nature. It’s a pharmaceutical compound that only is manufactured in a lab, right. And it’s typically a single comprehensive for pharmaceutical companies to create something that’s called a drug that goes out to be sold, they spent about six years in what’s called Test Tube research, also known as in-vitro.
They’ll test that particular pharmaceutical drug in a test tube, then they’ll move it over to In-vivo, which is an animal, and that takes around six to seven years. If they make it out of that, then they’ll move to clinical trials, small sets of humans, medium sets, large, larger sets up to let’s say, 10-20,000 100,000 people, that’s phase one, phase two, and phase three.
Okay. So this is a pharmaceutical process. And what you notice here is most of the drugs that come out of this process only worked for 10% of the people. They have lots of side effects. And pharmaceutical companies, if you look at their top line revenues have been tanking over the last many years.
What a lot of people don’t talk about, even though they spend more and more on R&D, which is a saffron line, less and less new drugs are being approved by the FDA as I’ve shared before, because the FDA is recognizing that these products have side effects.
Now in the area of the jabbines or the jabbination in that area, you can get a product out to market quote unquote, “Operation Warpspeed” with very little testing. And vaccines are actually growing. That’s why Big Pharma is moving into the bean factory. Okay. So that’s the background.
I created CytoSolve for my PhD work, because I felt what was going on was that the big pharma companies were doing this very medieval method. They’re coming up with stuff that hurts a lot of people and has a lot of side effects. And the front part of that process is where all the problems were so I thought they would really like to use CytoSolve because our technology mathematically models molecular pathways on the computer and gives a way to understand what’s going on without killing animals.
As we know, Fauci likes to beat up and kill animals. If you remember what he did with these beagles, he funded research to have I think beagles had their heads eaten off, right, John? Yeah, yeah. By parasites, okay. So one of the goals of CytoSolve was to create a way that we could literally save animals without the need for animal testing.
I want to share with you, for those of you who haven’t seen what CytoSolve is about, what CytoSolve is so you get an understanding of that. So I’m going to play a quick video that’ll give you a deep understanding of what CytoSolve is so let me play this for you.
Alright, so that gives you a background on CytoSolve. CytoSolve itself is a really powerful technology that helps us really understand at the molecular systems level, what’s going on. So we can get out of sort of just believing in one person or the other. And especially in the world of vitamins, there’s so much stuff people put into this stuff.
And it’s all based on marketing, it’s hard to know what actually works. So one of the things that I’ve been doing for the last, particularly the 10 years, is a lot of the more evidence base, vitamin companies came to us and they said, Dr.Shiva, can we use CytoSolve to understand how the combination of ingredients work?
We were doing that for probably the last 10 years. But over the last two years, what ended up happening was we found out that there were some we had not found out but we had discovered and created a whole bunch of mathematical models across many many different biomolecular areas.
We started saying why don’t we use that to actually go end to end which means not only do it for other manufacturers, what about if we actually started creating and identifying products that actually worked for everyday people from natural products?
That’s what ended up happening. And just as some of you have asked, you may know I have this bottle here. I never thought I would actually learn how to manufacture vitamins, but this product of mV25 that was created. I’ll talk a little bit about how it really comes from applying the Synergy Principle.

What we did here was, and if you want to go, you can go onto the shop site, and you can find it. But what we’ve taken is a Systems Approach. And this is something I want to point out, we can take a Systems Approach to understand the body. There’s a science called System Science.
But we can take that same approach, not only to understand your own body or my body, but you can look at the body of the organism of a political system, or your computer system, there’s a same science.
Using that same scientific approach, when we created mV25, we literally looked at all, as a back of the bottle says we looked at, as it says Dr.SHIVA, mV25 was formulated using the CytoSolve computational systems biology platform, a technology for precision and personalized health, invented by Dr.SHIVA during this doctoral research at MIT.
This formulation results from integrating 1,000s of peer reviewed scientific papers across four decades in 68 research institutions, and computing trillions of potential combination biomolecular interactions, to discover an optimal synergy of compounds that downregulated biomarkers of discomfort and swelling.
And one of the things here is, look, the reality is the formulation that we have here today could literally change because new science comes out. And the problem with the way that products are created is everyone thinks science stands still, it doesn’t. Science keeps changing.
As the science gets better, we’re going to actually find out other ingredients are put in there. But what we found was we found two very powerful bioflavonoids. And the right dosages, when you combine, they have a very, very powerful effect on pain and discomfort.
Obviously, everyone should consult your doctors, this is not a medical show. But the cool thing is, we’ve used this very powerful technology to figure out the right combinations. And we’re doing this across many, many other areas. And think about what we could do even in the area of antivirals.
We’re doing a project right now to look at every botanical in the world and find out combinations which have effects on supporting immunity, you know, fighting viruses, etc, independent of quote unquote, “vaccines” or “jabbines.” Okay, so that’s just a quick side note.
Please go check it out. It’s Certified Clean, which means it’s non-GMO, organic made, in the US. And you can go right to the vashiva site, you can shop there, and on the shop over here, you’ll see mV25. And please go take advantage of it. Thank you.
Getting back to Beetroot, what we find is, so we want to take the same Systems Approach to understanding Beets. What are Beets? Well, Beets are a root vegetable that occurs in nature. But more importantly, from a system standpoint, Beets fundamentally are composed of many, many different kinds of compounds, right? They have minerals, vitamins, and polyphenols.
When you want to think about any food you’re eating, the food itself is its own ecosystem. So, when you take that food into you, your ecosystem is interacting with that food. And that interaction is a result of the Beetroot as a unit, but also based on the kinds of things that compose a Beetroot. So what are Beetroots made up of?
Well, Beetroots are made up of fiber, proteins, and fat. These are called macronutrients. So when people say hey, what do you mean by macronutrients? You mean fiber, proteins, and fat right? And the macronutrients in this case if you take about a cup of Beets, right?
3.4 grams is fiber. 2.2 grams is protein. And 0.2 grams are fat. So there’s still fat in there. Micronutrients are other things – there are the vitamins, the carotenoids, the thing that gives it the color, the betalains, the minerals, phenolic compounds, and inorganic nitrate.
We’ll come back to this because this is one of the powerful effects. White Beets have an effect on cardiovascular health, the nitrates in it and we’ll come to that, okay.
All right. So, the vitamins, what are the vitamins in Beets? We noticed there’s a whole host of B vitamins, vitamin K, vitamin D, vitamin E, from B1, B3, B5, B6, B9, and B 12. Beets also have a ton of minerals. Remember, it’s a root vegetable. Root vegetables are in the ground, they’re getting a whole range of minerals.
As you can see, 100 grams of Beets have potassium, phosphorus, calcium and magnesium. And there’s been a lot of debate in the vitamin world on how much calcium and magnesium should you take. Some people have said you should take two to one, which means for every two parts calcium should take one part magnesium, other people say it should be equal.
If you notice here calcium and magnesium occurred nearly in the same levels of magnesium being a little bit higher. And you’ll understand that magnesium is extremely important for many, many different functions because magnesium calms the system.
Okay. But the other thing we’re going to cover is Beets have a whole range of phenolic compounds, apigenin in fact, apigenin is one of the ingredients we’ve put in mV25. Okay, it’s one of the very powerful bioflavonoids and you can go research apigenin, but it’s in mV25.
It’s got betagarin, betavulgarin, caffeic acid, chlorogenic acid, and ferulic acid. Okay, so these are the phenolic compounds, and you can see what they look like here. So you can see here’s betalain, here’s apigenin. Here’s betagarin, nitrate, and betavulgarin.
And these are the active components in Beetroot. So this is the ones that we’re going to focus on, really, for today’s discussion, because these are the things that the research shows, not to say, again, science may find out their other active components.
But what I’m sharing with you today, this is based on what’s in the scientific literature as of today, okay? So if you want to talk to your friends, you have medical doctors, you can point them to the research, and all of this is coming from existing peer reviewed research.
What are the biological effects of Beetroot? Well, first of all, Beetroots have all of these six very powerful biological effects, anti inflammatory, antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti hyper lipidemic, which means they burn up fat, anti hypertensive, and immunomodulator, which means they modulate the immune system. It’s like giving shock absorbers your immune system.
What are the health benefits? Well, health benefits of Beetroots are the following: First of all, relative to cardiovascular disease, which is what we’re going to talk about today is hypertension, arteriosclerosis and heart failure. Beetroots have a very beneficial effect on these diseases, but they also support diabetics, people who have liver conditions, Hepatitis, and other infections.
Now, what I want to do is, I want to take a little bit of time. I’ve done this before, but we want to take a Systems Approach. Now we understand that Beets have lots of minerals, vitamins, phenolic compounds, and we’ve gone over their key active ingredients.
But what we want to talk about is, that’s the system here Beets and then within your body is something called a Cardiovascular System. So how do Beets interact with your Cardiovascular System, in order to understand that we need to understand what the Cardiovascular System is.
And that word system is extremely important, because your body is a system, you have the Cardiovascular System, you have your digestive system, you have your nervous system, these are all systems. So the question is, what is the system, and one of the things that I’m committed to educating all of you.
And in fact, ensuring that all of you get better educated on all of this is really to understand what is a system? Okay, so I want to take a little bit of a quick definition of that, to let you know that in order to support you in this education, because if we, if you don’t learn system science, if you don’t learn how these things are interconnected, you’re always going to be relying, and you’re always going to be second guessing yourself.
So there’s a Science of Systems. I spent a lot of time putting together a methodology, so you could understand the Science of Systems. I want to share with you a couple of things here if everyone has a chance, go to TruthFreedomHealth.com.
Because at TruthFreedomHealth.com, what you will learn is the Science of Systems, I want to share with you here that if you go to TruthFreedomHealth.com, that’s this website. And I want all of you to go there, because I’ve created a way that anyone, whatever your educational background is, you don’t have to be an MIT guy. You don’t have to know math.
But if you go to TruthFreedomHealth.com, it’ll take you to this site right here. And TruthFreedomHealth.com, you can go down you can support yourself because we’ve created a movement here called you can become a Truth Freedom Health Warrior.
What I’ve done is I want to give all of you 15 different gifts. Let me explain what those gifts are. One of the gifts is you get the gift of – a whole range of other videos which are premium videos.
When you sign up, you get access to the Truth Freedom Health Warrior videos. The second gift is there’s a very founding national paper that I wrote, which will teach you the integration of eastern and western medicine, and that’s called the Rosetta Stone. The next thing is you can actually take the Science of Systems course, you can actually get certified.
And you can see this is an immense value for many, many people that we used to sell at a ridiculous price, and people were paying for it. But this was for people with a lot of money. And I wanted to make this accessible to more people. That’s called the Science of Systems course.
The next piece is there’s a book called System and Revolution, which all of you get, you also get access to three other books, where you can apply the Science of Systems, your body is a system, how you can use systems to understand politics, etc. The next piece here is a tool, which you’re going to be discussing tonight, called Your Body, Your System. Your Body, Your System is a tool that will literally give you an understanding of how your body is a system.
In fact, if you go to this website, if you want to know more that I’m sharing my screen, I might Yeah. If you go to Your Body, Your System, you’ll see, this took me about 20 years to create. But there’s a tool that you can really answer a set of questions, figure out what kind of system you are, that red dot represents your system in this triangle, then you can answer a different set of questions.
And we’ll figure out how your body is off course; you didn’t get enough sleep, you were eating the wrong things, for you. Okay, everyone is different. And then you can figure out foods and exercise and activities will bring you back to you. So that’s the Your Body, Your System tool.
The other thing we also give as a part of these capabilities, I want to give you guys, his scientific reports on different types of herbs, you will also get access to an entire forum where you can meet other Truth Freedom Health Warrior Scholars all over the world.
And then you can also get access to a social media site we’ve created for people independent of Big Tech. And then obviously, we’ve created activism tools, and I’ll come back to this. Okay. But I wanted to share that with you because what I meant when I talked about the Cardiovascular System, the Cardiovascular System is not just made up of one thing. It’s made up of an organization of many, many different things.
Cardiovascular System
Let me go back to our PowerPoint. So we’ll come back to Truth Freedom and Health before and I’ll walk through more of this. If you go back to the Cardiovascular System, one of the things we’ll understand here is that the Cardiovascular System is composed of multiple units. And when you take the course you’ll actually understand what is a system but you notice a Cardiovascular System is composed of the heart, which is a pump, blood vessels, which are the things that deliver the third item called Blood.
So what’s the heart? Well, it isa powerful muscle responsible for pumping blood throughout the body. What are blood vessels? They’re the things that carry the blood and nutrients to all parts of your body. And then what is blood composed of? Well, blood is composed of blood cells, red blood cells, plasma, which has, you know, a whole range of nutrients.
And the red blood cells carry oxygen, the plasma has the white blood cells, which provide immune support. Okay, so when you’re when your heart and your circulatory system or Cardiovascular Systems are working well, not only pumping blood, but you’re also supporting your immune system, right? So exercise is very, very important for the immune system.
Let’s look at the blood vessels, okay. And that’s called the vascular system. Okay, it’s composed of three kinds of blood vessels; arteries and veins, and then capillaries, which are the fine vessels, but the arteries are the things that carry oxygen to the cells.
Arteries are carrying oxygen. Here’s your lungs, and your lungs are oxygenating the blood and that goes up to your left atrium. So if you touch the left side of your heart, that’s your left atrium, and then your left atrium, it pumps stuff through your right atrium, through the rest of your body.
And then your right atrium, okay, which is on the right side is receiving the deoxygenated blood, and that thing gets sent to the lungs to get oxygen and that’s your cycle. Okay, so the arteries are the ones that are carrying the oxygenated blood all through your capillaries, right, so the arteries are the large blood vessels that carry oxygenated blood away from your heart, and the veins are the ones that are carrying deoxygenated blood to your heart and the capillaries stand in between.
They’re the small vessels that deliver nutrients and oxygen to the tissue and they’re also removing the waste right? So if you look closer at this, the arteries Have these three components: the Adventitia, the Tunica media, and the Tunica intima. And so the tunica intima, inner layer. The adventitia is the thick outer layer, okay?
It’s the thing that provides shape and the and the tunica media is the middle layer and the tunica intima is the stuff in between. That’s the surface of these vessels. And so what you see here is, so the arteries and the veins have similar systems here, right? The thin walls are relatively thick, tunica adventitia in the veins here, and you have thick tunica media here.
The differences in the arteries, you have more thicker tunica media, okay, which is a middle layer. But in the veins, you have thin walls, and you have a relatively thick Tunica adventitia, okay, which is the outer light, right? So the outer layer is thicker relative to the arteries. But when you go to the capillaries of capillaries are really composed of what are called endothelial cells. And that’s really just the tunica intima, which is the inner part. Okay?
Now, when we look at the Cardiovascular System, one of the important things we have to learn is a role and to really understand when you’re making decisions on what foods you should eat, what’s supportive for you. One of the key biomarkers is something called nitric oxide.
Okay, nitric oxide, I think about 10 or 15 years ago is a big article in Time Magazine saying it’s really the molecule of the century, because nitric oxide is the thing that supports vasodilation. It was the basis of the discovery of the drug called Viagra. Right, but what is nitric oxide?
So nitric oxide is a potent vasodilator. Okay, it is a key role in maintaining blood pressure. It’s anti atherogenic against you know, atherosclerosis it’s generated by eNOS catalysis. Okay, well, we’ll talk about this. It’s generated by eNOS, which is a enzymes catalysis of L-arginine. You get nitric oxide when L-arginine is catalyzed. And that’s when you get nitric oxide.
And when you exercise I want to talk a little bit about when you exercise, what’s really amazing is when you exercise, you have blood flow that starts moving through your artery through your veins, and through your capillaries. And that blood flow helps to release nitric oxide. So that’s why exercise is good. And that’s through a process called shear stress.
Let’s look at that. So what is shear stress? Shear stress is the following. Here’s your capillary, let’s say the surface of the capillary is composed of these hexagonal things called endothelial. When you exercise, you get blood flow. And so the flow of the blood is not perpendicular. It’s shear, right? It’s parallel to the endothelial.
And so when blood flows like this, it causes a production of nitric oxide. And how does that happen? Endothelial nitric oxide synthase, E, N, O, S. Right? So it’s a, it’s a enzyme that converts L-arginine. You have to have arginine. What that means is a diet needs to be composed of some good levels of arginine. In the presence of arginine, what happens is that that enzyme converts arginine to NO to nitric oxide and also L arginine. And NO production leads to vasodilation. Right? And the maintenance of blood pressure, right? That’s what happens. This is the basis of creating Viagra, okay? You vasodilate, you get more blood flow. But that’s what NO production leads to.
Endothelial NO Production
I want to share with you the work that I did when I was at MIT with Harvard, Brigams and King’s College on NO, so one of our key researchers, Andrew Koo, in our lab, had figured out how to send flow shear flow, and he could measure nitric oxide release.
But as Andrew started looking at the endothelial he found out here. You’re looking at one cell on the surface of the endothelial and what you notice is that the endothelial has various molecular reactions taking place, but on the surface of the cell, is this interesting molecular structure called the glycocalyx, Okay, looks like a Christmas tree.
As blood flows over this Christmas tree structure starts shaking on the outer surface, and on the inner surface, it leads to a whole series of chemical reactions. That is the mechanical force on the glycocalyx, which is from let’s say, you’re exercising running, your blood is moving that leads to the conversion of L-arginine via nitric oxide, you know by the enzyme to it.
Nitric oxide by the enzyme, eNOS, okay, that’s what occurs. Now if you go read the literature, you’ll find all these different. If you wanted to do this on your own to figure out what’s going on, you’ll find hundreds of papers, talking about how nitric oxide gets released through this process of chemical reactions, and there’s many, many, many, many kinds of chemical reactions that are involved in nitric oxide.
If you want to get a holistic view, it becomes very complicated. But with CytoSolve, what we were able to do was take all what’s in the literature, bring them together, and have CytoSolve, convert those ball and stick diagrams, all that literature into mathematical equations, which were then able to compute how much so the x axis is time, the y axis is the amount of eNOS which is that enzymes mRNA concentration that’s released.
This is a mathematical prediction. Again, without killing animals, CytoSolve was able to predict how much nitric oxides or eNOS the enzyme is released, right? Or the amount of mRNA for that enzyme, which produces that enzyme. The issue – is people always wondered, well, that’s a mathematical prediction, that doesn’t match reality. And low and behold, it does.
This was Andrew Koo’s work looking at the actual in vitro, and here we’re getting the exact same results. So shows that CytoSolve is able to predict what’s going up in the test tube. And same here, we’re looking at the protein. And same here.
This is quite extraordinary, because what we were able to do was to show that we could model the Cardiovascular System for in terms of nitric oxide release, and then match those to the actual wet lab results. Okay, so you can save a lot of time and money. And this is published, by the way, in one of the leading journals, I was one of the authors along with a great team of people.
Effect of Beetroot on Cardiovascular System
When we look at the effect of Beetroot on the Cardiovascular System, we know that Beetroot from the literature is known to have hypertensive effect, which means lowers hypertension, anti diabetic, very, very beneficial for diabetics, and also from stopping arteriosclerosis.
Okay, so how does this work? Now let’s so now that we understand what’s in Beets, we understand what is a Cardiovascular System? How do we put this together to understand what is the value of Beetroots to you? In order to do that, what we’ve done here is, we want to look at the anti hypertensive effect. So that means to lower hypertension. It turns out that when the Beetroots have nitrates in them, that’s one of the important active ingredients.
When you eat Beetroots, your mouth bacteria, again, this is why the mouth microbiome is so important, we’ve talked about this. If you have proper mouth health, right, take care of your teeth, and you have the oral bacteria in your mouth interact with the nitrate, and it’s converted to nitrite, when this nitrite decomposes to nitric oxide right here. Okay? What happens is, nitric oxide enzyme activates enzyme soluble guanylyl cyclase, sGC. So you eat Beets, you chew on them, right.
And then you get nitrites, you get nitric oxide. This is why a lot of people drink lots of these juices, you know, and I’m a big proponent, if you’re going to drink these concentrated vegetable juices, etc. My view is you should let them at least be in your mouth for a little bit. So your oral bacteria and your mouth enzymes can react with it, because it’s part of the digestive process.
Here, you see that the nitric oxide gets created, which then activates this enzyme called S G C, soluble guanylyl cyclase, sGC. And then sGC is able to convert GTP to cGMP. So what is cGMP? This is a very important, a very important chemical in smooth muscle cells, right? And it’s important to lead to the relaxation of the blood vessels in those smooth muscle cells.
So cGMP relaxes us, that’s called vasorelaxation, which promotes anti hypertension effect in the blood vessels. So blood is able to go in Okay, so there you go. So that’s, again, from Beets, we’re looking at one of those chemicals called the nitrates. When you digest them in with your oral bacteria in your mouth, you get this effect of producing a very powerful set of reactions, which promote an anti hypertensive effect. So that’s one of the chemical processes they’re anti diabetic effect.
Remember I talked about well, in mV25. Some of you joining new I talked about the product that we created from CytoSolve it has one of the ingredients is apigenin and the other has ferritin. But we figured out the right combinations have the most powerful effect in this case for a pain and discomfort, but here apigenin from Beetroot and the beta ln also from Beetroot, these are two very important active ingredients.
Look what they do to have an anti diabetic effect. First of all endothelial dysfunction, which is the cells in your, you know, in the vessels in the heart is caused by oxidative stress. So, if your heart is not functioning right or you have and this leads to diabetes, when you have endothelial dysfunction, you have basically the oxidative stress caused by superoxide and hydrogen peroxide. These are two very powerful oxidative chemicals, right?
You don’t really want these in your body, a lot of it okay. superoxide and hydrogen peroxide, they lead to endothelial dysfunction, okay, right here. Now what happens is that Betalain from Beetroot and apigenin through a series of reactions, they upregulate this chemical called Nrf-2, so Nrf-2, there’s a lot of research being understood about Nrf-2 and it’s valuable effects for your body. So what does Nrf-2 do?
So Nrf-2, as you can see here, leads to the formation, okay. And it promotes the anti oxidize enzymes, superoxide dismutase and catalase. These are two very powerful enzymes, which break down okay, which stop superoxide and hydrogen peroxide. So again, these two chemicals are oxidative chemicals. Oxidation is like rusting.
Okay, leave your bike outside and it’ll start rusting. So if you want to think about these two chemicals, as we’re talking about here, superoxide and hydrogen peroxide, they’re like the things that cause your quote unquote, your endothelial dysfunction or rusting, but superoxide dismutase, SOD, as well as catalase stop that, stop that oxidative effects. These are two very powerful antioxidant enzymes.
The other thing is betalain itself also eats up a lot of superoxide it also comes here and from here. So this basically neutralizes oxidative stress, which stops endothelial dysfunction, ensuring that it has an anti diabetic effect. Next thing is you can also see the anti diabetic effect comes from the carotenoids, the rich things in Beets that give it all their color, the carotenoids and the betalain.
What do they do? They have an effect on lowering cholesterol, okay, the bad cholesterol, LDL. So that’s low density lipoproteins, that’s known as bad cholesterol. And this gets oxidized to become Ox-LDL right here. So LDL becomes Ox- LDL. And that is what causes plaque formation, leading to arteriosclerosis.
So when you get arteriosclerosis, LDL, which is a quote unquote bad cholesterol is going to Ox-LDL, forming plaque. Well guess what happens? Superoxide, Okay? Supports this so superoxide is the thing that enables the LDL to go to the Ox-LDL so when you have endothelial dysfunction this happens and guess what happens betalain and carotenoids block this reaction.
Okay, so we’re talking about his LDL goes to Ox-LDL, which leads to plaque formation, and the Beetroots stop that formation. That’s the advantage right there. It stops that formation. In closing, you can see the powerful effects of these products.
Eastern & Engineering Systems Approach
What I also want to do is if you take a Systems Approach, and in the Systems Approach, there’s a, as you know, what I’m gonna do, I’m gonna play for you, the, I’m gonna come back to Your Body, Your System. I’m just gonna take a quick break here, because I want you guys to understand that we want to take a Systems Approach.
And the research that I did for my Fulbright work where I found the linkage between Eastern medicine and Western engineering to some theory led to a tool called Your Body, Your System. But the foundations of that science – Systems Science is what I teach every Monday and I want all of you to become Truth Freedom Health Warriors.
I’m going to take a quick break and share that with all of you. So it’s right here. So let me stop the screen here. Let me share with you this video file, which will give you a little bit of understanding of what the movements’ are about so here we go. We’ll Come back shortly.
Right, so that should give you an understanding. If you want to know more and become a Truth Freedom Health where you go to TruthFreedomHealth.com. But in one of the analyses that I wanted to show you’re using the Systems Approach, you can also now get a deep understanding of how to look at Beets from a Systems Approach.
If you go to Your Body, Your System, you’ll understand that there’s a capability that’s been created. So you can actually understand another way to look at your bodies as a system, your body has the forces of Transport, Conversion, and Storage.
Again, I don’t have time today to go through all the details, but everything in the universe, including your body runs on these three forces. So you can understand how those forces are present in your body, when you understand when you use a tool, Your Body, Your System, and then how your body’s off course, which is a black dot here, right the red.is where your target is, everyone is a unique system.
And then the issue is health is allowing your body to function and in this model, in its homeostasis from a system standpoint. So if you can bring the black dot to the red dot, and that’s what foods and different things can perturb you or activities and bring you back.
Those of you who do not want to become a warrior but you want to just become a supporter go get the product you have access to it and the book and it’s a very, very small contribution that gives you access to that.
When we look at Beets, Beets if your body is here, liquid Beets two Beets actually stabilize, move transport right some things can make increase like coffee increases the aspect of transport or certain foods may aggravate conversion which is your digestive process but Beets stabilized both of these but they actually increase Kapha storage which means they support you know bones and tissue right?
Which are important for your building blocks for you. Beets have a very powerful effect on building your structural components. A bunch of you have been asking how much do you take? Okay, well, if you want to look at the components if you look at the Betanin from Beetroot extracts for coronary disease, according to research done recently 2020 by (Tural et al., 2020) says 100 milligrams per kilogram extract per day.
There are supplements you can get a Betanin supplement for glucose control again, what I’m giving you here so you have Beets and then you have the active ingredient which you can actually get as a supplement Excuse me.
So Betanin supplements for glucose control. (Han et al., in 2015) said you need about 100 milligrams per kilogram of extract per day. For hypertension, Beetroot juice number of you have been chatting you’re seeing you take Beetroot juice, so it’s very, very valuable for hypertension 250 milliliters per day. So that’s a quarter of a liter, okay, quarter of a liter that just came out recently in 2019. So in summary, Beetroots have several benefits for cardiovascular health, right?
One is a nitrate from the Beetroot releases vasodilator nitric oxide, which lowers hypertension. And we talked about that the Beetroot also provides upregulation of antioxidant enzymes that mitigate diabetes via downregulation of endothelial dysfunction caused by oxidative stress. So basically, in layman’s terms, there are chemicals in your body; hydrogen peroxide.
You know superoxide, which are highly highly “rusting” oxidative chemicals. And what Beetroots do is they actually turn on antioxidants, which inhibit that. And then the other thing is when it comes to arteriosclerosis, which is plaque hardening of the arteries, Beetroot compounds prevent that by down regulating oxidative stress. Which is the thing that’s involved in causing plaque formation and hardening of the arteries.
When you really think about Beets, what we’ve just done here is we’ve looked at Beetroot and cardiovascular health from a Systems Approach. So I want to encourage all of you to go back, look at the video as many times as you want. Tomorrow, I’m going to be doing a video on spinach, and cardiovascular health, but that’s our cardiovascular series.
But the thing to really understand is that you’re looking at systems, food is a system, your body’s a system. And when we take a Systems Approach, as we say, goes beyond left or right, okay, that’s when we start looking at problems in the world.
We want to take, we want to, we want to take a Systems Approach, the same approach we’re taking to understand the inner interactions and connections of things, to understand how Beets may or may not affect your Cardiovascular System.
That’s the same thing we can look at, hey, will this policy deliver us more Truth Freedom and Health? And what will this do to affect election integrity? What will this do to affect censorship or freedom? It’s a Systems Approach. And without that system’s approach, it’s very, very easy to get drawn to the left or the right.
So, I hope this is valuable. Let me see if there’s any other questions. Thank you for all your positive comments. But please, you know, study this video. There’s a lot of content here. I hope you enjoyed this. This evening, I’m going to be doing a whole lesson with one of my colleagues on Your body, Your System, but one of the very powerful ways you can support our research and support more importantly yourself is to become a Truth Freedom Health Warrior Scholar.
It’s a pretty nominal contribution compared to the value that you get, but you also support us to be able to do all this research to support your learning and growth. Thank you, everyone. Have a good evening. Be well Happy Friday.
The original research in this video is made possible by generous contributions from supporters of the Dr.SHIVA Truth Freedom Health® movement. Please contribute so we may continue to bring you such original research, valuable education, and innovative solutions.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD in Biological Engineering, the Inventor of Email, Scientist, Engineer, Educator shares Beetroot and Cardiovascular Health. A CytoSolve Systems Analysis.

It’s time we move beyond the Left vs. Right, Republican vs. Democrat. It’s time YOU learn how to apply a systems approach to get the Truth Freedom Health you need and deserve. Become a Truth Freedom Health® Warrior.
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To get the education you need and deserve, join Dr.SHIVA on his Foundations of Systems course. This course will provide you three pillars of knowledge with the Foundation of Systems Thinking. The three pillars include: 1) The System Dynamics of Truth Freedom Health, 2) The Power of a Bottom’s Up Movement, and 3) The Not So Obvious Establishment. In this course, you will also learn fundamental principles of all systems including your body.
Course registration includes access to his LIVE Monday training, access to the Your Body, Your System tool, four (4) eBooks including the bestselling System and Revolution, access to the Systems Health portal and communications tools – independent of Big Tech – including a forum and social media for you to build community with other Truth Freedom Health Warriors.
This course is available online for you to study at your own pace.
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