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Dr.SHIVA™ LIVE – The “Healthcare” System KILLED His Child During Lockdowns. Interviewed by Scott Schara.

In this interview, Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, Inventor of Email, Scientist, Engineer and Candidate for President, shares with Scott Schara of Our Amazing Grace how the modern healthcare system has been engineered to exploit patients and their families, incentivizing them to keep you sick and make sure you die sooner.
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Dr.SHIVA™ – The Man Who Sees the Future from First to Say #FireFauci & More. Interview w An0maly.

In this interview, Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, Inventor of Email, Scientist, Engineer and Candidate for President, shares how he used the Science of Systems to accurately predict the true intentions behind the calls to lockdown over Covid, which made him the first public figure to call for the firing of Anthony Fauci, starting the #FireFauci campaign.
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