The original research in this video is made possible by generous contributions from supporters of the Dr.SHIVA Truth Freedom Health® movement. Please contribute so we may continue to bring you such original research, valuable education, and innovative solutions.
Key Points
- Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD – Inventor of Email, Systems Scientist, engineer, educator – presents a CytoSolve®Molecular Systems Analysis on Spinach and Cardiovascular Health.
- CytoSolve® technology is designed to take a Systems Approach and distilled nearly 9,696 research articles, 76 clinical trials conducted over the past 80 years.
- Spinach is called Beta vulgaris and is a root vegetable that was domesticated first, in the Middle East and native to Europe. It belongs to the Amaranthaceae family.
- Spinach cultivation dates back to Hippocrates. Ancient Romans and Greeks use spinach as an aphrodisiac. Its medicinal use dates back to Hippocrates. And its medicinal properties are attributed to both the leaves and the root also.
- It contains micronutrients Carotenoids, Betalains, phenolic compounds and inorganic nitrates. Also has B-1, B-3, B-5, B-6, B-9, B-12, and Vitamin K, C and E. Spinach also includes many minerals including Potassium, Phosphorus, Calcium, & Magnesium.
- Cytosolve® Analysis reveals significant effects on the cardiovascular system including anti-hypertensive effects.
- Compounds in spinach promote up-regulation of antioxidant enzymes.
- Spinach increases forces of Transport, stabilizes Conversion & Storage.
- One should be careful to avoid eating too much spinach.
CytoSolve, arteries, effect, compounds, Betanin, Betalain, Beta Vulgaris, Apigenin, Superoxide dismutase, Catalase, Caffeic acid, Chlorogenic acid, Ferulic acid. Nrf2, L-Citrulline, L-Arginine, eNOS, Glycocalyx, Ox-LDL, Hydrogen Peroxide, Endothelial dysfunction Carotenoids, Nitric Oxide (NO), Tunica Media, Tunica Adventitia, Tunica Intima, LDL, Ox-LDL, Oxalates, Bromelain, Papain, Svanasana, science, spinach, systems, cardiovascular health, compounds, medicine, body
Hello everyone, it’s Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai. Today we’re gonna be talking about Spinach and Cardiovascular Health. Everything we do as a part of our movement here, Truth Freedom Health at VAShiva, we always take a Systems Approach, to understand how to look at things, be it at the global level, whether we’re looking at politics or history, or whether we’re looking at trying to understand how spinach affects your cardiovascular system.
That too, is a systems problem. And I want to emphasize to everyone, we have a little ticker, scrolling along the bottom, which says, you can go to, or And that’s for those of you who want to support our movement and also learn and become part of this educational movement to really learn about systems and the Science of Systems.
And that approach helps us to go Beyond Left or Right, Beyond Pro or Anti, to really find what the real situation is, what the real problem is, and the real solution in any situation. But today, we’re going to be focusing on Spinach and Cardiovascular Health. And as a part of this, you’re all going to learn; A, what is Spinach, you know, you’re going to learn a meaning what is it composed of the nutrients in it, the molecules in it, but you’re also going to understand the cardiovascular system.
And those of you who want to know more about any of the other videos we’ve done, or what we’re up to, across a range of things, you can go to, Victor Alpha, that’s on the bottom right here. Okay. And so I encourage all of you to go there to understand more.
But when we look at Spinach and Cardiovascular health, we’re going to take a CytoSolve® molecular systems analysis, and I’ll talk more about CytoSolve®. But what is spinach, it’s known as Beta vulgaris. That’s its official Latin term. It’s a root vegetable that was domesticated first, in the Middle East and native to Europe. It belongs to the Amaranthaceae family. Ancient Romans and Greeks use spinach as an aphrodisiac. Its medicinal use dates back to Hippocrates. And its medicinal properties are attributed to both the leaves and the root also.
What You Will Learn
Okay, so let’s begin by really looking at what you’re going to learn today, we’re going to learn today, what is spinach, we’re going to learn the effects on biological functions, we’re going to understand the spinach health benefits. And but we’re also going to look at as we did earlier, with Beets, we’re also going to look at also the effects on cardiovascular health, and the clinical evidence on spinach and dosages.
So that’s what we’re going to learn today, it’s important to understand we want to take a scientific engineering Systems Approach, because what’s happening right now, is that in science, people don’t look at the whole picture anymore because of a lot of the monetary interest, as I’ve talked about on the political side.
Science on Spinach
But we don’t want to just cherry pick. If you look at what I’m sharing here, there’s been close to 9,696 research articles done over the past 80 years on spinach. In fact, there’s been over 76 clinical trials. And you can see this graph right here on the left, you can see the volume of research that just continues to grow. So obviously spinach is of interest to researchers. But we’re not just going to cherry pick, we’re going to look at the body of that research relative to its effect on cardiovascular health.
And the way we do this is with a technology that I created for my PhD work at MIT that’s now grown into its own company, called CytoSolve®. And CytoSolve® was really a 23rd century platform for discovery, we can do things faster and cheaper and safer. And we’re also not killing animals by doing this, but it helps us really understand how natural products or combinations of products and ingredients affect biomolecular function.
So the way CytoSolve® works, if you look at the body of literature, let’s say spinach and cardiovascular health, we’re able to look at all of that research. And we’re able to mine that research and curate it to the relevant ones that have molecular mechanisms.
So what we’re doing is we’re taking that content, and we’re understanding of that literature, what are the ones that have molecular mechanisms, and then we’re distilling that in this case, the area that we’re interested in is cardiovascular health, and for cardiovascular health, we’re going to then extract those pieces of research and then amalgamate them together to get a systems view of spinach’s effect on cardiovascular health.
This methodology was developed because I really thought that the pharma industry which wastes a lot of money, they waste about $5 billion. It takes about 13 years to create a drug which is essentially a single compound, you can see the various processes they have to go through from test tube research, which is known as in vitro killing animals, which is known as in vivo. And phase one, phase two, phase three clinical trials, it takes them a lot of time and money to do this, I thought they would really love to use CytoSolve®.
Because we can help accelerate development, lower cost, but more importantly, save animals’ lives. They move very, very slow. But my real interest, which has always been there, since I was a child, has really been natural products. Natural products are more than just a single compound. They’re combinations of compounds.
But anyway, you can see why the pharmaceutical industry wants to get into the jab industry or jabinnations, because they’re getting less and less new drugs being allowed even by the FDA, because of safety issues, even though they spend more and more money on R&D spending. So I want to take a few moments to John’s gonna play a video to really help you understand what is CytoSolve® and how does this actually work?
Alright, we’re back. So I hope that gives you a background on CytoSolve®. I always played that video because it’s important for people to understand the foundational tools that we’re using. And someone said, Can we can you invest in CytoSolve® you know, as a company, we’ve grown it organically, no pun intended on we’re going to be probably sharing over the next 90 days, some interesting opportunities for the broad mass of people out there who want to support the work we’re doing that also be part of it. So I’ll keep you everyone posted on that.
So, let me go back to to the PowerPoint here. And get back to spinach here. But by the way, before I go there, number of your posting about mV25™. So mV25™ is the first product that we’ve been helping lots and lots of other companies use CytoSolve®, really cool companies to figure out the combinations of ingredients. If you go to the vitamin store right now, just like in some ways, Big Vitamin is getting as bad as Big Pharma, they just throw all sorts of crap into these vitamins and you don’t really know what works.
What we’ve done is to take that snake oil out of the way by really trying to understand; A, the bio molecular processes. And what are the combinations because if you look at food products, there are not just one ingredient like pharma uses a single compound, there are many, many ingredients. So it is CytoSolve®.
For example, what we can do here, and this is our first product that we’ve decided to do on our own. And we were very, very careful in doing this because we wanted to make sure we could do it the right way. But what mV25™ is, it’s a product that you can go find up on the shop site, but mV25™. It’s, it’s got the branding that I’m putting my name behind it, which is really Dr. Shiva Scientist and Systems Biologists.
But we’re calling it mV25™ as if you know, in physics, mass times velocity equals momentum. And, and we’ve branded it as momentum to move, but it’s really a blend of bioflavonoids that are formulated to relieve discomfort and support the body’s natural inflammatory processes. And we say it’s CytoSolve® optimized. So if you look at the back of the label, you’ll see what that means. It says, This was formulated using the CytoSolve® computational systems biology platform, which is CytoSolve®, a technology for precision and personalized health.
And this was invented by myself during my doctoral research, as I said, but the key thing is this formulation doesn’t result just from looking at one cherry picked piece of research, but we integrated 1000’s of peer reviewed literature across four decades, in 68 research institutions.
And then we computed all the different molecular reactions, trillions of molecular reactions, to find the right synergy of these bioflavonoid compounds. Now, the reality is, again, this is a very big departure from how others approach this. Look, science is constantly changing. That’s why I say truth is a process. As new science comes out. One of our promises that we make on the back of the label here is that as, you know, as the science advances, so will this formulation.
That’s one important thing. And the other thing is everything in the ingredients here is it Certified Clean, which means it’s non GMO, organic, and all those good things high bioavailability it’s made in the United States, and you can find it up on the shop on If you were very booked, and here’s mV25™. You can get it there.
Alright, so the reason I wanted to share that with you is that over the last 16 years now we’ve built many, many complex biological models of biomolecular functions, who can eliminate the need for animal testing. And we’re going to be starting to look at all different kinds of compounds using the CytoSolve® approach to essentially build products that really work and that and those products, you can be confident that it’s coming from the latest science.
Spinach Composition
So we go back to spinach, we have to also recognize spinach is a food okay? And as a food. It’s not just one compound, right? It’s composed of macronutrients, macronutrients and things like fiber, proteins, and fat. You can see spinach has a lot of fiber 3.4 grams per cup, proteins 2.2 grams, right? Popeye liked to eat spinach to build his muscles and fat 0.2 grams per 100 grams, okay.
It also contains micronutrients which are the vitamins, the Carotenoids, the Betalains, the minerals, the phenolic compounds and the inorganic nitrates. Okay, and we’ll talk about that because that comes into very important for cardiovascular health. Here are a range of B vitamins almost like a B complex, you can see; B-1, B-3, B-5, B-6, B-9, B-12, and Vitamin K, C and E.
Now, there’s been some very interesting discussion, I may do a whole video on this and raw spinach versus cooked spinach. Some of you may want to study something called Oxalates, oxalic acid, which can be of concern to some people, because there’s been research that this builds kidney stones, okay. And there’s been a lot of work trying to figure out which is better.
You know, obviously, if you have proclivity for getting kidney stones, you should consult with your doctor. You know, obviously, food is medicine. But mineral wise, a spinach has Potassium, Phosphorus, Calcium, Magnesium, it also has these other phenolic compounds, Apigenin, Betagarin, Betavulgarin, Caffeic acid, Chlorogenic acid, and Ferulic acid.
In fact, in this bottle of mV25™. One of the key ingredients of the bioflavonoids we discovered is Apigenin, which is this ingredient right here. Apigenin has phenomenal, and you can go look at it. Apigenin has some very, very powerful effects. But it’s one of the important compounds in spinach. And here are the molecular molecular structures of these compounds.
If any of you have taken organic chemistry, you’ll appreciate these ring structures. If you notice that Betanin has a number of OH groups, these are oxygen hydroxyl groups. Apigenin has a number of hydroxyl groups in these ring structures. Nitrate is nitrogen with the O’s. And then you have Betagarin and Betavulgarin.
Okay, so there’s these, what we call active components. So right now what science has discovered is out of all the many different compounds and spinach, right, these five compounds have been the most well studied in terms of their activity for human bio molecular function.
Biological Effects of Spinach
What are the biological effects of spinach? Well, one of the important biological effects of spinach is or not one, but the following six are, it’s an anti inflammatory, antioxidant, anti microbial, anti hyperlipidemic, which means it breaks up fat, anti hypertensive, because it lowers hypertension, and it modulates the immune system.
Now, the health benefits of spinach are the following. It has the following relative to four areas Cardiovascular, Diabetes, Hepatitis, and Infections, we’re going to focus on Cardiovascular disease, relative to Hypertension, Atherosclerosis, and Heart failure. These are the areas where spinach has quite a bit of benefit. Now, we want to take a Systems Approach here.
Cardiovascular System
And if you look at the cardiovascular system, you notice it consists of the lungs, the heart, the vasculature, all these arteries, and blood. So the reason this is important to understand is, when you’re looking at your body, your body is fundamentally your system, one of the tools that we created is called Your Body, Your System®. And that tool allows you to start giving you the education to understand how your body is a system and this knowledge. And frankly, it’s not even talked to talk to medical doctors.
So for many, many years, from my engineering systems training, I linked eastern and western medicine together. And that led into a whole set of body of work I created called Systems Health how can you understand your body, the cardiovascular system, every system, even political systems.
I built that, as some of you know, into a whole framework, which anyone here can go to, or, a little ticker that’s playing at the bottom, and you can get access to the entire educational program. And this Truth Freedom Health movement has now hundreds of 1000’s people, millions of people have heard about it. But it’s a way that we can move beyond left or right in the political world.
In the health world, we can really come to understand what the politics, not the politics, but the reality of any situation is. So let me just share with you the screen here and I want to share with you the Chrome tab on this if you go to you will discover the movement for Truth Freedom Health, you can contribute to it and those of you contribute to it can get various levels of education; there’s a whole set of gifts I’ve included 15 different gifts that you can learn, all different kinds of you get books and you get learning you get to interact with me we have a whole community.
Those of you who want to just get some of the tools can become a supporter or you can just become a member at no cost. But John’s gonna play a quick video that you’ll understand what our movement is about and all the capabilities but it’s important to understand this because without this understanding you won’t understand why we need to take a Systems Approach.
Alright, so that gives you a vehicle now. So you can’t say that you don’t know what is Systems Science and how you’re going to get access to it and how to study it, you know, it took me 50 years to put that knowledge together. But I want to make it accessible to everyone.
Please go take advantage of it’s really for your development as a person, so you can become a leader in your community, but based on grounded sense of systems, so let’s go back to the PowerPoint, and go now a little bit deeper into taking a Systems Approach to actually understanding the Cardiovascular system. So again, this is not an anatomy course. But just to give you what the Cardiovascular system is composed of, and how, and this system’s understanding will help you understand why spinach is important.
First of all, the cardiovascular system is composed of the heart right here in the middle, blood vessels, all these vessels that we’ll talk about that permeate your entire body. And then it’s also composed of blood. Now, blood isn’t just composed of red blood cells, which carries oxygen, but it’s also composed of white blood cells. So red and white, as in our logo for Truth Freedom Health, red and white, very important, because a red represents life carrying oxygen, and the white represents those important nutrients which help support your immune system, right. So the blood is composed of blood cells, and plasma.
These are the important transport elements of the cardiovascular system. So as you notice, here, here, your lungs, here’s your circulation system, and here’s your heart. If you take your left hand, and you put it on the left side of the heart, you have two parts of your heart, the top part, which is known as the Atrium, so you have the left atrium, which is receiving so right now, as you’re watching this, you’re getting this wonderful, you know, oxygenated blood coming from your lungs, that’s coming to your left atrium. And that’s being pumped out throughout your entire body, out through your left ventricle, okay, and that goes to your body.
So, oxygenated blood over here. And obviously, as your body uses that oxygenated blood, it becomes quote, unquote, blue here, which is deoxygenated blood, which is then carried from these small vessels called the capillaries, up through your veins, right. So your arteries, by the way, are the things right here that are carrying oxygenated blood in your veins are carrying deoxygenated blood, they come to the right side of your heart, the right atrium, and they’re pumped down through your right ventricle, which then sends it back to the lungs where they get oxygenated. So that’s the circulation process. Okay?
All right, so you got a little heart anatomy course here. Now, if you go down to the depths of this, what is occurring at the vasculature because this is where the foods that you eat have the most profound effects. So right here, you’re noticing, right here, here’s the artery, right, which is bringing in oxygenated blood denoted by red. So that’s bringing the arteries into your arterioles, right, and blood flows from the heart. And you know, gives oxygen to your body and these small vessels where all this is occurring is known as capillaries.
And then the capillaries are sending oxygen and then they’re collecting the waste Co2, which gets sent up to your veins and venules which are the larger pieces of your smaller pieces through your veins into the veins and that gets sent up to your lungs to get oxygenated so you have arteries, right here, the veins here, and then you have the capillaries, which is a small blood vessels that deliver the nutrients and take out the Co2, just to give you an idea of the red here denotes the arteries.
They’re composed of three structures, so are the veins, the Adventitia, which is the outer layer, okay? Notice in the veins are pretty thin, but in the veins, they’re a little bit thicker. Okay? The Tunica Adventitia is typically thicker right there. It’s thinner in the arteries. And the Tunica Media is a middle layer. Notice in the arteries are, they’re pretty large, very thick. Tunica Media, but they’re thinner in the veins, and then the inside of the veins in the arteries are composed of the Tunica Intima, which is the inner layer, and this consists of Endothelial cells.
So just like if you went into your bathroom, or your kitchen and you have tiles, the inside of the arteries and the inside of the veins and the inside of the capillaries are composed of Endothelial cells. And you’ll see this is very important to understand the physics of the biophysics here. Okay? So Endothelial cells. So the capillaries are the fine vasculature, and they’re only composed of Endothelial, but the arteries, they’re composed on the inside part and the veins that’s what the Tunica Intima is composed of.
Okay, so why is this important? I want to share with you now, some very important research that I did, when I was MIT, in conjunction with Harvard Medical School, and King’s College, and Brigham, what we looked at was, if you look at the Endothelial cells, so if you take your capillaries, and you look at the surface of that, think about if you flatten it out like your bathroom tiles, each of those tiles are composed of what are called Endothelial cells?
Role of Nitric Oxide -NO
And the Endothelial cells are an important structure, because that is where a lot of this activity takes place. Okay. So this was work that I’m going to share with you where we looked at the cardiovascular system and the role of Nitric Oxide. So what is NItric Oxide? It’s a very, very important molecule. It’s a vasodilator, okay, dilates the vasculature. It’s a key role in maintaining blood pressure, it’s anti atherogenic, anti atherosclerosis, right? It’s generated and Nitric Oxide is a very, very important molecule. By the way, this was the basis of the discovery of Viagra, right? So you release Nitric Oxide, and you know, you flush blood because you’re dilating the tissue.
But, Nitric Oxide is generated by e N O S, eNOS, which is an enzyme which catalyzes, which catalysis leads to L-Arginine, okay. So when Nitric Oxide is generated by the catalysis of L-Arginine. So, L-Arginine is a nutrient. It’s an amino acid that you can get for meat you can get from various different sources. When you have L-Arginine, eNOS helps convert that to Nitric Oxide. Okay, what’s also important to understand from a natural way if you exercise and you run, that exercise actually releases Nitric Oxide, okay? That’s called Blood shear stress.
Okay, so when you run, as you’re gonna see here, this arrow represents the flow of blood. Again, this is your capillary, those are those little tiles. Every every one of those hexagonal tiles relates to Endothelial cells when you run, blood is flowing. And that flow of blood, we’re going to see very soon how this works. That flow of blood in the presence of eNOS. So you have to have eNOS supports L-Arginine being converted to Nitric Oxide, as well as L-Citrulline.
So as you say, your blood flow over the Endothelial causes NO production, and Endothelial Nitric Oxide synthase E N O S, Endothelial converts L-Arginine to NO and an L-Citrulline. And the NO production leads to vasodilation. And it maintains your blood pressure. So you better get definitely enough L-Arginine in your diet to support all this.
A Mechanotransduction Event
So, this was the research I was talking about. So at MIT, one of our PhD students at the time, Andrew Koo was literally, he could send blood flow in in-vitro, which means in a test tube like situation, blood through the arteries, and he could measure vasodilation. And he could measure a Nitric Oxide release. Now, the interest here was How’s all this happening?
If you go to the cell, so this is one of those tiles on the surface of your capillaries, quote, unquote, tiles, the Endothelial. And what you see here is there’s a little Christmas tree structure called the Glycocalyx. So when blood flows over that, this starts shaking, like imagine a wind coming. And this, this structure starts shaking, the mechanical force of that shaking, forces, it’s very amazing.
It’s called a mechanical transducer, mechanical force converts to chemical functions. So this moves, and it starts a whole series of chemical reactions that results in the conversion of L-Arginine to Nitric Oxide by the enzyme eNOS. So if you go look at the papers, as we talked about this is why CytoSolve® is very powerful, you’ll find all these little chemical reactions that are in 10’s of 1000’s of papers.
In Silico Results Validation
So, what we were able to do at CytoSolve® was look at all those chemical reactions, bring them together in CytoSolve® with the power of CytoSolve®, again without killing animals. Mathematically model all of these chemical reactions, and literally predict how much eNOS mRNA which means the formation of this enzyme would be created. This black line is produced by the computer by CytoSolve® calculation, no animals were killed in the production of this black line, right, John?
But then we were able to test it with Andrew Koo’s work at Harvard and Brigham he had, these are the actual wet lab results from the laboratory results, okay, in the wet lab. So this shows that CytoSolve® was predicting what they were seeing in the laboratory and same here with how much eNOS protein, same thing here. So this is quite extreme. ordinary, who was so extraordinary that this work was. I was one of the authors of this and was accepted into one of the leading journals in the world called Cells Biophysical Journal. Okay?
Spinach and Cardiovascular Health
This is important because this was the first time we were able to show that CytoSolve® results matched what people were seeing in the wet lab. Okay, so this is important because this shows the power of CytoSolve® that we can save time and money and frankly, animals’ lives. Okay, so using this approach, we looked at the effect of spinach on cardiovascular health. So spinach is shown to have anti-hypertensive effect, anti-diabetic and anti-atherosclerotic effect. So let’s look at the anti-hypertensive effect.
Hypertension is when your muscles are not relaxed. Okay? Everything you’re thinking about is tension, hypertensive, right? If you have a lot of stress in your life, you’re going to increase the chance of hypertension, it’s not a good thing. Well, what does Nitric Oxide do so if you think about when you eat spinach, it’s got nitrates in it, nitrate is converted to nitrites. That’s why you have to put food in your mouth.
When the food goes through your mouth, it gets converted to nitrite. Okay, and this nitrite decomposes to Nitric Oxide, okay. And when you have Nitric Oxide right here, the This activates an enzyme called Guanylyl Cyclase, sGC, Soluble Guanylyl Cyclase to be accurate, and sGC in the presence of Nitric Oxide converts GTP to cGMP. And cGMP is extremely important.
You want to have that if you want not to be high and hypertensive, right. cGMP relaxes, causing relaxation of the smooth muscle cells. And that vaso-relaxation promotes anti-hypertensive effects. So, again, nitrate in spinach, when you chew, it goes through your mouth. Alright, very important food is again medicine.
Because if you’re just popping that pill, you’re not going to have this effect, okay? But the nitrite results decompose to NO, and NO is critical in converting GTP into sGMP, which allows for vaso-relaxation. So that’s the hypertensive effect of spinach.
The other effect is the Betanin from spinach. Okay, as we talked about, it also supports anti diabetic effects, along with the Apigenin. So the Apigenin, the bioflavonoid, and the Betanin sort of a left and right hook effect. So the Betanin and the Apigenin support the creation of Nrf-2. And Nrf-2 you can do your own research on it’s extremely important because Nrf-2 leads to the formation of two enzymes; Superoxide dismutase, and Catalase.
Both of these are extremely important because they help neutralize oxidative stress in your body. Well, the chemicals in this case that help neutralize neutralizer superoxide which Superoxide Dismutase knocks out as well as hydrogen peroxide.
And that these two things are involved in Endothelial dysfunction, which means your Endothelial cells, I can’t overemphasize, if you want to have good heart health, you want to have good Endothelial function, but these two oxidizing agents Superoxide and Hydrogen Peroxide are not that good for Endothelial function, and they will lead to Endothelial dysfunction.
And what finish are the ingredients of spinach do they actually lead and Endothelial dysfunction leads to diabetes. So what’s happening is upstream here, the Apigenin also notice the Betanin from spinach not only goes through the Nrf-2 pathway, but also goes right to knocking out Superoxide.
Anti-Arterosclerotic Effect
Knocking out of the Superoxide knocking out of the Hydrogen Peroxide prevents Endothelial dysfunction, preventing diabetes. Okay, there you go. The next thing is the anti-arterosclerotic effect, which is hardening of the arteries, here, the beta and then from the spinach and the carotenoids in the spinach. What they do is they stop the function of Superoxide. Again, when you have Endothelial dysfunction, your body produces more of the Superoxide, which you don’t want and the Carotenoids in the spinach, in the betanin block this.
As you can see here, to those of you listening to the podcast, what we see here as Endothelial dysfunction leads to Superoxide and the Carotenoids in the spinach and the Betanin block the Superoxide therefore, blocking that is extremely important. Because with Superoxide, LDL is a low density lipoprotein, which is a bad cholesterol – gets oxidized to Ox-LDL, right, which is the oxidized form of LDL. And this is what causes plaque formation. So again, LDL, which is a bad cholesterol in the presence of Superoxide, creates the oxidized version of LDL, and that is what causes plaque formation.
So the Superoxide, which does this is knocked out by carotenoids and the beta in it, okay. And therefore, this lowers oxidative stress, preventing the formation of LDL, and the development of arteriosclerosis due to arterial plaque formation. All right. So that’s the pathway again, to the power of spinach.
Eastern & Engineering Systems Approach
Now, those of you who want to take the video that we just played, when you take a Systems Approach, I teach you, not only you get all these lectures, you get about 12 lectures, you get a community of people you can learn with around the globe, you also get to get activated. But in the System’s Learning approach, we also teach you an Engineering Systems approach, integrating Eastern and Western medicine.
And in that system of medicine, I’m going to share with you, you can look at things from a molecular Systems Approach. But you can also look at it from an engineering or an Eastern Systems Approach. And in this approach, what you’ll see here and by the way, there’s a tool I’ve created all of you can take advantage of it, Your Body, Your System®, you can go to
If you sign up as a supporter, you get books, you get this tool, but it’s a very powerful tool where it’ll help you map your body, and the red dot here, you answer a set of questions, it’ll figure out what kind of system you are. These are the forces of transport movement in your body, the force of conversion in your body, the force of storage.
Your Body, Your System® help you figure out where your red dot is. Everyone is different. Everyone’s a unique system, and the red dot will move and then using the tool, you can figure out where your body is at today. That’s a block dot. Which means if you’re not getting enough sleep, the block dot ideally should be on top of the red dot. But no one’s perfect, right? So how do you get the, the red dot and that the tool would teach you that foods can affect transport movement, they can affect conversion, things like digestion, or, or storage.
And you can learn how to bring the black dot to the red dot. In fact this tool will help you figure out the different kinds of foods on how they affect your body to head in the right direction. Now, using this by the way, you also get access to the book System and Revolution, you get access to a whole bunch of tools, and those of you contribute 25 or more get access to this, those of you contribute 100 or more get access to the entire whole framework.
It’s a great investment. I hope you do it. But using that approach, we can look at spinach, what you notice a spinach actually increases transport, the motility functions in your body, it stabilizes digestive function, it stabilizes Kapha, which is storage or the storage function, which means it helps, you know, obviously help the storage of fat for example. Okay, so that’s the Eastern approach.
How much should you take? Well, this is all based on the recent research; (Tural et al., 2020) said spinach extracts for coronary heart disease, you can find spinach extracts and about 100 milligrams per kilogram, okay, Betanin supplement which you can get which is good for glucose control.
People who are let’s say diabetics, again, 100 milligrams per kilogram extract, and not that’s in (Han et al., 2015). Now the spinach juice for hypertension; 250 milliliters per day. (Baiao et al., 2019) Again, this is not a medical show, but it’s giving you what’s in the research and what CytoSolve® is reflecting. You should obviously talk to your doctor before this because remember, the raw spinach has more Oxalates in it.
Okay, so in summary, spinach has several benefits to cardiovascular health. The nitrate in the spinach, remember, it releases a vasodilator Nitric Oxide, which lowers hypertension. That’s number one. Number two, spinach promotes upregulation of antioxidant enzymes that mitigate diabetes via the downregulation of Endothelial dysfunction caused by oxidative stress.
Remember what oxidative stress to be clear is if you’re under a lot of tension or you’re under pollution, when you stress your body oxidizes, it gets, you know, that’s where aging comes in. It starts rusting, okay. And what we’re showing here is that spinach here promotes the upregulation in your own body of antioxidant enzymes. Okay. And then the third item important here is spinach compounds prevent arteriosclerosis by downregulating the oxidative stress molecules that cause plaque formation and hardening of the arteries.
Alright, so there you go. So today, we’ve covered Spinach, and Cardiovascular Health. I hope you enjoyed it. Let me see if there’s any questions. So I think I think the important point that you want to take away from Patrick saying yesterday, we covered a book and we took a Systems Approach to understanding how the British actually were the bad toxic molecule, if you want to think about it, to really upregulating World War Two, look, the System’s Approach you can look at in anything you look at at the molecular level, you can look at at the global level, it’s about understanding the interconnections.
Yesterday, we looked at the quote unquote molecular system of World War One, we looked at the players in that it was the US American Bankers, it was a British Crown, it was Russia. It was France, how all these people wanted, particularly the British Crown, hated that Germany was rising up, and they wanted to singularly destroy Germany.
They wanted to do that by starting a war. And we talked about how they manipulated us and how they brought in all these forces to decimate Germany. Okay, well, what we’ve just talked about today is the same approach – a Systems Approach, when you take a Systems Approach, we look at different molecules here. And the interconnections of those molecules at the molecular systems level, how they can upregulate things.
The Systems Approach is extremely powerful. That’s why I want all of you – really for yourself to recognize, when we take a Systems Approach, we move Beyond Left & Right, we move beyond Pro & Anti, we move Beyond a Fake Solution, a Fake Problem, we find out what the Real Solution is to the Real Problem.
My intention here is I can teach these lectures, but my goal is for all of you to start getting the framework. Okay? So go to, become a warrior scholar. And we have, you know, 10’s of 1000’s of people all over the world who are learning this. And our goal is to build a bottoms up movement. So all of you can become leaders in your community, and you can take this very powerful Systems Approach. What’s the next question? John?
John: We have a lot of people asking about the Oxalates in Spinach.
Dr.SHIVA: Yeah. So look, what’s fascinating about you know, everything, remember everything food is medicine, and medicine is food. I had a friend of mine, who was juicing tons of kale every day, right? You got to understand everything, you have to do it ata balance. And he started having goitrogenic problems in his thyroid, okay? Because the cruciferous vegetables are good for you like the broccoli, the brussel sprouts, the kale, but if you take too much of them, and you have a tendency to be hyper thyroid, okay, or thyroid issues, you’re gonna affect your thyroid.
So anyway, he goes into the doctor. In fact, they actually ended up removing his thyroid, okay. And I told him, I said, Alan, you know, you got to watch how much juicing you’re doing of kale. And he said it’s all very healthy. Well, he had a family history of thyroid issues. He was juicing tons and tons of kale all the time. And it had an effect on his thyroid. Now look, green vegetables are obviously very good for you, however, in the right proportions, okay.
So that’s why the Indian system of medicine, which we teach you in Your Body, Your System® recognized, everyone’s body type is different. Okay. Tomorrow, I believe, we’ll be doing a whole seminar on this. If you’re interested, please let me know. But let me show you this. So Your Body, Your System® helps you figure out what are the right vegetables for you. Okay, what are the right nutrients for you?
Okay, not every not every vegetable is right for the right person. So if you go to Your Body, Your System®, which all of you get, if you sign up as a warrior or a supporter, you get this tool, and you get a whole bunch of other tools with it to get a lot of gifts. But this will let you figure out what is your body and they’ll let you figure out how different foods either affect your body positively or negatively. Okay?
That’s why it’s the right medicine, for the right person, at the right time. So when it comes to Oxalates, if you have a proclivity for forming kidney stones and the Indian system that would say you’re affecting your water, your adrenal system and you’re creating, you know the ability to form structures, right crystalline structures.
If your body has that ability, you should Be careful how many foods that you eat are high in Oxalates doesn’t mean you don’t eat spinach at all. But be careful of the dosaging. This is why traditional medicines have systems and we’re discovering in CytoSolve® it’s all about the amount, you eat too much of something, it’s going to have the negative effect of what it was intended for. Okay?
So that’s what’s really important, your food is medicine, and medicine is food. So be careful with, you know, the green vegetables are very powerful, but recognize that when you concentrate these things, that you could also have profound effects. Now for me, you know, my body, if I eat too much spinach, I, there’s, some of us have a proclivity, there’s an important compound spinach called solanine. And for some people at a certain level, it’ll cause inflammation.
So I tend to eat a little bit of spinach, and I’m aware of this, there are other foods that are very good for me, like, you know, the Bromelain and the Papain of the papaya. So just understand fruits and vegetables. And the things in nature are also medicines. And not everything is right for the right person. Okay, it’s for the right person, at the right time. Your Body, Your System® teaches you that okay. CytoSolve® is discovering that from a different way. What’s the next one, John?
John: They all seem to be about the same, “What if your potassium is high, and have kidney issues?” and also, “It’s possible to abuse anything, even good things.”
Dr.SHIVA: Yep. So I think a number of people are asking look, you should recognize your body is a system, you input something into your body, your body is going to have a certain functional output, okay? But you need to understand that your body is different than a friend’s body, and base and also what you’re doing, if you are a body of a certain type, and you’re not exercising and someone’s exercising, it’s very different. That’s why you know, these Yogi’s who sit behind under a tree all day, and they don’t have any job, they don’t have tension, they don’t have a family, they don’t have to take anything.
Yeah, they can probably live on a blade of grass. Great. But if you’re out there living in the real world, and you have to function and you’re lifting weights, and you’re, you know you’re lifting heavy things, you’re going to need a very different protein intake than someone else. So it’s not one size fits all medicine. That’s what the jabbination goal is right?
The jabs are all about, everyone should get the jobs one size fits all. And same in the health and wellness world, people are doing the same thing. Even a yoga posture, okay, certain yoga posture should not be done by certain people if they’ve hypertension, in fact, in the traditional systems of yoga, in fact, in our tool, Your Body, Your System®, based on where you fall, it won’t recommend certain yoga postures to you.
So in the yogi guru system, a guru would look at you. And they would figure out, oh, for XYZ person, these are the yoga postures that are beneficial, and they would warn you don’t do these yoga postures. Okay. So it’s the right medicine for the right person at the right time. That is a Systems Approach. Next John?
John: Yeah, Johanne says, “that spinach in her experience increases our histamine levels and makes her dizzy.”
Dr.SHIVA: Yeah. So as Johanne is saying, yeah, so each person is different. Okay. One size does not fit all. That’s why when you take this Systems Approach, you find out some people are very fast moving people we call those people who can move information matter and energy transport, no different than a Ferrari. Other people are good. They’ve amazing digestions, no matter what they eat, they stay lean, no different than a car, which can really learn how to use fuel efficiently, right? And that’s a conversion type, right?
And then you have people who, you know, even if they eat a little bit of food that they store a lot of food okay, but they have good memories. And that’s storage and structure, okay, in the Indian system, this was called; Vata, Pitta, Kapha. In Engineering System Theory, we call it; Transport, Conversion, Storage again, or you can apply that same thing to politics; Truth Freedom Health.
Okay, that’s why I don’t have time to get into this but I recommend all of you become Truth Freedom,Health warrior scholars because you will find out the Foundations of Systems you can apply to politics, you can apply to your body, you can apply to understanding why spinach is good for your it’s not good for you. Okay. That’s it, John, anything else?
John: Jamie’s asking, “what yoga postures should I do if I have high blood pressure?” Get to Your Body, Your System®!
Dr.SHIVA: Jamie, go use Your Body, Your System® because it’ll tell you which are so one of the best yoga postures for people with high blood pressure is called the dead body pose. It’s called Svanasana where you learn Lie down. absolutely still, okay, flat. It’s a very simple posture, but look up Svanasana. Okay, obviously, Jamie, you should be concerned about doing headstands. Okay, that’s probably not a good thing. And again, you should consult your doctor in any of this.
And I have to say that I have to give that disclaimer because our shows are an educational show, we’re here to teach you a Systems Approach. And, by the way, Hippocrates, the father of medicine, said “he is a fool who does not become his own doctor.”
So our goal is to give you tools, so you can start taking a Systems Approach, by the way, many, many medical doctors here in our auditorium here, we’ve trained 10’s of 1000’s of healthcare professionals using this approach, and my view is everyone should go through the Truth Freedom Health warrior training program, whether you’re a medical doctor, your mom, your dad, because it’ll give you this foundational knowledge that you can’t get anywhere else.
So anyway, that’s it, John. Okay, everyone, thank you very much. Have a good night. Thank you to the people on Instagram. Sorry about those problems. We’ll try to figure out what Instagrams doing and why that’s happening. Thank you be well.

It’s time we move beyond the Left vs. Right, Republican vs. Democrat. It’s time YOU learn how to apply a systems approach to get the Truth Freedom Health you need and deserve. Become a Truth Freedom Health® Warrior.
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The platform we are building for Truth Freedom Health® provides the infrastructure to take on Big Tech, Big Pharma, and Big Academia. Many of you have asked how you can help. You can contribute whatever you can. Based on your level of commitment to get educated, I have also created some wonderful educational gifts to thank you for your contribution.
To get the education you need and deserve, join Dr.SHIVA on his Foundations of Systems course. This course will provide you three pillars of knowledge with the Foundation of Systems Thinking. The three pillars include: 1) The System Dynamics of Truth Freedom Health, 2) The Power of a Bottom’s Up Movement, and 3) The Not So Obvious Establishment. In this course, you will also learn fundamental principles of all systems including your body.
Course registration includes access to his LIVE Monday training, access to the Your Body, Your System tool, four (4) eBooks including the bestselling System and Revolution, access to the Systems Health portal and communications tools – independent of Big Tech – including a forum and social media for you to build community with other Truth Freedom Health Warriors.
This course is available online for you to study at your own pace.
It’s time to Get Educated, or Be Enslaved.