The original research in this video is made possible by generous contributions from supporters of the Dr.SHIVA Truth Freedom Health® movement. Please contribute so we may continue to bring you such original research, valuable education, and innovative solutions.
- Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD – Inventor of Email, Systems Scientist, engineer, educator – presents a CytoSolve Molecular Systems Analysis on Schisandra and Lung Congestion.
- CytoSolve technology is designed to take a Systems Approach and distilled nearly 1,322 research articles, and about 21 clinical trials that have been written about Schisandra Fruit over 77 years of scientific research.
- Schisandra Fruit is also known as Schisandra Chinensis, it’s a vine plant that’s native to the forests of northern and northeastern China, and it belongs to the Schisandraceae family.
- Schisandra Fruit is antitussive (cough reliever) it’s cardio-protective, protects your heart; hepatoprotective, protects your liver; neuroprotective, protects your brain; it’s an antioxidant, it’s anti-inflammatory, and its hypoglycemic.
- Health benefits can include anti cancer, anti diabetes, it also modulates and supports heart palpitations.
Hello everyone, it’s Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, it’s a little bit after seven, I’ve been away for a couple of days. In the tradition that I come from on the 10th anniversary of my Mom’s passing, I’m supposed to do a set of rituals and take time to retreat, and that’s what I did over the last couple of days.
It’s been a time for reflection and thinking about a lot of important things, but I’m happy to be back. My Mom had this horrible disease called pulmonary fibrosis, which made it hard for her to breathe. And today, we’re going to be talking about, in the area of lung health, something called lung congestion.
I want to share with you some of the research that our team as part of the CytoSolve® Open Science Project, has been doing, to share with you some incredible knowledge of looking at different foods and herbs in nature that can support the lungs, in this particular case, lung congestion. Now in the case of my Mom, had I known that one of the most powerful antioxidants at that time was glutathione, I could have helped her but I unfortunately came to find out about her illness much, much too late.
Lung Health Education Series
My goal is to attempt to do a video a day on different aspects of Systems Science that can be applied to obviously, the body, to understand molecular systems, to understand large scale systems. Our goal over the next few months is we’re going to provide people the opportunity to actually not only hear the videos, but some of you may actually want to get certified.
In some of these courses, we’re building a certification program. Those of you who want to understand the molecular system science of lung health, or the molecular system science of cardiovascular health and how foods affect it, or immune health, we’re going to put that into a program where you can take these videos, but also answer quizzes and questions, and then get certified in this.
That’s one of the things that we want to do, so we hope that helps people educate themselves. As I mentioned, one of our goals is to really help people get educated and apply System Science, so that’s what we’re going to talk about today.
We’re going to be really be talking about Schisandra Fruit and Lung Congestion. Again, this is brought to you by you, many of you, through your generous contributions in supporting the movement for Truth Freedom Health. It is those contributions that are allowing us to do this research, and in our view, we do research the work of major institutions, academic institutions do in a much smarter, shorter time, and a much faster way.
We have the CytoSolve® of Open Science Project, which I’ll talk to you about. You can go to, and you can support that effort. We also created a way that those of you who are interested can actually be part of research and support the research efforts by taking an area that you’re interested in and supporting it.
Today, we’re going to really talk about lung congestion, lung health. This is a first in a series of a couple of different videos we’re going to do on different kinds of foods, herbs, which can support or help alleviate lung congestion. Schisandra Fruit is what we’re going to be talking about today. Those of you who are interested in knowing all the different things that our team does, you can go to, and to learn more about the different activities we’re involved in, so I encourage you to go there.
Schisandra Fruit
As you can see in the title slide, these are what these berries look like. They’re deep, these dark red berries, and we’ll come back to them. Schisandra Fruit and lung congestion is what we’re going to talk about. Schisandra Fruit is also known as Schisandra Chinensis, it’s a vine plant that’s native to the forests of northern and northeastern China, and it belongs to the Schisandraceae family, and its medicinal use actually dates back to ancient China.
There are two important aspects that are used where the medicinal properties get derived from; one is the fruit, and the other is the root. The fruit and the root, and one of the things to understand in traditional systems of medicine, these different parts of a plant have different effects. For example, the fruit, the stems, the root, the leaves, everything, has very, very different properties, but the medicinal part here is the fruit and the route that we’re going to look at today.
What You Will Learn
What you’re going to learn today is, first, what is Schisandra Fruit? If you didn’t know about it, you’re going to learn that. I’m also going to cover lung congestion, what is the lung system? How does it work? How does congestion develop? So, you’re going to really understand that when you get lung congestion, what actually goes on, and then we’re going to look at the molecular pathways of the systems that are involved in the systems of lung congestion. And then we’re going to look at how Schisandra Fruit actually can help alleviate lung congestion.
Again, we’re taking a Systems Approach today. You’re going to learn about the fruit, you’re going to learn about what is a system, how the lungs work, how congestion develops, what are the molecular pathways involved in that, and how we can shunt them through the use of a food like Schisandra Fruit .
When we go through this, you’re going to learn, the lungs, what the normal airways look like, you see they’re nice and clean here, the muscle that supports the lungs, air, and the airway walls, then we’re going to understand what happens when congestion develops and mucus develops.
Journey to Systems
You’re going to get a good understanding of what actually goes on in the normal case, and the abnormal case. As many of you know, I always like to take a Systems Approach, and if you’re joining this video today, my view is that you’re also interested in taking a Systems Approach to everything you do. I’m going to play a little video for you about my journey to systems and then we’ll come right back to Schisandra Fruit and lung congestion.
All right, everyone. That’s a video that I like to play to give all of you perhaps the inspiration to want to become a systems scientist. So go to sign up as a Warrior Scholar, and you’ll get access to all these amazing educational tools. It’ll give you a very, very unique perspective, a scientific perspective, which is much needed today when we live in the world of complex systems.
Let’s go back to Schisandra Fruit. Those of you joining who are new, we’re talking about Schisandra Fruit. It’s a vine plant that’s native to forests of northern and northeast China, belongs to the Schisandraceae Family, and its medicinal use dates back to China, ancient China, and it’s really the fruit and the root that we’re going to look at.
You’re going to learn four major things today. What is the fruit? What is lung congestion? What are the molecular pathway systems of lung congestion? And how does Schisandra Fruit affect those pathways? Now, just to give you an idea, there are over 1,322 research articles, and about 21 clinical trials that have been written about Schisandra Fruit over 77 years of scientific research.
Systems Approach
We’ve looked at various herbs in our series here on various things that I look at. But what we like to do in the effort here is we want to go and look at the individual pieces of work that have been done and bring them together. That’s what a Systems Approach is, you don’t just look at one paper, you look at a body of work. And what emerges when you look at a body of work is truth emerges, or something closer to truth than just looking at one thing.
That’s why I want to bring the slide up here, so you understand we’re not doing individual test tube research, what we’re saying is, there’s already research that’s been done over the last 77 years, 21 clinical trials where they’ve actually tested this food, Schisandra Fruit, or this herb on humans, and they have data from that. And there’s over 1,322 research articles.
We’re going to really mine all those articles, organize them and figure out what’s really going on rather than just looking at one paper. First of all, what is Schisandra, what is this fruit? What is its composition? What is it composed of etc.? What you’ll see is, food is medicine.
The difference between a pharmaceutical drug and food is a pharmaceutical drug is typically one single compound, and it’s typically a synthetic compound, something that doesn’t occur in nature. Now, what you see here is Schisandra Fruit has close to 306 compounds. That’s only the ones that have been identified so far, there could be more.
Schisandra Composition
When you look at this, there’s close to how many other, we got six different types of compounds. We have lignans, triterpenoids, essential oils, phenolic acids, Flavonoids, and phytosterols. These are different classes of compounds, but you have 306 compounds spread across all of these. Now, the research to date shows there’s really a set of them that are known as the active components. If you’re into organic chemistry, or you just like pretty diagrams, these are what are called chemical diagrams.
You see on the far left, there’s something called Sch A, Schisandrin A, that’s one of the molecular components. You see Schisandrin B, which is Sch B, and if you look at the difference between these two, you notice the chemical ring structures, this area here is pretty common. This area is common. This area is common, but it’s in this area versus this area. You have some different chemical structures, and this gives it different activity.
Schisandrin C, as you can see again, it’s similar, but you can see that the stereochemistry is a little bit different here, and over here, it’s similar to this, etc. So, these little minor changes in the structure give it different types of activity.
And then you have schizandrol; which is schizandrol A, and schizandrol B, again different types of chemical structures. It is these five chemical structures, based on the research today, remember, research keeps changing, that these are the five that are the active components in Schisandra.
Biological Effects of Schisandra Fruit
Let’s continue. Now we want to talk about what are the biological effects of Schisandra Fruit? When I say biological effects, we’re talking about at the bio molecular level, what does Schisandra do based on again, the known research, versus we talk about sort of global health benefits and we’re going to cover both here. So, what are the biological effects?
First of all, Schisandra is antitussive. What does that mean? Have you ever heard of robitussin? The “tuss” means relieves coughs, so antitussive means a cough reliever may want to write that down and share that with your friends. Antitussive means a cough reliever. The other thing is, it’s cardio-protective, protects your heart; hepatoprotective, protects your liver; neuroprotective, protects your brain; it’s an antioxidant, it’s anti-inflammatory, and it’s hypoglycemic.
So, you can see it as a lot of different effects, but we’re going to focus on the antitussive cough relieving effects of Schisandra. Okay, what are the health benefits? Well, one of the areas is we’re talking about today is lung congestion, but it also has other areas, cancer, okay, anti cancer, anti diabetes, it also modulates and supports heart palpitations. Alright. Now, when we want to talk about lung congestion, let’s look at it and remember, lung congestion is a system.
Lung Congestion
Let’s look at the lungs here. Here’s your lungs. We’re looking at the lungs here and cross section, and we’re looking at two cases here. Here in the upper right, you have the normal airway. Notice you have the airway wall; these are the walls, so if you looked at, here’s the lungs, which separates out into many, many different branches.
And we’re looking at one of the branches here. Here’s a normal airway, it’s nice and clean. That’s the wall of the airway. And you can see over here there are muscles, which control the airway flow, and we’ll talk more about this.
Now, what happens when you have lung congestion is that the airway first, it gets widened, it’s not this size, it literally gets wide, and it’s filled with mucus. It also is where you have to be careful, it can become scarred and thickened. It’s not this nice structure, it literally becomes thickened. And so, you see, the airway here becomes thickened, you have mucus, and it’s wide.
When congestion occurs, you’re putting tremendous amounts of stress and you’re descending the airway walls filled with mucus. And unfortunately, what can occur is you can also start scarring the airways. So, that’s what that looks like. Just to give you again, you may want to look at that, the normal condition, and the abnormal condition.
Now, how does all this happen? It’s a result of an excess of blood in specific parts of the lungs, and this is a common symptom of respiratory tract infection. When you get a respiratory tract infection, what ends up happening is an excess amount of blood goes to specific parts of the lungs. The body is trying to rid itself of that infection.
When that happens, the mucous membranes become inflamed, and there’s excessive mucus production, blocking different airways, and this is what causes the difficulty in breathing, and it’s an ideal breeding ground for bacteria leading to secondary infection.
Inflammation and Immune System
So, let’s just sort of just step back and understand this. You get an infection, the body as a part of protecting itself from that infection, blood moves into those areas, obviously attempting to handle the inflammation that’s taking place from that infection; the mucous membranes then get inflamed, and then what ends up happening is you have excessive mucus production that blocks those airways.
This causes difficulty in breathing and that this entire situation becomes an ideal breeding ground for bacteria that leads to secondary infections, you see sort of sort of a unfortunate positive feedback model that you get more inflammation, secondary infections, but you can see the infection when you have a weakened immune system, and this is what’s important understand a weakened immune system, the body doesn’t react in a normal way over reacts. And that’s one of the things we want to share with everyone.
When you have an infection, it’s not like the bacteria, the viruses starting to eat at you, your body reacts to that infection. If it reacts in a normal way, through a strong immune system, you get a little bit of effect, and the body knows how to modulate it. But if you don’t have, like shock absorbers in your car, and I’ve used this analogy, you hit a bump and you hit your head and your whole car can break. That’s the equivalent of having a weakened immune system, the body overreacts, and that overreaction is what causes this that you’re seeing here.
Mechanism of Lung Congestion
Now, when we look at the mechanisms of lung congestion, there are many different mechanisms. So, what is a mechanism? Think about a mechanism as a bunch of gears in a car, or gears in a machinery. These mechanisms are all intertwined, and they’re involved in some functional aspects when we’re talking about the function of lung congestion.
These are the four mechanisms involved: Arachidonic Acid Metabolism, Cytokine Production via MAPK, Cytokine Production via NF-κB, Mucin Production, and smooth muscle relaxation. You want smooth, and we’ll come back to this.
There are five different mechanisms involved in supporting more lung congestion, I mean, increasing lung congestion or taking it away. But these are the five major molecular pathways, again, think of these molecular pathways as molecular machines. So, what we do at CytoSolve®, is for different types of phenomena like cancer, lung congestion, Alzheimer’s. We attempt to find all those molecular machinery components, which is called these pathways.
Systems Approach to Lung Health
This is why we take the Systems Approach because it’s not any one thing when you look at this diagram. Someone can go create a medicine just for stopping mucin production, or just for stopping cytokine production, but it’s not really going to holistically or from a systems perspective effect, all the things that are involved. From our analysis, there’s at least five things that involved in lung congestion. Before I go into this, I want to share with you, all of you what is CytoSolve®.
CytoSolve® is a technology that I created, that is a revolutionary technology that allows, without killing animals, to look at the body of work, the literature that’s out there, extract out the molecular pathways, figure out the molecular machinery for different things and use that to understand what’s really going on.
As a part of that, this what I mentioned, we took all the papers involved in lung congestion, looked at all the things that are involved in Schisandra, and out of that, we distilled down to a set of molecular mechanisms. And that’s what we’re able to do. So, we’re not cherry picking, we’re looking across the board of many, many different things.
What I wanted to do is also emphasize to pharmaceutical companies, they don’t look for many, many compounds to affect a particular function, they try to synthesize one compound, then they do test tube testing, then they kill a bunch of animals. This takes six years, and they spend another about seven years testing on humans. The problem is what they’re creating is a single molecule compound.
And it’s not designed to really. First of all it takes a long time, 13 years, a lot of money. And this is why a lot of the pharma companies have to move into vaccines, because with pharmaceutical drugs, they’re spending more and more money, they’re finding less and less discoveries, and it’s highly regulated. Vaccines are not okay. So, there you go. I want to play a little video here. It’s the best way, so I don’t have to repeat myself, to understand what is CytoSolve®, and we’ll come back right to this.
Let’s continue here. So, what we see here is, by the way, CytoSolve® was a very powerful technology, the only one of its kind in the world that lets us really organize these pathways and understand them in testing, so we’re going to now share with you the results of that.
All of you out there who want to support research that we do, you can literally go to There’s a link there, which is the CytoSolve® of Open Science Institute, you can actually email me at, if you want to work together on some research, help go raise funds, support it, map it out, we do that or you can just go contribute whatever you want.
Those of you contribute actually get access to all of our coursework, etc. But you don’t have to contribute anything at all so I just want to let you know that you can be a collaborator in what we’re doing. What we’re sharing with you today is directly coming from your efforts and funding our research and you really can’t get this out of major institutions. Nor will those researchers come here and educate you and that’s what our goal is here. So, you’re getting research and education.
So, these are the pathways. Now we’re going to walk through each one these To the many, many different pathways that are involved here, five different pathways. Let’s begin with Arachidonic Acid Metabolism. Someone just said so love mV25™. Great. We’ll talk about mV25™. Thanks, Bonnie. mV25™ is a product that we actually created out of CytoSolve®.
And we’ll talk more about it and we’ll come back to a thank you. Arachidonic Acid. You see this diagram, this diagram is what if you took a class in biochemistry learning the Arachidonic acid metabolism pathway involves different molecules, different processes. Arachidonic acid metabolism is one of the key things involved in lung congestion. The next one is Cytokine production via MAPK. What happens is these are a series of pathways.
Here’s the cytoplasm, here’s a membrane, and through a series of mechanisms, you have cytokine production. Here is MAPK, you see right here, and COX-2, TNF-Alpha and IL-6, these things are called cytokines. And obviously cytokines are valuable for you to fight infection, but when you have an overreaction, this can cause problems.
Again, a non-healthy immune system overreacts. Then we have cytokine production, we have NF-κB. Here is NF-κB right here. And here is another set of mechanisms where your body will produce other kinds of cytokines in this case, IL-6 is a cytokine, right here, and it’s produced via NF-κB.
Mucin production, this is really what you call, how does mucus get produced. You see a series of molecular pathways going through here, but ultimately, MUCSAC, this is really, when you talk about mucus, this is where mucus is getting produced, but it’s through a series of molecular interactions.
What I’m trying to really open your eyes to is, that you start recognizing that at a fundamental level, the body is a bunch of molecular machines. When you get exogenous inputs, taking place in infection, your body turns on all these machines. And that’s what we’re looking at here, you’re getting some level of detail, it’s not everything, but you are getting some level of detail about what happens.
For example, cigarette smoke here will make your body produce mucus.
Now, what is smooth muscle relaxation? You want that. There are set of pathways involved here from the sympathetic side, and the parasympathetic side, that lead to either relaxation right here, MLC or MLC, where’s phosphorylated, where you get contraction, one of these occurs, but these are the pathways involved in smooth muscle reaction, now.
Now I want you to watch this very carefully. I’ve done this in other areas. So, you have these molecular machinery that get turned on when your body is infected, and it’s going into this lung congestion mode. So how do you know what you need to do to alleviate that lung congestion?
Well, this is the best way to think about it? You want to set a variable, if you were to measure it in your body called PGE-2, PGE-2 gets raised when you get Arachidonic acid metabolism. Well, guess what, you want to bring that down. IL-1 and IL-8 are the cytokines that could produce well, you want to bring those down, if you want to bring down lung congestion, IL-6 and IL-8 are produced via NF-κB, you want to bring both of these molecules down.
That’s what the red means you want to bring these down. Mucin-5 is produced during mucin production, guess what you want to bring that down. But MLCP is what you want to increase, that lets your smooth muscles in the lungs react, because when they’re contracted and you’re stiff, all that tension is when your body can’t get rid of that congestion.
Just look at these wonderful ways you can think about this. There are four variables you want to bring, four systems you want to down regulate, and they’re done using six different molecules, and there’s one molecule you want to increase. So, that’s what we want to do. When you want to think about it broadly, if you start now, you have a Systems Approach to understand how to alleviate yourself of lung congestion. So, if you start looking at the literature, you can say, well, what brings this down, and this down, and this down?
This is where combinations are important because you’ll find out shortly in the series that some things increase certain things, other things will lower certain things. And this is the CytoSolve® Open Science approach, where we take a Systems Approach, and we try to figure out what’s going on.
Let’s look at this even closer, now let’s look at Schisandra. Now that you understand the molecular systems, what are the variables you want to bring down? And what are the ones you want to bring up? How does taking Schisandra affect this lung congestion process? That’s what we want to look at.
What we’re going to look at is, we’re going to find out that there are different chemicals, that so for example, if you look at if I map out all the molecular pathways along here, and again, these are all the molecules along here, we’re going to find out, what does Schisandra Fruit do?
You notice it really helps smooth muscle react relaxation, it definitely helps with mucin- and reduces IL-1 and 8, not that much for PGE-2. But this heat map that we have developed helps you understand how Schisandra Fruit affects these pathways. And before I go into that, I’ve given you sort of the big story here, that I want to also share with you about the technology that we use CytoSove® in our Open Science Project.
Dr.SHIVA™ mV25™
It was about two years ago, we’ve been helping many, many companies, many, many partners use our technology, we decided now that we have over the last 16 years, many, many different molecular machineries that we figured out, what about we looked at everything out there that had to do with pain and inflammation.
And we were fortunate to be able to discover a combination of compounds that could have profound effects on pain and inflammation and discomfort. And that product is mV25™. And I want to just take a quick break, because a lot of you have been putting it up there. But mV25™ is a product that I’ll come up with the best way to share with you what this product is because some of you may be interested in it. But this comes out of using the CytoSolve® technology. So let me just share this video.

So those of you who are interested in mV25™, you can literally go to And right up here is a shop link. And if you click on that, you’ll find mV25™. And you can order it.
Let’s go back to lung congestion. So, the same approach that we look at, when we developed mV25™, is the same approach we’re doing to research, we look at a set of pathways, not just one.
When we built mV25™, the goal was to find out, there are many, many pathways involved in pain and inflammation, not just one, there’s about five of them. And the idea was what was the optimal combination of ingredients from nature we could find, which would hit all those pathways essentially, think about these as gears. And what you’re trying to do is poke a stick in there to stop those gears so you reduce pain and inflammation.
Similarly, here, we have identified five different mechanisms, Arachidonic acid metabolism, cytokine production via MAPK, cytokine production, NF-κB, Mucin production, and Smooth muscle relaxation. These are called biomarkers. So, PGE-2, IL-1, IL-8, PGE-2 is involved in Arachidonic; IL-1 and IL-8, cytokine production; MAPK, IL-6, and IL-8, cytokine production via NF-κB; Mucin-5, Mucin production of MLCP for smooth muscle.
What we’re looking at in the next row here, this is Schisandra Fruit, the chemicals within it, how are they? Which of the aspects of lung congestion are they working on? And see this is getting at a different level of detail and saying, “oh, yeah, take this, it’s going to alleviate lung congestion.” That’s sort of the snake oil way that a lot of these supplement companies work.
And that’s why we want to emphasize that we don’t want to take the snake oil way of the Big Vitamin nor Big Pharma, we want to take a Systems Approach. A Systems Approach is now giving you, Hey, there’s five different things you need to affect if you really want to bring down lung congestion. It’s not just one thing.
Some people say, “oh, yeah, I took this herb” and well, that one herb may only affect one aspect, and we’re finding out what Schisandra here is. Schisandra is really good, because you see the bright green, it’s really good for relaxing muscle, it’s reasonably good for cytokine production-reduction, IL-1 and IL-8, as well as Mucin-5.
And it’s pretty good for IL-6, and IL-8 for cytokine production here. So, it’s really good for modulating cytokine production and mucin five, it’s killer for MLCP upregulation. But it doesn’t really do that well, for what we call the inflammation or Arachidonic process. There may be some other ingredient you could combine it with, and we’ll talk more about that.
Let’s look at IL-1, we mathematically modeled all the molecular pathways of cytokine production. And then again, we’re doing this by the way, just want to inform everyone without killing animals. We modeled all those pathways, then we dropped in the particular molecular component of Schisandra Fruit. And what do we find here? First of all, let’s look at IL-1. And we see here that if you take the control case, and you say IL-1, which means the case without taking Schisandra, it’s at around 0.2, let’s say that’s 0.24, .0.245, 0.2475.
And when you take Schisandra, fruit brings it down, it’s not bringing it down tremendously. That’s why it has some effect on IL-1. It’s not bright green, but it doesn’t have any effect. It definitely has some effect, so it does have an effect on bringing down IL-1 production. Next we looked at IL-8. And same here, you see IL-8, it goes from 0.12, down to around 0.11, somewhere in that range, but again, it has some minimal effect, but it does have an effect for IL-8.
Then we look at IL-6, which is another cytokine. And you notice here, it actually has, again, a minor effect from control, which is Schisanda. So, IL-6, definitely brings down and same here and you look at IL-8, same.
So, the point is that Schisandra Fruit does have an effect of down regulating those four cytokines that I just went through, so that’s what we just took over here. Then, we looked at Mucin, Mucin-5 is the thing that really results in mucus production. And you can see it has a pretty good effect on reducing mucus production, which is what helps alleviate the congestion right there.
Now, what I want to really the most profound effect our research showed was that Schisandra Fruit relaxes, it relaxes the smooth muscles around the airway. So, when they’re contracted, you’re becoming stiff, and that’s not a good thing because you’re literally holding on to that mucus. You want to loosen it, you want to get the mucus out so you want the muscles to relax.
And that’s what the big discovery that came out of this research from CytoSolve® is – look at what it does. So, when you have MLCP, which is an important variable, that it’s at a low level, you want to increase it, that’s a good thing. So, you want to increase MLCP, and look what it does. It goes from 600 to 900. That’s nearly a 50% increase. So relative to all of these other aspects that Schisandra Fruit effects, yes, it definitely has an effect on cytokine, but it has a massive, profound effect on smooth muscle relaxation. That’s what we see there.
So, I wanted to help you understand, and we’re going to do it. We have other herbs we’re going to look at over the next few days. Schisandra is only one of them. And you notice it really affects the smooth muscle relaxation, the MLCP production, which relaxes your muscles. So, we have taken a Systems Approach here.
We’re going to look at several other herbs over the next few days. And the key approach is, we’re taking a Systems Approach. And this Systems Approach that we’ve developed comes from integrating eastern and western medicine, from bringing in engineering systems theory.
Truth Freedom Health™
But you can apply the Systems Approach to anything you want you can apply to your body and we’ve created tools for that you can apply to understanding herbs you can apply to understanding political systems. So, I wanted before I wrapped up and I just wanted to come right back.
I want to encourage all of you to become Truth Freedom Health Warriors. We’ve created a course program we’ve made it accessible to anyone if people want to scholarship right to me, but I want to play that video for you. So all of you understand what is it we’ve created as a part of our movement, I’ll be right back to summarize.
Alright, let’s summarize. So when it comes to Schisandra Fruit. Schisandra Fruit has several health benefits for lung health. It down regulates production of inflammatory cytokines, thereby controlling inflammation in lung airways. This is a very important part to understand. If you have a strong immune system, your body doesn’t overreact. So, what Schisandra Fruit does is it down regulates those inflammatory cytokines, so you don’t go overboard and overreact.
The next thing Schisandra does it downregulates Mucin-5 production, and we know that this does it really well, and thereby controls excessive mucus production. And then finally, most profoundly Schisandra up regulates the production of MLCP, and that leads to relaxation of the airway, smooth muscle cells, and the opening up of the airways. Alright, so there you go. We just went through Schisandra Fruit, and lung congestion. I hope this was valuable.
Let me look at any comments we have here. Someone says, “Dr.Shiva has his own herbs, you can buy on his website?” No, I don’t have any herbs. I think I could put some up, but I don’t. And maybe we could do that. Someone says, oh, Steve. Thank you, Steve. Very sweet of you. Someone says, “thank you for sharing your work.” Someone says, “thank you for taking time for another great CytoSolve® report.” You’re welcome. So anyway, keep an eye out. Because we’re going to be doing another herb, we’re going to look at a surprise herb that will affect a different set of those pathways.
So, Schisandra Fruit affects this set of pathways for smooth, muscle relaxing. Imagine having another weapon in your arsenal that you could use, and this is what’s called Combination Therapy, and this would be the power of CytoSolve®. Thank you, everyone. Go to, to support yourself and support the movement so you can get educated. Thank you be well, good night. Let me just play our final little closing clip. And we’re done. Thank you.

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