The original research in this video is made possible by generous contributions from supporters of the Dr.SHIVA Truth Freedom Health® movement. Please contribute so we may continue to bring you such original research, valuable education, and innovative solutions.
Key Points
- Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD – Inventor of Email, Systems Scientist, engineer, educator – Shares on his birthday that he is planning on running for Governor. Not under the illusion of winning but to accelerate the Movement for Truth Freedom Health.
- We know and have demonstrated that Elections are Selections. Like Rosa Parks getting on the bus, but refusing to comply; if we run for office, we do so on OUR terms.
- We use the platform of electoral politics to build our Movement on the ground.
- The Movement itself is more powerful and important than any elective office.
- If our Movement does win elections, we use the platform of those offices to further accelerate our movement.
- No one who wins elective office in this corrupt system can achieve Truth Freedom & Health for working people without a Bottom’s Up Movement on the ground; the office without the movement is worthless.
- A Bottom’s Up movement of united working people can achieve Truth Freedom Health even without achieving elective office.
people, elites, running, unite, freedom, workers, movement, working, left, understand, slogan, truth, health, global elites, country, united states, colluded, political, British crown, elections, office
Hello, everyone, this is Dr.Shiva Ayyadurai. It’s December 2, it’s my birthday. I thought I would use this occasion to announce that I’m going to be running for governor of Massachusetts. It’s been a discussion that I’ve had for a long time with a number of people. I want to let everyone know that this decision to run for governor, we’re going to figure out the modality of how we’re going to do it. The reason that we’re going to do it is that we want to encourage everyone out there to start running for offices, under the Truth Freedom Health™; under the Banner of Truth Freedom Health™ because these elections are an opportunity for us to use as a platform.
We all know, elections are selections in this country. And there are serious issues with Election Integrity. As many of you know, our movement, my work in particular, pioneered this starting in September of 2020. We exposed what occurred in the 2020 general elections. That is what put this issue on the map. Following that we had many, many people we call: Grifters, people who have raised a lot of money, including the President of the United States; half a billion dollars when you add it up.
Yet they have failed to address the real issue and we don’t know what they’ve done with this money. And I’ve openly discussed this with these people. We will continue to do our work to expose the fact that in the United States, there has been a serious attack on working people.
And this attack on working people is what our campaign will be about. Our slogan for this campaign is something that is very, very simple. It’s a slogan that everyone should unite around. Because for far too long, what’s gone on in this country the elites, for the last 50 to 70 years, have been working together. As you can see in one of our cards our slogan is going to be is really focused on unity of working people.
We’re not here to do some namby pamby unity among all different people, or some kumbaya. The real kumbaya that needs to occur is that working people in this country or in the world need to unite? Because when you look at the arc of human history, and you take it back to the origins of this from the time post hunter gatherer societies, when there was some level of freedom, what has happened has divided workers.
The slogan:
This is the core of our campaign, which is going to inspire, hopefully, all of you to participate. One of the main things we want to recognize is running for office in this milieu, is that you must know that the left and the right; Republicans and Democrats, have colluded against working people. It is not about focusing on winning. It is about using the occasion when a lot of people are focused, by the elite owned media on these 2022 elections.
Get Educated in Systems Science
This is an occasion that we need to start really hammering away at the essence of what’s going to be the solutions. It is about working people uniting Truth Freedom Health™, Truth Freedom Health™, Truth Freedom Health™. We need to use this occasion for every one of you a get educated on the Science of Systems. Get educated on the science of understanding the interconnection between Truth Freedom Health™.
Because without this nuclear physics, of really understanding political theory, we’re never going to win anything for working people. The left or the right, from the Republicans or the Democrats, without the science it will be ping pong, Tweedledee and Tweedledum. In fact, they will take any real issue like election integrity issues, and always diminish it by raising money off it, and never really addressing the real issues. Our slogan is for workers to unite; Truth Freedom Health, Beyond Left & Right.
Workers Unite Truth, Truth Freedom Health™Beyond Left & Right. And I’ll repeat, Workers Unite Truth Freedom Health™ Beyond Left & Right.
The History of Workers Movements
Why do we want to talk about that? Well, I want to give all of you a historical understanding in a few minutes. You recognize that without working people breaking from the left right, from the Republican Democrat thought process, that we’re never going to solve anything.
If you look at where we’re right now, a lot of people have been awakened because of the vaccine mandates, the censorship that’s been going on, the mask mandates and all of the issues our movement has led, pioneered and addressed in very unique ways and what the solutions are. If you look at just those three issues, or racism, or the attack on basic civil liberties, what you’ll recognize is that if you just woke up yesterday, to become politically active recently, right, oh, my god, the job mandates are coming.
And you’re saying, Oh, my God, what do we do, and you fall into this pro Vax anti Vax camp or pro mask, anti-mask camp. This is a cause for division. And, you know, my position on the vaccines is about the right medicine, for the right person, at the right time. I’ve spoken and given many, many video lectures on the immune system on why it’s important to build community and build immunity: we that’s one part of it.
But the real bigger issue here is that those in power, a small set of people, have us all fighting against each: Division. And this goes back to the British Crown, divided and rule, divide and rule divide and rule. And while they are dividing and ruling us on every one of these issues, if you’re a working person, you’re being suffocated more, and your wages are going down. It’s the last part of a process that’s been taking place for a long time, which is total enslavement of working people.
The American Working Class
So, the way we want to look at this is, if you look at 1776; that was a time when working people rose up to the elites, including the elite merchants, including the “Founding Fathers”. They would not have been able to fight the American Revolution without working people. They were forced to give the working class the First Amendment and the Second Amendment so they would join the fight against the King of England.
You need to understand that. When those two important amendments, the First Amendment and the Second Amendment to the American were given to working people, that was like a bomb went off throughout the universe. And in that universe, ruled up until that point by the British Empire, the British crown.
The fact that working people were afforded those two amazing amendments and those rights became a significant issue, in this case for the British crown. And if you look at world history, the American working class at that instant became the most powerful force for change on the planet, and for that matter, the universe. Now we don’t know if aliens exist, we haven’t seen them, but you could say in the universe.
Since that point, what has occurred is that those in power, the British crown, and the British establishment, involving now many global elite families, have been trying to hammer away at destroying the tip of the spear of the workers movement, which was the American working class. So, what have the British done? Well, you can just look at it in 1812; which country tried to occupy America and burned down the White House? It was the British. Which country inspired the American Civil War or spurred it on to divide Americans up? That was the British. Which country got the world involved in World War One; it was a British Empire. And you can also look at World War Two. I’ll be doing more videos on this.
The Center of the Global Swamp: Harvard & Oxford
But one of the most important things to understand is Massachusetts. The state that I live in, is a center of the swamp, of the global swamp. It is where Harvard University is, it is where the censorship infrastructure was designed. Most of the so-called innovations, which are used including the “Jabinations” came out of here; in a one-mile radius from where I live here.
Massachusetts is the sewer that feeds the global swamp when the British lost in 1776 they didn’t simply pack up and leave. Most of the people that lost ended up embedding themselves here into universities like Harvard, and their sister University called Oxford. So, Oxford, and Harvard are the sister universities which collude against working people globally. So, what we’re witnessing right now, is a global attack on working people.
Working Class People Rise Up
And that attack really consolidated starting the 50s in the 70s. And why do I say that? Well, in the late 1800s, and early 1900s, the American working class rose up, same as the Russian workers in the 1900s as did the Indian workers. If you look globally, throughout the world, the late 1800s and 1900s were a period of upheaval.
In fact, in the United States, you can Google it right now; it was called the Grand upheaval. And in that grand upheaval, working people rose up, led by women in the United States, they exercised their First Amendment rights, and they had the ability to exercise their Second Amendment rights.
By the early 1900s, those workers movements in the United States put a gun to the head of the elites. They forced the elites to give the American worker what they wanted: They eliminated child labor, they deliver the eight-hour workday, they delivered infrastructure, they delivered clean water. All of the infrastructure the United States got was because of those workers movements of the 1900s.
All this has been removed from US history. In fact, those movements all inspired the Russian workers to rise up. But at that point in history, there was not enough political theory to move those movements forward. They were weak still, but they had the force of the work working people. So, in the 1950s, the elites; the left and the right: Listen to this very carefully, the left and the right colluded to make sure that you and I and working people would never unite again, because they saw the immense danger it was to them.
So, in the 1950s in the United States, they started the “McCarthy Era”, the anti-capital C communist era. The right wing did it; the Republicans did it. They said that if you ever said, “Workers Unite”, you must be supporting Russian communism. And you might as well put a beard on and support Karl Marx; that it was Marxist. Using that lie; what the right wing did was they cut the legs off workers movements in this country and globally, meaning bottoms up workers movements.
Workers’ Rights, Working People Unite
What they did, in collusion with the left and the Democrats, is made sure that the workers movements were controlled top down through modern day unions. Up until that point, it was organic; people rising up, and then they converted it to GMO, you know, genetically modified organizations of unions.
So, the left and the right colluded with the right-wing scared people; if you ever use the slogan“Workers’ Rights”, or “Working People Unite” or “Workers Unite”, that as though that’s owned by Karl Marx: It isn’t. “Workers Unite” has existed since the time the pyramids were put up. And the left wing took over the union’s top down.
What ended up happening by the 70s is the left and the right colluded against you working people. Up until 1970s, there were close to 11,000 strikes in the United States. Hundreds of millions of American workers took to the streets to demand their rights.
The Attack on Working People
But after the 1970 with a consolidation of the top-down unions and scaring people with anticommunist rhetoric, the left and the right colluded to make sure working people never built their own Bottoms-up movements. So what ended up happening is that between 1970 until today, is that there has been no working movements at all.
Until recently, when the vaccine mandates hit; when the mask mandate hit and the people started realizing with our movement, particularly our lawsuit, that government and big tech are one. You have censorship, the attack on working people that they’re going to all be jabbed and controlled.
But this is part of a long process, because starting in 1972 until today, working people’s wages have been brutally attacked. If you are making about $50,000 today, you should be making about 120 grand. The remaining delta of $70,000 spread out over the last 50 years equaled about $47 trillion that was extracted from hard working people to the elites like Jeff Bezos; just in the last nine months as I’ve talked about it over and over again, 600 billionaires doubled their wealth. And this was not because they did some great work or worked hard. It was because they actually manipulated Capitalism.
Trump did lockdowns; Biden is doing lockdowns. But they didn’t lock down Amazon, they didn’t lock down Walmart, they kept the big guys running, while they crashed working people in small businesses. This was a global effort of the elites to slow down the economy because they’ve been running a fake economy.
So, the reason I’m running for governor is to use this platform in a very deliberate way to bring our focus back to the following slogan that workers unite, Truth Freedom Health™, beyond left, and right?
I want you to look at that slogan carefully. Because if you are a working person, on the right wing, the Republicans now try to claim they’re the party of blue-collar people, and they just take advantage of the working class. Whites in the United States are the most powerful working class in the world because they still have the Second Amendment; the First Amendment is essentially obliterated, as our lawsuit showed, because of the collusion of government and big tech. So, the goal of the elites is; the next phase is Neo colonialism. And the biggest asset that they see is America, particularly, to devastate the American working class.
It’s time we took up the slogan: “Workers Unite”, Workers Unite! Beyond Left & Right
Truth Freedom Health™
I will be sharing with you shortly our methodology for running: Whether I decide to run still in the Republican Party? As you know, Donald Trump was manipulated by forces around him to endorse an idiot in Massachusetts, who actually committed election fraud who was – as part of election fraud. I’ll give details. I’ve met with the President on this, and he said, “I did it”; “Had I known you were running, I would have endorsed you”.
But he did it because he didn’t want this guy, Charlie Baker, to run. Well, Charlie Baker isn’t running anymore for governor. So, President Trump has no reason to endorse the fool, the moron and his name, we won’t even say but he’s a dirty fellow. It’s time America deserves working people running; people who actually work.
We Will Win When You Get Educated in the Science of Systems and Become a Warrior Scholar: Truth Freedom Health™
I want to encourage all of you to start seriously thinking about in 2022.
Running on the banner of Truth Freedom Health™; on the banner of “Workers Unite, Beyond Left and Right.
And the goal would be I want each one of you to go to Truth Freedom Health™, learn political theory, learn the Science of Systems because you’re not going to be able to run and be successful or even have an impact and win or have success. By the way, by success; let me be very clear, we know elections are selections, our success is not to win on their battleground, but to devastate the elites by building a broad understanding of political theory about why we must unite beyond left and right, why working people must unite. And that itself is a victory.
The more people that understand that working people must unite; the more people that understand the connection between freedom, truth, and health and Truth Freedom Health™. We win because these fellows cannot fool us anymore. And then we will start learning how to not to comply. Okay, there’s more of us than them. But why do we keep complying to their slavery? It is because the lack of political theory exists.
So, I’m running for governor, it is my birthday. And I thought this would be my gift to you. And a gift to essentially everything that this country has done for me and educating me and, and bringing me you know, many, many great fortunes. But I want to encourage all of you, if you want to think about becoming an active person who really cares about the working people in this country.
That number one go to sign up to become a warrior scholar and then if you’re serious about this, email me at, because we’re going to support a mass movement of citizens running for office, but not to win. We’re not here to win on their battleground. Our winning definition is to devastate them with Truth Freedom Health™on the ground.
We must educate people why working people must unite; expose to the citizenry what these people have done to destroy infrastructure in this country; Massachusetts gets a F minus minus on infrastructure. For both political parties; it’s all a racket for them. They run for office, they raise your donations, they feed their consultants, and it’s just a machine. But our movement, the movement for Truth Freedom Health™ is going to devastate the existing establishment by engaging people to raise their political consciousness. And that can only begin if you first understand the Science of Systems.
You’re not going to win anything in this world. If You don’t understand the Science of Systems I want you to listen to this video and I’ll come back shortly because I have a couple more important points to make.
Thank you, everyone, I hope everyone got that video, go to, and do this for yourself to learn the best gift you can give me if you want to give me any gift on my birthdays for you to get educated and not be enslaved. But what I want to wrap up with this to re emphasize this point, when you look at the arc of human history, and you look at: Imagine if you just went to a movie, a three-hour movie, and you only saw the last two minutes.
And a lot of people are watching those two minutes of the movie right now, which is that the vaccine mandates the immense censorship that’s underway and essentially a lot of divisiveness has occurred in the United States is on nearly every issue. There is a lot of confusion, and a lot of people are depressed: But they’re watching the two minutes of this movie.
They do not understand what actually took place that led to here. What took place that got us here has been a recurring theme of the global elites, working extremely hard. And by the way, there’s two poles where the global elites operate out of: One out of Cambridge, Massachusetts with the center being places like Harvard University. The other is places are in Britain like Oxford University.
This is where the theoreticians of the elites operate. Their fundamental theory, as I shared in this video, is that they know better than you, let me repeat that, again. The fundamental theory of the elites is they know better than you, and you do not deserve freedom, you do not deserve truth, you do not deserve health: They deserve truth, they deserve health, and they deserve freedom for themselves.
And this is why you see a constant contradiction, one rule for them and another rule for us. And the elites are banking on the brainwashing that you don’t care enough about you, that you will constantly outsource your freedom to a politician, whoever they are. Not to you participating in building a bottom-up movement.
Running for Office as a Platform to Build a Bottom-up Movement
So, my running for governor, and my running for any political office, for that matter, as I’ve repeatedly said, even when we ran for Senate, etc., was to build a bottom-up movement. And we have an opportunity now historically to do that. And the reason I say that is,
A.) The movement for Truth Freedom Health™ exists,
B.) We’ve made possible educational technology, so you can actually understand the deep depth of political theory without having to spend 50 years like I had to do.
But most importantly, this is an opportunity for you, for you at a very deep level, not only a physical level, but as deeply spiritual level for you to gain control of your own life
C.) That you can be a force for change.
1.) Get educated.
2.) Use a community that we built together, you know, and you can go on the Truth Freedom Health™ platform, so you can start seeing it and we are doing this all independently of Big Tech. But more importantly,
3.) Get on the ground and connect with your neighbors and start uniting. Working People Uniting.
That will require for you, you can do it in various ways, to get educated, you can go on to the dashboard that we created on Truth Freedom Health™, connect with other people and download different flyers and leaflets.
But you may also all want to think about running for office. And if you want to do that go to, you can email me at It’s my personal email address.
And wherever you are in the world, in or in the United States; we want people to start running for office under the Truth Freedom Health™ banner. Imagine having a big map where we can show here all of our Truth Freedom Health™, warrior scholars running and we’re all running to the same singular drumbeat, which is Workers Unite, Truth Freedom Health™, beyond Left and Right. That is our slogan, Okay, who wants to run? And these cards we can put up on the on our website.
But most importantly, we want to build a global movement. If it’s John Medlar right for the Senate office, Workers Unite, and John’s picture will be there. If it’s Crystal Ellis for Nebraska governor, okay. Workers Unite. That’ll be one side of the card and on the other side of the card will be Workers Unite.
And we need to create a powerful movement not to win in their elections, and if we happen to win, maybe we will have gotten in somehow and they didn’t know what to do. But the goal is for working people to unite and recognize the interconnection between Truth Freedom Health™. So, we never get suckered anymore by the Republicans or the Democrats or the controlled opposition. In order to do that, you must learn the fundamental principles of Systems Science.
So, anyway, I wanted to do this within 30 minutes. I want to encourage everyone, and thank you for all your birthday wishes. I’m going to go out to dinner, and have a great birthday dinner.
But I want to welcome all of you to recognize that today, December 2, 2021; think about it as an inspiring day for you to take control of your lives. Because our movement for Truth Freedom Health™ is about you. It’s about you recognizing the power in working people; For far too long, we’ve given it up because we’ve been lazy, and we don’t need to be lazy anymore we can be very efficient now.
Go to learn the science, become a warrior scholar, and then use that knowledge to get involved locally, and educate others on what the real essence of political theory is. But more importantly, what we can do, unified along common principles, not along me Democratic Party, Republican Party, that stuff isn’t going to go anywhere. Okay, we’re just going to go into another cycle of bullshit.
What’s the way this is going to work in a positive way for you in a positive way for your family, for your country, wherever you are, is to build this bottom-up movement.
Workers Unite
Truth Freedom Health™
Beyond Left & Right,
So, anyway, wish all of you well, have a good night and you’ll be seeing more to come.
We’ll give you more details. But the most important thing is I want all of you to seriously consider running under the Truth Freedom Health™ banner in your local communities, whatever it is; a school board, you know, state rep. Governor, go for it.
Okay. And we will use this attention of 2022 to expose the real failings of the establishment but more importantly, to stand for clean elections, clean air, clean water, clean food, alright and more. But we have to build the infrastructure and we have to do that bottoms up because that is what it will deliver us Truth Freedom Health™.
Thank you, everyone. Have a good evening.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD in Biological Engineering, the Inventor of Email, Scientist, Engineer, Educator – I Am Running For Governor – Working People

It’s time we move beyond the Left vs. Right, Republican vs. Democrat. It’s time YOU learn how to apply a systems approach to get the Truth Freedom Health you need and deserve. Become a Truth Freedom Health® Warrior.
Join the VASHIVA community – an integrated EDUCATIONAL, COMMUNICATIONS – independent of Big Tech -, and LOCAL ACTIVISM platform to empower YOU to actualize Truth Freedom Health in your local communities by employing a SYSTEMS APPROACH.
The platform we are building for Truth Freedom Health® provides the infrastructure to take on Big Tech, Big Pharma, and Big Academia. Many of you have asked how you can help. You can contribute whatever you can. Based on your level of commitment to get educated, I have also created some wonderful educational gifts to thank you for your contribution.
To get the education you need and deserve, join Dr.SHIVA on his Foundations of Systems course. This course will provide you three pillars of knowledge with the Foundation of Systems Thinking. The three pillars include: 1) The System Dynamics of Truth Freedom Health, 2) The Power of a Bottom’s Up Movement, and 3) The Not So Obvious Establishment. In this course, you will also learn fundamental principles of all systems including your body.
Course registration includes access to his LIVE Monday training, access to the Your Body, Your System tool, four (4) eBooks including the bestselling System and Revolution, access to the Systems Health portal and communications tools – independent of Big Tech – including a forum and social media for you to build community with other Truth Freedom Health Warriors.
This course is available online for you to study at your own pace.
It’s time to Get Educated, or Be Enslaved.