- Dr Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD – Inventor of Email, scientist, engineer, and educator – presents a CytoSolve Systems Analysis on the synergistic effects of Arginine and Caffeine on Cardiovascular Health.
- CytoSolve technology is designed to take a Systems Approach and distilled nearly 131,358 research papers, 2239 clinical trials, over 52 years of scientific research on Arginine, and 35,519 research articles, 1,688 clinical trials, over 55 years of research on Caffeine.
- Arginine is a semi essential amino acid, meaning if you’re in overall good health your body will make it and if under stress or in a disease state, your body will not make it. L-Arginine plays an important part in key metabolic pathways that maintain body function including Krebs Cycle, Urea Cycle, Nitric Oxide Metabolism, and Acid/Base Balance.
- Caffeine is stimulant, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, and a diuretic. Caffeine nitric oxide production in the blood vessels by inhibiting adenosine receptor, thereby causing hypertension.
- CytoSolve analysis revealed that supplementation of Arginine with low dose Caffeine restored nitric oxide levels. However, people with proclivity for cardiovascular disease are most adversely affected by high dose caffeine supplementation and their NO levels remain depressed even after L-Arginine supplementation.
The original research in this video is made possible by generous contributions from supporters of the Dr.SHIVA Truth Freedom Health® movement. Please contribute so we may continue to bring you such original research, valuable education, and innovative solutions.
Good afternoon, everyone, it’s Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai. It’s good to be back. As many of you know, I’ve been extremely busy organizing lawyers, and the legal stuff that we’re doing for our important David vs Goliath First Amendment lawsuit, and if people want to know about that you can go to WinBackFreedom.com. As you know, we’re making history, where we’ve shown that it is the government that has created a state apparatus, an infrastructure to suppress the speech of every American citizen, and for those of you who want to know more about it, please go to WinBackFreedom.com.
As many of you know, I’ve been representing myself in federal court, multiple, 35 briefs I filed, but now we have a team of lawyers that have also come in to help with depositions, discovery, and briefings, so it’s quite exciting, and this was all made possible by our movement for Truth Freedom Health. What I’d like to do before I start, because today’s talk is really going to be about one of our scientific talks, we’re gonna get back on track, typically at 4 pm I’ll try to do a talk on science, but we’re going to go back to the Cardiovascular System.
As many of you know, about two or three weeks ago, before I had to sort of dive deep into the lawsuit, we were talking about Arginine, its effect on the Cardiovascular system, and then I talked about Caffeine, but today we’re going to use the CytoSolve Systems analysis of how we put both of those together and the effects that they have.
So, remember, one of the things that Systems Theory teaches us, is that when you look at a complex system, like the Cardiovascular System, you can look at a single ingredient, which we did Arginine’s effect on Nitric Oxide release, very important for cardiovascular health, vasodilation, then we looked also at Caffeine, which has almost an antagonistic effect in bringing down NO. But what happens when you combine them together?
That’s what we’re going to do today, and this is part of the work that we did for the Army Surgeon General who asked me to be part of an expert review committee, and then we did this as a work in many ways as public service, and this was later published in one of the dietary supplement’s journals, so that’s what we’re going to share with you today, but the goal is to educate everyone on a Systems Approach.
Before I start, I want to play a video which will show all of you why a Systems Approach is important; and my journey to Systems Thinking. So let me bring that up. Some of you may have seen it before, but I think it’s important to review this, so here we go. Hope you guys enjoy it.
Alright, everyone, I hope that was valuable. Today we’re going to be talking about one of our Systems Biology talks on really looking at the Cardiovascular System, and how two ingredients interact, one of them being Caffeine, the other one being Arginine. If you go back and look at the previous talks I did a couple of weeks ago, you can look at individually how we analyze, but today we’re going to do something very cool, we’re going to look at what happens when Arginine and Caffeine combine.
Now the reason I do these talks, in addition to the political talks, is to engage everyone to recognize that when you look at a Political System, or a Cardiovascular System, or Biological Systems, they all follow the same Systems Principles. That’s why there’s a little ticker running here called TruthFreedomHealth.com And the only way out of the very nonsensical Republican, Democrat, left-right nonsense, which has really been created so we as individuals, we as working people, do not unite and build a bottoms-up movement, and that is what our movement is about.
We have to get our consciousness raised and recognize that the Political System is not about anything founded on fundamental science, for that matter, System Science, it’s actually founded on taking advantage of people, so we as working people, black and white, left and right never come together as a group, fighting for our own interests, rather, one day we’ll support Obama, another day we support Trump, one day Bernie, one day, DeSantis, Tulsi Gabbard, whatever the elites are working towards.
I encourage everyone to go to TruthFreedomHealth.com, and I’ll come back and share with you more about what the program is, and learn the Science of Systems. The Science of Systems is Nuclear Physics of politics. But that science, you can apply to anything, and today, we’re going to be applying that at the Molecular Systems level. And as you can see, it’s Arginine and Caffeine and Cardiovascular Health.
What You Will Learn
What we’re going to learn today is first of all, what is Arginine? We’ll review that. What is Caffeine at the molecular level? Arginine’s effects on Biological Functions and Caffeine’s effects on biological functions. We’re gonna look at Arginine’s effects on biological functions and its health benefits. We’re gonna look at Caffeine’s effects on biological functions and Caffeine’s health benefits, and then we’re going to look at the Synergistic effect of Arginine and Caffeine on Cardiovascular Health. And then we’re going to look at the clinical evidence on dosaging, how much you should take or should not take.
So, let’s just jump right in. First of all, what is Arginine? Alright, so if you’re seeing this right here, Arginine is actually a molecule. First of all, it’s an amino acid, there are different kinds of amino acids, but what’s fascinating is that Arginine is actually a semi-essential amino acid, in some ways, it’s a new category.
They have essential and non-essential, and it’s a structural component of many proteins, and you can see on the left side, characteristically, most amino acids have the C double bond OH, which is characteristic of an acid, and this NH2 group, nitrogen plus hydrogen. So this far piece represents typically most amino acids always have this, and when you see this chain here, the chain can vary, but Arginine has NH, NH2, and so on, but it’s one of the most metabolically versatile amino acids.
It’s semi-essential because, on the one hand, it is made in the body, which makes it non-essential, because if your body is in good shape, your body will make it. It’s essential when your body does not make it, for growing organisms, after trauma or during various diseases.
So just to be clear, the reason we call it “semi-essential” is, in the normal case, if your body is in good shape, your body will make it, which means it’s non-essential, right? You don’t need it from outside. But it also is essential when it’s not made by the body. When people are undergoing stressful conditions, your body may not make it. So, it’s a semi-essential amino acid.
Now, what is the source of Arginine? Well, it can be produced by the body from scratch, your body will make it, it can also be produced from the breakdown of proteins. You eat food, your body breaks it down, so it can be obtained from diet. As a dietary supplement, L-Arginine is considered to be generally safe.
Now, as we talked about last time, there have been over 131,358 research articles written on Arginine. Quite extensive! I would probably say it’s one of the most well-researched molecules.
I used to do a lot of bodybuilding, and you can take Arginine plus a broad-spectrum amino acid, it’s called precursor loading, before you work out, with a vitamin, and then you typically take it afterward for repair, and typically you can also take another amino acid called Glutamine. The main point here is that over 52 years of scientific research, a lot of work has been done on Arginine.
Let’s talk about Caffeine. Caffeine is a natural stimulant. It’s one of the most widely taken psychoactive stimulants globally. Many of you remember we also covered this in our talk earlier. If you want to go review that, you can, I encourage everyone to go do that.
But we did a detailed talk on Caffeine. And, as it states here, it’s one of the most widely taken psychoactive stimulants globally. It’s also a natural pesticide, believe it or not, it can keep away bugs and pests. It’s found in more than 60 plants, but definitely coffee beans, cacao beans, kola nuts, guarana berries, tea leaves, and yerba mate. So, it comes in many, many ways, obviously the most popular is in coffee beans.
Again, unlike Arginine, which if you go back here, that’s 131,000 research articles. This is about a third of it. So, Arginine is much more well-researched, but still has quite a number, 35,519 research articles. It has over 1600 clinical trials and 55 years of scientific research. Again, if we go to Arginine here, over 2200 clinical trials, so nearly about 50% more clinical trials were done on Arginine.
So clearly, people have seen a lot of benefit or interest in both of these important supplements. Now CytoSolve, as many of you know, is a technology that I built for my PhD work at MIT. And I’ll share a little bit more about it, but back in 2003, I went back to MIT because my interest was always in medicine. But I hated the way Western Medicine split up the body without taking a Systems Approach.
But in 2003, one of the important things that happened, and I’ll share with you a quick video on this, is that there was a phenomenal change in Biology, where people recognized that we’re not our genes alone, that we need to get deeper into understanding Biology. So, I went back to MIT in 2003, to create another innovation called CytoSolve. When I first created CytoSolve, I was really upset with the way pharmaceutical companies create products which can kill people, and have side effects, and I thought that my tool would help them mathematically model stuff. So, they could eliminate a lot of animal testing and save a lot of people’s lives.
We worked with a couple of people who had us model different diseases, but the senior people at many of these pharmaceutical companies don’t care about that. So today, 100% of the work we do is with natural product companies. But it can really help people understand what the Synergy is. So CytoSolve can literally take all these papers, extract out the knowledge, all those 130,000 and 35,000, and figure out what’s in those papers and extract out the molecular pathways so we can build molecular models to eliminate animal testing.
And some of you may know, the entire pharmaceutical industry has a major problem right now. And that problem is that they’re failing. Many people think, oh, pharmaceutical companies are doing great, it’s actually not true. Over the last 20 years, pharmaceutical companies are tanking. Because when you look at this, the way that they develop their, quote-unquote, pharmaceutical drugs, or their medicines, is that it takes them 13-15 years to figure out if a drug works, they create lots of side effects, it’s very expensive, and in fact, even the FDA is not allowing many of their drugs through the pipeline because of the negative side effects.
This is why pharma companies are moving to the jabbination, as I call it, the jabbines. Okay, because there’s no testing needed, very little, thanks to Trump. He warp-speeded everything, right? And you can’t sue vaccine manufacturers. So pharmaceutical companies are moving towards the jabbination model, but their industries are completely crashing and burning.
And the reason is because they are reliant on an old model, a very, very archaic model of defining medicines, where they figure out a compound, they test it in a test tube, they kill a bunch of animals and they have to go through all this human testing. And even the stuff that comes out doesn’t even work. And you can see right here, year over year, pharma companies are spending more and more money on R&D, and less and less new drugs are even being allowed by the FDA.
Let me share with you a little more of a detailed video that’ll help you understand more about CytoSolve and we’ll come back to this. I want to share with you a little video that’ll educate you on what CytoSolve is and I hope you enjoy this.
That gives you an idea of CytoSolve. CytoSolve is really an engine that can help us use the existing pieces of scientific research. If you think about something like Cardiovascular Health, you know, hundreds of thousands of scientists all over the world, and labs, are doing little pieces of scientific research. And what CytoSolve allows us to do is to really understand at the Molecular Systems level, what they’re doing, and then to put these pieces together, so we can create a holistic understanding from a Molecular Systems level.
That’s what CytoSolve allows us to do. What I want to also emphasize to people is over the last five years now, up until then, we were helping lots of very small mom and pop shops, plus large vitamin and supplement companies, figure out whether their stuff really works. Most of the stuff in vitamin stores is frankly, snake oil. People just put a lot of marketing in it, Big Vitamin in some ways becoming as bad as Big Pharma.
But what CytoSolve does, it really is a source of scientific truth, we can figure out does it work or not? And if so, why it works. Because it turns out in the area of supplements, there are some amazing products that, in fact, do work. But with all the noise out there, it’s hard to explain to people with us. So, in our own endeavors over the last two years, because of all the mathematical models we built over the last 16 years, we said “Hey, why don’t we look at something like pain and inflammation,” and we modeled the molecular pathways.
And we discovered out of that, we ran trillions of combinations and we discovered a combination of naturally occurring compounds, not pharmaceutical compounds, that when you put them together, has a profound effect on discomfort and pain. So those of you interested in that, some of us created this product about two months ago, we pushed it out there. And because of all the COVID nonsense, we weren’t able to even get capsules and caps, but we’ve solved that.
Those of you who ordered, please email me if you haven’t gotten it vashiva@vashiva.com, we’re getting a new supply coming in. But I just wanted to let you know that at a fundamental level, the engine that we’ve created here really helps us get down to the scientific source of truth. So, we don’t have to do guesswork anymore. Hey, does this product work as a supplement or not? With CytoSolve we don’t need to do animal testing, right? We’re able to figure out what works and what doesn’t.

mV25 is one of our inventions that came out of our work from CytoSolve. You can go online, and you can find it. And the labeling, as you notice is Momentum to moVe. M is mass, V is velocity. So that was sort of the naming. We branded it around Dr.SHIVA and the Systems Biologists, which is very different from simply putting some supplement out there. And we are noting that it’s optimized by CytoSolve, if you have a chance to look at the label, it says Dr.SHIVA’s mV25 was formulated using the CytoSolve Computational Systems Biology engine.
And what that means is that this engine allowed us to mathematically go through thousands of peer-reviewed journals, extract out the molecular pathways, and we ran trillions of potential combinations of bimolecular reactions, to discover an optimal synergy of compounds. And when we say CytoSolve optimized, that means this formula has been optimized to maximize benefits and bioavailability.
Now, as the science changes, so will the formula, because science is constantly changing so we’re not stuck. And the other piece you may want to look at, it’s clean certified, it’s created in the United States, and it’s GMP certified. If anyone wants to know more, go to VASHIVA.com, click on the Shop and you can go to the Shop, and you can find mV25 there. So, a number of you are asking, have we made our own products?
We just started our Cardiovascular project where we’re modeling the molecular pathways. We did this many years ago, Nitric Oxide, but we’re expanding it. And we’re going to start looking at combinations of compounds. That’s why the work I’m sharing with you today is important because the reality is pharmaceutical companies just focus on a single molecule synthesized drug that doesn’t occur in nature, the vitamin companies are just throwing a bunch of crap in and no one knows if it works or not. That’s why there’s so much confusion.
But with CytoSolve, we can use the existing science, integrate molecular pathways, and find out what works. When we look at something like Arginine, as we’ve talked about earlier, this is a review for some of you if you saw the earlier presentation, when you look at Arginine, you find something fascinating.
First of all, it’s an important part of several metabolic pathways that maintain body function. The Krebs Cycle, very important for energy. Urea Cycle, very important for detoxification. Nitric Oxide Metabolism. So Nitric Oxide metabolism is what relaxes your blood vessels and supports immune response. And Arginine is also extremely important in maintaining your acid/base balance, your acid/alkaline balance. So, you have neutral pH in the body. So, think about all the things that Arginine does. It’s an amazing modulating molecule. That’s Arginine.
And you can look at the various sources of Arginine: turkey, pork loin, and chicken if you’re a meat-eater. But it also comes from many plant sources. It comes from such things as spirulina, dairy products, peanuts, chickpeas, pumpkin seeds, lentils, sunflower seeds, watermelon seeds, and soybeans. A lot of seeds, if you notice, are where you can find Arginine.
Effects of L-Arginine
So, what are the effects of Arginine? Well, first of all, it’s involved in the metabolism of proteins, structural functions. Urea, detoxification. Arginine is essential for metabolizing creatine which is important for muscle regeneration. Polyamines, cell growth function. Nitric Oxide, vasorelaxation and immune function. Proline, metabolism. Glutamate, neurotransmission function. Agmatine, neuroprotective function.
Arginine is one of those very amazing amino acids that’s involved in so many different biological functions. So, what are the health benefits well, cardiovascular disease such as Hypertension, Atherosclerosis, Peripheral Arterial Disease, Erectile Dysfunction, Congestive Heart Failure. All of those are a function of a healthy cardiovascular system and Arginine, in over 132,000 papers, has been shown to be valuable for that. Athletic performance, burns and trauma, Cancer, Syndrome X Gastrointestinal Diseases, Immunomodulation, and Dementia. So, this is all from the known research today.
Caffeine, let’s look at that. Well, Caffeine, as some of you may know, is a plant-derived alkaloid. The average dietary Caffeine consumption in US adults is around 200 milligrams per day. The half-life in adults is three to seven hours. Again, Caffeine is also a ubiquitous thing, but it’s a plant-derived tri-methylxanthine alkaloid. The most powerful things in the plant world are things called alkaloids. So just keep that in mind. After you have a cup of coffee it typically will last three to seven hours. That’s why it’s probably not that good to drink coffee late at night. And again, different people metabolize coffee in different ways.
Biological Effects of Caffeine
What are the biological effects of Caffeine? Well, it’s a stimulant for the central nervous system, it’s anti-inflammatory and an antioxidant, and it makes you urinate, it’s a diuretic. So, what are the health benefits of Caffeine? It increases alertness. It increases energy. It’s also been found to be anti-cancerous. Anti-neurodegenerative disease, like Alzheimer’s. It improves physical endurance. Reduction of fatigue. Improved focus. And weight loss. These are some of the important benefits of Caffeine. Now the adverse effects. It can create anxiety, restlessness, blurred vision, insomnia, muscle twitches, elevated or irregular heart rate, and elevated blood pressure in some people.
The Cardiovascular System
What I want to do is I want to now review the Cardiovascular System because remember, one of the things that I want to emphasize to everyone is the movement that we’ve created for Truth Freedom Health, which I encourage everyone to go sign up, this is a way you can support what we do. But it’s really for you to recognize we need to take a Systems Approach if you go to TruthFreedomHealth.com.
But the Cardiovascular System is also a system. It’s a complex system nonetheless. We want to review the Cardiovascular System. When you look at the Cardiovascular System, I want to take a Systems Approach. So, all of you get a little bit of a Biology education and know what the Cardiovascular System is. It’s important to understand, as we review the effects of Arginine and Caffeine on it. So, you’re going to learn a pretty good Biology lesson here. So, let’s just jump to understanding the Cardiovascular System.
So, when we look at the Cardiovascular System, it is composed of many, many subsystems. Okay? And that makes sense, right? So, what is the Cardiovascular System? It’s the transport system of the body. When you take the Systems Course, you’ll understand that transport is a very important phenomenon, because a transport system is the thing that moves information, matter and energy.
So, the transport system of the body is the heart, which pumps blood, and the cardiovascular system which is composed of a couple of things, okay? It’s composed of the heart, right? The blood vessels, and blood, okay? So, when you think about the cardiovascular system, just remember, it’s composed of these three things. The heart, which is a pump, the blood vessels, which we are going to review, and the blood itself.
Now the heart is one of the most powerful muscles, that’s responsible for pumping blood throughout the body, right? In the United States, heart disease is the number one cause of death. Blood vessels are the things that carry the blood and nutrients to all parts of the body. We’ll review that. And what is blood? Blood is not just the red stuff, the red blood cells which carry oxygen, but it’s also composed of plasma. So, blood involves the red blood cells, but it also involves the white blood cells, okay? The white blood cells are extremely important because that’s the part of the Cardiovascular System that makes sure your immune system is supported. The white blood cells are where we have all the immune-supportive cells.
And what you can see here in this diagram, we can go into it a little bit deeper, but you see right here, the heart, here in the heart, we have, first of all, we have this thing called the left atrium, over here. And we’re looking at it from the right side. But on your left side would be the left part of your heart. And you have the right atrium, and below that the big pieces at the bottom are called ventricles. So, you have the left ventricle and the right ventricle.
So, let’s start to look at the left side here. Right here on the left ventricle, you have the thing that’s pumping oxygenated blood throughout your body. The red here is oxygenated blood that gets pumped, and it goes through the rest of your body into the capillaries, which are the very, very small vessels, all right?
And here, after your body uses up this great oxygenated blood, you’re getting the deoxygenated blood coming back up into your right atrium. So, if you’re looking at your own body, and you touch the right side, or your right arm, and you look at the right side of your heart, that’s your right atrium. And this is pumping the deoxygenated blood down to your right ventricle, which then goes up to your lungs, and things get oxygenated. And here you get nice, fresh red blood cells. So that’s how the circuitry works, okay?
So, I want to take a closer look at these vessels because these vessels are what’s important to understand where Arginine and Caffeine affect things, all right? But we’re going to now go into looking at these vessels, okay? You have veins and you have arteries, but at the minutia level, you have things called capillaries, and you’re going to see that the arteries and veins are composed of different structures, but the surface of the capillaries are composed of something called Endothelial Cells. One of the most important things that’s emerging more and more is that to have great cardiovascular health, you need to have good endothelial function, okay? Which are the cells that line your capillaries throughout your body.
So, if you want the big takeaway, it is that endothelial function is the key to cardiovascular health. Endothelial dysfunction leads to all sorts of cardiovascular problems. So, I’ll explain this, all right? Let’s go into it a little bit deeper and understand what that means. So, the blue here represents the vein, which is carrying deoxygenated blood, the red is the arteries, which are carrying oxygenated blood. So, your aorta, for example, pumps oxygenated blood.
And if you look at it at a cellular level, oxygenated blood is being pumped through your capillaries here, the left side is oxygenated blood in red, and as it’s being utilized by your body through the capillaries, then you get deoxygenated blood, which is carried out by your veins. So, veins are carrying the deoxygenated blood back to your lungs, and it gets oxygenated and sends it down through your arteries, okay?
In summary, the arteries are the large blood vessels that carry oxygenated blood, the veins, the blue ones, are large blood vessels that carry deoxygenated blood, and the capillaries are the smaller vessels that deliver these nutrients, and also pull out the waste back into the veins.
Now, if you go even closer and we look at it microscopically, what we find out is that be it the arteries, or the veins, or the capillaries, they are composed of three structures: the Adventitia, which is the outer layer of the veins, which provides structural support; the Tunica media, which is the middle part here, which is composed of really the muscular tissue; and, the Tunica intima, which is the inside of the arteries, or the inside of the veins, that consist of endothelial lining, which provides a frictional pathway for the movement of blood.
So, when you look at the capillaries, the smallest vessels, they’re really just Tunica intima, which is endothelial. So let me just make this clear. The key takeaway here that we need to understand is that you have arteries and veins composed of all three structures, but the capillaries, the small things which are at the microscopic level, they’re mainly composed of endothelial cells, right?
And so, if you go to your bathroom, for example, or you have a kitchen, you look at the tiles, right? Think about every tile being an endothelial cell. So, the structure of the capillaries is made up of endothelial cells. So, if you want to have integrity, those endothelial cells are what defines your cardiovascular health, okay? Or your arterial health, all right? So, let’s go back to this. When we look here, what’s important to understand is that we will see very soon that endothelial cells are the place where Nitric Oxide is produced.
The Role of Nitric Oxide
I think Time magazine, about 10 years ago, had an article saying that Nitric Oxide is the molecule of the century, it was actually the basis of the creation of Viagra because Viagra helps release Nitric Oxide, which relaxes, and that’s where people had erectile dysfunction; it was helping them. Now the problem is that Viagra also has other side effects. But the point is that Nitric Oxide is extremely important for vasodilation, which occurs at the capillary level at the endothelial.
So, the research I’m going to share is work that I did at MIT with a team of great people all over the world and where CytoSolve was employed. So, I’m going to share with you that because Nitric Oxide is a key to understanding here. If you understand Nitric Oxide, it really gives you an insight into cardiovascular health and particularly endothelial functions.
Let’s go into that and go a little bit deeper. Now that we understand the cardiovascular system. So, the role of Nitric Oxide. Okay, so here is Nitric Oxide, it’s nitrogen double-bonded to O, but Nitric Oxide is a vasodilator, it’s extremely important in maintaining blood pressure, it’s anti-atherogenic, right?
Someone just wrote that Viagra requires a person to have some level of Nitric Oxide to work; if someone’s levels are too low [it won’t]. Exactly, thank you.
Now it’s anti-atherogenic, right? Anti-atherosclerosis. And Nitric Oxide gets generated by eNOS catalysis of L-Arginine. eNOS is an enzyme which catalyzes L-Arginine. And when you exercise, for example, blood starts moving through your arteries, through your veins, and through your capillaries. And that’s what exercise does, and that’s called shear stress. Shear is the force of blood, which is perpendicular to the endothelial cells, right?
So, your endothelial cells are there, and we’ll look at this. And that triggers NO production. If you want to think about it, if you look at this diagram here, and I want to thank one of my former colleagues at MIT, Andrew Koo, for this, but you see here is a capillary. And you notice all these little hexagons right here, those are the tiles, right? Each one of those hexagons is an endothelial cell.
When you exercise blood starts moving, this is shear stress, which means blood is going parallel to the cells, they are perpendicular to the glycocalyx. But anyway, blood starts moving, and when blood moves, through a series of chemical reactions, eNOS, gets activated, which is an enzyme and it catalyzes L-Arginine into L-Citrulline. And you get basal dilation.
Blood flow over the endothelial cells, it’s why exercise is good, causes Nitric Oxide production, and endothelial Nitric Oxide synthase (eNOS) converts L-Arginine into Nitric Oxide and Citrulline. When you exercise L-Arginine, through the catalysis via eNOS, you get Citrulline and you also get Nitric Oxide. And so, NO production leads to vasodilation. NO production leads to vasodilation and maintenance of blood pressure. Extremely important Nitric Oxide.
I want to share with you the research that I did while at MIT as a part of my PhD work with a number of colleagues at MIT, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, and King’s College. And we looked at, at the molecular level, what happens. And this is why CytoSolve is so powerful because here is the endothelial cell, think about this as a tile, one of those cells on the walls of the capillaries. So, what we’re looking at now is, imagine you’re looking at the surface of the capillary. And we’re looking at one endothelial cell, okay?
And we’re going to zoom in on that endothelial cell. And what do you see here, on the surface of that endothelial cell, there’s a very interesting structure here. Right here, you can see this, it looks like a little Christmas tree. So, here’s the endothelial cell, on the surface of it is this little Christmas tree. When blood flows, this Christmas tree starts shaking. And through a series of chemical reactions, Nitric Oxide gets released. And so, the blood flow over the endothelial cell moves a glycocalyx structure on the membrane. And the mechanical forces on the glycocalyx initiates the conversion of L-Arginine to Nitric Oxide by the enzyme eNOS, okay?
Now, if you look at all the chemical reactions here, and you read the literature, like those 132,000 papers, you will find out that there are all these chemical reactions here, okay? There’s calcium influx, which is involved in Nitric Oxide release. eNOS expression, eNOS Phosphorylation. Simply put, there are many, many chemical reactions that are involved in the release of Nitric Oxide.
Now, with CytoSolve, we’re able to take all those chemical reactions, extract out the molecular pathways, interconnect them, CytoSolve allows us to, and then mathematically model it. And this was not possible before the creation of CytoSolve. So, the researchers at Harvard and Brigham were in vitro quote-unquote “in the test tube” were getting data of what happens when blood flows, and how much Nitric Oxide is released.
The work we did with CytoSolve was: could we look at the chemical reactions and understand what’s going on? Again, this is why it’s powerful because we can eliminate the need for animal testing. What we did here was we took all of these molecular pathways, put them all together into CytoSolve, modeled all those, and what do you see here? We’re looking at how much eNOS mRNA, which is the messenger RNA that creates eNOS concentration. So, this is from CytoSolve.
This black line is a prediction from CytoSolve, without killing any animals, all done on the computer, how much eNOS, which is this enzyme, will be released from shear flow. And this is what’s so impressive, is these orange dots are the actual test tube results; meaning done in the wet lab. So, this is our computer results. And that’s the wet lab results. What’s powerful about this is this shows that computer modeling can get very close results to the actual wet lab results. Again, we’re looking at how much eNOS is Protein Concentration prediction. And there you have the actual results.
So, this was the first paper to show that we can use CytoSolve to accurately mathematically model very complex functions, all right? And this is important because this shows that you don’t have to go killing animals, you can figure out lots of issues way before. And many years ago, we were asked “why don’t you use our thing, so you can save a lot of people’s lives.” In fact, one of the researchers allowed us to model a very complex disease called lupus. And we had some amazing results and suddenly, the entire Innovation Group at Pfizer disappeared, because these pharma companies really don’t care about, in many ways, taking new approaches. They’re just living in the old world because they make a lot of money by doing their medieval models, right?
So that’s why this approach is important. Now the good news I have to share is that the gold standard is if you get something like this published, and we were very fortunate to get this published in one of the leading journals in the world called Cell’s Biophysical Journal. It can be seen as one of the lead authors with two other people from MIT and a number of people from King’s College. So, this was the first time we showed that we could do very complex modeling.
Given that background, now you know the cardiovascular system, you’ve gotten a pretty good education, you understand what Arginine is as a molecule, you understand what Caffeine is, we understand how when blood flows Nitric Oxide gets released, and we also have the model of Nitric Oxide. So now what we want to do is, in a previous video, I looked just at Arginine, and in a previous video after that, I looked just at Caffeine but what happens when you combine them together?
Combining Arginine and Caffeine
And this work that we did was, many years ago I gave a talk at Walter Reed Medical Hospital. And the Army Surgeon General Eric Schoomaker was in the audience. And he appointed me to be an expert on one of the councils that he had created. I was asked to essentially be on this expert review committee, where they were looking at soldiers who were taking Arginine and Caffeine and Yohimbine and Bitter Orange and Creatine. Soldiers were taking all these supplements, and some of them were getting adverse reactions. The military and the army really wanted to know, what were the adverse effects, right? Were they toxic?
I saw the old way that they were doing it, with spreadsheets, it was pretty medieval. And I offered our services and I said, “Look, I’ll do this as just a public service to support the soldiers.” So, we looked at Arginine and Caffeine and the combination. So let me share with you that research on the combination, and I think you’ll enjoy this work.
Arginine + Caffeine Supplementation & NO Production
Now we’re looking at Arginine and Caffeine, and this was again done for the army and the USP, and this was recently published. What we did was we took all those molecular pathways of Nitric Oxide, which we’d modeled, and we first just took Arginine, and what we did was we also looked at varying levels of human beings we’d modeled with various levels of hypertension, high ADMA levels mean that you have hypertension and low means your normal. Now, asymmetric dimethylarginine, ADMA is an analog of Arginine. ADMA is a naturally occurring product of metabolism found in human circulation. Elevated levels of ADMA, you don’t want this, inhibit NO synthesis and therefore impair endothelial function thus promoting atherosclerosis.
Now, ADMA levels are increased in people with hypercholesterolemia, atherosclerosis, hypertension, chronic heart failure, diabetes mellitus, and chronic renal failure. So, in this model, we also were able to manipulate ADMA levels so we could simulate people with cardiac issues.
What you see here is, in the first case, we’re just giving Arginine, okay? We’re going from 40µM of Arginine at the cell surface all the way to people with 300µM. And what you can see here is ADMA levels of 2µM which is normal if you have no cardiac issues. And you notice the Nitric Oxide level goes from about 100% up to about 110%. So, if you’re in good cardiovascular health, Arginine has a little bit of effect, okay? It doesn’t really help you a lot.
That’s ADMA levels of 2µM, right? The blue, just to keep it simple, means you’re in good shape, okay? Now, the next thing we did is to see what happens when you have people with a higher level of ADMA, right? Which means they’re not in bad shape, but they may have some cardiovascular function. What you see here is that Arginine is very valuable. So, if you have a little bit of hypertension, as you give more Arginine, notice you go back up to your 100%, you want to be at a 100% level of NO. So, Arginine is very valuable for people who have some level of hypertension.
Now you’re looking at people with higher levels of hypertension. And what you see here is that’s the green bar, so again, people who have hypertension may have low levels of NO at 80% of the normal level. And as you give Arginine, it lets you get back up to 100%. Arginine is very, very valuable. That’s what this research showed.
Let’s look at someone who has serious cardiac issues where ADMA levels are at this level, 16µM, their NO output is only 60%. And as you give more and more Arginine, it brings them up to 95%.
The key takeaway here is Arginine is definitely valuable for people who have cardiovascular dysfunction, okay? As represented by ADMA. So, as you take Arginine, it increases your cardiovascular function, as demonstrated by Nitric Oxide release. All right, I hope that’s clear. And by the way, this is all brought to you by CytoSolve. CytoSolve did all of this wonderful modeling to really understand this, but behind these graphs, we know the molecular mechanisms.
Next, we looked at coffee alone. So, if you take one cup of coffee your Nitric Oxide levels drop from 100% down to around 90 or 85%. If you take high coffee consumption your Nitric Oxide level drops down to 80%. If you take super high, there are supplements out there, and the one we were looking at that the military was using was C4, your Nitric Oxide level can drop seriously down to 60%, right? Which is like taking like 40 cups of coffee. That’s like one cup of coffee, five cups of coffee, and you’re looking at around 40 cups of coffee.
Caffeine drops Nitric Oxide levels. So, this is normal coffee, high coffee intake, and C4, right? So, the net of it is Caffeine really diminishes your level of Nitric Oxide. Now we’re going to do the fun stuff with CytoSolve. When you do experiments with humans or animals, first, you’ve got to find all the people to just do Arginine. And you’ve got to find the control group. And then you got to find people who just do Caffeine and no Caffeine. And then if you have to do these combinations it’s very difficult. But in silico, on the computer with CytoSolve, we can actually model this.
Okay, so here we’re looking at what happens when you have combinations of Arginine and Caffeine. And the third dimension is with people with different levels of hypertension. So, what we’re doing here is, in the first case, we’re looking at people who are getting just one cup of coffee. We’re just looking at people who just take one cup of coffee. And the four bars here are people with different levels of hypertension.
And the x-axis, we gave them a little bit of Arginine, which means you have 40µM of Arginine concentration at the cell surface. And as you can see here, with one cup of coffee, and you just give a little bit of Arginine, the people with normal hypertension, or no hypertension, versus the people with high hypertension, the purple, notice that their NO levels are really low, almost 45%.
Now, when you give more Arginine, even though you took one cup of coffee, the NO levels come up. And particularly look at the purple graph here, these are people with serious hypertension. That comes up to 60%. And then look at when we give more Arginine here, the normal people are now up to about, let’s say 85%. The people who have serious hypertension, the purple, are up to close to maybe 70%. And then finally, if you give 300µM of Arginine, they’re up to about 70%. Again, what this shows is that people who have high hypertension should be very concerned with taking coffee. And no matter how much Arginine you bring, it only brings it up to 70%.
Now, let’s look at when people took the supplement, which is like taking 40 cups of coffee, some people who do bodybuilding take this. What our research showed is, again, this reduces their Arginine level to nearly 40% for people with hypertension. And for people who are normal down at 60%-65%. When they increase Arginine, the hypertension people, look at the purple, are up to around 50%. When they increase more Arginine, they’re up to maybe 55%.
But you notice that people with high hypertension are not able to get over 60%, that’s the purple graph. And even if you’re normal, your NO levels stay at 70%. So, look at this graph carefully. What it shows is, if you’re taking the supplementation of this High Caffeine, you’re going to lower your Nitric Oxide levels significantly. And here we’re looking at 300µM, so you’d better take more Arginine than this to bring it back up, okay? So that’s what this research showed. And by the way, we published this in a very serious journal called the Journal of Dietary Supplements. Again, I was one of the senior authors on this and we worked with a whole number of great researchers on this.
What have we just discussed here? What we’ve discussed here is that when you start looking at the synergy of things, you have to be aware that sometimes you have positive effects, sometimes you’re looking at something that’s the protagonist, and the other is an antagonist. Arginine increases NO levels and Caffeine brings down NO levels. So, this is very important to understand. This is why a Systems Approach is important. Some people are saying, “Hey, I take C4 before I go in to work out.” Well, if you take a lot of C4 and you have hypertension in your family or genetically, you should make sure you’re probably taking an adequate amount of Arginine or be careful taking C4.
None of this is about bad or good. It’s about recognizing that everyone’s a unique body and you have to understand your particular framework. Now, in closing, what I want to let you know is this is why we’ve gone down to the molecular systems level to understand the combination effect. But at the political systems level, you could also understand that it’s really important to recognize that.
It’s very, very important for us, you know, to understand that when we look at these substances like Arginine and Caffeine and dietary supplements, there’s not a right or wrong answer, we need to understand it relative to our body. So, what you’re seeing here is some people can probably take a lot of Caffeine and deal with it right? Because of their genetics, other people can’t. But that’s why we included the hypertension variable here, right? If you have a proclivity for hypertension, high blood pressure, you have to be very careful with taking large doses of Caffeine. Arginine can help bring it back up. But you have to be careful.
Truth Freedom Health®
To all of you who have enjoyed this, we took a systems approach here today. I also want to encourage all of you to recognize that we have created an entire curriculum based on System Science. You can apply these principles to understanding political systems, every system.
When you look at Truth Freedom Health, you know, what’s been happening in the political world is there are people who fight for Truth, you know, typically you can think about innovation or the nerds and the science people. And then over here there are people fighting for Freedom, the people into the First Amendment and the Second Amendment, right? Then there are people fighting for Health. They want better, cleaner food, right? Non-GMO food. But if you look at all these three movements, from political thinking, they’ve been all separate. The nerds are over here and the quote-unquote, some people call these people quote-unquote, derogatorily rednecks, or the yoga, earthy, crunchy granola people. And if you take this systems approach, what you realize is that we need to bring all these movements together to move beyond left and right.
And what I want to play for you is, many of you may have seen the video and I’ll end with that, but what we’ve created is a platform. You know, that’s been one of my life’s journeys to take this System’s Knowledge, but to also apply it to politics, so we’ve developed the Quantum Physics of Political Theory. So, I want to encourage all of you to become Truth Freedom Health warriors. By doing that, first, you’re contributing to yourself, you’re contributing to our movement, so we can look at Biological Systems, molecular systems, but also political systems.
So, I want to play you a quick video here, which will explain to you what this movement that we’ve created is really about and I want everyone to consider becoming a Warrior-Scholar. So let me play this for you.
We just put that video together because a lot of people are asking what the curriculum is. I want to encourage all of you to go to TruthFreedomHealth.com and become a Warrior-Scholar. It’s taken us a long time to build this curriculum, we’ve built it into a platform. So, there’s a curriculum, the knowledge. Then there’s the community, where you can interconnect with, independent of big tech, amazing individuals all over the world; the alumni. And then we’re into activism, right? So, it’s all three. Without this foundational knowledge, people are going to be stuck in this left/right, democrat/republican nonsense, which is what both parties want. They do not want any of you getting educated and breaking free.
I think I shared a lot of this with you. You can go on the site. You can get all this knowledge. We talked about all the books. Please take time to go do that. That video sort of covered it all.
Eastern & Engineering Systems Approach
Arginine and Caffeine, we also want to take an Engineering Systems Approach to understanding these. Now when you use that tool, ‘Your Body, Your System,’ anyone who signs up and supports the cause, even as a supporter, you get all these capabilities. But you’ll find out that everything in nature can be represented by this triangle. It’s Transport, Conversion, and Storage. We’ll learn more about that. So, the tool allows you to figure out what kind of body you are, what kind of system you are, and how you can bring your body back to balance. And there’s a couple of very important books that you can get access to when you become a supporter.
Now, when you look at Arginine, Arginine increases transport because it increases flow, right? That’s what’s represented by this arrow going up and transporting. But Arginine also increases Pitta, the conversion, right? Because you get the conversion of the creation of Nitric Oxide through eNOS synthase. But Arginine relaxes blood vessels, so it lowers storage, right? So, it makes you more flexible, right? Vasodilation. Now, stabilizes Kapha, all right?
How much should you take? This is a medical disclaimer, you should talk to your doctor, but what the literature shows is when it comes to Arginine, the Arginine for blood sugar regulation is about 6.4 grams per day. That’s from (McNeal et. al 2018) So about 6 grams, that’s what people are looking at. For blood pressure maintenance, 6-30 grams per day, that’s from (McNeal et. al 2018) also. L-Arginine for erectile dysfunction, 1.5-5 grams per day. (Rhim et al., 2019) So that’s what’s in the literature today, okay? So, anywhere between 1.5 grams, all the way up to 30 grams for people’s blood pressure maintenance.
Caffeine. Now, the daily consumption limit, according to Nawrot, et. al., is no more than 400 mg. That’s Caffeine. Caffeine for cognition improvement, about 150 mg per day. Caffeine for alleviating headaches is 300-500 mg per day. That’s from Yusek, et. al. By the way this is from Jarvis in 1993.
In conclusion, when we look at Arginine and Caffeine, Arginine is a most metabolically versatile amino acid and it really helps support homeostasis, Krebs Cycle, Urea Cycle, Protein Synthesis, all very, very important molecular functions.
L- Arginine is a substrate for NO, which means L- Arginine helps create NO release, which regulates several cardiovascular functions. We talked about blood pressure, atherosclerosis, and erectile dysfunction.
Caffeine is a double-edged sword, and that’s really the takeaway. It may help with alertness, energy, and neurodegenerative diseases, but it can also have adverse effects: hypertension, arrhythmia, anxiety, and insomnia. So CytoSolve Systems Biology Analysis revealed that Caffeine suppressed NO production, leading to hypertension.
In summary, Caffeine lowers NO production, and L-Arginine increases NO production. I think it’s the most important takeaway. NO levels can be restored by L-Arginine supplementation if Caffeine is consumed moderately. So, I just want to emphasize that, if you take tons of Caffeine, don’t think you’re going to take a lot of Caffeine, and then take a lot of Arginine there, it doesn’t work that way.
So, for moderate levels of Caffeine, you can leverage Arginine but don’t expect to OD on Arginine to make up for high amounts of Caffeine. NO levels cannot be restored by L- Arginine if Caffeine is consumed at high levels through Caffeine supplements. And people with high ADMA levels, the other important takeaway, people with cardiovascular issues like hypertension, and atherosclerosis, levels are most adversely affected by Caffeine supplementation, and their NO levels remain depressed even after L- Arginine supplementation.
This last bullet, the fifth bullet, I would recommend everyone read it again. So, people with high ADMA levels, which means people who have serious issues, high hypertension, serious cardiovascular issues, are most adversely affected by Caffeine supplementation, and their NO levels remain depressed, even after L-Arginine supplementation.
There you go, everyone, I hope this was valuable. But I hope you’ve learned, in summary, a number of important things here. Number one, we need to take a Systems Approach. I hope this has motivated all of you to become Truth Freedom Health warriors because you will learn the science of systems. You can apply to your body, you can apply to politics, and it’s a way that you can support our movement. So go to TruthFreedomHealth.com and become a warrior scholar.
The other thing you’ve also learned is that Arginine and Caffeine are, one increases NO and the other lowers it. And you’ve also understood that when you take a systems approach, you understand the variable about your personal genetics, people with high hypertension, you can’t just pop a lot of Caffeine and then a lot of Arginine to offset it, it doesn’t work that way. The body has some nonlinear dynamics. So anyway, I hope this was valuable.
I’m going to get back on track here. So, I apologize for not doing this regularly. But tomorrow afternoon, we’re going to look at Arugula, which is something you find in salads and its effect on cardiovascular health. And in the morning, I’ll typically be sharing with people on the lawsuit. Also, everyone out there, as you know, separate from being a scientist and a technologist, along with many amazing volunteers, we participate in political activism.
But one of the most important things we have going on now is our Win Back Freedom lawsuit where we’ve conclusively shown that the government censors speech and I encourage everyone to also go to WinBackFreedom.com and support this historic lawsuit. The media is not going to cover this because we’re exposing both left and right. Our lawsuit is showing that Republicans and Democrats in government have been working with big tech to suppress speech.

So please go to WinBackFreedom.com and contribute. Ideally, I want everyone to contribute even $1. Alright, if people can contribute even $1 to WinBackFreedom.com, we want to have about 5 million people contributing. As many of you know, I’ve been doing this lawsuit all on my own. All the briefs I filed, but we have some amazing lawyers who’ve just joined. Constitutional lawyers. But you know, they need to be paid and we need to do depositions, etc. To help out to go to WinBackFreedom.com and support even $1. Just go and get $1 to be a part of this historic lawsuit.
This lawsuit is the tip of the spear. And it’s going to be the most important lawsuit of the century. The judge on it said that this lawsuit will more than likely be on the law school exam in every constitutional law class. So, a couple of homework assignments for all of you. Go to TruthFreedomHealth.com become a Warrior-Scholar and go to WinBackFreedom.com as a part of your activism. In addition to learning, donate $1 Thank you, everyone. Have a good evening. Be the light. Be well. Thank you.

It’s time we move beyond the Left vs. Right, Republican vs. Democrat. It’s time YOU learn how to apply a systems approach to get the Truth Freedom Health you need and deserve. Become a Truth Freedom Health® Warrior.
Join the VASHIVA community – an integrated EDUCATIONAL, COMMUNICATIONS – independent of Big Tech -, and LOCAL ACTIVISM platform to empower YOU to actualize Truth Freedom Health in your local communities by employing a SYSTEMS APPROACH.
The platform we are building for Truth Freedom Health® provides the infrastructure to take on Big Tech, Big Pharma, and Big Academia. Many of you have asked how you can help. You can contribute whatever you can. Based on your level of commitment to get educated, I have also created some wonderful educational gifts to thank you for your contribution.
To get the education you need and deserve, join Dr.SHIVA on his Foundations of Systems course. This course will provide you three pillars of knowledge with the Foundation of Systems Thinking. The three pillars include: 1) The System Dynamics of Truth Freedom Health, 2) The Power of a Bottom’s Up Movement, and 3) The Not So Obvious Establishment. In this course, you will also learn fundamental principles of all systems including your body.
Course registration includes access to his LIVE Monday training, access to the Your Body, Your System tool, four (4) eBooks including the bestselling System and Revolution, access to the Systems Health portal and communications tools – independent of Big Tech – including a forum and social media for you to build community with other Truth Freedom Health Warriors.
This course is available online for you to study at your own pace.
It’s time to Get Educated, or Be Enslaved.