What Arugula Salad Can Do for Your Heart – A CytoSolve Systems Analysis
- Dr Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD – Inventor of Email, scientist, engineer, educator – presents a CytoSolve Analysis on what Arugula can do for you Heart.
- CytoSolve technology is designed to take a Systems Approach and distilled nearly 256 articles, 48 clinical trials, over the span of 50 years.
- The Latin name for Arugula is Eruca sativa and it’s medicinal use dates back to Roman times in Europe. It’s medicinal properties are attributed to the leaves and seeds.
- Arugula consists of flavonoids, phytosterols, vitamins, fatty acids, and triterpenes. It’s flavonoids include kaempferol, quercetin, and isorhamnetin.
- Biological Effects include being gastroprotective, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, hyperlipidemic, vasorelaxation, and immunomodulation. Health benefits protect your heart from hypertension, atherosclerosis, coronary disease, gastric ulcers, infections, and diabetes.
The original research in this video is made possible by generous contributions from supporters of the Dr.SHIVA Truth Freedom Health® movement. Please contribute so we may continue to bring you such original research, valuable education, and innovative solutions.
Good afternoon, everyone. It’s Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai. Today we have some important announcements to make. But we’re going to be talking about Arugula and heart health. I think one of the important things to let everyone know is the, the news came out that
John McAfee, who was one of the pioneers of antivirus software, supposedly died in prison. That’s what the story is, and we’ll see what is gonna evolve. I’m not gonna make any commentary about that right now because I don’t have any of the information. I just saw it show up. But what I do want to talk about is the fact that there’s gonna be a lot of news stories out there about McAfee.
But I think the bigger issue that everyone needs to talk about is what is the purpose of life and why we are here. And recently, Sam Tripoli, who is a comedian, had me on a show. And after I started sharing this, the story or the truth, the facts about our lawsuit, how historic this lawsuit is, and we’re actually exposing the fact that the government, that government, tells social media companies what to do, and that they’ve created an unholy alliance.
And our lawsuit is probably the most important lawsuit of the century because it is exposing that it’s not Big Tech that censors people, it is the government that tells Big Tech who to censor. So Sam was asking me what I thought about my own life and was concerned about my existence. So tomorrow, I’ll be talking about McAfee. But as I’m reflecting on it, I’ll just give you my opinion, when someone asks me a question like that.
And let me play this for everyone because I know some of you may have seen it, but people asked me to play it again. And I’ll give you my story. So, somewhat relevant, because it asked about this question about what life is and given what just took place with John McAfee. Let me just play this for everyone. Here we go.
I got a bunch of interviews today. But I played that video because there’s news out there about what’s going on about a guy called John McAfee, who was anti-establishment, about his supposedly dying in prison. And several weeks ago Sam Tripoli asked me what I thought about that question about the meaning of life and death and all those kinds of things. That was my answer that we have to all become warriors and we have to fight.
So, today, we have a very, somewhat scientific topic we’re going to talk about, but I thought it would be important to address that. I’ll talk more about it tomorrow morning. But what I wanted to share with you is that ultimately, when we all get educated, which is what we are doing with this movement for Truth Freedom Health. By the way, our lawsuit is the most historic lawsuit of the century because we’ve shown conclusively that the government has created an unholy alliance with Big Tech.
And our lawsuit is the tip of the spear of that movement for freedom. So everyone, you can go to www.WinBackFreedom.com. And you can support that because it’s part of a larger movement. And when I mean a movement, I mean the goal is not to have… It’s great, you know, we have lawyers now. I brought the case this far but we’ve had to bring in some lawyers to help with depositions and discovery.
Win Back Freedom
But we want to leverage this historic event to get everyone the opportunity to get involved. So everyone can go up to www.WinBackFreedom.com and just give $1. Whether you’re in India, you can give 70 rupees, wherever you are. I think 100 yen in Japan. But the symbolic effect is, and you can give more, but we at least want 5 million people to give $1 because that’s part of a movement. You can give more, but this is a global movement for freedom because governments of all countries have created unholy alliances with Big Tech. And that’s what our lawsuit shows.

So, now, all of that came out of my Journey into Systems, and that’s why the Win Back Freedom is really the tip of the spear of this larger movement for Truth Freedom Health. And I encourage all of you, for your own sake, go to www.TruthFreedomHealth.com. And I encourage all of you to become Truth Freedom Health warriors. It says, “Get Educated or Be Enslaved.” I’ll play a video on that.
But a Systems Approach, which is beyond Left or Right, is what is the order of the day. We need all of you, as many people as possible. My goal is if we can get 50,000 by the end of this year, it’d be awesome, of enlightened people, enlightened citizenry, who move beyond this Republican/Democrat, Left/Right, Labor Party/Tory party, whatever it is, whatever country you’re in, and we build a Bottoms-up movement.
And the only way to do that is if people get armed with the right science. And that is the Science of Systems. And that Science of Systems you can apply to understanding what we’re going to talk about how Arugula affects your heart health. How your body is a system. How everything in the universe is a system, how political systems, healthcare systems. And this scientific knowledge, or this curriculum, should be taught in every kindergarten. It isn’t. So I’ve had to develop the curriculum. And we’re going to go direct and share it with people, which is what we do every Monday evening. We’ve created a platform for Truth Freedom Health, and I’ll share more about it.
What You Will Learn
But today, we’re going to talk about a Systems Approach to understanding a vegetable that all of you may have eaten at some point. People make Arugula salad. And this is in our Heart Health Series. You know, the heart is in some ways a symbol of courage, and with a strong heart, you have a strong, some people say strong character. You have the heart of a lion, right? Your cardiovascular system is extremely important because it defines you in some sense, it defines your strength, right?
You have a strong heart; you can be powerful. You have a weak heart, you know, you’re constrained. So, two weeks ago, we talked about arginine and caffeine. Arginine increases Cardiovascular function through supporting nitric oxide. Caffeine, you know, this is all based on your body type. You eat a lot of caffeine, like we showed with one of the supplements it constricts you and lowers nitric oxide. But today, we’re going to look at Arugula as a part of our Heart Health Series. And you’re going to see some very interesting benefits about this vegetable.
When you go to a restaurant, they put Arugula in a salad, right? So, that’s what we’re going to talk about today. We’re going to talk about Arugula. And this analysis comes from our CytoSolve analysis. I think everyone can see it here. So let’s go right to Arugula. I’ve talked about Arugula. So what is Arugula?
First of all, by the way, everyone who’s interested in our movement can go to www.VASHIVA.com over in the lower right. And you can learn more, and I’ll come back to this. But that’s the website and www.TruthFreedomHealth.com.
But we’re going to talk about Arugula and Cardiovascular health. So, what are we going to talk about? First of all, we’re going to look at what Arugula is, and Arugula’s effects on biological functions, Arugula’s health benefits, and Arugula’s effects on Cardiovascular health. And then we’re going to look at the clinical – in vivo, which means studies that were done in humans and could be other animals, on how much Arugula you should have. So that’s what we’re going to cover.
This is what Arugula looks like, if you haven’t seen it, but it’s not “Argula”, but it’s a Arugula. And it’s Latin name is Eruca sativa, okay, Eruca sativa, Arugula. Okay, so it’s a green leafy plant. It has a peppery taste to it. It belongs to the cruciferous vegetable family, which includes things like broccoli. It includes things like brussel sprouts, so it’s cruciferous.
Its medicinal use dates back to the Roman times in Europe and the medicinal properties are attributed to the leaves and seeds. One of the important things to understand is when you start looking at any type of herb, it’s important to understand that these different herbs have different properties based on what you’re actually using.
If you look at an herb, you can look at the leaves, you can look at the stem, you can look at the roots, you can look at the rhizome, the fruit, right, the seeds. So each one of these have very, very different properties. But when we put Arugula, we’re looking at the leaves, as well as the seeds of it. So, leaves and seeds that’s what we’re talking about when we talk about Arugula.
Eruca sativa, and we’re looking at the leaves, but it’s medicinal use dates back to Roman times. So, yesterday, we looked at something called arginine. We noticed that about 135,000 papers were written about it, 135,000. So Arugula has about 48 clinical trials, but only about 256 research articles, right? So, it’s not as well researched as something like arginine. But you know, it’s an emerging area of research. People have been researching it over the last 50 years.
You can see this graph here. It’s been in the last four years where lots of research has been conducted on it. And many of you know the approach we take here in our talks as we use this technology called CytoSolve, CytoSolve. And you can go learn more about it at www.CytoSolve.com. It’s one of my inventions that came out of my PhD work. And CytoSolve allows us to look at all the body of scientific knowledge, extract from it the molecular pathways. So in this case, the molecular mechanisms we’re going to look at are Arugula’s effects on Cardiovascular health.
And the reason I was motivated to originally create CytoSolve was because, for two reasons. One was I saw the detrimental way that the pharmaceutical industry works. It’s quite medieval. A pharmaceutical ingredient is typically a compound that doesn’t exist in nature. And in order for them to create a drug, they test stuff in a test tube; then they test stuff in animals. Kill a lot of animals. And then after this, if they get FDA allowance, they test on small groups of humans, Phase One; mid-level groups of humans, Phase Two; and then lots of humans, Phase Three.
You can see it’s very time consuming. And by the way, the drug that comes out here, you can sue the pharma company. Can’t do that with the jabs. So this is a very, very time intensive process. And you can see, even pharma companies spend more and more money on R&D. And in fact, less and less new molecules are even being discovered, all right?
I want to give you a little bit of background on CytoSolve so you get a deeper understanding. So let me just bring back this video. For those of you who haven’t seen it, it’ll help you understand what CytoSolve is really about. And I’m going to share with you a little bit about CytoSolve. It’s a quick video, but it’ll give you a deeper understanding of CytoSolve.
The reason I wanted to play that video for you, as some of you have seen it before, is that the approach that we take is a Systems Approach. And what Systems Approach teaches us is that we look at the interconnection. So, in your body, when you take something Arugula, or you eat stuff, the food is actually medicine that is composed of many, many different natural compounds. Those natural compounds affect your body in different ways, right? You may have different genetics, epigenetics, but fundamentally they affect molecular reactions in your body.
Before CytoSolve, primarily, the way people do it is they will take some animal, they’ll give it something and then they’ll see the output. But they don’t really understand the interconnections. But with CytoSolve we’re actually able to get down and look at those molecular mechanisms. And today, we’re going to look at the mechanisms of Cardiovascular health. And just to let you all know, 2007 is when I created CytoSolve.
After four or five years of my PhD work, we wrote a lot of papers about it. But more importantly, over the last two years, for the last many years, we’ve been helping a lot of manufacturers of people who make supplements. The smart guys who really want to figure out, go beyond snake oil to figure out what works. We’ve helped them model all sorts of different biomolecular phenomena.
But in the last couple of years, we actually said, “Hey, we have all these mathematical models. Why don’t we really understand what CytoSolve does and see if we can build some new products that really apply Systems Science?” So that resulted in us about a year ago, where we applied Systems Science to really discover and validate a combination of compounds that have a profound influence on really affecting pain and discomfort. And that we, as it’s one of our new products, we put this out.

Because of COVID we sold out and it’s back on. You can get it. But it’s called mV25. But the goal here is all of you have asked about how this works. But mV25 is really… We’ve named it momentum, to move. But we’ve optimized it using this Systems Approach, right? So at the back of the bottle it says,
– “This was formulated using the CytoSolve computational Systems Biology Platform. A technology for precision and personalized health invented by Dr.SHIVA during his doctoral work at MIT. This formulation results from integrating…” So we’re just integrating 1000s of scientific papers over four decades. And that came from 69 research institutions. We’re not just cherry picking and using that knowledge.
We’re computing trillions of potential combinations of biomolecular interactions to discover an optimal synergy. And what CytoSolve Optimize means is that this formula has been optimized using all this powerful mathematics. No animals were killed in this to figure out the right combinations. Now as science advances so will this and if you look at the back of the bottle – It is Certified Clean, which means non-GMO, organic, and it’s US made GMP certified. And if you want to know more about it, go to www.VASHIVA.com, click on shop, and then you’ll find it there, okay?
When we look at Arugula, we take a Systems Approach. Arugula, like most foods in nature, is not just composed of just one chemical, which is what a pharmaceutical drug is. It’s composed of many things. Arugula consists of flavonoids, phytosterols, vitamins, fatty acids, and triterpenes. If you’re looking at the cannabis movement, people talk about terpenes. Well, it says triterpenes, a family of terpenes.
But notice its flavonoids, which includes kaempferol, quercetin, and isorhamnetin. Many of you may have heard of quercetin. It’s a very powerful ionophore. It’s also very good against allergies. Some of you may want to explore that. It has phytosterols, plant sterols, not animal steroids, and vitamins A and K, and a whole range of fatty acids. So that’s the composition.
I always like to throw up the chemical composition. You can look at what that looks like. But you can see it involves sulforaphane. It involves phenylethyl-isothiocyanate, butyl-isothiocyanate, quercetin, kaempferol. And we’ll talk about this erucin. A very interesting molecule here, erucin, carbon with double bond to sulfur and double bond. And you don’t see this normally.
But you have sulforaphane, but you also have erucin. It’s very interesting. And in fact, if you notice, most of the stuff has those double bonds. We haven’t seen this structure before. Those are the active compounds, right? But they’re naturally occurring compounds.
Biological Effects of Arugula
What are the biological effects of Arugula? Well, first of all, it protects your stomach, is gastroprotective, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-hyperlipidemic, which means it breaks down fats, anti platelet vasorelaxation, and immunomodulation. So, it modulates the Immune System. It’s a vasorelaxant antiplatelet. We’re going to focus on the heart aspects of it. We can do a whole talk on the immune aspects. These are the Biological effects.
What are the health benefits? Well, it protects your heart from hypertension, atherosclerosis, and coronary heart disease. It also protects your gut, gastric ulcers, infections and diabetes. Cardiovascular System, just to review, if you saw it yesterday it will be another review for you, but repetition is the mother of skill.
Cardiovascular System
But if you think about your Cardiovascular system is the thing that is composed of your heart, your blood vessels and blood. Three important things make your Cardiovascular system: the pump, the blood vessels, which are all the piping and the blood. And by the way, blood is not just red blood cells. It also includes white blood cells. So when your heart pumps it’s carrying to your, across your body, oxygen. But it’s also carrying immune support. That’s what the white blood cells are.
When you look at your heart, you want to think about your heart. Let me if I’m looking at my heart here, right, the left side, right? That’s… it’s your left side, okay? And the right side is my right side. So in this diagram here, what you want to be clear about is that we’re looking at the left atrium. The left atrium is the thing that’s receiving the oxygenated blood from the lungs, and the left ventricle where the aorta is, again, on the left side, is pumping all that blood throughout your entire body.
So you’re getting this fresh, oxygenated blood. It’s going from the left side of your heart into your body. And as your body uses up this oxygenated blood, the blue denotes deoxygenated blood, comes into your right atrium, the right side of your body and through your right ventricle and it pumps it up to the lungs, which infuses it with oxygenated blood. All of this is occurring because of your vasculature, right? Vascular, which involves, the red here denotes arteries; the blue here denotes veins, but all this micro-vasculature is known, is composed of your capillaries.
Here, the arteries are bringing in fresh, oxygenated blood. Your capillaries are the smaller blood vessels that deliver the nutrients and oxygen to the tissues and cell. And then they remove the waste, which is the blue here back through your veins and it takes it out. Now, if you look at the structure of the vasculature, the arteries have three components: the outer component, which is known as the adventitia, which is the outer layer, same with the outer layer of your veins.
Capillaries don’t have that outer layer; these are the micro vesicles. Your veins and arteries also include the tunica media, which is the middle layer. That’s this thick middle layer. Capillaries don’t have that. And the inside layer of the arteries and the veins is called the tunica intima. That’s the inner layer. And that consists of a lining of cells known as the endothelial, okay, endothelial cells, and which provides a frictionless pathway for the movement of blood vessels. We’re going to be focusing on the capillaries.
Cardiovascular System – Role of Nitric Oxide
Now, what’s really important to understand here is that one of the most profound molecules that was discovered is something called nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is produced by the endothelial. When you exercise you’re going to find when you run, and you exercise, your body will actually release nitric oxide through a series of biological pathways. And that’s what we study at CytoSolve.
And if you can understand all those chemical reactions, you can find out how to enhance them and you can find out how food works. So, that’s what we’re going to go into. If we go into the cardiovascular role, and you look at nitric oxide, this is what the nitric oxide molecule looks like. It’s double bonded to this nitrogen radical.
Okay, and it’s a potent vasodilator. It helps maintain blood pressure; it’s anti-atherogenic. Now, how is nitric oxide generated? Well, there’s an enzyme called eNOS, endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase, e N O S, and that catalyzes arginine. So arginine is a fuel. This is the catalyst. And when this gets catalyzed, you get nitric oxide. But when you exercise, you also trigger nitric oxide production.
Here we’re looking at the micro-vasculature. We’re looking at one little capillary here, and your blood is flowing through your capillary. The surface of your capillaries is composed of these cells called endothelial, here’s the blood flow denoted by these arrows. This is when you’re exercising and the eNOS, which is this endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase, gets activated from the flow and that converts arginine to citrulline and nitric oxide. And nitric oxide, the end product, is extremely important for vasodilation, which maintains proper blood pressure.
Now, the work I’m showing here was work that I did while I was at MIT, with my colleagues at MIT, Brigham’s, Harvard and King’s College. And we looked at the work of Andrew Koo who was one of the PhD students in our lab. Andrew literally could measure nitric oxide release in the laboratory in the wet lab, where he would send flow and he could look at NO release. Now, Andrew was very interested in understanding the mechanisms.
When you look at the surface of the endothelial, this is the endothelial, you’ll notice there’s this little structure here. I’m pointing at a little Christmas tree structure. So the surface of the capillaries are made up of these cells and on that cell is a little Christmas tree. And when blood flows, this Christmas tree structure known as a glycocalyx moves, and when that moves from the mechanical force, it initiates a conversion of nitric oxide in the presence of the enzyme eNOS to nitric oxide. So how does all this happen?
Well, when you start reading all those papers, you’ll find there’s all these chemical reactions. With CytoSolve, we’re able to interconnect all those chemical reactions, and mathematically predict how much eNOS mRNA releases. So this is our prediction. And we did this – Andrew’s data showed it was right on the money. So the black line is a computer prediction. The orange dots are the actual wet lab results.
This is quite extraordinary, which means without killing animals, we’re able to predict the actual release of eNOS mRNA, and the same here with the protein concentrations. And what’s important to understand is, you don’t have to believe me, we validated this and got published in one of the most prestigious journals in biological sciences, Cells Biophysical Journal. And what we were able to show was that we can actually use CytoSolve to mathematically model biological functions, saving animals lives. But we can do it with very good precision.
That technology infrastructure of CytoSolve allows us to model many, many different diseases. So the mV25 product, for example, we modeled inflammation. We modeled pain receptor pathways, and then we computed trillions of combinations of molecular reactions to find this combination. But here, what is powerful in CytoSolve, we can finally get a handle on food. Everyone says food is medicine. But with CytoSolve, we can really understand how food actually works at the molecular systems level. This is a paper that I was one of the senior authors. Again, I want to thank all of our colleagues.
Effect of Arugula on Cardiovascular System
What are the effects of Arugula on the Cardiovascular System? First of all, we’re gonna look at three aspects of Arugula. First of all, anti-hypertensive, which means it lowers blood pressure, anti-diabetic effect, anti-thrombotic effect, antithrombotic means you reduce blood clots.
Let’s look at anti-hypertensive effect. So by the way, here’s one of those chemicals in arugula known as erucin, e r u c i n. That’s its structure. Now erucin in Arugula is a donor of hydrogen sulfide. What happens is erucin is donated, it gives up H2S, okay, hydrogen sulfide.
And hydrogen sulfide, which is part of erucin, like nitric oxide is also a known vasodilator. What H2S does is it activates enzyme soluble Guanylyl Cyclase. So that’s sGC. So H2S activates this enzyme, sGC. So what does sGC do? sGC converts GTP to cGMP in the smooth muscle cells surrounding the blood vessel cells, leading to relaxation, vasorelaxation, which promotes anti-hypertensive effect of the blood cell.
Just to be clear, when you eat Arugula there’s a chemical in there called erucin which donates hydrogen, H2S, okay, and H2S, like nitric oxide is a vasodilator. So it converts GTP to cGMP, which results in the relaxation of smooth muscle cells, that’s vasorelaxation. So again, Arugula through erucin has anti-hypertensive effect. Very good for lowering hypertension.
The other effect Arugula has is an anti-diabetic effect. Now endothelial dysfunction, which is those cells along those arteries which means they stopped working as well, is caused by oxidative stress and oxidative stress is induced by superoxide and hydrogen peroxide in the endothelial cells.
Just to be simple about this, your endothelial cells, so, you know, in the lab, yesterday’s talk, I talked about one of them. If you want to impress your friends, you can talk about endothelial dysfunction or endothelial function. If you want really good health, you want the endothelial cells in your body functioning at the right modus operandi, that means you’re functioning well.
One of the key areas of health that’s emerging is endothelial function. We don’t want endothelial dysfunction. And what we’re seeing here is you get endothelial dysfunction when the following occurs. It’s caused by oxidative stress. If you’re stressed out, superoxide and hydrogen peroxide in the endothelial cells cause endothelial dysfunction, and endothelial dysfunction leads to diabetes. So, there’s a direct connection between your Cardiovascular System and diabetes, all right?
So, compounds such as PEITC, butyl ITC and SFN from Arugula. These chemicals exist in arugula and they upregulate Nrf-2 in endothelial cells. So in Arugula there are these chemicals PEITC, butyl ITC and SFN. These three chemicals increase the level of Nrf-2, okay? Nrf-2. And what Nrf-2 does is Nrf-2 promotes antioxidant, anti-oxidizing enzymes superoxide dismutase and catalase.
Now, what’s really great about these two enzymes is they stop superoxide and they stop hydrogen peroxide. These two chemicals are not good things you want because they’re basically oxidative stress chemicals. And they’re the things that when you knock these out these things contribute to endothelial dysfunction which lead to diabetes.
What’s happening is Nrf-2 is blocking – is up regulating these two which stops superoxide as well as hydrogen peroxide, which lead to endothelial dysfunction. So the key takeaway is that Arugula has these three chemicals in it, which promote Nrf-2 a very important beneficial chemical, which leads as you can see here, just bring this up here, which leads to the chemicals superoxide dismutase, and catalase, which eat up the superoxide in the hydrogen peroxide, which lead to endothelial dysfunction. Okay, so the key takeaway here is diabetes is directly related to your Cardiovascular system. You have good endothelial function, it’s going to have an anti-diabetic effect.
The third thing we want to look at when it comes to Arugula is that Arugula also has kaempferol, quercetin, and isorhamnetin. These three chemicals are important because these three chemicals stop. That’s what the red thing with the hammer at the end of it is NF-κβ. What is NF-κβ? Where under inflammatory conditions NF-κβ increases inflammatory cytokines like thromboxane and IL-1β CCL5 and TGF-1β, these aren’t good chemicals and these inflammatory cytokines promote activation of platelets and this leads to platelet aggregation, which leads to blood clot formation. So NF-κβ leads to blood clot formation and Arugula the three chemicals kaempferol, quercetin and isorhamnetin block NF-κβ, which means anti-thrombotic, which means anti blood clot effect.
Synergy – A Systems Principle
That’s the key thing here. You can see when you look across these, there are three Synergistic effects that Arugula has: anti-hypertension, anti-diabetic, and anti-thrombotic. And from a systems standpoint, this is why food is medicine. Arugula is a systems product. Pharmaceutical drugs are single-molecule drugs and they only have one effect. There’s no Synergistic effect. What you see with food as medicine here with the Arugula is it has a multi-dimensional effect. It lowers – It’s anti-diabetic; it’s antihypertensive, right? And it’s also anti-thrombotic. So why is this important?
And in closing, what I want to share with you is when you take this Systems Approach, you realize that we need to look at the interconnections and the synergies. This is why food is so important to understand. But you can take the same principles, which I keep wanting to let everyone be immensely aware of is that this same Systems Principle you can also use to build a political movement. We don’t just want to fight for truth. We don’t just want to fight for freedom. We don’t just want to fight for health. We gotta fight for all three together.
Truth Freedom Health®
Because they’re interrelated, and every Monday evening, we teach the Truth Freedom Health warrior-scholar training program. And that training program will help you see your body as a system, food as a system, politics as a system. It is really the nuclear physics of understanding Systems Science, which can be applied to politics or anything for that matter. I want all of you to consider the same Systems Approach can be applied to anything.
For example, when I look at the world and when I look at Truth Freedom Health, you have a bunch of, let’s say, well-meaning nerds or well-meaning people who are scientists saying, “Hey, we need more science, Truth.” Well, and then over here, you have people who love their First Amendment and the Second Amendment fighting for Freedom. And then you have people who love their food and their organic food. They’re earthy, crunchy granola types. They’re fighting for Health.
But all these three movements have historically been separated. And you can see we need to take a Synergistic Approach. We need to go beyond Left & Right and bring this together. And that’s really the message here. And I want to encourage all of you to go to www.TruthFreedomHealth.com and recognize that we need to take this Systems Approach in everything in life if we’re going to be successful. So as a part of that I want to share with you this video on what the Warrior-Scholar Program is, and I hope all of you take advantage of it.
The Science of Systems will educate you that everything’s connected. And it is a science that should be taught everywhere. Please take advantage of that. But let me go back and finish up Arugula. When we look at Arugula from the standpoint of the Systems Approach, and we can also apply the Systems Approach to look at Arugula, not only by the way, all of these slides I just covered, okay, which is in that video.
But when we look at Arugula there’s another way that you can also look at Arugula or for that matter, any food which we talked about in the course that everyone is welcome to study. But you can take a Systems or an Engineering Systems Approach. Now the engineering Systems Approach – for those of you who want to support our movement go to www.TruthFreedomHealth.com
Eastern Systems Approach
You’ll get access to Your Body, Your System. But Your Body, Your System is a tool that looks at the framework of the body from understanding the forces of movement known as transport, the force of conversion, like digestion known as conversion, and the force of things that hold you up like your skeletal system, for example: transport, conversion, storage.
And you can actually use this tool to understand what kind of system you are. You can then use it to figure out how your system is off course; how you’re feeling today, and how foods and supplements can bring you back on course. And that’s involved in the book and the tool. And we want to thank everyone who is or who has contributed to the movement. Those people who are generous enough to give $25, they get all these tools. And the warrior course is a separate thing you can study.
But when you look at Arugula, Arugula increases transport, which means movement in your body. It stabilizes pitta or conversion, which means it supports your digestion. It stabilizes it, calms it, and arugula also stabilizes the storage, which means it makes sure you’re not putting on weight, right? Storage. If you have too much weight, conversion is digestion. You don’t want to have heartburn, those kinds of things.
The issue is how much should you be taking? Well, again, this is not a medical show. This is an educational program. But if you look at the science that’s out there, for example, for the anti-thrombosis effect, which is the anti-blood clot effect, the work of (Fuentes et al., 2018) says you need about 200 milligrams per kilogram. That’s an extract per day.
If you go to the supplement store, you can find extracts, but you need 200 milligrams per kilogram extract per day. Now, Arugula extracts can also be used for anti-ulcer effects. And that’s (Alqasoumi et al., 2009), If you have such but double this 500 milligrams of kilogram per extract per day, anti-ulcer effects. And remember one of the chemicals in Arugula was SFN from Arugula for diabetes. And this says about 0.1-0.5 milligrams per kilogram per day from the work of (Bai et al., 2019), recent work.
In conclusion – The key takeaways here in Arugula is that I think ultimately food is best. But these kinds of dosages are published. People who are undergoing some type of they’re getting blood clotting or they have ulcers. So this is sort of the medicinal dosage of it.
Let me just before I come back to the summary, one of the things people need to understand is, you know, your stomach, your digestive system has around 25 receptors for bitter food. Arugula is a bitter food, but it only has one receptor for sweet foods. Your body needs these bitter foods. But for some reason, whatever happens to our diet, we probably get 25 times more sweet than we’re getting bitter foods and bitter foods like Arugula are extremely valuable. Yes, Arugula is bitter. Bitter is good; your body was designed to process bitter foods.
Arugula is a medicinal plant with several benefits to Cardiovascular health. We just covered it. The compound erucin prevents hypertension by releasing a vasodilator called hydrogen sulfide, H2S. That’s one important takeaway that you just learned. Second thing is Arugula promotes upregulation of antioxidant enzymes that mitigate diabetes by downregulating endothelial dysfunction caused by oxidative stress.
Simply put, Arugula upregulates antioxidants, which support endothelial function. Third is anti-inflammatory properties are arugula compounds. And these, remember Arugula has compounds which knock out NF-κβ, which is very inflammatory. And that leads to blood clots. But Arugula has these compounds that prevent blood clots by downregulating pro-inflammatory cytokines and platelet aggregation.
Arugula and Cardiovascular health, we’ve covered that. I encourage you to share this video with others to review it. But again, we took a Systems Approach here. We didn’t just look at Arugula, one chemical in Arugula. We looked at many different chemicals. We found out many different aspects that affect body chemistry. Again, we focused on the Cardiovascular system. Anyway, I hope this was valuable. Tomorrow, I’ll be doing another one on Cardiovascular.
We’ll be looking at another important, you know, natural set of compounds. And I have to do a number of interviews this evening. But I encourage all of you to take the Systems Approach. I encourage all of you to become Truth Freedom Health warriors. And I encourage all of you to become part of this movement and also support this lawsuit, www.WinBackFreedom.com. Thank you everyone. Be well. Be the light. Thank you.

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