In this discussion, Dr. Shiva shares his journey to the roots of his people’s tradition in the small village of Muhavoor, in the southern state of Tamil Nadu in India. His ancestors were palm fruit pickers. He will share videos of his recent trip to India, and you will meet a family who lives off the land by picking palm fruit and being in full sustainability with the products of the palm tree.
The original research in this video is made possible by generous contributions from supporters of the Dr.SHIVA Truth Freedom Health® movement. Please contribute so we may continue to bring you such origial research, valuable education, and innovative solutions.
Key Points
- Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD – Inventor of Email, Systems Scientist, engineer, educator – continues talking about his recent journey back to his home village in South India showing the indigenous sustainable palm tree system.
- Dr. Shiva shares the experiences of a local family farm of palm tree farmers. The entire family of mother, father grandfather and son all play key roles in the sustainable palm tree system
- The palm tree farmers climb the trees by hand three hundred times a day, uses 900 buckets and create many products.
- The roots of the palm tree are like straws, they literally soak up all the minerals. You get the fruit, wood, burlap, roots and leaves. Every part of the tree is used and sustainable.
- The palm tree farmers live a completely sustainable lifestyle that CytoSolve® would like to support by developing customized functional food products.
palm tree, people, alcohol, fermented, juice, product, fruit, india, palm, called, systems, taste, fermented drink, textiles, calcium carbonate, create, glycemic index, sustainable, village, indigenous, health, traditional, culture
Good evening, everyone. It’s Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai. As promised, today, we’re going to finish up an important part of the trip I did in India, which was actually to visit one of the palm trees… I don’t even want to say it’s a plantation, but a family. And this what happens throughout South India, individual small families are the ones who actually farm the palm tree and make it a sustainable crop. So I want to walk through that. So today’s talk is actually The Power of the Palm Trees, the Indigenous People of India. So this is going to really be actual video shots that I took, right next to right in my village when I went there.
So I’m going to quickly review where I went, the people I met the family that I met, and really talk about one of the fruits that comes out of the one of the products and you’re gonna see it like this, but it’s actually this is literally molded into a small coconut shell shape, you can notice it’s very, very dark, but this is called Krupatti. But it’s a product of the palm tree. It’s sugar, but it’s the glycemic index of this is and I’ll talk more about this is around 40. Spaghetti is 41. Glucose is 100, the higher the glycemic index is not really good for diabetics.
The Geography of India
But anyway, we’re going to talk about that. But let me just jump right into it. So you can see in this picture, we have a guy climbing these palm trees. So we’re gonna discuss what are these palm trees? But just to quickly review for the last couple of months, I was in India, and by the way, just to let people know where India is just quickly geography.
It’s in between sort of Arabia and over here, and the Philippines, and Australia is down here. But the red dot represents where I actually went. This is the state of Tamil Nadu. Chennai is essentially the big city there. And way down deep south south of Puducherry, which is actually a French, former French colony, Madurai, which is the greatest – temples are there 3000 year old temples. There’s a small village called Mugavur right there. And that’s what I went. And yesterday I talked about going there, back to my village. And actually, I think I played a quick video of what places or look like and the fact that I went, when I went to my village, we actually there was a big news exclusive that I came.
Gifting Knowledge to Children
But the important thing is when I went to the school, which I actually contributed to building in the small village before that, kids were out in the actual, you know, under mango trees without any building or anything, but we built a school, but they were very happy to see me. And, this just carried to about 60 million people across South India. But the main thing was I had announced to them, at this event, that I was going to be providing all the kids 1500 Kids access to the Foundations of Systems course. You can’t hear the sound, because it’s also in a different language.
But we have the Foundations of Systems course, which everyone who’s an adult, we’ve made it very, very accessible to everyone to take. I encourage you to all take it but it’s a course that really takes a Systems Approach to understanding everything around you. And it’s really, in my view, the way that we go Beyond the Left and Right, we go Beyond Black and White and really understand how to think okay, so you can go to But the other thing I also have announced is that there’s a book, the System and Revolution book, which all of you can get for absolutely free.
And one of the things we’ve done is at the event, we also announced that the entire course is going to be adults getting a $2,500 scholarship, but the kids get it absolutely for free. So, any one of you who takes a course can give it to anyone. But let me let me jump right in and talk about sharing with you some more scenes here. So this was after we finished up the school.
Indigenous Culture of Tamil Nadu
The next day we went this morning to visit the palm trees and where people work or individual families work and as you can see here, this is a road you have to go deep into the village. And to actually go visit these people, my cousin had made a possible setup time letting these people know that we were coming.
But you can see the gorgeous scenery here. And this is what I grew up around. Those are rice field workers working out in the fields. And in the distance, you can see the palm trees over there on the far upper right. So we went out there. And to give you an idea, here’s another scene of those palm trees as we were getting close, these palm trees are really high, okay, very thin.
And these palm tree workers actually, as you’ll see, climb up these palm trees each day, they climb up around 300 of them to actually get the sap or the juice of the stem of the palm tree. And I’ll walk you through that. On the way over, you’ll see we saw people being bused in to go work the fields and you can see these people are not young people, they’re 60, 70, 80 years old, and they still work out in the field. So this was as we were driving over there. So this is a palm tree.
The Oldest Language on the Planet
One of the important things I want to let you know is the South Indian state of Tamil Nadu, T A M I L. Is a language by the way Tamil is the oldest language on the planet, spoken as well as written language. Plus, Nadu in Tamil means nation. Many, many words in the English language actually come from Tamil. There’s frankly been a lot of racism. People think all words come from Latin and Greek, I can go through a whole bunch of words. They’re actually much older that come from Tamil, but anyway, probably do a whole nother video on that.
Sustainable Palm Trees
But you can see the palm tree which is right here, and there’s different kinds of palms, by the way, there’s coconut palms, which is the coconut tree. But there’s two kinds of palms, there’s a date palm, and then there’s a Palmera palm, which produces these fruits that you’re gonna see are about yay big. And they’re about, they hang on stems here. They’re a purple fruit. And it’s a very different kind of tree that produces the palm fruit.
So let’s walk through this, by the way in order to go there, you have to walk through the woods. And you can see us on the left with my cousin leading us and where we are in South India, there’s lots of cobras here. I’m not talking about small Cobras. I’m talking about King Cobras. And Michelle was walking around. And she really didn’t have that sensibility. So I had to keep yelling at her. Be careful. You have to walk around these paths.
And then anyway, we came across this family. She’s the wife, and they live in these small huts, where they live during the month of January, and June to six months is when they have to really farm the palm tree. Sorry, it’s a little bit rotated. And then here is a family on the right. This is a wife. That’s a husband, he’s about 60 years old, and that’s the son. The husband is 16 You’ll see he still climbs these palm trees and the sun. And there’s a palm tree where you can see they’re pretty tall. The sun was telling me that he actually went to school for engineering, but he didn’t want to do engineering. He actually likes working out in the fields.
And you can see the father is ripped. I mean, I’m talking about everyone goes out to work out. But if you see this gentleman, you stop it right there. He’s by no means a slouch. And he was saying that his father who’s 90 Still climbs the palm trees, he is still alive. His great, I suppose grandfather just passed away 118 And up until 102. He’s declined.
Okay, so for those of us who go work out, if you look at this guy, he’s just ripped, lean, and just strong. But anyway, over here, you can see him actually climbing down the palm tree. And he does this and you notice on his side, he’s got the stick, which contains a rock, the stone of a rock, that used to sharpen the blade that he uses the sickle that he uses.
But and then inside you notice he’s carrying this pot. The pot is what is used to collect the palm juice. Okay, and we’ll talk more about that. Now this is another scene on the left, where you can see there are these pots that are hanging to collect the sap from the fronze, not the fronze, but from the edge of the fruit of the palm tree.
And so he’s going up there, he’s collecting there, you just got a pot and he pours that pot into the other pot. It carries up and down and they do this 300 times a day. Okay? And then he brings it down. And then here’s another and they’re still getting it. And it’s pretty tough work.
And by the way, there’s sometimes Vipers and cobras which are out there. So if he goes up there, he’s got to kill those and also get it. Okay. This is No, it’s very dangerous, but they don’t, it’s very easy for them to do, they’ve been doing this all their lives. And over here is another shot that you can see of the it’s a little close up but there’s three pots typically, to each palm tree that they go and mine 300 times per day, so 900 pots that they’re mining every day, okay. And then this is a fruit of the palm tree.
Now you notice it’s very different from the coconut. Okay. And inside of that, if you can see here are these little jelly some people call it you know, these jelly fruits, okay, and he’s opening it up, you notice how easily handles that circle, right. And inside this is these three fruits that you could see three jelly like fruits that he’s opening up and Michelle had these and we ate them. And there you can see him. You just eat them with your hand and I think we’re gonna see Michelle eat. Let’s see if she eats them here. There she is, right. So there it is.
So that fruit is a jelly like fruit amazing for the gut. Amazing food that people have in the morning. And they’re she’s eating them and you just scoop it right in there, you put your finger in, and you just pop it right out. This is Jelly, like a fruit that comes out that she’s eating the and these fruits all hang on a stem. And the stem that you can the stem is what is broken to collect the palm juice. So there we go.
Okay, there’s me eating it right here. There’s a sun, etc. Now, here, you notice on the right here, he’s holding this tool inside of that is a course rock that he uses to essentially sharpen his blade, but you can see this guy’s just ripped. Okay, climbing up and down palm trees, I thought maybe we should create an exercise routine in a gym where he climb up palm trees, but it’s the only thing he does, you know, and that’s the stone that they use that the pieces of it are in there.
So he can sharpen his blade when he’s up there. So they got to they’re essentially a lean mean machine. And by the way, this is limestone that is used to edge the surface of the pot. It’s a very important point to make here. The Indian government made it illegal, because if you collect this juice, it ferments very quickly and very healthy 4.1% Alcohol. So if you let it ferment and you make alcohol, you can be thrown in jail. However, if you put calcium carbonate, which is limestone in it, then it doesn’t ferment.
This thing that I’m showing you here is the brush that has calcium carbonate that they put on the edge of the pot, so it doesn’t ferment. Okay, so there’s a pot that he’s collecting, and it has a calcium carbonate in it. So anyway, that’s the sort of the physics of it or the chemistry of it. Okay, this is the juice that’s collected, okay, and they collect this from 300 trees, and from 900 pots every day. So this is a juice that’s collected.
And you can see it’s frothy, because it already has a certain amount of fermentation. Phenomenal taste. I mean, it should be. I mean, it’s just pretty amazing. Okay, I can’t describe the taste. But here what he’s doing is he wanted us to taste it. So he’s literally – look how the hand crafts have been. He literally takes a palm frond and you’re gonna see what he does. He’s making us a – within seconds. He’s making us a bowl. Okay, for us to drink out of and then Michelle will drink out of it.
You see how he’s doing this? No tools but his hand, okay? And he makes it out of his hand. And this is the traditional way that you drink the palm juice. Okay. And in that little bowl, he’s going to place the palm juice, so we can have some of it. Okay, so it gives that to Michelle. And I think he’s Yeah, so he makes another one here for me. And there you can see he’s making it and then this is the we went over the palm fruit here.
And then what’s poured in there is let me show you here on the next video. Michelle, you’ll see his drinking and he really loved this. Okay, there’s the juice and she was basically saying we had no one had the she’s saying the taste is just the taste is like a whole rainbow of taste. You initially feel it tastes and another taste. And she just loved it. It’s like we should be. This was an indigenous food that’s been made illegal. Okay? The drink unless you put calcium carbonate, amazing health 4.1% alcohol.
And what’s really, in many ways unfortunate is the Indian government lets you import in scotch and all sorts of very hard liquors which have 60-80% alcohol, but this is actually a food that they do not allow to be imported. Okay. So should export. Yeah, they should export that. Exactly. So John was saying, so anyway, so that’s that now here, the juice that’s made. The woman here, she literally if you notice me go back here, she makes it in this vat which is in her shed.
And by the way, she explained to us, the entire shed is made from the palm tree, the timber, the fronds, everything here in her shed is made from the palm tree. Okay? And, and she’s again pouring all of that in your all that liquid is being poured into here, you know, gallons and gallons of it. And she does so her husband and her son are out there getting the juice, she basically puts it in here.
So when this liquid hardens, that is the palm that is the hardened product of the juice, okay, if you cook it slowly for hours, she said about three hours and it hardens into this palm. Fruit that not this palm fruit, but the and then she puts it in these, again, they get the coconut, right, so everything is sustainable here, the entire house is sustainable. And that’s where it’s molded to make that thing I just showed you, right, the sugar and I can show you in the video. So we brought a bunch of them back.
So here we go. So this is a sugar. This sugar is so rich in minerals, it’s not jaggery. So this is – jaggery typically comes from someone said from the sugar cane. And then they add brown crap into it to make it look like this. This is the original stuff – jaggery if you go to the Indian stores, and you buy it, it’s that comes from sugar cane, which is a very high glycemic index. Brown sugar is up to 81. Okay, this is 40 glycemic index below spaghetti, okay, which means it’s mineral rich, you can add this to your tea, your coffee, etc.
Now when she was making it, she said you know, if you have ginger and other herbs, you can put it into it. So one of the projects we’re doing at CytoSolve® was actually analyzing this. I mean, and what’s interesting about the palm trees, the roots of the palm tree are literally like straws, they literally soak up all the minerals, you know, you get the fruit, you get the wood, you get the burlap that you can make of it. I’ll show you some pictures of that, but let me play some more of this, but she basically makes all of this and she gave us a bunch of them. They sell this for 250 rupees per kilo.
So, 250 rupees per kilo is what they sell this for. And yeah, so, the issue is how much is that in US dollars so, there’s Michelle holding that right from the hut Okay. So 250 rupees per kilo you get 12 of these 250 rupees is about $3 Okay 75 to 75 rupees to $1 and you have 12 of these in about a kilo. Okay, so this what is 12 divided into $3? John 12, four Hmm, well, if you divide 300 cents by 12 Would you get? You get about 30 cents, okay? 25 cents. So one of these is 25 cents, that’s what they sell. And then they ship it and then someone takes it – a distributor and then they put it up on Amazon and Amazon takes their charges.
So by the time it comes to – this is probably 10 times more. So one of the things we’re thinking of, yeah, someone said the minerals are worth way more than that. So we’re thinking of creating a way and all of you may or may be interested to directly go right from the hut of these families right to you and maybe even embed some other stuff in here. So this becomes a direct food, a functional food. That’s what it is. This is an amazing functional food.
Anyway, these people make it, get paid nothing for it. These people get paid, do the work, are in great shape and are completely sustainable. Meanwhile, the liberal elites running around in the United States at Harvard, talk about oh, yeah, we need to create sustainable economies.
And meanwhile, they advise these governments, but they do not talk about the palm tree and what it’s doing. And basically, there’s only in that one village, there’s only about 100 people left to do this. In that one village, there used to be close to 2000 people, because by the way, to give you a personal insight, the caste that I come from – the untouchable caste.
For years, this was the only job that I or my family was supposed to do. So my being here on the video, or my family getting educated was quite extraordinary, because they’ve made it a curse if you do this. So a lot of these people don’t even do this anymore. And they either end up destitute, or doing some even other ridiculous jobs. When you think about what this process is, it produces. And this is just one product that it produces. It produces the fruit it produces.
And I’m going to show you other things that makes, but these people are literally being put out of work. Meanwhile, the elites talk about sustainability, okay. And this sustainable product, Jeff Bezos probably makes 10 times more on it, okay. And then he gives and then he supports sustainability, which is basically to do supposedly carbon neutral stuff. Anyway, we’ll talk more about this. But so there’s a palm up, let me bring it back here. There’s Michelle holding that, let me bring it back.
But you can see Michelle’s enjoying it, I can’t tell you how tasty this is. And it has, it doesn’t even taste like sugar. Okay, it’s just phenomenal the taste. And very few people in the United States have ever tasted anything like this. And the version that you see is an adulterated version of this. There’s a woman you know, 60 years old on her knees, making this okay. And Michelle just loved the taste. And we brought some back and we want to create a supply chain that we could bring it for all of you.
Okay, now, there’s other products. As I mentioned, this is an incredibly sustainable tree. If you take the individual three, remember, I told you there the three, each palm fruit has three jellies in it, okay. And if you take each of those jellies, and you let it dry, and you plant it, it creates a root, okay? And then the root is like a tuber that you can eat. Phenomenal for health.
And so the tuber is made here, let me show you the video of that. And you literally eat this tuber, which is just just so phenomenal for health. That’s, that’s one part of the other thing is they make the burlap cloth here. Okay, right here from the palm fronds and these are actually used in case to make the packaging that’s sent.
Then over here is when we left the family all reintroduced themselves. Okay, so that’s the son. And this is a second, the other son and he ended up becoming a police officer because he didn’t want to do this. And you can notice a difference in his physique, okay? He’s a little bit chubbier. Right. Whereas a very okay, but this is the father and the son and the mother and the people over there.
So let me if there’s any questions people we can take. So fundamentally, I wanted to share this with you. Obviously, it’s not the story I’m sharing with you mainstream media won’t carry. They’re not going to talk about it because we’re not creating some crazy dialectic about, you know, left versus right, or black and white. But the reality is, what I just shared with you is a complete system, the palm trees, a complete, complex system.
Indigenous Fermented Products
The way this family works with nature is a complex system. The fact that they’re healthy. They take everything that they do, they’re not hurting anyone. They live completely, truly one with nature, physically, the product that they make, and what’s unfortunate is Tamil Nadu, which is that state, the tree of that state is a palm tree. The main product is that juice, which should be fermented, which was called toddy. Why? By the British 4.1% alcohol, that alcohol is phenomenal, that’s been outlawed.
But the Tamil Nadu government allows every other kind of liquor to come in, which is 80-90, 60-40, 50% alcohol, which is really most of it makes alcoholics out of these people because they can’t do their job. Sound familiar? Very much like the native American Indians.
So they stop people from doing a very good alcoholic beverage, then people become alcoholics and have a lot of …on a personal note. I have probably a number of people in my own family in that village who became alcoholics, okay? And they just, it’s unfortunate. So my whole family you can see some people got educated, like my parents, but the majority of them are very destitute, very poor.
And like the American Native Americans alcoholics are, they really have no other way of making any money. But you can see if we’re allowed to let this actually prosper. It’s a very, very sustainable crop and it can be a value anyways, let me take some questions if anyone has one. Someone says alcohol converts to sugar. That’s true.
What’s interesting is, this is a fermented product. And we know fermented foods are phenomenal for your entire microbiome in the gut. And so in the morning, typically, they have lots of B vitamins, people drink that and then head to work. So it’s not like they’re getting drunk, going to work. Okay. They’re actually eating a very powerful food. What is the reasoning for outlawing the alcohol? Jill Jones says, let me put Jill’s question up. Good question. Jill’s, it’s a great question.
Well, you know, you’re asking a very fundamental question. And we should probably, you know, when the British came to India, when the British came to India, Indians, I mean, there’s a reason Christopher Columbus wanted to go to India or Europeans, it because India was really known as a jewel of the world, it was producing massive amount of spices and foods, etc, but, and textiles. And the Indian people used to produce incredible textiles in a place called Coimbatore.
It was no, it’s funny, they called it the Manchester of England, when Manchester didn’t even exist at the time. That’s what they rebranded it. But when British colonialism came, they stopped the Indian production of a lot of goods, in fact, started taxing it and move that manufacturing to England. So in the case of textiles, they stopped the indigenous production of textiles, tax did at 80% moved all the mills to Manchester. And then when they made goods there, they tax the import of it back to India at 80%. So they charge the Indians more for buying textiles.
So, it’s all money, follow the money. So here’s an amazing alcohol that’s used by the indigenous people that helps them and heals them. So they cut that off. And then they import it in much harsher alcohol which the Indian people had to buy. So that’s why they did it. It was really for money. Someone says, Kombucha is fermented. And as alcohol I have a shot of it every morning. Yeah, there you go. Right.
By the way, what’s interesting is there’s some very interesting research done on why people live long. The all the oldest people and they found three reasons. Number one reason that people lived long was that they had community friendship, like this family working together. The second reason was, every one of these cultures always drank a locally made, fermented drink, alcoholic drink, let me repeat that, a locally made fermented drink.
In Japan, it was let’s say Sake or in other places, it was kombucha in India, it was the toddy. And that was extremely healthy. And the third reason was people actually had some type of physical activity that they did. But first was community and second was an alcoholic drink. fermented drink. So what we’ve done is we’ve created a very hybridized refined version of that alcoholic drink, which we call alcohol at the liquor stores and you have to pay an absorbent and fee and the government takes taxes on it, but they destroyed the actual indigenous version.
By the way, this is also true of cannabis. The original cannabis people did not, the version we have today is highly hybridized. It is not healthy. You know, the THC content is ridiculous in it for those people who are schizophrenics, it accentuates it. So it’s almost like the establishment takes something that’s good. They highly processed it and refined it and made it unhealthy for people.
That’s what’s happened, frankly, with alcohol but fermented drinks, locally made, or I mean, even in the I’m sure there were fermented drinks that the Native Americans had every Italian family in the old days used to make their own local version of alcohol. You had Mead, right, the Vikings made right from but it’s a locally fermented drink because when they’re locally fermented, they have a much higher content of all different kinds of very healthy bacteria.
And God knows what happens by the time they’re refined. Someone said in my village we made a fermented drink from sorghum and banana juice. Yep. There you go. Okay. Shanti says hi. Hi, Shanti here, one of your contributors caught you in Boston quite a while back. Okay, great. Nice to have you. There you go. Africans made fermented drinks, too, right.
There’s been every culture made these fermented drinks anyway, for those of you are interested, please note that we want to as we as our movement grows, we want to teach people about these from a Systems Approach to what I just shared with you, in closing is the palm tree, how people make it in a very integrated way.
When you do stuff in a Systems Approach, you actually get products that are very healthy, unrefined, wild, and very valuable for the human body. When you reduce it, refine it, you get white sugar, glycemic index of 100, and destroys our health, etc. By the way, the human body only has one receptor for the taste of sweet, but close to 25 receptors for the bitter taste. This isn’t really that sweet.
Okay, so someone said, please watch 2000 mules. Yep. So anyway, I’ve heard about that movie. I wish Dinesh D’Souza had covered when it was the right time, what we did with our lawsuit, you know, he’s probably making good money now covering making 20,000 mules now. But he is not addressing the real fundamental issue in it. So good movie, let him do it. But he knew what we were doing in our lawsuit for your right, John. No coverage of it at all. And at a time when things need to be done is when you should do it. So I’ve seen portions of the movie.
But again, I just want to let everyone know that what’s important in life is to talk about the things at the right time. Not like a year later, two years later, it’s valuable. But it’s far more valuable. If you actually look at the reality of what’s going on, be it on the free speech situation, when we expose the fact that government has an unholy alliance with Twitter. That’s, you know, we talked about that in 2021. None of these mainstream guys even wanted to cover it. And in fact, even now, we’ll do a video tomorrow on it right?
Tomorrow, we’ll be talking about the truth about Twitter. And will Elon Musk do the real right thing, and we’ll discuss that. But I want to share this with you because I think this is a timely story. And I don’t I haven’t seen anyone else really covering what we just shared today. But I can’t overemphasize our movement will always talk about the right thing at the right time. Not when it’s opportunistic to do it, not when it makes money for you to do it. Okay. Yeah. So Jason says, yes, it’s right when you do the right thing, at the right time.
Okay, and says, I really receive notifications of your channel, well, we’re going to be doing every day around six to seven, so keep an eye out for it. And in closing, I want to recommend to everyone, please remember that our movement is focused on something very, very important, which is to educate as many people in the world on the Foundations of Systems. So when you’re out there talking to people?
Yeah, Crystal says Dinesh has no solutions in the movie, okay? He really never has any solution. Okay. It’s all about the news media just talking about problems and making money off talking about problems. Our movement is the only movement that offers solutions, which is we need to build a bottoms-up movement. It begins by people learning the Foundations of Systems. And we’re here to solve a problem. And the fundamental problem in the world right now is that you have both wings of the establishment which have the entire working people fighting, they don’t want working people uniting.
So on the election fraud issue, one side denies it, and the other side, makes videos and movies and makes money off of it or talks about crazy problems, you know, or they hype it up. They don’t want to talk about the fundamental issues and solutions. Our movement Truth Freedom Health® is the only movement on this planet, which goes down to the root of the problem and wants to teach people how to think with the Foundations of Systems. And more recently, I just want to let everyone know, we want to make this accessible.
So if you’re an adult out there, this is a $2,600 course which we made accessible to everyone for $100. So no one can complain. You know, we want to take people’s money, etc. It’s highly accessible. And when you take the course, you can make it accessible to every child that no No cost, and the book is absolutely free. But the only way out of this way that the establishment always has us fighting, or making bogus solutions talking about sustainability, when really not talking about it, is by pitting each other. And the only way out of it is for people to take a Systems Approach.
That’s the only way you gotta start from a Systems Approach, understand the dynamics of systems, and then go Beyond Left & Right, to unite working people. That’s what our movements are about. And it demands that every one of you become leaders and agents of change. It’s not about me, just proselytizing something. But each one of you is learning this knowledge, and then becoming agents of change by one of the important areas. We want to go to young people who are getting indoctrinated in college.
But if they’re below 18, there’s still an opportunity where they can learn the Foundations of Systems, of course, that they may never get in their lifetime. So let’s help our children and each one of your adults, take the course. And then you can be a philanthropist and offer the course to as many kids as you want. You want to offer it to a million kids for free, give it to them.
That’s how we changed the world – it is through the mind. That’s how my parents made it out of those villages. That’s how we smashed the caste system. That’s how we really fight inequality. Or that’s how we fight real racism. That’s how we bring the world together by understanding the nature of all systems.
So I hope this was valuable. But I say to everyone, get off your butt. Go online, take advantage of this, and learn this course, because you’re gonna need it and then you yourself become a philanthropist and offer this to children. Thank you very much be well, I’ll see you tomorrow. Tomorrow’s tomorrow’s talk is going to be on the truth about Twitter and will Elon Musk do the real right thing? Or is he about just using this to make some more money? We’ll find out. I’ll talk about that tomorrow. Thank you

It’s time we move beyond the Left vs. Right, Republican vs. Democrat. It’s time YOU learn how to apply a systems approach to get the Truth Freedom Health you need and deserve. Become a Truth Freedom Health® Warrior.
Join the VASHIVA community – an integrated EDUCATIONAL, COMMUNICATIONS – independent of Big Tech -, and LOCAL ACTIVISM platform to empower YOU to actualize Truth Freedom Health in your local communities by employing a SYSTEMS APPROACH.
The platform we are building for Truth Freedom Health® provides the infrastructure to take on Big Tech, Big Pharma, and Big Academia. Many of you have asked how you can help. You can contribute whatever you can. Based on your level of commitment to get educated, I have also created some wonderful educational gifts to thank you for your contribution.
To get the education you need and deserve, join Dr.SHIVA on his Foundations of Systems course. This course will provide you three pillars of knowledge with the Foundation of Systems Thinking. The three pillars include: 1) The System Dynamics of Truth Freedom Health, 2) The Power of a Bottom’s Up Movement, and 3) The Not So Obvious Establishment. In this course, you will also learn fundamental principles of all systems including your body.
Course registration includes access to his LIVE Monday training, access to the Your Body, Your System tool, four (4) eBooks including the bestselling System and Revolution, access to the Systems Health portal and communications tools – independent of Big Tech – including a forum and social media for you to build community with other Truth Freedom Health Warriors.
This course is available online for you to study at your own pace.
It’s time to Get Educated, or Be Enslaved.