The original research in this video is made possible by generous contributions from supporters of the Dr.SHIVA Truth Freedom Health® movement. Please contribute so we may continue to bring you such origial research, valuable education, and innovative solutions.
- Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD – Inventor of Email, Systems Scientist, engineer, educator – presents a CytoSolve® analysis on the Blood Brain Barrier & Brain health.
- The Blood Brain Barrier components mainly consist of Endothelial, Pericytes, Astrocytes and Neural Unit.
- The Pericytes are determining blood flow, clean blood into the brain, and are also determining what can pass into the brain and what toxins you take out.
- When Pericytes start deteriorating, many unwanted contents can come into your brain and you’re also not able to remove toxins.
- CytoSolve® mapped out all the molecular pathways of the Endothelial, all the molecular pathways to the Pericytes. Then mapped out pathways of Astrocytes and how it interconnects to the Pericytes.
CytoSolve, systems, blood brain barrier, parasites, molecular pathways, brain, science, diseases, astrocytes, people, neuroscientists, mapped, endothelial, mV25, understand, toxins, health, als, western medicine, architecture, western medicine, brain health
Good evening, everyone, it’s Dr.Shiva Ayyadurai. We’re going to have a science discussion today that I’m going to share with you. Basically a start of the Brain Health Series we’re going to do on brain health. And I think it’s important to have this discussion because it’ll give you context from a Systems Approach to really start looking at the brain in a way that you start having a framework to actually understand the nature of many of these brain diseases that you hear about; Alzheimer’s, ALS, Parkinson’s, all those things. But it’s going to give it to you in a context that gives you a foundational systems understanding.
And many of you can also share this with your doctors and in fact, neuroscientists. As we’ve talked about, the problem with medicine as a whole is medicine does not take a Systems Approach. And it’s not the fault of many of the medical doctors, it’s just the nature of the entire Medical System. The Medical System was actually created as a system to handle crises, the modern Western Medical System. And in that case, it’s very, very good for that. So if someone has a major crisis after, something awful has occurred, let’s say they have a major traumatic brain injury, or they get into a major accident, obviously, surgery and those things are very, very valuable.
History of Western Medicine
However, Western Medicine was not designed to handle, it was not designed to really handle large-scale systems understanding of diseases and prevention. In fact, somewhere in the history of medicine, it’s a longer discussion. At one point, the nature of healing was really looking at prevention, as well as cures. And that got split up; the preventative piece went into a bucket called Public Health. The other aspect of medicine, which was about treating people, became part of quote/unquote, “Western Medicine”. But most of the treatments were really after a crisis took place.
And I’ve spoken about this before. But to give you a very brief background on this, the history of Western Medicine really comes out of the Crimean War. And back in the 1800s, Florence Nightingale was really not just a nurse, but she was really the creator of the modern system of health care, which was about putting soldiers back on the field, cleaning up the hospitals, making an environment where you could do clinical research, handling the crisis.
But that foundation of medicine became sort of the base of all medical care, which is, everything was treated as a crisis. So as a part of that, in that environment, when people looked at the body, it was always about taking care of an organ system. It wasn’t about seeing the interrelation between this organ and that organ. So it’s a longer discussion on that.
But Florence Nightingale has been depicted when I was in elementary school, The Lady With The Lamp that – the book that she was just a nurse, she wasn’t. She was a member of the Royal Society of Statistics. She was really the creator of the modern healthcare system. Okay, so that’s important to understand but that understanding relative to our discussion today.
Which is going to be on the Blood-Brain Barrier and Brain health, and research that I participated in as a co-principal investigator with one of the leading neuroscientists in the world, using CytoSolve®, which I’m going to share with you, really helped to elicit the fact that the Blood-Brain Barrier is probably one of the most critical things to Brain Health.
And so today, what we’re going to be talking about is, and by the way, those of you who are joining new, you can go to That’s the website that really has all the different attributes and different things that, it’s really the sort of the core website that you can learn about, not only things that I’ve worked on but the entire Truth Freedom Health® Movement, It’s intimately tied to what I do. So please go there and check out And there’s a URL called, which I’ll talk more about, which is really about encouraging all of you to become Systems Thinkers and to be part of our Truth Freedom Health® Movement.
What You Will Learn
But what you’re going to learn today is what is a Blood-Brain Barrier? We’re going to talk about the anatomy of the Blood-Brain Barrier. We’re going to talk about the molecular systems of the Blood-Brain Barrier. We’re going to talk about the system’s architecture of the Blood-Brain Barrier. And then we’re going to end with Brain Health and the Blood-Brain Barrier.
The key thing is, you can, there’s a bunch of sites on the internet where I think there’s a whole site called masterclass where you can study from people. We make all of this knowledge absolutely free, available to all of you. It’s a public service that not only I do, but we have a whole set of people who support our movement, volunteers and others, to really make this knowledge available. Because we really want to inspire in all of you a Systems Approach. Many people say, Dr.Shiva, you’re giving all this information away, what can I do to support what you’re doing?
Learn to Think
One of the things you can do, that I want everyone to do, is to learn how to think. Very different from learning what to think. We want to encourage all of you to learn how to think. I’m going to share with you some very good science today that you really can’t get anywhere. I’m going to make it accessible to you. If you took a neuroscience course, most neuroscientists actually don’t even know this knowledge. And if you took it, they’d make it so complicated, you wouldn’t even understand it. So one of the things that we do here is to make this accessible.
The Science of Systems
But part of that accessibility is I want you to learn how to think. And specifically, what that means is, I want you to learn to really understand the Science of Systems. Because in the modern world, if you want to think Pro-or Anti, Left or Right, all those kinds of ways, it’s really not going to get you anywhere. In fact, you’re going to be, as we talked about in the talk yesterday, you’re going to be in one of the Four Buckets that the Ruling Class wants you to be in.
But when you take a scientific Systems Approach, you actually free yourself. And you’re actually on the road to what I say, Truth Freedom Health®. In fact, that’s a system, understanding the interconnection between the system of Truth, the scientific method, understanding why we need to fight for Freedom, and why we need to take care of our health, physical health, infrastructure, health, etc. These things are connected. But if you don’t understand the Science of Systems, if you’re not committed to learn how to think, versus what to think, you’re frankly never going to really move forward.
And so the best way you can, if you want to, quote/unquote “repay” me anything is to learn the Science of Systems. And as a part of that, I’ve made it accessible to all of you. Please go to, and take the Foundations of Systems Course. It’s a very powerful course. I’ve made it accessible by giving people a huge scholarship, but a $2,500 scholarship, so you have to pay a very nominal amount.
System and Revolution
But that’s how you can repay me, is for you to Get Educated or, frankly, Be Enslaved. And also, as a part of that education, I want all of you to go get access to the free book, The System and Revolution. You just cover shipping and handling. But it’s going to help you a lot because without you guys having to spend your time at MIT for 20-30 years, integrating Eastern Medicine, Western Medicine, Engineering Systems Theory, you can learn it in a book. And if you’re dedicated and you take the course, you can learn it very, very quickly.
And also, before I begin, I want to let everyone know, every Thursday, tomorrow’s Thursday, every Thursday at 11 am EDT, and I do two sessions at 8 pm. We have a full-blown Open House. And you can ask me questions, we can interact, you can meet a lot of wonderful people from all over the world. And you can go to
I’ll leave that up there if you guys want to go to that URL, We have 11 am EDT and 8 pm. Sign up. And it’s a wonderful session. You get to meet people. But most importantly where you can learn more about Truth Freedom Health® and a Systems Approach.
So, again, to those of you joining, we’re really going to go through what is a Blood-Brain Barrier. And you’re going to learn the anatomy of the Blood-Brain Barrier. You’re going to learn the molecular systems of the Blood-Brain Barrier. And then you’re going to have access to some very important research that I was involved in with my colleagues at USC, where we published a pretty big paper, really integrating all the different brain diseases into a systems architecture. It had not been done before. And we were able to do this because of the CytoSolve® approach that we took.
And interestingly enough CytoSolve® is a private company. And it’s rare that a university pays a private company to do research, but we were actually paid and funded to do that research because of the powerful nature of CytoSolve®. Which can do the work of lots and lots of Postdocs and grad students so I want to share with you that okay? But one of the important things to understand is what is CytoSolve®, right?
And CytoSolve® is really a powerful technology for research and discovery. In many ways, we are disintermediating academic research which is slower. Disintermediating Big Pharma because we figured out a way, the technology I created, to actually do that. So what I want to do is just play a quick video for all of you on what is CytoSolve®. I could go into it but I think this video will really explain what CytoSolve® is.
So in this area of Brain Health, and brain disease, there’s a lot of literature out there. So with CytoSolve® what we’re able to do, as the video said, was were able to take all the literature out there and organize it and systematically understand what the mechanisms are, and then build what we call a Systems Architecture. What do I mean by that? Imagine if you are building a house, right, and you’re the designer of it, how many bedrooms it has, whether it has a kitchen, right? Living room, bathroom, etc., and how those rooms are and where they’re interconnected.
Now imagine that you’re trying to unravel how nature, God, Grand Design or whatever approach you want to take, designed the human body. So what happens in this is we almost have to reverse engineer it and figure out the architecture. So we’re getting pieces of it, which are known as molecular pathways, and then putting these molecular pathways together, you’re then trying to understand what the system’s architecture is.
Yeah, so someone says, is it an ontology-based data? That’s only one piece of CytoSolve®. We have that piece, we have the ability to integrate models, and build large-scale models, and then do screening. So it’s a bunch of things. But critical here, in this case, one of the first steps we do is to build a Systems Architecture. So that’s what we did with CytoSolve®.
And you can go to CytoSolve®.com. And you can find more stuff about that. Let me just jump into now the work we did with the Keck Medical School Centre at USC. And here, our client was actually the University of Southern California and we looked at neurodegenerative diseases. And what we were building was a Systems Architecture; the Pericytes, Astrocytes, and Endothelial Cells. Let me explain this.
Blood-Brain Barrier
So what is the Blood-Brain Barrier? If you were to think about your brain as consisting of neurons, which are the components, the nerves, the brain cells, and Astrocytes, there’s all these different types of brain cells in your brain. Let’s assume you call that the brain, alright, these interconnected sets of brain cells. Alright, so that’s your brain here.
But remember, your brain cells can’t just be there. They have to be fed nourishment. They need to have the ability to remove toxins. So it’s an engine that’s running, right? Think about the brain as an engine that’s running. It needs to be fed with nutrients, blood and other nutrients. And you need to have the ability to remove toxins. Alright, so just think about it that simply. Alright, so what does that, what does that? Does anyone know?
What is called the Blood-Brain Barrier, okay? The Blood-Brain Barrier is known as the vasculature. We discussed a few days ago, the cardiovascular system. And we talked about the arteries, and the veins, and the capillaries and all these things that feed – that start from your heart and go throughout your entire body. Well, there is a vasculature, a system that supports blood into your brain and removes toxins. That’s called the Blood-Brain Barrier.
So what is the Blood-Brain Barrier composed of? So if you took a microscope, and so if here’s your brain and thought about in a very simplistic way, a helmet, sort of surrounding the brain. Consider that helmet to be the Blood-Brain Barrier. And if you looked microscopically at that helmet, you would see it was composed of spaghetti-like things, the vasculature. Which is all the capillaries that feed blood and can remove toxins out.
Well that vasculature is composed of three, the vasculature in the brain is known as a Neurovascular unit. We’re going to look at that. But just to give you an idea of how extensive this vasculature is, if you took all the elements of your Blood-Brain Barrier, and you literally stretched it out, it would go from San Francisco to Los Angeles, pretty long. So all of that stuff is compacted into your brain. Just to give you the level of sophistication that nature has done.
Complex Disease Modeling
Now the Neurovascular unit, let me show you a picture of it, is this anatomical unit shown in diagram A here. And this is in one of the papers we published. And what you see here, so consider the green here, and the sort of the Aqua here as your brain. These are elements of the brain, the neuronal unit, the Astrocytes, and the Neurons. So think about this over here as you’re microscopically looking at an element of the brain.
And here is the vascular, so it’s the Neurovascular unit. This is the neural part, and this is the vascular part so this we’re looking at a cross-section. This tan piece here is, remember, if you remember in a couple of videos ago, we talked about the capillary, so this is a capillary. Inside the gray area is where blood flows through. The base of this capillary system is made up of an Endothelial cell. So this is an Endothelial cell right here, okay? And blood flows through here.
And this is the Astrocytes and Neurons. But there’s a very, very, very important piece of the anatomy here known as Pericytes, Peri, P-E-R-I-, cyte, C-Y-T-E. You May want to write this down. The Pericyte is this pink structure. Guess what this does? It’s almost like a valve. So if blood is flowing in here, it decides how much blood is going to go in here. And if you have toxins building up here, it’s the thing that takes the toxins out.
So quick summary the Pericytes, here’s the Endothelial where blood is flowing through, your brain’s over here, the Pericytes are determining blood flow. Clean blood into the brain, and are also determining what can pass into the brain and what toxins you take out. So obviously, you want to be able to feed the brain with nutrients, but you also want to be able to remove toxins.
What happens if the Pericytes break down, which is what people call the breakdown in the Blood-Brain Barrier, okay? And so if you look over here, if we go here, we’re looking at a lateral view of it. So here’s again, see, these are the Endothelial right here, making up the Blood-Brain Barrier, okay? Blood is flowing through here. And these are the Pericytes up here. And the blood-brain integrity, if it’s destroyed, which means these Pericytes here start breaking down, then guess what happens? Garbage is not removed, and you don’t get blood flowing in. It’s not a good thing.
So Berislav Zlokovic at USC had come and others had come to the conclusion that when the Blood-Brain Barrier here, which is this Pericytes, very specifically, breaks down, it gets destroyed, guess what? You’re gonna have a serious problem with your Blood-Brain Barrier. It’s basically breaking down.
Bricks of the Brain Wall
So imagine the Pericytes represent like the bricks in a wall. And when those bricks start getting holes poked in them and they start deteriorating, all sorts of stuff can come into your brain. But you’re also not able to remove toxins. Very, very important stuff, Pericytes. So you can impress your own neuroscientist or your neurologist, or if you meet a medical student with this. So this was a theory. Now what had not been done is to really understand the system’s mechanisms. And that’s where CytoSolve® and our collaborative work came in with Melanie Sweeney, who was a Postdoc, Berislav, Zlokovic, who was the other my CO-PI on this.
So what we did was using CytoSolve®, we went to the structure, this is the Endothelial what you’re seeing here. And remember, these have all different molecular reactions going on in there. And this is the Pericytes, and this is the Astrocytes, the green. So really three structures. This is called the Neurovascular unit; the Pericytes, the Endothelial, and the green, the Astrocytes.
So what we did was we looked at all the research out there and we organized it to look at all the molecular systems in the Endothelial, all the molecular systems of Pericytes, and all the molecular systems of the Astrocytes. And the goal was, could we, as the architects looking at it, could we come up with the architecture that could explain many of these diseases.
And by the way, we’ll talk about this a little more, the destruction of the Pericytes, there’s a growing body of evidence that this destruction in the Blood-Brain Barrier, guess what causes it? Likely toxins, I mean, it could be some of it could be genetic. Some of it could be foods you eat, and likely toxins in the environment; plastics, right? Heavy metals, all this kind of stuff, right? So these things literally are poking holes and destroying the Pericytes. And when this breaks down, you’re hurting your Blood-Brain Barrier. You’re breaking down the wall, quote/unquote, “the wall” in your body.
From Cell to Disease: Endothelial Cells
So, what we did was we did that analysis. So first we looked at the Endothelial here, which is this piece right here. And we mapped out all those molecular pathways. And I’m not going to go into detail, but every piece of word here is a molecule, the line is a molecular reaction.
You can see there’s a bunch of molecular reactions going on in this structure right here, laterally, here, and the structure. In the Endothelial, we mapped out all these molecular systems. You notice this is why we say we take a Systems Approach. We’re understanding all the interconnections. Now, all of this individual research had been done by others.
The problem in biology or neuroscience, or any of the biological sciences is people get incentivized to find one little thing. And you could win a Nobel Prize for finding this little piece of reaction right here, or this, or this. But putting all of this together, there’s really not a lot of awards given for that, because it’s a grueling job. But that’s what we’ve done here. We’ve organized all the molecular pathways within the Endothelial.
Pericytes – Endothelial Cell
Alright, then going back to this anatomy here, we did this, and then we went to the Pericytes, which is a structure here. So the Endothelial is here, and then you have the Pericytes here. Again, all of these molecular reactions are coming from experiments that people have done. So we don’t need to kill animals, because we already are looking at work that’s been done.
Because I obviously want you guys to learn systems, and I have a little banner running below here. So please go to Your support of that you’re signing up supports you, and also supports us to be able to do this kind of great work here.
What we have here is that here you see that we’ve mapped out all the molecular pathways of the Endothelial, all the molecular pathways to the Pericytes. And no one had done this before so anatomically. We’ve mapped out these pathways in this and then we looked at the Astrocytes, which is really representing the brain and how it interconnects to the Pericytes, alright? So what we did was using the CytoSolve® approach, working with collaborators at USC, we mapped out literally the Neurovascular unit; all the molecular reactions in the Endothelial, which is the cell that feeds the thing that contains the Blood-Brain Barrier where blood flows through.
We then mapped out all the molecular pathways in the Pericytes and the Astrocytes. So we could have just done that and walked away. But a Systems Approach, when you think systems, you’re trying to interconnect all of this, you can see the whole, okay? Again, I can’t overemphasize that a Systems Approach is what is needed in the modern world. And you can apply this to neuroscience, you can apply to your body, you can apply to politics, you can apply to everything.
So one of the biggest contributions that really came from our efforts, my efforts, and CytoSolve®‘s efforts were this. What I proposed was that we need to really, here is the anatomy. So we did was, we literally laid it out, like architecture. And there it is, and I’ll come back to this. So what do I mean by architecture?
If you build software, if you’re a construction person, you’ll typically notice that the building of software, the building of any engineering system is done in layers, okay?
You build the foundation of a building and then you put the plumbing and the electricity, and that’s like the middleware layer. And maybe even you put in the cat five, or the cat six, right, all the communications. And then you finish up with the interior design. Well, in software, you do the same thing. You build a data layer, then you build a communications layer. It’s called the application layer. And then you build the user interface. So that’s the same thinking I approached to this problem. And by the way, academics don’t think like this.
When I put this together and we submitted this paper to one of the leading journals in the world, half of the reviewers thought it was a brilliant paper and the other half had never heard of the word Systems Architecture. So think about this, they made all sorts of critiques of the paper, very nasty remarks, and I had to explain to them, what is a Systems Architecture. And then I’ll show you the success we had.
Systems Architecture
But anyway, this is a Systems Architecture, let me make it a little bit bigger. What you can see here is the foundation layers and Neurovascular units, the anatomy. So here’s the Endothelial and we mapped out all the different molecular pathways, in fact, we modularize them. So that’s what these little pieces are here on the left, it’s a little bit hard to see. Here’s the Pericytes and here’s the Astrocytes. So just think about this contribution itself.
It was the first time anyone had really mapped out all the molecular pathways. But we took it one step further. From an engineering Systems Approach, we said, here is a Neurovascular unit. But then we found out that the Endothelial and the Pericytes, they communicate, almost like this is like their communications infrastructure, their internet. They use 1-6 major subsystems to communicate between each other. MFSD2A, Notch, TGF-β/TGFβR2, VEGF-A/VEGFR2, Ang/Tie2, PDGF-BB/PDGFRβ.
Now, what are these? These are basically subsystems of communication. And similar between the Pericytes and the Astrocytes, there were two major subsystems. So think about this as the middleware layer, as the piping, as the communications layer between these anatomical subsystems.
But here’s a really cool thing. Alright. So we understood the anatomy, we mapped out all the molecular pathways, and then we understood the communications between the subsystems. But now to make it practical to people and clinically valid, we looked at all the different diseases that are out there that you hear people, horrible diseases, people talk about Alzheimer’s, right? And ALS and brain cancer and Hypoxia, and microcephaly, or Ischemic stroke, right? I mean, there’s a bunch of them.
Well, all these diseases were always being viewed in a reductionist way, like the blind men touching the elephant. Someone just studies Alzheimer’s. Someone else, just studies Parkinson’s. Someone else, just studies, ALS, and so on. This is siloed reductionism that occurs in academic research. It occurs in medicine.
Why Western Medicine Does Not Look at Prevention
This is why people don’t see the interconnections of these diseases. They label these diseases and it’s very lucrative to label diseases. Because what you can do then is you can design drugs for individual diseases. You don’t have to look at prevention.
So what you see here is all of these diseases we mapped out, and then we related it to this second communications layer. And you find out these diseases are actually breakdowns in the communications between the Endothelial and the Pericytes, and the Pericytes to the Astrocytes.
So for example, here’s ALS right here, here’s Alzheimer’s. If you follow this through, you find out it’s a breakdown, Alzheimer’s and ALS in the PDGF-BB/PDGFRβ pathway, which interconnects the Endothelial and the Pericytes. So anatomically, what we’ve been able to understand here is that when the Endothelial cell and Pericytes signaling is broken down, that’s when you get ALS and Alzheimer’s. I hope this is valuable.
So basically, this thing becomes a very powerful map that helps researchers, okay? And it becomes, it’s almost like, we’ve mapped the world in some ways. We’ve mapped these anatomical structures, and we’re able to use this so now we’re going to be taking it to the next level with CytoSolve®. We can start modeling these, figuring out how particular things can break down the Blood-Brain Barrier. And what are things that can prevent and support the Blood-Brain Barrier, like turmeric. We’ve talked about this. Curcumin is very powerful at protection of the Blood-Brain Barrier. People have known this, but how and why does this do this? We can use this mapping to understand.
So really, the big takeaway is the Blood-Brain Barrier is a very powerful aspect of Brain Health. So things that sustain in your brain, a Blood-Brain Barrier supports it, keeping it functioning well will lead to Brain Health. Things that destroy your Blood-Brain Barrier, certain foods, certain toxins in the environment, even particularly different kinds of bacteria and viruses, that can cross the Blood-Brain Barrier.
One of the things people talk about is Spirochetes, okay? The Lyme, bacteria, right, which is a Spirochete, which sort of can drill its way here and cause some serious problems. So the net takeaway that you want to think about is that this anatomical structure, let me go back to this, is critical. And if the Pericytes break down, and Pericytes can break, potentially affect this, you have, this is the thing that leads to these diseases, okay? This becomes a map.
Now, when we did this research, and we submitted it, by the way, journals in science are rated at different levels. Sort of the Academy Awards of journals is a journal called Nature. So we submitted this work to Nature. And half of the reviewers thought it was brilliant, and the other half and these are the leading scientists in the world to review this, and the other half, as I mentioned, didn’t understand the word Engineering Systems Architecture, which is a term that I’d used.
Published in Nature
So I had to write about a 20-page response really educating these leading neuroscientists on what is a Systems Architecture. This is how backward and ignorant their knowledge was. Fortunately, these guys were open and the paper got published. And you can see it here. We’re very proud of this. Myself and Berislav Zlokovic were the senior authors, typically, and Melanie was the first author, and she was a Postdoc here. But this got published. It’s gotten, I think, over nearly 700 citations in science. One of the biggest things is who cites your work. It validates your work.
So I know this was somewhat of a deep discussion. But what we attempt to do here is to raise your level of consciousness. We’re not here to just do those little videos. Oh, I mean, we can do that, but we will always connect it to the molecular System Science. But this is not, Oh just eat curcumin and you’re going to be fine. I could say that but it’s just saying, believe me. We want to … make you think. We want to know that you learn how to think and that’s the system’s way. We don’t want to tell you what to think.
Because I’m not going to say eat this, and it’s going to help you. We want you to understand the mechanisms here. So the key takeaway you should take away from this is, Oh, there’s something called the Blood-Brain Barrier. Oh, there’s a Neurovascular unit. Oh, the Pericytes breaking down can cause serious issues in the Blood-Brain Barrier. Oh, there are three tiers, there’s an anatomical layer, there’s a molecular systems layer, the Neurovascular in it. Then there’s communication, and then there’s a disease.
The way that Western Medicine today works is you always are told the disease, and hopefully, had you known some of the stuff, you could have helped heal yourself and understand the body. As Hippocrates said, the goal is to, he said, “It’s a very foolish man or woman who doesn’t become their own doctor”. Well, but in the modern world, you can’t be your own doctor without knowledge. And what is that knowledge? It’s a systems knowledge.
So that’s what you just learned today. You’ve learned something. I would guarantee most neuroscientists don’t even know about this. Most medical doctors know about this. But you can review this video and you can really teach people, look, there are three anatomical systems. That all of these diseases are breakdowns in the communication signaling pathways. So beyond, and the idea is for you to move beyond just, like putting sound bites out there.
The Open Science Institute
All this research is brought to you by the Open Science Institute. And I encourage all of you to contribute there, you can go to If you go there, and you scroll down, you’ll see there is a link to the Open Science Institute. And we have various projects going on. This was the Brain Health Project. I recommend you go there and you can contribute. And by the way, when you contribute, I want to make it a reciprocal relationship. By the way, you don’t have to contribute anything. You can just listen to the videos and absorb it, and enjoy it.
But if you do contribute, I want to also, you’re contributing to support a Systems Approach to understand the Blood-Brain Barrier. But your contributions also go, when you contribute, I actually give you back gifts so you can become a Systems Scientist. You can become a Systems Learner. So if you contribute, for example, 100 bucks or more, you get access to the entire System Science Course. If you contribute, I think 25 to 100 bucks, you get access to other tools. And if you don’t want to contribute anything, you just want to become a member, please go do that. It’s absolutely free.
And that’s right here. So you can go here, and learn more about that. But most importantly, I want you to take the Foundations of Systems Course. Go to, because we need to create a world where we’re creating more Systems Thinkers. That’s how we get out of the Left/Right paradigm, the Pro/Anti, where you can actually start educating the medical community.
It’s an engineering Systems Approach. I used to teach this course all over the world, for a lot of money. I made it accessible, where everyone gets about a $2,500 scholarship. And if you take the course and you pass it, which most people do, you can then give the course to any child between the age of 13 through 18, for absolutely free.
Systems and Revolution
And then finally, please get the book because you will really get a real deep learning of engineering systems and Systems Science right here. It’s free, just cover shipping and handling. And, again, our goal is to learn how to think. There’s enough people telling us what to think. And that’s not what we want to do. And we want to learn the Science of Systems.
Before I close, I want to invite all of you to our Open House. We do it every Thursday. You can go right there to Sign up, and you’ll get an immediate RSVP with two zoom links, depending on which one you want to go to. So I hope this was valuable.
And again I want to encourage everyone to come to the Orientation. And before I leave, I want to play a video, which really, actually you know what I’m gonna do. Some of you’re asking about this. We have used CytoSolve® to actually create a very, I have one of the products here for years, we’ve been using CytoSolve® to do research with major universities.
We’ve helped a lot of nutritional companies, functional food companies. But about two years ago, we literally said, why don’t we use CytoSolve® to literally go through understanding all the molecular pathways of pain, inflammation, and see if we could go through all trillions, uh, use a computer; we didn’t kill any animals in the creation of mV25™.
But this is a very practical way. I’ll play this video and a bunch of you I know have gotten a lot of benefit from this. But we went through all the natural products out there and we found ingredients from natural fruits and vegetables, the active ingredients when you combine them. It’s doing alchemy. It has a profound effect on alleviating pain and inflammation. So let me just share that video with you here.

Alright, everyone, so those of you who have joined us, this was a Blood-Brain and Brain Health discussion. We have introduced the topic of the Blood-Brain Barrier and Brain Health. We’ve essentially given you an anchor point on where you can really understand Brain Health. So when you look at all these diseases, they’re just names; Alzheimer’s, ALS, these are different names.
But ultimately, the names of these diseases and brain dysfunctions relate to molecular pathways. And what we gave by way of example was if you look at Alzheimer’s, and you look at ALS, they are destructions, or they are dysfunctions in the same signaling pathway between the Endothelial and the Pericytes. So you can start getting a deeper understanding and you can see the commonality of these diseases. And you can start looking at certain foods, certain compounds that will cross the Blood-Brain Barrier and protect the brain. And we’ll start talking about that.
In fact, over the last four years now, CytoSolve® has had a big Brain Health effort to map out all the molecular pathways of the brain. And we started looking at different compounds in nature and we’re working on, just like we did with mV25™, coming up with a new formulation. But we don’t just put crap out there. The problem with Big Pharma is they only look at individual synthetic compounds. The problem with Big Vitamin, people just throw a bunch of garbage together, and they put it out there with Branding.
We really want to, we know that there’s stuff in nature that works, but we really want to find out what works with the science behind it. So it’s a unique position we find ourselves in and because we have CytoSolve® we can do that in a very scientific way. And we can be honest, as new science comes, we’re gonna keep updating it.
So anyway, I hope this was valuable. Again, this was the discussion on Blood-Brain Barrier and Brain Health. And, again, go to the Orientation. I want to see all of you guys there or go join That’s a gift you can give me, that’s how you can support our science. Go become a Warrior-Scholar, go to, sign up, or come to the Orientation to learn more about Truth Freedom Health®, and the System’s Approach.
Be well, Be the Light, and I hope this was valuable to all of you. Be well.

It’s time we move beyond the Left vs. Right, Republican vs. Democrat. It’s time YOU learn how to apply a systems approach to get the Truth Freedom Health you need and deserve. Become a Truth Freedom Health® Warrior.
Join the VASHIVA community – an integrated EDUCATIONAL, COMMUNICATIONS – independent of Big Tech -, and LOCAL ACTIVISM platform to empower YOU to actualize Truth Freedom Health in your local communities by employing a SYSTEMS APPROACH.
The platform we are building for Truth Freedom Health® provides the infrastructure to take on Big Tech, Big Pharma, and Big Academia. Many of you have asked how you can help. You can contribute whatever you can. Based on your level of commitment to get educated, I have also created some wonderful educational gifts to thank you for your contribution.
To get the education you need and deserve, join Dr.SHIVA on his Foundations of Systems course. This course will provide you three pillars of knowledge with the Foundation of Systems Thinking. The three pillars include: 1) The System Dynamics of Truth Freedom Health, 2) The Power of a Bottom’s Up Movement, and 3) The Not So Obvious Establishment. In this course, you will also learn fundamental principles of all systems including your body.
Course registration includes access to his LIVE Monday training, access to the Your Body, Your System tool, four (4) eBooks including the bestselling System and Revolution, access to the Systems Health portal and communications tools – independent of Big Tech – including a forum and social media for you to build community with other Truth Freedom Health Warriors.
This course is available online for you to study at your own pace.
It’s time to Get Educated, or Be Enslaved.