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In this discussion, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email, honors Labor Day by sharing the truth of BOTH wings of the Establishment – Left & RIght – who steal from you, abuse and divide you. It’s time to learn how this system of abuse confuses you into complacency, division, and desperation.
The original research in this video is made possible by generous contributions from supporters of the Dr.SHIVA Truth Freedom Health® movement. Please contribute so we may continue to bring you such original research, valuable education, and innovative solutions.
- Labor Day celebrates the American working class workers movements in the 1800s during a period that was known as the “Great Upheaval,” a period of history of which knowledge has been suppressed and is rarely talked about.
- Massive protests and strikes took place all over the United States where working people collectively organized into self-organizing bottoms-up movements fighting for their rights.
- Many of the improvements in living conditions and standards of living in the United States can be attributed directly to the successes of these early workers movements.
- The Left & Right wings of the establishment colluded together. The Right-Wing branded anyone who used the slogan of “workers unite” as a Communist or Marxist. The Left-Wing took over the Unions in a top-down fashion so they would no longer strike.
- The continuing collusion of Left & Right is used to divide working people and ensures that no bottoms-up movements have been able to unite working people against the elites again.
- Only by understanding the Science of Systems that the elites use to maintain the System of Power Profit Control can we build a truly bottoms-up movement to raise the conscious of working people and create the infrastructure needed to maintain a self-organizing system of Truth Freedom Health®
Labor Day celebrates the American working class workers movements in the 1800s during a period that was known as the “Great Upheaval,” a period of history of which knowledge has been suppressed and is rarely talked about.
Labor Day really originated in the United States on May 1st. In the rest of the world, May 1st is celebrated as International Workers Day, or May Day.
Four American workers were hanged for fighting for the eight hour work day. Workers all over the world honoring those workers and movements deemed May 1st as International Workers Day.
What was occurring in the late 1800’s was a period called the Great Upheaval. It was a time in the United States when factory workers worked 20 hours a day, and there was child labor.
Protests were starting in places like Lowell, Massachusetts. In 1886 there was an interesting incident which is called the Haymarket Affair. Workers were for fighting for the eight hour work day.
On May 3 there was a big demonstration in Chicago with 30,000 to 40,000 people. It was completely nonviolent until the police arrived and fired on the workers.
Someone who has never been identified, threw dynamite into the crowd. Apparently a policeman was injured and killed.
They blamed the workers for the violence. After a trial, four American workers were hanged for fighting for the eight hour work day.
Labor Day should really be celebrated on May 1st. It was actually diffused from really being celebrated with May Day by Reagan.
When Reagan came into power in 1980, May Day was changed to Law Day. It was wiped out of the history books.
So Labor Day got changed, as we have it today, to early September here. American workers are purposefully not taught to celebrate Workers Day with the rest of workers all over the globe.
Massive protests and strikes took place all over the United States where working people collectively organized into self-organizing bottoms-up movements fighting for their rights
During that period of time in the United States, we were transitioning from the agriculture era to the industrial era. Working people were, frankly, being abused.
Leading up to May 1, there were, conservatively, a half a million protests across the United States. What were they protesting for in 1886?
They protested for the eight hour workday. Their slogan was, “Eight hours for work, eight hours for rest and eight hours for what we wish to do.”
This was a period when working people were uniting bottoms-up. These were not top down controlled demonstrations.
When those workers movements arose, bottoms-up, Chicago was a center of all of this. Chicago had a very vibrant, working class movement.
On May 1st, millions were protesting across the United States for the eight hour work day. After the Haymarket Affair in Chicago, there was a series of trials for the violence that occurred there that day.
Ultimately, four American workers were hanged in the United States for fighting for the eight hour workday.
In commemoration of those four American workers, May 1st was deemed International Workers Day throughout the world. This was a day to honor those workers and their movements.
These were real self-organizing movements. They weren’t top down, driven by the Kennedys, which is what the Kennedys do.
Now Robert Kennedy is doing some global walkouts. It’s all bullshit: it’s top down. The Kennedys have a history of doing this.
In the 1960s there was a truly bottoms-up Civil Rights Movement developing. Then the Kennedys took over the Civil Rights movement.
It’s well written about, you can study it. The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee and the Kennedy clan took over the Civil Rights Movement.
The entire march on Washington was run by the Kennedys and the SNCC. It was controlled top down.
They plucked Martin Luther King out. He was a bourgeois black minister. He wasn’t like Malcolm X; bottoms-up.
They took over those movements. So you have to get smart nowadays, you have to realize who is truly coming bottoms-up and who is top down.
Those movements in the 1800 and 1900’s were not like the bogus thing that’s been hosted by Robert Kennedy. He basically runs bogus protests and raises money for himself.
Many of the improvements in living conditions and standards of living in the United States can be attributed directly to the successes of these early workers movements
Those workers movements scared the shit out of the elites. Those movements were all over the world; Russia, India, Europe, Ireland, Australia, and the United States.
In the United States, for example, those workers movements forced the Elites during the time of the Depression to give them certain freedoms. They thought by giving workers these rights and reforms it would quiet them down.
In the 1930’s, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, through the New Deal, threw some bones to the workers, very important bones. These were gains from those bottoms-up movements.
There was the elimination of child labor, the development of infrastructure and water systems. The infrastructure of that time period is what really brought down measles.
All these diseases came down because of that infrastructure, which was a result of these workers movements. This was long before 1963 when the measles vaccine came out.
By 1945, 18 years before the vaccine, 98% of measles was wiped out because of the infrastructure. Vaccines had very minimal effect.
So you can see it was the power of the working class, rising up bottoms-up, that got all these gains.
Do you want to stop being a sucker on Labor Day? Because those people in 1886 and the 1900s got all of the infrastructure we have in the world. Anything working people have came from bottoms-up movements.
The elites never gave you anything. In fact, starting in the 60s and the 70s, the elites got even smarter.
They said, “You know, these working people are going to build these bottoms-up movements. So we’re going to control them top down.”
Whether it be the civil rights movements, or anti-war movements, or workers movements, the Kennedys, Robert Kennedy Jr. himself, who says he’s for medical freedom is really a big fool and a fraud.
.20 million Russians lost their lives fighting Hitler. This has been wiped out of the history books.
It has always been working people who have fought for our rights. So it’s really, really important that we honor those people who fought for those rights and we don’t outsource our future to the Elites to fight for us.
So today on Labor Day, even though it should really be May 1st, I think it’s really, really important that everyone honors those four men who were hanged for fighting for the eight hour workday
The Left & Right wings of the establishment colluded together. The Right-Wing branded anyone who used the slogan of “workers unite” as a Communist or Marxist. The Left-Wing took over the Unions in a top-down fashion so they would no longer strike.
In 1950’s, the Elites on the Left and the Right came together. They came together because in the 1930s and 40s workers movements got a lot of gains.
This was deadly for the Elites. They never ever wanted to have this kind of bottoms-up workers movements again.
In the early 1900s, the Russian Revolution took place. The might of the Russian working class rose up and they overthrew a tsar.
They were attempting to build a true state, where working people could rise. It was the force of the Russian workers who overthrew the Tsar, and it was the force of the American workers who scared the shit out of the Elites.
Now the Elites globally never wanted to see this occur again. So they hatched a plan that became known as the McCarthy Era.
The Right-Wing in the United States with a guy called McCarthy said that if you ever use the words ‘workers unite’ and try to build a bottoms-up movement, you will be branded a communist, a Marxist. That was the Red Scare.
But they worked with the Left to make sure the Left took over all the workers unions. They prevented all the workers unions from being organic, bottoms-up, and made them all top down.
So the workers unions, which were truly vibrant, dynamic, bottoms-up organic movements got controlled from the top.
So you had the Left and Right colluding. Then they started creating drama and theater– making up issues.
If you look at that period from the 50’s-70’s onward, everything gets divided into Left and Right. And by the 1970s in the United States and the world, you’ll see the “Labour Party” or the “Democratic Party”. All those parties are the “communist” parties.
In India, they had the CPI of India. They’re basically all one big Left-Wing movement, which are top down controlling workers.
They tell the workers when to hold a protest and when to not do a protest.
The Kennedy clan now is doing a global walkout–same thing. It’s a top down movement. It’s not real. It’s not bottoms-up.
All of the movements became top down workers movements. Workers were told when they could strike, when they cannot strike.
If you look between the 1900s to1970, there were close to 100 million workers protesting; 11,000 strikes.
But starting in the 50s-70s, the workers movements got destroyed and hijacked; Left and the Right working together.
The continuing collusion of Left & Right is used to divide working people and ensures that no bottoms-up movements have been able to unite working people against the elites again
So today there’s very, very few worker protests taking place. They’re all controlled, top down.
The Right-Wing loves it because now they can work with the Democrats or the Labour Party to tell them when to strike.
They act like they’re enemies, but it’s all fake. It’s theater, that’s why you can’t be a sucker to this.
The Left and the Right wings control the unions and they consolidate power. They both print money as they need.
They divide the working class. The Democrats are supposed to be the party of the working class. And the Republicans are supposed to be a party of, frankly, the white working class.
And the Republicans split some of the white working class and hijacked the minority working class. And this was what got set up.
So between 1970 until today, there’s been very, very few protests and very few bottoms-up movements. That’s where we’re at today.
The Left and Right have become quite sophisticated. Essentially everything they do is to entertain you, not to educate you,
They entertain you and keep you distracted while those in power continue doing the cycles of booms and busts. And throughout these booms and busts cycle, the establishment makes money.
During the boom cycle they withhold money. During the bust cycle they print money.
And they get you into all these conspiracy theories. On the Right Wing the conspiracy theorists basically just scare people: the world’s going to end, this is going to happen, start prepping, get my gun.
This is how they take advantage of the white working class. And on the Left Wing they take advantage of minorities.
So on Labor Day, maybe we should honor those working people and really ask yourself, do you want to end up being a sucker? Both the Left and the Right steal, divide and abuse you. That’s what’s really going on.
In August Trump made about $90 million, as I understand, from the raid. Alex Jones makes money off Sandy Hook.
So the “Right-Wing” is abusing the white working class, while the “Left-Wing” abuses the minority working class.
And they make sure working people, black and white, do not unite all over the world. In India they split up people by religion, by region. It’s the same in Europe, etc.
All of this is intended, if you look at the arc of human history, so working people don’t collectively organize for their interests.
So you outsource your future to one wing of the Establishment. And this is how they steal, divide and abuse you.
Only by understanding the Science of Systems that the elites use to maintain the System of Power Profit Control can we build a truly bottoms-up movement to raise the conscious of working people and create the infrastructure needed to maintain a self-organizing system of Truth Freedom Health®
So what’s the way out of this? Well, the way out of this is you have to get educated. You have to get knowledge, which is different than information.
This information will lead you to wisdom, through knowledge. Knowledge is really learning the Science of Systems, which gets you clarity.
Then you get active, you get innovative, you get organized like those working people did in the 1900’s and late 1800’s. Those are the people we owe a lot to.
They were active. They were humans. They built community. Our movement builds community.
The Truth Freedom Health® movement is dedicated to the working people of the world. The working people have to create a truly bottoms-up movement.
Do not get seduced by these top down movements run by the Kennedys and run by these unions. They’re bogus movements. They’re just theater.
They don’t win anything. They don’t solve any problems. They’re just pure theater.
It’s very important that we build this bottoms-up movement independent of outsourcing to celebrities, independent of outsourcing to politicians, and gurus.
The good news is at Truth Freedom Health® we’ve created that infrastructure so we can get knowledge. It’s that knowledge that will deliver you wisdom.
This is a system no different than the email system. It’s a platform: you learn the Science of Systems, you get books, you learn how your body is a system, you learn science to think beyond food as good or bad but how you use it for your own benefit
You get a whole community of people. We’ve created technology which is independent of Left and Right.
You get the Foundations of Systems course. You learn to think whole. You get theory, you get the practical understanding of how to use your body as a system.
You get lectures, you get Systems Health, you get connected with me directly, and you get a whole community of people who are waking the hell up and recognizing they don’t want to be used anymore.
And then you get tools for activism. We recognize everyone works for a living so we’ve created it so you can do 20 minutes a day. You can get on the ground, educate your fellow workers, your fellow neighbors.
But we need to build this bottoms-up movement. We’ve got to get out of this nonsense of being exploited by the Left and the Right.
To build a movement requires the right political theory. This is one of the reasons I wrote System and Revolution, which you all get for free when you go to truthfreedomhealth.com and you join the system. Use this system for your own benefit.
This is the only way forward for us to get to true humanity. Otherwise we’re going to be stuck in these Left, Right, up and down cycles. And in every cycle that goes up and down, working people get more and more enslaved.
You need to take a Systems Approach to understand how things work. Don’t be like the blind man not seeing the whole elephant, but seeing only the parts.
This is a historic duty to understand theory and understand how to think from a systems perspective. We teach how to organize, which is the infrastructure we provide, and understand how to connect with people.
If you’re always involved in some crazy conspiracy theory, guess what’s happening? You’re giving money to an Alex Jones or you’re giving money to Donald Trump or to some podcaster.
But you’re not educating yourself. You’re not getting educated. You’re getting more and more enslaved. Enslavement is getting more desperate, more distracted, more complacent, more divided.
It’s not about Democratic, Republican, Labor Party or Tory, BJP or Congress. Wherever you are throughout the world, it’s about building a bottoms-up movement.
It’s about not wanting to be enslaved anymore. And that’s why on Labor Day, you have to truly honor labor. It is labor, working people, creating stuff that is true power.
And that’s where power has always come from. Those in power know this. So they spend a lot of time separating working people, black and white, Left and Right.
If you want to be entertained, this is not the place. But if you want to build a movement and understand the dynamics, the science and have the community, then participate in these videos.
If you want to understand how your body has the same forces that are needed to build a movement, which are the same forces in the universe, then participate, learn, teach and serve.
This is truly a bottoms-up community. It’s Labor Day, honor labor, honor yourself. Let go of this Left/Right nonsense. Let’s build a bottoms-up movement.

It’s time we move beyond the Left vs. Right, Republican vs. Democrat. It’s time YOU learn how to apply a systems approach to get the Truth Freedom Health you need and deserve. Become a Truth Freedom Health® Warrior.
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To get the education you need and deserve, join Dr.SHIVA on his Foundations of Systems course. This course will provide you three pillars of knowledge with the Foundation of Systems Thinking. The three pillars include: 1) The System Dynamics of Truth Freedom Health, 2) The Power of a Bottom’s Up Movement, and 3) The Not So Obvious Establishment. In this course, you will also learn fundamental principles of all systems including your body.
Course registration includes access to his LIVE Monday training, access to the Your Body, Your System tool, four (4) eBooks including the bestselling System and Revolution, access to the Systems Health portal and communications tools – independent of Big Tech – including a forum and social media for you to build community with other Truth Freedom Health Warriors.
This course is available online for you to study at your own pace.
It’s time to Get Educated, or Be Enslaved.