In this discussion, Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email, shares results from CytoSolve’s Molecular Systems Biology Analysis of how Astragalus may alleviate Lung Congestion. Many “health gurus” simply are Pro- and Anti- about a particular food. This is a reductionist approach that creates confusion. They have little idea of HOW the food is processed since they lack a SYSTEMS foundation to thinking. This is part of CytoSolve® Food Is Medicine Series.
The original research in this video is made possible by generous contributions from supporters of the Dr.SHIVA Truth Freedom Health® movement. Please contribute so we may continue to bring you such original research, valuable education, and innovative solutions.
Good afternoon, everyone. It’s Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai.
Today, we’re continuing our lung health series. You know, in the Northeast here in Massachusetts and other places, it’s wintertime. So as a part of that, as many of you know, we take a systems approach to understanding everything in nature.
And as a part of that systems approach, we’re going to be using Cytosolve, this technology that came out of my PhD work at MIT to really look at a very interesting herb called Astragalus. And its effects on lung congestion. So that’s what we’re going to do today on the effects of astragalus, and lung congestion.
So we have a lot to cover. And as many of you know, everything we do, what I do with our truth, freedom and health movement is always taking a systems approach, you can see little ticker running below. But we’ve created a global movement called Truth, Freedom health, which is really about educating people to think but everyone’s standing up on their own two feet beyond left and right, and to let go of false gods to let go of the Grifters, many of them, who never say what needs to be said at the right time, they always jump in after the fact, you know, and then when they jump in, they actually hurt the actual discourse on science or anything legitimate.
So we need to take a systems approach, I recommend all of you become truther to help warrior scholars. And hopefully, this discussion today will motivate you to do that. So we have a lot of stuff to cover.
And I’m going to try to do it in as an organized manner as possible. But those of you joining, we’re going to play a couple of videos as people are joining in. We’re gonna be talking about stragglers and lung congestion.
All right, so let’s just jump right into it. So first of all, I want to play with you play for you, sorry, not played with you. But play for you a very important video that will really give the importance of taking a systems approach as people are coming in.
It’s very important to take a systems approach to life and it’s been my life’s journey, because it will really give us an ability to see the hole and not the part. So let me just play this quick video. And let’s start Welcome to VA Shiva.
VA Shiva is a product of my journey across East and West science and tradition, ancient and modern. That brings you the science of systems. So you can become a force for truth, freedom, health, via Shiva as a platform a revolutionary education, community building and weaponry for unleashing local activism.
My journey to be a Shiva begins in the chaos of Bombay, where I experienced diverse religions, languages casts, and in a small village that had no running water, no electricity from my grandmother, a poor village farmer practice sit down an ancient system of Indian medicine. over 10,000 years old. She observed one’s face the art of Samudra collection and to understand a body’s unique constitution, allowing her to deliver the right medicine to the right person at the right time.
Watching my grandmother heal others, I was inspired to study medicine, but I was also aware of the corrupt caste system of India, which denigrated a human being or my family were considered low caste untouchables were one’s birth determine one’s destiny. The grit and determination of my mother and father led them to get educated and to come to America, a one in a trillion event. Their actions inspired me to work hard and Excel.
While in ninth grade, I tend to New York University in a computer science program. And subsequently at the age of 14, I was given a full time job as a research fellow at what is now known as Rutgers medical school in the heart of Newark, New Jersey. There I investigated the system of sleep using mathematics, computer science and biology for sudden infant death syndrome.
It was there in Newark, where I invented email when I was the first to convert every feature of the physical paper base interoffice mail system including inbox, outbox, memo, carbon copy blind carbon copy attachments, into its electronic equivalent, a system, which I named email, a term that I was the first to coin on August 30 1982, I was awarded the first US copyright for the invention of this system, recognizing me as the inventor of email. At that time, copyright was the only way to protect software inventions. I went on to MIT where I earned four degrees across multiple systems of engineering, electrical, mechanical, design, biological.
That training led me to invent many other systems for advancing humankind eco mail, the world’s first intelligent email magnet resistant CytoSolve a computational biology system for eliminating animal testing to discover new medicines faster, cheaper and safer, and to the creation of a whole system’s methodology for certifying clean food. These innovations led me back on a Fulbright to India, where I discovered the missing link between Eastern medicine and western systems theory honoring my grandmother to develop your body your system, a powerful tool that will help you understand how your body is a system, and how the inputs of food supplements and exercise bring your body back to its natural system, state. And systems held an integrative educational discipline that is now integrated into the VA Shiva platform that will enable you to learn the science of systems, the science of everything, via your body as a system, or our society and politics as a system to reveal the foundational interrelationships between truth, Freedom health, now is the time for you to be the light, learn the science of systems, build community and weaponize yourself to unleash the activism necessary to deliver truth, Freedom health in your local community.
Welcome to VA Shiva. Alright, everyone, I’m at an offsite locations of the videos a little bit forced, please put up with it. Sorry about that.
But I think the audio is good. But anyway, for those of you who are interested, please go to truth, freedom
And you will really understand the science of systems where you can get educated or be enslaved. And that’s really our very powerful movement. Every Thursday’s tomorrow, for example, at 11am and 8pm, I do two sessions, you’re all welcome.
It’s absolutely there’s no charge, you can come and meet some amazing people go to VA and RSVP to come to our open house. So let’s jump in now to talk about a stragglers using CytoSolve.
CytoSolve is a very powerful technology I’ll talk about but which really takes a systems approach to understanding what’s going on. I’ll have a quick video for those of you who haven’t seen it explain what the solve is. But let me jump right into what we’re going to do today.
You see, when you take a systems approach, you look at the whole, you don’t just cherry pick research. And that’s what we want to do, we want to take a systems approach to understanding this very powerful Herb Kohl Astragalus. And its effects on lung congestion.
If you look what’s out there, relative to the science right now, from our initial research, we find that there’s close to 1783 articles, research articles.95, clinical trials have been done over 57 years of research on this, on this, you know, food as medicine Astragalus. Alright.
And what we do at CytoSolve was we have a very powerful technology that allows us to take all that research, understand Astragalus relative to the particular molecules in it, and how it affects the molecular systems of lung congestion. Now, in order to do this, you know, the problem with the academic sciences is you’ve seen that there’s so much corruption taking place in so many of our institutions. And so what we do is we don’t just take one piece of research, we take all of it.
And we have included CytoSolve was a part of the truth, freedom and health movement as part of the CytoSolve Open Science Institute, which is really about science by the people for the people. And I want to talk a little bit about that if you go to VA
And you scroll down, you’ll see this thing called Open Science Institute. And if you click on that, there’s a whole discussion but CytoSolve Open Science Institute is and I want to play a very quick video as we have people coming in, so you can all understand what is CytoSolve and CytoSolve is really a breakthrough technology, which really allows us to get a holistic view on any topic versus just relying on one expert or the other. So this is what CytoSolve this.
Who would have ever thought someone like me would invent email and create CytoSolve to revolutionize health for personalized and precision medicine a system for delivering the right medicine for the right person at the right time. I was born a low caste untouchable in India’s caste system, a system of aristocracy oppression and racism as a child I observed my grandmother a poor village farmer practice Siddha India’s oldest system of medicine to heal local villagers by observing their face to know their unique constitution to deliver a unique combination of foods healing herbs and massage the caste system and her abilities to heal inspired me to understand the interconnectedness of all life. My name is Dr.
Shiva Ayyadurai. I’m an MIT PhD, a Fulbright scholar, a scientist, technologist and inventor my family and I left India to come to America and my seventh birthday. As a 14 year old I began working as a full time research fellow at Rutgers medical school to unravel the mysteries of sudden infant death syndrome SIDS and created the world’s first email system long before I ever heard of MIT.
As I traverse academia over the next three decades, I observed self serving academics never solving real problems writing grant after grant competing for tenure, while diminishing real science and real scientists pushing a reductionist science to destroy the scientific method like the blind men who never saw the whole elephant but the parts they delivered a dismembered view of reality. I observed Big Pharma use such reductionism, wasting billions year after year to fund research and test tubes killing animals and using the poor as guinea pigs for clinical testing to create products that even the FDA no longer allowed not only big pharma practices reductionism, but also the elites of big vitamin B green and big new age with gurus and Yogi’s and powered by Hollywood celebrities selling one supplement after another based on a cherry pick science all that change in 2003 when the Human Genome Project ended, revealing that humans have the same number of genes about 20,000 as that of a worm giving rise to a systems biology we realized that one size fits all medicine was a failure we realized their medicines were killing us making today’s generations lifespan shorter than any previous generation obesity heart disease deaths from adverse reaction to drugs, confusion on what diet what supplements and who to believe is what they have delivered you. They push natural and organic products for your beauty and wellness.
While their real solution is their plastic surgeons and Botox we’ve been sold out it’s time for real science and systems science that interconnects the parts to discover truth to know what really works to get the health we need and deserve. This is why I created CytoSolve. CytoSolve is about truth, freedom and health versus power, profit and control.
CytoSolve is a revolutionary technology integrating bioinformatics computational biology, mathematical modeling decentralization to reveal the truth CytoSolve computes trillions of potential combinations of biomolecular interactions to discover what actually works based on the actual science no reductionism, no cherry picking side hustles predictive modeling has been proven accurate time and time again matching laboratory results CytoSolve discovers synergistic combinations of compounds to maximize health and reduce toxicity for example, we know curcumin from turmeric and resveratrol from red grapes alleviate inflammation, but how much should we combine current methods are hand waving at best here with CytoSolve. We first modelled the control condition with no curcumin and no resveratrol to simulate high inflammation with the cytokine level at point one, five micromolar Next we add just five micro moles of curcumin, the inflammation drops to point o five. Next we use five micromolar as a resveratrol and the inflammation drops from point one to point o six.
But when we combine curcumin and resveratrol of three micromolar is of curcumin and two micromolar as a respiratory inflammation drops from point one five 2.03 far lower, nearly 200% less than just one compound alone. That’s the synergy principle of system science.
We’ve all had enough of their fake and reductionist science, they think we’ll simply keep buying their marketing their celebrities and their products that can never truly heal us. We don’t need them great things come when we integrate the best of things. It’s our time It’s time we delivered solutions for ourselves.
It’s time for truth, freedom and health. It’s time for CytoSolve. Welcome.
Alright, so now you understand what CytoSolve is. CytoSolve is a revolutionary technology. By the way, I’ll talk more about this.
We’ve used Cytosolve very, very recently to actually discover a very powerful product, which I’ll talk more about envy 25. And it comes from two very important sources bitter orange, and parsley, where we found two very powerful ingredients, which have a tremendous effect on pain and inflammation, I’ll come back to it. So CyotSolve was a research tool.
It’s a discovery tool, but it’s also an educational tool. Alright, and we’ll talk more about that later. But what I want to emphasize is everything we do here, when we do this work on understanding how this particular food or herb affects a particular molecular function is all supported by you.
And it’s really open science. It’s brought to you by the CytoSolve Open Science Institute. And if you go on va shiva.
com and you scroll down, you’ll find the situs of Open Science Institute. But today we’re going to share with you our research on lung and respiratory health. One of the key things that we pride ourselves on is there are many, many amazing discoveries that have occurred in indigenous medicine.
A lot of the woke people talk about race, fighting racism, but many of them actually went to Big Pharma. That’s what the irony is, but at situs sub, we really want to value all the traditional medicines. So we are running those through CytoSolve and we’re able to discover some amazing new medicines.
The other thing is, we are dedicated eliminating animal testing, there’s more and more data showing that the reality is 90% of the NIH animal experiment, experiments are not going to go anywhere. And moreover, more and more Americans are very divided on whether we should even be doing using animals for scientific research. So CytoSolve is a way to get rid of animal testing.
And in fact, the results don’t necessarily translate to humans. So that’s something very important to remember, the drug development industry, right now, the way they do drug discovery is typically they look at a synthetic compound, they tested in a test tube for several years. And then if they think that works, then they go to kill a bunch of animals.
And then this takes around six, eight years. And then if they make it out of that, then they go to the FDA, and they say, Hey, can we go test it on humans? Phase one, phase two, phase three, roughly about 1000 10,000 100,000. Humans, and if it makes it out of this, then it’s called a successful drug.
But this takes 13 years $5 billion. And then when you look at the reality, pharma companies keep spending more and more money in r&d. And they’re actually finding less and less new discoveries that the FDA is allowing.
This is why pharma had to have the vaccine. And no one talks about this, but we’ve been talking about it for a long time that the vaccine model was pushed because pharmaceutical revenues were tanking, okay. So, very, very important understand that.
SoSo, and the reason the these problems occurs, the entire basis of modern science is a reductionist approach. It’s not a systems based approach.
And this reductionism is what is used to take advantage of people, the news people do it, the intelligence community does it and all these Grifters do it? Right. They never that brainless people don’t know how to take a holistic view at anything. So they only take very specific, you know, pieces of something like the blind man, looking at the components of a system, right.
And what they end up with is, they never even understand the full elephant, okay, and this what’s occurring in science. The other piece that scientists have opened Science Institute, we’re really into destroying the collusion in science. Right now, there’s an incestuous Web of Science.
The same people who sit on the NIH government boards are the same people who are the department heads in big academia. You know, Institute’s, they’re also the heads of the major publishing companies. And they’re also on the boards of Big Pharma.
So this is why we’re seeing this collusion that takes place in science. And we’re not really getting great science anymore, because it’s a complete incestuous, well, switch CytoSolve, we don’t care what any particular expert says, we put all of it together at a certain point in time to give a much better accurate understanding. And those of you who want to support the CytoSolve, Open Science Institute, go to, you can contribute. And when you contribute, we give you many, many gifts, because we want you to become truth, freedom, and help scholars to get $100 More, you get 15 gifts, 25 to 99, you get six different gifts. And then if you can’t afford anything, we still give you a bunch of gifts, we want you to become warrior scholars.
So fundamentally, what we want to do is we want to intersect freedom, truth and health, truth, freedom and health. So let’s take that approach to Astragalus. Okay, so first of all, we’re going to start with really understanding the truth, the science about his stragglers, we’re going to review quickly, what is lung congestion.
And then we’re going to look at the biological functions and health benefits of this drug list, then we’re going to look at some of the issues that face that, you know, constrained medical doctors from really helping you today, because most of them do not really get any real training on nutrition, right? Most of them are constrained because the entire medical school establishment really does not really teach them anything significant on nutrition. And then finally, we’re going to talk about the health possibilities of a straggler and what it can do, so let’s just jump right into it. So first of all, what happens when you get lung congestion, what really takes place? For the first thing to understand is when you have lung congestion taking place, your normal airways, which have no mucus in them, get filled with mucus, as you’re seeing here.
In the bottom example, the airway walls, which are nice and thin, get very thick as you’re seeing here. And then the muscles get scarred and thicken and etc, right? So all of these things start happening to your airway or airways. And this is in the normal case.
And the abnormal case and why does this occur, is because you get a result of excess blood going to specific parts of the lungs. And this is a common symptom of respiratory tract infections, your mucous membrane Greens get inflamed, you get excessive mucus production, and it blocks the different Airways. The excessive mucus production is sometimes called hyper mucus production, okay? And then you have difficulty breathing.
The other unfortunate thing that happens is that all of this mucus is an ideal breeding ground for infections. Okay? So that’s what’s going on from a whole system’s level inside your lungs. Alright, so what we want to understand is, what are the mechanisms of lung congestion? So remember, when you have lung congestion taking place in your body, chemical reactions in your body go off kilter.
So we do it side to side again, we don’t just say oh, it’s just mucus production, or it’s just inflammation. So there’s a whole bunch of biomolecular functions that take place, okay? And these biomolecular functions need to be understood, because if you’re going to really alleviate lung congestion, you just don’t need so I’m just going to reduce mucus, well, you got to also reduce inflammation. So what are those biomolecular functions that can affect it.
So here they are, you don’t have to know the big words. But first of all, there’s a mechanism called Erica Donek acid metabolism cytokine production cytokines can get produced in this case in two ways via map K, and via NF Kappa Beta, both of them contribute to lung congestion, then you have mucin production, that’s the technical term. And the other thing is, your muscles are not relaxed, right? So you’ve smooth muscle muscle relaxation is not taking place.
And by the way, each one of these mechanisms have very, very different chemical reactions. So here’s Eric hedonic metabolism, a whole bunch of chemical reactions, which we’ve mapped out, based on the research side to solve cytokine production cytokines, you may heard are these signaling molecules, but there’s certain cytokines that get produced during via map k. Similarly, a different set of cytokines get produced via NF Kappa Beta mucin production is a production upregulation of certain components, particularly Moog five AC, which we’ll talk about, which produces mucin.
And then you have smooth muscle relaxation, which should occur and it stops occurring. So when we at CytoSolve, really want to take a systems approach. Again, a systems approach is not just looking at one thing, but all the things if we wanted to really alleviate lung congestion, what would we do? What’s the strategy? Well, in the Eric hedonic metabolism, you want to reduce a chemical called PG two, and that’s high, that’s throws you off kilter.
When you look at cytokine production via map K, there is two cytokines, il one and il eight. And when il one and il eight are produced, right, via map k, that causes lung congestion, you also have cytokine production via another pathway called NF Kappa Beta, that produces il six and il eight. And then finally, mucin production is mucin, five, so.
So if you look at the red lines going down, those are the 123456, those six things we want to bring down, because we bring those down, you’ll alleviate lung congestion. Now one of the things when increases ml c, p, which actually enhances smooth muscle production, think about when you have a lot of lung congestion. Hopefully none of you have it.
Your your, your smooth muscles are very constricted, right? So what happens when people get asthma, for example. So we want to soften those alright, and MRCP increases. So just think about this map here.
You really have this strategy now. So whatever you’re going to take in, when we look at a struggles, we’re going to see, does it help us reduce certain things, these these four important areas? And does it increase MRCP? If it does that, then we know we have a very powerful nutrient that can help us alleviate lung congestion. Got it? All right.
So what is Astragalus? And we have the we have the Latin term in our stragglers membrane, a C so what is it? Okay, so let’s just jump into it. First of all, it’s a major medicinal herb that’s been used in Chinese medicine for 1000s of years. It’s used to treat a variety of diseases and body orders, and its medicinal medicinal properties or to the stem or the roots.
So what you’re seeing in this picture here is a dried stem that’s been sliced. Okay, so we’re really looking at the stem and the roots. Now in many traditional medicines, the parts matter sometimes they use the stem, sometimes they use the leaf sometimes they use a rhizome, the roots, okay, and each of them have different properties.
So here with Astragalus we’re really looking at the stems and the roofs. Okay. Jamie Valentine says he’s never heard of it.
Well, Jamie, now you’re gonna learn about it. Good to have you. Okay, someone says they don’t want anything Made in China.
Okay. Remember, these things can be grown elsewhere also. And the important thing to understand is, I think Elizabeth is bringing up a very important thing.
One of the things that’s taking place right now in the area of nutrition and supplements is where is this coming from the sourcing. And I think that’s going to be really, really important over time, and as consumers, you should demand, where is this thing coming from? Alright, so let’s continue here. So now we have an idea what is a struggle is where it comes from.
Now, there are three different types of compounds in astragalus, polysaccharides, poly phenols, and sub ponens. Okay, three different kinds of let’s get to, let’s review those. All right.
So what it turns out is the nutrients and stragglers come out to 21 Key molecules. So what’s a molecule? Look, everything in nature is ultimately composed of chemical structures called molecules. All right? When a pharmaceutical company creates a drug, it’s something typically that does not occur in nature.
It’s a synthetic compound. Sometimes they’ll take a naturally occurring compound, add something to it. And they did this with morphine, they called it diacetylmorphine, which then became known as heroin, okay? So sometimes pharma will take something in nature and add something to it, so they can patent it.
All right. So there’s 21 Key molecules in this straggler, so let’s understand what those are. So there’s four polysaccharides, there’s low molecular weight Astragalus polysaccharide.
That’s known as APs. There’s radix straggly polysaccharide there’s a straggle in and there’s hetero polysaccharide, AP si d three. So there’s four very interesting kinds of polysaccharides.
Okay. All right, so those are the four polysaccharides. Then there’s 10, poly phenols.
poly phenols are some of the most powerful things that give me medicinal qualities. cloven quesiton. flagel aside, see Rutan apigenin, Kelly cosin, Claire drin Astra isoflavones in Striga.
No side and chlorogenic acids so there’s 10 there. So we got 10 plus 414 Key molecules. And then we have seven supplements.
Beta cetostearyl Love the body building stuff will have this beta Darko sterile spondon ISO straggle, low side for Astragalus side three and Astra membrana sides a nastro membrane of sites B. So when you put all this together, we have 21 different key molecules. Alright, so these are the what we call the constitutive elements of it.
Now, the active components, when you look at all of those 21 items, it turns out from the research, there’s really the following seven, which are really the act of APS, and these are chemical structures, Estragon no side for rootin, quercetin, beta cetostearyl. has spared in and color genic acid. Okay.
So out of all of this stuff, the 2021. The research today, and it could change. There’s seven active components.
All right. So there you go. So, in summary, there’s 21 molecules and Astragalus and seven, oh, those appear to be the really active ones relative to lung congestion we’re going to talk about All right, so what are the health benefits of Astragalus and the nine biological effects? So first of all, astragalus, we’re today we’re talking about lung health, but it’s also good for skin health, diabetes, hypertension, immune health, arterial sclerosis and cancer.
So it is it affects things in these following, you know, seven different specific health benefits. Okay. And what we need to understand is that we’re focused today on lung health, but it has nine There are nine biological effects of Austro Astragalus.
First of all, it has anti aging effects, anti viral,it regulates immune function, anti tumor effects, it affects blood glucose, right? diabetes, blood lipid levels, fats, right. Radiation Protection is a very, very interesting area, the Chinese and the Russians have done quite a bit of research. It’s anti fibrosis, stop scarring.
And it’s also bacterial stasis, which means against bacteria and fungi are so many different biological effects of Astragalus. All right. Now, one of the things that we always want to do is we don’t want to be Grifters, which you see a lot on YouTube.
They take an herb and they say oh my man, this is going to cure everything. Oh, smoke weed, all data is going to cure everything. The reality is food is medicine.
Food is medicine. And if you understand food as medicine, you have a reverence for that food. You have a reverence for yourBody, and you recognize that you shouldn’t just be taking a ton of this stuff, you have to understand where your body is at.
Now, one of the things we’ve done in the movement for truth, Freedom health. And I’ll play a Features video about this, we’ve included the knowledge of system science, we have a community, we train you also with a very powerful tool, call your body, your system, your body is just as an educational tool that’ll help you figure out what kind of system your body is, you’ll also be able to figure out is this food the right food for you? Okay, how does it affect you, okay, and obviously, we’re not here to give medical advice, you got to talk to your doctors as a big disclaimer here. So I want to talk to your body, your system, if you go to your body, your system.
com, you can get your body your system, it’s a very powerful software tool, I took about 20 years to put together but your body your system is based on the engineering principles of transport, conversion and storage. Everything in the universe is important the movement of information matter and energy. Everything in the universe is involved in conversion, like the digestion process, everything in the universe has storage or structural properties like your bone, okay, when the Indian system of medicine, what I discovered in my Fulbright was, this is known as Botha, Pitta and Kapha.
All right, I’m not gonna give you a whole Siddha Aveda course, but what I discovered was these are the same systems. So using transport, conversion storage visually represented on a triangle, I’m able, with your body, your system, you can answer a set of questions, and I’ll figure it out. The red dot denotes your body, everyone’s red dot will move around.
The black dot denotes where your body is at today with a different set of questions. And then the system will actually calculate for you, whatever the foods for a particular condition that’ll bring your black dot back to your red dot, which means bring you back to balance. All right.
Now, when you look at a strapless, look what it does, it stabilizes movement. So it stabilizes if you’re, if you’re you know, calms a movement aspect down in your body, it stabilizes kapha, which means so that’s why it as a fat Kapha in the Indian system, or storage is really the ability to fat structure is a bone, but it’s stabilized that but it increases pit that conversion. Okay.
So you can see from the engineering standpoint, or the Indian system standpoint, or the traditional medicine standpoint, how Astragalus works. So again, I just want to mention to you all this tool, don’t you can go buy it on your own. But if you become a truth freedom health warrior, you contribute 100 more, I think 25 more you get this tool, it’s included.
So take advantage of that. So given that background, on a straggler stare from the western perspective, something important to consider when you take a stragglers, again, we don’t want to say it’s one size fits all. So there’s some issues you should be concerned about.
First of all, if you have itching, if you have nasal symptoms, if you have stomach discomfort, and you have skin rash, be aware that stragglers can exacerbate that. Okay? Again, it doesn’t mean you should not take it. But just be aware that if you have those conditions, that Astragalus may, you know, exacerbate that.
Alright. So, by the way, what I want to do is I mentioned MB 25. So what we do at PSI to solve is, we’re not only able to understand what is in Australia with some molecular components, the lung congestion.
But more recently, in the last two years, we’ve been helping for 20 years, many, many very small mom and pop businesses, people are really dedicated to health really create products that work. Okay. But about two years ago, we had created so many amazing mathematical models, we had a lot for pain and inflammation.
And we ran all different kinds of bioflavonoids that occur in nature through CytoSolve. And we discovered a very powerful combination. So I just want to let you know, this is a we’re very proud of this MV 25 is a product that came out of our own research, running trillions of computations.
But we recently got a US patent on it on this combination, but we also published a major peer review paper, but I want to share it with you. And number of you, I know are very interested in it, people have been having amazing results from it. So we were only going to do it until end of December.
But what we’ve done is anyone who wants MV 25 and wants to give it to your loved ones, we’ve extended this very cool thing. If you buy six bottles, you also get six bottles for free. Okay, so it’s massive generosity, but we want to thank all of you.
But all of the any of the revenues we get really supports our movement. So let me play a little bit ofenvy 25 and I’ll be right back. We still have a lot of stuff to talk about how astrogliosis affects the molecular structures in those are the molecular pathways, but you’ll understand how CytoSolve works and we can use it for very powerful ways to do discovery.
Here’s NB 25 Millions of people suffer every day from painful discomfort and swelling. But most pain medications come with harsh side effects. Many alternative supplements have little scientific backing.
That’s why we at Saito solve created MV 25 MV 25 was formulated using the Saito solve computational systems biology platform, a technology for precision and personalized health invented by Dr. Shiva during his doctoral research at MIT. This formulation is the result of computing trillions of potential combinations of bio molecular interactions, derived from 1000s of peer reviewed scientific papers published across four decades by 68 research institutions to discover an optimal synergy of compounds that downregulate biomarkers of discomfort and normal swelling, I am barber and my hands would cramp up so that I couldn’t pull cards or knit or crochet.
We would go like that. Not have to use this when I played cards with my grandkids, like start taking that and the 25 gift or betta was able to hold cards in my hand. Very, very little cramping hardly at all anymore.
MV 25 Hi, my name is Sandy. I’m a Taekwondo instructor, I tore my ACL during Taekwondo, I had a lot of pain and limited mobility. I’ve been taking the MV 25 for about six months now after the first week, I noticed the big difference after the second week, almost literally no pain.
My name is Jeremy and I suffer from a lower back problem I hurt my back at work years ago. And I can go to the chiropractor and do all kinds of different things and nothing seems to help and I decided to try MV 25. I didn’t notice a difference immediately.
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Again, if you need to, it’ll really give you an understanding what MV 25 is. And we have this special offer going on. So let’s now look at the effects of Astragalus on lung congestion.
Because what we want to now talk about is what happens when you take a Stroud as stragglers, right? What does it do at the molecular systems level? Right? So we want to really look at astrogliosis all these very important compounds, chemicals, your body when it comes to lung congestion as these five molecular pathways. What happens when you consume this, you say, and now you’re understanding the chemical reactions, your body and what happens when these chemicals come in. And this starts educating you on what are the chemicals in Astragalus.
That actually works, okay. Based on the current science, science keeps changing, and we have to be mindful of that. All right, we’re not stuck.
So first of all, what we have found with the CytoSolve analysis so far, there are two molecular systems that two molecular systems that have struggled its effects. Okay. And let’s look at what those molecular systems are the two molecular systems that Astragalus effects so when you ask the question, how does the stragglers affect lung congestion? There are two molecular systems.
So one is the stragglers has shown to have anti fibrosis effect, which means that thickening you know the scarring of the airways and the other is the anti mucus hypersecretion effect. So that means Astragalus is known to reduce the mucus, so you get a lot of mucus producing, that’s the anti mucus hypersecretion effect. And then also Astragalus is gonna have an effect on making sure you’re not getting the scarring, which is what we don’t want.
You know, many years ago, my poor mom who passed away she had something called fibrosis of the lungs, okay. And it’s a horrible disease, it comes very quickly, and you die quickly. My mom worked in a factory when we first came to the United States, and there’s a lot of these fibers, and over many years, it started affecting her.
And it’s called fibrosis, right? Pulmonary Fibrosis. So, but this has an anti fibrotic fibrosis effect. So let’s understand now why and how.
So I’m going to walk you through this. Remember, we said there are these active components APS, Estragon aside for rootin quesiton beta set of sterile hesperetin and chlorogenic acid. So now we’re going to find is, this gets really cool.
So this is where CytoSolve is very valuable, because we can look at all those papers, and we can distill it down, find out why this works. Okay. And this is what we call a systems molecular systems diagram of that.
So what we’re seeing is the two chemicals, AP three, actually three from Astragalus APs. And if you want me to go back to that, so you know what APS is a PFS is this chemical structure here. And we also have beta cetostearyl, which is this chemical structure here.
And then we also have Kelly cussin. Kelly Coulson, which comes from one of the other chemical structures we looked at. Those chemical structures have a very powerful effect on this particular molecular pathway that’s involved in anti Fairbanks.
So first, how does fibrosis occur with fibrosis occur when you have dehydration right here of the epithelium, right here, that causes fibrosis, and you also have inflammation of the epithelium over here. And inflammation of the epithelium is caused by reactive oxygen species upstream here. So when you have reactive oxygen species that leads to inflammation of the epithelium, you get fibrosis, or you have dehydration of the epithelium.
So there’s two ways you can get fibrosis. All right. So when you look at it strategically, what we find is that the driving forces behind fibrosis is the epithelial mesenchymal transition.
So they are these epithelial mesenchymal cells in your lungs. And that’s where the fibrosis occurs. So what happens is when you have the these so if you look upstream here, when you have TGF beta, TGF beta, when you have a lot of that in your body, that inhibits, that’s what this hammer like symbol is, inhibits the expression of E cadherin, the menten and alpha smooth muscle actin, these and when these are inhibited, right, these then these actually inhibit dehydration of the epithelium and dehydration of the inflammation of the epithelium.
So D TGF beta inhibits expression of these three important molecules here, leading to the dehydration and inflammation of the epithelium. Okay, so what APs and beta cetostearyl Do is a block TGF beta, that’s what’s powerful here. APS and beta sterile from Astragalus.
Block TGF beta, so you don’t get fibrosis. In addition, what happens is, Kelly Kosan, blocks the reactive oxygen species, and that blocking stops the inflammation. So you have these three chemicals, which come from a stragglers, such as a one two punch and stopping fibrosis, right.
So again, food is medicine. So you can see the Astragalus root has these three very powerful chemicals that go and block other chemicals, right, the reactive oxygen species in the TGF beta downstream, they have an effect of BOC blocking fibrosis. Okay.
Great. All right. Now, let’s look at another aspect the second aspect, and by the way, I just looked at this on the left side, just to go into detail on the right, the little more detail the callee cosin leads to NRF two, which leads to superoxide dismutase.
This is very, very valuable in catalase, and this is what blocks are reactive oxygen species. So I just wanted to blow this up here to some more details. So the Catholicos and for misdiagnosis Astragalus up regulates these antioxidant enzymes.
And you can do some research on NRF two, and that up regulates so Dcatalase, and these are antioxidants very, very powerful. And they eat up these reactive oxygen species which cause inflammation. Great.
Now, let’s talk about you know, God forbid you get a lot of lung congestion. You got all this, you don’t want fibrosis to occur, but you also do not want excessive mucus production. Okay.
So what does? How does excessive mucus production take place? Well, let’s go down and look at the actual molecular systems. What’s really beautiful about this is you’re literally looking at the chemical reaction, every line and circle here comes from many, many papers that CytoSolve was put together. Okay, so let’s look at that.
So what happens here is there are three very powerful chemicals in in astragalus, the quercetin, the APS and the bike, Kellyanne, which are very, very valuable in stopping mucus hypersecretion. So let’s start with this pathway here on the left. So what quercetin does is clear certain blocks PKC which would if without blocking would lead to EGFR and er K which leads to the upregulation of mute five AC, which leads to mucus hypersecretion if you say so.
PKC, EGFR er K lead to nuke five AC which causes mucus mucus secretion, but quercetin blocks PKC. Okay, you can bypass it into you know, separately as a supplement, but a stragglers from a food as medicine standpoint has it. The other thing is APS from astrogliosis blocks er stress, and let’s go to that, er stress is a thing that up regulates ch o p, which leads to the overexpression, again of Muench, five AC, which is responsible for mucus secretion.
So what APS does it blocks er stress, okay. And then finally, you have bike hailing which blocks aisle 13 This is a very pro inflammatory cytokine. And look at what it does, it not only leads to the creation of mute five AC, but also leads to the production of mucus five AB so there’s two ways that mucus gets created via this il 13.
So the VI Kaeleen. In Astragalus has a one two punch, it says it I mean, it affects it down regulates il 13, which has this one two punch of stopping the production of mute five AC as well as a production of mute. Five A B, okay.
All right. So there you go. So look at what we got here, we now understand why it works.
Now, there may be others as the science changes, but we understand, you know, we have the anti fibrosis effect, we also the anti mucus hypersecretion effect, there you go. All right. So you’ve learned what’s in astragalus, we’ve identified the particular components, and we know where they interact from a system standpoint of closing, many people want to find out how much should I take right? On a practical level? So again, we are not MDs, we’re not big disclaimer is to talk to your doctor before taking anything.
But what does the research say? When we look at the research for Astragalus for lung health, okay, Jow at all, in their 2013 paper said that 15 grams twice a day for upper respiratory tract infection, 15 grams twice a day, for heart health. You know, when you have lung congestion, many of your other systems get taxed. So if you want to support your heart, 2.
25 grams of astragalus, twice daily, and that’s Ying and sent from their 2010 Paper 500 milligrams, which is half a gram of Astragalus. You know, by IV people have given it by IV intravenous three times a day, and that’s Chen at all will really help in fatigue. And then if you’re looking at diabetes, 40 to 60 grams of Astragalus per day, that’s Tiaan at all.
2013. Okay, so the reason I wanted to share this with you is definitely we’re looking at lung health, but you can see Astragalus we’re looking at about 15 grams, also has effects in a bunch of other areas. And we’re when we’re looking at the 15 grams, we’re looking at the actual route, okay, which is different than if we’re taking 500 milligrams of it, IV.
All right. All right. So there we go.
Now, the final piece I want to end with is people always wonder, you know, you know, I’ve kept saying that, you got to big disclaimer, go talk to your doctor, go talk to your healthcare practitioner, share this video with them because you can help educate them, but because of reality is when it comes to a freedom. We’ve talked about the science of truth. We’ve talked about the health aspect.
The problem is most doctors and Big Pharma have no idea of nutrition, right? And in fact, the nutritional experts on YouTube, they give you constant conflicting advice. So your physician doesn’t really know what’s going on. And most of the experts, you know, systems biology, and the approach we take, allows you to educate, you know, others.
So, the problem with many of the nutrition experts, they’ll say, Do this one day and don’t do that. And most doctors, you’ll never see them saying, Oh, I spent years studying nutrition, right? you’ll ever see them saying that. And don’t ask your doctor for nutrition advice, because 70% of the doctors, less than 70% Receive nutrition class medical school, and most of them only get 24 hours if they do that.
And if you go to the Grifters on the internet one, they’ll say eat this, don’t eat this. And there’s so much confusing information out there, that it gets very hard on what to take what not. So what we’ve done today is we’ve given you the tools.
So you can start saying oh, here’s this food, it contains these particular constituent elements. And you can see the pathway so you can start supporting your education on your own. Okay, great.
And by the way, if you notice, I don’t sell a strike list. I don’t sell many of these herbs. We do these to educate you.
People have said, Hey, why don’t you start carrying these herbs. We don’t do that right now. But we do use Cytosolve.
We’re starting to figure out components that work. But we’re really more of an educational platform, maybe we should do that. We’ll think about that.
Okay, now is all the stragglers good, organic versus conventional. The bottom line is which I keep saying conventionally farmed stuff always has a lot of pesticides, particularly routes to root vegetables like this, you know, it’s linked to liver cancer and thyroid toxicity. And bottom line is organic farming produces healthier plants for your pesticides, you may want to look for the certified clean and certified raw label, our movement on the institutional side created these two very powerful seals to very, very high level of standard to get it, you may still find some food products having it or products but it means that non GMO or organic, and they’re safely produced, minimally processed, etc.
So you may want to look for that. Okay, and then enclosing the summaries Astragalus as several health benefits to lung health, as stagger stragglers prevents fibrosis in the lung tissue, and a stragglers downregulates which means brings down the mucus and five production, thereby controlling excess mucus production, and lung congestion. So there you go.
So again, we’ve talked about this drag list membrane, and the CEUs are stragglers for lung congestion. Let me see if there’s any specific questions before we sign off for today, but I hope this was valuable. Someone says I am a doctor majority of Doctor uses nowadays.
infiltrated. Okay, I have my own doctor. Great.
Nice to have you, Elizabeth. Yeah. Remember Hippocrates said that he is a fool who doesn’t become his own doctor.
So again, we’re giving you Systems Principles for supporting this, someone is asking, are you looking at Amazon forced Indian medicines? Yes. You know, it’s taken us many, many years. And that was Alex to set up site to solve, develop the technology figured out and now we started the CytoSolve Open Science Institute.
And it’s because of your contributions, we’re able to do this research and we’re able to help the world. So in closing, go to truth, freedom, you can contribute go to wvsu.
com site itself, Open Science Institute, but most importantly, recognize that we’re building a movement for truth, freedom and health. And that movement doesn’t just take a reductionist approach, we look at the science, we look at the different aspects of freedom. So it’s an integrated movement.
And I want to recommend to anyone, tomorrow, Thursday at 11am, and at 8pm, you can go to v Join us and I’m going to play the video as we exit on what are the features of the truth for human health movement, but become a warrior scholar take advantage of this global movement that is really empowering you to become your own guru.
So but based on the science of systems I’ll play this video and I’ll come back to say goodbye be well everyone Hello, this is Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai Welcome to VA Shiva the platform of education, technology and activism so you may raise your consciousness to win the truth freedom and health you need to create the future you deserve. The VA Shiva platform provides this truth freedom health warrior scholars the following three capabilities number one and ultimate education that is based on the science of systems number two techniquesologies to empower you to take charge of your health as well as social media tools independent of big tech so you can connect with other incredible truth freedom health warrior scholars equally dedicated like you to winning true freedom and health three instruments for activism so you become a beacon of light and your online and offline community to educate others growth and advancement VAs Shiva provides you the foundations of the science of systems the ultimate education besides of Systems provides you the missing fundamental scientific knowledge to understand every system in and around you.
The science of systems will enable you to uncover the real problem and real solution in any situation and on any issue concerning the educational component. First, you will receive direct access to me to learn the science and systems in my three hour live private online group class that I run every week. Second, you will have access to archived lectures so you can continue your education independent of may 3 you can test your proficiency in learning the fundamental principles and get a formal certification for the foundations of system independent of this classroom education you’ll receive also four important books The first book is the best selling classic systems and revolution from which you can learn all of these concepts and more.
The second book is a science of everything that will educate you on how the science of systems is the foundational knowledge of every system in the universe. The third book your body, your system focuses on how to understand the interplay of these systems within your own body. And then the fourth book your system your life will help you apply these principles to other aspects of your life such as running a business, understanding relationships, and more beyond the curriculum and books.
The second capability is the technologies that you will be afforded one of them is a powerful your body or system software, which is an online laboratory where you can use your body as a system to further deepen your understanding of the science of systems that tool allows you to understand what kind of system you are is your system on course, or is it off course and how the inputs of food supplements herbs activities, such as sleep yoga, meditation exercise can affect your body to bring it back on course. Finally, to support your education. I’ve also included a seminal scientific paper that I wrote, which will help you understand that the knowledge of systems it does not only originate in the modern world starting in the 1920s, and 30s, but it actually dates back 10 to 20,000 years and intersects directly with the foundations of Eastern systems of medicine.
In addition to this, you will also get to scientific papers sharing how the science of systems can also be used to fight understanding how food is medicine, one paper exposes Tumeric from the molecular systems level and how it affects your body the other paper explores ginger and how that affects your body. That’s just the educational piece as you raise your consciousness through this education, you will likely want to connect with other truth freedom health order scholars in an environment where you can connect and build community to support that I’ve also created two powerful social media tools. One of them is a VA Shiva forum where you can start discussions you can pose questions and meet others and have healthy debates.
The other is VA Shiva social where you can create your own profile your own presence like other major social media tools, however, it is independent of big tech you can use VA Shiva social to interconnect with your fellow truth freedom health warriors, scholars and build community beyond the education capability and the social media capability. The platform also enables you to take action by disseminating your knowledge on the ground and into your local online and offline communities. Powerful educational cards and research are included so you can pass these cards to your friends and neighbors that provide them summarized content, which further directs them to online research and education.
In addition to this, the activism component also provides you many many short one minute educational video content memes and text allowing you to quickly craft messages for your Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Tik Tok and other pages so you can deliver content to educate others and drive them to longer educational posts on va Shiva VA Shiva is fundamentally an enabling platform for you to get the truth, freedom and health you deserve for education, technology and activism. I hope you become a truth freedom and health warrior scholar today. Thank youAlright, everyone, I hope that was valuable.
We have a couple more herbs coming out in our bunk series. I think two more again, we’re doing it because you know, the stuff that’s going on with, quote unquote, the pandemic lung congestions, a very practical way that you can really understand what’s going on at the molecular systems level, but keep an eye out. We’re going to be dropping some more important interviews that we’ve been doing.
But our goal here is to make all of you your own guru, so you become an agent of change, and don’t rely on Grifters or false gods. And that is what truth freedom health is about. It’s about empowering you to think and to become an agent of change in your local communities and to help the world so be well everyone support this movement and be the light and be a powerful agent of change.
Thank you be well

It’s time we move beyond the Left vs. Right, Republican vs. Democrat. It’s time YOU learn how to apply a systems approach to get the Truth Freedom Health® you need and deserve. Become a Truth Freedom Health® Warrior.
Join the VASHIVA community – an integrated EDUCATIONAL, COMMUNICATIONS – independent of Big Tech -, and LOCAL ACTIVISM platform to empower YOU to actualize Truth Freedom Health® in your local communities by employing a SYSTEMS APPROACH.
The platform we are building for Truth Freedom Health® provides the infrastructure to take on Big Tech, Big Pharma, and Big Academia. Many of you have asked how you can help. You can contribute whatever you can. Based on your level of commitment to get educated, I have also created some wonderful educational gifts to thank you for your contribution.
To get the education you need and deserve, join Dr.SHIVA on his Foundations of Systems™ course. This course will provide you three pillars of knowledge with the Foundation of Systems™ Thinking. The three pillars include: 1) The System Dynamics of Truth Freedom Health®, 2) The Power of a Bottom’s Up Movement, and 3) The Not So Obvious Establishment. In this course, you will also learn fundamental principles of all systems including your body.
Course registration includes access to his LIVE Monday training, access to the Your Body, Your System® tool, four (4) eBooks including the bestselling System and Revolution, access to the Systems Health® portal and communications tools – independent of Big Tech – including a forum and social media for you to build community with other Truth Freedom Health® Warriors.
This course is available online for you to study at your own pace.
It’s time to Get Educated, or Be Enslaved™.