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In this discussion, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email provides a PREVIEW to the upcoming SATURDAY, AUGUST 27, 2022 11AM EST #TruthFreedomHealth Summit. Topic of this summit is: “The 7 SECRETS OF INNOVATION – From the BOY WHO INVENTED EMAIL.” The Summit is FREE to all existing Warrior-Scholar level USERS of the Truth Freedom Health® System. To become a user of the Truth Freedom Health® System at the Warrior-Scholar level: Contribute and Join at VASHIVA.Com/JOIN

The original research in this video is made possible by generous contributions from supporters of the Dr.SHIVA Truth Freedom Health® movement. Please contribute so we may continue to bring you such original research, valuable education, and innovative solutions.


  • Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, introduces us to his upcoming special lecture on The Seven Secrets of Innovation that he discovered as a fourteen year old boy through the invention of the world’s first email system. Dr.Shiva will answer:
  • What is the source of Innovation?
  • What’s the first step to be a successful innovator?
  • What does an innovator actually do?
  • What do innovators serve?
  • What’s the difference between invention and innovation?
  • What are the big legal issues as an innovator?
  • What must an innovator do to make this innovation successful?

The Seven Secrets of Innovation Discovered as a Fourteen Year Old Boy Through the Invention of the World’s First Email System.

In 1978, a 14 year old kid invented the first email system. Dr.Shiva wrote a book called The Boy Who Invented Email & His 7 Secrets of Innovation.

The anniversary of the invention of Email is August 30, 1982. This was when the first U.S. copyright was issued.

Dr.Shiva shares that innovation is always seen in a very reductionist way. It’s always assumed that all great innovation must come from centers of power, that only a few people can innovate.

What is the Source of Innovation?

There’s all sorts of illusions about where innovation comes from. The government, centralized governments, pour a lot of money into creating centers of innovation, sometimes called “centers of excellence.”

We really have to ask – what innovation has really come out of those centers of innovation?

What’s the First Step to be a Successful Innovator?

Dr.Shiva will go over this in detail at the Summit for Warrior-Scholars. You can sign up to watch the full Special Lecture at

He is passionate about helping youth who want to innovate. For any parents/guardians who have children between 14-18 years of age can go to to apply for a 1k grant and mentorship.

What Does an Innovator Actually Do?

Do they solve world problems? Have they created a new way to go to the moon? That’s important to understand, because that will lead to the third secret of innovation.

What Do Innovators Serve?

Are you serving heads of state? Are you serving the elites? Who are you actually serving? And that leads to the fourth secret of innovation.

What’s the Difference Between Invention and Innovation?

People can tend to confuse this. There are awards given to people who discovered something in a lab or created something. Innovation is significantly different from invention.

This will be gone over in the summit on Saturday. This is also something explained to those who are awarded at Innovation Corps.

What Are the Big Legal Issues as an Innovator?

There’s one very important legal issue that most innovators need to understand. This will be discussed at the summit and is in the book Dr.Shiva wrote for all innovators.

He also educates the youth who apply for the innovators grant at Innovation Corps.

What Must an Innovator Do to Make this Innovation Successful?

This is very important and will really help people understand what is a successful innovation. What makes something innovative? What makes something non innovative? What leads to a great innovation?

Some people make something and it never goes anywhere, other people make something, and it is explosive. What makes that difference?

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Course registration includes access to his LIVE Monday training, access to the Your Body, Your System tool, four (4) eBooks including the bestselling System and Revolution, access to the Systems Health portal and communications tools – independent of Big Tech – including a forum and social media for you to build community with other Truth Freedom Health Warriors.

This course is available online for you to study at your own pace.

It’s time to Get Educated, or Be Enslaved.

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