In this discussion, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email, announces the 2nd International Conference on Vaccine Safety & Immune Health to be held on SATURDAY October 29, 2022 from 10AM EST to 2PM EST by the International Center for Integrative Systems in Cambridge, MA both LIVE and VIRTUAL (online). In 2019, the Center pioneered the first conference from a Systems Biology approach to impress on the public and other scientists the need for a Personalized and Precision Medicine that takes an engineering systems approach to the Immune System.
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- On Saturday, October 29, 2022, the International Center for Integrative Systems will be holding the 2nd International Conference on Vaccine Safety and Immune Health.
- Dr. Shiva started the International Center for Integrative Systems as a research and education institution for System Science.
- The 1st International Conference on Vaccine Safety was held in 2019, before the COVID-19 Pandemic, to further a Scientific Approach to Personalized and Precision Medicine based on the latest science of the Immune System.
- Tickets for the 2nd International Conference on Vaccine Safety and Immune Health are $25 per person and all proceeds go to fund the work of the International Center for Integrative Systems.
On Saturday, October 29, 2022, the International Center for Integrative Systems will be holding the 2nd International Conference on Vaccine Safety and Immune Health.
Good evening, everyone. It’s Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai. I just wanted to do a quick announcement that some of you may have heard about.
But just wanted to let you know that this Saturday, October 29, from 10am to 2pm. I hope all of you have a chance to attend the 2nd International Conference on Vaccine Safety and Immune Health. Saturday, October 29th from 10am to 2pm EST.
It is going to be held at 701 Concord Avenue in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
It will be a real condensed workshop, you’ll get an up-to-date understanding of all the Science that’s out there on Vaccine Safety, but you’ll walk away with a really beautiful Systems understanding of the Immune System.
One of the most important things that you will understand is the need for Personalized and Precision Medicine. That’s the way the NIH wants to move. That’s the history of Traditional Medicines. It’s really a Systems Approach.
We’ll also cover the fact that started about a couple years ago, back in 2018, there was a real push for Systems Immunology, we’ll talk about the fact that the Theory that is currently used that Doctors learn, it’s actually an “OLD”” Model of the Immune System that dates back to 1915.
Invite all your Doctors to come get educated, as they’re taught medicine from a Reductionist standpoint. They don’t get to see the whole, they’re taught little parts.
This is a big opportunity for all of you to invite people you’ve had arguments with and let’s share with them the science. I invite you to invite your Doctors, invite other Scientists.
Unfortunately, a lot of the scientific community, they are not that educated. If you go back to 2019, you’ll see when we held this, we really led the field to encourage people to have dialogue.
But more importantly, to let people understand that the Immune System is a very Complex System. Many Doctors should attend this conference, so they can get up to date.
Doctors particularly need it because they’re on the front lines, and it’s very valuable for them. Nurses, Health Care Practitioners, Alternative Health Care Practitioners, East and West, people will learn a lot, they’ll really understand the Immune System as a System.
It’s going to be a four-hour event; you will learn a lot. You will learn more than you can on your own watching all these YouTube videos, this will get down to the Real Science.
You will understand: What is Systems Biology. You will understand Computational Systems Biology. You will understand the recent advances.
But most importantly, we are going to unpack the last three years. And put it in a framework that you get a compendium.
Share it with others. I hope all of you attend, take advantage of it.
Dr.SHIVA started the International Center for Integrative Systems as a research and education institution for System Science.
The International Center for Integrative Systems, which is the Center that I started as a Research and Education Institution for System Science, will be holding the 2nd International Conference on Vaccine Safety and Immune Health.
And we led and pioneered this back in 2019. So, this is three years later, there is a lot more information out there.
The 1st International Conference on Vaccine Safety was held in 2019, before the COVID-19 Pandemic, to further a Scientific Approach to Personalized and Precision Medicine based on the latest science of the Immune System.
In 2019, we held a similar conference way ahead of all the events that transpired after and it was really to educate people, not only the public, but the broad scientific community on the need for Real Vaccine Safety studies. But more importantly, on Immune Health, and the modern findings that are emerging out to Systems Biology.
In mid-2019, I was invited to the National Science Foundation to give a presentation on The Modern Theory of the Immune System. And this is in 2019, way ahead of the events that took place in 2020, and 2021.
But we felt that there was a real need to really have an International Conference, and about 900 people came, this is in 2019, and we are hosting it again in Cambridge.
Tickets for the 2nd International Conference on Vaccine Safety and Immune Health are $25 per person and all proceeds go to fund the work of the International Center for Integrative Systems.
And those of you who want to come can come live or virtually, and you can purchase tickets for it. We’ve made it very, very accessible to people at $25 dollars.
But fundamentally, at this Conference, we will review, The Science of the Modern Immune System. We will also bring people up to date on the recent Scientific Studies on Vaccine Safety that has emerged.
We want to invite whoever wants to come, you can be Pro or Anti-Vaxx, it doesn’t matter. It’s really to have an Open Discourse. And to have Science really prevail versus people being on the Left or Right, or Pro or Anti.
We have way too much of that. I think it’s about time that we take a Scientific Approach, which is what we did.
It’s going to be on Saturday, October 29th, 2022. In order to participate, you can go literally to on the shop, you can see there’s the tickets here, you can go right into tickets.
And you’ll see it’s called 2nd International Conference on Vaccine Safety and Immune Health. If you go there, you can purchase the tickets for $ 25 dollars.
Alternatively, you can just go to the link, which is in this post to find out and then go right to the shop link and get access.
If you want to come in, and once you purchase a ticket, you don’t want to come in physically, you’ll get a zoom link or you’re in our auditorium in Cambridge, Massachusetts. We will put directions up there, you can come and it’s going to be held, not this Saturday, but on October 29 – Saturday.
And as the blurb says, it says, “Vaccines are a hallmark of Modern Medicine emerging from an early understanding of the Immune System. Systems Biology, however, provides for a Modern Theory of the Immune System for Precision and Personalized Medicine, and reveals a framework for much needed Vaccine Safety and Risk Assessment.
Go to the site here at, go to the shop right there. And you can find the tickets right there. And right there are the International Conference tickets.
Share this with as many people as you want. And again, let’s educate our Health Practitioners because they’re actually, most of them are in the dark because their Medical Systems don’t really teach them all this and we have to update them. You’ll be doing them a service by bringing them to this event.
If you want to learn more, I will be hosting an Open House this Thursday to share with you what is going to be at the Conference, you can go to I will host it. Thursday at 11am EST and at 8pm EST.
Please come to the Truth Freedom Health® event and we will share more about what’s going to happen at the Conference.
Be well. Be the light. I look forward to seeing you all.

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Course registration includes access to his LIVE Monday training, access to the Your Body, Your System tool, four (4) eBooks including the bestselling System and Revolution, access to the Systems Health portal and communications tools – independent of Big Tech – including a forum and social media for you to build community with other Truth Freedom Health Warriors.
This course is available online for you to study at your own pace.
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