In this video, Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, Inventor of Email, Scientist & Engineer, Candidate for US President, posed the question in 2021: Was Trump the Swamp?
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- Hillary – Trump always talked about how Hillary needed to go to jail, that when he won he would be getting a special prosecutor to look into Hillary Clinton. His rallies created the infamous “Lock Her Up!” chant. Post-election when supporters would start the chant, he states, “that plays great before the election, now we don’t care.”
- Dr.SHIVA presents how Big Pharma has lost 25 billion in revenue over 10 years. Now thanks to Warp Speed they don’t have to do the same level of testing with vaccines anymore and since they can’t be sued they will save money.
- Donald Trump saves Big Pharma with Warp Speed & continues to brag about what he got the FDA to do, how great and safe the vaccines are. He constantly encourages people to take the medical miracle vaccine and how he recommends it to everyone.
- January 6th, 2021 President Trump tells his supporters he will personally lead them to the Capitol Building to protest the Biden Selection. Saying “we are going to walk down and I’ll be there with you” then he leaves instead. Trump supporters were lured into a trap, police opened doors & allowed Trump supporters inside. Ashli Babbitt is then killed. Many Trump supporters were put in jail held with no trial for months.
The original research in this video is made possible by generous contributions from supporters of the Dr.SHIVA Truth Freedom Health® movement. Please contribute so we may continue to bring you such original research, valuable education, and innovative solutions.
LOCK HER UP! (Crowd repeat chant)
DJT: I will say this Hillary Clinton has to go to jail, okay? She has to go to jail. I think she should be in jail for what she did with her emails. But if I win, I am going to instruct my Attorney General to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation. Special Prosecutor, here we come, right?
HRC: It’s just awfully good that someone with the temperament of Donald Trump is not in charge of the law in our country.
DJT: Yeah, because you’d be in jail.
Announcer: Donald Trump wins the presidency.
DJT: I’ve just received a call from Secretary Clinton. And I congratulated her and her family on a very, very hard fought campaign. I mean, she, she fought very hard.
Announcer: But in a meeting today, at the New Times where reporters were live tweeting the conversation, Mr. Trump said this when asked about prosecuting her, “I don’t want to hurt the Clintons.” He said, “I really don’t. She went through a lot and suffered greatly in many different ways.”
President-Elect Trump
Post-Election Victory Tour
DJT: …and Bill and Hillary and they were going to Michigan. (Crowd boos & begins to chant, “Lock Her Up”) Nah, it’s ok.. Nah, forget it. That plays great… before the election. Now we don’t care, right? That plays great… before the election. Now we don’t care, right? That plays great… before the election. Now we don’t care…
- Never Charged…
- …NO Special Prosecutor
Big Pharma & Operation Warp Speed
Dr.SHIVA: The end is near for most pharma companies. And this is why they’re so desperate to make sure you get jabbed and poked and jabbed and poked and jabbed and poked. And you’re gonna see why. Follow the money. Take Pfizer, in 2011, they made 65 billion in revenue. In 2020, they only made 41 billion. They lost 25 billion in revenue.
Pharmaceutical companies are tanking, they’re not doing well. And you can sue a pharmaceutical company. They’re saying, “My revenues are going down with pharmaceutical drugs,” which are single-molecule drugs, “But this ‘jabines’, this ‘jabbination’ stuff? Hey, that’s pretty good. I can’t get sued. It’s growing at 17-20% per year, big margins. I don’t even have to do the same level of testing.” Pharmaceutical drugs have to go through in vitro. Then you have to do animal testing. Then you have to go to Phase 1, Phase 2, Phase 3, but thank you to Operation Warp Speed. So they could circumvent a lot of fundamental testing.
Announcer: Operation Warp Speed to shorten the vaccine development timeline.
DJT: …and I’ve always felt that was the most important is – the vaccine. I would recommend it. And I would recommend it to a lot of people that don’t want to get it. And a lot of those people voted for me, frankly. But it’s a great vaccine. It’s a safe vaccine. And it’s something that works. And we’ve been working round the clock and what I got the FDA to do… What I got the FDA to do… What I got the FDA to do… This would have happened, this would have happened in many, many years from now, if we didn’t if I didn’t get involved. And if we didn’t get involved. What I got the FDA to do…
January 6th, 2021
President Trump tells his supporters he will personally lead them to the Capitol Building to protest the Biden Selection.
DJT: Now it is up to Congress to confront this egregious assault on our democracy. And after this, we’re going to walk down and I’ll be there with you. We’re going to walk down to the Capitol. And I’ll be there with you…
Trump LEAVES instead of being there with his supporters as he promised
And I’ll be there with you… And I’ll be there with you… And I’ll be there with you… And I’ll be there with you… And I’ll be there with you…
Trump’s supporters are lured into a trap
And I’ll be there with you… And I’ll be there with you… And I’ll be there with you…
Police open doors and allow Trump’s supporters inside.
And I’ll be there with you… And I’ll be there with you…
Ashli Babbitt 1985-2021
And I’ll be there with you… And I’ll be there with you… And I’ll be there with you…
TRUMP threw his most loyal supporters to the SWAMP
HIllary was NEVER locked up…
But hundreds of his supporters…
..WERE locked up
Some held for months without trial
DJT: We will never give up; we will never concede it doesn’t happen. You don’t concede when there’s theft involved… Now Congress has certified the results… (We will never give up; we will never concede.) A new administration will be inaugurated on January 20th… (We will never give up; we will never concede.) My focus now turns to ensuring a smooth, orderly and seamless transition of power.
Trump was never going to save us.
He fooled and betrayed us.
We must build our own movement.

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