The original research in this video is made possible by generous contributions from supporters of the Dr.SHIVA Truth Freedom Health® movement. Please contribute so we may continue to bring you such original research, valuable education, and innovative solutions.
Key Points
- Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD – Inventor of Email, Systems Scientist, engineer, educator – exposes Fake Science & Big Pharma at a Truth Freedom Health rally in Boston during an interview by Channel 7 WHDH
- Boston’s Mayor Michelle Wu is a prostitute for Big Pharma.
- Big Pharma wants to referee the fortunes of its failing business model and maximize profits by forcing a one-size-fits-all model onto working people.
- One-size-fits-all medicine is based on the outdated hundred-year-old science of 1915.
- We need proper infrastructure and a personalized & precision approach to medicine.
vaccine, group, scientists, city hall, immune system, statehouse, kowtow, protesting, city, vaccine mandates, side, politicians, establishments, jonathan, plans, president trump, medicine, mandate, indoor, hall
Coronavirus concerns growing in the city of Boston. You’re taking a look outside City Hall where a group has planned a rally against the city’s vaccine mandate. As we look live there, that’s where 7’s Jonathan Hall is with a closer look at what is happening right now.
Jonathan Hall: Okay guys, busy scene out here. Now they’re protesting a vaccine mandate by Mayor Wu which goes into effect January 15. On that date, indoor restaurants, bars and entertainment and recreational establishments are supposed to get proof of at least one shot of vaccine from any customer. In addition, all city workers will have to have at least a shot of vaccine. Now they say the Mayor is being unfair to people and should not be forcing them to put vaccines in their bodies.
They say that really the politicians have let them down. President Trump, President Biden, they don’t like any of it. They say the big pharmaceutical companies are the real enemies of the Working People. And the leader of this group, an MIT trained scientist, who twice ran for US Senate, told me he’s sick of politicians on both sides of the aisle kowtowing to Big Pharma.
Jonathan: Are you against the vaccine mandate?
Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai: Definitely, I mean it’s against science.And I cantell you that as a scientist who does research on the immune system; it’s the Right Medicine, for the Right Person, at the Right Time. It’s Personalized and Precision Medicine. One-size-fits-all is science of 1915.
Jonathan: Shiva Ayyadurai says people can boost their immune systems by taking vitamins. He says they don’t need vaccines. Course most of the scientists out there including, of course, Dr. Fauci, everybody else, would say this is bunk.

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