The original research in this video is made possible by generous contributions from supporters of the Dr.SHIVA Truth Freedom Health® movement. Please contribute so we may continue to bring you such original research, valuable education, and innovative solutions.
- Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD – Inventor of Email, Systems Scientist, engineer, educator – presents a CytoSolve Molecular Systems Analysis on what Dong Quai can do for Lung Congestion.
- CytoSolve technology is designed to take a Systems Approach and has distilled nearly 1044 research articles, 26 clinical trials, over the last 43 years.
- Dong Quai Root known as Angelica Sinensis is indigenous to China and belongs to the Appiaceae family. The medicinal properties from Dong Quai are attributed to the essential oil, which is extracted from the root.
- Dong Quai is composed of 70 different compounds, including ferulic acid, scopoletin, umbelliferone, ligustilide, carvacrol, and beta-Pinene.Types of compounds are coumarins, polyacetylenes, chalcones, sesquiterpenes, polysaccharides, and phytosterols
- The biological effects of Dong Quai are its antioxidant, its antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and vasodilatory. It also supports alleviation of joint pain, ulcers, anemia, constipation, and allergies.
Hello everyone, this is Dr.SHIVA. We’re continuing our Lung Health, Lung Congestion Series. We have done three herbs so far. We did Schisandra Berry, yesterday we did Skullcap, and now we’re going to move over to looking at Dong Quai this evening.
Lung congestion is something obviously that’s important to everyone, when the weather gets cold or you have infections, etc. People have been asking about what some of the good herbs are, so we started, as a part of the CytoSolve® Open Science Project, really looking at some of these herbs.
We’ve covered three as I mentioned, and we’re going to today go to an herb that some of you may have heard of called Dong Quai Root, and its effect on Lung Congestion.
Dong Quai Root
Let’s go right into what is Dong Quai Root. It’s known as Angelica Sinensis. And Angelica Sinensis is an herb that’s indigenous, like the other two herbs, to China. It belongs to the Appiaceae family, and it’s widely used in Traditional Chinese Medicine.
By the way, if you go to, we have a whole course, in fact a Master Certification course on Eastern and Western medicine. And one of the areas we teach there is Traditional Chinese Medicine.
The medicinal properties from Dong Quai are attributed to the essential oil, which is extracted from the root. It’s really important to understand that, when we’re looking at these herbal products, what part of the plant we use is important. And that’s why I’ve always emphasized that. So here, we’re looking at the root, and we’re taking the oil from the root.
What You Will Learn
What we’re going to learn today is, what is Dong Quai Root, what are the chemical components, as we normally do, and what is lung congestion. For those of you who were in the last two sessions, that will be some review for you. And then we’re going to look at the molecular pathways of lung congestion.
There are five major molecular pathways, and then we’re going to look at the effects of the Dong Quai root on lung congestion from a very high level, from a Systems perspective. You have the lungs here, over here we have the normal airways, as you can see, they’re clean, nice and thin walls. Over here, when you have congestion, you have very thick walls or scarred mucus, and the airways are expanded. We’ll come back to this.
Journey to Systems
The key thing I wanted to always inspire everyone here is that we take a Systems Approach. I want to encourage people to go to We’ve created an entire course called the Science of Systems, which is integrated into medicine, engineering theory, plus political theory. And you can really understand a core science of everything that Interrelates to all of those.
There’s a book behind me, to my left, which is Systems Health, which really is a textbook. I encourage all of you to take that because you’re basically able to get a deep understanding of Systems Science, but it’s the Science of Systems that, in my view, has huge opportunities for well-being, figuring things out. Let me give you my journey to systems.
Okay, to those of you joining us late, we are continuing our series on lung congestion and this time we’re studying a very different herb called Dong Quai Root, Angelica Sinensis. It’s indigenous to China. It belongs to the Appiaceae family. It’s used in Traditional Chinese Medicine. We’re looking at the active components which come from the essential oils which are extracted from the root. You’re going to learn about Dong Quai, you’re going to learn about lung congestion, you’re going to learn about the molecular systems, and you’re going to learn about how the components of Dong Quai affect lung congestion.
Science on Dong Quai Root
Now, there’s about 1044 research articles that are out right now that have been written on it over the last 43 years. Among the other two herbs, we studied Schisandra as well as Skullcap. Those had about 70 to 80 years, it says about 40 or so, not as well studied, but still there’s literature on it. And there’s about 26 clinical trials done on it. And you can see, again, a lot of the research has been done in the last 30 years, you can see this little graph right here, which tells you how the research growth is taking place.
As I mentioned before, one of the key things to recognize is, a herb or root or food is a multi-combination drug. What do I mean by that? That means it doesn’t just have one chemical compound, and it’s got a mixture of compounds. That’s why food is medicine.
And the other important thing to understand is that pharmaceutical companies do not know how to create food, they try to synthesize a single compound, we’ll talk about that. And then they try to figure out how that one individual compound can affect one particular spot in your body to have a particular effect, how it can also have side effects.
Food is composed of many, many different molecules, as you’re seeing here. Dong Quai is composed of 70 different compounds, and it has various capabilities, types of compounds. In science, we call these different categories. So, coumarins, polyacetylenes, chalcones, sesquiterpenes, polysaccharides, and phytosterols. The 70 compounds can be classified into a whole range of molecules, and here are some of those. As you can see, there’s ferulic acid, scopoletin, umbelliferone, ligustilide, carvacrol, and beta-Pinene.
And you can see they all have very, very different chemical structures, and they make essentially, very unique compounds. But these are the six that have been well studied in the literature. Now there could be many others that we’re talking about, but they’re not as well studied. And when we do our research here, we can only base it on what’s out there. And we’ll come back to CytoSolve®, but CytoSolve® is a technology we use for understanding this.
Biological Effects of Dong Quai Root
Let me go first of all, to look at the biological effects. The biological effects of Dong Quai are it’s an antioxidant, it’s antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and vasodilatory, which means it opens up your vessels. It’s an antioxidant, anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, and vasodilatory.
Health Benefits of Dong Quai Root
What are the health benefits? Well, hypertension, because it’s a vasodilator. Infertility. In Chinese medicine, Dong Quai is really, really, powerful. We could do a whole other video on this for infertility, for women’s issues, sexual health issues. It also supports alleviation of joint pain, ulcers, anemia, constipation, and allergies. So, those are sort of the broad health benefits of Dong Quai.
Lung Congestion
What is lung congestion? We’ve talked about it, but those of you who are new, I’ll go through it again. Here you have normal airways, we’re looking at the upper lung for nice and clean, no mucus, really nice, thin airway walls. It’s normal airways. But here what you can see the difference is a lot of mucus filled in there, thick, and scarred airway walls, and they’re wider. And this is the big difference.
Now, why does this happen? Well, first, when you have an infection, blood goes into your lungs, so you have excess blood. And then a common symptom of respiratory tract infection is you start getting the mucous membranes becoming inflamed. Then you get excessive mucus production that blocks the different airways, and then this causes difficulty breathing.
But what gets exacerbated here is that this becomes an ideal breeding ground for bacteria, which leads to secondary infections. So, you get the first infection, your blood rushes in, you get excessive blood, mucous membranes get inflamed, you get excessive mucus production, and this causes difficulty in breathing, and then this becomes a ground for bacteria leading to secondary infections. So, these are the five pathways.
What are pathways? Pathways are molecular systems that are involved in what we call lung infection. The way you want to think about pathways is to think about your body as a system. There’s all these machinery that are in there, and that machinery can involve different subsystems, and those subsystems, when interconnected together, result in some aspects.
So, when you’re looking here, these are the subsystems: arachidonic acid metabolism, cytokine production via MAPK, cytokine production via NF-kB, mucin production, which produces mucus, and then smooth muscle cell relaxation. These are the five gears, five system subsystems, that are involved in lung congestion.
If you can figure out how to use different foods and medicines to interact with these – and we’ll talk about how you interact with them – some of them you want to accelerate, others you want to get rid of them, then you can eliminate lung congestion get to better lung health.
The entire process of understanding this comes through a technology I created called CytoSolve®. CytoSolve® is a very powerful technology that allows us to do this kind of systems level understanding without killing animals, that’s what’s powerful. We don’t have to poke the bear, kill animals and do stuff in a test tube. Long before that, we can look at what research has been done, aggregate that research together, and like what we’re doing here, figure out the molecular pathways, and all of this is done using the computer software that I invented back for my PhD.
Now, pharmaceutical companies, this is the way they work. They get a compound, they do a bunch of wet lab testing, which means in a test tube, kill a bunch of animals, this takes six years, and then then go into phase one, phase two, phase three, which is human trials, a lot of time, a lot of money. But what we’re saying is way before we even go down this path, let’s use mathematics, let’s use software. So, we don’t go down pathways that are non-essential. That’s what CytoSolve® really does. And what you can see here is that pharmaceutical companies’ methods are not working.
They spend a lot of money in R&D, kill a lot of animals, and less than less new drugs are being approved. This is why they had to move into the “jabbination” market or the vaccine market, because you don’t need to do as much of this testing, you don’t need to go through the same regulatory process. It’s made more money and with less risk for them, but more risk for you.
So, when I created CytoSolve®, the idea was how do you discover pathways? And then, how can you actually use that discovery to figure out how combinations of molecules work within that, because if we can do that, then we can do complex analysis of things that pharma companies cannot do, and that was really the development of CytoSolve®.
Here’s a quick video on CytoSolve®.
Mechanism of Lung Congestion
With CytoSolve®, we’re going to be focusing on these five pathways. And pathways, like I said, are molecular machines. So, we look at these five pathways. Let’s start with the arachidonic acid metabolism pathway. This pathway uses fuel as arachidonic acid. And by the way, if you eat certain foods, particularly things like certain oils that are really not healthy for inflammatory oils, they’ll have lots of arachidonic acid in them. And with that arachidonic acid, your body will produce PGE-2, a prostaglandin which causes inflammation, so this is not a good pathway you want to be involved in but anyway, that’s one of the mechanisms that enables lung congestion.
So, this machinery, another is cytokines. Some cytokines are inflammatory molecules which are signaling molecules, but through a series of pathways, your body through this MAPK process, will produce TNF-alpha, and as you can see right here, IL-6 which are also known as cytokines. But it’s coming through a different path, that’s why they’re called pathways.
Then another pathway is via NF-kB, which passes a nuclear membrane and creates IL-6 also a different way. And then mucin production, this is how your body through all these little mechanisms of molecular reactions produces mucus. You can get it from cigarette smoke, you can get it from other sources, but ultimately, this pathway leads to the actual production of mucus. So, there’s actually a chemical pathway that’s involved in mucus production.
And then finally, when you have smooth muscle relaxation, when MLCP is upregulated through this pathway, that’s a good thing, you get muscle relaxation. But if you go down, this pathway blocks this. So, there’s various ways you can get MLCP which produces MLC that leads to relaxation, but if you don’t get MLCP, you don’t get muscle relaxation. Muscle relaxation, smooth muscle relaxation in particular, is very, very important for eliminating lung congestion.
So visually, you can think about this as, you’ve got 7 different chemicals, six of them you want to bring down because that helps in lung congestion, and one of them you want to bring up. So, PGE-2 is the inflammatory marker you want to bring down. That’s what the red arrow down means. IL-1 and IL-8, which are cytokines from this pathway you want to bring down. Cytokine production via NF-kB you want to bring down for IL-6 and IL-8, and mucin-5 you want to also bring down, and MLCP you want to increase.
Just look at that for a second. This gives you your strategy, and that’s what we’re trying to do here at a molecular systems level. We have all this machinery, and you have to look at this and say, I’m going to take this herb, what will this herb actually do for me, and now that starts giving you a strategic way to figure out what to do. Now CytoSolve® helps us figure this out mathematically, but I’m giving you the intuition on how to think about this, and what we’ve done as a public service through the Open Science Project.
Quick aside, we at CytoSolve® at VA Shiva, we’ve created this technology. We’ve helped a lot of companies, we’ve done it also to create our own product recently, but the public service we do is these educational videos, it’s part of the CytoSolve® Open Science Project, you can go to and you can go to the CytoSolve® Open Science Project, and you can contribute to this in whatever way you want, and when you contribute, you actually get courses and stuff we offer you. I never like to take anything for nothing. But as a part of the CytoSolve® Open Science Project, you can actually support and lead research efforts. This is brought to you by the contributions you guys have made to us, it’s our way of giving back.
Let’s now look at Dong Quai. How does this affect lung congestion? As you can see here, this is our heat map that we’ve used over the last two herbs. Here are the different mechanisms of action here below each mechanism or the different variables that are associated with that mechanism. And then what you can see right away from this diagram is that Dong Quai has no effects on arachidonic pathway, neither does it have it on reducing smooth muscle relaxation, or increasing smooth muscle relaxation.
If you remember, the skullcap actually has an effect on PGE-2, but it didn’t have an effect on smooth muscle, and Schisandra had effects on PGE-2, but nothing on mucin-5. Tomorrow we’ll talk about how all these elements can come together to create a combination therapy, but right now you can see Dong Quai really supports cytokine production, reducing those, and also reducing mucus.
The Creation of mV25™
Before I go into the details of how it does this, I wanted to let you know that we use the technology here. We’ve helped many, many companies over the last 16 years, a lot of smart, innovative companies. But we decided with all the mathematical models we’ve created, why don’t we try to use this to compute the best product we could think of from the science out there for reducing pain and inflammation, pain and discomfort, and that resulted in us creating mV25™ using CytoSolve®.
We’re going to have more products that are going to be coming but let me just show you what mV25™ is about for those of you who haven’t heard about it, but this is using CytoSolve® in a beneficial way not to just do research but find combination therapy.

If you want to find more about mV25™, you can go right to, click on the shop link and you’ll find it and you can go here and order it. We’ve had a lot of great feedback from it. And if you like it, go get it.
Let’s continue with our analysis here, our CytoSolve® analysis. What we see here is that we’re going to walk through step by step as you can see, five different chemicals are affected by Dong Quai across three different pathways. Two of them are pathways involved in lowering these four cytokines, and one of them lowers mucus production. IL-1, as you can see, is definitely lowered when we tested it on CytoSolve®, again without killing animals. IL-8 is also lowered as you can see, and then IL-6 is also lowered.
These are all inflammatory cytokines, these first four, but one of the cool things is Dong Quai has a pretty good effect at really bringing down mucus production as you can see here. And so, when you put all this together, what you find is that Dong Quai is a powerful herb for effecting reduction of cytokines and reducing mucus production.
Synergistic Effect
If you think about the first herb, we looked at Schisandra Fruit, if you look at the next one we looked at which was Skullcap and now we’re looking at Dong Quai, so when you’re looking at formulations, as I mentioned, you want to find things that affect all these pathways because then you’re getting a multi-targeted approach.
If you go to the drugstore, you can get something that just reduces mucus, but it may dry you out, may have other side effects. Here when you take a combination, which is an art and an information science, you are not hitting things in a very targeted way, only one pathway. Here, we’re hitting multiple pathways, and that multi-pronged effect is very, very powerful at modulating across a bunch of systems and having a synergistic effect.
Open Science Institute
I want to encourage all of you to explore the idea of learning the Science of Systems. And that’s one thing I want you to explore, looking at mV25™, I also want you to explore, thinking about supporting the Open Science Project, everything that I just shared with you here is a direct result of our Open Science Institute that we’ve created, where any one of you can participate in essentially guiding research, or because a lot of you write to me and say, Hey, no, this is going on that’s going on. Dr.Shiva, how can you help?
Well, this is a way that I’ve created a tool so you can help yourself, in doing research. If you look at, and you scroll down, you’ll find out we’ve created various Institutes. One of them is the Open Science Institute.
And at the Open Science Institute, if you go there, we’ve started launching, there’ll be more and more different projects. We have work we’re doing on osteoarthritis, on leukemia, on oral immunity, depression, brain health, cardiovascular, and here’s the one on lung and respiratory, respiratory health, and these projects are brought to you by you, so this is what we mean when we say science for the people by the people.
This is a very powerful way, so if you want to go support any of these, just go there, click on it, and you can contribute to the lung and respiratory project, and we’ll study more and more herbs. The cool thing about this is we’re doing research at pennies on the dollar, faster and cheaper but most importantly, all of us who care for other life, particularly animals, we’re not going in annihilating and destroying animals, so I want one encourage everyone to do that.
Truth Freedom Health™ Movement
Go to, you’ll see that we’ve created a whole range of courses but founded in the Science of Systems. Before I close, I’ll play you one final video, which will educate you on the features that we’ve created in Here we go.
Alright, everyone, I hope that was valuable. Tomorrow, we will be doing an analysis, we looked at three herbs, what happens when you combine them, and we’ll do a very nice short video on that. So, you start getting into the understanding of a Systems Approach to looking at how you mix things. And this is a much deeper way of looking at things and just saying I’m going to take this and it’s going to have this effect I read one paper someone just wrote someone is talking about Oprah skinny pill if you guys want, we can analyze that, and that’s the kind of work we have the infrastructure to do. So please take advantage of it. Go to Become a Truth Freedom Health Warrior, and let’s win. Thank you everyone. Have a good day and I wish you all well. Thank you

It’s time we move beyond the Left vs. Right, Republican vs. Democrat. It’s time YOU learn how to apply a systems approach to get the Truth Freedom Health you need and deserve. Become a Truth Freedom Health® Warrior.
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The platform we are building for Truth Freedom Health® provides the infrastructure to take on Big Tech, Big Pharma, and Big Academia. Many of you have asked how you can help. You can contribute whatever you can. Based on your level of commitment to get educated, I have also created some wonderful educational gifts to thank you for your contribution.
To get the education you need and deserve, join Dr.SHIVA on his Foundations of Systems course. This course will provide you three pillars of knowledge with the Foundation of Systems Thinking. The three pillars include: 1) The System Dynamics of Truth Freedom Health, 2) The Power of a Bottom’s Up Movement, and 3) The Not So Obvious Establishment. In this course, you will also learn fundamental principles of all systems including your body.
Course registration includes access to his LIVE Monday training, access to the Your Body, Your System tool, four (4) eBooks including the bestselling System and Revolution, access to the Systems Health portal and communications tools – independent of Big Tech – including a forum and social media for you to build community with other Truth Freedom Health Warriors.
This course is available online for you to study at your own pace.
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