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Siddha – The First Systems Biology

Unique presentation of 13 lectures by the world’s foremost authority on integrating systems of medicine, East and West, Ancient and Modern, Science and Tradition.The first set of lectures will cover systems of traditional medicines including TCM, SIDDHA, Ayurveda and others.…

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Your Body, Your System™

VA Shiva’s Revolutionary Online Tool for Personalized Health VA Shiva shows you how to find your natural systems state and balance your body to live fat-free, disease-free, and stress-free. Today there are so many new supplements, herbs, foods, super-foods, exercises,…

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Vegetarian or Carnivore?

Systems Visualization of Meat-Eating vs. Vegetarianism V A Shiva’s student Danielle Hicks presents a comprehensive Systems Visualization exploring Vegetarianism vs. Meat Eating We present you with a short interview with Danielle HicksQ. Why did you take the Systems Visualization class?…

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Molecules Meet Yoga

My grandmother, Chinnathai was a Siddhar, as was my great-grandfather, Ganapathy. She would do face-reading using an ancient Siddha Science called Samudrika Lakshanam. Looking at your face, she could tell what was wrong within your body.At a young age, I…

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Organizations as Cells

Two of my passions are the design and development of systems for supporting large-scale organizations e.g. EMAIL, EchoMail, and the other is medicine and biology. My doctoral work at M.I.T. focused on understanding how the cell works towards building a…

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