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Email Meets Social Media

Read VA Shiva’s Article on Integrating Email and Social Media. VA Shiva, the Inventor of Email, provides insight into email and how it relates to other social media such as Facebook and Twitter.Email is here to stay. Those who learn…

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Collaborative Cave Drawings

VA Shiva introduces Systems Visualization at MIT Hyperstudio Conference. VA Shiva presents “Collaborative Cave Drawings of Social Interactions: Simple Visualizations of Complex Phenomena” at MIT Hyperstudio Conference VA Shiva introduces Systems Visualization at MIT Hyperstudio Conference Many phenomena of global…

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Vegetarian or Carnivore?

Systems Visualization of Meat-Eating vs. Vegetarianism V A Shiva’s student Danielle Hicks presents a comprehensive Systems Visualization exploring Vegetarianism vs. Meat Eating We present you with a short interview with Danielle HicksQ. Why did you take the Systems Visualization class?…

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