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Dr.SHIVA™ LIVE: How the SWARM Makes Elections – Selections. Their SYSTEM of Cheating YOU.

In this Interview, Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, Inventor of Email, Scientist, Engineer and Candidate for President, shares HOW the SWARM makes Elections Selections through a well-defined systematic process. It's time we understand this process if we are to free ourselves. Link to Full Post:
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Dr.SHIVA™ LIVE: Why America Needs Dr.SHIVA for President in 2024

In this Interview, Dr.SHIVA shares why America needs him as its next U.S. President in 2024 given the "The Grand Deception" of the SWARM which pushes fake fights, fake heroes, to ensure Americans remain stuck to THEM and do not build a bottoms up INDEPENDENT movement to Shatter the Swarm™. Link to Full Post:
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Dr.SHIVA™ LIVE: Kentucky Police ILLEGALLY ARREST Volunteer Collecting Signatures Outside Walmart volunteer Nicholas Lupo was UNCONSITUTIONALLY arrested for legally collecting BALLOT nomination signatures in front of Walmart. Multiple supreme court rulings (Pruneyard & Roche Bros) have ruled that collection of ballot nomination signatures is the highest protected political speech particularly during an election cycle, even on private property at retail establishments. Time for US. Link to Full Post:
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