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A Critical Moment for Humanity

In the frame of my socio-political activism for Truth, Freedom and Health and in the frame of the Pandemic Treaty promoted by the World Health Organisation (WHO), I presented to this institution, during its public hearing, eight pages with thirteen analytical segments showing its conflict of interest given that 80% of its budget is being secured by the pharmaceutical industry alone, of which Bill Gates is the major contributor. In fact the WHO become the political arm of Grandpharma. In this perspective the public interest of health is incompatible with the vested interests of the pharmaceutical industry. Therefore, I invited the WHO to abandon the failed model of a failed industry, based on eugenics by default, to lead a new paradigm needed in medicine.

The new paradigm will not divide people between two opposing options (vaccines/anti-vaccines), but will unite them around the real improvement of public health. A genuine Health revolution, based on boosting the immune system not only by improving infrastructures and living conditions: clean water, clean air and healthy food, but also by recognizing preventive medicine and all existing traditional medicines.

This revolution is already underway. It is personalized and precision medicine: the right remedy at the right time for the right person. The greatest reference of this approach, based on systems biology, is Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai. He recovers the scientific foundations of the traditional systems of Indian medicine: Siddha and Ayurveda, from the most relevant basic principles of modern systems engineering.

This approach with its Cytosolve tool, also based on systems biology and systems pharmaceutics, would eliminate the need for animal and human testing, replacing it with mechanistic IN SILICO models, saving precious time and resources.

Certainly, this revolution, at a critical moment for humanity, demands, as a matter of principle, parallel revolutions, in politics, food, education, justice, monetary, military, etc., that would break the elite’s encirclement of life, with the abolition of institutions and agendas that are not compatible with it.

If the WHO and the UN persist in the path of totalitarian, tyrannical and slave-like regulations such as the IHR and the Pandemic Treaty, with the excuse of health and public safety, to achieve their goals of global governance, they will be legally and morally responsible for the social confrontation that their application will generate between States and civil society. The very same society, that enraged by the treatment received from one and the other, is already beginning to consider the dismantling and reforming of all institutions that manifestly do not serve humanity, nor respect the inalienable rights that are inherent to the men, women and children of the planet.

This text with its hyperlinks was very widely reproduced in many Spanish websites and social media.



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