Key Points
- Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD – Inventor of Email, Systems Scientist, engineer, educator – explains how Trump & Biden fit the concept of the Carrot & Stick method perfectly, while asking the important question. Are YOU Ready to Fight for You?
- Biden wants to force you to take the vaccine and Trump pressures everyone to be vaccinated voluntarily.
- Both wrongfully focus on mass-vaccination as a magic bullet to public health.
- The largest gains in public health occurred through working-class movements prior to the mass-introduction of vaccines.
- We know scientifically that a one-size-fits-all approach to medicine is wrong.
- Personalized and Precision Medicine on the individual scale, with good infrastructure on the macroscale is the best proven way to achieve and maintain public health.
- Both Trump and Biden serve the interests of Big Pharma. Following either one will lead to poor public health.
trump, people, biden, establishment, movement, systems, called, shiva, robert kennedy, vaccine, fact, understand, exposed, election, wing, run, mandates, donald trump, support, freedom, public health
Good evening, everyone. This is Dr. Shiva. I want to talk to you today about, probably the most important topic as we wrap up this year.
It’s really the issue of the two wings of the establishment, and really helping all of you get very clear, in a very dispassionate way, about Donald Trump, Biden, the Not-So-Obvious-Establishment, that controlled opposition, as I’ve talked about, probably over the last two or three years.
It was our movement, the Movement for Truth Freedom Health, which was really the first to expose the charlatans and, and the controlled opposition, like the Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s, who frankly publish a book most of the taken from everything that I’ve talked about for the last two or three years.
Meanwhile, many of you know, he had a party at his home where people had to either come in showing that they’re vaccinated or had to be tested. And we’ll talk about these contradictions that these fellows do are more recently, Trump who I’ve met with a couple of times over the last 60 days.
And definitely all these people may be wonderfully nice people. When I met with President Trump, he gave me a number of gifts. He in fact, gave me a very nice gift that he rarely gives out, very cordial. And I’m sure if you met Joe Biden, I’m sure you could have a beer with him and probably be nice. He may pal around with you, may even “sniff” you.
But the reality is that that’s not what the issue is. And this is not an issue of how nice these people are, or what you perceive them to be. It is about their actions. That’s what this is about. And that’s a discussion we’re going to have. And more importantly, as many of you know, for the last year and a half, I’ve dedicated my life to really exposing the fact that elections are selections.
And this was not something I did just for the fun of it. But I was a victim of Election Fraud right here in Massachusetts, because it was a collusion between the Democrats and the Massachusetts GOP. And it is our movement, the Movement for Truth Freedom Health, starting in September of 2020, which exposed that not only Massachusetts, but nationwide, which hundreds of millions of people saw what happened in this country.
In fact, the SAVE AMERICA pact that President Trump carried out and the RNC raised over half a billion dollars using the analysis that my team and I did. And this is not about asking people to compensate me, this is not about asking for anything I’m going to share with you the discussions I had with President Trump, I’m going to be very open with you about them.
Do You Want to Fight for You?
But this discussion today is really about you. This discussion is whether you want to fight for you. That’s what this is about. And whether you recognize that it’s not about these personalities. It’s not about either wing of the establishment, because that’s what they are. They’re both wings of the same bird.
And it’s not about their minor differences. But it’s about recognizing that they do not have your interest in any way near them. Everything that you see that we’re going to talk about is theater.
The elections are selections. They choose either a Joe Biden, they choose either a Donald Trump or Obama or whoever it is. And this is an act that is being played out.
And you are the victim of this act. So, in 2021, as we enter 2021 and 2022, the most important question for you is, do you want to fight for you? As many of you know, I’ve dedicated my life and fought many, many ways, because of my own journey, and that has been to educate you, on the immune system to educate you on taking a system science approach on nearly every issue on this planet. It was, again, this movement, which brought to a global level, in a very profound way that elections are selections.
On every major issue, our Movement for Truth Freedom Health has always been two to three years ahead of the curve. It was in November of 2019, that I did a series of videos saying Beyond Vax, Anti Vax to educate all of you the complexity of the immune system, the fact that there is no risk benefit analysis done. That is why the choice of whether you get jabbed or not is a personal decision, in March of 2020.
It was this movement that first exposed Fauci long before the opportunists, Rand Paul, wrong before the scumbag Robert Kennedy. And that’s what he is, as you know, that I’ve been very critical of him, a bunch of liberal white elite women keep wanting to hang out with Kennedy, they give him their money, maybe they want to sleep with him, but that’s their business. The reality is that the Working People of this country are being used by both wings of the establishment.
And that’s we’re going to talk about, and as we end, the CRS Christmas approaches, we’re also going to talk about the spirit of the message of Christ. Christ’s message was not about throwing pearls to swine. But it was really Christ’s message was recognizing that there are two wings of the establishment while on this earth.
From my understanding, from what I’ve studied Christ, not only when, after the establishment of the Romans, but more importantly, when after the Not-So-Obvious-Establishment of the Sadducees. And the Pharisees, the establishment, and the Not-So-Obvious-Establishment.
In fact, if anything, he was probably more virulent in exposing the Not-So-Obvious-Establishment. And there’s some great lessons to learn. Our Movement for Truth Freedom Health is based on recognizing that we need to build a Bottoms-Up Movement. But that movement cannot be built until you get educated on the Science of Systems.
And this is no movement is going to get built, no significant change is going to occur. Unless we build that movement. Just as for many, many centuries, people thought no one could fly, until people built the principles or discovered the principles of Bernoulli’s principle.
No one thought we could probably ever have electricity until Maxwell’s equations were revealed. And our movement has revealed the System Science principles of something even more profound than all of those is how do we overcome the forces of power, profit and control, slavery to freedom to Truth Freedom Health?
Because it has been said over and over again? Well, this is just the way people are, this is human nature, we’re never going to be able to solve those forces, you just have to accept it. So because of that brainwashing, we keep accepting clowns.
To lead us, and we keep looking to clowns. And we’ll talk about the clowns. Donald Trump is not running the military in the government of the United States, those of you who think that, then you’re essentially wanting to be part of a clown show.
And that’s what you want to be, please go do that. But that set of thinking is what is used to enslave Working People. And we are essentially, in an enslavement model in the whole world right now, Working People.
So, before I get into the details of this analysis, I’m going to give you which is to arm you really, but just to educate you, I want to play the core video we play and I want all of you to for your own selves give the gift of Truth Freedom Health, learn the Science of Systems, and it is this science. It is this movement that is the only force on this planet against the forces of the Left and the Right. And it’s the only force that can go Beyond Left & Right for Working People to Unite for Truth Freedom Health.
One Big Happy Family
Alright, everyone, let’s start really looking at the fact that less than 24 hours ago, you had a wonderful, beautiful exchange of appreciation and love and kindness and we’re all one Big Family between Trump and Biden. And basically, Biden thanked Trump for saying that, you know, it was great that he did Operation Warp Speed.
And Trump essentially, thanked Biden for thanking him. So, there’s one big love fest. But what we need to understand is that when you look at what just took place, the last 24 hours, it connects the dots between the analysis that I’ve been offering for over a year and right now, and as many of you know, that, since the age of 17, till the age of 56.
In 2016. That’s what, five years ago. When did Trump run, 2016? Sorry, since 53, I never voted for any politician. Although I’ve been a citizen of this great country, I never voted because by the time I was 17, or 18, or 19, because of understanding the Science of Systems because of understanding political history, I had figured out that both wings of the political establishment were one.
One of the biggest lessons I learned was when I in 1984, I saw Ronald Reagan running the Republican against a guy called Walter Mondale, the establishment Democrat. And there was another guy called Jesse Jackson, who was running with later became what was known as a Reform Party with Donald Trump and others, but at that time was called the rainbow party. And Jesse Jackson spoke a good game, that he’s going to bring together people to fight the establishment, etc.
At the last minute, on the floor of the Democratic Convention, and I had just come to MIT, so I’m starting to learn politics, and we thought, wow, Jesse Jackson’s antiestablishment, but at the last minute, he gives all of his entire movement, his votes, to a gentlemen call Walter Mondale, he any quotes, the lesser of two evils, the lesser of two evils. So here was Jesse Jackson, corralling all the masses who thought that he was their savior, and he brought them right into the wing of the Democratic establishment.
Two Wings of the Establishments
That’s when I broke from both parties, because I was reasonably trained enough, because I’ve been very interested in politics since I was a kid. Because of the fact, I grew up in a caste system, because I wanted to understand the world, I realized that not only were the two wings of the establishment, you have a bird, and the bird has a left shoulder and the right shoulder. So today, you can think about that left shoulder, as the Kennedys and the McConnell’s, I’m sorry, and the Clintons and the Obamas.
The right shoulder of the establishment is the McCain’s, the former McCain or the Romney’s and the McConnell’s, those we see as the obvious establishment. But the bird doesn’t just have shoulders, it’s got the wings, that it needs to move. In the case of the left, they have the Bernie Sanders and the AOCs, and the RFK Kennedy factor.
And on the Right, they have other interesting people, but Donald Trump is the wing of that Right Wing establishment, where they move the wings to create theater, to create noise, to flap their wings to create all this tornado. So, if you are not conscious, and you’re not aware of this dynamic, will be brought into this tornado. And invariably, you’ll be brought into one wing or the other, and ultimately corralled up to the establishment.
This is what we teach in our course because there’s a dynamic, and the Science of Systems will teach you this, that you won’t get fooled. So, I never voted. But in 2016, when Donald Trump ran, he had certain rhetoric.
There was a point that he was slamming both Republicans and Democrats sort of what Jesse Jackson was doing. And so, I never voted in my life. I registered as an independent and voted for him.
In fact, I decided to run for office. And I initially recognized that the Republican Party in Massachusetts never wanted a serious candidate. They were about a controlled opposition because the Massachusetts GOP and the Democrats work together, so they didn’t surely want a real candidate.
So, I ran as an independent against a buffoon called Elizabeth Warren. And we ran an amazing campaign, which had the slogan that ‘Only The Real Indian Can Defeat The Fake Indian.’ It was an awesome campaign, but Donald Trump never wants to endorse our campaign, even though we’re the ones that forced Elizabeth Warren to take the DNA test, not Donald Trump, Donald Trump Jr.
Election Systems Integrity
It was our campaign, our movement and in 2020, as many of you know, I decided to run as Republican in the primary. And it’s September 2020, we were headed for a landslide victory. And lo and behold, our election is stolen from us.
We won in the hand counted county, all hand counted paper ballot county called Franklin County by 10 points. In every other county 60-40, 60-40, 60-40. And you can see my other videos on this to a candidate no one knew. And that’s when I started investigating Election Systems Integrity.
We were our movement. The slogan, as you can see, in that hat is Truth Freedom Health transformed itself into a movement with a great brand Truth Freedom Health. But with solid teachings, which we teach at on the Science of Systems. But more importantly, we also created infrastructure, so people could communicate, interact independently of Big Tech. And that movement started exposing the Election Fraud in this country.
We weren’t paid, we exposed what occurred in Michigan, in Arizona, etc. And the Trump campaign and the RNC raised over a half a billion dollars off the analysis of our movement that we did. We did it because we wanted to do what was right.
But again, the RNC and the Trump campaign raised a half a billion dollars. And then was interesting was towards the end of the Arizona audit, I was invited to participate way at the end. And that audit, in all frankness, was not done as a true forensic audit.
And what we’ve had, what we have now using the Election System Integrity issue, we really have three sides to any issue, we have one side, which denies the real problem exists on any issue, another side which grips off the problem, makes money off of it. And then the third side, which is our movement, which is the only movement on the force, the only force on this planet right now, which wants to take a Systems Approach, which wants to go after the real problem, and the real solution. And we have over close to 100,000 people globally now.
Who on their own time, Working People who are getting it, they want to move beyond the bullshit charade of via Trump, or Biden, or Left or Right. And beyond the Qanon nonsense, which everyone is, any of the people following this garbage are basically victims. I feel sad for them.
Carrot & Stick
But let’s get to Trump and Biden right now, the carrot and stick. And I what I want you to understand is that when you look at the arc of history, and we can focus on American history, you will find out that – if you ever think about good cop, bad cop, the carrot and the stick, you got a donkey, you can whip the donkey or you can put a little carrot in front of it. You can try to lead the donkey around.
But good cop, bad cop, carrot and stick has been historically used by those in power to get what they want. For example, if you go back to the 60s 70s or 80s, the Republicans were branded as warmongers.
And the Republicans were like the Democrats today. They’re just overt, we want to jab the hell out of you. We want to mandate stuff for you.
We’re going to come after you, we’re going to lock you up, we’re going to lock you down, etc. That’s the war mongering model the Republicans was, we’re just going to bomb those people over there.
They would make racist comments, but very overt, we’re just going to bomb the shit out of these people. The Democrats were a little more clever. They said, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, don’t say that stuff to the Republicans.
Let’s do covert operations. Let’s use a carrot model. Let’s not use the stick.
Let’s use a carrot. So, one wing of the establishment in the warmonger in a war model would use this stick to try to get the Americans all hyped up with jingoism and ultra-nationalism to go bomb some poor people halfway around the world. But names we didn’t even know.
But the Democrats would say no, no, that’s not the way to do it. Let’s manipulate their elections. Let’s install dictators who say the carrot, the carrot and the stick is used by both wings of the establishment.
Get Me Data
What’s fascinating is, in January of 20, November of 2020, after all the analysis we had done for the last election, in this same room, after I did an analysis on exposing the malfeasance of the election systems in a state like Michigan, which went viral, I got a call from Mark Meadows. Again, that’s the White House calling me. They never helped me with anything else, but because my stuff was going viral all the Trumpers we’re like, oh my god,
Dr. Shiva is exposing the truth. So, they felt compelled to call me. And when they called me, Mark Meadows asked me, Dr. Shiva, how can we help you? And I thought he really wanted to help. Remember the White House Chief of Staff calling me. And here I was teaching a class. Again, one of our System Science classes, educating Working People on why we need to build a movement. I said, Mark, get me data. Get me more data, and I could do more analysis.
We’ve been doing this on our own saying day and night. Again, no one paid us. And at that time, the Trump campaign changed their email, which was from voter fraud to election fraud.
And our campaign had put out nearly 2 million flyers, we led the Election Fraud Movement. So, Mark Meadows said, Yeah, I’m going to get you data, Dr. Shiva.
Now remember, this is the heat the campaign has ended, everyone’s freaking out. You would think he would move and get me data, didn’t get data Monday, didn’t get Monday, Tuesday.
Then I got a call from Rona McDaniels office. They said, Dr. Shiva, how can we help you? So that’s the RNC. And you have to understand, to everyone out there, I put up hundreds of signs out for Trump in the cold.
I also donated money to Trump, I was an avid supporter. So, anyone who wants to have any critiques about my criticism that I’m about to unleash, go ask yourself if you worked as hard as I did. So anyway, the RNC said, I said, please get me data.
I can prove more of the election malfeasance and other states. They never gave us data. But meanwhile, they started sending out emails, two or three emails every day to ching ching ching, making money off our analysis.
Finally, I did a tweet, which I think got 10 million views, I think 40 30,000 retweets where, was the first time in early November, I started questioning Trump’s integrity. And I said, Dear President Trump, Dear Mr. Biden, I have unequivocal proof of election malfeasance, please contact me and I gave my phone number.
Well, Eric Trump reached out to me through Twitter in a direct message. And he said, I’m concerned I said, well, Eric, I don’t think anyone’s really concerned because no one’s given us data. He and I had some direct message conversations.
He told me to call the Trump campaigns lawyer. So here, the White House has called me claiming they wanted to help. The RNC has called me.
I talked to the Trump campaign, their lawyer, and he says, Yeah, we have the data. Are you going to give it to me? They never gave us the data. So, the net of it is that these guys knowing that they had an MIT PhD, who was doing work for free, with his whole team was awake day and night, who had actually exposed the real issues, while meanwhile, they generated to change to change to Ching.
In fact, the Trump campaign, the RNC made over a half a billion dollars.
So, keep that data point. The first time I got paid for anything for doing anything was way at the end of the Maricopa audit, I was asked to do the ballot images, and we got paid a meager relatively 50k for an MIT PhD, it would have been 10 times that, and to everyone on the record, I personally and my team has probably spent close to three to $4 million, when you add up my time and the value of it for this country doing this analysis, never asking for any money out of this. Alright, that’s the background on Election Systems Integrity.
Today, what has occurred is the fundamental issues of Election System Integrity are not being addressed by both wings. In fact, what has actually happened is you have a lot of Republican grifters who are making money off Election Systems Integrity, and the real issues like in America audit are being essentially swept under the rug because both wings of the establishment do not want to run fair elections, because elections are selections. That’s what they are.
Politicians Are Ugly Actors
Elections are selections if you really get that concept. Because the politicians are funded mentally actors Gore Vidal said, the difference between Hollywood and politics is politics essentially has uglier actors. Now, what you want to really think about is my analysis as an avid supporter of Trump as I started connecting the dots, and by the way, I’ve had two meetings with Donald Trump over the last 60 days and I’ll share them with you.
Before I go into that, I want to play a video that I put together about I think about nine months ago, were asked a question Is Trump the swamp? Because I had to start connecting all the dots.
John, do you have that video ready? So, I want to play you this video. Because you have to ask questions as a scientist, as someone who’s an engineer,
I want you to listen, I want John to play this video. And I want you to listen to this video carefully because we’re going to ask questions.
Because if you do not ask questions in life, then you never grow. John, can you play this video please?
I wanted you to see that video because from a very scientific way, I just started putting the pieces together. And that was about six months ago, seven months ago, he put that video together. And when I put that up on Facebook, I think we lost about 20% of our followers.
I’m not an opportunist. Our movement is not opportunism, and we have to tell the truth.
And that is what the noble duty of sciences, so we told the truth, 25% of our followers left, which was fine, because they had in some ways, the TDS for anyone who even raise questions about Trump, especially someone like me, who supported him, worked my butt off for him, and helped him raise a half a billion dollars.
Rico Lawsuit
I moved on. After this process. As you know, we were involved in one of the most historic lawsuits in this country where we exposed the fact that it is government and Big Tech that work together to silence speech silently. That lawsuit became so powerful that the judge thought I just wanted to get back on Twitter.
But what I had discovered in our lawsuit was that it was government and Big Tech, which were colluding. And I was not willing to drop my other claims in that lawsuit. And I’ll talk more about this, I’ll probably do a whole thing to give you guys an update, including that I wanted the individual people in the Secretary of State’s office to be held accountable.
We had discovered what was called a civil Rico conspiracy. The judge thought I would just be so happy, I’d be a little house slave just getting back, happy to get back on Twitter. But I wanted all of these people to pay for their crimes.
And because I would not budge, the judge threatened me, and he silenced our lawsuit. He sealed it. And we’ll talk more about this.
But we never got any help from anyone on the left or the right. That lawsuit. I represented myself, and a lot of us supported our efforts in doing that.
More recently, what happened was that I had finished up the Arizona audit, I was asked to present the audit at a congressional committee hearing. In fact, AOC is on that congressional committee hearing. At the last minute, they decided to bring someone else to do it because I think they were afraid of what I would expose.
That evening, or that morning, I got a call from President Trump’s office, or former President Trump’s office. And the chief press spokesperson told me Dr. Shiva, is there anything we can do to help you because I thought I was about to present and I said, you know, I’m not going to present.
Dirty Diehl – Mass Swamp
But the night before, I was very, very upset because Trump had endorsed a candidate running for governor in Massachusetts, who we call Dirty Diehl. Who – him and the Mass-GOP are the ones who colluded against my September 2020 campaign and committed Election Fraud. Let me repeat that again.
In early November of this year, Donald Trump endorsed a candidate who’s a very filthy guy who colluded with Elizabeth Warren when I ran to make sure I wouldn’t even get on the debate stage, even though he had every right to that was in 2018.
Trump Endorses Dirty RINOs
And the Massachusetts GOP chairman, a slob by the name of Jim Lyons, knowing that I may run for governor ran to Trump and Trump, like a fool, gave this guy Dirty Diehl. The endorsement for Governor even though he’s the one who committed Election Fraud with the GOP against our campaign, so you understand what I’m saying? The level of betrayal that I felt by Donald Trump here we had fought for him. We had helped him raise a half a billion dollars through our analysis, and he went to endorse a guy In my own home state, who committed Election Fraud, who was part of the Election Fraud against us in 2020.
Moreover, this fellow Dirty Diehl, he’s a fool, is a bloody fool, failed sign salesmen. And the Massachusetts GOP, which claims that Republicans claim they want to support you know, innovation and people pulling themselves up by their bootstraps, but they’re a bunch of racists, they the thought of a dark-skinned Indian guy, a highly educated guy, being a Republican governor, scares the shit out of them, because they’re in collusion with the Democrats. Again, the establishment is one.
Now, this guy that Trump endorsed less than 90 days ago, had given an interview where he said there is no Election Fraud, and Donald Trump should stop crying over spilt milk. Let me repeat this again. Less than 90 days ago, this fellow said that Donald Trump should stop crying over spilt milk, and there’s no Election Fraud.
And for a year, he’s been denying Election Fraud.
And that is who Donald Trump endorsed. And I want to play you the video of this fool that Donald Trump endorses.
That was put out by an organization called New England for Trump. Again, hard working people in Massachusetts in the New England area, who’s supported Donald Trump, a friend, a guy that we know Frank Licotta, must have put up 10s of 1000s of signs for Donald Trump. And now it’s called New England Formally For Trump.
John played that video, and this video will show you the fool that Trump endorsed 90 days ago. Go ahead, John.
I hope that gives you this contradiction. So here is our movement, which has fought, which did the analysis to show elections, systems failures. This fool who denies there’s election systems issues. 90 days ago, Donald Trump endorsed him.
So, I hope you’re getting this. Now. To those of you who want to take some notes, just remember that Clinton got off scott free.
There was no special prosecutor assigned. Write that down and put it on anytime you think. And again, look, I met with Donald Trump, Donald Trump after that video after he endorsed this guy.
When their spokesperson called me. I was furious. I had probably an hour and a half.
Probably every other word I said was expletives to them. And I said, What the fuck are you doing supporting this guy? Why the fuck are you endorsing them? You guys raised a half a billion dollars off our work. What happened to that money? You need to rescind that endorsement.
I was furious. After I shared that with this individual who was the chief spokesperson for Trump. She was frankly very sympathetic.
And she said, I don’t know how he does these endorsements. There’s no rhyme or reason. Well, I said, the reality is that where I’m at right now, I feel this whole thing is bullshit.
A few hours later, I got an email from Donald Trump’s office inviting me to Mar-A-Lago to have a meeting that evening. Many of our volunteers from Truth Freedom Health and our Movement who had put their lives, 3000 volunteers around the ground are the ones we know we won that election in September 2020. We had a big meeting.
Hundreds of volunteers are on a call with us, and they were furious with Trump. He stabbed us in the back. So, I had my plane tickets booked. I was supposed to go to Mar a Lago that evening.
And we decided not to go. And I don’t, I think there’s very, very few people who have been invited to Mar-A-Lago who decide not to go. Everyone wants to suck up to Trump or suck up to Hollywood people and celebrities, but that’s not who I am. And that’s not what our movement is about.
So, we sent a very respectful letter to Trump saying, I’m sorry, we thank you for your invitation. But we cannot go particularly in light of the fact that you endorse a guy who was part of Election Fraud, and we sent him that video.
And they, the assistant, thanked us for it. And several of my friends, some of you who are on here, who have now broken away, we’re like, wait a minute, Shiva, Trump was this and he had to do this, he was playing ninth dimensional chess, you and him could get along, please go talk to him. So, a bunch of people begged me.
Feeling Sad For Trump
So, I wrote a follow up letter. And I said, Look, what you did was reprehensible by supporting somebody was betrayal. But if you’re interested in Election Systems Integrity, I’m here to have a conversation with you.
I was down in Florida. And this was in October, I got another invitation to go. And I did go.
And I had about a two-hour meeting, in a small office with Michelle, my significant other. And I left that two-hour meeting, recognizing that Trump seemed like a very nice guy. In fact, I left that meeting with great sadness, because he seemed very ignorant.
He seemed frankly, he didn’t really have anyone around him, who knew anything of depth, what was going on? Now that could have been an act, and it may have been an act. But the part of me, which feels great compassion, felt sad for him. We talked about many issues.
He wanted me to give him some help on writing a speech on climate change. We talked about MIT, and he tried to defend himself again, and why he endorsed this full. And he really couldn’t, he knew what he had done was ridiculous.
Subsequent to that I had a second meeting. And prior to that second meeting, I said, Look, I said, I’m coming you with it with a very, and by the way, in the first meeting, President Trump or Trump, former president have asked me, What do you want from me must have asked me that, like 10 or 20 times, and I didn’t really want anything. I didn’t even ask him to resend the thing anymore.
I was there to really understand face to face with this other human being, was about the second meeting I had with him. I did want him to pony up, I wanted him to support our Election Systems Integrity Institute, he’d raised half a billion or more. And I said, take at least 1 or 2% of that, or 3% and donate to our institute. So we could have a serious scientific Institute.
He didn’t want to give us anything. In fact, he diverted us to someone else. And they’ve never followed up. And that was it.
It Does Not Matter if They Are “Nice”
So, I washed my hands clean of that but today or yesterday, when all of you saw that he is essentially verbally hugging with Biden and essentially saying, yes, everyone should be jabbinated.
I want to read this headline from the New York Post. Here it is.
It’ll give you an insight into what’s really going on here. This article here, right here, says Trump very much appreciates Biden’s praise for Operation Warp Speed.
Just yesterday. And in this article, you should read it because it says former President Trump was very appreciative surprise that President Biden publicly credited the administration’s role in helping quickly deliver the COVID-19 vaccine.
And it gives a quote with Biden saying thanks to the prior administration, our scientific community, America was one of the first countries to get the vaccine, and there’s Trump behind the big operation warp speed, but this is what’s most important that everyone needs to hear. He goes, I’m very appreciative of that. I was surprised to hear it.
That’s what Trump told Fox News. I think it was a terrific thing and it makes a lot of people happy, really. Now, this is what he says at the end of it.
In the interview to Fox, he says a former president told Fox News that Americans need to embrace the vaccine. Americans need to embrace the vaccine and he said Trump also said tone and trust are key factors in getting Americans vaccinated not mandates. I want everyone to just read that the tone and trust are factors in getting married As vaccinated, not mandate, so what is Trump really saying? Well, let’s unpack this.
And what is Biden really saying? It goes back to my earlier point on the carrot and the stick you see, this time just like the Republicans just wanted to be the warmongers going and bombing people, right? Wherever in countries and the Democrats will tell them how to be more of a carrot approach. The Democrats here now basically telling people we want to go get jab, jab, we want you to get jobs, we’re going to impose mandates, etc.
And by the way, vaccine mandates have existed for a long time. So, you expose a constant contradiction of Trump here also, there have been many, many vaccines which have been vaccinated, I mean, mandated during Trump’s administration, separate from this other stuff, and that administration didn’t do anything to address that. But in this case, you have Biden praising Trump, and you will listen to what Trump said in that Fox News interview.
He said, we must change the tone. The carrot approach, so Trump’s about changing the tone carrot – Biden’s about the stick. I hope you’re getting these two wings of the same bird, one uses a carrot, and the other uses a stick.
But you have a lot of very dumb people saying, well, you know, Trump is not pushing the mandates, so he’s a good guy. Well, this is a foolish excuse that you’re offering to him.
Systems Science You Will Understand The True Disturbance
Because if you don’t have the System Science Approach of understanding this dynamics, if you don’t understand the physics of the Not-So-Obvious-Establishment, you’re always going to suck up to Trump, you’re always going to suck up to Bobby Kennedy. And we’ll talk about that scumbag Kennedy shortly too.
But if you understand the Science of Systems, you’ll understand that the true disturbance, the true thing that comes in the way of a Bottoms-Up Movement, when we start rising up, which is what our movement is about exposing the Not-So-Obvious-Establishment.
Let’s Change The Tone
And in this case, Trump is Not-So-Obvious-Establishment here. And Trump is serving the establishment by bringing the other 50% of Americans. You see that Democrats there they want to be, they want everyone else to be forced, but the Republicans are thinking, so Trump is saying, Yeah, I got it. I’m not saying you don’t need to have it.
But let’s change the tone.
Now on any one of Trump or Biden’s rhetoric. Have any one of them talked about natural immunity, have they? John, we got John, has anyone answered that question? Has Donald Trump or Biden, either one of them talked about natural immunity, or about taking vitamins about supporting your health, boosting the immune system? Neither of them, they’re both still vaccine oriented.
You get it? And by the way, let me make it clear that Donald Trump’s inauguration campaign was funded by Pfizer. So was Biden’s. You got to get this clear.
Have Dignity For Yourself
Anyone who wants to have no dignity for yourself, and you want to keep begging to Trump or you want to keep begging to one wing of the establishment parties, you should probably not even be involved in the Movement for Truth Freedom Health. Because what it’s saying is that you are not ready to fight for you. What it’s saying is, you do not understand fundamental physics.
And this is the same reason we didn’t figure out how to run an airplane or create bridges or do all the great innovations because people are living in darkness. But the truth is that Donald Trump, and he can be a nice guy. I mean, he was very nice to me, and gave me a beautiful bowl that he typically gives to heads of state as I understand.
He was very cordial. And I’m sure I’d like him as a friend. Probably many of you may like Biden or any of these people, his friends, that’s not the freaking issue.
Don’t Get Lost In What Does Not Matter
So don’t get lost there. Many of us have many family members we like, but they’re assholes when it comes down to how they treat other people and their actions. At the end of the day, nothing happened to Hillary.
Did anything happen to Hillary? There was a special prosecutor assigned No. Did anything happen to Fauci? Nothing. And by the way, Rand Paul, another scumbag.
Now he’s running a campaign to fire Fauci, he didn’t do anything, and 2020 Operation Warp Speed was pushed through Meadows and Trump had even the FDA reduce their safety testing. Even the FDA, even the corrupt FDA said we need more safety testing. That didn’t get done.
Lockdowns, small businesses got locked down. I got locked down. You got locked down, not Amazon, not Walmart.
People who doubled their wealth in nine months during the pandemic. Trump printed $6.2 trillion 50% More than Obama on the backs of our children. That’s who’s going to pay for it.
Trump pardoned Jr, Jared Kushner’s scumbag father who hired a prostitute who was convicted of blackmail of his own wife’s husband. But he didn’t. He had the opportunity to make history by pardoning Assange and Edward Snowden.
That didn’t happen. These are facts. Doesn’t matter if I like Trump.
Doesn’t matter the gifts he gave me and all the praises he gave me when I met with him, the world-renowned computer scientists, you’re amazing. You’re amazing. That doesn’t matter.
The work I do stands for itself. What does matter is the fact that Trump extended the Patriot Act. Trump is the one who created CISA, the Cybersecurity Infrastructure Security Agency, which is the one that created the domestic censorship infrastructure between government and social media, which censors every American that was done under Trump’s administration.
So-called insurrectionists were locked up. Hillary Clinton wasn’t locked up. People who follow Trump when he said, I will walk with you are locked up, not Hillary Clinton.
The vaccine mandates, a lot of people saying well, Trump isn’t a, Trump is against mandates. Well, let me remind you guys there are 50 to 60 vaccine mandates that existed while Trump was in office. Separate from COVID I didn’t see any of those go away.
In fact, religious exemptions and medical exemptions were taken away during the Trump administration. 600 billionaires, .01% of people double their wealth 600 billionaires.
More importantly, when I finally did ask Trump for something which is fund an institute, so we could actually hire some amazing people actually pay them.
No One Helps In Making Excuses For You
And we asked for a little meager sum of money. When Trump raised a half a billion dollars, he gave us how much, zero absolutely zero, you raise that money off your work, and Trump raised that money off of my work. People know here that I got very little sleep and our team did day and night busting our chops, doing all this analysis.
And the RNC save America, and the Trump campaign raised money off of my work. And when we said, look, there’s a Harvard Belfer Institute, they get funded. There’s a Stanford Institute, there’s MIT, we’re going to put together small to really go after Election Systems Integrity, not zero.
And when people say, well, Trump didn’t make any money, he gave his life and added it up. We don’t know we have never seen Trump’s tax returns. We don’t know how his income actually was.
But more importantly, Jared, and what’s her name? Ivanka has done quite well. You can go look at how much money they have made. So, let’s stop giving excuses to people.
No one gives you excuses if you do your work bad. But I’ve talked about Trump. Let’s talk about Biden, another scumbag.
Biden is Nonsense
Let’s look at Biden’s record. Biden said he finished at the top of his law school class. Top he said I taught 50% What he actually finished at the bottom 50%. He was 76 out of 85. He said he graduated with three degrees. Biden only graduated with one degree.
Biden claimed he didn’t know anything about his son’s business dealings. Bullshit. Trump said his family worked in the Northeast coal mines they used to go.
Biden said sorry, Biden claimed he didn’t know anything about his son’s business dealings. Biden said that his family worked for 12 hours underground. In the Northeast coal mines.
absolutely nonsense. His family tree shows that no one ever worked underground. Biden claims he was a professor.
He gave a few lectures at the University of Pennsylvania. Biden says he visited Afghanistan to honor a heroic naval officer absolute lie. Biden said he was arrested in the 1970s for trying to help him when he visited Nelson Mandela in prison.
absolute bullshit. Biden says he was a great civil rights activist. He was a racist, actually.
And he was a co-sponsor of the Endangered Species Act. Absolutely false. What this reveals is you just have to actors ladies and gentlemen, and elections are selections.
The Movement Is About You
And it’s time for you to recognize that our movements fought for you. And we will continue to fight but The movement is not about me. Staying in my awake day and night doing these videos, educating you, it’s about now you fighting for you.
It’s not about Q, it’s about you. This movement is not about Q, it’s about you. I’ll repeat that this movement is not about Q bullshit, it’s about you.
And our movement has created the tools for you, for those of you actually want to break from the wings of the establishment and actually get Truth Freedom Health. And if you want to do that, I’ve created the infrastructure for you. Number one, you get the education, because without the understanding of systems science, you can’t fight these guys.
Because the elites that control these two puppets via Trump or Biden, that’s what they are. They’re actors. They’re actors, guys, they don’t really have power back, they could be nice, guys.
So that’s where people get lost, they get lost in the personality of Trump, they get lost in the personality of Biden, understand that the puppet strings go very deep. And they have the same master. And if you can really understand this, and if you can’t go to number one, understand the Science of Systems that’ll give you the nuclear physics to understand what’s going on.
Number two, we’ve dedicated our lives to creating an online, secure infrastructure independent of Big Tech, so you can build community, among other Truth Freedom Health Warriors that are getting it, they want to raise their consciousness. Number three, we give you ways to get become an activist, we teach you how you can become a leader through the tools of technology, and through the education through the technology that’s independent of Big Tech and through activism. John, can you play the video, and I’ll come right back to summarize, but these are the tools that our movement has created for you.
And the way you support you is to please take advantage of this. This is not like 10s of 1000s of dollars in MIT education. I’ve made it accessible so everyone can if you’re serious, go Beyond Left and Right and build this Bottoms-Up Movement John
So, I have spent the last about hour talking about one wing of the establishment, in this case, the Trump wing, which has really been taking advantage of Working People, when I went through the faction, you should review the video to essentially support the establishment wing, which is right now the Biden wing but let’s also go to the left, the other wing of the establishment is scumbag and that’s what he is.
Robert Kennedy. I was the first to really, I gave this guy a shot. You know, many of you know, I’ve been an activist for years.
And in the medical Freedom Movement, Robert Kennedy has been sitting on this movement. You know, the Children’s Defense Fund makes money off taking advantage of people. But, you know, if you look at his new book, it’s literally stuff that’s literally taken from my lawsuit, and stuff taken from when we exposed Fauci, he sat on it for a while watch way with the which way the wind blow.
But let me just first of all, I’m going to play you a video because a lot of people need to recognize the history of the Kennedys. So, in 1962, the National vaccination Act was signed by Robert, by John Kennedy. And at that time, John Kennedy signed the national vaccination Act, which created the elements of the CDC to essentially start mandating vaccines.
That was done based on a 1915 understanding of the immune system. So, you can give John Kennedy a little bit of an excuse. But nearly 23 years later, 1986 When people are starting to get injuries, and people are filing lawsuits against the Big Pharma vaccine companies, his brother, Ted Kennedy with Orrin Hatch, and others filed a bill to not get rid of these mandates, even at that time.
But actually, to create the National Vaccine Injury Program, which basically shielded vaccine manufacturers from ever being sued in court, they actually had to go to a separate court called the vaccine court, quite amazing. That’s what that Bill did. And it was hidden in another bill.
And that’s how they got it through. So the Kennedys then protected the big vaccine manufacturers, then this fool Robert Kennedy comes down, who’s never really accomplished anything except learned a little bit here and there, you know, he had all sorts of drug problems and issues and you know, he had his temperament was such that they said, okay, why don’t you go help the environment, some Waterkeepers organization, then he went over here got involved in quote, unquote, vaccines. But at the end of it his whole motive was we’ll do backroom negotiations to get quote unquote, safe vaccines.
Still never really going at the heart of the issue. And when I got into the activism part of this movement in New Jersey, at the beginning of last year, I noticed that wherever Kennedy went he was losing – is a frickin loser. He was against people mobilizing Bottoms-Up Movements.
In fact, he was about negotiating with backroom deals. But what many of these very white liberal wealthy mothers who are supporting Kennedy didn’t realize, or maybe they did, but they’re so enamored by the Kennedys. This is one of the bullshit of this celebrity worship.
They didn’t bother to do their homework. Robert Kennedy endorsed Hillary Clinton three times, three times, not only 2007, eight, but also in 2016, when she openly said, I’m for pro vaccine mandates, Robert Kennedy Jr. Now, if you don’t, and when I expose this, Kennedy did the most defamatory remarks saying that I’m a vaccine manufacturer, I’m in head with Bill Gates, because I buy Microsoft software, complete fool.
So, we built a site, which I’m going to take you to now everyone should go to this call And the fool didn’t expect me to do the homework.
And here it is, and we exposed this fool. I want to begin by playing this video for anyone who thinks Kennedy is quote unquote, truly, for your health. This is Kennedy’s official statement on vaccines.
Listen carefully.
So that’s Robert Kennedy telling it to you black and white, that he is pro vaccine, emphatically pro vaccine.
Let me play it again for everyone. Here you go.
People said, so well, you’re taking out no, that’s what he said. That’s exactly what he said. So, this is a shtick.
Look, I’ve been out in Hollywood, all of these Hollywood people, they always want to have if they’re, if they don’t have a career here, Robert Kennedy, Jr. has no other career. He’s not a great lawyer.
He couldn’t do it in politics because of all the skeletons he has. So, this is a stick. They have their martinis in Malibu, and they say, oh, Bobby’s about, he fights, whatever. That’s their stick.
You got to understand that is theater. Now, just less than a week ago, after he puts out his book, apparently attacking Fauci, you see, they create this Pro Vax, Anti Vax dialectic, we find out this occurs. In his own home, he has a party. And he invites people to his home. But guess what? Everyone’s got to be vaccinated. Or they have to get their test done.
And this went out in the invitation that went out now after people started. And by the way, what’s fascinating is, none of these fools will give him this money, they surely didn’t want this out there. And you have to understand something those of you who have been in Hollywood need to understand something.
The entire Hollywood community in Malibu, and the Union. The Screen Actors Guild Union is all for jabbing every worker without their rights on the sets. That means either you work on your side, and you get jabbed or get the hell off. Malibu, his wife and Mr. Kennedy are all friends with all their people. They all sleep together; they all go to Malibu.
They all hang out together. I know these guys. And you don’t, perhaps you can’t appreciate this, but they’re all one club. So that’s why they have these contradictions. It is a stick for them. It is not real.
Trump is really not, doesn’t really want to fight Election Systems Integrity. Bobby Kennedy really doesn’t want real medical freedom. You heard him; I vaccinated all my kids.
And so, his response when people started saying, hey, why do you want people who come into your own house to be vaccinated? One rule for them and another rule for us. And this is what then he changes his tune.
So, they put out they have their private people scrambling and they put out this news notice, guess what? Guess what, he blames, like the Kennedys always blame women, he blames his wife. There’s my wife’s fault.
Anti Vaxxer Robert Kennedy blames his car for enthusiasm. A wife, Cheryl Hines for ordering guests attending holiday party at his California home. Very, very convenient. And I’m sure this was all mapped out. This wasn’t something that was accidental. These people are very clever. They want their friends; they want their cake and eat it too.
Now to all the foolish people out there who still want to make excuses after they’ve heard all this, and these are some of the excuses that our team put together here. For Trump, for example, if he is friends with the elites, why would they attack them so viciously? Don’t you get it? It’s theater guys. Let me tell you something.
If the establishment really doesn’t like somebody, you know what they do, they don’t give him any press, our movement in Massachusetts, our historic campaign 3000 volunteers 10,000, bumper stickers, 20,000 lawn signs, no one covers, if you’re really an enemy of the establishment, they’re not going to give you a coverage. But Trump gets coverage every day. That’s how you know that he’s really not the enemy of the establishment.
If someone gets coverage in the establishment, press over and over and over again, lots of it. And they want to create the dialectic, they may give me one time some press because they have to, because 1000 showed up at an event.
But by and large, the attack and the dialectic and that’s why you need to understand this Systems Approach is because it’s theater. Some people say but he didn’t, but he did. But he didn’t he do more good things and bad things.
Well, you could say that about every president, right? And this comes down to this erroneous undignified, subservient, slave like attitude about the lesser of two evils. Let’s grovel for some crumbs.
I’m not into groveling for crumbs.
Truth Freedom Health®
But if you are, this movement is not the right one for you. Go join the slave movement, not the Truth Freedom Health Movement. I want to be a slave for the rest of my fucking life movement.
He gave us a voice. Really? The Patriot Act was signed into extension under Trump and CISA was created under Trump, which is what now we have the complete censorship infrastructure, which our lawsuit is the one that exposed he’s fighting for us which us not for the Working People. Working People got fucked in this country. Not for us. Us if you mean some wings of the establishment, or people want to be entertained.
He wakes up people. You could say that about Obama woke up people. Biden wakes up people, what the hell does that mean? means nothing. What it means is that you got some better entertainment. You guys got more entertainment to watch the stuff but that’s not what the Truth Freedom Health Movement is about.
He doesn’t want mandates. He wants choice. Some people are saying that. You see, that’s a carrot and stick. There have always been mandates. under the Trump administration. There have been 20,40, 50, perhaps even hundreds of vaccine mandates. None of them were gotten rid of. So, he presided in a presidency where there were many, many vaccine mandates.
Trump is still in control of the military. And everything Biden is doing is actually part of Trump’s plan. And we need to trust the plan. Yeah. Trust the fucking plan. And what happened over the last four years? What happened? Seriously think about it. lockdowns, annihilation of small businesses, people unclear what their future is censorship, etc.
Trump banned Epstein from Mar Lago. Look, the latest stuff said in the latest just Layne Maxwell that he was on the airplane six times. And people said well, he didn’t go well. The pilot said at least one trip was made on the Lolita Express down to the island but regardless of all that, the key takeaways are that these people are in the same club. By the way, Robert Kennedy was on the flight multiple times.
You see they’re in the same club and you’re not part of that club. So if you have the naivete to think that you were making excuses for them is going to win you favor somehow and get us liberation. It’s actually very, very ignorant.
John: Shiva, you’re really going to like this comment.
Dr. Shiva: What is the comment?
John: read this
Dr.Shiva: “RFK’s book is real good. I wouldn’t diss it if I were you.” What, do you want to say the book is good because he plagiarized? So, the book is good because he took all the stuff from our lawsuit.
He didn’t say shit about Fauci March of 2020. So, if you want to go read books, if you want to watch movies, if you want to be entertained, please do not follow this movement. Don’t follow me.
Our movement is about building a powerful Bottoms-Up Movement, not being suckers. He lost much money during his presidency sacrifice for us. Really, please show me those numbers.
What I do know is his kids have done quite well. And he is raising a SPAC which is going to do quite well. And because of our work, Save America has made about a half a billion dollars.
Trump was the only president in our lifetime that didn’t start new wars. Well, let me tell you, what he did is we started the war against the American people. That was a biggest war that has begun, the censorship infrastructure was put in place, lockdowns were put in place.
And by the way, the poor Afghan people, those weapons were left there, because we want the Taliban to destroy the democratic movements. And Trump was making overtures to the Taliban, and never supported the indigenous democratic movement.
So, look, Trump’s a wonderful guy, I’ve met with him. He had me there for two hours and it was very cordial, but it’s not about him. This is about you. So, get over it. I’ve been at these homes of some of the wealthiest people in the world and have hung out with these people. And I’ve run away from all of that.
I’ve experienced them. And I’m here to teach you a fundamental set of lessons, which are the fact that the Science of Systems Science will educate you on the fundamental understanding that we need to move Beyond Left and Right, we need to build a Bottoms-Up Movement, go look at the history of the 1900s.
When we built those movements, when Working People organized, that’s when we got freedom. And we stopped doing that over the last 100 years, we’ve we’re basically on the verge of losing all of our freedoms. It’s about freedom versus slavery.
And if you want truth, and if you want freedom, and you want health, and you’re serious about it, recognize that both of these clowns, jab, clowns, Trump, or Biden, none of them talk about health. It’s about well, as the article that we just read in the New York Post says, Trump is about people embracing the vaccine, doing it in a kinder, gentler way. Not in a mandate, but let’s just manipulate people by saying, I did it, you should do it.
Biden’s just about doing it overtly. That’s all, good cop, bad cop. They’re both cops. And moreover, they both serve the same master. And that’s the takeaway. And a couple of days, 48 hours from Christmas.
Remember, I’ve studied the Bible at study that the life of Christ, one of the most profound things of the life of Christ was he was uncompromising, uncompromising. So, if you claim to be a Christian, if you claim to adore Christ, in whatever way, and as we celebrate Christmas, let’s look back at the life of Christ, which was a life of uncompromising action. He didn’t compromise with the Pharisees who wanted to coddle him. He didn’t compromise with the Sadducees. He obviously exposed the Romans, but it was the Pharisees and the Sadducees. And Not-So-Obvious-Establishment.
In this case, like Trump or Robert F. Kennedy’s, who we must expose fully. The establishment is easy to understand, any fool can do that. But if you want to understand how we build a Movement for Truth Freedom Health, don’t do any of this. For somebody else to do it for you. You have to understand the physics of Systems.
It’s taken me 50 years to put that in a simplified way. I’ve been a street activist for many, many years. We’ve created activism tools, but more importantly, we’ve created a community of people. And it’s all done on an infrastructure that has been supported by you.
So go to Give it as a gift for yourself because we need to build a movement. Otherwise, we’re headed into utter fascism, globally.
And as we head to Christmas, really think about the life of Christ as uncompromising actions. Have some dignity for yourself, stop sucking up to billionaires and select celebrities who don’t give a fuck about you. Thank you. Be the light.
The original research in this video is made possible by generous contributions from supporters of the Dr.SHIVA Truth Freedom Health® movement. Please contribute so we may continue to bring you such original research, valuable education, and innovative solutions.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD in Biological Engineering, the Inventor of Email, Scientist, Engineer, Educator on Dr.SHIVA LIVE: Trump & Biden. Carrot & Stick. Both Serve ONE Master. Are YOU Ready to Fight For You?

It’s time we move beyond the Left vs. Right, Republican vs. Democrat. It’s time YOU learn how to apply a systems approach to get the Truth Freedom Health you need and deserve. Become a Truth Freedom Health® Warrior.
Join the VASHIVA community – an integrated EDUCATIONAL, COMMUNICATIONS – independent of Big Tech -, and LOCAL ACTIVISM platform to empower YOU to actualize Truth Freedom Health in your local communities by employing a SYSTEMS APPROACH.
The platform we are building for Truth Freedom Health® provides the infrastructure to take on Big Tech, Big Pharma, and Big Academia. Many of you have asked how you can help. You can contribute whatever you can. Based on your level of commitment to get educated, I have also created some wonderful educational gifts to thank you for your contribution.
To get the education you need and deserve, join Dr.SHIVA on his Foundations of Systems course. This course will provide you three pillars of knowledge with the Foundation of Systems Thinking. The three pillars include: 1) The System Dynamics of Truth Freedom Health, 2) The Power of a Bottom’s Up Movement, and 3) The Not So Obvious Establishment. In this course, you will also learn fundamental principles of all systems including your body.
Course registration includes access to his LIVE Monday training, access to the Your Body, Your System tool, four (4) eBooks including the bestselling System and Revolution, access to the Systems Health portal and communications tools – independent of Big Tech – including a forum and social media for you to build community with other Truth Freedom Health Warriors.
This course is available online for you to study at your own pace.
It’s time to Get Educated, or Be Enslaved.