- Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD – Inventor of Email, Systems Scientist, engineer, educator – Educates School Committee in Windham Maine on the real science of Masks & Oral Health.
- In 2019, the National Science Foundation had Dr.SHIVA deliver the lecture on the modern science of the Immune System at The Prestige Lecture.
- Dr.SHIVA points out the big opportunity for the people is to go back to what education was about. It was about science, it was about the scientific method. Not about scientific consensus, not about making up science as you go without evidence.
- Dr.SHIVA explains science that shows the mental and physical detrimental harm of Masks & Oral Health (https://vashiva.com/product/white-paper-on-masks-and-oral-health/)
- The face needs to be looked at and observed, because that’s where the emotional development takes place. If people cannot see your face, they’re missing very important developmental queues.
- Masks raise the pH of the mouth and affect the microbiome which is in a state of plasticity for young ages and oral health is connected to Neurological health, Cardiovascular health and Immune health. Wearing masks will create a cascade of health issues that are absolutely detrimental.
- Dr.SHIVA notifies the school committee as he gives them the research on Masks & Oral Health, they should not have qualified immunity because they now have the science on what will happen to the health of children forced to wear masks. The full white paper can be purchased here. https://vashiva.com/product/white-paper-on-masks-and-oral-health/
The original research in this video is made possible by generous contributions from supporters of the Dr.SHIVA Truth Freedom Health® movement. Please contribute so we may continue to bring you such original research, valuable education, and innovative solutions.
Dr.SHIVA Blasts School Committee Forcing Masks On Kids In Windham, Maine
Hi, my name is Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai. I’m an MIT PhD, I have four degrees from MIT, my PhD is in a field called Biological Engineering. I’m considered one of the leading guys in the world on the Immune System. In 2019, the National Science Foundation had me deliver a lecture on the modern science of the Immune System, it’s called the Prestige Lecture.
The issue with masks to me is it’s fundamentally an issue about education. And it’s an issue about the emperor having no clothes. And I think it’s a big opportunity for the people on that side and this side of the room, young people to go back to what education was about. It was about science, it was about the scientific method. Not about scientific consensus, not about making up science as you go without evidence. That’s what you were doing. Alright.
So, I applied to MIT. I’ve won probably every science award in high school, so you’re looking at a scientist, a practicing scientist. So, I don’t have a horse in the race but the truth. The truth is this, that the masks are completely ineffective. 97% of the particles go through the mask. You look very stupid wearing masks, okay?
Sorry, but what I mean by that is that it is affecting the social and mental well being of kids, during the age of 5 through 14, the face needs to be looked at and observed, because that’s where the emotional development takes place. If people cannot see your face, they’re missing very important developmental queues. And if you want all the systematic reviewed literature, I’ll give you that. That’s only on a mental and social side.
Let’s talk about the physical. The physical side is quite important. The masks are completely ineffective, the particles go right through. If you really want to protect yourself, please get a hazmat suit. That’s where you should start. But forgetting the quote unquote “benefits” of masks, the fundamental issue is it hurts your body. I’ll leave you this research paper, it’s original research. And it’s about Masks and Oral Health.
When you put the masks around your mouth, something very fundamental occurs. You change the pH of your mouth. Now, anyone who studies science knows that Oral Health is connected to your brain health, to your cardiovascular health. Just go to the dentist, they’ll tell you when you get certain dental procedures done, it’s gonna affect your heart health.
Particularly for young people between the ages of 5 to 14. When they’re developing, the microbiome which is bacteria in the mouth, is in a state of plasticity which means it’s developing. So, when you put that mask on you raise the pH. When you raise the pH, you change some bacterial content in the mouth. When you do that, you’re going to create a cascade of health issues that are absolutely unknown and detrimental.
So, you’re making a decision based on CDC, which is a highly corrupt organization. And you’re purporting things which you have no evidence for, and that’s what you’re educating people on. You’re not scientists. And it’s absolutely abhorrent that you’re making these claims. The bottom line is this. Masks do not work, they hurt the microbiome in the body and that is going to set up many issues.
Finally, let me just remind all of you, you guys do not have qualified immunity because the third circuit ruled people can sue you also. Okay. Now you have the research paper. So, first thing is all of these people will be able to sue you and you will not have qualified immunity as a school board. Let me remind you, you’re not going to get away with that. The emperor has no clothes and wearing a mask should be optional. I don’t think I finished my 3 minutes. Thank you.

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