The original research in this video is made possible by generous contributions from supporters of the Dr.SHIVA Truth Freedom Health® movement. Please contribute so we may continue to bring you such original research, valuable education, and innovative solutions.
Key Points
- Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD – Inventor of Email, Systems Scientist, engineer, educator – Dr. Shiva and Truth Freedom Health Warriors stand on the steps of Moderna® to fearlessly speak the truth.
- Dr. Shiva and the Truth Freedom Health® movement march on Moderna’s corporate headquarters to expose the fact that Big Pharma, Big Academia, and Big Government are all one.
- The Truth Freedom Health® movement continues to expose the heart of Big Pharma in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
- Many Not-So-Obvious-Establishment “Patriot” groups are misleading the public and turning them into useful idiots for Big Pharma by misdirecting their efforts of resistance.
- Only a real working-class movement will overcome the forces of Power, Profit, and Control.
- Across the street from Pfizer’s and Moderna’s headquarters are the projects. The Military-Industrial-Academic-Complex creates devastation for working people.
- Only Truth Freedom Health® is committed to building such a world-wide movement that is necessary to win back the Truth Freedom and Health we need for ourselves, our families, and our communities.
people, movement, real, trump, robert kennedy, black, white, left, right, pro, anti, freedom, vaccines, called, medicine, white working class, leaders, elites, recognize, government, day, sellouts, country, places, health, truth, one size, personalized, precision medicine, open debate
March on Moderna! Truth Freedom Health®, to Hell with Moderna, Truth Freedom Health®! MIT and these guys monopolize the laboratory space here. It’s a bigger question we’ll talk about, but all of these buildings here – which are all owned by MIT – they don’t pay a single penny of property taxes! The liberal elite that live here talk about how they want to help everyone else, but they don’t pay freaking taxes! Within a 200 yard radius around these places, you have massive economic devastation. Coming up, Moderna and by the way Pfizer, and in front of you is Draper Labs, which is part of DARPA.
Look how friendly Moderna is. They put up nice barricades. Do they make you get vaccines here? Forced mandate? All right, come on up you guys. All right, everyone, my name is Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai. We have a couple of speakers here today. But this is the beginning of refocusing people’s attention on who the real enemy is against people.
And what you’re seeing is a symbol of that this company called Moderna, everyone see that you probably have heard about them. But this is where they physically are. It’s not something that’s abstract. This is their physical building. More than likely, rented to them by MIT, MIT owns most of the buildings here. So today, we’re gonna have a conversation about – is money, follow the money.
A Conversation About Real Health
And we’re gonna have a conversation about the fact that we’re not having a real conversation about what it takes to build real health. The conversation has become fragmented into talking about vaccines, and no vaccines, right? But have you noticed we’ve forgotten about health? We’re always talking, so they have working people in this country divided. They are making slaves of people.
Many, some people have to get vaxxed, you know, we know a mother of three, she doesn’t have anyone else. She said, “Dr. Shiva, – she can’t quit my job, I have to get this jab.” So you can’t blame her. But she’s been made a slave. Okay, other people take a more principled stand, they said, I’m not going to do it. Okay. But regardless of those two sets of people, the guy, a woman who had to take the vaccine and the person who didn’t, you have to understand people are being made slaves.
Modern Day Slavery
This is about slavery. And how are they executing this slavery? There’s a physics to this. And fortunately, we’ve been able to uncover that physics. And we’ve been able to teach people that – because once you understand that, then you realize who the real enemy is. So what is that physics? Well, first of all, our movement says Truth Freedom Health. So we begin with freedom. So, the first thing you have to do is – you have to destroy freedom. How do you do that? You have to suppress the First Amendment, the freedom of speech, the freedom of discourse, the freedom of debate.
Domestic Censorship Infrastructure
Well, the other university down the street, called Harvard University, starting in 2017 and 18. Created the Domestic Censorship Infrastructure in this country, and this came out in our lawsuit. It got so intense that the judge got scared and he had to censor our lawsuit on censorship. Okay.
And no lawyer came to our help, I had to represent myself. We didn’t see Donald Trump people there. We didn’t see Robert Kennedy’s people there. In fact, they came and stole our stuff and put it into his book, as though he discovered this and makes money off of it. But it was this movement that filed the first lawsuit after I was thrown off Twitter for simply exposing the fact that the government destroys Ballot Images, which are required to be stored for 22 months by federal law.
The Secretary of State of Massachusetts contacted Twitter through a portal that the government has to contact Twitter. Let me repeat that again. Big Tech did throw off a US Senate candidate the government did. So there is an unholy alliance between government and Big Tech. Is that clear? It’s not Jack Dorsey that has power, it’s not Zuckerberg who has power, it is government.
That relationship was first tested in London, by the way the British government and Twitter against British citizens. It was done in India in 2018, then in Australia, Taiwan and it was brought here. And it was all brought to you by the Belfer school at Harvard University, they created the Domestic Censorship Infrastructure. We do not have the First Amendment in this country anymore. It’s gone. This is not about fighting for freedom, we have to Win Back Freedom. Step one.
Truth Freedom Health®
So why is freedom important? And why was 1776 so important, because the working people of this country in 1776, out of all the primates and humans on the planet, were the first ones to get the First Amendment and the Second Amendment. And the elites never liked that. And ever since then, they’ve been trying to take it away. So why is freedom important?
Because with freedom, you could start having debates and discourse. You can get to truth. I may disagree with you. You may disagree with him, but we talk it out. We may debate viciously against each other, hate each other. Talk about it in newspapers. And out of that debate. You say, You know what, there’s something called gravity. Oh, yeah, if I jump out of a building, it exists. And the equations for gravity are like this.
And by the way, there’s something called Bernoulli principle and there’s things called calculus. You know what, there’s something related with Truth Freedom Health. You can start understanding laws of how the universe works. But without that you have fake science. So they’ve suppressed freedom. So, we don’t have debate anymore. And now what we have is we have fake science. Let me tell you one of those fake sciences, that everyone should get the exact same medicine, one size fits all medicine.
That is not – that’s the real issue here is not about Pro-Vax or Anti-Vax. It’s about the bullshit science. And the immune system is a very, very complex system and all scientists here know that! They’re all sellouts, because they get paid 300,000, half a million millions of dollars in stock options. Noubar Afeyan who started Moderna made 3 to $4 billion. Okay. Bob Lanier has made $2 billion, a former advisor of mine, okay. And they know that one size does not fit all! They teach courses like that at MIT.
Personalized and Precision Medicine
The future is personalized and precision medicine. What’s right for you is not right for you, it may not be right for you. Many of these medicines are tested – Pharma does on some poor Africans or poor Asians in Thailand and then you’re telling me that’s going to work for Caucasians in the United States? So they test medicines on other human beings used as guinea pigs. And it’s all one size fits all medicine.
That’s the heart of this issue, which we which our movement talked about as early as 2019. And that’s why what Fauci did is bullshit. We called him out a year and a half before all these other opportunist. Now people are writing books about it. You know, you’re like the fireman who comes after the house is burned down. So we have to recognize we need the right leaders, so without freedom, we don’t get to truth. And that’s where we’re at. We have fake science right now.
The immune system is a very complex system. And the science that they’re using is based on a science of 1915, not the modern science, which I’ve spoken about at the National Science Foundation, where I was asked to deliver the prestigious lecture. The problem they have with someone like me and our movement. Scientists like me, who get four degrees at MIT, are supposed to be slaves to them. They’re not supposed to speak up for working people. They’re not supposed to blow the whistle. But I remember where I came from, Paterson, New Jersey, Clifton, and poor hard working farmers in India.
It’s the working people that are the ones who create value, not these guys. These guys are a bunch of liberal elite sellouts, most of them. They know what they’re doing is wrong. They know what they’re doing on the operation warp speed that they did. Moved this medicine, quote unquote, medicine through a rapid speed, toxicity studies were not done. And they’re all just cha-ching, cha-ching, cha-ching making a shitload of money.
So you suppress freedom, you don’t get real science, then what happens? So you nix freedom, you don’t have truth. Now you destroy people’s health. And when you destroy people’s health, people don’t have the strength to fight for freedom anymore because they’re weak, they’re obese. They’re ailing. They’re in hospitals. They’re constantly taking care of their health, and they don’t have the mental capacity to fight for truth anymore.
So that’s the engine of power profit and control. You destroy freedom. You destroy science, and you destroy health. So where does that all move to, essentially to make people slaves. That’s called slavery guys, this isn’t even about vaccines or no vaccine. This is about slavery.
These people here, don’t even live here. They hang out at St. Barts. They have beautiful homes elsewhere, they don’t give a fuck about you. And that’s why Richard will tell you Richard’s been a resident of Cambridge, I’ve been here since 1981, you will see within the one mile radius out of your 100 yard radius, massive devastation economically, there’s a research paper that came out saying whenever they build the centers of innovation, within a 100 to 200 yard radius out, you see the most explosive destruction of the economy around it. And that’s what you see, right around Cambridge.
So we got to start connecting the dots. And recognizing Big Pharma is a real enemy. We need to educate people one by one by one. I don’t care if 10,000 people show up in Washington, DC, those movements are led by misleaders to go to suck up to idiots. They have one big demo than its gone. Our demonstrations will take place every day, over and over again, all over this country, even if it’s one person doing it. That’s a movement, a movement is not one fool, having a march on Washington, and then leaving. And so on the occasional Martin Luther King Day, let’s educate people. And we have another speaker coming up. You know, there was a bottoms-up civil rights movement in this country.
Every day black people, white people Bottoms-up wanting infrastructure in the inner cities. This is what the civil rights movement was about. Not just fighting for suffrage, but fighting for infrastructure, in the inner cities. And those movements were led by ordinary black and white working class people. Malcolm X was one of the leaders who came from them. Robert Kennedy senior saw all this.
And they found a guy called Martin Luther King. Martin Luther King, frankly, which this days named after was a bougie black guy, a southern Baptist, he was. Robert Kennedy was monitoring Malcolm X and Kennedy and Martin Luther King, they had a lot of dirt on King. They didn’t have too much dirt on Malcolm X so the March on Washington was organized by the government. Did you guys know that? It was top down, Malcolm X called that a circus.
They got rid of all the other civil rights leaders. And this is the facts they create their heroes. The government hijacks movements, they hijacked the civil rights movement. Just to give you the idea of Martin Luther King, he went to BU, okay. Very expensive school in the 1960s. How do you get to go there, if you’re a black guy? Think about it. He was a boot because in the 60s, if you were a black preacher, you were considered a black Bourgeois. So they found him and he had all sorts of dirt on him. He was doing this to this woman, that woman, drugs. So they appointed him.
The March on Washington was a circus organized to bring everyone together and to hijack the civil rights movement. That’s what took place. And what happened after that. They didn’t address inner city issues. They said don’t use the N word. Oh, that’s a big deal. Affirmative action. We never addressed the fundamental principles in inner cities they took a real problem and they brought in a fool. And that’s what they did with Trump to manipulate the white working class. And that’s what they do the fool like Robert Kennedy, Jr. They take over movements. And so today, the condition of the average black person, average black males illiteracy rate is worse than it was before civil rights.
And conditions have not improved. If you go to Boston, the difference in wage between a black person a white person, the average net worth of a black person in Boston today is $8! $8! So people talk about all things. No, they haven’t. So, I’m telling you things are not going to get better by following Robert Kennedy – let’s all kumbaya with them. Fuck no! We have to break from the Kennedys. We have to break from the Trumps and we have to build an independent movement. And we have to recognize these are the real enemies. Trump gave billions of dollars to and operation warpspeed.
You get what I’m saying? We have to get our head out of our you know what and get smart. If we want to build a real movement. And we don’t need to convince everyone. Working people already get this. They’re looking for real leadership. They don’t want imperfect movement. People are looking for real movements. They’re not looking for Celebrities. That’s what we need to do, we need to build a movement. Just remember $65,000 a minute, you have working people who are basically starving in this country right now, because of inflation.
These guys are printing money $65,000 a minute! $1,000 a second! And the unions in this country are all sellouts. In Boston, the unions basically have sold out their own people. So we need to build a new union, we need to build a new movement. That’s what we’re here today. So if you want to talk about Martin Luther King and real racism, recognize these guys that are racist. There is a real racism, you’re denying indigenous medicine. Right? You don’t want to talk about, you don’t want to talk about the sun, you don’t want to talk about vitamin D3. I mean, most of these people who run these companies are pretty unhealthy people – look at them.
They’re all on drugs, most of them. The real racism is they test their drugs on poor people. And then they do not want to support indigenous medicines from Africa and India, and other cultures. Because those medicines are free. They’re in nature. That’s the real racism! So the real enemy, and the real racists are right in Kendall Square.
And all these people, if you go to their website, they’ll have some page on inclusivity and diversity. They’ll even put black lives matter up there. And they’ll have pictures with the black folks and etc. hugging them. It’s all bullshit. These people are the real racists. And it’s time that the white working class unites with all working classes because it’s the white working class who has to call out the real racism.
The real racist, that there is a real racism. And what’s happened is a right wing denies it to the left wing like AOC and the Bernie Sanders have diluted the real racism to don’t use the N word. No, there is a real racism, Elizabeth Warren is a racist. She used race to get her position at Harvard, these guys are racist. So we need to talk about the real issues in any one of these issues.
So when it comes to medical freedom, the real issue is personalized and precision medicine. One size does not fit all. You see that’s very different from being on the Vax side or the Anti-Vax side, or going out to the real solution. In order to do that you need to take a Systems Approach to get educated. Okay, John, you want to say something?
John: Yeah. Hello, everyone. My name is John Medlar, I’ve been an activist here in Boston for at least since 2017, when I was a naive young college student and we saw the cancel culture that was creeping up on college campuses back then. But what I didn’t know back then is basically how well the elites have orchestrated – basically they all – they love to puppet both sides. The mass GOP has been completely controlled; they work with the Democratic.
Voting Republican or by following some Republican politicians. Michelle Wus job is to divert the public’s attention from their own paymasters, she’s nothing but a prostitute. She is being paid off by these people back here, by Pfizer over there, by the people at MIT, all of the entire Military-Industrial-Academic-Complex. Big Tech, Big Pharma all around MIT, and nobody talks about that! Everybody keeps going back to the State House and city hall and I was following a lot of these other groups for way too long. Even as I was working with Dr. Shiva in my naiveté, I wanted to work with everybody. I was trying to help out wherever I could.
But it always bugged me going back and doing the same old rallies in the same old places over and over again. And it was clear that the politicians never cared because their paymasters don’t care as long as we ignore that paymasters, the politicians just keep absorbing the public anger into public agro, they’re very good actors. They’re very good at that they’ll take a yard from us, they’ll take another yard or a meter of our freedom, but they’ll give us back one little inch and then the controlled opposition will claim victory! We stopped them. They took, you know, 11 out of 12 inches, but we got that last inch, that’s somehow a victory. That’s not a victory. They took 11 inches and then we keep losing ground and losing ground. And Michelle Wu, she delayed the enforcement by a week. Oh, what a great victory.
We’re gonna get oppressed by a vaccine mandate a week later that she said she was gonna do! That’s not a victory. Maybe they’ll carve out some exemptions, okay, if you really try hard to file the right paperwork, maybe you will be exempt from getting the jab. That’s not a victory. That they’re still gonna jab 99% of the people or they give you an exemption to take away later that’s not a victory. Politicians are not going to stop this until their paymasters say – shut it down the public has figured it out.
When their paymaster starts getting scared, that’s when they’re going to tell Michelle Wu to stop the mandates. And until that happens, she’s just gonna keep going. It’s gonna be the theater back and forth. And we have to be the ones to be the tip of the spear even if it’s just a few of us. Even if it is just one person doing a stand out. We can’t wait on the influencers who will look at which way the winds blowing from their views on social media. They’re by definition followers when you just look at which way the winds blowing and where the views are. By definition, you’re just following the crowd.
Influencers and social media celebrities are not leaders. I don’t care how much you like what they say. Yeah, Tucker Carlson says some good things on TV, he has some nice, you know, exciting clips out there. He’s not a leader or he’s not building a movement on the ground that falls to us, we the people who have to be the tip of the spear who be the trendsetters, we have to recognize what the right thing is to do at the right time, not just follow where everyone else is going. Not just look at all the people over there, I should go over there too. NO. that’s often just people being misled by the Pied Pipers.
The elites are very, very good at this. They figured it all out. They understand the Science of Systems, they understand the interconnections. They know how to mislead movements through useful idiots or outright controlled opposition, they do it all the time. So we have to recognize that we have to put the pressure on the paymasters, whether it’s one or two or three of us, we have to start building the movement from neighbor to neighbor each of you probably has about six good friends, the average person you know on social media, friends don’t matter.
The average person has about six good friends in real life, meet with your friends, meet with their family organized with your co-workers, anybody that you know is on your side, gather your squad and start doing small actions on the ground up the tip of the spear you be the trendsetters! Don’t just follow the crowd, you make the crowd follow you. That’s all I have to say thank you.
Dr. Shiva: The most important thing, takeaway today is that we want to build a movement.
Number 2, there’s not 100 different ways to build a movement, an explosive one. We have to understand the interconnection between Truth Freedom Health®. And in order to do that you have you actually have to get trained a little bit because it’s not intuitive. Until because most people keep following the same old things. As someone said, If you keep hitting your head against the wall, what’s going to happen – the same old process.
And every four years, they have a different Trump, a different Bernie Sanders, a different AOC. You see it’s theater. And they want you to be in the entertainment mindset. I’m going to watch this sitcom today. I’m going to watch the apprentice. Today I’m going to watch Trump versus Hillary. Tomorrow is going to be Trump versus Biden. Next episode is Robert F. Kennedy Jr versus some other scumbag.
And they’ve got, the elites, have gotten people brainwashed into entertainment. But what’s going on to the working people in this country is not entertainment, what’s going on to the fact that we have slavery, this country is not entertainment anymore. But as long as you keep entertaining people, that’s why Hollywood exists.
Hollywood exists to create an entertainment mindset, and to create a slave mentality. That these people live in Malibu these people live in Mar-A-Largo so, they’re better than you. It’s very, very deep and subtle. And you have to overcome that. And you have to start having dignity for yourself, so that’s the second principle.
The third principle here is we got to build a Bottoms-Up movement, and it has to come through education. So I’m recommending everyone and you don’t have to do this. The good news is take this has taken us 50 years to figure out that education. So go to, learn that we have created a complete technology, infrastructure, independent of Big Tech, where you can interact with people.
And third, most importantly, in 2022, everyone’s got to get on the ground with a Truth Freedom Health® flag – all over the world to let people know we’re here. There is an alternative to the left and the right, to black and white, to Republican and Democrat. It’s not even about a political party anymore. It’s about you. So that’s the final point, this movement is about you.
We have a short window, a very, very short window. Because these guys have planned all this stuff out. They understand the Science of Systems, the knowledge that we share in our movement, probably about 8000 people in the world know. And without that knowledge, you’ll always be 10 steps behind. This is why we were able to call out Fauci in March of 2020, not wait until a year later. We’re the ones that delivered 120,000 signatures to Trump. Right, Richard? Richard. Yeah.
And I spent my we spent our own money on it. We drove our rickety bus down there, Richard and his daughter drove day and night with me. We couldn’t even get a hotel. We did that in March of 2020, fire Fauci and now Rand Paul was making money off of that. Do you understand how scummy these people are guys?
You’re watching theater on TV. Now, the vaccine issue is a big issue! Left side, right side, Pro-Mandate and Anti-Mandate, it’s all bullshit! Our movement has to educate people. This is about your health, it’s about truth, and it’s about freedom. And it’s against working people. So use this day, today, not to get diverted. Martin Luther King was a leader created by the establishment. Mahatma Gandhi was a leader created by the establishment, he was a racist, he was an elitist.
And we have to recognize that the elites have been creating their leaders for us! Malcolm X, great leader, Bottoms-up he was left out of the history books, only until recently. They don’t want leaders coming Bottoms-up.
And once you recognize that you’ll have dignity for yourself. And you’ll recognize why we need to build a Bottoms-up movement, you’ll let go of all these bullshitters and the Not-So-Obvious-Establishment, that’s what really today is about. So March, was it January 22. Saturday, it is Roe vs. Wade, which is supposedly the day for choice. Very ironic, it is also the day when the mumps, measles, rubella vaccines are all combined. Three vaccines together, that’s when all the injuries started. Okay?
And again, we’re not here to say you should take a vaccine or not take it, that’s your choice, but it’s the right medicine for the right person at the right time. What our movement says is let’s start talking about health. Okay, these guys don’t give a damn about health. They don’t. But many of them have their own organic gardens. They get to have wonderful organic gardens.
They go to the beautiful places where there’s all the sun, so they get all the vitamin d3. But they keep black people in homes, and like they did in New York, no one should go out. Black people and dark people of color need 15 times more sun than white people to get the vitamin D3. And then they made everyone depressed a lot, everyone black and white became depressed. They started taking antidepressants over the last 16 months. You destroyed immune systems.
We talked about that. This movement, as John said, has always been leading it. It’s time people realize who they follow as leaders, there will be leaders. But the Kennedys and the Trump’s and those guys don’t want leaders coming Bottoms-up, like us. They want to tell you who’s their leader. They want to brainwash you. They want you to make compromises, excuses for the frailties of their leaders. Well, he had to be a Jeffrey Epstein plane he was, you know, they all hang out together.
No, he didn’t have to be on that plane. Oh, yeah, Trump did some good things. “Bobby says” as if they’re friends with Bobby, you see what I’m saying? Let’s use this day. Go get people into this movement. It’s about you. And let’s recognize every day, every week, every month, we’re gonna come back here. This is where the enemy is, right here! They’re not among the prostitutes in Washington DC, or the city health, city houses and state. That’s where they want you to be.
These guys are laughing! The CEO of Pfizer is so happy that you’re like, it’s Trump versus Biden. Let’s go Brandon! Ha Ha …See those idiots are fighting over there. It’s entertainment to them. They’re cha-ching, cha-ching, cha-ching. They want you to fight left and right. Think Biden’s the enemy on one side, Trump’s the enemy on the other side. As though Kennedy is the fighter for you. That’s what they’re doing. They want you to be involved in entertainment.
Let go the freakin entertainment. Let’s grow this movement based on real principles and real solutions. Alright. Anyone else want to say anything? All right, let’s go build this movement. Let’s use, quote unquote MLK Day to really build a real movement. Because the Kennedys did it back in 1968. They took over a movement and they’re doing it again. Let me repeat that again. It’s quite ironic, Robert Kennedy Senior, destroyed the civil rights movement . He destroyed the civil rights movement. And his son now is trying to destroy the medical freedom movement.
They hijack movements. You guys follow what I’m saying? It’s hard to understand this but they hijack movements. So let’s not let them do it this time. We exist, Truth Freedom Health®, Truth Freedom Health®, Truth Freedom Health® to hell with Moderna, Truth Freedom Health® to hell with Moderna, to hell with Moderna, to hell with Moderna, Truth Freedom Health®, Truth Freedom Health®

It’s time we move beyond the Left vs. Right, Republican vs. Democrat. It’s time YOU learn how to apply a systems approach to get the Truth Freedom Health you need and deserve. Become a Truth Freedom Health® Warrior.
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The platform we are building for Truth Freedom Health® provides the infrastructure to take on Big Tech, Big Pharma, and Big Academia. Many of you have asked how you can help. You can contribute whatever you can. Based on your level of commitment to get educated, I have also created some wonderful educational gifts to thank you for your contribution.
To get the education you need and deserve, join Dr.SHIVA on his Foundations of Systems course. This course will provide you three pillars of knowledge with the Foundation of Systems Thinking. The three pillars include: 1) The System Dynamics of Truth Freedom Health, 2) The Power of a Bottom’s Up Movement, and 3) The Not So Obvious Establishment. In this course, you will also learn fundamental principles of all systems including your body.
Course registration includes access to his LIVE Monday training, access to the Your Body, Your System tool, four (4) eBooks including the bestselling System and Revolution, access to the Systems Health portal and communications tools – independent of Big Tech – including a forum and social media for you to build community with other Truth Freedom Health Warriors.
This course is available online for you to study at your own pace.
It’s time to Get Educated, or Be Enslaved.