Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai shares how Systems of Power were re-organized starting in the 1970s to distract and divide the Working Class.
- Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD – Inventor of Email, scientist, engineer, educator – shares how the elites use the Science of Systems to distract and divide you and explains what must be done.
- Since the 1970s people stopped fighting the Establishment and the Establishment became very powerful by using Systems Science to placate the masses.
- In 1962 John Kennedy gave a speech at the National Academy of Sciences to around 2500 scientists, basically stating the world had become complex and we’re now outsourcing our decision making to a small handful of people.
- Email, the System, was invented by Dr. SHIVA before he went to MIT, that throws a wrench into the hegemony of the Military Industrial Complex, who wants to tell everyone that all great innovations come from their centers of power.
- Anyone in 2021 who thinks that Republicans or Democrats are different, or that Trump or Bernie are any different, are basically adolescents, because the Science of Systems show they need each other to distract and divide you.
The original research in this video is made possible by generous contributions from supporters of the Dr.SHIVA Truth Freedom Health® movement. Please contribute so we may continue to bring you such original research, valuable education, and innovative solutions.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai: Good afternoon, everyone, I’m about to do an interview to really talk about how the Systems of Power Distract and Divide You. And what must be done. As many of you know, when you go to vashiva.com, we’re running a platform to number one, educate people on a Systems Approach to understanding how the world works. Number two, to build community, independent of Big Tech, and what you can do in your local communities. Without those three things, no movements are going to take place, but it begins with Getting Educated or Being Enslaved. So we’re going to have that discussion. We’re gonna, basically essentially going to be a conversation, we’re gonna have to really help people understand these fundamental concepts. Most young people today, in my opinion, have been made ignorant, where they do not, or have not studied history of what took place in the 1900s, late 1800s. And the massive effort that’s being done to essentially bind people to economic systems, essentially, is a way that people are being silenced right now on most of this media. And there is a way forward. And it is a way forward that comes with understanding a Systems Approach. And that’s what we’re going to talk about, the establishment has gotten so powerful, particularly since the 1970s, because people stopped fighting, and more, and we’ll talk about that. And more importantly, over the last 50 years, the establishment got very, very clever on using System Science, which probably but a couple 1000 people know, on how to manipulate people through many, many different ways to ensure that people get distracted and divided. So having said that, let me bring we’ll have our interview here.
Interviewer: So you’ve been largely successful at solving a lot of problems in society today. And I want to touch on your Journey to Systems and how you became aware of this topic and how you’ve been using it to educate others on how to fix their problems and in our society?
Dr.SHIVA: Yeah, that’s a good question. So let me begin by first of all, helping people understand that in 1962, you know, John Kennedy gave a very interesting speech at the National Academy of Sciences, you can find it, it’s not that well known. And the speech basically went like this. He’s speaking to around 2500 scientists, and he’s saying, look, the problems of the world have become so complex. Now, very complex systems, right? transportation systems, healthcare systems, weapon systems, you look at all these very complex problems. And he was saying, the conundrum of democracy is that we rely on this very small group of scientists to help tell me what to do, right politicians. And this is a problem we’re at because systems have in fact, become complex. And because of a lack of understanding of how to handle those complex systems, we outsource our decision making to maybe five people, those five people are the top five presidents of the major universities. And starting in 1971, what occurred was with the passage of the Mansfield amendment, large amounts of money, which was dedicated for basic research, got moved to the National Science Foundation in the NIH, which means science was essentially controlled by two political institutions. So, the immune system is a very complex system, the climate system is a very complex system. So all of these systems are very complex. Now, to actually understand complex systems, you have to take what’s called a Systems Science Approach, which really was developed in the 1930s in the field of cybernetics, and then it started to evolve, I mean, it actually existed far before that my research across my 4 degrees at MIT and engineering systems and when I finished my PhD, I made a major discovery showing that the principles of System Science not only go back to the 1930s, they go back around 10,000 years, where the entire Indian systems of Indian medicine weren’t even a medical system. They were actually based on these engineering principles. When I finished that in 2007, I came 2009 my Fulbright, I came back to MIT and I created a course called, you know, Systems Biology and traditional systems of medicine. Another course I created, which was the most popular elective at MIT at the time was called Systems Visualization where we would take students at MIT, each one would take a very complex system, and they had to essentially during the course of the term, use it for different curriculum. Developed one was educating people on what are called How to understand the relationships between systems. Next was data, right data mining. Next was how to do narrative storytelling and how to take a very complex story and congeal it into, let’s say, one liner. And then people would do it. They either make a movie or they do a very cool infographic. But it was a way to teach him a very powerful way to do this. And it’s a, it’s what is needed right now. But without a Systems Scientific Approach, nothing’s going to move forward in terms of building a movement. So for me, you know, that journey begins, all the way back in India when I was, you know, my parents moved here when I was seven years old. But before that India has a caste system. And what is that caste system, it is the most I would say it’s probably one of the most insidious forms of both slavery as well as racism combined. It’s both mixed together. And the caste system basically says, Whatever family you’re born into, you will do a certain job for the rest of your life. So my family are supposed to be coconut pickers, right, that goes back. So if you’re born into street cleaners, that’s where you’re supposed to, if you’re born into a Brahmin family, then you get to be the elite. Okay? So your birth determined your destiny. Now, the fact that my parents, both my Mom and Dad got educated my work extraordinarily one in a trillion to the power of a trillion, because of their sheer will and grit of my two incredible parents. But that’s what allowed them to get educated and come to the United States. But as a kid, I experienced a caste system. And I was very, very interested, even as a four year old, like, why did this system exist? What was the history? So I started reading every book, I could understand a revolutionary history, the Russian Revolution as a kid, the Cuban Revolution, the American Revolution, because I wanted to understand systems of change.
Interviewer: I’m curious how they are able to keep a hold on that system. Like is, is that there is a large part of it have to do with the consent of the majority? Or am I wrong? There’s that Yeah, they have a system down where there’s no way that you can escape that system?
Dr.SHIVA: Well, I think the reality is, you know, these systems of power exist, because people forget the history. There is a science to destroying these kinds of systems or building a new system. Look, there is a science to flying an airplane, right? For centuries, people thought we would never overcome gravity, right. For centuries, people thought we would always live in darkness, right? And it took many, many, it took science, it took the discovery of electromagnetism theory, it took the discovery of Bernoulli Principle, when we figured out that when you have a, you know, lift can occur from a normal force. Then you had the Bernoulli Principle, people started building airplanes. But up until before they knew that science people were just like, building these wacky wings, remember, and then throwing them off cliffs, and they would just die, right? And people say, Oh, I guess we can never fly. That is an impossible thing to do. Or, well, you can never create a lightbulb right? Well, engineers and inventors like Edison kept trying over and over and they use physics and science, where we are at today’s people are saying, Well, you know, I guess you can change the world. They’re so powerful. I’m just going to run my little garden. I’m going to live off the grid. I’m going to go away here, right? I’m going to Oh, Trump is great, Bernie’s great, left and right. And this has been the Long March of human history, which from all the way from slavery, how do you break the bonds of the fact that a small percentage of people very small control the masses of people, how do they do it psychologically, emotionally, economically, financially? Well, that’s what my life has been about, because I grew in that background. So here’s me growing up in the caste system of India.
And I also grew up in India, where my Grandmother was a healer. She worked 15 hours a day in the fields, but on the weekend, she was the village Shaman, all these millions of villages all over India always had a woman who was a healer. And she practices another system called Siddha, which was a traditional system of Indian medicine. And using that system, she could observe your face. And based on observing your face, she could predict your body’s particular constitution versus mine. And then she would figure out the right system of foods, herbs that were right for you. Okay, so I was fascinated, this woman with no degrees was able to do this. So when my family moved here, in 1970, on my seventh seventh birthday, those were the two things that I left India with wanting to understand why this caste system existed, and how this woman was able to heal people, which I saw her empirically do. So my journey was highly intertwined with political systems, as in terms of one To be a fighter, a warrior. And the other thing was as a healer, which I saw my Grandmother doing, by the way, in ancient ancient, most ancient traditional systems, the word healer and warrior were the same word, meaning you never distinguished it, the warrior went to fight against evil, right? And the healer went to fight against death very similar. If you look at archetypes throughout history, you’ll see the same thing. But what’s happened is we’ve forgotten that. So my journey if you look it from the time I landed in the United States, by the time I was 14, because of my ambition, and because of I knew how much America had to offer, I got a full time job as a 14 year old kid, working as a research fellow at what is now known as Rutgers medical school, using computers to understand why babies were dying in their sleep. Because the previous year I was one of 40 students selected to go to NYU, to study computer science. This is in 1978. And while I was at that school, understanding using computers to watch sleep patterns, I also was given the challenge to convert a system, which you may know about, many people over the age of 40 know about this, most people under the age of 40 never have seen this, it was called the interoffice mail system. It was a system of communications before the internet before, you know telephone, every office from the office of a small office organization like a medical school all the way to the office of the President, or the office of the Prime Minister always had a secretary in these organizations. The Secretary had a inbox and outbox on her desk, folders, file folders, she had a typewriter, she would write something called a memo, which had a very particular structure to, from, subject, sometimes you’d make a carbon copy, CC, BCC, underneath desk was a trash can, on her desk where paper clips if she was going to hire someone, the boss would dictate a letter, it would go on the drafts folder, she would retype it, they would attach the resume of the person CC 20 people, if she had to CC 20 people she’d be typing for a couple of days. Okay, every carbon copy. So I was asked to convert this entire system of the interoffice mail system, which was a medium for communication into the electronic form. And what was the problem I was solving. The problem was here were women who were relegated to the typewriter and the old white guys in their lab coats never thought women could use a computer. They thought this was an impossible problem.
They had simple text messaging. Okay, that’s not Email. So here, I’m a 14 year old kid, I had great respect for these women. I made up all the feature lists. And Dr. Michelson who was my mentor at that lab gave me the opportunity to use a computer system to challenge me and I converted all those 100 features into the electronic version and 50,000 lines of Fortran code, which is very hard to do in 8k of memory. And I named that system Email. So, the first person ever to do that, named an Email. And when I came to MIT, it was on the front page of MIT among three kids who admit this, it was in 81. Who 3 out of the 1041 kids on the front page, they highlighted my invention and others. I went to the president of MIT’s house in 1981. And he said, you know, you should copyright your invention because the patent office or the Supreme Court did not understand, when they weren’t recognizing software patents, they didn’t understand what patents were. So that’s what I did. You know, my parents weren’t wealthy, I wrote away for all the copyright forms, you had to send in all your code wasn’t just simply putting a C with a circle. And on August 30, 1982, a young American Teenager teenager got the first US copyright for Email the system, recognizing me as the inventor of Email. So I did that before I came to MIT, being a very humble kid forgot about it. But remember, we’re not talking about the simple exchange of text messages, then went in and out of MIT, did four degrees in various fields of engineering systems, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering design, my PhD in Biological Engineering over a period of 30 years taught at MIT. And one of the important things to understand is I also started 7 companies going in and out. It wasn’t like I did all my Phd’s like a nerd. I didn’t do all my 4 degrees at once, you know, and My companies, I made a lot of money doing this. But in 2011, is when my dear Mom is dying of a horrible disease called pulmonary fibrosis. And she had saved all of that artifacts from 1978. I never talked about the invention of Email. I was very interested in medicine, right. And I was on the front page of MIT’s newspaper for inventing many other things. I was one of their golden boys. And while at MIT, I was also a fighter, okay, I organized protests. I made sure MIT got out of their racist investments in South Africa. I organized the food service workers. I made sure more women came to MIT. I produced our own revolutionary newspaper. So I learned all of this in addition to being a good student, and pretty productive. In fact, when I got my PhD, there’s a picture of me, the only students who protested the U.S. out of Iraq, half of the crowd booed me and the other half gave me a standing ovation. So I’ve been a fighter all my life concomitant with being a scientist and a technologist, and those two things aren’t supposed to mix, right, you’re supposed to be a nerd. You’re supposed to look all screwed up. And then you’re an inventor. Well, in 2011, when my Mom was dying, she saved in a suitcase, she had saved all this stuff. The editor of Time Magazine, the technology editor, looked at it. And he said, Well, you invented Email. And he wrote an article you can look it up called the man who invented email on November 11 2011. And three months after that, on February 16, 2012, the Smithsonian received all my papers as a great honor to the National Museum of American History. A young Washington Post reporter wrote an article called a man, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai honored as the inventor of Email. Well, that’s when the proverbial shit hits the fan. Because up until then, over those 33 years, I was not promoting myself. During those years, the establishment had found some guy who was working at a company called Raytheon, the biggest defense contractor who is using the app logo as their logo. And they have put forward this guy who basically wrote 15 lines of code to add text to the bottom of the file, which they had conflated to being Email, he never created that term. And so when Raytheon was making hundreds of millions of dollars in the cybersecurity market with this brand equity, well, my stuff, one of the Smithsonian was like a new skull was found in Africa. Go tracing back the history of Email to its true origin and a small Medical College in Newark, New Jersey, where I solved a civilian problem, which was secretaries moving from the typewriter, the keyboard. That’s the origin of Email. Right?
Interviewer: So essentially, they like stole your idea, like altering it just a little bit.
Dr.SHIVA: They didn’t even, see no. It’s a little, it’s even worse than that. They didn’t even alter it. They didn’t, what they had done over those 40 years, 30 years, right? They had done simple text messaging, which is not Email. They had conflated that to mean Email. You see what I’m saying? So and I never said that goes. If so, you know, on those old computers, you could send simple text messages. That’s not Email, Email it when you go to Email, what do you see inbox outbox, folders that are that that comes from the interoffice mail system, and it is the vehicle for collaboration, communication, that’s what I created. Now, the interesting thing is a friend of mine, or an acquaintance of mine, Kevin Ryan, who was the founder of Business Insider, when he looked at he goes, Oh, my God, he goes, there’s no question you create an Email. He goes, the issue is why is there even a controversy? I mean, do I have to be a blond haired blue eyed kid, you know, with, you know, say
Interviewer: they’re talking about like AOL, like, instant?
Dr.SHIVA: No, no, no, no, it’s not even that. It’s just simple. The basic version is a caveman version of Reddit. Okay, where you’re adding text to the bottom of a file, okay. That’s not Email. Because, and they use the out logo, you see, just like you’re using Twitter. What I created was a system, I called that Email, I named an Email, I was the one that came up with the term, wrote all the code, and I have the copyright. Where’s the controversy? The only difference is, I didn’t promote it, right. But when my stuff went into the copyright office in 1981 1982, and we were very open, we weren’t like Steve Jobs, hiding everything we were doing that medical college IBM came through there, HP came through there. So you have to understand you don’t need the internet for Email. You don’t need the internet for Email, the early Email systems ran on local area networks and offices, you’d have 10 computers wired together, and you’d run a software program. like ours, we have hundreds of people using it, you don’t need the internet. What happened in 1993, was when the World Wide Web came, which was a user interface on what was called the internet. Then you had people starting to replicate versions of the interoffice version of Email, you follow AOL, Hotmail, etc. But Email existed before that. It was a business to business application, it became a business to consumer application after 1993. But it wasn’t invented by the military, it was invented by a 14 year old boy in Newark, New Jersey.
Interviewer: I feel like we need to get back to that. To have communication systems off of the internet?
Dr.SHIVA: Yeah, that’s what Yeah, so these were wide area networks. There were private networks. But the reason I want to share this with you, that was my Journey to Systems you say, Email is a system. Email is not the simple exchange of text messages. Okay. I’ve never claimed to have invented that. That would go to you know, Samuel Morse. But the point is, for me here, I was exposed to the caste system in India. And what I found out was even all my four degrees at MIT all the great inventions I’d done, the instant that I said, No, no, no, no Email was done before I came to MIT. That throws a wrench into the hegemony of the Military Industrial Academic Complex, who wants to tell everyone that all great innovations must come from their centers of power. You know, you can be a dropout out of Harvard, Bill Gates. That’s cool, or Zuckerberg. But this was done before I came to MIT. You see, if I dropped out of MIT invented Email, that would have been cool, because MIT could have taken credit for it. This is the most utmost form of racism, you can think about not just racism on color, but racism on who’s intelligent. Who isn’t? We have a modern caste system in America today? That’s what we have. You see, I’m saying because the problem they have with someone like me, I got all the degrees at MIT. I’ve taught there. I’ve won every award, but I was supposed to be good, you know? Houseboy, okay? Okay, to them, right? They thought, okay, if they put Shiva on the front page of MIT, they could have inclusivity and diversity, right? But I never forgot where I came from. I came from poor village farmers and working class people in New Jersey. They’re the people that I fight for. You see, so my journey so after 2012 and I see you see all these articles come out, calling me a fraud, a liar and asshole, a dick. Amazing by Gawker Media, who was a click baiting company. And it took me four years to find a lawyer. All these defamatory articles. People say hahaha, Al Gore invented the internet, you claim to invent Email? No, I actually did invent Email you whatever, right. And it took me a while to go into my own journey, to realize, wait a minute, I got to stand up for that 14 year old boy, it’s a very interesting thing for me fighting all those years for others, women workers, etc. It was a very different, deeply personal journey for me to stand up for myself.
Interviewer: Did ever find a lawyer or did you?
Dr. SHIVA: Yeah, so in 2016, I found Charles Harder. He had just sued Gawker Media. And another thing Charles looked at the day he goes, Oh my God, you invented Email. He took my case on contingency. We sued Gawker. Within 30 days of my filing my $35 million lawsuit, they claim bankruptcy. And here’s the karma, I got. I got appointed the CO chairman of the bankruptcy committee to sell them. We sold them and I got about a very large settlement. Not only that, they were forced to remove the three defamatory articles. Okay.
Interviewer: Good.
Dr.SHIVA: So, but none of the mainstream media would cover this because the heart of this is we’re talking about where does innovation come from? By the way, a 14 year old boy invented TV, Philo Farnsworth, in Franklin, Idaho, under very similar circumstances. You see, great innovation does not come from big academia, big military and big corporations. It comes from the triangle of, in my case, a loving family, public school teachers who supported me I mean, they changed the rules. So I can travel to Newark, New Jersey, in the middle of school, and work a full time job, and mentors. That’s the real triangle of innovation. And that’s what Philo Farnsworth did. By the way, was a Michigan mechanic who created the technology for the automatic wind wiper, which a bunch of professors at MIT stole from him. Okay, so the origin of great innovations is not from the center, it comes from outside. So I had learned here I learned about the caste system here, here. And I went through this journey I created many companies, but when the events of the Email invention took place, and the serious abuse I took I mean, this by the way, there were blog articles saying this curry stain Indian should be beaten and hanged. Okay, this is in 2012. Yeah, go look it up. One of the blogs, okay. And because, you know, the thought is that an inventor must look a certain way, you must look all screwed up, you must be all hunched over, you must wear glasses, and you must have a beard. And you must be drooling, right? That’s a nerd. Only nerds can innovate or people who drop out, surely. And the problem, you know, I was a star athlete, and I did this stuff. So they’ve segregated what you must look and feel and smell like. So in the middle of that controversy between 2012 13 to 2000 or 2016. To You know, when it got resolved during that period, Walter Isaacson, you can look him up. He’s your typical white liberal. Okay. Who wrote the book on the white elite liberal who wrote the book on Steve Jobs. In the middle of this controversy. He writes a book on innovators of the digital revolution. A big thick book, you’re going to go look at it. He’s the former head of the Aspen Institute. I think it was the head of the Wall Street Journal. He knows his controversy is going on, quote, unquote, “manufactured controversy”. And in the book, he talks about all these people who have invented many things leading up to the, a part of the digital revolution, Steve Jobs, is in there, right? Sergey Brin is in there. All white people, in fact, white women, but not one example of any brown person, yellow person or dark skinned person. And he leaves out the invention of Email.
Interviewer: You’re saying his book is all white men?
Dr.SHIVA: Yep, white men and one white woman. Go look it up.
Interviewer: I’m going to
Dr.SHIVA: Yeah. And he attributes all great innovations to the triangle of the Military Industrial Academic Complex heralds a guy called Vannevar Bush, who was the president of MIT in the 1940s, who left MIT to start Raytheon, which was the biggest missile defense company. And that was a day many, many scholars say when academia really ended, because here was a president of MIT left to start a military, you know, company, right? So what you have is that and, you know, Eisenhower talked about this 1962, right. In his famous speech he gave, 63. When he left he goes, we have the Military Academic Complex, Senator Fulbright called it the Military Industrial Academic Complex. So for me, this isn’t just theory, I was living it. The level of abuse I took, because merely I put my stuff into the Smithsonian, and who did this, these were racist, white liberal men. Okay. Well, the people control Wikipedia, the people who control most of the institutions, academic institutions in the world, so for me, you know, it was like, we were back in the caste system. That is what America has become. And people need to pull their head out of their asses and see this, this country is a modern day caste system. So you can be
Interviewer: and it all really comes down to their ability to like, manipulate the narrative.
Dr.SHIVA: Well, it comes down to that, but it comes down to something deeper, and let’s talk about the second part. Okay. So if you understand my journey, by the way, so I’ve gone through this very interesting journey of understanding things building. By the way, I had a second life with email 1993, I was the guy who created that AI technology to automatically read and sort Email for the White House, I built that door on a $280 million company. Okay, in value. We created our own data center, I run a company today called CytoSolve, which is a technology for modelling the human cell on the computer, we’re going after every major disease. So it’s, it’s not like I needed the invention of Email, you know, to define me, I’ve done many, many things. It’s not a one hit wonder. But my entire focus was understanding how systems work Molecular Systems at the body, medical systems, speech systems, political systems. But in 2007, when I finished my PhD, I took two years off, went back to India to really understand how my Grandmother was able to do that, in fact, the front page of MIT had this huge article. Armed with 4 degrees, Shiva Ayyadurai returns back to India to study, Eastern Systems of medicine, it was called ‘East meets West’. After I finished that research, I found out that the Science of Systems there is a scientific basis to understand systems. And you can use that science to understand how your body works. You can use it to understand politics, it’s the science of everything. So when I came back, I had discovered this major breakthrough. I started teaching a course at MIT, we should have 200 people show up people of all different backgrounds. And that was a course I called, ‘Systems Health’ later on. Well, in 2012, when I saw this nonsense going on, people attacking me when I did invent the first Email system, I said, this country’s become a freakin caste system. And right, and by 2008 1718, after I won my lawsuit, I decided to run for US Senate. I said, typically innovators, technology scientists don’t run for office. But what I was seeing in this country, this country was becoming a decrepit Banana Republic caste system. So I ran for office, as US Senate, in Massachusetts, and you would think you would have thought the Republican Party, which supposedly cares about meritocracy and pulling yourself up by your bootstraps, would have embraced me. And instead, they found they the Republican Party had their own anointed guy, a doofus, who was a failed signs salesman who had photoshopped a picture with Trump. Alright, that was their person. They didn’t want someone like me even being in the Republican Party. So I ran as an independent against Elizabeth Warren. Our slogan was ‘Only the Real Indian can Defeat the Fake Indian’. We had volunteers all over the country, all over the state. And we got about 100,000 votes as an independent five times more than any US Senate candidate, and they illegally kept me off the debate stage, Republicans and Democrats. So in 2020, I decided to run as a Republican again. And this time we had 3000 volunteers on the ground. 3000 volunteers. We had 10,000 lawn signs, 20,000 bumper stickers, 14 major billboards. The other guy the Republicans found to run against me. This guy was a complete idiot, he was nowhere to be found. I never saw a lawn sign, a bumper sticker, nothing. He was one of their boys and they ran him. So to be the designated loser, because the Republicans and Democrats work hand in hand, anyone today, in 2021, who thinks that Republicans and Democrats are different, or Trump and Bernie are any different are basically adolescents in their brain, okay? And that’s what we’re trying to pound away. So our movement was based on the slogan Truth Freedom Health, but it’s not a slogan. You say that concept, Truth Freedom Health is a Systems Scientific basis. Now to build move, why do I say that? Everyone, by the way, let me let me play the video. I’m gonna play the video right now. Okay. So, basically, so what’s happened is, we have now created a platform to educate people on System Science. So you don’t need to go to MIT. But you know what, the elites know the secrets of System Science. And if we don’t learn it, we’re never going to be able to build a movement, we’re going to be running around chasing Trump, or the Patriot party or the MAGA party, or, you know, AOC, or Bernie Left and Right. So let me play this. So I think you understand the importance of what I think this video will capture really well and we bring it up.
So by the way, people listening, if you go to vashiva.com/join. This is our platform that we’re building, which is a three part platform. The goal of this platform is to educate people on three things that why we need to take a Systems Approach. We teach people System Science, so they don’t need to go to MIT if they can’t get it, okay. It’s basically 40 years of knowledge brought together. And from that knowledge, then we’ve created technology where people can build community, we’ve created the equivalent of Facebook and forums in our data center, which I created, which I’ve contributed. And then we’re teaching people, which I’ll come back to how do you build a movement on any one of these issues. So let me play this. And this will probably make sense to you.
Dr.SHIVA: So I hope that helps you understand, okay, the bottom line is, the bottom line is, we’re not going to have any change unless people have a respect for what it takes to actually build a movement. And so that leads me to really want to share with you and your audience what’s occurred in the United States. If you go back, look at the 1900s all over the world. There was a Bottoms-up movement among working people, people actually worked and toiled in factories all over, be it in Russia, be it in India, be it in England being in the United States, and a lot of it in the United States was led by women in the late 1800s, early 1900s. It was women in factories, who led the movement for fair wages, elimination of child labor, nutrition, and that movement picked up massively in the 1920s. And the elites in this country were so scared of ordinary working people militantly organizing Bottoms-up independent of Democrats or Republicans. Franklin Delano Roosevelt was a racist. He was an elitist next up both parties were but when working people wrote rose up by the 1920s and 30s, the elites were so scared that they were going to lose it all. And all of this has been wiped out from American history, by the way that they gave them through reforms. Okay, we’ll give you will eliminate child labor, we’ll give you vitamin A will build. You know, we’ll do sanitation, we’ll do hygiene, right. And it was because of that. Why why infectious diseases dropped from 40 for example, measles for 14 out of 100,000. To You know, one out of 2 million long before, by 1945. Long before you know, the measles jabs came in 1963. Okay. Again, students don’t study this in history. Particularly your generation is not even afforded this knowledge. But what they are afforded. That’s true, unfortunately, you know, it’s not your fault. Okay, you guys are all screwed. Okay? No, no, it’s all been about entertainment and entertainment and entertainment and the Kardashians and idiots like that, okay. And so they’re gonna save the world or the Trump’s or whoever, Ivanka Trump, etc. But that’s what we have. We do not have an educated group of people anymore. It’s all about a one quick wonder getting on social media, getting some views and etc. But those elites in power. So what happened was, because of the rise of that working class movement Bottoms-up, which scared the shit out of the elites, they were forced to give a lot of concessions. So what did that do? Well, during 1945 to 1971 if you look at the United States with the highest growth in GDP per capita, and the entire economy grew. And every income group did well, as GDP grew, every income group grew and their incomes. So the elites didn’t want to give this. So starting, you know, in the 1970s, and actually a little bit earlier in the 50s, they started saying, we need to screw up these working people’s movements, we need to make sure this never ever happens again to us, ever.
And so what do they do? What they did was the left and the right, both dogs, you know, both, I shouldn’t say that. Dogs are good. Both, you know, insidious groups. Okay, I have two dogs, they are the good guys, that’s wrong to them. But both groups, one group started basically saying, If working people ever organized Bottoms-up, we’re going to call you a communist. That was the McCarthy era of the 1950s. They went after any time. So they said, Oh, you’re a Marxist. You’re a socialist. I know that. Right? They branded people. And you saw that recently. And then the left said, Oh, this is great. And they worked with the right to create unions, top down unions, not Bottoms-up powerful unions, independent decentralized unions. So by the 1970s, all the real spiritually, you know, I mean, that the ferocity of those Bottoms-up movements were destroyed. And they were taken over top down unions by you know, that democrat socialists of America, the Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren types, and the right and the left work together, they do not want working people organizing Bottoms-up ever independent of both parties. So by the way, if you look at between 1940-1971, the wages of all Americans grew all Americans, but starting and during that period from 1941-1971, you can go look at the data, probably close to 100 million American workers participated in strikes, stoppages, you know, they wouldn’t take shit from the elites. But after 1971, the unions the left and the right struck deals, oh, we’ll make sure our workers never protest, we’ll make sure we won’t have strikes. So starting from 1975 to today, the total number of people who have ever participated in strikes is maybe a couple of million, it’s fallen by a factor of 100. This is the real issue. It’s not aliens. It’s not like bots, it’s not like all this shit people want to talk about, because that is all distractions. So the elites love it, when people are talking about bots and reptiles and David Icke talking about this nonsense, they don’t want us to follow the money. And when you follow the money, you come back to a very simple thing, that working people, the working class has been screwed. So in the last few years, between 1975 to today, a great Rand report was done. GDP has grown, you know, but the incomes have only grown for the 5%, for the bottom 95%, our incomes have gone down. So if you make $50,000, today, you should actually be making $120,000. That Delta like in 2018, alone was $2.7 trillion in difference just in one year was transferred to the elites. So we have had socialism, it’s been socialism, for the elites, this is an essential issue that they do not want you talking about. And maybe it’ll take the guy who invented Email, the Son of poor, you know, farmers to connect the dots. And this is what System Science allows me to do. It allows me to look at political history. It allows me to look at infectious diseases, and connect the dots that System Science now the elites know this. They don’t want a guy like me who got all those degrees at MIT, teaching people this because what needs to happen today, and this is what needs to be done, is we need to build a Bottoms-up working people’s movement.
But this time, because we all slept on our butts, people are fat, dumb and happy for the last 50 years. The elites have gotten very strong. They understand Systems Theory, they understand System Science, they have their nerds watching everything we say watching which direction we’re gonna go in. So the only way forward is a three part process. Number one, people need to understand System Science and I’m not here to convince everyone, this is for you. That’s why when I tell people to go to vashiva.com/join, I’m not here to sell you anything. What I know is that our liberation right now in this moment in history stands on us building a Bottoms-up movement. That’s what it comes down to it. But in order to do that, there is a physics you have to begin with education. That’s what I say you got to ‘Get Educated or You Will Be Enslaved’.
Don’t think it’s just going to happen. waving a Trump flag. Trump sold us out. Bernie sold this out. Bernie sold out the young college students. Trump sold out all the American working class. They needed Trump for the last 4 years to do the Great Reset. And they placated everyone. Oh, something’s gonna happen, something’s gonna happen. “Trust the plan”. Trump’s a ninth dimensional chess player. Now, he had Jared Kushner there, who was running the government? And Bill Barr, but Kushner was the one who got Trump elected Kushner. I mean, these people are slimeballs Kushner, got into Harvard because his dad gave 2.5 million. Okay, Kushner was running slums here in Somerville, they need low interest loans, follow the money. Obama needed low interest loans to help his banker friends, the interest rate should be on 7 to 8%, right now. Because the bottom-up working class and small businesses were actually productive, you know, who’s not productive, the big businesses. That’s not who’s not productive. So what we have is we have elites who are running businesses, which need low interest rate loans. That’s what we have. And so you have some young people who have a lot of passion and older people. But I’m telling you, you know, yes, I invented Email. Yes, I invented CytoSolve, Echomail. Those are all great inventions. But my greatest innovation is a platform for Truth Freedom Health. It is an innovation. It is a three part innovation. That’s why I tell people to go to vashiva.com. And you better join because this year, I want to have 50,000 trained Truth Freedom Health warriors like, you know, like the Navy SEALs of political movements. But it begins with knowledge. It begins with nuclear physics to build a movement. It’s called System Science. Then with that core science, what we teach people there are three principles, Scientific Principles. You have to have Freedom Truth Health, you have to fight for all three, you can’t just be a ‘Yoga Nazi’ eating well and fighting for organic foods. You can’t just be a 1A or 2A person, quote unquote ‘redneck’ wanting your guns. You can’t just be a ‘nerd’ talking about innovation. We need all those three movements to come together. Because without freedom, you can’t have truth without truth. You can’t have health and without health, you don’t have the strength to fight for freedom principle one, principle two, it has to be Bottoms-up. It has to be decentralized. And principle three, we have to understand the controlled opposition, the not-so-obvious-establishment, like the scumbags I talked about from the Kennedys to the Bernie Sanders and unfortunately now to the Trump. Trump did not fight. He had for years, he didn’t get rid of a guy like Fauci, right.
Interviewer: He didn’t want to talk about your, your lawsuits at all.
Dr.SHIVA: Yeah, so look, yeah, so I mean, we, when what I saw occurred to me, I realized this country had became a banana republic. The elites are the true racists, the liberal elites like these Zuckerberg and the Gates’s and the Jack Dorsey’s. They’re the real elites. So in September one, I knew we won the election. I mean, think the word was landslide. And then the hand counted county where all the ballots primarily were hand counted, I won by 10 points, and every other county was 60/40 60/40 60/40 60/40 60/40. To a guy who was nowhere to be found. No one even knew his name. And this was a Republican party who did this, not the Democrats against a fellow Republican, the Republicans are as much scumbags as the Democrats, too. So again, anyone listening out there if you keep thinking you’re Republican or Democrat, or the conservative or liberal, left or right, you have your head up your ass? You really do. I can’t, the more and more I think about it, I have to. That’s the best scientific way I can describe it. You have your head up your ass. It’s a scientific description, okay? Because that’s what the elites one, they want you playing WWF wrestling, the distraction, and that’s how they divide us all. I’m a Republican or Democrat. I’m black. He’s white. And you can see what’s happening in Georgia right now this guy, Brian Kemp who’s a complete scumbag. Right. So the Republicans will take the position, we need voter IDs, mailing ballots suck. And the democrats will say, Oh, you know, we have voter suppression. And so they pit blacks against whites. But the real crime scene is the fact that state election directors are certifying voting machines, which have a feature on there to weight your votes. And I was the one who brought that out when I found this out. I said, Oh my God, my votes were multiplied by two thirds. I did all the math. We filed our lawsuit. unrebutted they attempted to dismiss my lawsuit. Guess what the judge denied their motion to dismiss the federal judge. No media has covered this. Trump hasn’t called me and said thank you, because he doesn’t want to cover this. He made $300 million talking about a fake election issue. That’s what they did. They misled the American working class. And then what you have is the second lawsuit I filed is when I went on Twitter, and I said the Secretary of State has deleted ballot images which are by law, according to 52 USC 20701 supposed to be preserved. I’ve never been, you know, suspended for weeks on Twitter or thrown off like this. But the day I showed that, and the day on September 25, when the Secretary of State acknowledged they deleted the ballot images and I tweeted out the emails. I was thrown off for three weeks in the middle The Federal Election campaign, who the fuck does Jack Dorsey think he is? And by the way, Jack Dorsey is a racist scumbag. Let me tell you why. Another scientific term to describe this scumbag. Jack Dorsey went to India with women saying he’s against the Indian caste system a few years ago, well I’m a low caste as you can get a dark skin, black skin Indian who’s running for US Senate he threw me off Twitter. Meanwhile, he’s India with a stupid freakin beard acting and it his nose ring talking as though he cares for Indians. This is a hypocrisy as much as you can get. Then you have Jack Dorsey’s saying that he cares for black skinned Americans bullshit. He threw off a US Senate federal candidate, but he didn’t do it. Here’s the important point that’s coming out in our lawsuit. He is just a doofus of the government, the government. When I put those tweets up, it turned out the government of Massachusetts contacted him to throw me off because I was exposing the government. Okay.
Interviewer: And so you really found that out yourself. You were able to like
Dr.SHIVA: I filed the lawsuit myself,
Interviewer: the problem was like why you got thrown off and then you were able to target that problem. And so that’s really why I think, correct me if I’m wrong, you are so successful in your lawsuits compared to Trump’s is because we were the root of the problem is instead of,
Dr.SHIVA: Well there’s two, there’s two issues here. Trump does not want to when he’s surrounded by nincompoops. And those people that are around are all establishment people. Okay, this was all a game. The people like Trump and the marketing people around him, they know, look, this is something everyone should listen to very carefully. If you go back to the 1900s, the entire goal of all of this is not about winning for you and me. This is about ensuring that the working class never organizes bottoms-up. I’ll repeat this again. They want to keep us distracted and divided. So 2008 a lot of people are Trumpers now voted for Obama, a black guy, okay. Oh, he’s gonna help us. Well, what did he do? He sold everyone out. I’m sorry, 2000. In 2008, he basically, you know, gave him a blank check to Goldman Sachs and all the big bankers. So they kept the interest rates artificially low, they knew there was going to be a Great Reset. And you can, this is not only me saying, because the pot was boiling. Meaning that their model of the economy of keeping interest rates low wasn’t working. So when they looked globally, they needed to do a Great Reset. Starting in 2016. They probably said, Well, if you believe elections or selections, which is what they are in this country.
What you really have they needed Trump in office, they needed a white guy now, who would talk bombastically about his support for the working class. And what happened over the last because the American working class is the only force on the planet Earth right now, which can be a force against the establishment. Why? Because they have the Second Amendment. The Indian working class doesn’t have weapons. The Chinese working class are basically just slaves. The Australians and they were, right. So they need Trump to say something’s going to happen. That’s what the cue was, what did they do? something’s gonna happen. Trust a plan, trust a plan. Trust Trump. When nothing happened. I gave him money. You probably gave him money. We all supported him. And it took a while to wake up and realize he was not-so-obvious-establishment of the right wing, just like Bernie was of the left wing. You see, you have the eagle with its head, which is the establishment. It’s got the two shoulders which are the obvious establishment. You’ve got the Mitch McConnell’s on one hand, you got the Biden’s and the Clintons and the Obamas. But you know how they keep the working people distracted? They need the wings. Okay, Trump barking something against Mitch McConnell, right? Acting as though he is the opposition or Bernie and AOC. This is what WWF wrestling is. That’s what we experience. People need to get their head out of their ass. And one way to do that is to hear what I’m saying. But the other way, once you get your head out of your ass, now we need to go fight. And the way you fight is we need to understand the Science of Systems. So everyone listening, if you’re serious, and you really get this, which means you’re you’re now a conscious, incompetent, not an unconscious, incompetent, unconscious incompetence, or people who don’t know what they don’t know. But I can tell you that the elites, a lot of people I went to school with at MIT and people like Harvard, they know what I’m talking about. And they know what I’m saying is the real death knell to them, which is people need to get educated on the Science of Systems. And the way I’ve done it, you don’t need to go to MIT for 20 years, 10 years, I’ve congealed that the technology in about three hours I can educate people, and then on our platform on VA SHIVA, we’ve created our own Underground, independent, a Big Tech community where you can talk, you can converse, you can create your equivalent of quote unquote, Facebook, right. And then we give people stuff to do on election integrity, we have a team now doing detailed analysis on the ground. When it comes to masks, we teach people the science of how the masks affect oral health, we have a little card to have him here. Yeah, here’s a card. See this card here. Here’s one Beyond the jab. Beyond Vax & Anti-Vax. And people are distributing these cards, this little card points them to a page where they can learn the science. And our volunteers are educating our Truth Freedom Health warriors are educating mothers & parents on the ground. Look, the future is offline, the future is offline. Luckily, I happen to have my own data center which has contributed to this movement, but anyone listening. You know, we’ve talked a lot here about what is to be done. There’s only one thing that must be done, which is people must become Truth Freedom Health warriors. And I say this with all humility, because I know what needs to be done now. And the first process, you must get educated on the science. And the cool thing is, it’s accessible to you. So that’s what needs to happen. And then with that scientific knowledge, then we can start building community because you’re gonna feel very lonely. Once your consciousness raises and you understand what the hell is going on. And we’ve created that infrastructure. And then then people can actually go, and then start doing activism when we’ve created those tools. We’ve Integrated Science looking at the election stuff. I didn’t hire a lawyer, most 99% of lawyers are dumb. They’re not that bright. We can teach people how to fight for themselves. So we filed those lawsuits on our own. I don’t know how many million Trump said Giuliani was getting $100,000 a week.
Interviewer: So I want to go back to the point that you made about the working class in America and how we have some advantages with the freedoms that we have, such as our Second Amendment and our First Amendment. And the first amendment is regarding one of the lawsuits that you’re currently dealing with regarding the censorship of your speech.
Dr.SHIVA: Well, it’s even more than that. The important thing, the historic thing, which I did a little video, yes, the historic thing about our lawsuit, our lawsuit is the first lawsuit on the planet earth that exposes that Twitter is an agent of the government. Let me repeat this. For all this time. We’ve heard the hoopla Big Tech, Big Tech, Big Tech, that’s a distraction. That’s not the real issue. That’s not the issue. Big Tech
Interviewer: Is Twitter really going to court with you?
Dr.SHIVA: They’re not going to court with us? We’re taking them to court.
Interviewer: Right. Like they’re going to be in the courtroom with you.
Dr.SHIVA: Yeah, in fact the Judge ordered it. Let me tell you what’s, the important thing to understand is this. When I filed my lawsuit, again, we did it alone myself. We expose the fact there was an article written when I said like, Look ballot images, you know what a ballot image is? So they write the ballot, a scan an image is created, the image is what is counted through some AI on these machines, right? Well, you’re supposed to preserve those ballot images for 22 months, the Secretary of State deleted them, I got, you know, they admitted they deleted oh we don’t have to save them. And they exchanged that email when I put that up on September 25. That’s when I was thrown off Twitter. And because I was exposing the government violating federal law. So what did they do when I put those tweets up? Twitter didn’t take me down. Look, I’ve talked about all up between September 1 to September 25. I was using the word election fraud, talking about all sorts of stuff. But when I expose the government, it turns out the government of Massachusetts contacted Twitter, you know how they did it. They have, everyone should listen to have a trusted Twitter partnership. Twitter, the government of Massachusetts is signed up, as go look at on their website as a trusted partner. So when they call Twitter not like you or me, they have a bat phone. Dorsey’s people pick up
Interviewer: It’s the thing you always suspected, but you didn’t know it was real, until now.
Dr. SHIVA: It is real. Okay. So when I went so first of all, in that lawsuit, judges do not even give you a hearing trumped and get any hearings, right. Judge decided to hear me out, big victory. Then it was me against three lawyers. I’ve never presented myself in federal court, federal courts, not like small business courts. This is federal court. I’m in front of the….
Interviewer: You taught yourself law, which you’ve taught yourself how to be a lawyer.
Dr.SHIVA: I taught myself how to be a lawyer. Right. But you know, as being in business, I’ve been in courtrooms before with other lawyers, but I learned over the years most lawyers are dumb as doorknobs is a lot of accountants are unfortunately okay, because they don’t watch out for you. And by the way, everyone should, I believe in kindergarten they should be teaching people law, every kid should learn law, we shouldn’t have to rely on lawyers. Okay. So what ends up happening is here in that 3-4 hour court hearing, I prove to the Judge and in testimony they admit they contacted Twitter. They have a twisted, trusted, twisted, a trusted Twitter partnership. No one has ever brought this out. How come Tucker Carlson didn’t cover it? Because he’s part of the problem. So, this is a historic lawsuit. Then, we also found out that the government also contacted the National Association of State election directors, because this is going on everywhere. They also contacted Twitter, so I also dragged them into the lawsuit. So the judge then gave me a big victory, they told the government and NACD that you can no longer contact Twitter, that’s giving the terms of a TRO hearing. Big victory number two, that more recently about on March 25, the Judge ordered that Twitter needs to also come into the courtroom. And that’s what I just filed a couple of days ago. We just served Twitter. This is the most important lawsuit of our time. And it’s being done. Not with a lawyer. In fact, Clarence Thomas, if you just saw what just happened yesterday, he said he agreed, concurred with the opinion of the lower courts. Right. But he goes, you know, we can’t go after Twitter because they have section 230 immunity. But if the government is involved, we could have that’s what this case is, we have exposed the fact that the government contacted Twitter, but most importantly, Twitter is an agent. Twitter is an agent of the government. And this is what people need to understand, we live in fascism, don’t use the word communism or socialism. It’s not the real issue. We live in fascism. And that’s what China and these countries are when the government and big corporations become one. This is why for 4 years, Trump didn’t do anything against section 230. He didn’t issue you know, you know, he didn’t really go after any of this. Because the government needs Big Tech. The government needs Big Tech, they need Big Pharma, they need Big Media. They’re all one. The only way forward is for working people to build our own independent movements. And the only force that’s doing that is what we’re doing with VA SHIVA, Truth Freedom Health. There’s no other force on the planet. There’s no other force. There you go. I hope this was helpful. So everyone listening out there, I expect everyone to become a Truth Freedom Health warrior. If you’re serious, if you’re not, you’re going to just crash and burn, you’re going to get burned out, oh, we can’t. And you’re going to wake up 10 years from now saying, Oh, well, they’re so powerful, and they’re so strong, we can’t fight the establishment. You know, I’m just gonna go and live off the grid, you know, do my little organic garden, do my yoga, you know, that kind of shit? Okay, that’s not gonna solve anything. It’s not, we live in an interconnected world. working people must unite and fight, but with a scientific basis. That’s it. I actually got to, I still run my companies in my business. This is like a labor not only of love, but this is a mission thing that we do. And everyone should, you know, people want to say, Shiva, how can I help you people want to give me money. I said, Look, don’t just give me money, go support this movement. And when you support me, I’ll give you education. That’s what my Great Grandfather wanted. So yeah, you can give me a lot of money because we’re ploughing all that into our own infrastructure, independent of Big Tech, but this is for you. When you contribute here, you’re contributing for your noggin, which has been made fat dumb and happy by the establishment, which wants you to be entertained, you know? Not liberated. Alright
Interviewer: Yeah, best, Dr. Shiva,
Dr.SHIVA: I get this out, get all your people if they’re serious to become Truth Freedom Health warriors, I mean, they don’t need to go to MIT for 20 years. Without this knowledge, we’re never going to be able to fight the establishment because they look, when you think about a nuclear bomb. You know what it really is? It was some guy called Einstein who changed the theoretical framework. Oh, we have to be able to hit a neutron, you know, hit the nucleus, and we’ll create a chain reaction. Okay. So before that we were all burning down trees, right? We burned out a bunch of wood to get heat. Well, one little piece of plutonium here can generate more heat than billions of trees. How did that come about? Because of a fundamental theoretical discovery. What that is a discovery that I’ve made, that if we want to defeat the establishment, we must understand System Science Without that nuclear physics. Nothing is going to happen. And then people would say, well, they’re too strong. You can’t do anything. We ought to support one party or the other the lesser of two evils bullshit, right? So anyway, it’s up to you.
Interviewer: Alright Doctor, thank you for coming on. Thank you.
Dr. SHIVA: Yep, be well, thank you. Thank you.
Dr.SHIVA: Alright, everyone out there. I hope this was valuable. I want all of you to take the gift that we put together here to become a Truth Freedom Health warrior, you must get educated on System Science. It is our only way forward without this knowledge. And without that education, you’ll be flailing you’ll always be wondering, oh, should I do this or that? The clarity, the education, the community that we built, and the path forward is what this is about without that we’re all going to be enslaved. So it’s really up to you to ‘Get Educated or Be Enslaved’. Thank you very much. Later this evening, I’m going to be doing a talk on the system of the immune system, but looking at a very cool molecule called glutathione, which occurs naturally in our body. We’re going to talk about how you can boost it but it really supports immune building. Thank you for everyone, be well.

It’s time we move beyond the Left vs. Right, Republican vs. Democrat. It’s time YOU learn how to apply a systems approach to get the Truth Freedom Health you need and deserve. Become a Truth Freedom Health® Warrior.
Join the VASHIVA community – an integrated EDUCATIONAL, COMMUNICATIONS – independent of Big Tech -, and LOCAL ACTIVISM platform to empower YOU to actualize Truth Freedom Health in your local communities by employing a SYSTEMS APPROACH.
The platform we are building for Truth Freedom Health® provides the infrastructure to take on Big Tech, Big Pharma, and Big Academia. Many of you have asked how you can help. You can contribute whatever you can. Based on your level of commitment to get educated, I have also created some wonderful educational gifts to thank you for your contribution.
To get the education you need and deserve, join Dr.SHIVA on his Foundations of Systems course. This course will provide you three pillars of knowledge with the Foundation of Systems Thinking. The three pillars include: 1) The System Dynamics of Truth Freedom Health, 2) The Power of a Bottom’s Up Movement, and 3) The Not So Obvious Establishment. In this course, you will also learn fundamental principles of all systems including your body.
Course registration includes access to his LIVE Monday training, access to the Your Body, Your System tool, four (4) eBooks including the bestselling System and Revolution, access to the Systems Health portal and communications tools – independent of Big Tech – including a forum and social media for you to build community with other Truth Freedom Health Warriors.
This course is available online for you to study at your own pace.
It’s time to Get Educated, or Be Enslaved.