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I Grow Organic Kale at Home – A Really Prolific Indoor Plant

Just finished watching that incredible video discussion on kale and cardiovascular health and how it really prove so many areas in the body. But primarily the transport function, if you will, we talk about transport, conversion of storage, by up regulating nitric oxide, up regulating the in a sense the conversion enzymes, which gives you nitric oxide after mild exercise. This is really helping to move along the blood vessels which really are fundamental to all the body systems, obviously, bringing nutrients and removing waste, he talked about that too. And then the anti inflammatory aspects, protecting if you will, the structure of the of the blood vessels by removing oxidants which cause inflammation and ultimately the buildup of plaque. So, again, it’s protecting that structural element, it’s like a built in repair device. And also in a sense up regulating the antioxidant enzymes. So that in itself was a kind of a conversion factor. But
preserving the structure of the blood vessels. And then he also mentioned the what I did not know the lutein and zeaxanthin in kale, which are really good for people with with eye problems. In particular, those are highly sought after and all kinds of foods, so I really didn’t know they were in kale.

I grow organic Kale in a home system, and it keeps growing back from the same stem and roots. Really prolific indoor plant. At the end, just mentioning how this is ‘bottoms up’ approach to health, as people grow their own medicine to nurture and maintain systems, rather than the top down, reductionist/symptoms treatment approach of the conventional medical system, which profits the pharma companies and does not address the systemic cause of dysfunction in the body.

I just keep clipping and it keeps sort of self propagates it keeps growing back. So kale is one of those insane plants, herbs, if you will, for a home system. It’s coming along, that just gives you a steady supply. And the other thing that you didn’t really mention there is that this kind of thing where you you’re just building in, you know, your systemic nutrition is part of your life from your home. It is is turning the entire medical system on its head. Because now we are maintaining nurturing, looking after our own health rather than just waiting until it gets really bad for someone to prescribe a couple of different, you know, pharmaceutical compounds to treat the symptoms of that dysfunction with it without ever really looking at the the cause the source. And you’ve got one great answer right here. If you haven’t checked out that whole lecture on kale and cardiovascular health. You must must do it. You must check it out. You must share it with your friends. Come to the open house join the movement. That’s it bye for now.

Works Cited

Ayyadurai, Dr Shiva. “Kale & Cardiovascular Health and Much More.”, June 20, 2022, Dr.SHIVA LIVE: Kale & Cardiovascular Health and Much More. (

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