CytoSolve® reveals the molecule of pain and shares the systems biology of HOW your body senses pain. Full analysis:
Transcript Below.
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Hey everyone, its Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai. But anyway, today we’re going to be having an interesting discussion here.
It’s a health topic that we’re going to talk about. And it’s going to be about what is the molecule of pain? Where does pain really come from, and it’s going to be part of a series. And it’s brought to you by the cytosol, Open Science Institute.
So let’s go over there. And let’s look at it’s called a molecule of pain, how your body senses pain, today, we’re actually going to be looking at a particular aspect of pain relative to one of the important molecule. So you’re going to learn, let’s walk you through, we’re going to go over by the way, those of you who are new, you can go to Bac va.
com. And you can get a whole background on what we do, what we’re about, and all those kinds of things. So I encourage you guys to I’ll do that.
So that’s we’re going to be able to do so one of the things here is we’re going to take, first of all, we’re gonna talk about what is the system’s approach, you’re gonna understand what is the status of Open Science Institute, then we’re gonna go into the systems biology of pain, and then we’re going to go into the summary. So first of all, when you let’s say, hit your hand, or you cut your finger, what happens is right at the point where your finger is cut, there are you have nerves, right, and those nerves are composed of neurons. And a neuron contains a nucleus, it’s got this thing called the axon, and it’s got dendrites.
And at the end of those dendrites are things called synapses. So bottom line, you have lots of these neurons, and those neurons are able to get that effect of when you cut your hand, and then it sends a signal up through your peripheral nerves up all the way to your spinal cord right here. And then the spinal cord, you’re gonna find out sends a series of signals up to your brain, and then you feel the pain, and then a signal sent back to recognize where that pain was.
So we’re going to walk through that whole process, because obviously, if you’re starting to look for, hey, how do I stop this pain, we’re going to go down to the molecular level. And today in the first part of the pain series, you’re going to understand what is the molecule of pain there is there many molecules called neuro peptides, we’re going to focus on one of them, which is really one of the most important molecules. Alright, so that’s we’re going to talk about so what we’ve done at cytosol is that cytosol, there’s just this very powerful technology without killing animals, we can take these molecular pathways, convert them to molecular reactions on the computer, and then start testing different compounds that are coming from nature, many for many years, 16 years, we’ve been helping lots of organizations, we’re also committed not to killing animals who want to find out what really works versus just shooting in the dark like karma does, and just money minded all the time, right? to really find out what works.
And we were able to discover combination of bioflavonoids that come from nature that do this. So I’m going to play a quick video about that. But for those of you joining, this is the beginning of our pain series.
So CGRP is the molecule of pain. There are other neuropeptides. But it’s one of the critical molecule that’s involved in pain.
And we just went through how its formed. I wanted to let you know that we use the technology here, we’ve helped many, many companies over the last 16 years, a lot of smart, innovative companies. But we decided with all the mathematical models we’ve created, why don’t we try to use this to compute the best product we could think of from the science out there for reducing pain and inflammation, pain and discomfort.
And that resulted in us Creating m v 25. Using cytosol. We’re going to have more products that are going to be coming but let me just show you what MB 25 is about for those of you who haven’t heard about it, but this is using psilocybin a beneficial way not to just do research but find combination therapies.
03:23I am firebrand, my hands would cramp up so that I couldn’t hold cards or knit or crochet. And they would go like that. Not have to use this when I played cards with my grandkids and I started taking their MV 25 efter betta was able to old cards in my hand.
Very, very little cramping hardly at all anymore. MV 2503:53Hi, my name is Sandy. I’m a Taekwondo instructor, I tore my ACL during Taekwondo, I had a lot of pain and limited mobility.
I’ve been taking the MV 25 for about six months now after the first week, I noticed the big difference after the second week, almost literally no pain.04:12My name is Jeremy and I suffered from a lower back problem hurt my back at work years ago. And I can go to the chiropractor and do all kinds of different things.
And nothing seems to help. And I decided to try MV 25. I didn’t notice a difference immediately.
But within a few days of pain went away and it stayed away. I’ve continued to take it and even when I do things that I shouldn’t do, it seems to go away a lot quicker than I ever did before. It’s clean foodDr.
SHIVA Ayyadurai 04:37certified, it’s made in the US if you go to Bac Right on the shop, you’ll click there or you can go right to MB 25 dot life either way, and then from there, you can click on the bottle and you can order please take advantage of it because first of all is going to help you it’s going to help our movement and it really supports the fact that we want to take science based approaches to natural products. So as I mentioned when I started when You let’s say hit yourself accidentally you’re cut yourself or something happens there are nerves neurons, and the neuron is actually looks like this.
It’s got a very specific type of cell, it’s got a nucleus, it’s got dendrites, it’s got this long thing called the axon and synapses, okay? Well, and this, the nerves here, then transferred through a series of signals all the way up, I mean, almost at the speed of light up to your dorsal nerve in your vertebrae, because you got all these nerves coming. And then a series of chemical reactions occurs here, which then signals your brain that you have pain going on. So it all happens instantaneously.
But when you let’s say, accidentally cut yourself, it’s not instantaneous, you feel the pain of a bunch of signals go up, chemicals get released, and then you go out, right, so we’re going to understand how that happens. Understand the mechanisms. And by the way, this is part of our systems biology of pain series, we’ll be doing a whole bunch of videos on this.
So you actually understand and you’ll also appreciate the technology that we have in place to really start discovering all sorts of new combinations. So again, so as I mentioned, it’s a closer view this is so when you hit yourself, this is called the scepter neuron. These are things that feel pain and heat and all those kinds of things.
Okay, the peripheral nerve is right here. And this is connected right to your read the base, you know, your spine to get all these nerves coming. And this sends a signal up through your thalamus, and that’s when you go out.
Okay, so how does this work? Well, let me walk you through the recent work that was done on this. And so if I mean, this is in the mouse model, but the mouse also has a dorsal nerve, and let’s walk through this here. So right here, when you get the external stimuli at the location of that stimuli, let’s say where you cut your hand, you get a bunch of pro inflammatory agents, there’s a very important so this by the way, what you’re seeing here, this is one of those neurons, okay? When you feel that pain, as I mentioned, over here, pain gets, sorry, the pain but the signal, you don’t feel the pain yet, the pain has not been felt, but the cutting here sends a signal up to your back your spine.
And there you have these other neurons called the dorsal root ganglia neurons. This is one of those neurons, and we’re looking at the molecular level. So the pain signals coming here, and this cell or the neuron, on the surface of it, you can see, like this catcher’s mitt is TRPV one.
And what happens when that pain comes calcium, this channel opens the TRPV. One, calcium gets infused in here, as you’re seeing also up here. And this conjugate ear, Caan results in p, phosphorus phosphorylation taking place to this molecule called CRTC.
One, which then goes into your nucleus, and all of this is occurring at the speed of light, by the way, and here’s your nucleus of that neuron neuron cell of that nerve cell, the neuron and the CRTC. One positions itself in the DNA, which is quite amazing. And it turns on your DNA to produce CG RP right here CGRP.
So again, you feel the pain over here signal, not feel the pain, you’ve cut your hand local receptors, your send the signal to your dorsal root ganglion, at the dorsal root ganglion, the stimuli comes, calcium gets released, the calcium results in this molecule called CRTC. One being released crossing the nuclear membrane, literally, the DNA opens up and it releases CGRP. And this CGRP goes out through one of the synapses here, the pre synaptic cleft, and this starts going now what happens at this and this CGRP is a molecule of pain.
So your body manufactures CGRP, and that’s a signaling molecule is called a neuro peptide. So that neuropeptide gets released. And let’s see what happens then the neuropeptide gets released.
And now and this is and that neuropeptide gets released, and it goes up to your trigeminal nucleus right up here. And you can see what’s happening zoom in on this. So the trigeminal nerve, the signals comes in and it starts releasing the CRDP molecules.
And at the post junction, these synapses actually have a sending and receiving, that’s how signals get transmitted right here and but on the receiving end, there are receptors for CGRP. So the CGRP molecule gets released, it lands here and then this transmit the signal up to your cortex and you go out, okay, and that’s where you feel the pain right here. All right, so let’s just summarize this again.
So like to go back, you’ve cut your hand, the stimuli of that cutting of the hand, the nerves get innervated, they signal out to the back to your spine in the spine is this other neuron called the dorsal root ganglion, the signals coming here it opens up calcium CRTC one traverses from the cytoplasm into your nucleus and your you manufacture CGRP. And this starts releasing these neuro peptides, the molecule of pain, and this molecule of pain then goes up to your brain and you go out so you’ve seen the biology or so CGRP is the CGRP is the molecule of paint. Now, one of the things that recently came out in some recent work is they’re finding that if you keep paying Going you actually increased mortality, which means people who have lots of pain in their body are increasing their mortality.
That means reducing their lifespan. And recently, they did some very cool work with these mice that I just showed. And they showed that when they removed, they did something, they created a version of mice which didn’t have these TRP V one, right, these receptors, which means go back to this.
So they created mice, which didn’t have this TRPV one receptors right here. That means when the signal was coming up here, when it went to the dorsal root ganglion, these mice could not feel pain, the mice could not feel pain. And guess what the mice lived on average, 100 years longer.
I mean, 100 days longer. So if people are suffering with pain, chronic pain, you reduced your lifespan. Someone said, I have chronic back pain.
Am I conscious? Yes, you are. So you’re producing CGRP I did a whole video on this OxyContin and heroin and all the stuff and we can get into deeper but you’re better off taking stuff to reduce the pain. If you want to live longer and versus living in pain.
There’s no reason to live in pain. And there’s a whole discussion we could have on it. I did a video on it.
If you want to go look on heroin, what it really was diacetyl morphine, morphine. And the whole thing with Oxycontin, Oxycontin, you should go see it. It’s a very different perspective.
Yes, painkillers, mask the pain, nothing in life is black or white. There are some people who have chronic pain, and either they live under that chronic pain forever, which means they’re going to decrease their lifespan, you sometimes want to get to the root of that pain holistically, which is another avenue, which is which is really the long game. But sometimes you have serious pain, there’s people who have serious surgery, you’re going to have to take painkillers for that, right, unless you do acupuncture.
And there’s some techniques there we can talk about. It’s not all or nothing, but one of the things they recently found out was with these mice. So the wild type, meaning the mice that had their TRPV one receptors, they secreted CGRP.
And guess what the CGRP did it reduced insulin release and reduce energy expenditure, which means people are living in chronic pain have a chance of becoming diabetic because their body’s insulin production goes down. So they found this very interesting connection mechanistically between pain see the CGRP how it affects the pancreatic beta cells and reduces insulin versus a mice that were not feeling pain, their CGRP secretion was down because it wasn’t producing it, their insulin release went up and they had proper energy expenditure. So metabolic health this research showed is affected by chronic pain.
So if you have a lot of chronic pain, you got to address it. Now. There are exercises there’s good alternative practitioners, but obviously there are also now emerging medicines that are coming from natural sources which allow you to address that today we’ve learned with the molecule of pain is CG RP.
And the important thing to understand is that if you’re living with pain, do something about it, because you’re actually hurting your mortality, you’re lowering your mortality. Don’t try to find the perfect solution, do something and then while you’re doing that, try to find the perfect solution but it’s definitely not worthwhile living with pain. Yes, there is no pain, no games, certain things where you create your own pain.
But if you cut your finger you get in a car accident and you’re go through a horrible surgery, do what you need, but in the middle of that look for the alternative solutions that will really help you so it’s not black and white. We want to figure out what’s right for you at the right time in your life. If you get into a horrible accident, right? God forbid Western medicine has some amazing tools for that but Western medicine sucks at managing your body day to day overall for chronic pains.
Alright everyone, I hope that was helpful. Thank you everyone be well be the light

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