Two recent polls in America and data worldwide is revealing that the Elites – across Left & Right – are dividing Working People. In this discussion, Dr. Shiva reveals the data to ask the question, WHY do the Elites Want a Civil War?
The original research in this video is made possible by generous contributions from supporters of the Dr.SHIVA Truth Freedom Health® movement. Please contribute so we may continue to bring you such original research, valuable education, and innovative solutions.
Key Points:
- Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD – Inventor of Email, Systems Scientist, Engineer, Educator – discusses Why Do Elites – Left & Right – Want a Civil War.
- NYT Article Says Most Americans Do Not Trust the Government. University of Chicago Poll: 1 in 4 Americans believe we may have to take up arms against the government.
- On every issue the Left & Right create divisiveness, not solutions and polarization is deliberately created by elites, politicians, billionaires, grifters. Fascism is when a small set of people impose their will on masses of people.
- A Study of Europe Concluded High Number of Youths Do Not Participate in Politics. The Carnegie Endowment looked at Polarization and Violence in America. Polarized people in Europe are exiting the Political System. Three quarters of Democrats & Republicans believe the other party bullies them.
- Gini Coefficient is a Measure of Income Inequality. Income inequalities are taking place. If unemployment goes up, elites will distract the American working class to keep polarization going. Polarization is a weapon of the elites to keep you distracted from other issues. Economic issues are the REAL issues.
- All the trillions of dollars printed in the US went to the banks, then the stock market. There’s no real economic basis to backup the stock market.
- Massive protests in 2019 before “Pandemic”: Haiti, Puerto Rico, France, Chile, Venezuela, Hong Kong, Lebanon, Bolivia, Sudan and Iran. There’s Massive Divisiveness in Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, and Peru exacerbated by politicians.
- The Way Out is: Unite, raise consciousness, take Systems Approach. Significant change comes when working people organize. We need to build this Bottoms-up Movement for Truth Freedom Health®
people, polarization, movement, systems, elites, left, report, understand, shiva, talking, agree, democrats, fighting, divisiveness, world, build, freedom, countries, science, government, economic, inequality, civil war
Dr.SHIVA LIVE Why Do Elites – Left & Right – Want a Civil War #WorkersUnite!
Hello, everyone, Good Evening. It’s Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai. Today we’re gonna be talking about a very, very interesting topic based on some recent polls that have come about. And I’ve been watching this phenomenon, as you know, for many, many years, and the question we want to ask is, “Why did the Elites Left and Right, Left and Right want a Civil War?”
And the call is for Workers to Unite really as a solution out. So that’s what we’re going to be talking about today. And, in fact today there was an article in The New York Times talking about another poll that Time did saying that most Americans across the board do not trust their government anymore at all.
And this is a follow on to a poll that came out about a week ago by the University of Chicago, which I’m going to share with you, also talking about this big, massive polarization. Now what’s interesting is the Academic Elites who do this polling and analysis, they never really offer any solutions. They basically say, “Oh we got to stop the violence.” But they don’t want to go at – discuss the underlying issues.
The Left and the Right on every issue, have created essentially a divisiveness because they don’t really talk about the Real underlying problems. Only a Systems Approach can get us there. So as many of you know, when I brought up the issues with the pandemic, our movement–myself was the first one to really back in late 2019-2020, we called it right away that this entire thing was set up as a way to “Divide People, to Destroy Economies”, etc, long before the Opportunists came.
And after that we said we need to go Beyond Vax and Anti-Vax. It’s not about a Pro-Vax Anti-Vax position. That’s where all the Left and the Right start fighting against each other. Fundamentally, we have to look at the fact it’s about the “Right Medicine for the Right Person at the Right Time”. That’s a Systems Approach that goes “Beyond the Divisiveness and it gets down to What the Solution IS.”
Same thing when it is our Movement, my lawsuit that was a historic lawsuit, where we exposed it’s not about Big Tech, it’s not about being Pro Big Tech or Anti Big Tech. Right. It’s about the fact that the governments of all the world, all different countries have colluded with Big Tech. Big Tech is a way that governments can censor, launder Censorship. Our Movement also exposed that. Okay, that was the Real issue. Again, we took a Systems Approach to do that.
More recently, with the Election Systems issue, it was this Movement, through my own personal experience separate from Trump, we didn’t talk about China or Venezuela or crazy, nonsensical stuff. We talked about very legitimate issues, like Ballot Images being deleted, or the fact Signature Verification doesn’t occur properly. And that came from a Systems Approach. Again, the Left and Right took over all of this, as you’re seeing with the January 6 stuff and want to make it a Left and Right issue.
They’re dividing Americans. But the substantial issues with Election Systems have not been addressed. What I’m trying to impress on all of you is that everyone needs to get their head out of there, you know what, and recognize it is not about Left or Right on any issue. In fact, listen very carefully, those in power use the Left and Right divide. Let me repeat that again. Those in power want the Left / Right Divide. They want 50% of the people, Working People fighting against the other 50% of Working People.
It is one of the most powerful ways that those in power deflect the realities of what’s actually going on. You have to take a big step back and think about this very, very carefully. And this is why I have a ticker running below. And this is why it’s not to try to sell you on something, but it’s rather as a noble service to impress on you. Personally, for me, after 50 years trying to figure all this out, we figured out the Theoretical Curriculum and how you can educate people to take a Systems Approach. And for that, we created the Foundations of Systems Course. Let me go back here.
What You Will Learn Today
In the discourse today this is what we’re going to talk about. But you cannot begin this discourse without recognizing that we all need to raise our consciousness. Otherwise, it’s just going to be, we’re going to fall into the trap exactly what the Left and the Right, which are essentially two heads of the Elites, want. They want people fighting. I recommend everyone go to for you. Don’t do it for me, don’t do it for Truth Freedom Health®, do it for you. And if you go here at VA Shiva, you’ll find out at there’s a video. And I recommend everyone listen to that video at your own leisure but I’m going to play it for you right now. Because this will really give you what the Real fundamental issues we’re facing, and It’ll put context to what’s going on. So let me play this.
I wanted to play that video so all of you start raising your consciousness recognizing we need to go Beyond Left and Right. And that’s been sort of the core thing that I understood back in 1980 when I saw how all of these political parties abuse Working People.
Truth Freedom Health® Open House/Orientation
Again, if you go to, by the way, every Thursday’s—tomorrow– come to our Open House, and you’ll enjoy it. We’ve had some incredible sessions there. We get to spend a little more time and I can answer some direct questions, some of the questions that people are asking. I hope you come there, and you have a chance to participate. Let me go over to the slide set over here.
And what I want to share with you here is, by the way, if you go to you’ll find out more. But everyone here, for your own sake, for your children’s sake, for your community’s sake, sign up and take the Foundations of Systems Course. It’ll give you the Theoretical Framework, the Scientific Framework, so you become rock solid in your understanding of why we need to build a Bottoms-up Movement, why we need to go Beyond Left and Right, why we need to have Workers Unite. You’ll also really understand this diagram.
The Foundations of Systems Curriculum
I mean, it’s a three-hour course. You can take it on your own. But you’ll understand why the fight for Freedom, the fight for Truth, Science, and the fight for our Health are all interconnected. They’re not disparate movements. Today, we separate the fight for Freedom. We think that’s like a Patriot or a Right-Wing Movement. And we separate the movement for Science and Innovation.
We think that’s a “Geek or Nerd” thing. And we separate the movements for Health, and organic food and healthy foods. We think that’s like a Yoga Nazi or earthy crunchy granola movement. The reality is all these three movements have got to come together. And that’s what, for scientific reasons, for Fundamental Universal Laws. So that’s what we educate people on. You get clear on this, and it has to be Bottoms-up.
Divisiveness and Polarization
And what we’re seeing right now, as today’s session is going to share is the divisiveness, the polarization that is taking place by design. And it’s taking place by politicians, by billionaires, by “grifters” who’ll pick up some rhetoric; don’t really know what they’re talking about and just start spouting nonsense. But definitely the media.
And all of this in the recent report that came out from the University of Chicago, even the Elite Academics are admitting, but they don’t have a solution. Well, their solution is to try to tell people “Don’t be violent”, but they’ll never have a solution because they don’t really want a solution.
They want to use these kinds of polarization to further suppress people’s natural tendency. Let’s just go right in and by the way, a bunch of people are talking about tomorrow, Thursday at 11am EDT serves people all over the world, and Thursday at 8pm. If you can’t understand that, or come to that one, 8pm all over the world. I will personally be running both of these sessions. It’s an opportunity to meet and greet. We do it online.
Let’s just go to the first report. I’ve been tracking this for a while, and if you look at around 2019, a lot of these institutions were doing research and how people were starting to feel politically alienated. How people essentially become apathetic, right. As I did in a previous video called the Four Buckets, I talked about how those in power want either you to be on the Left-Wing, either you to be on the Right-Wing, either you to become Apathetic, or either you to become a Domestic Terrorist and start shooting people.
They’d love you to be in one of those Four Buckets because, particularly in the ladder, because they can use that, to actually suppress Freedom even more. They definitely like people being in this Left and Right; they love the Working Class fighting against each other. They don’t really awaken to really solve the real problems or identify the Real problems.
In any one of the issues, I talked about, be it Free Speech, be it the issues with our Health, like the Pro-Vax/Anti-Vax, or be it the issues with Election Systems, and so on, Climate, we can keep going on…Education. The Elites always make every issue a Left or Right issue, and the fundamental issues never ever get resolved.
Political Alienation of a Precarious Generation Article
And this is a detriment to the majority of Working People. For example, this report that came out in Europe talks about how people in Europe, written by Mirna Jusic and she analyzed many, many countries across Europe. And she said that in looking at these countries, she said the youth in Europe are in a precarious situation, because they don’t really want to participate in politics.
They don’t believe in the Political System. Again, this was in Europe, and she did a pretty detailed analysis, where she said, “young people in Europe do not feel they’re adequately represented in national politics and at the same time, they report little political knowledge and interest in politics”. Basically, they’ve checked out.
And in a detailed analysis she looked at all of these countries, from Slovenia, all the way to Serbia and Kosovo and Albania and all these countries. And she finds out basically, the left graph here, that a very high percentage of people basically do not want to engage in politics at all.
And here the percentage of people that are interested in politics, very low. These graphs are very low. And here people don’t want to participate. They don’t believe in their governments and their systems, etc. That’s out of looking at most of the European countries.
Carnegie Endowment Report
This other report, the Carnegie Endowment, who I don’t really care for much, but they I mean, the data is there so we can look at their data. They said, “Should America be worried about political violence? And what can be done to prevent it?” And this came out again, a couple years ago. And this is very interesting what they say. They say, “America’s history of political violence spans our Civil War, decades of lynchings and the assassinations of the President, presidential candidate, and national community leaders in 1960s and 70s.”
You see they’re blaming the people. That’s what’s interesting about this sort of liberal elite organization. They do not want to understand the underlying issues. And then it says, “Thomas Carothers, and Andrew Donahue find in their new book that while most polarized countries are divided along just one or two dimensions, America has three fissures.” By the way, that’s not true. A place like India, many of the countries’ people can easily be divided.
“America has three fissures: ideological, ethnic and religious that overlap and augment one another.” Okay, now what I want to talk about the statement here, so they’re saying that America is being polarized, but what they are missing, because these guys are part of the Elites, is that the Elites can literally use religious differences, they can use ideological differences and ethnic differences, and draw a wedge and create the Left/Right narrative. And they do this.
Polarization: A Weapon of the Elites
Polarization, you may want to write this down, is a weapon of the Elites. Polarization is a Weapon of the Elites. I’ll give you an example. When I was growing up in India, my Mom would say that in India, you can be discriminated against or you can have fights like 10 different ways. By religion, by caste, by what part of the country you came from, by what language you spoke, and ideology, ethnic and religious and the color of your skin. Many, many ways.
But for 1000s of years people with all those differences lived in relative peace. When Colonialism came to India, they used these divisions to have this group fighting against this group. That’s how the British did “Divide and Rule”. This is an Imperialist Colonialist technique. We all have differences. We have millions of differences, genetic differences, all sorts of differences. But if you’re a clever politician or a deviously clever politician, you can use those differences to create groups and have people fighting against each other.
This Carnegie thing, yes, there is polarization. But what they don’t want to do is they don’t want to put the mirror at themselves and the Elites who have created this polarization, because the Elites need Polarization. Why? To distract from other issues, and we’re gonna get what those issues are. So that was in the Carnegie report that came out.
I went and looked up Thomas Carothers, and the other report, and this, again was written a couple of years ago, and it’s, “Divisive Politics and Democratic Dangers in Latin America.” So again, we’ve talked about Europe, where people are feeling polarized and they’re just exiting the Political System. We’ve talked about the Carnegie Endowment, acknowledging there’s a divisiveness in America, but just saying this, just putting the word violence on it. And then in Latin America, this analysis was done. And same here, and we’ll get to why this analysis was done.
And they talked about Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, and Peru, all of these countries, and I’m not going to get into all the details of it, but they do a detailed analysis of what’s going on. Bolivia, here and in Chile, etc. And that analysis is interesting because it shows even right in the other part of our own hemisphere in South America, there’s massive divisiveness going on and politicians exacerbate those divisiveness. The one that I want to really put your attention to that came up literally a couple of weeks ago is the following.
Our Precarious Democracy
This report came out and this report was not done by some just random organization fringe group. This was done by the University of Chicago, which is regarded as a very, very elite prestigious Institute. And they wrote a report called “Our Precarious Democracy.” And it was done by the Institute of Politics, University of Chicago, the Public Opinion Strategies Group and Benenson Strategy.
1 In 4 Believe May Have to Take Up Arms Against Government
And what this report said, and I wish more news had covered this, they just did a, some of them did a little blip, it says, “As independent day approaches, more than 1 in 4 Americans are so alienated from their government that they believe it may soon, “be necessary to take up arms” against it, according to a new poll released by the University of Chicago’s Institute of Politics.” So just read what I’m saying and I’m really gonna go into detail on this. It basically says that one in four Americans feel so alienated with their government, that they believe it may soon be necessary to take up arms. And I’m going to walk you through this report.
Majority Agree Government is Corrupt
Another part of the report says, “A majority of Americans agree that the government is ‘corrupt and rigged against everyday people like me’, including 73% of voters who describe themselves as ‘strong Republican’, 71%, who call themselves ‘very conservative’, and 68% of rural voters. A bare majority, (51%) of voters who call themselves ‘very liberal’, also agreed.” So, think about what I’m saying. “Even 51% who call themselves “very liberal” also agreed. “Overall two-thirds of Republicans and Independent voters agree”, that means over 66%, “overall agree that the government is corrupt and rigged against them, while Democrats are evenly split.”
Think about what this is saying. This is crossing party lines now. Across both parties, people believe the government doesn’t serve their interests. Republicans feel it a little more, but Democrats, even the Liberals, 51% feel the same way.
Continue with this report. And that says, “Nearly half of Americans (49%) agreed that they “‘More and more like, feel like a stranger in my own country”’ with 69%, again, Republicans and 65% of them who call themselves conservatives, but also 38% of strong Democrats agreed. Think about that. It’s not just a Republican thing. It’s across the board.
Let me continue. And this is what’s very interesting, “28% of voters, 28% of voters, including 37% who have guns,” that means not all of them, the other 63% don’t have guns in their homes, “agree that it may be necessary at some point soon for citizens to take up arms against the government”. “That view is held by one in three Republicans, including 45% self-identified strong Republicans. And roughly one in 3 (35%) Independent voters, and one in five Democrats agreed.”
Think about that. Even 20% of Democrats agree, among that group, that they may have to take up arms against the government. Let me show you the graphs here. The graphs are very interesting to review. Again, this is done by a very, very prestigious Establishment research group.
And as you see in this graph, it says, “At least 1/5 of voters agree across party lines that it may be necessary at some point soon, for citizens to take up arms against the government.” This group is a strong GOP, so of this percent, 20% were strong GOP as again, you can see in the strong GOP, 45% agree strongly, as you can see here, and 42% strongly disagree. But 45% of the strong GOP, 20% of that group agree. Then you go to the soft GOP: 28% Among the independents: 35%. Among the soft Democrats: 19% and the strong Democrats: 21%.
If you think about this, at least 21% of people across party lines agree that among those 1/5 that you may have to take up arms against your government. There you go. Now this graph is interesting. “More than 1/3 of voters with guns in their households also agree.” So again, these are the people with guns in their households: strongly agree, that’s 37%. And guns don’t have guns in their households know, even 25% of them agree. Good.
Here’s another interesting thing. This gets to the… so now we’ve talked about, they want to highlight the violence piece, but here they also identify the polarization. They talked about three quarters (73%) of voters, three-quarters identified themselves as Republicans and agreed that Democrats are generally bullies who want to impose their political beliefs on those who disagree. An almost identical percent of Democrats (74%) expresses that view of Republicans. A similarly lopsided majority of each party holds that other members of the other are generally untruthful and are pushing disinformation.” And you can see the graph right there.
If you look at that graph, what you see is here 73% of Republicans believe the Democrats bully them into believing stuff. And same with the Democrats. What you have is total divisiveness. This report also brings out that they have found that it is the media, the Fox News on one hand, and CNN, on the other hand, that has created this divisiveness. Well, who are these people that we’re talking about?
Working People on Left and Right Polluted with Disinformation
Well, most of these people are everyday Working People; people who get up, try to feed their families and try to work. Half of them have been put into the bucket of the Left-Wing Democrats. And by the way, the same thing shows up all over the world. And the other half are put into the Right Wing. So just think about what the findings are. That regardless of Left or Right, the people across both Left and Right, Working People have been polluted through disinformation.
And when I mean disinformation is whatever issue is taken up, be it the elections, be it free speech, be it the vaccines, and you go down the list, the Left and the Right take a Left position or Right position. And they never go down to the depths, they don’t take a Systems Approach to get to the Real Issue. That is what our Movement is about.
And it’s time that all of you who have not become Warrior-Scholars who have thought about it, at minimum, come to the Orientation tomorrow. You can understand I’ll play the, and there’s a little Orientation ticker you can see. You understand some people are asking how you get to the Orientation. At least you come there so you understand that there is a way out of this.
The Way Out of This
And that is Working People Uniting and us raising our consciousness by getting educated; getting educated on a Systems Approach. Otherwise, when you look at this graph here, this graph is essentially where we’re going to be; on the Left and Right and Working People fighting against each other. The question becomes, “Who does this profit? Who does this profit?” Let me ask everyone. “Who does it profit to have Working People fighting against each other?” Okay, and this is what we have to think about.
Elle Kay writes, “The Elite want Working People distracted and divided.”
Jill Jones says, “People must reject their labels, and don’t allow them to put them in their buckets.”
Yeah. Every issue that you see, every media hit that you see where it’s one Right-Wing guy attacking a Left-Wing guy or a Left-Wing guy attacking a Right-Wing guy. You have to recognize that by creating that polarization, they create their camps, and then they get money for their camps, some cause that they’re doing. But these camps never want to address the Real Issues and to go Beyond Left and Right.
Real Issues: Economic Issues
And what are those Real Issues? What are those Real Issues? Those Real Issues are Economic issues, and they’ve always been Economic issues. There were Economic issues in the 1900s when Working People all over the world rose up to start building these movements. And those movements in the 50s were crushed by the Right-Wing, labeling all of them Communists, and by the Left-Wing using that labeling to take over these Bottoms-up movements and make them Top-down movements, but through the unions, they controlled the unions.
Before they were definitely organic, non-GMO, non-genetically engineered; truly Bottoms-up Movements. And by the 70’s across the world, they had divided Working People; the unions were controlled by the Liberal and the Left Elites. And then the Right Elites would always attack the Unions to support the creation of monopolies, and therefore no movements have taken place. And that’s why we’re in this condition today, whereas productivity and GDP grows. Working People’s wages have stayed flat or gone down. And the suppression of Working People continues.
Noam Gidron, James Adams, Will Horne
Now one of the studies that I found, which is fascinating, and I’ll bring this up, done by Noam Gidron, James Adams, and Will Horne and says, “How Ideology, Economics and Institutions shape Affective Polarization in Democratic Politics.” It’s a very nice report, because what it does is it looks at all these countries, and it creates a score for polarization and uses that score…
Yeah, so Here’s Frank Licata. “Working stiff”, he says- Frank says, “It’s no different than sports such as the Boston Red Sox versus New York Yankees. Both sides say that the other side sucks. Coincidentally, one is red, and one is blue.” Yeah, thanks, Frank.
They always have some color, and they want the masses to be distracted. Now this report by Noam Gidron says that basically, first of all, it’s got a very nice graph here. It looks at the range of polarization. And the United States is right about here, okay? And there are other states which are even more polarized, but we’re pretty polarized. And there are states less polarized than us and others. The next thing he did was he looked at the Gini coefficient on this graph right here.
Polarization Rises with Income Inequality
And he maps the Gini Coefficient on the x axis and the polarization. As the Gini Coefficient increases, you see increased polarization. Well, what is the Gini Coefficient? Okay, if you haven’t studied it, the Gini Coefficient, I’ve talked about this before, the Gini Coefficient is a measure of Income Inequality. Let me repeat that. The Gini Coefficient is a measure of Income Inequality. As Income Inequality rises, as unemployment rises, guess what? Polarization rises, okay. Polarization rises as a function of Economic Inequities.
The Real Issue is Economic Inequities are taking place. And those in power want to distract you from that so they have you fighting against your brother and your sister, whether they be “Democrat or Republican”. That’s what’s actually going on. It’s really, really simple. But we have to get our heads out of you know what. And it’s so seductive to get caught into this, “oh, Trump is my man, Biden is an idiot,” right? “Or Biden is good, and Trump is evil.”
The Way Forward is Unite and Get Educated: Build a Movement
And both of the sides are created, as Frank just said, like a sports game, like WWE wrestling, to keep you distracted so you operate on the animal consciousness level, not at a human consciousness level, and see these things. Our movement is the only movement on the planet Earth, which is educating people Beyond Left and Right, educating People to Unite. And that is the way forward.
And we have organized the infrastructure. We’ve organized the courses. We’ve organized the community. It’s a movement, it’s the science, and it’s a community. And it’s really up to you to take advantage of this. Otherwise, you’re just going to be crying about the Left-Wing and the Right-Wing. We have to build this movement.
Now let me just remind you what Noam Gidron ends his report with is this. Look what he says. He goes, “If American unemployment levels”, he talks about the United States, “revert towards their historic”… Let me read the whole thing. “American unemployment levels are currently at a near 50 year low, yet effective polarization in the US appears to be at a postwar high. It remains moderate in comparative perspective. Yes, in other countries, it’s relatively moderate, but it remains at a postwar high. If American unemployment levels revert towards their historic norms, let alone levels associated with another recession, this development may further amplify inter-party hostility between Democrats and Republicans. While the future American civic life will turn on many unforeseeable developments, this consideration highlights the challenges we confront as we struggle to build a more civil society.”
US Polarization in US at Post War High
So just look at what he’s concluding, which I agree with. So yeah, “relatively” unemployment is at a 50-year low. But we’re at a very high polarization. And what he’s saying is, if unemployment increases, imagine what’s going to happen to the polarization. We’re fundamentally at a “low unemployment level”, relatively, but polarization is the highest it’s been through post war times.
What happens if the unemployment goes up, and this is why the Elites are so into completely distracting the American Working Class, so they can keep that polarization going. The Working People in this country will Not Unite because the Working People in the United States are the only working group in the world that has a First Amendment and the Second Amendment.
American Working Class has 1st and 2nd Amendment
And they want the American Working Class which could lead the world Working-Class.. Repeat that again. The American Working Class has a potential to lead the world Working Class, they want them the Second Amendment. So, they want them disunited, because they have remnants still of the First and the Second Amendment. So, they want them Disunited. They want to make this about violence. They don’t want to make this about the underlying issue.
Change Is Organized
Now let me remind everyone that what was going on? Does everyone remember what was going on before the 2020 “pandemic”? Does everyone remember what was going on?
And someone says this, “why is it so hard to do right by people? I don’t get it.” Well, nothing happens spontaneously. Remember this, change will never occur spontaneously. It is organized. We have to organize it. We have to build it. No one gives us anything. No one ever gave me anything. No one ever gave you anything unless you grew up with a silver spoon. We’ve always had to fight for it, work for it. But what was occurring before 2020?
Someone from Lafayette says, “hello, everybody from Lafayette, California, Mexico, Dr. Shiva, thank you for all your hard work and information”.
You’re welcome. The best way you can thank me is you have to raise your consciousness, educated. I’m great at making these videos; I enjoy doing them. It’s my public service. But the next level of service that you can do, in addition to learning all this stuff is you must become a Warrior-Scholar, you have to make that commitment. We’ve made the courses affordable to everyone.
I used to teach these courses at MIT and the biggest institutions for 10s of 1000s of dollars. We’ve made it for you, you get a Scholarship. And then once you learn and pass the course and become part of the community, you can give the course to young people aged 13 to 18 full Scholarship. But we want a commitment from you. But we have to build, we have to build a Movement.
Massive Protests Occurring Before Pandemic Nonsense
Here we go. The question was, what my question, Trevor Louise nailed it. Yeah, what was happening in 2019 before all this pandemic nonsense? Massive Protests. So let me point that out to you. If you just do a little bit of googling, protests that rocked the world in 2019.
There were Massive Protests. And I pointed this out many, many times in my earlier videos going across the world. There were Massive Protests across the globe. And we cannot forget those.. There were Massive Protests across the globe taking place. Let’s go to some of them. Let’s go here. Just want to make sure everything’s being shown here.
Massive Protests ALL OVER the Globe prior to 2020
If you look at these Massive Protests were taking place all over the globe. All over the globe. And I want to walk you through that because we tend to forget what was actually taking place all over the globe. All right, what was taking place? Well, let’s begin right here; in Bolivia, which they’re talking about polarization, there were Massive Protests prior to 2020.
People were out on the streets really upset with all the government corruption that was taking place, the Economic Crisis in Bolivia. Again, look at that. 10-11-2019 Before the “Pandemic”– Massive Protests. Look here in Iran. Again, people were protesting. This wasn’t about religion or anything. This is about Economics, massive fuel prices.
Again, people are also protesting in Sudan. Here we look in Haiti; anti-government protests gripped the nation: massive corruption, they wanted the existing government to resign. Again, Economics. Let’s go over here, Puerto Rico. How soon we forget: 10s of 1000s, hundreds of 1000s, there were millions of people eventually protesting to have the government resign; corruption and the economic conditions there.
Okay, Puerto Rico. Over here, France, right. A lot of people forgot France, all the things having to do with the economic crisis there. And what’s going on in France, you can see the anti- government protests, right? The original catalyst was the planned increased Hydrocarbon Tax introduced by the French government. Again, Economic reasons. This is why this was occurring.
Over here, Venezuela, same thing, Economic reasons against Maduro. Hong Kong; again the corruption of the Chinese Communist Party, millions of people took to the streets. Chile; let’s not forget Chile, right. Again, the issue with fare increases, the Economic conditions there. And you can see that people were really, really upset at what was going on. If you read this right here it says, “Meanwhile a UN report in 2017 found the richest 1% of the population earns 33% of the nation’s wealth making Chile the most unequal member of OECD.” And so there you go, all right.
Lebanon, massive protests. Why? “Instead of meeting its basic responsibilities towards the 1000s of people left homeless and impacted by the blast, that state seems to be on the attack.” Again, millions of people are protesting in Lebanon. So, there you go. We cannot forget the realities of what took place. Again, I’m not sure if you guys saw that, what I just shared. Because I wanted to share with you these photos, which I don’t think you guys were able to see because of the way the windows worked here. So let me take you back to this.
Protests: Bolivia Haití Puerto Rico France Chile Venezuela Hong Kong Lebanon
What I shared with you was, these were, this was an article that came out in The World about the protests at rocked 2019. Here you see Bolivia. Again, I want to show you these pictures because they’re real. That’s Bolivia, as I mentioned. There is Iran. Right? Again, all in 2019. Haiti, there is Puerto Rico, millions out on the streets, France, millions out on the streets. 10s of 1000s in Venezuela. Hong Kong; millions out on the streets. Chile; again, people fighting for the basic wages. Again, you can look at these groups, it’s massive. Lebanon; again, I want you to see these pictures again. And that’s what occurred in the world in 2019.
“Pandemic” to Suppress Movements
And suddenly, this pandemic comes, and we suppress all those movements. And so, what the Elites did, in my opinion, is they used the pandemic to regroup because they knew the economic conditions are horrible. They’ve created an environment where they’ve just, Obama printed $4.3 trillion, Trump printed $6.9 trillion, all that money, this is what’s called Modern Monetary Theory.
The idea is, “oh, we know Monopoly Capitalism, Imperialism is all effed up, so how do we save it? Well, we’re just going to print money.” Well, all that money didn’t even go to the masses for infrastructure. It went to the banks, and the banks invested in the stock market. And now they’re suffering because there’s no Real Economic basis to backup the stock market.
And then you have idiots like Elon Musk, right, out there talking about how he cares for free speech. And I’ll do a whole expose’ on him. He doesn’t really care about free speech. He talked about free speech because he wanted to sell more Tesla’s. He wanted to bring more Right-Wing people to buy Tesla’s. Teslas were mainly being bought by the Liberal Left.
The Government Colluding with Big Tech to Suppress Free Speech
And he got people to get interested in Teslas, but at the same time, he never wanted to discuss that the Government is the one that is in collusion with Big Tech. Why? Because his entire organization be it SpaceX, be it Tesla, be it his Solar Companies; they’re all built on government subsidies. He’s a complete bullshitter. I agree with Trump on that. But Trump is also a bullshitter.
The Solution: We Have To Build A Movement
What is the Solution? The Solution is we have to build a Bottoms-up Movement. We have to go Beyond Left and Right. Well, how do you Build a Movement? Well in order to build a movement, you need to raise your consciousness. You need to have the Tools. You need to have the Physics. You need to understand the Science. And you’re looking at someone who spent his entire life because of the background I came from growing up as a low caste untouchable, because of the Scientific Knowledge I got, because I have great respect for Working People coming from a Working-Class background. How do you do this?
Well, I got all that knowledge from an Engineering Systems Approach, researched this, and put together the Science. And I’ll come right back, but I want all of you to share with you what is that gift that we put together for all of you to raise your consciousness? It is the movement for Truth Freedom Health®. It is a Movement. It is a Scientific Framework, and it is a Community. It’s all those three things, and it is frankly a gift for you. I hope you take advantage of this and not just get into this world of Left and Right and bitching. There is a solution.
You have to Build a Movement. Let me play you a video that I’ll share with you, but I have some important points to make before we end. But I want you to understand that you have to become a Warrior-Scholar if you’re serious and this content, this knowledge, this Curricula has never existed before.
(Insert New Warrior Features Video)
What’s interesting is there’s a report, as we’re talking about, that just came out today in the New York Times it says that “Many voters want to upend the System”, which means people are so, and across both sides. The Democrats don’t like the Republicans, the Republicans don’t like the Democrats.
Someone says here, Frank Mumma says “Dr. Shiva, I agree with everything you’ve said. However, how do you achieve a viable solution on a national scale when our elections are compromised, and Big Money funds the Two-party System?”
Frank, great, great question. Phenomenal question. So Frank, this is why, I’m not sure if you’re a Warrior-Scholar, Frank, but you have to take the course. Because one of the things we discuss in the course is we go back, and we look at the history of politics. And we go back and show that any time significant changes ever occurred, it was when there was Bottoms-up Movement.
Nothing Comes Out of Electoral Politics
We’re not talking about people just taking guns and shooting people. We’re talking about a broad Bottoms-up Movement of Working People. And when those movements took place, they had nothing to do with Electoral Politics. Look, nothing ever comes out of Electoral Politics. Significant change does not come out of voting. Significant change does not come out of your stupid dumbass politicians.
Significant change comes out when Working People Organize, because there’s more of us than them. And we Organize because think about what happened in the labor movements of the 1900s; people boycotted, they struck. Between 1900 to 1970 in the United States there were close to 20,000 strikes. Close to 100 million people participated. And during that period working people’s wages increased. We had infrastructure, GDP grew, etc. And you can look at the same phenomenon throughout the world when gains were made in Anti-Colonial Movements. It was when people rose Bottoms-up.
However, starting in the 1970s, those Bottoms-up Movements were crushed by the Left and Right working together. The Right-Wing branded all of them as Communists and Marxists as a way to label people. And therefore, the Left-Wing took over those Bottoms-up Movements, and made them Top-down corrupt Union movements.
The Elite Do Not Want to Solve Problems
And that’s how the Left and the Right work together. All they do is they take issues, Lefty version of it or Righty version of it, and everyone fights. They do not want to solve problems because they’re two heads of the same Snake. The only way, Frank, is to build a Bottoms-up Movement. So that’s why I emphasize this too. Any other questions?
Someone said “journalists who are reporting the truth for the freedom rallies are arrested and some in prison, it looks like Communism happening.”
The Right Word is Fascism
Well, let’s use the right word. Let’s use the word Fascism. It’s called Fascism. And the reality is Fascism is done by the governments, all governments in collusion with Big Tech. That is what our Historic Lawsuit did. If you guys want me to review our lawsuit, I will do that again. But we have to, again, raise our level of consciousness, because it is not, it’s Fascist. It’s actually Fascist. That’s the right terminology when a small set of people impose their will on the masses of people.
Someone said, “Most of us have far more trust with working people.” Exactly.
One of the things we’ll do is, these are long videos, our video team will chop them up into smaller clips so you can also make them more consumable. But we do it LIVE. And again, all of this is brought to you because of your contributions.
The Path Forward is Workers Uniting for Truth Freedom Health®
Again I want to point out before I close, We Need to Build this Bottoms-up Movement. We’ve created the Infrastructure as the video said. We’ve created the Community tools. But it’s really up to you. You can sign up for the course. Others of you, you can also just contribute to the Movement if you don’t want to sign up for the course. And we have many people who have done that. They just contribute–fine. It helps us run our Infrastructure, educate other people, give away scholarships to people. And how do you do that?
Be and Philanthropist Give Away Scholarships to Youth
Well, you can literally go. Let me share the screen, you can go right here. Yeah, so you can go to, and you can, by the way, I never like taking anything for nothing. If you contribute, let’s say $100 or more, you get all of these gifts; you get the e-book, you get the entire course, you get everything, about 15 different gifts.
If you contribute $25 to $100 bucks, you get a whole bunch of other gifts – access to Your Body, Your System®, etc. You can even just contribute $1 if you don’t want any of the gifts, but you just want to support this Movement. But that’s what we want to do. We want to engage all of you either to support our movement, contribute to it, take the course because you contribute you get the course anyway. But bottom line, we need to raise people’s consciousness.
The Power of a Systems Approach
That’s really the Call to Action. “Let’s build a movement for Truth Freedom Health®.” Anyway, as you notice, I do the same Systems Approach, which is what we educate people on. We do the same Systems Approach, whether we’re applying it to understand the Political System, or whether we’re using it to understand the difference between raw almonds and sprouted almonds. It’s the same thing. And before I close, let me just emphasize that I expect hopefully to see a lot of you Join our Movement. Be part of….
You can go to the Orientation, sign up for it at: Let me see if someone has a comment up here so I can put it up. I think someone posted it here that I can find for you. I hope all of you come to the Orientation. We can connect. We can talk more or go to and sign up for the program and be part of the movement. It is a way out.
Thank you everyone. Have a good night. And I look forward to seeing you tomorrow. Again,, or You have a bunch of different options, depending on where you’re at, and how you want to support yourself.

It’s time we move beyond the Left vs. Right, Republican vs. Democrat. It’s time YOU learn how to apply a systems approach to get the Truth Freedom Health you need and deserve. Become a Truth Freedom Health® Warrior.
Join the VASHIVA community – an integrated EDUCATIONAL, COMMUNICATIONS – independent of Big Tech -, and LOCAL ACTIVISM platform to empower YOU to actualize Truth Freedom Health in your local communities by employing a SYSTEMS APPROACH.
The platform we are building for Truth Freedom Health® provides the infrastructure to take on Big Tech, Big Pharma, and Big Academia. Many of you have asked how you can help. You can contribute whatever you can. Based on your level of commitment to get educated, I have also created some wonderful educational gifts to thank you for your contribution.
To get the education you need and deserve, join Dr.SHIVA on his Foundations of Systems course. This course will provide you three pillars of knowledge with the Foundation of Systems Thinking. The three pillars include: 1) The System Dynamics of Truth Freedom Health, 2) The Power of a Bottom’s Up Movement, and 3) The Not So Obvious Establishment. In this course, you will also learn fundamental principles of all systems including your body.
Course registration includes access to his LIVE Monday training, access to the Your Body, Your System tool, four (4) eBooks including the bestselling System and Revolution, access to the Systems Health portal and communications tools – independent of Big Tech – including a forum and social media for you to build community with other Truth Freedom Health Warriors.
This course is available online for you to study at your own pace.
It’s time to Get Educated, or Be Enslaved.