In this discussion, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email and #TruthFreedomHealth Warrior-Scholars have a SYSTEMS discussion on What is “News?” The purpose of this is to ask questions on the modern state of news and reporting.
The original research in this video is made possible by generous contributions from supporters of the Dr.SHIVA Truth Freedom Health® movement. Please contribute so we may continue to bring you such original research, valuable education, and innovative solutions.
- The public is sold a perception that “News” is supposed to be unbiased facts and information, where journalism is done as a noble service for the sake of keeping the public informed.
- The truth is that “News” is a manufactured product that is packaged and sold like any product on the store shelf.
- Corporate journalists are in fact sales people whose profession is to manufacture and sell narratives as a News product.
- The best source of news is the eye-witness reporting of working people sharing stories and information of events that are happening directly around them.
- New infrastructure is needed, outside of corporate control, to facilitate the impartial sharing of news and information through citizen journalism.
The public is sold a perception that “News” is supposed to be unbiased facts and information, where journalism is done as a noble service for the sake of keeping the public informed.
What is your idea of news? Putting aside the etymology of news that is a plural form of new things and as the acronym of north, east, west, and south. Majority of participants expressed dissatisfaction with what is being presented as news and what news should be.
Most participants find today’s news difficult. News is a controlled narrative they’re pitching one way to allude away from the truth in another area. A huge distraction, a form of indoctrination with a controlled narrative.
Mainstream propaganda, a reality show, garbage, today’s journalism is not based on facts and is money motivated.
The truth is that “News” is a manufactured product that is packaged and sold like any product on the store shelf.
News should share real information of value that helps the public in decision making. Newsworthy information should provide updates of public concerns such as worldwide protests, inflation and the energy crisis.
How about the Maxwell trial instead of the Johnny Depp trial? The question arises who controls the flow of information and what happens when untruthful information is substituted for truthful information.
What is presented today as news requires effort researching primary sources, comparing sources and critical analysis to determine the facts.
Corporate journalists are in fact sales people whose profession is to manufacture and sell narratives as a News product.
Competing mainstream organizations like CNN and Fox on opposite sides of each other, one takes pro the other anti and makes for theater, a WWE (world wrestling event), and entertainment.
Fox and Rachel Maddox identify as entertainment/satire, thus protecting themselves from defamation because they express “opinions.”
The best source of news is the eye-witness reporting of working people sharing stories and information of events that are happening directly around them.
When the Founding Fathers created the United States, they had a definition of the press. They said freedom of the press, does anyone know what they meant by that? Freedom of the printing press.
Basically the goal was everyone was supposed to be the press. And everyone is supposed to have the ability to write and distribute.
And this is something that’s been forgotten, the United States Postal Service was created to enable every individual to be the press.
People have forgotten what the US Postal Service was. It was one of the foundations of the Constitution; that was really the power behind the First Amendment.
So, everyone here was supposed to be able to write something. And everyone for pennies could distribute through the Postal Service. And everyone was supposed to be the press.
It wasn’t the New York Times or CNN, but it was every one of us was supposed to be able to be the press. The Postal Service was really the internet of the time.
And they set up a police force to make sure that if I sent all of you guys a newsletter in the mail, and anyone who opened it interfered, 22 years in prison. So, the Postal Service was an amazing institution.
New infrastructure is needed, outside of corporate control, to facilitate the impartial sharing of news and information through citizen journalism.
The goal of the internet in Dr.Shiva’s view, was to be an extension of the Postal Service. Where all of us could be the press. And when I wrote Arts and the Internet, back in 1993, this was about every one of us being the press.
That was the hope of the internet. And each one of us would build their own little websites. And we would build the internet.
What ended up happening was Twitter, Google, and Facebook came, and they actually became the private postal service. So, we all go there and we post our little stuff.
But when Dr. Shiva said the ballot image was deleted in Massachusett, which is an absolute fact, we were thrown off Twitter, by the government contacting Twitter.
*Since this video Dr.Shiva has now created a website for news bottoms-up by Truth Freedom Health® Warriors-Scholars. You can find it at

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