In this discussion, Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, discusses WHAT IS A “Revolution,” and provides clear evidence that the Elites know one is coming and they ARE FULLY PREPARED. Dr. SHIVA asks Working People if THEY are prepared, and provides a path forward on what is to be done.
The original research in this video is made possible by generous contributions from supporters of the Dr.SHIVA Truth Freedom Health® movement. Please contribute so we may continue to bring you such original research, valuable education, and innovative solutions.
- A Major Revolution and Economic Collapse is coming
- All Systems go through a Cycle
- A Well-Organized Distraction is occurring
- There are Major Developments that have taken place in the last 24-72 Hours:
- The Elites Need a War Right Now
- The Elites have created a World of Extreme Left and Right to create Conditions for Civil War
- A Revolution is a Phase Transition
- We’re Living in a Very Important Historical Period
A Major Revolution and Economic Collapse is coming
This talk is about What IS a Revolution because the Elites are FULLY prepared for one and they know that you’re completely unprepared. In the United States since the 1900’s, whenever there’s been a major economic crisis there was a major stock market crash.
The Elites are about to do a massive reset and enslave more working people because their system of monopoly capitalism has reached its end.
This is why they keep printing money. This is why they’re trying all sorts of things: monkeypox, pandemic. “Let me try this. Let me try that.”
They might even try a couple of nuclear bombs here and there, because they need to reset. The only way out of this is raising people’s consciousness. Getting educated.
All Systems go through a Cycle
All Systems: economic systems, your physical system, a building goes through a cycle. The elites know that this major cycle of economic collapse is about to take place.
Ray Dalio, a multi-billionaire hedge fund manager, was giving advice toan Elite, Tony Robbins, about what’s going to take place. He explained that the Elites go through a cycle and the cycle is; rise, then peak, and then decline.
HIs graph shows this cycle: large debts, weak leadership, civil war and revolution. That is the final stage. And we’re at around point 18, the last stage. The elites know this is coming.
A Well-Organized Distraction is Occurring
People across the world are being distracted by sports athletes and stupid celebrities. This is a very well organized effort by those in power so you’re unprepared for what’s coming.
If we look right now at what is trending on Google there’s Kim Kardashian, Taylor Swift, Nicki Minaj, Angelina Jolie’s daughter and Deshaun Watson, who I think sexually harassed someone.
Also Frankie Montas, New York Yankees starter and in India, stupid cricket is trending. You can see what people are focused on.
There are Major Developments that have taken place in the last 24-72 Hours
Right now you have Serbia and Kosovo about to do a major war. You have Turkey and Greece about to do a major war.
You have Ukraine and Russia escalating. Russia is just destroying Ukraine. NATO wants to go into Russia to start a major world war.
You have Nancy Pelosi and the Elites poking China. This is what’s actually going on.
But this is not discussed in mainstream media and you’re not focused on it. Why is all of this taking place?
The Elites Need a War Right Now
The Elites know the only way out of this is to do a massive reset. They tried it with the pandemic, it sort of worked. But a good world war will really help them significantly. In fact, even blowing up certain cities will help.
The major wealth centers of the elite, New York, California, Britain, London, these are where the elites have all their money in their banking. Remember, all the banks got free money printed to them from the central banks.
They’ve been taking that money, but didn’t distribute it down to working people. And whatever they did really didn’t help. They put it into the stock market, which they propped up.
So it’s all built on a deck of cards, and the Elites know it’s going to crash. One way out of this is to start a big war.
The Elites have created a World of Extreme Left and Right to create Conditions for Civil War
The other thing is you insure, in every country, the extremes of the Left and Right start fighting against each other. The US is poised for that.
The poll that came out from the University of Chicago, shows you literally have 75% of “Democrats” hating “Republicans” and 35% of Republicans hating Democrats and 25% of Americans now want to take up arms on both sides.
That’s the framework for civil war. It’s not happenstance, it’s by design. The Elites do not want the slogan “Beyond Left and Right.”
They want the slogan Left vs Right. They want you to be in the Donald Trump camp or the Biden camp. Trump may be a nice guy but he basically created the conditions for Biden.
He had four years to fire Fauci. He didn’t. He had four years to insure that working people’s wages were taken care of. He didn’t.
He had four years to hire good people around him. He didn’t. He was a tool of the Elites. And he executed flawlessly for them. He saved Big Pharma.
Trump insured lockdowns took place. And Biden continues what Trump, Obama, Clinton’s; they’re all one big puppetry for those in power.
A Revolution is a Phase Transition
What IS a phase transition is an important concept. In systems theory, it often refers to the transformation of matter from one form to another, as when solid ice transforms to liquid water, and eventually to gaseous steam.
Phase transitions also occur in other areasin the history of our species, and even in the lives of individual human beings.
The process is a combination of gradual, incremental change culminating in a sudden and distinct transformation.
A revolution is when you have enough states of enough people moving in a state of consciousness, that very rapidly, you have a phase transition. And the Elites do not want that phase transition to take place.
In the 1920s we had an opportunity to have a revolution of working people rising up; a phase transition. But it didn’t occur because people didn’t know the science of building a movement.
They started these movements but the movements were hijacked by the extremes of the Left and Right, the Not-So-Obvious-Establishment. The Not-So-Obvious-Establishment works with the Establishment to make sure a Bottoms-up movement does not take place.
When a phase transition occurs, you have this new order which comes into being. But the order the Elites want is probably less people on the planet, civil unrest.
They want Left and Right killing each other, working people fighting against each other, and they will reset things.
That resetting may look like this. I’m not a predictor but it may be that you have a couple of wars, you may have a couple of nukes, take out some of the major cities.
But then they’ll go to the banks and say, “Look, we want you to forgive us all the loans.”
We’re Living in a Very Important Historical Period
Right now we’re living in a very, very important historical period in world history. And the question is, what are you going to do?
I’ve dedicated myself to learning as much as I could about how these systems operate, and organizing it into a curriculum, building infrastructure for all of you to learn.
Most working people don’t have the opportunity to learn what the elites know. And we’ve created a community. That is what Truth Freedom Health® is.
That’s why I keep pounding away that we have to build a movement, not some bogus movement. MAGA is not a movement.
We need a real movement where working people unite, beyond Left and Right, for Truth, Freedom and Health. It requires you to raise your consciousness and when enough people do that, then you have a revolution.
Revolution does not need to be bloody because enough working people will know at the local level what to do and will not be manipulated.
Over the last many, many years, we’ve put together that infrastructure for all of you. Now it’s up to you whether you want to use this infrastructure. There is a science to building a movement.
If enough people raise their consciousness, that’s called a movement, and we will have enlightenment. And we will prevent war. We will prevent this division among Left and Right. That’s what is the order of the day.
But this is really about you. What will you do? Will you watch this video and then go back to watching crap?
If you want to get out of your desperation and be part of a movement, this will inspire you so you can start thinking: understanding How to Think Not What to Think.
Your duty as a working person today, your historic duty is to learn the Science of Systems. Your historic duty is to build a movement.
Your historic duty is to connect with other human beings and build community Beyond Left and Right.
I hope you take advantage of this. Go to and become part of this movement. That is what the world needs right now.
And I hope we seize this opportunity to build a movement that we all deserve, that your children deserve, that your children’s children deserve. That’s what this is about.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai 0:19
Good evening, everyone.
It’s Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, we’re going to wait for people to join.
Today’s talk is going to be an interesting one. And hopefully, it’ll help all of you understand, What is a Revolution? We use that word a lot, but what is it? And we want to engage people to understand that the elites are fully prepared for one.
And the question is, are you and that’s we’re going to talk about, I’m going to share with you some of the important events that are taking place, particularly in the last 24 hours to the last 72 hours. And also share with you how people across the world are being distracted.
And how all of this is a very well-organized effort of those in power to distract Working People. So, they don’t actually look at what’s occurring in front of them, making sure they’re completely unprepared.
And making sure people are putting their attention on the circus that’s taking place with sports athletes, or with stupid celebrities. And meanwhile, there are major developments taking place that the elites are fully prepared for.
And also, one of the biggest things that’s happening is that the elites have created a world of Left versus Right, extreme Left versus extreme Left, right, to create the conditions for Civil War in a number of countries. And for that matter, to create the conditions of war, because in the situation, right now, the elites need a war.
And you’ll understand why shortly.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai 1:49
Before I start, I want to invite everyone to today’s event, it is “What IS A Revolution, The Elites Are FULLY Prepared”, those of you are interested in more, you can go to
So, you can learn about all the different things that our movements doing. And if you go to, you’ll have or, you’ll get a full understanding of the infrastructure, the science, the community that we put together, to prepare Working People to be ready to essentially empower themselves to take care of themselves, physically, take care of their communities, and take care of the world.
But nothing just happens on its own people have to be prepared and we’re going to talk about that.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai 2:36
So, so let’s talk a little bit about what’s going on right now. And I’ll come back to the movement.
And I’ll but I’m going to be reading a chapter from this book, called the “System and Revolution”. I wrote this when I was traveling many years ago in Europe, and it’s called the System and Revolution.
And it took me probably about 30, 40 years to write this book. But in 100 pages, you’ll learn “What is a System” and “What is a Revolution”, the word is used a lot.
But you’re going to learn in today’s talk, What is a Revolution, you’re going to undeniably know that the elites are fully prepared for a Revolution. And they know that you’re completely unprepared.
And so, they’re in a very, very strong position right now. And it’s important that people actually do get prepared.
Otherwise, it’s not going to be a pleasant day for everyday Working People, because you’re going to be caught without knowing what to do. Okay.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai 3:34
So, my hope is that this talk will inspire people to understand, “What IS the Revolution? What is actually going on?”
And I’m going to share with you a very interesting video done by a billionaire, who is an advisor, who is an Elite himself, but he’s an advisor. And you’ll see that they actually know that there’s this long cycle that’s taking place.
So, let’s begin with some fundamentals. Okay.
One of the fundamentals to understand is that over the last 100 years, whenever there’s been a major economic crisis going back in the United States in the 1900s, and then subsequently, in 1929, October 1929, there was a major stock market crash, when that crash took place. Up until that point, the notion was that Free-Market Capitalism would just take care of itself. Okay, that was idea.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai 4:31
Well, what those in power did not educate or they knew this that capitalism is not something that’s fixed in time. Okay, what do I mean by that?
So, if you take you can compare the analogy to a human being a human being is born, you know, as an infant, they go through childhood, then they go through adolescence, then they become a young An adult, you know, middle age, senior citizen, and they pass on right? So, there’s a cycle to this.
All Systems, Economic Systems, you can look at your, your Physical System. This building that I’m in here, everything goes through a cycle, okay, of birth, some level of preservation and then decay, okay.
And some people believe it goes on. So, if you look at feudalism, before what existed before capitalism, that also went through a cycle.
At one point, it was great to have monarchies and kings, they protected villages. And then they became massive.
And then they went through their decay like the Empires.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai 5:41
And then capitalism came as an amazing force, which unleashed innovation and entrepreneurialism. But one of the key things about Capitalism is the necessity to maximize profit, which is the DNA of Capitalism.
The maximization of profit ultimately leads to a few people owning certain industries.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai 6:09
Hey, John, can you turn that off? Can you tell John?
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai 6:14
Yeah. So that’s what happens in many of these systems. So over time, you get the concept of monopolies being created.
And you have this cyclical nature where those monopolies in any industry will own certain sectors, and they’ll actually do overproduction. They’ll lay off lots and lots of people unemployment.
And in fact, there’s lots of goods, and there’s not enough people to buy them. So, you have these mini crashes, and you have these big crashes.
Anyway, we can go into the details of this one in 1920s, when this crash took place, the capitalist elites realize, Oh, my God, we can’t really have, you know, this Free Market Capitalism, you need government intervention. And that was a concept of Keynesians, Keynesianism, John Keynes.
And the government intervened. And what did they actually do? The government intervention actually resulted in propping up this monopoly capitalism for another cycle.
But during the 1920s, what you don’t learn that much about in history books, is there was a Revolution brewing. And that Revolution was people were rising up, Bottoms-up all over the world, Working People were getting organized, and they were rising up all over the world.
Because why were they rising up? They were rising up because the maximization of profit and that Monopoly Capitalism always resulted in the subjugation of Working People, someone had to pay the price for maximization of profit. Well, it was everyday Working People, right? Because you go back to the 20s, they had child labor, we didn’t have infrastructure, people were living in filled factories were a horrible place to work and so on.
Okay. So, people rose up.
And that rot. And they were these were independent people rising up all over the world, India, Russia, United States, Workers movements, Women’s movements.
And those people demanded Basic Rights. And it was that rising up, that forced the elites to make certain concessions.
So, they wouldn’t lose it, meaning lose it, meaning lose their power. So, they gave people certain concessions.
And they propped up their System, which is essentially built on a deck of cards. Okay.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai 8:44
So, the way it happened in the United States, which we teach in our course, and I’m giving you some little bit of sort of the summary of it, is that the Left-Wing and the Right-Wing colluded against Working People.
Let me repeat that again. The Left-Wing and the Right-Wing, colluded against Working people, the extremes of the Left and the Right.
The extremes of the right wing like McCarthyism, colluded to say that when Working People rise up, that’s Communist, that’s Marxist, they labeled it that those people must be thrown in jail. They’re, you know, against the government.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai 9:26
That was the 1950s McCarthyism that and they had a backroom deal with the left which said okay, we’re with the Left when I mean the Left, I mean mob bosses and Mafia people literally, which took over Unions.
Top-down. So, one thug attacked the Working People by calling them Socialists and Marxists, the other thug element on the far Left, took over these top-down these Bottoms-up Unions And they made sure Working People’s movements was completely controlled the Kennedys, the Hoffas the people like Bernie Sanders, the people like Elizabeth Warren, and on the Right-Wing, they had people calling anyone who tried to rise up Socialist Marxist.
You saw it in the last campaign. Trump called everyone Socialist, Marxist, right.
And the Left-Wing called them Fascists, okay, so they have this far Left, far Right-Wing Civil War, which the elites want. That’s what you got to understand.
You can’t be stupid about this anymore, because there’s a major Revolution coming, and the elites know it as big as the 1920s. And you can write this down. Okay.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai 10:45
But this time, you have an opportunity to be prepared. Why? Because our movement exists.
The movement for Truth Freedom Health® exists. And if you have the where with all to not be lazy to stop watching the crap.
You will be prepared. And when I mean the crap, let me just show you what’s going on.
It was a quick aside here. If we look right now, at what is trending on Google.
Okay. Let me show you this.
All right. This should embarrass some people.
But I just looked at what is trending on Google today. Okay.
What the hell is trending on Google? What are people’s minds focused on?
Well, if you go here, I looked at what people are focused on. Okay, well, Kim Kardashian, Taylor Swift, okay that’s one thing, but today, people are focused on Deshaun Watson, this guy, I think he sexually harassed someone he’s a quarterback.
And you can see what people are focused on. These are 500,000 searches on Google on Cleveland Browns quarterback Deshaun Watson suspended six games for some sexual harassment.
Frankie Montas, New York Yankees starter, you know, acquired, you know, from the Oakland Athletics. Okay.
And you can see what people are focused on sports, sports, sports, Angelina Jolie’s daughter going to some college. This is so fucked up.
Okay. Excuse my language.
This is what people are focused on. And this is Nicki Minaj.
Okay. In India, people are focused on stupid cricket.
Okay, which is an Imperialist, Colonialist sport.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai 12:22
Okay. So, the elites have people every day, you can look at what’s focused on.
Okay. Meanwhile, what’s going on right now is you have Serbia and Kosovo about to do a major war.
You have Turkey and Greece about to do a major war. You have the United States, actually, Ukraine and Russia is escalating.
Russia is just destroying Ukraine. And the NATO, NATO wants to go into Russia to start a major world war.
And you have Nancy Pelosi and the elites poking China. This is what’s actually going on.
But this is not discussed in mainstream media. You’re not focused on it.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai 13:05
And why is all of this taking place? Why? Because the elites know that this major cycle of economic collapse is about to take place.
And let me show you the evidence for that. Well, there’s a guy called Ray Dalio, who is a multi-billionaire Hedge Fund Manager.
And just two days ago, there’s another big sort of doofus guy called Tony Robbins, you know, who runs very expensive seminars, you know, being a Life Coach, you know, and he was getting advice from Ray Dalio and Ray Dalio is telling him look what’s going to take place. So let me share with you that okay, this is what Ray Dalio is being advised on.
I mean, Anthony Robbins is being advised on what’s gonna go on. So let me share with you this okay, here’s a video that I’m going to play for you right now.
Make sure that I can share this properly.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai 14:03
Chrome tab, I gotta make sure Yeah, so here we go. So just listen to the couple of seconds of this video.
Here’s Ray Dalio on the Tony Robbins podcast. This guy’s an elite himself.
And what you see here, he is describing what I’ve been sharing with you guys for the last three, four years about there’s a cycle, here was the original order in the 1920s. And the elites go through a cycle and the cycle is ever rise, then they peak, and then they decline, and you have a new economic order.
And here’s him advising Tony Robbins, because people are freaked out. The Elites are freaked out, but he’s telling them how to get prepared.
So let me play for this for you.
Ray Dalio 14:41
Japan or other countries, destroyed after the war and there are no other competitors, then it’s a dominant position but over with time, others learned and beginning to build up like China particularly has increased its Per Capita income and its competitiveness and so China is a competitor with the United States, but all through that time, it was just the British were competitors with the Dutch. And so on.
So, we see that pattern happen over and over as that power gap narrows, then conflicts about how things should go increase. And internally there is conflict over wealth and wealth gaps.
And then there’s a higher level of indebtedness, which makes for a worse set of circumstances. And that combination of circumstances leads to more conflict.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai 15:32
So let me explain this. So, what Dalio is what we teach in our course, is probably I think he’s been probably taking our course and listening to it.
But He is advising an Elite, like Tony Robbins, to basically tell him look, there’s a cycle here was right here was the 1920s. When things crash for the elites, so they started coming back up after World War Two, the US global elites have peaked. And now we’re in this decline, because during this period, we have just printed money like crazy.
So, all the banks globally, in all the countries that have reserve currencies have just printed money. So that means the elites to keep their deck of cars operating, you know, crash once the 1929 government intervened, in 2008, government intervened again, with Obama, they printed about $9, 6 trillion, Obama in one term printed 4.2, another term five.
Trump printed $6, 9 trillion in one term. And I think Biden is printed close to a little bit over 2 trillion right now.
All of this stuff is not being talked about. People are watching Nicki Minaj.
And people are wondering why, who the fuck cares, what Angelina Jolie’s daughter what school she’s going to. But this is what they have Working People focused on.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai 16:56
Meanwhile, the elites know that this phenomenon is occurring, that there’s going to be a major phase transition, that there is going to be conflict, there is going to be war.
And you can look at it in this graph. It’s, it’s in black and white guys, everyone look at this, okay.
Large debts. Okay, weak Leadership, Civil War and Revolution.
That is the final stage. And we’re right about here in point 18.
The elites know this is coming. And the elites know that the only way out of this is to do a massive reset.
You see, they tried it with the pandemic, it sort of worked. But a good for them a good World War will really help them significantly, in fact, even blowing up certain cities will help.
Let me explain why I say that. The major wealth centers of the elite, New York, right, you know, California, all these centers, Britain, London, these are where the elites have all their money in their banking.
Remember, all the banks got free money printed to them from the central banks, they’ve been taking that money, they didn’t distribute it down to Working People. And whatever they did really didn’t help they put it into the stock market, which they propped up.
So, the whole thing is built on a deck of cards, and they know it’s gonna crash. Well, one way out of this is you start a big war.
The other thing is you insure and listen very carefully, you insure in every country, the left, the extremes of the left, and the extremes of the right start fighting against each other. And the US is poised for that.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai 18:37
The poll that I shared for you that came out with the University of Chicago, you literally have 75% of quote unquote, Democrats, hating Republicans and 75% of Republicans hating Democrats, and 25% of Americans now want to take up arms on both sides.
That’s like the framework for Civil War. This is not happenstance; this is by design.
And there is no more beyond Left and Right. The elites do not want the slogan “Beyond Left and Right”.
They want the slogan Left versus Right. They want each one of you to be in the Left or the Right in the Donald Trump camp or the Biden camp.
And by the way, let me remind everyone, even though I supported Trump, but I had to expose him. I liked the guy, but I expose him.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai 19:28
He basically, during his four years, he created the conditions for Biden.
So don’t give Trump any credit. Don’t think he’s some great guy.
He had four years to fire Fauci. He didn’t.
He had four years to ensure that Working People’s wages were taking care of he didn’t. He had four years to hire good people around him.
He didn’t. So don’t say he had just bad people.
He was a tool of the elites. And he executed flawlessly for them.
He saved Big Pharma. He ensured lockdowns took place.
And Biden continues that Biden, Trump, Obama, Clinton’s, they’re all one big puppetry for those in power.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai 20:10
So, what we’re seeing is there’s a cycle. And that cycle, per this graph I just shared with you.
In the 1920s, it began, we had an opportunity in the 20s, to have what I call a Revolution of Working People rising up a phase transition. But it didn’t occur because people didn’t know the science of building a movement.
So, they started these movements. And the movements were hijacked by the extreme Left and the Right, particularly what I call the Not So Obvious Establishment.
And the Not So Obvious Establishment works with the establishment to make sure a Bottoms-up movement does not take place. And that is why we created this movement for Truth, Freedom and Health, the movement for Truth, Freedom and Health is here to educate you about the System Science of how to build a movement, because without that knowledge, we’re going to basically be suckered once again.
And this time, it’s going to be worse than what occurred in the 1900s.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai 21:08
Okay. And so, my intention, over the last 50 years of my life has been to understand the dynamics and educate all of you.
So, part of what I’m going to do is in the book System and Revolution, there is a Chapter in here called Chapter Four, because as I promised, What is a Revolution, okay, and you’re gonna learn it from a science standpoint, okay. And it’s called Phase Transition.
So, a Revolution is what I call a Phase Transition. And let me read you this chapter.
For those of you want to listen, Phase Transition is an important concept in Systems Theory, this why all of you need to learn System Science, and I’ve made it so anyone can learn it, you can be a PhD, you can be a custodial worker, you can be a hairdresser, you can be an aesthetician, you can be a mom, you can be a single parent, anything.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai 21:58
It took me 50 years to take all of this knowledge that the elites learn and to congeal it into a curriculum that all of you can learn. Because without the knowledge of systems theory, you’re gonna be flailing around, and you’re gonna get abused and used, because that’s where the elites want.
So, what is a phase transition is an important concept. In Systems Theory, it often refers to the transformation of matter from one form to another, as when he transformed solid ice to liquid water, and eventually to gaseous steam.
It’s of course also true that phase transitions also occur in other areas, in the history of our species, and even in the lives of individual human beings. You undergo phase transitions, right? It could be you break up with someone and it transforms you mentally, right?
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai 22:41
Or you go through a personal health experience right. In order to understand the role of phase transitions in human experience, it’s helpful to first examine how those transitions take place in the physical world.
So, let’s take a physical example. Okay, water coming to a boil is an often used is often used as an example, like many other phase transition, that process is a combination of gradual, incremental change culminating in a sudden and distinct transformation.
At our north, at or near sea level Water boils at if you remember, in Fahrenheit 212 degrees Fahrenheit. If you watch a pot of water being heated on a stove, there will be relatively long periods of time in which nothing seems to be happening, then a few bubbles will form at the top of the pot, and not long afterwards, the water will suddenly transition into full boil.
The arc of the phase transition seems to be slow than slightly faster than almost abruptly when the required temperatures are reached in this case, 212 degrees Fahrenheit, suddenly, the water is no longer starting to boil, it is actually boiling.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai 23:45
Okay. historical change seems to happen in much the same way, dating back to the ancient Greeks.
There were philosophers and early scientists who taught that the Earth revolved around the sun. Okay, the Indian Astronomer, Aryabhata propose much the same thing in the fifth century AD.
But the idea of heliocentrism did not really come to a boil. Everyone thought remember, the Sun went around the Earth.
In the in the western world until Nicholas Copernicus wrote De Revolutionibus in the 16th century heliocentrism was by no means immediately accepted. But considering how long the concept had actually been around, acceptance did happen quite rapidly See, so the concept of heliocentrism dated back all the way to the fifth century AD, but it didn’t come to a complete boil until Copernicus wrote that, but the idea was simmering you see.
But there is a supremely important difference between these two-phase transitions. Water coming to a boil is purely a physical process, water coming to boil, but the Copernican transition was a change in consciousness.
And that’s what we’re talking about here.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai 24:55
The issue is: Are Working People ready to make a change in consciousness? And that is when a Revolution takes place for your benefit. The elites are already ready for this Revolution.
They have bunkers built; they know where to hide their money. They want to start a civil war; they want to start a world war.
And with civil war, what they will do is make sure martial laws imposed and Working People on both sides Left and Right, just kill each other and annihilate each other. And they would like that, okay.
Okay, so water. So, the earth did not start going around the sun when Copernicus said it did.
In fact, nothing has changed on the physical level. Instead, there was a change in people’s thinking about physical reality that opened the door to enormous transformation in politics, religion and science.
Initially, this manifested as chaos, there was persecutions and executions by the Roman Catholic Church, right? When people said, wait a minute, the Sun, the Earth goes around the Sun, that was chaotic. For many people, there is an immense power struggle between the religious establishment and the rising influence of science, which he established and rightly saw as a fundamental threat.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai 26:02
But gradually the power of self-organizing systems, what is self-organizing systems, when you take the course, you understand this.
A self-organizing system is like each of those little particles of water starting to boil, at a certain point, all those self-organizing particles independently achieve at a certain point at 212 degrees, and you have a Revolution, a phase transition, okay. And I can go through this, but the bottom line, and you should read this, you should get the book is this, there is a science to understanding what is a Phase Transition.
A Revolution is when you have enough states of enough people moving in a state of consciousness, that very rapidly, you have a phase transition. And the elites do not want that phase transition to take place.
It was starting to occur in the 20s. In this graph here, as I’m talking about, let me go back to this graph that Dalio shared, which we’ve shared in our course, many times independent of his stuff, but he’s now starting to advise the elites because he’s concerned, okay.
But when a phase transition occurs, you have this new order, which comes into being and the elites, the order that they want, is probably less people on the planet, Civil unrest. They want Left and Right, killing each other, Working People fighting against each other, and they will reset things.
That resetting may look like this. I’m not a predictor.
It may be that you have a couple of wars, you may have a couple of nukes, take out some of the major cities. But then they’ll go to the banks and say, look, we want you to forgive us all the loans. Okay.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai 27:44
So just think about what I’m saying. All of this is being orchestrated.
Trump versus Biden, Left versus Right. Ukraine versus Russia, Pelosi versus China.
Meanwhile, while all of this is going on, are you understanding the system science? Are you thinking about building a conscious movement?
Are you thinking about raising your consciousness so Working People can do their historic duty and to seize the day, and to build a Bottoms-up movement? And be ready now than we were better than 1920s? Are you going to fritter it away?
By what we’re seeing on Google Trends by watching athletes who make 100 200 $300 million, billions of dollars, some of them wondering where Angelina Jolie’s kid is going to school. So, Google Trends is saying, watching cricket games.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai 28:41
Meanwhile, right now, we’re living in a very, very important historical period in world history.
And the question is, what are you going to do I know what my mission is, I was very fortunate. As a low caste, person from India, who saw my parents work very hard, very hard-working people to get all this education.
And at the age of 12, I decided that I wouldn’t be a parasite. If I didn’t learn all of this and help to liberate, where I came from all the Working People that I grew up in New Jersey, and people like you.
So, I’ve dedicated myself to learning as much as I could, about how these systems operate, and organizing it into a curriculum, building infrastructure for all of you to learn. So, you don’t because most Working People don’t have the opportunity to learn what the elites know.
And creating a community. That is what Truth, Freedom and Health is.
So, I keep pounding away in all the videos I do, that we have to build a movement, not some bogus movement. MAGA it’s not a fucking movement.
It was a movement for Trump to mass a lot of wealth. It was a movement to pit Left against Right.
I’m talking about a REAL movement. Where Working People Unite, Beyond Left and Right, for Truth, Freedom and Health and that will require you, not me, but you raising your consciousness, and enough people starting like that water to boil, and then you have a Revolution and that Revolution that need not be bloody, because enough Working People will know at the local level what to do and will not be manipulated.
I’m going to take a quick break. And as a part of taking the break, I want to share with you that over the last many, many years, we’ve put together that infrastructure for all of you.
Now, it’s up to you whether you want to use this infrastructure. There is a Science to building a movement in the 1920s, they didn’t have that science, so they could have seized the day in the 1920s.
They could have seen the Not-So- Obvious-Establishment coming.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai 30:49
But they didn’t. But you have that opportunity.
Or you could be watching Nicki Minaj, or whatever, watching stupid sports stars and celebrities and Kardashians and wasting your time, which is what’s happening right now why the elites are about to do a massive reset and enslave more working people. And how do you do that? Well, you can go to Truth Freedom Health®
And this is your movement. You can we made it so easy.
If you go to, I’m going to play you a quick video, it will hopefully inspire you to become part of this movement.
TFH Anthem Video 31:22
We have allowed our country to be taken over from within. And the end goal is you will have a homogenized world where we will become slaves.
Because there is a condition among the elites that really thinks they’re better than you. Deep down inside them that you don’t deserve the freedoms you have.
They don’t. This reality is what people need to wake up to. And we need to all Unite Working People, there is only one movement that can do that.
And that is the movement that we started creating here messages the movement for truth, freedom. And look, I’ve been a student of politics since I was a four-year-old kid studying revolutionary movements, Left-win, Right-wing, there’s a physics, there’s a nuclear science to destroying the establishment.
To build a bridge do you need to understand Newton’s equation, you need to understand the laws of gravity, you need to understand Poisson’s ratio, there is a way to build a Revolution. And that’s why I put this together.
My goal is to train an army of Truth Freedom and Health Leaders. We don’t need followers like social media, we need Leaders, but they – they need training because the educational system does not teach them history, nothing.
So, three hours. That’s what I’ve started doing.
That’s the solution. We got to train people.
First, with understanding what a System IS. The second is understanding the interconnection between Truth, Freedom and Health.
Freedom is the ability to move freely communicate freely, right talk freely. Without freedom.
You cannot convert ideas, hypothesis into Truth, which is Science. And without Freedom, you can’t really get to Truth.
And without Truth, you make up fake problems and fake solutions, which means you destroy our Health. And without Health, which is the infrastructure of us in our body.
You can’t fight for Freedom. Third concept is it has to be Bottoms-up Working People, people who work united.
And what the Right-wing has done is whenever you say Working People Unite that must be Communist. Meanwhile, they’ve let the Democrats run Unions, which suppress workers- completely corrupt.
But when you look at the Arc of American History, it’s been when Working People came up, we need to go local. Every solution I’m coming up with as a part of this movement.
We’re giving the Science which is a Truth. And then we tell people what they can do on the ground.
Like with Election Fraud. You don’t need to wait for some lawyer.
Our goal is to train people to have to go local, to go local, to go local, fight locally. Forget lawyers, forget politicians, forget celebrities, you’ve got to learn politics, and there is a science to it.
They lock us down we should be ready to shut them down. And the fourth part of this principle is a Not-So-Obvious-Establishment.
So, when you look at a system there’s always something that disturbs you from getting to your goal when the biggest disturbances the Not-So-Obvious-Establishment, which are those people who claim there for you. On the Left on the Right, the Al Sharpton to tell black people, I’m for you.
The Tucker Carlson’s. Do you think any true anti-establishment person will ever be on FOX or CNN? I don’t think so.
They both mislead Working People back into the establishment without this solid understanding of political physics and theory, you’re screwed. You’re going to follow on the Left-wing Bernie Sanders Oh, he said something or Robert Kennedy.
Scumbags? Are you going to follow you know, some Right- wing talk show host? They’re not going to lead us to deliberation. It’s us.
And that political physics, it’s a nuclear science of change. Bottoms-up.
We have to organize to understand that there is people who talk a good game, and then look at what they actually do Left and Right. I’m sorry Sean Hannity may say some good things, but I don’t see the urgency in his voice to get something done.
And it can only come when you weaponize yourself with the right knowledge you need to be able to identify a rat. You know Christ didn’t go after the Romans, right, it was the Pharisees and the Sadducees, who screwed him up, his own quote unquote, “People.”
And that’s where we’re at. So, these four concepts are built into a curriculum, people can go to
And it’s an educational program, we need to train people in political theory, you need to have physics.
And I’ve created that curriculum. People need to “Get Educated”; we need to get educated fast.
And within half an hour, an hour, I can teach people two years of MIT Control Systems, I teach people those concepts that I apply it, anyone can understand it. And then you say, Oh, I gotta build a Bottoms-up movement.
They have to get politically astute. And then they have to go locally and act, not sit there on social media, they have to act locally, defy locally, do Civil Disobedience locally, but with Knowledge on how to build a movement. The Senate campaigns expanded to the movement for Truth, Freedom and Health.
And they can find it on V as in Victor, A, Shiva.
So, people can sign into it can get access to a bunch of videos, if they want to take a course and become a Truth Freedom Health® Leader, I offer a full scholarship there. But we want people to make a commitment that they’ll study that they’ll get certified that they’ll go do activities on the ground.
So go to V A Shiva, Victory America, SHIVA.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai 36:32
So let me summarize what I’m saying. We’re in, you know, there was a very interesting paper written about a month ago by a senior member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, friend of mine sent it to me translated from Russian, and the Russians are also aware of this, what they call this long economic waves.
Okay, you see, everything in nature works as a system, we think we’re like an, we’re like some independent of natural laws. So, one of the things we teach is that the system’s phenomenon have these cycles, you say it’s called different types of resonance frequencies.
But the elites, those in power, make sure that their intellectuals learn the Science of Systems. This way, Ray Dalio when I go back, he knows what’s occurring.
Okay, he’s one of the elites. And he’s an intellectual for the elites.
So, you can’t sit in the modern world, and not understand systems phenomenon, otherwise, you will just be used, and you’ll be blinded. When this is going on.
That’s what’s going on right now. And you’re looking at someone who, like me, who should have been a sellout.
I shouldn’t frankly be doing any of this, I should be working on Wall Street or being a Professor at MIT, just helping the elites out.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai 38:02
But I chose to take all that knowledge and organize it into a way that all of you could get access to this very powerful knowledge. That’s why one of our slogans is “Get Educated or Be Enslaved, Get Educated or Be Enslaved,” it’s a very important thing that my great grandfather who was a poor farmer, who taught me, he worked in the fields, you know, 18-hour days.
But if someone came to him wanted a book, take whatever money I didn’t need help local village boy or girl. So that’s sort of the legacy that I come from.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai 38:39
We need to get educated. We need to understand these cycles, otherwise, Working People are going to suffer immensely.
My father, you know, grew up as a young child in Burma, where he saw people walking around barrels of money. If you go look, Burma was a place where World War Two took place.
It was where the allies and the you know, the, the other forces fought it out. And overnight, people lost everything.
But what I’m here to tell you, the son of low caste, people that I came from, growing up in New Jersey working class kid, I never forgot where I came from. And I’m here to tell you that you got to get off your butts and learn this stuff.
It’s here, we’ve made it accessible. Young people can get it at no cost.
We had to figure out a way to charge something to keep all the lights on electricity on here and the infrastructure because we do it independent of big tech. But you got to get off your butts and learn this stuff.
And we need to build a movement. And that movement has to be based on the scientific understanding what you’re gonna learn in about three hours, you can become part of a community because what’s about to happen is that the elite need to do a major reset, because their System of Monopoly Capitalism has reached its end.
And this is why they keep printing money. This is why they are trying all sorts of thing lets me try monkeypox let me try a pandemic.
Let me try this. Let me try that I’m even try a couple of nuclear bombs here and there, because they need to reset.
And the only way out of this is raising of people’s consciousness getting educated. And what is that education? That education is system science? What is that education learning that we have to build community among Working People, we have to blow up this Left – Right paradigm.
It’s ripping apart Working People. And that’s exactly where they want people.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai 40:38
Now, I can’t make it any more easier than doing these videos and compelling you and hopefully incentivizing you to do this.
One of the incentives we’ve done more recently is we’ve said, okay, look, if you don’t want to be part of this movement, just contribute to because we’re having people join. And if you contribute, you can go look on the site, we actually want to incent you, I give you a bunch of gifts, you get the knowledge, you get the training, you get books, you get papers, you get to join the community, independent of Big Tech, and I’ll play a video of what you get.
Or you can just be a supporter, or you can just be a member, there’s no cost. And we want to train people to learn this, learn, teach, and serve, you learn this knowledge.
And then you give it away to kids 13- or 18-year-olds, I can’t do any more. I’ll keep doing our videos, we’ll keep educating you.
But we’re in a very, very critical time in human history. And we have an opportunity to seize the day, unlike what happened in the 20s and learn from those lessons and build this Bottoms-up Movement.
That’s why the title of this talk is what is a Revolution, I hope you know, it’s the raising of consciousness of enough people. And then you have a phase transition.
That is the first answer to the question. The elites are fully prepared.
They’re very prepared. They understand the cycles.
They have their Systems Theorists, they have about 8000, Dr.SHIVA’ S. But do Working People? There’s one of me.
And we need to build 10s of 1000s of Dr.SHIVA, as you know, are people understand this and educate our people in our local community. So, we don’t kill each other.
And we don’t let them get away with it this time, we need to become a self-organizing system. In order to do that.
You need to understand these principles, which people didn’t know in the 20s. But now you can’t say, oh, I didn’t know or live in quiet desperation.
Or what should I do? You know, pray for the Messiah. We don’t need to do that.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai 42:37
We can liberate ourselves by organizing. And when I say pray for the Messiah, this is not double quotes is not to attack any religion. It’s to say, I believe ultimately, God wants you to take accountability for your lives, you know, you reap what you sow.
So, if we’re spending all day long, watching Nicki Minaj, and stupid Kardashians, we’re gonna get a bunch of, we’re gonna get what we deserve. But right now, look at what’s going on Ukraine and Russia.
It’s not really even being spoken about anywhere big. You have Kosovo and Serbia, in the last 72 hours.
You have Greece, and Turkey. You have China and the US. Why is all this occurring? Is it just random? Why are you being distracted by so many ridiculous things? Because this is the program. Why is there so much division among Left and Right, that’s part of the program to make sure the far Right and the far Left, start a Civil War.
And while that’s Civil Wars going on, the elites will use that, as I mentioned earlier, to do local imposition of greater attack on freedom, they’ll start global wars, and they’ll reset the economy for themselves. And they don’t give a damn about how many people die in Ukraine or Russia, or China, or in the cities of Delhi or Moscow or New York or Los Angeles.
The only way out is not to live in quiet desperation but to understand this dynamic. As I said in the video, just as there’s a science to building a bridge, there’s a science of flying an airplane.
My work as a Scientist is uncovered that science for us to win Truth, Freedom and Health. That’s been my life’s journey.
And I hope all of you get off your butts and take advantage of this. Otherwise, you will be victims. And.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai 44:40
I don’t think you want to go there. Okay. So, it’s an opportunity for us to come together Beyond Left and Right.
And Working People must Unite. That’s the opportunity we have the infrastructure is there.
So, we live in a very interesting time. You know, in the ancient Hindu Vedas, it says, this period in Human History will be marked by two things, the opportunity where there’ll be immense evil and darkness.
But there will also be great opportunities for enlightenment to raise your own consciousness. And that’s where we we’re living right now.
The Truth, Freedom and Health movement, the program, the knowledge allows you to raise your consciousness, that’s if you want to, there’s no one forcing you to do this. But if enough people raise their consciousness, that’s called the movement, and we will have enlightenment.
And we will prevent war, we will prevent this division among Left and Right. And that’s what is the order of the day.
But the issue is, this is really about you.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai 45:39
What will you do? Will you watch this video and then go back to watching crap, when you watch this video and say, you know what, let me become part of this movement. This guy over and over, over again, does a bunch of videos, doesn’t charge us for it is doing that with a with a whole team of people, great.
We do research and we win win win. You’ll see the new website, how many wins we’ve gotten.
It was this movement that exposed Fauci long before all the Kennedy and the opportunities came along. It was this movement that expose a collusion between big tech and government.
It was this movement that ensured that free speech rights prevailed were when the City of Cambridge attempted to say that we couldn’t put a sign up on our own bus, we won that in federal lawsuit, which means now anyone can put any sign up on any vehicle that you want. And I can go through the many, many wins, but those wins have come up because we understand the dynamics of change.
So, if you want to get out of your desperation, if you want to be part of a movement that will inspire you, that you can start thinking in a positive way. You don’t need to go to an Anthony Robbins seminar and pay 1000s of dollars.
This is not about positive thinking. This is about you actually understand thinking.
This is about you understanding how to think not what to think, but how to think. And that is the order of the day.
The duty of you as a working person today, your historic duty is to learn the Science of Systems, your historic duties to build a movement, your historic duty is to connect with other human beings and build community Beyond Left and Right.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai 47:17
I hope you take advantage of this. Go to and become part of this movement. That is what the world needs right now.
The elites are fully prepared. They’ve laid out the seeds of Civil War.
They’ve laid out the seeds for global war. They’ve, you know, printed all the money they wanted.
You have Jared Kushner writing books about how much you know his love affair with Ivanka, right. Some new book he is doing you have Trump inviting the Saudis over making millions off that.
Meanwhile, he said, Oh, the Saudis are the ones who blew up 911. Now he switched his tune.
The elites don’t give a fuck about you.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai 47:59
Are you going to care about you? That’s what this is about. And I hope you do.
I really hope you do. And I hope we seize this opportunity to build a movement that we all deserve, that your children deserve, that your children’s children deserve.
That’s what this is about. All right.
So go to and take advantage and let’s do what needs to be done.
Let’s build a movement. Be the Light. Know the Truth and Find your Way.
Thank you.

It’s time we move beyond the Left vs. Right, Republican vs. Democrat. It’s time YOU learn how to apply a systems approach to get the Truth Freedom Health you need and deserve. Become a Truth Freedom Health® Warrior.
Join the VASHIVA community – an integrated EDUCATIONAL, COMMUNICATIONS – independent of Big Tech -, and LOCAL ACTIVISM platform to empower YOU to actualize Truth Freedom Health in your local communities by employing a SYSTEMS APPROACH.
The platform we are building for Truth Freedom Health® provides the infrastructure to take on Big Tech, Big Pharma, and Big Academia. Many of you have asked how you can help. You can contribute whatever you can. Based on your level of commitment to get educated, I have also created some wonderful educational gifts to thank you for your contribution.
To get the education you need and deserve, join Dr.SHIVA on his Foundations of Systems course. This course will provide you three pillars of knowledge with the Foundation of Systems Thinking. The three pillars include: 1) The System Dynamics of Truth Freedom Health, 2) The Power of a Bottom’s Up Movement, and 3) The Not So Obvious Establishment. In this course, you will also learn fundamental principles of all systems including your body.
Course registration includes access to his LIVE Monday training, access to the Your Body, Your System tool, four (4) eBooks including the bestselling System and Revolution, access to the Systems Health portal and communications tools – independent of Big Tech – including a forum and social media for you to build community with other Truth Freedom Health Warriors.
This course is available online for you to study at your own pace.
It’s time to Get Educated, or Be Enslaved.