In this discussion, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email, asks are the differences between the US-NATO Oil & Gas Interests and RUSSIA become so irreconcilable that Negotiations are no longer an option, and Nuclear is the only outcome?
The original research in this video is made possible by generous contributions from supporters of the Dr.SHIVA Truth Freedom Health® movement. Please contribute so we may continue to bring you such original research, valuable education, and innovative solutions.
- Dr.SHIVA analyzes the situation in Eastern Europe with the Russo-Ukrainian War and whether the conflict will eventually end with a negotiated solution or will it escalate all the way to Nuclear War?
- Russia has allegedly been seen deploying nuclear weapons in the form of submarines and moving nuclear weapons via train.
- War is another means of politics used to destabilize. This war in Ukraine is about who will dominate the energy sector of Europe: The United States or Russia.
- The U.S. strategy of how to dislodge and knock out Russia from the European energy sector was developed under Condoleezza Rice, the former U.S. Secretary of State under President George W. Bush. Condoleezza Rice was also previously on the board of Chevron, an American oil company.
- On the day that four Eastern Ukrainian provinces voted to secede from Ukraine and join the Russian Federation, the Russian pipelines in the Baltic Sea were mysteriously blown up.
- Putin has threatened to use Nuclear Weapons to defend the newly acquired territories.
- NATO military officials like US General Petraeus has stated that NATO would respond by obliterating the Russian military if Nuclear Weapons are used in Eastern Ukraine
Dr.SHIVA analyzes the situation in Eastern Europe with the Russo-Ukrainian War and whether the conflict will eventually end with a negotiated solution or will it escalate all the way to Nuclear War?
We’re going to continue our discussion on whether what we’re seeing in Russia are irreconcilable differences. And essentially, this is going to head to negotiations?
Or are we essentially heading to nuclear war? And I don’t take its discussion lightly.
We have to understand the U.S.-NATO is really one to think that these two organizations are different economically and militarily is an illusion, they’re actually one.
It seems there’s no way that these two powers can negotiate. So, it’s only heading to nuclear war.
Russia has allegedly been seen deploying nuclear weapons in the form of submarines and moving nuclear weapons via train.
This was an article that just came out this morning on MSN, and it said Russia nuclear military train is seen on the move and possible, quote unquote, possible warning to the west.
And the article essentially is saying a huge freight train was moving specialty military equipment associated with the nuclear arms wielding division of Russia’s Defense Ministry. So that one article came out and they put a picture out there so the issue is, is this NATO and West putting out NATO and U.S. putting out propaganda is it Russia posturing to say hey, we’re gonna use nukes you better, the U.S. better, U.S. and NATO better back off out of this war.
It’s about this that came out in the Daily Mail today says, Putin deploys Belgorod nuclear submarine, which carries Poseidon underwater drone capabilities of unleashing radioactive tsunamis, which lay waste to enemy coastlines. And this, apparently, this submarine Belgorod left the White Sea Base and NATO.
I mean, we don’t know where the news is exactly coming from. So, it’s interesting.
If you take this at face value, many people know that this submarine has the ability to trigger 1600 foot, not 100 foot not 16 feet, 1600 foot, that’s about a quarter of a mile nuclear tsunamis. And this submarine apparently has been released.
I think everyone in the United States, in particular in the world, needs to get educated on what’s going on. Yesterday, I did a video going through the entire economic analysis. I hope all of you take an opportunity to go look at that.
But that video will give you a detailed economic analysis of what’s going on, what’s really driving this and you understand this oil and gas. And before I go there, I want to always encourage people to take a Systems Approach.
I mentioned that the most recent things that have happened in the last 24 hours that came out in the NEWS, again, you have to assume this is at face value. That Russia has been seen moving its nuclear military train is on the move.
Some people on MSN say it is potentially a warning to the west. Daily Mail has said that Putin has deployed the Belgorod nuclear submarine in the last 24 to 48 hours. Which carries these missiles which have the ability to essentially send an underground torpedo that literally creates an irradiated wave of 1600 square feet.
War is another means of politics used to destabilize. This war in Ukraine is about who will dominate the energy sector of Europe: The United States or Russia.
Again, is this posturing or what is actually going on? Yesterday I did a nice analysis, that I provided a Systems Analysis providing all of you the ability to see and think about this.
So, it’s not what to think, so you can see how the elites think about Condoleezza Rice, who is who was the former Secretary of State, Board of Directors of Chevron, how she essentially architected the goal of making sure that Europe would stop becoming energy dependent on Russia and become energy dependent on U.S. and NATO.
So that was our architecture, which was laid down in 2013. And starting 2014, a coup took place in Ukraine and since 2014, so today, there’s been a war taking place.
And in that analysis, I share with all of you that war is always another means of politics that is used to create destabilization. And two, is a Trump card, quote, unquote, “a Trump card” against whoever sees it as a threat.
The U.S. strategy of how to dislodge and knock out Russia from the European energy sector was developed under Condoleezza Rice, the former U.S. Secretary of State under President George W. Bush. Condoleezza Rice was also previously on the board of Chevron, an American oil company.
It’s fundamentally about Europe, becoming dependent on the United States and NATO, for oil and gas, and not on Russia. That’s what this is about. I want to also share that this is not about being pro-Putin or anti-Putin, pro-Ukraine or anti-Ukraine, pro-U.S. or anti-U.S.
This is more about providing you with a Systems Analysis. The reality is you have a big, massive Mafia Model, there’s a big criminal thug, who is in a neighborhood, and he owns 90% of the neighborhood.
And there’s a smaller thug coming out, who wants to have his own little area and have his own influence? While the big thug really doesn’t like that.
And they’re willing to cause a massive shootout, gunfire in that neighborhood, and they don’t care who gets killed. The big thug wants to own 100% of that neighborhood. He does not like anyone encroaching on their, on his territory.
If you think about Putin, in one way, as a one of the smaller thugs, who wants to grow his area in the neighborhood. And he has his own racket going on, which is building pipelines into Europe.
which allowed him to profit, and he built a $10 billion pipeline, and he’s starting to profit, the big thug is like, wait a minute, we can’t allow this to go on. It’s our territory, we own this area.
And we need to knock this guy out. And that methodology of knocking that guy out, and how to do that, and how to architect that was done by Condoleezza Rice, by all indications.
In the analysis that we shared yesterday, back in 2003. She was a board member of Chevron and Secretary of State, okay, not at the same time, but a revolving door, door model.
And she in 2013, articulated it, “We must make Europe energy dependent on the United States, not on Russia.”
And now what we see is, over the last eight years, you have this war situation that has been created.
And regardless of what any of these people say, they care about Ukraine, or they care about freedom and truth that has nothing to do with that. It has to do with oil and gas and owning this neighborhood of influence.
On the day that four Eastern Ukrainian provinces voted to secede from Ukraine and join the Russian Federation, the Russian pipelines in the Baltic Sea were mysteriously blown up.
Russia is now essentially, in my opinion, in a very precarious situation. Because their Gazprom pipeline, you know, $10 billion, they invested a lot of money to build this pipeline to deliver natural gas to Europe was essentially sabotaged.
And even former U.S. military advisors like McGregor, as I said yesterday, say that obviously the United States or UK. It is one of those people that there’s no interest in Russia in doing this, why would you, there’s no reason that it’s like, you’re losing your ability to get cash.
Alright, so it doesn’t make any sense. So because of that, and the anniversary of that pipe, either the day that that pipeline was brought up, blown up was the same day that the referendum took place in the Eastern provinces of four provinces of, of Ukraine, saying they want to be part of Russia, those four provinces are, are the people who are really pissed off in 2014, when the U.S. installed a essentially a Neo Nazi, individual with pro- U.S. interest, anti-Russian.
That’s where all of this started. But the origin of this is about oil and gas domination in that area.
Putin has threatened to use Nuclear Weapons to defend the newly acquired territories.
Putin is in a fix, in my view, because he has no more leverage in Europe.
Europe is in a fix because they have to now rely on U.S. oil and gas, and NATO. So, Europe is essentially going to be starved of energy.
Once that Gazprom pipeline is, gas is busted, they have to depend on the U.S. and NATO. And that was the goal of Condoleezza Rice’s Systems Architecture.
I also shared with people yesterday that what’s really important to understand is the Science of Systems. You see the elites like Condoleezza Rice, and about 10,000 other people who are trained at the leading institutions understand the Science of Systems.
The Science of Systems is something that can be used to manipulate, subjugate and enslaved people, or can be used to free people.
Unfortunately, everyday people like you and I do not have access to this, I was very fortunate to go to MIT and learn this. And because of my loyalty to where I came from, and Working People.
Putin is in a bind, because what’s happened is, he no longer has leverage in Europe. He’s essentially being cornered.
If you take the neighborhood of the mafia guy, he’s the guy who owns the whole neighborhood 90%, and a small guy, either the small guy has got to negotiate with the big guy and settle something, or he’s got to say, I got nothing to lose, and I’m just going to go nuclear.
And in his speech about a few days ago, he said, “Look, I’m willing to negotiate, let’s come to the negotiating table.”
Theorists at The Atlantic Council, which is another organization, has basically said, there’s, we shouldn’t negotiate, we got to hit Putin hard. So, it looks like in my view, that these are “Irreconcilable Differences” now.
NATO military officials like U.S. General Petraeus has stated that NATO would respond by obliterating the Russian military if Nuclear Weapons are used in Eastern Ukraine
This article that just came out today, reported in The Hill, says, “Petraeus predicts the U.S. would lead a NATO response to take out Russian forces, if Putin uses a Nuclear Weapon.”
If you read this article, he begins by saying, “Retired General David Petraeus predicted Sunday that the U.S. along with NATO Allies would take out Russian forces, if Russian President Vladimir Putin decided to use nuclear weapons in his war against neighboring Ukraine during an appearance.”
So basically, remember, the issue is that Ukraine is not part of NATO right now. If Russia attacks Ukraine, NATO, according to their own rules, would not get involved.
That was the rule that was a standing rule. If Russia attacked, let’s say Denmark or attack Germany, which is part of NATO, then all of NATO would respond.
That’s called Article Five of the North Atlantic Treaty Organizations Alliance. That means one, anyone who attacks NATO, any member state, all of NATO would respond.
Well, Ukraine is not part of NATO. Ukraine recently said they want to be in there applying for NATO, for NATO.
But this is even a further escalation. What Petraeus is saying is that well, if they go nuclear, NATO will attack, even if they go nuclear against Ukraine. So, it’s basically escalating.
He predicted to the Senate that if the U.S. along with NATO, it would take out Russia, if the Russian President decided to use nuclear weapons in his work in its neighboring Ukraine.
And he goes on to say during an appearance on ABC This Week, Patrice told co-anchor Jonathan Karl, that Western powers have to take Russia’s nuclear weapons threat seriously, noting NSA, Jake Sullivan’s advisors, recent remarks that you have officials have warned the Moscow Moscow catastrophic consequences if Kremlin deploys nuclear weapons.
And Karl asked Petraeus, and what would and what would happen? And Petraeus said, “Well, again, I’ve deliberately not talked to Jake about this.” Who’s the NSA Adviser?
I mean, just to give you a hypothetical, we would respond by leading NATO a collective effort that would take out every Russian conventional force that we can see and identify on the battlefield in Ukraine and also on Crimea, and every ship in the Black Sea, Patrice replied, Karl noted radiation from a nuclear attack in Ukraine would also likely reach nearby NATO countries, effectively making an attack on the Alliance.
What they’re saying is, if there was a bomb dropped on Ukraine by Russia, because of the radiation, you know, one speck of radiation when it hits one of the neighboring NATO countries that would justify their attack, okay? And he says, Yes, Petraeus says, and perhaps you could make that case.
The other case, this is so horrific, there has to be a response, it cannot go on. And I answered, but it doesn’t expand, it doesn’t.
It’s not nuclear for nuclear, Petraeus added. You don’t want to again get into a nuclear escalation here, but you have to show that this cannot be accepted.
What Petraeus is basically, projecting U.S.-NATO response. As I mentioned, Russia has moved one of their submarines, one of their biggest submarines, so some people call it the doomsday submarine.
And Russia is moving nuclear military trains, if that’s also true. If you take it at face value.
Putin in a speech said, “This is not a bluff.” He said, “we’re going to protect those regions.”
The U.S. has also said a couple of days ago that we will help Ukraine get back those regions. Russia has clearly said you come here we’re gonna we’re we have the right to use tactical nuclear weapons and now Petraeus saying, if they use even tactical nukes, difference, everyone’s tactical nukes are small nuclear weapons, they’re not like, you know, these large things that take out entire cities, okay, which is called strategic nuclear weapons.
Poseidon, the submarine that if Russia did, in fact, deploy them, they have massive strategic nuclear weapons. The U.S. is basically giving an ultimatum saying, we’re going to come in and take back those regions.
And by the way, those regions that wanted to be part of Russia are very oil rich, as I mentioned in the video yesterday, that’s where Shell, ExxonMobil and Chevron had struck deals to start digging there and start fueling Europe.
And 2014. And I believe, because Putin checkmated them at that point.
But right now, what you’re seeing is that the United States is basically saying we’re going to support Ukraine to go back into those regions and take them over. Putin has said, “If you come here, I’m going to use tactical nukes.”
And Petraeus is saying, essentially, perhaps he’s reflecting the official U.S.-NATO policy, if you do that, we will come in and obliterate your entire army, in Ukraine. But if that happens, Russia is going to release more nuclear weapons, potentially strategic nuclear weapons.
You have to ask the question: is the end goal here? To take out that small thug if you go back to the mafia model? So, Putin is a small thug in the neighborhood owning 10%, and he was expanding his operations through Europe to expand his business for oil and minerals and gas, particularly.
And the U.S. sees this as a threat? That is a goal to just stop Putin in this Ukraine thing? Or is it gold to completely use this as an opportunity to decimate Putin and Russia? That’s the unanswered question. And are there irreconcilable differences now, and that’s where this seems to be heading towards.
Now, historically, when things became this tense, or where they’re heading, you had some type of negotiations take place.
We’re gonna look at the Cuban Missile Crisis. And that negotiations typically ended with some irreconcilable difference.
In the case of the Cuban Missile Crisis, Russia pulled their missiles out of Cuba. And there was a deal made, that the weapons that were pointing at the Soviet Union in Turkey by the U.S. would be taken away, okay.
But I’m not sure what that negotiated settlement would be. Putin has said he wants to negotiate, but it looks like the U.S. doesn’t want to negotiate.
And what you see here is they’re saying we will try to protect your regions with nuclear weapons, we will obliterate you. So I wanted to let everyone be aware that we should not take this thing very lightly, that the elites in power do not care about working people.
Whether they’re in Ukraine, where they’re in Russia, where they’re in India, where they’re in the United States, where they’re in England, this is a small set of people, a very small set of people, a handful of people who want to have immense power, profit and control.
That’s what this is about. And those people want to have that immense Power Profit Control.
They don’t give a damn if in a shootout out, half of the civilians get killed in that neighborhood. So, you have to think about that.
These people do not care about you. And they do not care about sacrificing large parts of the population in that neighborhood.
In this case, the neighborhood is the planet, if it can advance their power, profit and control, and they can expand it, you know, so a couple of billion people die, half a million people die, if they can still control it, they’ll do it. So that’s what the unanswered question is.

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