In this discussion, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, reviews the similarities between Acute Radiation Syndrome and COVID and asks WHY did the U.S. government JUST spend $300 million to buy tons of NPLATE – a drug for ARS from AMGEN?
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- Over a year and a half ago, Dr. Shiva reviewed a paper published by Dr. Anthony Fauci’s organization, documenting the similarities in symptoms between COVID-19 and Acute Radiation Syndrome (ARS).
- Recently, it was revealed that the United States Government spent $300 Million on a drug that treats symptoms for ARS.
- Dr. Shiva once again reviews the findings of that paper written by Fauci’s group, exposing the commonalities between COVID-19 and ARS.
- Dr. Shiva asks why is the US Government spending $300 Million on this drug that treats ARS? Are they expecting some kind of large radiation event, such as a nuclear attack? Or is it intended to treat symptoms of COVID-19? What would be the implications of either?
Over a year and a half ago, Dr. Shiva reviewed a paper published by Dr. Anthony Fauci’s organization, documenting the similarities in symptoms between COVID-19 and Acute Radiation Syndrome (ARS).
Over a year ago, I did a video of an analysis of a paper. This was a talk I gave nearly over a year ago giving it a Systems Approach. You’re going to learn that a paper was written back in January of 2021 by Fauci and his group.
It’s a hidden paper that we found and we shared. It was hard to find, if you go on PubMed, you’ll find it, but that paper really exposes the commonalities in an interesting way, between COVID-19 and acute radiation syndrome.
Recently, it was revealed that the United States Government spent $300 Million on a drug that treats symptoms for ARS.
In recent news, the United States government just spent close to $300 million in buying a drug called Nplate from a company called Amgen. Interestingly enough, this drug is for acute radiation syndrome from perhaps a nuclear warhead or there’s a radiation leak.
The question is, why did the US government spend on this? Why is the US government getting ready? Are they getting ready for some type of nuclear radiation fallout? Why is it that they’re actually buying?
They spent $300 million on Nplate, which is a drug that increases platelet production. Preclinical and clinical studies of the drugs such as Nplate which is created for radiation exposure, but it also interestingly, can work for COVID.
Dr. Shiva once again reviews the findings of that paper written by Fauci’s group, exposing the commonalities between COVID-19 and ARS.
That’s why this paper is a great paper, as it is comparing the commonalities between COVID-19 and radiation injury. It says it’s similar to ARDS, this is acute respiratory distress, multiorgan, hyper coagulation, hypoxia, cardiovascular damage, and this is very similar to high doses of radiation.
Inflammation is a key common player in COVID-19, and ARS. Inflammation is caused by dysfunctions. When you screw up the microbiome, when you screw up your own virome, when we don’t have a strong immune system, you could respond with overreaction.
That is your immune system, and think about that your vascular system, your heart, your respiratory system, cardiovascular system, renal system, GI as well as your nervous system I looked at this paper, and we want to look at four different kinds of things cytokines, the target organ, the primary outcome and the secondary outcomes in COVID-19.
You have the set of what are called cytokines IFN Alpha, IFN gamma, IL-1 beta, IL-6, IL-12, IL-18, IL-33, TNF alpha and TGF beta. Cytokines are signaling molecules across cells, or within a cell, and what you see here is the kinds of cytokines that are up-regulated here are the same cytokines, as are in COVID-19, as well as an acute radiation syndrome.
They affect the lungs, the cytokines, and you have the same primary outcome. The cytokine storm, and your lungs undergo fibrosis, which means to start scarring. In acute radiation syndrome, you get fibrosis, in lungs, and other organs.
N-Acetyl Cysteine NAC, is a precursor to glutathione which is a powerful antioxidant, powerful anti ager. So as you’re exposed to lots and lots of chemicals and stresses, your glutathione levels drop, and when they drop so low, your lung tries to protect itself and becomes fibrotic.
Look at the vasculature which is your heart and your arteries. Here in COVID-19, the mode of action is the direct infections of the endothelial cells.
Your endothelial cells, which line your arteries will get affected, and with acute radiation, the irradiation of the endothelial cells, and the primary outcomes of endothelial dysfunction.
Endothelial inflammation is here, with premature aging, and cell death of the endothelial cells. If you take the arteries, and you look at the surface of those arteries, if you go to your bathroom, and you have the bathroom tiles, the surface of your arteries are composed of tiles.
Those tiles are called endothelial cells, your lung, it has epithelial cells, so different organs have different cells. The endothelial cells get affected when you get COVID, and you have the purpling, the coagulation, that’s COVID toes.
While you have the same thing going on with radiation, acute radiation syndrome, that’s number two organ. Now let’s look at the immune cells.
You have Pyroptosis of the immune cells, and this is a controlled cell that’s caused by high inflammation. It’s almost like your cells are burning up. Pyro from fire.
Caspase 1 is activated in COVID-19 and Sars-1. The same enzyme, the same chemical in your body gets turned on and you get COVID-19.
But it also gets turned on when you get acute radiation syndrome. Caspase 1 does a couple of things. First of all promotes increased inflow of water and sodium so your body.
It gets more sodium coming in, and with that water comes in, and your cells swell. Your Pyroptosis, like apoptosis, you basically burst.
You have nuclear condensation and your nucleus blows up. Cell Pyroptosis occurs due to upregulation of the entire inflammation in your body.
All the inflammatory markers, you have increased water in the cytosol leading to swelling is osmotic lysis. Here’s COVID-19 and here’s acute radiation, you have upregulation of the inflammasome. The inflammasome is when all those inflammatory cells start turning on so your body thinks it’s under attack and you have immune cell death.
The immune cells start dying and this leads to the cytokine storm and organ damage. Same thing here. So the immune system is getting affected in exactly the same sets of mechanisms.
Biomarkers are used when you go to the doctor and you get a blood exam. They’re the chemicals that are indicative of a particular dysfunction.
It’s something in your blood you can measure, but if you notice the biomarkers here are organ dysfunction, and multi organ failure, which occurs in both COVID-19 and acute radiation syndrome.
The hematology biomarkers are neutrophils, which are lymphocytes and platelets, which are cells. And they ended up having a low amount of them and serum biomarkers, CRP, albumin and COVID-19, serum and amylase and an acute radiation syndrome. And IL-6 in both COVID-19 and ARS.
Dr. Shiva asks why is the US Government is spending $300 Million on this drug that treats ARS? Are they expecting some kind of large radiation event, such as a nuclear attack? Or is it intended to treat symptoms of COVID-19? What would be the implications of either?
New York City recently put out a public service announcement on potential nuclear attack, and maybe it’s just coincidence, but it’s important to understand that the coincidence is something that we should be aware of.
The US agreed to buy $300 million worth of Nplate, which is a drug that increases platelet production. The platelets go down when you’re exposed to radiation.
Is there going to be a nuclear attack and the US intelligence sources know something that they don’t want to fully share with the American public?
Because they’re afraid of people getting freaking out? So they’re getting prepared? I’m not supporting any one, I just want to put out possibilities.
It’s called the scientific method. Then we have to test those possibilities. Is it possible that more people are going to get COVID and there’s going to be some type of radiation leak?
Those people who will die of COVID and radiation one won’t be able to tell the difference because the symptoms are so similar. A death certificate is one of the most inaccurate documents on the planet.
I find it interesting that acute radiation syndrome and COVID have the same symptoms. how would you know who got radiation poisoning or a radiation attack?
And who got COVID? Most doctors are not that good at telling these differences, and will say Oh, that’s just COVID. Or when you take all the COVID people and say, Well, you know, Russia must have leaked a bomb. Let’s say people start dying of COVID, and you say Russia leaked the bomb.
This is used as an ability to preemptively attack Russia. We know that the Western imperialist powers do want to have a war, and that the goal stated in 2013.
It was for the United States to take over the dependence that Europe had on oil from Russia, and it must come to the United States.
There’s nothing stopping these individuals that say, to preemptively attack Russia and give themselves a basis for doing that. Or it’s just a preparedness issue, let’s buy some, and increase platelets, because there could be a potential issue, it could be as simple as that.

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