August 30, 2022 is the 40th Anniversary of the Invention of Email. On that day on August 30, 1982. Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, received the official U.S. Copyright recognizing his 1978 Invention of Email.
In this discussion, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email, shares his journey as a 14-year-old boy to inventing email – the system – we all know and use today, in Newark, NJ in 1978. This talk is being delivered on the occasion of the 40th Anniversary of the Invention of Email.
Email is a SYSTEM – not the mere exchange of text messages as this discussion will reveal.
The original research in this video is made possible by generous contributions from supporters of the Dr.SHIVA Truth Freedom Health® movement. Please contribute so we may continue to bring you such original research, valuable education, and innovative solutions.
- Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, invented the world’s first Email system in the summer of 1978 as a 14-year-old boy working as a research fellow. This did not become public immediately because he was a young kid.
- 14-year-old Shiva Ayyadurai successfully replicated every feature of the paper-based interoffice mail system (inbox, outbox, to, from, subject, cc, bcc, attachments, etc) by writing 50,000 lines of code in the programming language FORTRAN IV.
- V.A. Shiva Ayyadurai was the first person in the world to successfully replicate the interoffice mail system as a computer program, and he named that program “EMAIL,” a term that never existed before in the English language.
- After the invention of Email became public, those in power unleashed real racism.
- Dr. Shiva received the first US Copyright for his invention on August 30th, 1982.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, invented the world’s first Email system in the summer of 1978 as a 14-year-old boy working as a research fellow. This did not become public immediately because he was a young kid.
As a 14 year old kid in 1978, Dr. Shiva’s mother introduced him to a professor at Rutgers Medical School, then known as University of Medicine and Dentistry in Newark, New Jersey.
Dr. Michaelson offered him an opportunity to work there to use his computer skills to do research in medicine and information technology.
Dr. Michaelson offered Dr. Shiva a project to take the physical interoffice mail system and convert it to an electronic form.
14-year-old Shiva Ayyadurai successfully replicated every feature of the paper-based interoffice mail system (inbox, outbox, to, from, subject, cc, bcc, attachments, etc) by writing 50,000 lines of code in the programming language FORTRAN IV.
The interoffice mail system was used by the University for business communications to get grants. It was also used for legal issues and for hiring people. It was a mainstay of Business Office Communications.
All the features of the secretary’s desk were replicated; attachment folders, inbox, outbox, paper clips, carbon paper, memos, drafts, repy, forward, address book.
Dr. Shiva wrote 50,000 lines of code in Fortran IV to reproduce the interoffice mail system to the electronic version.
V.A. Shiva Ayyadurai was the first person in the world to successfully replicate the interoffice mail system as a computer program, and he named that program “EMAIL,” a term that never existed before in the English language.
The operating systems of the day only allowed five characters. Dr. Shiva named his system EMAIL, a term that had never been used before in the English language.
He was the first to coin the term EMAIL, and the first to build all of these features into one comprehensive full-fledged email system.
He wrote all the code to emulate that entire interoffice mail system which had never been done before and named at EMAIL.
In 1981 he won the Westinghouse Science Award for Software Design, Development and Implementation of a High Reliability Network Wide Electronic Mail System.
After the invention of Email became public, those in power unleashed real racism.
Doug Aamoth, editor of Time magazine reviewed all the material surrounding the invention of EMAIL by Dr. Shiva. He wrote an article called The Man Who Invented Email.
This was on November 11, 2011. The knowledge that a 14 year old kid invented email went worldwide.
Then The Smithsonian National Museum of American History contacted Dr. Shiva. They wanted all of his materials for his invention. The Computer History Museum also contacted him.
Feb 16, 2012 he was honored at the Smithsonian where all the materials surrounding the invention of EMAIL were accepted.
Shortly thereafter, Dr. Shiva became barraged with accusations and racial slurs. His reputation was under attack.
A racist historian by the name of Thomas Hague, out of University of Wisconsin, had written a paper already about the history of email. Dr. Shiva’s evidence was going to throw his whole history off.
These academicians like to be the “expert” on things. He called Dr. Shiva a fraud for his claims of inventing email. Hague was a close buddy of the Military Industrial Academic Complex.
Up until that point, MIT had him on the front page for inventing many things; his Fulbright Scholarship, the email system, Echo mail. But no one at MIT would stand up for him.
It turns out the Military Industrial Academic Complex, the Defense companies, were rebranding themselves into the cybersecurity market.
They had found a guy who looked like a nerd and they had rebranded that guy as the inventor of email. Really all he did was use the ‘at’ symbol to create a caveman bit version of Reddit.
They wanted to project themselves as the inventors of email because then when they applied for government grants, the government personnel would say, “Oh, you invented email. We’re going to give you the grant.”
In a book written by Walter Isaacson, he attributes all great inventions to the Military Industrial Academic Complex. Isaacson was head of the Aspen Institute, one of the most liberal woke elite organizations on the planet.
In his book, ”How a Group of Hackers, Geniuses and Geeks Created the Digital Revolution”, he leaves out email. This is this great writer, a woke white man, liberal elite, Walter Isaacson talking about the digital revolution and email is not discussed.
The book ends by putting in this old white guy called Vannevar Bush. Vannevar Bush is the former president of MIT who started the company Raytheon. Raytheon is the number One Defense Contractor in the world.
All of this occurred because of colonialism, which has basically manipulated people to think that they can’t produce anything. They can only be good slaves and workers.
Noam Chomsky went through all the material from Dr. Shiva’s copyright and said, “Email was invented in 1978 by a 14 year old working in Newark, New Jersey. The facts are indisputable.”
It probably cost less than $5,000 to create email. Those guys are spending 10’s of billions of dollars to create anything. So the invention of email in Newark, New Jersey took pennies on the dollar.
These guys spend a lot more money, so they have to beef up their own bullshit that they are the only inventors.
The truth about the invention of email goes at the heart of what it means to be a human being. The invention of email did not occur at MIT, Harvard, the military, or at Silicon Valley. It occurred outside the Military Academic Industrial Complex.
The elites want to bucket everyone into little boxes. They want to diminish what it means to be a human being because when you create, and you innovate, you exhibit your humanity.
They want to destroy people’s true creativity. The truth is, innovation can occur anytime, anyplace by anybody.
They want to say only a few people can do it. And when you do that, it brings down all of humanity. We end up not producing the wealth that we could be producing.
Dr. Shiva received the first US Copyright for his invention on August 30th, 1982.
August 30, 1982 Dr. Shiva received the US Copyright for the invention of EMAIL. Not only did he write the 50,000 lines of code to capture all the features of the interoffice mail system, he was the first to name it EMAIL.
That was a time when copyright was the only way to protect software inventions. He has the official copyright which provides him with legal protection from the US government.

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